Who completed the zenith arena. What remains to be completed at the stadium on Krestovsky Island and who will complete the construction. Backlog and lack of workforce

The authorities of St. Petersburg terminated the contract with the general contractor of the football stadium being built for the 2018 World Cup.

Economist Alexey Podymov comments:

Will it be possible to complete the construction on time without extra costs?

Just a year before the first official match of the Confederations Cup, which, one way or another, should take place in St. Petersburg, the construction of the long-suffering Zenit Arena was again suspended. The authorities of the northern capital immediately terminated all previously concluded contracts with the main builder of the stadium - the Inzhtransstroy-SPb company. Moreover, this was done unilaterally, and apparently completely unexpectedly for everyone.

What, in fact, did not suit the authorities of the northern capital? The mayor's office does not hide this at all. First of all, there is complete lack of control over expenses by Inzhtransstroy. Although already this year it was the city that repeatedly made changes to the project, without at all supporting it financially.

So, "Zenit-Arena", which is often called by the name of the main sponsor of the St. Petersburg football club "Gazprom-Arena" again fully justified its unfortunate reputation. Multiple price increases, accompanied by a whole series of corruption scandals, have more than once led to a change in developers and a halt in work.

Now the Inzhtransstroy-SPb company, which almost eight years ago assumed the difficult obligations of the general contractor, must not only stop work, but also remove all equipment from the construction site, as well as hand over all design and estimate documentation to those who will replace it . Remove quickly - no more than a month, because otherwise there may not be time for finishing work at all.

In addition, it is necessary to promptly hold a tender for the completion of the arena, although if desired, as was already the case at several Sochi-2014 facilities, the general contractor can simply be appointed by order from above. On this occasion, it is impossible not to recall that the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov noted that the head of state "would not like to turn on the manual control mode." But with such a development of events, additional and very serious expenses will be almost inevitable, it is possible that directly from the federal budget.

Nevertheless, despite the organizational problems, construction has not been stopped - apparently, there are enough works that can be done, so to speak, "on parole". In general, it is planned to transfer student teams to the position of unitary enterprises and get rid of strings for contracting offices, and engineering personnel from the same Inzhtransstroy are literally bombarded with job offers. Actually, this is understandable - subcontractors are connected with the city authorities by a series of contracts and agreements that no one has yet broken.

At the same time, the dismissed general contractor complains about the city to the prosecutor's office. Despite the fact that the deadlines for submitting applications for the competition and even the publication of its results in August have been announced, the situation is only becoming more and more confusing.

In the meantime, the deadline for completion of construction, which only FIFA can arrange, is December 2016. If later, St. Petersburg will have to forget about the Confederations Cup. But it is in St. Petersburg, unlike most other Russian cities, that for many years there have been no problems with the attendance of football matches. However, after Euro 2016, even here they can simply spit on football. And above all, to "our football".

It remains to be recalled that the construction of a new stadium on the site of the legendary Kirovsky, which could accommodate no less than 84 thousand spectators, began to be built back in 2007. The then authorities of St. Petersburg signed the first contract with the general contractor for a ridiculous amount of 6.7 billion rubles. Then the price of the issue changed more than once - of course, in the direction of growth. Someone, in the wake of the scandals around the Zenit Arena, lost their seats in leadership offices, someone, on the contrary, was promoted - up to the minister. As a result, the cost of construction seems to have been frozen at a level slightly above 40 billion rubles, which, taking into account the depreciation of the ruble, is no longer a record amount for stadiums of this magnitude.

The last contractor did not excel too much in terms of financial requests, the situation did not allow it, but he also missed the last “deadline” deadlines. The media immediately began to doubt the official information that the work was almost 98% completed. And as practice shows, the transfer of the remaining 2 percent to the spring of 2016 gave practically nothing - the new deadline for commissioning the object - December this year - is already under threat.

Public discussions around the construction of a stadium for FC Zenit on Krestovsky Island in terms of intensity of passions are comparable, perhaps, only with discussions on the construction of a complex of protective structures, which did not subside at one time. However, the stadium confidently seizes the palm from the dam, claiming to remain in the memory of St. Petersburg residents as the most resonant long-term construction. Details - in the material "Federal Press".

"Not the most expensive"

The new football arena, which is planned to be transferred to the management of FC Zenit in the future, was founded back in 2007. Since then, the project's estimate has repeatedly grown against the backdrop of statements by regional and federal politicians that its growth has finally stopped.

