How to keep your memories. Forget Me If You Can: Can Memories Be Edited?

It usually happens that summer flies by quickly. It just started, it seems that there is still a lot of time. On the one hand, this is true, but on the other .... How quickly it will fly by. And you always want to somehow save, “take” a piece of summer with you, so that in winter you can more often remember about sunny days. Since childhood, on every "sea" trip I buy a large shell in a souvenir shop to listen to the "sea". Now my son loves to sit in the winter, touch them and listen to the "spirits of the sea."

We have prepared a collection of ideas with easy ways to save our vacation and summer memories!

1. Memories in a jar

This is probably one of the most popular ways to store found marine treasures. And this is understandable - after all, all that is required is to find an ordinary jar, and it does not even need to be decorated in a special way. The beauty is what's inside.



And the jar can be turned into a candlestick

Or even so

Shells look very nice just in bulk, for example, in a basket

You can also make from shells candlestick

Or garland


And my son at the sea collected shells with "curls" and made beads for me and all the girls I knew.

2. Memories on the wall

Shells in a frame




Is it possible to make such a suspension-mobile

3. Album of memories

I really liked the idea of ​​making such an album with pockets where you can put and store the most precious finds. And you can sort them by different trips and then it will be even more interesting to turn the pages again and again


"Sea in a Blister"

It seemed to me great idea to create a collage or postcard as a gift

Master Class

But it is interesting to preserve not only "marine memories". Summer spent in the country in nature is no less interesting and exciting. So many different discoveries await children every day! And it is very difficult to remember and keep everything in memory.

4. Observation diary

Even such, at first glance, a banal idea can be designed very beautifully and in an original way.


5. Herbarium


And here are some more non-traditional "herbariums"

If the flowers are dried, you can make postcards or bookmarks for books.


Or stained glass windows

Master Class

And you can do it with the help of petals and leaves hand paper, and then make postcards from it and give to loved ones. Detailed master class

Many times, when I was going to do a general cleaning in the house, I went down to the basement to sort out old boxes and things ... but I never began to clean up, because I sat down among the old things and looked at my memories until dark.

I so often remember this feeling when you take out a box from the mezzanine, not imagining what kind of trash can be stored in it, and my children's diaries, drawings, applications, school notes and photographs with signatures, bracelets, ribbons with mysterious knots suddenly fall out from there, small toys and every little thing, each of which keeps the most wonderful memories of childhood, youth, past and present.

It’s a heart-wrenching feeling, as if for a moment I returned to childhood and I’m standing at the gates in the village, clutching a doll in my hands or sitting at a desk, and a classmate in love with me throws notes at me ... and here they are, carefully preserved and now so dear to me here, reminding me of everything I might have forgotten.

I laugh when a funny photo falls into my hands and cry, sorting through the bracelets of a newborn son in my hands ... At such moments, you understand that memories are priceless and they tend to get lost if you don’t take care of them.

Sometimes I want to tell about my feelings to the whole world and it seems to me that everyone should experience this happiness. We must certainly tell our children about our childhood, about our family. Teach them to appreciate and respect their memories, because this is our life that raised and raised us.

Of course, stories cannot always instill a love of memories and develop an interest in family history. That is why there are many ways to convey what is extremely valuable to us.

Method 1

Turn on your camera more often. Even if children have grown up in your family and now it seems to you that there is nothing to shoot ... remember, there is always you! And you change, life goes on. Get together more often with your family for joint dinners, arrange small parties, exchange funny stories that happened to you during the time you did not see each other. In these minutes, even if you turn on your camera for 2-5 minutes, a lot will happen! You will already have the opportunity to someday remember this particular day again!
Don't be upset if you suddenly failed to shoot a video at some unusual moment ... after all, you can't capture everything. The camera is important, but not as important as your own memories, which will forever remain in your head.

Method 2

Entrust the camera and the camera to your children. Let them become operators for a while. Prepare a list of questions for them and ask them to interview all family members.

