Great ideas for a photo shoot at home alone or with friends and family. Where to get ideas for a photo shoot

Oh, this dream is to look great not only in life, but also in photographs. People who used to know you will admire your photos on social networks and this gives you an incentive to take more and more new pictures that will be much better than the previous ones.

But it’s hard for you to choose something specific and you want something interesting. We will help you with this. We have selected the most attractive themes for photo shoots from photographers around the world. Get to know them:

1) Gold autumn. Pictures from the series - photos on the street. The leaves are falling, the trees are dressed up in different colors. A photo on a tree branch, next to a tree, in a large pile of leaves will not leave anyone indifferent.

And don't be afraid to experiment with poses. The most suitable clothing is a long dress or just a T-shirt and jeans.

2) Romance, loneliness, joy-happiness also one of the popular thematic photo shoots. A sad, happy and mysterious face will look at you from the pictures. The best place is nature - green grass, light breeze and the beauty of flowers.

3) Beach at sunset. Of course, this photo session is not designed for everyone, but if you have a wonderful figure and there are practically no defects, go for it!
Photography on the sand and in the water.

By the way, you can take pictures not only in a swimsuit, you can use T-shirts, and it’s not a bad option to put on a transparent white dress and take pictures while lying in the water on the coast itself.

4) Pictures in the style of a warrior. Put on interesting clothes - black pants, high-heeled boots, or rather over the knee boots, a blue, red or black leather jacket.

Make an appropriate hairstyle, the hair should not be completely loose or collected, do fifty fifty. The swords and painted blood from the cut on the face look amazingly beautiful.

5) Desperate Housewives the most suitable style for a company of three or four girls.

Not just a photo in the style of a forever pot, but igniting ladies against the backdrop of beautiful houses and cars, as well as spectacular photos will be photos with a glass of wine at home, or with martini glasses at the bar counter.

6) Gangster streets. Choose a dumb district, where all the walls are painted, there are a lot of ruins and go ahead. Clothing, again a leather jacket.

7) Hippodrome one of the most attractive places for a photo shoot. Photo on horseback - isn't it great?

8) Young schoolchildren. Pictures from our childhood are always interesting for us in the future. Short skirts and long braids are the main priority of this photo shoot. ten) Amusement park. Fear on a rollercoaster, admiration on chains, and romance on a daisy. Photo with ice cream in hand.

There are a lot of run-ups on various topics. Just pour into the role and the pictures will come out successful.

Nowadays, photography has become an integral part of the life of almost every person. Everyone has phones with built-in cameras, amateur digital cameras, film cameras, instant cameras, SLRs, and many, many others. We love to take pictures and we love to be photographed. But how to make it very beautiful? How do you make a photo look like a painting? It is no longer enough for us to simply photograph, we want original photographs and preferably with some idea.

Imagine that you are an artist and you are going to paint a picture. First of all, you will probably decide on a genre: be it portrait, landscape, still life or something else. Further, having decided on the genre, you will most likely find the subject that you want to draw. And then build a model and get to work. So?

It is exactly the same with photography, because a good photograph is as much a work of art as a painting. Therefore, you also need to approach the process of photographing seriously, considering every detail: how to set the light, what pose to take the models, what focus to set, and much more. All this can be learned by visiting photography courses.

Huskies became a hit of accessories for a photo shoot in 2015. See how it looks in the video.

In the art of photography (as well as in painting) there are various directions, for each of which you can pick up a lot of ideas that will help you create original and interesting pictures. Here are a few of them:

Ideas for wedding photography

The article used the work of the studio

Creative Photography Ideas

In principle, for each direction, ideas can be common. But how do you find them?

How to look for ideas for a photo shoot?

Just look around, observe, be imaginative and don't be afraid to use ordinary objects and places in extraordinary ways! In our work, we highlight 6 main factors that help us find and develop ideas for future shots.

