What to do with a protracted cold. Protracted course of pneumonia

If pneumonia, despite ongoing therapy, lasts more than 4 weeks, then they talk about its protracted course. According to statistics, this development of the disease is observed in 30% of cases, in older people - in 50% of cases.

Protracted pneumonia is big problem for clinicians, as it is still little studied in terms of evidence-based medicine.

Factors contributing to the protracted course of pneumonia

  1. Heavy accompanying illnesses. Especially often COPD, alcoholism, congestive heart failure, chronic kidney failure, diabetes, malignant tumors different localization, AIDS, some neurological diseases in which the cough reflex is suppressed.
  2. Age over 50 years. At this age, resolution of pneumonia occurs much later even in the absence of concomitant diseases.
  3. Initial severity. The more severe the inflammatory process in the lungs, the more likely that the disease will prolong.
  4. The virulence of the pathogen (the degree of its ability to infect the body). According to the accumulated data of scientists, most often the causative agent of prolonged pneumonia is pneumococcus, less often legionella, chlamydia, Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus and etc.
  5. state of the humoral and cellular immunity. Protracted pneumonia in adults often occurs against the background of secondary, and in children - against the background of congenital immunodeficiency.
  6. Microbial resistance to antibiotics.

Features of the clinical picture of prolonged pneumonia

The clinic of prolonged pneumonia practically does not differ from the usual one. The difference is only in the time of disappearance of symptoms and radiological signs inflammation.

In the normal course of pneumonia, the febrile period lasts from 2 to 4 days, the cough disappears on days 4-9, wheezing ceases to be heard in the lungs by the end of 1 week, the number of leukocytes normalizes by 4 days, C-reactive protein- on the 3rd day.

With prolonged pneumonia, these periods increase. So, in typical cases of pneumococcal pneumonia, the period of temperature rise above 38 ° C does not exceed 2-3 days. But with extensive damage lung tissue the disease becomes protracted, and the temperature can rise to high numbers for 3 or more weeks.

Diagnosis of the disease

Usually, when it becomes clear that pneumonia has taken a protracted course, the doctor already has the results of a number of studies: blood and urine tests, an x-ray of the lungs, sputum microscopy with Gram stain. The task of further diagnostic tests is an exception large group diseases that can occur under the guise of prolonged pneumonia. These include tuberculosis, fungal diseases respiratory organs, malignant neoplasms lungs and bronchi, systemic vasculitis, some forms of sarcoidosis, drug-induced damage to the lung tissue, thromboembolism in the system pulmonary artery etc.

If necessary, to clarify the diagnosis are used CT scan, function study external respiration and immunological status, bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage, lung scintigraphy, invasive methods for biopsy of lung tissue.


The mainstay of treatment for chronic pneumonia is antibiotic therapy. When choosing antibacterial drug the doctor focuses on the effectiveness of previous treatment and the result of sputum culture.

To restore the drainage function of the bronchi, according to indications, expectorants and bronchodilators, massage are used. chest, positional drainage, sanitation of the bronchi with the help of fiberoptic bronchoscopy. Physiotherapy is widely used in treatment, breathing exercises, exercise therapy, acupuncture, various methods immunocorrection.

Possible complications and prognosis

The disease can be complicated by a purulent-destructive process: abscess or gangrene of the lung, pleural empyema. But such cases are very rare. As a rule, prolonged pneumonia ends with a complete recovery. Its average terms are from 3 months to a year.

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WATER FLOW IN THE RIVER- the movement of water particles in the river along the channel under the influence of gravity. As the slope of the water surface increases, the speed of the current increases. The energy of the river flow is spent on the internal friction of the water and on overcoming friction on the bottom and banks. Therefore, in general, no acceleration of water movement in the river flow is observed, however, local acceleration may occur, for example, on riffles and rapids.

The flow of water in the river has features, sometimes they are called wrong currents. Quiet water - a slow current that forms behind convex banks, large sandy deposits in the channel, etc. When moving the vessel upwards, to increase speed, where possible, you should go in a slow way. Suvod - a body of water with a rotational movement of water, usually located behind the ledges of the banks, capes, convex banks, strongly protruding into the channel (Fig. 1). In these places, the current, flowing around the coast at high speed, meets a ledge on its way and creates water backwater and a rise in level in front of it. Passing the ledge, the water flow deviates from it and travels a certain distance by inertia. Behind the ledge, the water level is lowered, due to which, in the lower part of the suvodi, water is drawn from the main stream, and in the upper part, on the contrary, from the suvodi area into the main stream of the stream. This process occurs continuously and causes the rotational movement of water.