Method 3

Organize your video archive. You probably have old video cassettes. Remember, over time, the film crumbles and your videos will already be lost. Digitize tapes to preserve family memories.

Method 4

Record your grandparents on video about your family history.

Method 5

Create films about your trips, oh family holidays. Create your own family biopic that will be treasured for centuries and passed down from generation to generation.

Method 6

Record your conversation with your son or daughter on audio. Record the voice of a child at different ages.

Method 7

Take a photo portrait of your children once a week. Then you can make a video slide show and see how your baby grew up at a fast pace.

Method 8

Keep family correspondence. Even emails can remind us of many things. I have been rereading the letters that my dad and I exchanged for many years. They help me to be strong, courageous, make the right decisions in difficult times.

Method 9

Keep a baby development calendar. Write down his first words, smile, first favorite toys, behaviors, funny stories. Once at a family dinner, I read such a book to my already matured younger brother and he shed a tear, telling me it was best evening memories.

Method 10

If you still have old letters, notes, don't leave them gathering dust in boxes, start creating your family memory album with all the notes, messages, postcards.

Method 11

Write letters to your children for the future.

Method 12

Do not throw away children's crafts, drawings, the first tooth that fell out, tags from the hospital, the first clothes, the first toy. In many years, this will become your most valuable find.

Method 13

Do not throw away your favorite books and the books of your children. Leave them your impressions of reading in the form of records. Make a herbarium with your children and invest in your favorite books. One day this find will make you smile!

Method 14

Create casts of your baby's arms and legs.

Method 15

Returning from a trip, create an album about the trip with your the best photos, tickets, remarks… Although today albums have long gone out of fashion, but still nothing conveys the spirit of the event like the crunch of album sheets and old photographs stuck together from time to time.

Method 16

Save awards, special letters, diplomas. Place the brightest ones on the walls of the house.

Method 17

Make family albums "HOW OUR YEAR WAS GOING". By creating a family photo album every year, you can make an entire family history in photos.

Method 18

Do not throw away family items, even if they are simple thing. Create a separate corner for them in the house.

Method 19

Print the best family photos, make beautiful collages and frame them on the walls. Let your children see and know what their great-grandparents looked like.

Method 20

Tell your kids before bed family stories. What happened to you when you were so small? What was your grandmother like when she was young?

Method 21

Be together and create family traditions. Celebrate birthdays memorable dates, give each other gifts, try to spend time together. Plant a tree for each family member. Take old photos and go to those places to see how things have changed. For an anniversary or anniversary, take your children to memorable places: to the maternity hospital where you were born, to the house where you used to live, to the kindergarten where you went, where you received a marriage proposal from their dad ... tell them your story, which has now become part of them life too.

Only in this way will you teach your children to keep and appreciate family memories.

After all, what a family gives us is priceless. The connection that we feel even at a distance is very strong and respect for this, understanding, love gives rise to harmony and mutual understanding in any family.

Family memories unite and remind you that you are one single strong whole!

Read about it in my next article.

As one said a wise man- Invest in travel, because the memories of them will last a lifetime. For me, travel is life. If I had good financial opportunities, I would not sit at home for a single one. extra day. A backpack on my shoulders, comfortable sneakers and the noise of the road is everything for me. Some moments of the trip you want to remember all your life. But this is not always possible and much is erased from memory. And so that the memories of the vacation remain with me until retirement, I use a few tricky tricks.

How to keep holiday memories

In one city I saw a monument to a tourist. This skinny person in shorts and with a camera. Camera- Here tourist's main weapon. With its help, tourists try fix everything important points trips. But sometimes, they get so carried away that do not notice the important. Today, people take 10,000 pictures in order to take a good shot and put it on the Instagram feed. And they don't stop even for a minute to enjoy the amazing view or simply rejoice warm sunshine.

enjoy the moment

One of the most vivid impressions of my trip to , there was a moment when I just sat under eiffel tower, saw Orange juice and eat cake. I didn't take any photos, I just sat alone, closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. I advise you to take my advice - put down the camera, sit down for a minute and enjoy life...