The first factor - Model
A model with her appearance can give you a great idea for a photo shoot. For example, if a girl has long hair, she can be photographed so that her hair flutters in the wind. You can immediately add a long dress here (the third factor is clothing). Or if a girl has big eyes, then your task is to convey this beauty, to emphasize it. Chat with the model: together you can think of the perfect look. But in order for the image to open completely, a beautiful place is needed.

Second factor - Location
In fact, many photographers start looking for ideas from the place of photography, and only then adjust everything else to it - the model, clothes, accessories. Each place is good in its own way. Choosing a place is a very responsible business. After all, this is not just a wall or a bush - these are various details that complement your picture. For example, it can be the ruins of a house, a beach, a park bench. For each place you can create a unique image and history.

The third factor is clothing
Beautiful and original clothes are what show the character of your model. A strict suit worn by a brutal man against the backdrop of a stone wall will emphasize his masculinity, or a bright airy sundress dressed for a girl with freckles and braided hair running across the field will show her innocence.

Fourth Factor - Accessories

Accessories are a very powerful element. And recently very popular, especially in wedding photo shoots. Anything can be an accessory: a kite, soap bubbles, letters, flowers. In addition, accessories can be mixed. With the right approach, having the right accessory in the frame completely changes the idea of ​​​​the photograph, and this is important, again, if you have. For example, a couple in love hugs next to a motor scooter on a beautiful beach or field strewn with flowers.

Factor Five - Light
Yes, it is light that can give you a great idea! Various lighting schemes and additional lighting sources can be used not only in the studio, but also on the street. This is perhaps the most powerful tool in the hands of a photographer, if, of course, he knows how to work with light. The simplest is a Christmas tree with garlands. After such a picture, a bright festive impression remains.

Factor six - the ability to work in Photoshop
Photoshop allows you to completely transform the resulting photo, but for this you need the right shot. And this is a whole science, which we will discuss separately in another article. But to make it clear, here's an example:

Places that will help you choose and implement any idea for a photo shoot.

Before choosing a specific idea for photography, it is worth choosing a specific location. And in order to make the selection process not so difficult, we have selected for you the most advantageous and relevant, containing a wide range for creativity.

1. Photo shoot on the street.

Absolutely simple, cheap and very advantageous option. After all, no layouts can compare with the beauty of nature! Bright colors of autumn, warm summer sunsets, a snowy fairy tale in winter, blooming spring gardens, sea coasts… the list is endless. When photographing outdoors, there is no limit to your imagination: single shooting, landscape, romantic, family, children's and many other options - create!

If you want to get highly professional portrait shots, then the way to you is to a photo studio. Renting a room for photography can be quite inexpensive, but there are some points to consider. When choosing a photo studio, pay attention to the area of ​​​​the room - it should not be less than 30 sq.m., and the ceiling should be at least 3m high. It is also worth considering the power of light sources, it must be at least 500W. An additional plus will be good props for photography. If the photo studio you have chosen meets these parameters, then you can safely start creating amazing pictures. As an additional advice on holding, we can offer you to come up with an original theme based on your desires or on the desires of your model (or models). For example, girls will like to create an image of a vamp, or, conversely, a delicate beauty. But keep in mind that to create thematic shots you will need costumes, additional props and makeup artist services. But the result will justify all the costs, rest assured!

It's expensive, but incredibly beautiful and chic. Your pictures will not leave anyone indifferent. It is most beautiful to shoot weddings, couples or just girls in beautiful long dresses among the splendor of ancient buildings. Pictures taken at sunset or at dusk are especially good. So the landscape becomes more romantic and mysterious. If you absolutely cannot afford to take pictures in the palace, then an abandoned building would be an alternative option. For example, an old manor, a castle or a palace. This idea is somewhat adventurous, even risky, but at the same time, you are guaranteed wonderful pictures and unforgettable sensations.

Having decided on the places, we form specific ideas for them. So:

The boat is one of the main romantic accessories. A date in a boat, silence, solitude - no one will refuse such photos! Boats are usually located in beautiful parks, so a photo session in a boat will also highlight the beauty of the natural landscape.