Initially, the cost of the contract for the construction of the stadium, the competition for which was held at the end of 2006, was 6.6 billion rubles. Then the work was planned to be completed by the end of 2008. The plans were corrected by the need to build a stadium according to FIFA world standards. As a result, in 2008 it was entrusted to complete the construction of it to the company Inzhtransstroy SPb. Then it was planned to complete the work by November 15, 2011, having spent 13 billion rubles on them.

In 2016, the stadium is still not completed. Its cost on June 1 traditionally increased for the last time by another 4.3 billion rubles, amounting to 39.2 billion rubles as a result.

Reporting to the President on the results of the construction of the arena in August 2014, Georgy Poltavchenko, Acting Governor of St. Petersburg at that time, noted that “there really were failures, but today they simply cannot be.” “The figure that was indicated, it will be fulfilled, and not a penny more,” he assured. And he noted: "I was happy to learn that this stadium is not the most expensive."

How the general contractor and Smolny quarreled

Two years are left before the games of the world football championship in St. Petersburg, matches of the Confederations Cup - only a year. Meanwhile, on Wednesday evening, several dozen subcontractors employed at the Zenit Arena came out to protest against wage delays. They were reassured by Vice Governor Igor Albin, who arrived at the scene, and the city prosecutor's office, which at the federal level promised to look into the situation.

The protest of the workers became the reason for the confrontation between the city authorities and the company - the general contractor for the construction of the stadium. On Thursday, the Inzhtransstroy Spb company issued a statement to the media that the administration of the Northern capital, which is the customer of the work, is doing everything possible to disrupt the construction deadlines. Among the organizers of the rally of builders were named subcontractors "Leokam", "Elprom" and "Construction Department 620". The company appealed to the Governor Georgy Poltavchenko, notifying him of the actual suspension of the execution of previously concluded contracts.

“Representatives of the city administration do not take the necessary actions to resolve the tension around the construction of the stadium, but contribute to the worsening of the situation by spreading information about the general contractor that is not only unrelated to reality, but also discredits the business reputation of one of the most professional construction companies in Russia,” noted in a statement.

The contractor also indicated that he had received less than 1 billion rubles for work performed earlier and had missed compensation for losses that arose due to the sharp devaluation of the ruble.

And who will finish it in the end?

The situation around the Zenit Arena began to develop rapidly on Friday, when Smolny announced that two years before the 2018 World Cup and a year before the Confederations Cup, the general contractor of the construction would still be replaced.

“Given the tight deadlines for completing work at the facility against the backdrop of low rates of work, extremely low dynamics in the development of funding limits, given the lack of a proper and prompt response to customer instructions, unjustified red tape in making managerial, technical and production decisions, low mobilization of labor resources and low culture production, poor quality of work, etc., realizing that such a line of behavior jeopardizes the commissioning of the stadium within the time frame determined by the city and country authorities, a difficult, but the only possible decision in this situation was made to early terminate state contracts with LLC " Transstroy Engineering Corporation and Transstroy Corporation JSC, Igor Albin said on Friday.

His press service distributed a voluminous letter to the media, in which the claims against Inzhtransstroy SPb were described in detail. It reported on the transfer to law enforcement agencies of information about a deficit of 2.5 billion rubles identified at the construction site and about another request from the contractor to add another 4.3 billion rubles for construction.

One way or another, if earlier only the estimate and deadline for the completion of the stadium were corrected, now it is also unclear who will complete its construction. According to Inzhtransstroy SPb, the city has few alternatives.

“One gets the impression that the customer has realized that the evasion of making decisions on the project has created a real threat of disruption to construction, and is looking for a way to shift the blame to the general contractor,” emphasizes the text of the letter from the company, which Interfax cites. “In addition, we doubt that under the current conditions, the customer will be able to find another sufficiently professional general contractor on the market to perform the required amount of work under tight deadlines and existing difficulties with financing and documentation.”

"A monument to corruption is being built"

Many questions about the Zenit Arena remain unanswered, but one thing is clear for sure: the discussions around this long-term construction are already rather tired of St. Petersburg residents. But many still wonder how a stadium in a federal city before the World Cup can be built for about a dozen years.

“Petersburg loves long-term construction. St. Isaac's Cathedral: 1819–1858 KZS St. Petersburg from floods (dam): 1979–2011. #ZenithArena: 2008–?”, – user goodvin29 sneers on Twitter. “A big top for a billion $ for a circus with #Mamaev and #Kokorin With such #football - swing for a ruble, hit for a penny #ZenitArena #Peter,” says user Shvedova Iuliia. They are echoed by many other users, whose messages are mostly less meaningful and not intended for printing.