Photos are certainly a good thing to keep memories. But I will recommend a few more ways:

  • Keep a diary. Write down events, new experiences, taste of food every day.
  • Blog in the Internet. Tell me about the trip frame it with photos. Re-read it systematically and the memories will always be fresh.
  • Start yourself paper album and paste it there photo with captions, where and when they were taken. It will be more interesting to view it than a photo on a computer.
  • Make a special box, where do you store small souvenirs, checks and travel notes. I have such. I keep purchase receipts, vouchers, cards there. There is even a piece of Pamukkale from Turkey.

Traveling is the thing that will only make you richer if you buy it!

Can you capture the happy moments of your life? Can you store memories? If not, it's time to learn! After all, this rare skill will give you a lot of pleasant emotions when, after many years, you turn over the pages of your old family album and your memory.

Perhaps these ideas will help you create an entire archive of family memories!

1. "Museum" of children's creativity

The essence of this idea is to store children's drawings, coloring books, applications, crafts, “letters”-doodles in a large folder or box. Many parents will shake their heads: if you store all this, there will not be enough space even in the attic. Well, you have to choose the most valuable specimens children's creativity. But choosing them is not only at your own discretion. Some works are especially valuable for a child, even if, according to adults, they do not look very aesthetically pleasing.

Do not forget to sign the date of creation of the work of art and the name of its author!

2. Albums of family memories

It's convenient to store photos on your computer. But not interested.

We ourselves do not often review these forgotten photo archives. And even more so, it would never occur to us to delve into the computer to show guests a series of wedding, children's or family pictures.

A photo album is a completely different matter. Joint viewing of memorable photos will brighten up many family evenings and friendly meetings, give magical memories and revive forgotten feelings. Remember, discuss, laugh and cry, relive life!

The pages of the Album of Family Memories can be beautifully decorated with your own hands and supplemented with small signatures.

3. "Memories of travel" - memories of travel

This is what a large album can be called, which will store “material evidence” of family travels: train, bus or plane tickets, tourist maps and guides, bills from cafes and restaurants, libretto from the theater, tickets to the zoo, water park, museum or cinema , collections of shells and colored stones, photographs, travel notes and travel diaries.

4. Mom's Diary

Regularly make diary entries about the life of children, in which you can make changes in the height and weight of the child, his first achievements, first independent actions, first words, funny stories that happened to children, their interesting statements. As well as my own reflections on the physical and intellectual development children.

Making and decorating a mother's diary is easy to do with your own hands.

Children grow up very quickly. And the memories of their childhood every year will become more valuable both for them and for you.

5. Questionnaire of the Birthday

Another one interesting idea: every year, on the child's birthday, record his answers to the same questions of a specially prepared questionnaire. How old are you? What is your favorite cartoon? Who is yours best friend? The most interesting game? Favorite yummy? What gifts did you get for your birthday? The child's answers will change from year to year!

It's great if a photo of the birthday person is attached to the completed and beautifully designed questionnaire.

6. Video library

Just imagine how interesting it will be, years later, to watch videos of your young children playing, family gatherings, conversations and jokes! Even short fragments of a family video will move you to tears!

Take your camera everyday life. This video is then easy to process by overlaying music on top of it. Get interesting videos or even documentaries which will give you a lot of pleasure to watch.

7. Box of Memories

Keep memorabilia in large boxes: tags from the hospital, umbilical cord clips, first sliders or socks, curls of the first hairs, birthday cake candles, school essays, commendation sheets, plaster casts of arms and legs, favorite rattles, sports awards and other significant things with which special memories are associated. Each child can have his own "box of memories" that you can give him as an adult gift.

By the way, "boxes of memories" can be not only children's, but also marital. loving husband and the wife will also find something to keep as a keepsake.