Each season is beautiful in its own way, and we as photographers are interested in capturing them all. Beautiful leaves in autumn, fluffy snow in winter. All these weather attributes very beautifully complement any wedding, model or.

A mask is an accessory option for a photo shoot. Using a mask adds mystery and mystery to the pictures.

A car is a very popular idea for photography, especially in photo shoots and photos of long-legged girls.

In cafes or restaurants, photography is usually allowed. The cafe is a beautiful place for a photo shoot, the shots near the bar counter look especially good.

Dogs, cats, horses and your other favorite animals are perfect for good photography.

There are a lot of different props for a photo session. There are even firms that rent any accessories and even organize entire photo zones.

A park bench, like a boat, is a great place to take pictures of couples in love.

But no matter how good the composition is, know that a good shot depends, first of all, on the photographer and on his desire to learn and comprehend the art of photography. So create - everything is in your hands!

Freezelight is a special light painting technique. With the help of this interesting technique, you can create very interesting effects.

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Well, some inspiration:

Summer is hard to imagine without relaxing on the beach. However, do not rush to settle down on the sunbed. Walk along the coast. Take pictures of children frolicking in the water, beautiful (almost naked) girls, groups playing beach volleyball, couples on catamarans. Capture moments of joy and warmth in photographs that will especially please in a few months.

2. Organize a beach party with your friends

Gather your friends on the beach. You can organize a Hawaiian-style party by taking care of the accessories. In your company, someone has already got children - great! Let them build sand castles. At this time, adults should also not sit idle - let them take the ball, badminton rackets or frisbees.

By organizing such a party, taking good care of the details, you will not only receive thanks from your friends for a great weekend, but you will also be able to take photos that radiate joy and warmth. And they always succeed.

3. Look up

In nature, where the open sky is available to the eye, you can watch the clouds for hours. Train your imagination: imagine what clouds look like. And in the city, look at the roofs of buildings. Many architectural details deserve more attention. Even better, if you take an architect you know with you, who will tell you about the individual elements - a great opportunity to expand your vocabulary.

4. Meet the sunrises and see off the sunsets

Summer is the most suitable time of the year to meet and see off the sun. The sky is painted in a wide variety of colors, and the mood inevitably becomes more romantic. Thoughts calm down, and you don’t want to rush anywhere - it's time to experiment with. Notice how the sun at different angles illuminates the objects. Capture the magic of shadows that transform the world around you.

5. Rent a boat

In summer, you should also not miss the opportunity to ride on water transport. You can take a boat ticket or rent a boat. Walking on water is possible not only on the Mediterranean Sea. The rivers and lakes around where you live are beautiful too!

6. Find disappearing objects of residential architecture

Take a series of pictures dedicated to dilapidated buildings. Perhaps the residents of these houses can not wait until their old homes are demolished and they can move into standard new buildings. They can be understood. However, the buildings of the middle of the last century still have their own beauty. And it is very likely that in a couple of decades these houses will remain only in your photographs.

7. Find a yard of exemplary maintenance

On some houses, you can still find signs “Yard of exemplary maintenance”, preserved from Soviet times. And in some places even now they reward the most well-groomed yards. Run your own competition: take pictures of the best playgrounds, the most beautiful flower beds or the most original birdhouses.

8. Spend all day at the zoo

After spending a day at the zoo, you can relax and achieve peace. And, of course, the inhabitants of the cages are worth photographing. Photographing animals requires some patience, there is no room for rush. Stay at the cage, then you may be lucky to catch an interesting moment when the animal relaxes. Additional Tips:

  • Find out in advance what time the animals are fed so as not to catch everyone sleeping.
  • Don't dress too brightly so you don't scare away the animals.
  • In many zoos, you can buy treats for animals (of course, we are talking about special top dressing, and not about what is sold to satisfy the hunger of visitors).
  • Come to the zoo when the weather is not so good, or on a weekday - this way you can avoid crowds of people and screaming children at the cages.