When the water rotates in the suvody, the bottom has a braking effect. As a result, closer to the surface of the river, the speed of rotation of water and centrifugal forces increase. Under the influence of centrifugal forces, there is a greater ejection of water from the axis of the river near the surface and less - at the bottom. From bottom to top along the axis of the suvodi, an upward flow is formed, replenishing the discarded water. It erodes the bottom, captures the erosion products, creating a funnel-shaped bottom depression (Fig. 1). With a decrease in speed, the water smoothly flows around the ledge, forming a quiet water behind it.

Near the concave banks, in the steep bends of the riverbed, suvodi also form (Fig. 2). In contrast to the swedes located behind the ledges of the banks, here the descending currents of water descend into the ascending flow of water in the swaddle center of the swaddle to the bottom and spread to the sides. This type of suvodi with a distinct funnel on the surface of the water is sometimes called a whirlpool. Suvodi near concave banks are formed in cases where the smooth flow around the banks of the bend is disturbed.

Suwodi can exist permanently or appear only during high water. On the big rivers large swedes are created, having a sphere of action of tens of meters and a speed of rotation of water in the central part - several meters per second. In some basins, the suvod has its own local name, for example, on the Yenisei - a catch, on the Irtysh - a backwater. Suwodi present a serious difficulty for navigation. Vessels lose control in them, shift sharply towards the shore, and the ropes of the ships' moorings and towing cables are often torn, rudders break, etc.

Maidan is a random rotational movement of water in the form of mobile vortices ranging in size from several centimeters to several meters in diameter. Maidans are formed above large underwater objects at a shallow depth above them (Fig. 3), during high water and high water in those places where a stream going through the floodplain meets at an angle with another stream going along a low-water channel, with intensive local reformations of the channel and at rifts, at abrupt changes bottom shapes, etc. Maidans are unfavorable for navigation, as they cause the ships to yaw.

Disputed waters - Maidans, formed at the mouths of tributaries and at their confluence. The closer the meeting angle is to a straight line, the stronger the vortices develop, which reach several meters in diameter.

The downstream is created near the shore in the section of the river where the water discharge is directed towards the shore. For example, on the curvature of the channel, the downstream flow occurs near the concave bank, since the water, due to inertia, tends to maintain its former rectilinear direction, but, encountering an obstacle in the form of a concave bank on its way, it presses against it (Fig. 4). In areas with a downstream flow, ships roll towards the shore.

Stall current - water discharge directed at an angle to the ship's course (Fig. 5). Stall current occurs due to the difference in water levels across the width of the river. On the riffles, such currents are created as a result of the backwater of the flow by the saddle of the rift, so they are directed from the upper pool hollow to the backwater part of the lower pool hollow (see Roll). By displacing ships from the axis of the ship's passage, stall currents can cause ships and rafts to pile up on the shallows, bridge supports, etc.

lingering current occurs at the entrance to the ducts (Fig. 6). Protracted currents are especially strong during floods, when the flow of water in the channels increases significantly. A lingering current can cause a bulk of ships on the island. The nature of the flow is also influenced by bridges, dams, dams, structures in the channel, etc.

whirlpool- constant rotational movement of water in the channel. V. often create deep pits (pools) and are typical for mountain and semi-mountain rivers.

The incidence of pneumonia is about 1% among the adult population, and children suffer from it twice as often. And in a third of cases, the pathology proceeds for a longer time than with acute pneumonia. But nevertheless, the disease has not yet passed into chronic form. If it proceeds for 1-1.5 months, eventually ending in recovery, then we are talking about chronic pneumonia. Why does it happen, how does it manifest pulmonary pathology and what should be done to effective treatment These are questions for the doctor. Only a specialist can provide competent information.