8. Family Tree

Creating a family tree of a family is a sign of respect for one's family, for one's ancestors. It is also a great opportunity to learn more about your family history. Let a large family tree with deep roots and a luxurious crown decorate the wall of your living room.

9. Letter from the Past to the Future

An interesting idea is to write letters to the future, addressed to yourself, your spouse, and your children. They may contain dreams and expectations, memories, advice and parting words.

Seal these letters and sign the date of disclosure, for example, in a year, in 10 years, on the day of majority. They can turn out to be a real "message in time" that will touch you to the core.

10. Firsthand stories

Tell each other more often interesting stories that happened to you and other family members as a child. Children love to hear about what happened to their parents, siblings, and grandparents when they were young.

11. Family Library

Create a family library of your favorite books and your children's favorite books. You will have no problem asking a child to read something before bed. And when the children grow up, you can advise them to read wonderful literature.

12. Family Heirlooms

A wonderful tradition - to pass on by inheritance family values. Grandma's service, grandpa's watch, mom's ring, dad's toolbox...

Of course, the child must reach a certain age and level of maturity in order to understand the value of the relic, which is passed on to him by the older members of the family. But such an expensive gift for life will leave in his soul the memory of a loved one.

We no longer "turn on" it consciously, we deprive it of daily training. So, on the one hand, we make life easier for ourselves, but on the other hand, we impoverish our capabilities. And yet the situation can be corrected, because our brain is a flexible, plastic organ. However, in order to learn how to cooperate productively with your memory, you need to know some of its features.

Leisure training

We should not reproach ourselves for the fact that at work we are trying to carve out a minute or two and relax - such respite only helps us. This conclusion was reached by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(USA). Observing the action of rats (and these animals are very close to humans in terms of a variety of behavior patterns, ability to learn and adapt), they noted that after overcoming an unfamiliar maze, these animals take a similar time out - at this moment they “analyze” their path along the route you have just travelled. Special sensors "observed" individual cells. It turned out that the neurons that are most active during movement through the maze are located in the area of ​​formation short term memory. While these cells “played” the memories of the journey over and over again (and 10 times faster than during the journey itself), other brain cells got the opportunity to absorb the information received and place it in long-term memory. The results of the experiment show that we learn not only when we do something. Respite immediately after the completion of the next task is very important - it helps to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

What is memory

Memory is a mental function that is responsible for the accumulation and structuring of our experience. This ability to capture, preserve and reproduce the traces of one's past experience is the basis of knowledge. The individual experience that accumulates in memory gives us the opportunity to navigate the world around us, in relations with people and the rules of behavior in society. Thanks to it, we do not have to re-learn every day what has already been in our lives - we can predict various situations and even look into the future. “We are our memory,” says psychologist Natalya Korsakova. - It makes us ourselves, provides a sense of the continuity of being from birth to death. People are so hard on states when, for one reason or another, something falls out of memory, because the continuity, the integrity of the perception of the world and oneself is torn.

How memories are stored

First of all, it is important to know that we do not have a single center that registers, sorts, stores and issues all the information that we receive from the outside world. Nerve cells brain, neurons, starting from our very birth, form great amount connections that fix the most different information. Memory does not have a clear localization in the brain - zones that are also associated with others are responsible for it. mental functions: perception, speech, emotions, thinking. “It is difficult to determine where memories are displayed, physically stored, perhaps due to the variety of types of memory that are connected to the memorization process even in the simplest situations,” explains American psychologist Philip Zimbardo*.

The process of memory can be divided into three stages

Sensory memory, it is also called "ultra-short". All perceived information is transmitted to the brain through the five senses, and its trace is stored for several seconds. (Thus, having heard a sound, we continue to hear it for about four seconds.) During this time, the question of how important this information is for us is decided: if so, then it goes into short-term (or long-term) storage. If not, it is erased (forgotten).