9. Check out the hippodrome

Almost every child loves horses. With age, for most, this passion for some reason disappears. However, the photographer should pay attention to these graceful animals. High-quality photos of fast horses in a race, or the graceful poses of those overcoming another obstacle in a show jumping competition, are highly valued in photo stocks. Even if there are no competitions planned in your city, you can take photos at a training session at a riding school - even beginner jockeys have enough grace.

10. Cats are the key to success

Where without cats in the photo? Come up with a theme and take a series of photos with cats, they will definitely be a success! For example, take pictures of cats in windows. If you are fundamentally on the side of the dogs, then the idea for you is dogs and their owners. Everyone knows the idea that dogs look like their owners. Try to convey this in your pictures.

11. Arrange a photo shoot for your pet

Surely all your Instagram followers are already crazy about your cat or dog. But try to make a professional photoshoot for your pet. Choose the right background, arrange lighting. Find unusual angles, experiment with different objects. Finally, dress up your pet if he doesn't mind. The main thing is to be patient! Animals are not the most accommodating models. But pictures with them are always very popular.

12. Have fun like a child

How long have you been on the rides? Ferris wheel, carousels, waltz boats, electric cars, shooting gallery, road trains, trampoline, catapult and, of course, cotton candy - all these attributes of amusement parks look great in photographs! It is not necessary to fall into childhood yourself (although why miss the opportunity?), but it is definitely worth capturing all this joy. Especially this idea will be useful to those who like to enhance the saturation of colors. Here it would be absolutely appropriate.


13. Walk your favorite path

Let it be your usual way to work or to the store. Surely you have already optimized the route and remember every turn. But this time it will take much longer. Try to go through it from beginning to end, paying attention to those details that you miss in a hurry. The camera will allow you to look at the familiar road in a new way.

14. Visit the nearest village

Rural motifs are a great subject for a photo. Shoot landscapes, buildings, residents at their usual work, animals. Ask people to talk about themselves. Then you can take not just scattered pictures, but an informative photo story.

15. Take pictures of hardworking people

As folk wisdom says, you can look at how other people work endlessly. Ask your friends what they do. Perhaps their work is not as boring as you thought. Of course, you will be especially lucky if you manage to ride in the cab of a subway train or enter a hangar with aircraft. But office work is also a great subject for shooting, and quite in demand.

16. Make friends with representatives of "beautiful" professions

find today make-up artist will not be difficult even within a radius of a couple of neighboring houses. Offer your services to a makeup artist. He will receive high-quality photographs of his work, and you will receive a portfolio of portrait photographs.

Such cooperation often has a synergistic effect - the circle of clients of both the photographer and the make-up artist is expanding.

17. Take a series of portraits of local bright personalities

It's not about famous people - it's not so easy to get close to them. Start with ordinary citizens. Among them, too, you can find very unusual people. In parks, near universities, nightclubs, shopping centers, choose the most unusual individuals who stand out from the crowd. Ask them for permission to take pictures. Bright people tend to love the attention and will only be happy to pose for you.

18. Become the biggest fan of local musicians

Even in small towns there are talents - singers, rock bands, DJs. Attend their shows. Post your photos on social media pages. There is a high probability that after a couple of albums of high-quality photographs, the musicians will gratefully let you even come to their rehearsal. By the way, classical music performers are no exception.

19. Cheer for the local sports team

Even if you are not a sports fan, and the local team is far from the Champions League, there are enough emotional moments in any game. Pay attention to the fans: they believe in their team and sincerely worry about it.

20. Get in the middle of the crowd

Whether it's a crowded street at rush hour or a shopping center on a weekend, a concert, competition or celebration of an event on a city scale - do not be afraid to be in the very. Take a picture after a picture, do not hesitate and spare no space on the memory card. The crowd changes very quickly and is unique at every moment, like the sea or the clouds. “Catch” bright people, facial expressions, communication between people, or, conversely, those who, surrounded by a noisy crowd, are lonely and thoughtful.