Pneumonia is an infectious and inflammatory disease of the lung tissue. It usually resolves within 3 weeks, but a protracted process is quite common. This development of events indicates a decrease in immune reactivity. Violations relate to various links of natural protection: a decrease in the intensity of alveolar phagocytosis and inhibition of the activity of complement components, a decrease in the number of T- and B-lymphocytes, suppression of the production of interferon and antibodies. Cellular and humoral factors, which leads to a drop in the level of protection and allows inflammation to acquire a protracted course. This situation may arise in the following cases:

  • Congenital and acquired immunodeficiencies (including HIV infection).
  • Chronic diseases of infectious and inflammatory nature (tuberculosis, hepatitis).
  • Common tumor processes.
  • Metabolic and metabolic pathology (diabetes mellitus).
  • Reception medicines(immunosuppressants, cytostatics, glucocorticoids).
  • Chemical intoxication (including smoking and alcohol abuse).
  • Prematurity in children and age-related changes in the elderly.

But in addition to the reduced reactivity of the body, other factors also take part in the origin of prolonged pneumonia. Additional Negative influence for permission inflammatory process provide:

  • Irrational and delayed antibiotic therapy.
  • Violation of bronchial drainage (foreign bodies, developmental anomalies).
  • Complications acute pneumonia(abscess formation, pulmonary atelectasis, pleural empyema).
  • Atypical pathogens (mycoplasmas, pneumocystis).

Based on the foregoing, the origin of prolonged pneumonia is most often associated with general disorders in the body, local structural and functional changes and defects in medical tactics. And in order to prevent such a development of events, all possible factors should be taken into account.

A key role in prolonged inflammation of the lungs belongs to the weakening defensive forces organism, but there are other predisposing factors.


Pneumonia that lasts longer than usual can have a different distribution. The classification of the disease is based on the extent of inflammation. So, prolonged pneumonia happens:

  1. Segmental.
  2. Polysegmental.
  3. Equity.

It should be noted that the process is one- or two-sided, the lower, middle (right) and upper (lingual segments) lobes of the lungs can be affected. The severity of the clinical picture also depends on the prevalence of the process.


Inflammation of the lung tissue, which has a long course, is manifested by almost the same symptoms as acute pneumonia. We can talk about a protracted character if, after 2-3 weeks after the onset of the disease, the patient's condition worsens again, the previously occurring symptoms intensify:

  • Cough.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Fever.
  • Sweating.
  • Malaise and weakness.

The defeat of one segment corresponds to the lightest Clinical signs, but for multiple inflammation of the lobes, especially bilateral, it is more characteristic severe course. Such pneumonia often relapses and is accompanied by complications. During a physical examination, the doctor reveals signs of an infiltrative process in the lung tissue: wheezing, weakened breathing, dullness of percussion sound.


If pneumonia is prolonged, then the risk of adverse outcomes is significantly higher than with rapid resolution. inflammatory infiltrate. Complications of the disease can be local and extrapulmonary. The first ones include:

  • Abscess and gangrene.
  • Pulmonary edema.
  • Pleurisy (dry or exudative).
  • pneumosclerosis and fibrosis.
  • Respiratory failure.

Extrapulmonary conditions are associated with dissemination of the pathogen, toxic, hematological and immune disorders in the patient's body. Prolonged inflammation can cause septic shock, anemia, endo- and myocarditis, meningoencephalitis, glomerulonephritis, hepatitis. But as a rule, with adequate medical care complications are not observed, but recovery can last from several weeks to months.

Protracted pneumonia should be treated as soon as possible so that it does not develop dangerous violations at the pulmonary or systemic level.

Additional diagnostics

Regardless of whether a child has developed pneumonia or an adult, a protracted inflammatory process needs to be verified. The first arguments in its favor are clinical characteristics, but further confirmation is needed. For this purpose, the doctor prescribes laboratory and instrumental studies:

  1. Complete blood count: leuko-, erythro- and platelets, ESR.
  2. Urinalysis: protein, shaped elements, salt.
  3. Blood biochemistry: protein fractions, inflammation markers (C-reactive protein, glycopeptides, sialic acids, ceruloplasmin, seromucoids), coagulogram ( prothrombin index, fibrin).
  4. Immunogram: antibodies or immunoglobulins (A, M, G), lymphocytes (T and B), complement protein activity (C3, C4 and C9).
  5. Sputum analysis (clinical and bacteriological).
  6. Chest X-ray.
  7. Tomography.
  8. Bronchoscopy.