Short-term memory, or short-term, operational. This is the "conscious" this moment information about past experiences that "pops up" from sensory or long-term memory. For a moment (no longer than 30 seconds), we begin to see, hear (“before our eyes”, “sound in our ears”) something that is no longer directly happening. If the information deserves attention, it is processed and transferred to long-term storage. If not, it is erased, and another one immediately takes its place.

Long-term memory: It lasts for many hours, days or years and is associated with learning and personal experiences. Its capacity and duration depend on how important the information we remember is for us.

Forgetting is a function of the psyche, which is just as important as memorization: we could not acquire new impressions, knowledge, if we did not forget the old ones. New information removes from the field of our attention and sends to the storage system what preceded it. “However, you need to keep in mind that the storage process is an active process,” says Philip Zimbardo. “New information, interacting with the entire amount of memory, changes attitudes and motives and thereby restructures all subsequent human behavior.”


“In a storage system, a memory trace creates associative links with other traces in terms of contiguity, similarity, and sound,” explains Natalya Korsakova. “Often it is difficult for us to remember something, not because we have forgotten, but because we cannot extract it from the “storage system”: the memory trace has been transformed under the influence of these factors, and we cannot recognize it.” That is why it is impossible to remember, to learn something (for example, foreign language) in a dream: the words will lie in the "storage", but we will not be able to refer to them consciously, purposefully. Memorization requires a certain level of conscious activity. “Since forgetting is as natural as memorization, one should not fight it,” Natalya Korsakova believes. - In general, there is nothing superfluous in memory, so it is pointless to train it without any purpose - it is a waste of energy. We do not remember much or forget simply because we do not really need it. Therefore, it is very important to understand what we cannot remember and what we do not want to.”

Remember well
Each of us has our own individual differences, which are expressed in a different pace, accuracy and strength of memorization. They are associated with the characteristics of nervous processes, the degree of their balance and mobility. However, if we need to learn something, to master new knowledge, everyone needs to organize this process in such a way that the memory trace is more stable. For example, in order to better remember foreign words, you need to not only read them, but also write them down, listen, speak out loud, correlate with a visual image. How big amount The markers are equipped with trace memory, so more likely that we can restore it, activate it.

Or, to remember the name of a person we have just met, it is not enough just to look him in the face. It is necessary to concentrate on the pronunciation of the name, asking to repeat it again. By at least three times mentally you need to repeat the name and correlate it with the appearance of a new acquaintance. This will be the twenty seconds that our brain needs to activate neural connections and information is transferred from operational to long-term memory.

Several types of our memory

Neurophysiology distinguishes several various kinds memory, each of which is important in our daily life.

Lexical: It contains names or words, but not their meanings.

Semantic: conveys the semantic meaning of words. It happens that the word “spins in the head”, but we cannot remember it. This is the result of a failure in information access: our semantic memory cannot find what it needs in our lexical memory.

Emotional: stores our emotions, sensory experiences.

Somatic: stores our bodily sensations and allows us to remember all our lives that fire burns, ice is cold, etc.

Procedural: Enables us to remember how to type on a typewriter or ride a bicycle.

Let's not forget other types of memory: motor, figurative, musical, visual, auditory, memory for faces, text, etc.

For training
Try to train your memory in a way that is both useful and fun. So, you can learn to remember a phone number. For example: 266 97 742. Every time you have to dial a number that you do not know by heart:

Reproduce the distance (trajectory) between the numbers on the phone with your finger, concentrating on this gesture and exactly following the order of the numbers. (In our case, on the numbers 6 and 7, which are repeated twice, we will make a circle.)

Repeat the movement three times: this activates procedural memory, which records information for long storage.

Then close your eyes and mentally imagine the numbers and the gesture. Since we receive 95% of information through the eyes, such an image will be remembered for a long time.

You can also draw the dialing path on paper to capture it visually. In our case, we get a house.

Visualization is a universal principle for acquiring new knowledge: it is more effective to “tell” a poem with facial expressions and gestures than just repeating it. Repetition does not affect involuntary memorization.

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