21. Wait for the next bus

On a weekday morning, come to one of the major stops and take pictures of people waiting for transport - trams, trolleybuses, buses, minibuses, electric trains. Even for a short time at the stop, you will be able to photograph many very different people. Moreover, all of them will carefully peer into the distance while waiting for their transport or ponder the upcoming working day, but they will not pay any attention to you.

22. Go to the playground

In your yard or in one of the neighboring ones, there will definitely be a well-equipped playground. Usually at certain times of the day, children from nearby houses gather here. This time can give you a lot of bright and varied pictures. Or maybe you even offer one of the parents a personal photo session.

23. Attend an exhibition or conference

Of course, not every summer day pleases with excellent weather. On a rainy day, it is better to choose ideas for shooting indoors. For example, you can go to an exhibition or attend a conference. While others are absorbed in the subject of the exhibition or report, you can photograph them - enthusiastic, busy with thoughts and ideas.

24. Go to the market

Pay attention to how beautiful the stalls in the markets are. Sellers lay out goods by the most attractive side. The fruit and vegetable stalls are usually particularly luxurious, and the vendors behind them are often very friendly. However, do not annoy them and take pictures secretly. It is better to praise the goods and ask permission to take a photo of the seller along with the counter, for sure he will only be flattered.


25. Take pictures of the cooking process

Get ready. And along the way, film the cooking process. Apples, cut into even pieces, sugar, a hill of flour with an egg neatly broken into the center, cream. Or maybe neat sliced ​​onions, diced vegetables, minced meatballs, simmering broth. This could make a good lunch. And also some delicious photos.

26. Scatter food nicely

Grandmother taught me as a child that it is not good to scatter food. However, art requires sacrifice! Arrange havoc with products. Or create a picture of bright pieces. Try to photograph splashes of liquids, explosions of bulk products, the process of grinding and mixing. Take advantage of a variety of kitchen tools and appliances.

27. Arrange a photohunt ... for people

It is certainly impolite to film people without their permission. Although street photographers often break the rules of etiquette. And not in vain. The worst thing that can happen is that you will be asked to put your camera away. At the same time, people who don't know they're being filmed come out more natural.

28. Be a bad photographer

It is especially risky to try to film people against their will. Irritation, anger and anger are also emotions, although negative, but bright and expressive. True, you are unlikely to get a model release for such images. But this will not diminish the artistic value of the photograph.

29. Be a good photographer

The services of a photographer can be useful in organizations such as orphanages and animal shelters. Contact the coordinators of charitable projects in your city, offer your help. Do a good deed.

30. Collect

Become a collector of certain objects. It can be road signs, graffiti or bars on the windows. Explore your city, but don't forget the collection when you go on vacation. Create a blog and regularly update it with new "exhibits". Perhaps others will support you, then your blog will grow into a community. But if not, then your collection will still be a great excuse to explore new territories in search of interesting photo themes.

Fashion moves in circles. The same rule applies to fashion photography. Many modern works copy the pictures that are the founders of the genre. Borrowing can be seen as something bad and as something good. It's all about attitude and quality of work. If a contemporary borrowed an idea from a photographer of the past and brought it to life no worse than the original source, then it is hardly worth judging such an act strictly.

A fashion history student named Lila Ramsay has started a blog in which she compares contemporary fashion shots with photographs from the dawn of photography.

Many points

In 1974, photographer Bob Gruen photographed John Lennon for the cover of a music album. Walls and Bridges. The main idea was to use a large number of points. Such round glasses subsequently acquired the status of "Lenon". Photographer Aleksey Hay used the same idea in 2011 to create a shot showing the spring line of glasses for the cover. Elle Italia's.

Crocodile and girl

Pina Bausch's ballet used live animals that were present on stage with the dancers. This inspired the photographer Helmut Newton and he decided to create a picture in which a ballerina was in the mouth of a crocodile. Tenth anniversary issue Vogue received a picture from Mario Testino in which the victim was an animal. Model Liu Wen Jiabao was sitting on a crocodile and tightly clutching its mouth.