An important criterion, besides laboratory signs persisting inflammation and immunosuppression is the absence of regression of infiltrative changes on x-rays and the appearance of peribronchitis on endoscopic examination.


Therapeutic tactics for prolonged pneumonia is formed on the basis of individual characteristics: prevalence of inflammation, activity of immunity, concomitant diseases. After evaluating all the nuances, the doctor will offer the patient the optimal therapeutic program to speed up recovery.


Prolonged pneumonia in children and adults, as well as acute process without the use of drugs. For liquidation infectious factor, suppressing inflammation, improving the discharge of pathological exudate and increasing the body's defenses, use the following medicines:

  • Antibiotics (protected penicillins, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, macrolides, cephalosporins).
  • Mucolytics and expectorants (Mukolvan, ACC, Bronchocode).
  • Anti-inflammatory (Erespal, Glyciram).
  • Immunocorrectors (Polyoxidonium, Cycloferon, Laferon).
  • Vitamins and microelements.

Any drug should be prescribed only by a doctor. Medications are taken under his supervision and without deviations from the prescribed course. This is especially important, because inadequate treatment can nullify all efforts.

It is impossible to treat prolonged pneumonia without drugs that affect the cause of the disease and the factors contributing to its long-term development.


Great importance in treatment regimens is given to methods of non-drug effects on the body. In order for inflammation in the lung tissue to resolve as soon as possible, the following procedures are prescribed:

  1. Respiratory and general medical gymnastics.
  2. Chest massage.
  3. postural drainage.
  4. Reflexology.
  5. Electrophoresis.
  6. Inhalations.

For an additional local effect with severe forms can carry out the so-called bronchoalveolar lavage, i.e. washing with solutions and evacuation of pathological exudate during bronchoscopy. And you can increase the reactivity of the body by irradiating the blood (laser or infrared).


Sometimes lingering pneumonias require surgical correction. Most often, we are talking about the removal of foreign bodies or the treatment of certain complications (pleural puncture for empyema). And when frequent relapses segmental resection of the affected lung may be considered. But in most cases, they still try to help with conservative means.

Prolonged pneumonia is not an uncommon situation. It occurs in both adults and children. And the main role in correcting this problem should be given to preventive measures aimed at early and complete cure acute inflammation lungs. And when pneumonia has passed into a protracted form, a mandatory review of therapy and its intensification is required.

You should not take treatment into your own hands - here you can not do without the help of a specialist. In order to correct therapeutic process the doctor prescribes an examination to identify the cause of the disease. Many begin to self-treat an infection that does not go away for two weeks with antibiotic therapy. This cannot be done, since antibiotics against ARVI, even if it lasts a long time, are powerless.

Usually their reception leads to the final oppression of the already affected immunity. Before engaging in self-medication, it is necessary to identify the true reason for the development and continuation of the disease. And only then decide what to do.

Often SARS takes chronic course due to concomitant diseases that have similar symptoms (for example, intoxication, allergies). Therefore, with a protracted course of pathology, mandatory diagnostics with laboratory tests is recommended.

So what to do:

In order for the infection not to last for a long time (2 weeks or a month), it is necessary to constantly maintain immunity at the proper level. To do this, it is recommended to take multivitamins, multivitamins, etc. It has been scientifically proven that B-group vitamins and D contribute to the acceleration of immune processes. Of course, you can revise the diet and eat more fruits, lean meat and vegetables, but it is still much better to take specialized vitamin complexes, then the disease will not disturb at all.

  • To sleep more

If you have not let go for a month, try to sleep more so that the body rests. An adult normally needs 7 hours night sleep per day. And this is healthy, but the patient is recommended to sleep for 2 or more hours longer. During sleep, the air in the room should be cool, so in the evening the room where the patient is resting must be ventilated.

  • drink more

Any cold, it passes in a week or two - it does not matter, it requires a plentiful drinking regime. If, at the first manifestations, such as temperature, water helps to avoid dehydration, then in a prolonged case, it helps to thin the mucus and discharge it from the bronchi.

  • Maintain hygiene

Be careful about washing your hands. They have an incredible amount pathogenic microorganisms, spreading which we independently prolong our disease by touching our mouth, nose or eyes with our hands. So be sure to wash your hands with soap!