Balloon flight

Albert Lamorisse created the short film The Red Ball in 1956. The film is about a boy and his living red balloon. The film received the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 1956, as well as the Academy Award in 1957 for Best Screenplay. Photographer Tim Walker created an advertising poster for Miss Dior Cherie in 2009. It is made in the style of the movie "Red Ball".


The Second World War was a difficult period for everyone, but at that time the girls did not forget about their image. When it was not possible to acquire new decorations, the ladies tried to take care of the little things, such as colored ribbons on the hat and lipstick color. Even the change of small details made it possible to look in a new way. John Rawlings in March Vogue 1943 reflected this by creating a picture that lacks everything superfluous. Only accessories left.

Bianca Venerian copied this image in 2012, only the meaning of the reborn image remains a mystery.

Bunny and Mouse

Helmut Newton has many pictures of his girlfriend. She was a model and jewelry designer. Her name is Elsa Peretti. None of the pictures have been released except for a picture of her dressed as a horny bunny overlooking New York City. For a magazine vogue, which published the issue in March 2010, photographer Mario Testino created a shot with a similar idea. Model Tina Fey played the role of a mouse.

flower hat

Cecil Beaton is the author of several very famous photographs of Audrey Hepburn. The photographs are intended for the musical "My Fair Lady". The look was repeated in 2011 by photographer Steven Misel for an Italian edition. vogue. The model is Karlie Kloss.

body inscriptions

Photographer Horst P., with the help of model Lisa Fonssagrives, created the "Vogue" sign for the swimsuit show. In 2009, this idea was repeated in the Italian edition of Vogue by Michael Baumgarten. The models were dark-skinned Barbie dolls.


During the second wave of feminism, Esquire art director George Lois came up with the idea of ​​a beautiful woman with shaving cream applied to her face. She shaved. The role of the model was played by actress Virna Lisi. Jean-Paul Goudet repeated this idea by photographing Jessica Simpson. This picture was taken in honor of the 75th anniversary of the magazine Esquire.

many hands

In the United States of America in the 1960s and 1980s, the image of the president was often used in entertainment. In June magazine Esquire In 1969, the cover was decorated with the image of the newly elected President Nixon. In 2008, the magazine turned 75 years old and the designers decided to repeat the cover of the past. Karl Lagerfeld expresses his gratitude to the art director of the magazine, George Lois.

girl and elephant

One of Richard Avedon's most successful and famous photographs is Dovima and elephants. She was photographed in 1955 in Paris. In March 2006, photographer Norman Jean Roy took a photo of actress Cate Blanchett with an elephant. This photo is dedicated to Avedon's contribution to the history of photography and the magazine Harper's Bazaar.

woman and flowers

English photographer Norman Parkinson in 1955 captured Audrey Hepburn, who was dressed in a light pink dress against a background of fuchsia flowers. It is not known if Tim Walker copied the Parkinson's shot, but in the photo Natalie Portman is wearing a similar pink dress with flowers. The photo was taken in the same color scheme. The photo is intended for advertising Miss Dior Cherie 2013.


Manet created the painting "Breakfast on the Grass", which has been used many times in many works of various artists. Dutch photographers Ines van Lamsweerde and Vinood Matadin recreated the scene from the painting for Christian Dior's fall collection in 2013. "Secret Garden 2 - Versailles".

And again Tiffany

Movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's" is an inspiring creation for many creative individuals. Kenneth Villard directed Marina Linchuk as Tiffany. The picture is intended for a Russian magazine Glamor, namely for the September issue in 2011.

With Paris forever

Original photo by Erwin Blumenfeld. He photographed Lisa Fossangrives at the Eiffel Tower. This picture is dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the famous tower. Photo published in French Vogue in 1939. Peter Lindbergh in 2009 took a picture of Kate Winslet in a similar image, only the scene was transferred to the Chrysler Building.

duel with food

Man Ray is famous for his surreal photographs. He has many followers. Photograph taken in 1949 "Naked popcorn". In 2008, Tim Walker recreated the famous shot in color.

With a mirror by the window

famous shot "Bergstrom over Paris" 1976 by Helmut Newton was repeated by Giampaola Shugr in 2011.


Horst P. Horst in 1939 took a picture of the models Bettina Bolegard, Helen Bennet and Muriel Maxwell for the release vogue, which came out in November 1939. A new version of this image appeared in 2010. Its creator is Norman Jean Roy. The picture shows the stars of the movie saga "Twilight", namely Dakota Fanning, Ashley Greene and Bryce Dallas Howard. The photo is intended for the July issue Vanity Fair.

with an apple

Belgian artist Rene Magritte often created unusual paintings with ordinary things. His work inspired Daniel Jackson to repeat the 1964 work The Son of Man, in which the artist showed the image of a man whose face is completely hidden by an apple. Daniel took this subject for his photo showcasing the autumn-winter collection Perry Ellis year 2013.

Spiral of time

Remarkable fact, the name of the journal Harper's Bazaar in the period from 1867 to 1930 it was shorter by one letter "A". Richard Avedon took a funny picture in which the model was holding the missing letter in her hands. In 2013, photographer David Slijper repeated this scene with model Anne Hathaway.


Irving Penn is a high fashion photographer. In photography, he was 70 years old. In 1995, the master created a work with a bee on the lips of a girl. Photographers Sean and Sheng couldn't get past this subject. They took a picture of a bee on Lana del Rey's lips. Photo published in a magazine Interview.

haze of mirrors

Erwin Blumenfeld's, a photographer from Germany, often resorted to the manipulation of forms in the image. In 1943, he took a picture of the model Lisette (Lisette). For work, he used corrugated glass. In 2012, Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott took a similar picture featuring Madonna for her album MDMA.


The October 1966 issue of Vogue contained 26 pages describing Verushka's journey through Japan by train. On the cover was a picture where the model is ready to lose her hair. The photo belongs to Richard Avedon. January 2013 Vogue contains a shot by photographer Patrick Demarchelier where model Karlie Kloss is about to lose her hair.

swan gate

In 1997, Annie Leibovitz created a dramatic image of Leonardo DiCaprio with a swan wrapped around his neck. The picture was taken for Vanity Fair. Bjork in 2011 appeared on the red carpet in a swan dress, which was supposed to symbolize fertility.

Leopard spots

In June 1967, an issue of the magazine was published Vogue where William Klein took a picture of Verushka with a cheetah on a chain. The photo showed the trends of the new season - animal skins and chains. Latin American Vogue in 2013, he graced the picture of Nagi Sakai, where the cheetah was replaced with a leopard. The chains were superfluous and they were removed.


Hitchcock's 2008 film Dial M for Murder received copycat shots. Photographer Norman Jean Roy created 11 scenes from the film. In the presented photograph, Charlize Theron portrays Grace Kelly at the time of the assassination attempt.

Photography enthusiast Stevie Beats regularly photographs jets in motion. Of course, you and I are unlikely to ever work on shooting such an object, but it would be interesting to find out how he prepares for photography and implements it.

"When photographing an aircraft that is flying at 400-450 knots, the camera setup becomes more and more difficult."

Advanced focusing systems on modern DSLRs allow you to capture sharp images with continuous autofocus, even if the subject is moving quickly. Reducing the number of active focus points helps improve autofocus performance.

"Long shutter speeds, around 1/800-1/1600 can give clear shots while moving, but if you also want to blur the background, increase your shutter speed. Try working with values ​​of 1/125-1/500 sec."

Original animal photos

While you can create a pretty good portrait of your cat or dog, you have a chance to freshen up a regular shot with some idea and creativity. To do this, you will have to follow your pet, trying to capture the original moment from an unusual angle.