Dangerous Complications

A protracted cold can turn out to be very undesirable consequences, and if the patient has chronic foci cause them to aggravate.

In particular serious cases the consequences can affect (meningoencephalitis) or the heart (myocarditis), which can even be fatal.

But most often complications are associated with pathologies like:

Manifested strong cough, which does not go away for a long time and is accompanied by green-yellow sputum. If the patient has SARS, chronic sinusitis or bronchitis, their exacerbation occurs.

  • Acute otitis media

This complication is associated with pathological condition middle ear and is manifested by sharp, shooting or numbing pain, may be observed purulent discharge from the ears.

  • pneumonia

The most dangerous, also known as pneumonia. Accompanied by convulsive cough with wheezing and wheezing, making breathing difficult, and fever.

  • Acute sinusitis

These are inflammatory processes in the sinuses, characterized by headache, nasal congestion, fever, disturbing the patient for more than ten days.

A protracted cold requires a strictly individual research and therapeutic approach, so it must be treated under strict medical supervision.

A protracted course of pneumonia is diagnosed in the absence of signs of regression of the pneumonic process within 6 to 8 weeks from the onset of the disease.
The reason for the recurrence of pneumonia (outwardly proceeding as prolonged pneumonia) in most cases is a cross-infection. Some pathogens (mycoplasma pneumonia, adenoviruses, chlamydia, including pathogens of ornithosis, pneumocystis) tend to cause pneumonia with a protracted course more often than others. special role play mixed viral-viral, mycoplasmal-viral, fungal-bacterial, viral-bacterial associations, hospital infection resistant to many antibiotics. Patients with a prolonged course of pneumonia have:
high seeding frequency conditionally pathogenic microbes resistant to antibiotics (usually hospital strains);
the presence of L-forms of bacteria;
features of the HLA phenotype of the child, which determine both the features of the immune response and the similarity with the antigens of opportunistic bacteria:
frequent sowing of pathogenic fungi.
Predisposing factors are:
early age of patients (up to 2 years) and the presence of concomitant diseases (severe rickets, malnutrition, chronic sinusitis, adenoiditis, anomalies of the constitution, etc.);
localization of pneumonia in the middle lobe on the right and reed segments left;
perinatal pathology (fetopathy, especially alcoholic, infectious, severe asphyxia, birth injury and etc.);
complications of pneumonia (atelectasis, lung destruction, etc.);
hereditary diseases (cystic fibrosis, immunodeficiencies, etc.);
violations of the drainage function of the bronchi due to malformations, foreign bodies, aspiration syndrome, diseases listed in paragraphs 3, 4, 5;
secondary immunodeficiencies due to polypharmacotherapy;
dysbacteriosis, foci chronic infection in the nasopharynx.
The mechanism of the origin of prolonged pneumonia is currently most often associated with a defect protective function bronchi. The vast majority of these children have catarrhal-purulent endobronchitis, as well as changes in the cellular composition, bactericidal properties of bronchial mucus, low level in the secretion of immunoglobin A and its secretory component. Of course, violations of the immunological reactivity of the body due to the above reasons are very important, but, probably, secondary violations of mucociliary clearance under the influence of the above factors are even more important.
Clinical picture
In children with chronic pneumonia, there are violations general condition: lethargy, weakness, decreased appetite, sweating, often chest pain, intermittent or constant subfebrile temperature body; cough (usually wet), shortness of breath; some pallor skin, box shade of percussion tone with limited areas of its shortening, expansion lung roots and dry, finely and medium bubbling rales heard in one place, mainly on inspiration. Auscultatory findings are often inconsistent. Wheezing is best heard in the position on the "sore side" (Yablokov's phenomenon). With the central localization of pneumonia, wheezing is better heard on the “healthy side”. Not all children have the full range of symptoms, and the decisive diagnostic value in such cases, has a chest x-ray. When radiography of the lungs, focal infiltrative changes are found, the reaction of the pleura.
The duration of the course of prolonged pneumonia is different. Even in children early age pneumonia, which lasted 4-5 months, may result in a complete recovery. Unfortunately, by clinical picture the onset of acute pneumonia, it is impossible to predict the likelihood of its protracted course. Perhaps, only local signs of hypoventilation, the presence of the premorbid background described above in this regard, can be taken into account. With prolonged segmental pneumonia, the physical data are more distinct, with focal pneumonia are usually scarce. In such patients, the clinical picture is dominated by signs of intoxication, oxygen deficiency, shortness of breath. Cough may be absent or insignificant due to the fact that the distal bronchi are affected, and the bronchi that have cough receptors are not affected.
Prolonged pneumonia - clinical and radiological diagnosis. Additional examination methods can be divided into three groups:
Indicators of the activity of the inflammatory process (clinical blood tests, blood serum proteins and their fractions, CR protein, sialic acids, etc.) and features of immunological reactivity (blood serum immunoglobins, complement titer and indicators of the state of other non-specific factors protection, T- and B-lymphoid system).
Tests to help rule out other illnesses that may masquerade as prolonged pneumonia (sweat chlorides for diagnosing cystic fibrosis, tuberculin tests, serological tests to identify etiology, etc.).
Studies aimed at objectifying the state of the lungs and bronchi, at the same time having a differential diagnostic value (lung tomography, including computed tomography, scintigraphy, assessment of external respiration functions, dopplerography pulmonary blood flow, according to indications - bronchoscopy and bronchography, etc.).
Indications for bronchoscopy are:
suspicion of a foreign body;
atelectasis, which could not be straightened conservatively within 10-14 days;
torpid to therapy purulent endobronchitis, and in acute period- violations of the patency of the lobar or segmental bronchus, which cannot be eliminated by conservative measures and significantly worsen the course of the disease.
Bronchoscopy is used as diagnostic (determination of the nature of endobronchitis, identification of the pathogen, exclusion of foreign bodies, congenital anomalies bronchial tree) and medicinal value(washing with disinfectant solutions, suction of mucus and restoration of bronchial patency).
The differential diagnosis of prolonged pneumonia is carried out with chronic pneumonia, recurrent bronchitis, aspiration syndrome, foreign bodies, atelectasis, tuberculosis, hereditary and congenital pathology lung, chronic obstructive bronchiolitis.
The therapy has the following goals: ^
effect on the pathogen
normalization of local changes in the bronchi and lung parenchyma,
stimulation of adaptive and defensive reactions organism,
elimination or correction of the cause that led to the protracted course of pneumonia.
Indications for antibiotic therapy sulfa drugs should be carefully weighed in each patient, based on the presence of signs of intoxication, fever, hemogram and changes in the indicators of "indicators of the activity of the inflammatory process." It must be remembered that long-term antibiotic therapy has many side effects, complications. It is optimal when prescribing antibiotics to be guided by the results of microbiological and serological research. Mandatory are the prevention and treatment of the inevitable in patients with prolonged pneumonia dysbacteriosis (courses of lacto-, bifidumbacterin, bificol, herbal medicine, choleretic, antifungal drugs).
Normalization of the function of external respiration is achieved:
oxygen and aerotherapy, air ionization;
appointment according to the indications of sputum thinners: proteolytic enzymes and herbal infusions in an aerosol, mucolytic agents, local application drugs for bronchoscopic, sanitation;
physical therapy, postural (positional) drainage using vibration massage.
Stimulation of the adaptive and protective forces of the body is achieved by an optimal therapeutic and protective regimen, diet (increased calorie content due to proteins and fats, fortification of food, exclusion or restriction of extractive and allergenic substances), exercise therapy, herbal medicine, prescription complex therapy described in the section "treatment of secondary immunodeficiencies".
Phytotherapy is an essential component of treatment. Apply miscellaneous fees herbs. You can also recommend this: coltsfoot (leaves) - 20 g, large plantain (leaves) - 30 g, licorice root - 30 g, tricolor violet - 20 g. ) in a thermos and after 30 minutes you can drink 1-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day for 1.5-2 months.
Dispensary observation
Children with a protracted course of pneumonia are under joint dispensary supervision of a pediatrician and a pulmonologist at a polyclinic. The duration and order of alternation of courses of therapy is determined individually. In the future, the expediency of prescribing combined courses of treatment depends on the condition of the child, physical data and on whether it was possible to cure concomitant diseases and conditions. Early detection and treatment of patients is essential respiratory diseases in the family, which contributes to more speedy recovery and prevents re-infection of the child.
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