Street photographer Leslie Ann Herculaneum often observes street animals, he repeatedly photographed them from various angles. Here's what he advises aspiring photographers:

"The most important thing behind captivating pet photography is a story that can capture the viewer's imagination. Be a little out of the way and let the story unfold independently. Also, don't be afraid to experiment with composition."

Flash assistant in creative photography

Fill flash is not only useful for adding extra light, but it also helps bring out detail in both dark and bright areas, making shots sharper.

The trick here is to underexpose the frame and turn on the flash. As a result, it turned out that the light of the blue sky became much darker, and therefore more interesting. Obviously, the shot was taken during the day, but such an original effect with the sky will make viewers wonder how this shot was created.

Beaches are very good for experimenting with flash and this effect. There you will not have any background elements that could make the frame too heavy. You will have the freedom to experiment with different options. Shooting during the day is not recommended, this effect will be good at sunset.

Attention to detail

When faced with a beautiful rolling landscape or an unusual waterfront, you rush to grab your wide-angle lens and capture all this beauty as wide as possible. But why not focus on the details that usually go unnoticed.

"I think this kind of photography is actually much more difficult than shooting large-format landscapes," says award-winning landscape photographer John Gibbs.

“Most often, such a subject should be photographed, moving away from the usual stereotypes. You need to think about the diagonals and zigzags that will help keep the viewer's eye in the frame. It is the lines and the interesting angle that will help you capture the kind of shot that can intrigue and capture the attention of the public.”

"From a technical point of view, it's worth taking photos at shutter speeds around 1/400 - 1/800 so that the entire frame coverage is clear and sharp. "Try using Live View, which will help you achieve the best depth of field."

An unusual look at ordinary things

You don't need top-notch tech and fancy locations to create abstract photos. So, Andy Bell's picture shows a concrete strip on the wall of the harbor next to a puddle in the parking lot.

Andy's Photoblog is full of inspiring photos like this one that can turn our view of reality on its head.

“To create a creative shot, you need to abandon the usual way of thinking and look at the world upside down,” he says. “If you add reflections, stripes and non-standard elements to the plot, then the composition can become more interesting.”

“Wind also creates interesting patterns and can help you see original shots and scenes in ordinary objects. Shooting in such weather is much more preferable than in calm conditions.

“During operation, the camera may not focus on the object you want to focus on, but on the foreground subject. So most likely you will have to adjust the focus manually."

Look at the floor

To create a creative photo, you need a little spontaneity. If so, why not grab your wide-angle lens and head outside to photograph... the floor.

Instead of walking around with your eye closed, staring at others through the viewfinder, slash from your shoulder without thinking about anything. Hold the camera low and point the lens down. This will not only give you a more interesting look, but also allow you to go unnoticed by passers-by.

You can use the Live View mode, but keep in mind that in sunny weather there may be problems with detail. After shooting, you may need to crop some of the photos.

original shadows

Many photographers will be horrified at the thought of a bright sun and a dark shadow in their photo. But while everyone sits and waits for golden time, why not use the opportunity for shadow photos?

Cities and towns built up with high-rise buildings can look quite photogenic if you focus on the shadows. If such pictures also include human figures and their shadows, it will be even better.

Photographer Michael Ares once got the chance to capture just such a moment. In this, the Nikon D7000 camera and the 18.0-55.0mm f/3.5-5.6 lens came to his aid.

"I was walking across a bridge in Whittier, California, and I noticed the picturesque shadows from the palm trees at the end of the day. There were interesting patterns in the shadows, and I realized that this could be the basis for an interesting shot. I had to wait about half an hour for an element to complement the composition , then I met this cyclist. The result was very interesting, as in my opinion."

Top down

The reason for the success of many photographs is the participation of the viewer in what is happening. We bring to your attention an interesting approach to this type of shooting. The idea is to photograph your feet at the most interesting moments and in unusual situations. It can be pavement, sand, etc.

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