Even the intelligent residents of the Northern capital are, to put it mildly, tired of the news about the construction of the Zenit Arena, which was expressed in words by the famous fan of blue-white-blue Mikhail Boyarsky. “Everything is so neglected there that it is already necessary to tear off several layers. Then we will understand what happened at the beginning and where the ears grow from, ”he said in an interview with Sport-Express. Until the President intervenes, nothing will change. As we say, a monument to corruption is being built.”

Photo piterarena.com

Moscow. August 10. website - JSC "Metrostroy" became the winner of the tender for the completion of the football stadium "Zenit-Arena" on Krestovsky Island in St. Petersburg, which is being built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. This is reported in the materials on the public procurement website.

The cost of the city's contract with Metrostroy corresponds to the maximum possible price and will amount to 5.4 billion rubles.

The second bidder admitted to the tender was Okhrana Group of Companies LLC, which offered to complete the stadium at the same price.

Earlier, the committee rejected the application for participation in the tender of another applicant - Tekhnoprom LLC, which offered to complete the construction of the facility for 5 billion rubles.

Metrostroy also became the winner of the tender for the improvement of the area around the stadium, the contract will be concluded at the maximum price - 2.4 billion rubles. The group of companies "Protection" with the same price parameters of the application also acted as a competitor of the company within the framework of this tender.

Two companies - Tekhnoprom and Nika-2000 Construction Company LLC - were not admitted to the tender. In the rejected bids, they offered to perform work for 2.22 billion rubles and 2.25 billion rubles, respectively.

"Metrostroy" was founded in 1941, specializes in the construction of subways, energy facilities and engineering systems. According to the "" database, the company is 25% owned by the State Unitary Enterprise "Petersburg Metro", 21% - by the Property Relations Committee of St. Petersburg, about 14% are owned by the General Director of "Metrostroy" Vadim Alexandrov, about 24% - owned by his son Nikolai Alexandrova. The remaining shares are owned by citizens of Russia, Germany, Ukraine and Estonia.

The city government has previously terminated the contract with the former general contractor of construction - the company "Inzhtransstroy SPb". The reasons for the termination of cooperation, according to the authorities, were the repeated disruption of construction schedules, failure to comply with the rules of fire, anti-terrorist safety, as well as the failure to eliminate the customer's comments on the quality of work performed. According to the customer, the general contractor also allowed misappropriation of budget funds.

In turn, Inzhtransstroy SPb stated that the problems with the construction of the stadium were "a consequence of the policies and actions of the construction committee and, in particular, the construction curator I.N. Albin ( Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin - IF)".

To date, the construction of the stadium has been completely stopped.

A new stadium on Krestovsky Island began to be built for the Zenit football club in 2007 on the site of the Kirov stadium. In connection with the application for the 2018 World Cup, after the start of construction, the project was sent for revision so that the stadium fully complies with FIFA requirements for capacity and safety. The new stadium will be designed for 68 thousand spectators, the total area of ​​the facility will be about 280 thousand square meters. m. The cost of the stadium exceeds 30 billion rubles and is constantly being adjusted. The facility should be put into operation by the end of 2016.

1. In the tenth year of the war, the Greeks took Troy, but again this period was not enough for the builders of the stadium.

Official "completion of construction" is scheduled for December 26, but, according to the workers, after the holidays, the finishing work inside the bowl will continue as if nothing had happened, and it will take at least two weeks to complete them. The delivery of engineering networks, the repair of a roll-out field criticized by FIFA, the installation of security systems and much more will stretch for months. And ahead is still bringing the field in line with the requirements of UEFA, which, as admitted in Smolny, will cost new billions of rubles.

2. When the fans do get to the first match, they are shocked by the chairs.

Firstly, they are all different, and the seats of 50 shades of blue and light blue are distributed in a completely random order, and it is difficult to see any design intent here, even with a strong desire. Secondly, many of the already assembled chairs look like they were removed from the old Kirov stadium before demolition, and often broken ones come across.

But then everything will probably be blamed on the fans, - the handyman Mikhail jokes, who sent eloquent photos.

In general, the seats of the Zenith Arena have a dramatic fate. For some reason, most of them were bought back in 2009 in Germany for a fabulous 287 million rubles (4.5 thousand for each), and then they were stored right under the open sky in the cold. This fact was revealed by the Chamber of Control and Accounts. UEFA declared the seats unusable, but then they somehow managed to "rehabilitate".

3. On the tiles in the aisles and corridors, it is better to walk on tiptoe.

According to the workers, it has to be shifted regularly. Two days before the surrender, numerous gaps still gaped in the floors. According to one of the builders, it will continue to crack underfoot, as the technology is violated during the installation process: tile glue is forgotten to be carefully applied around the edges.

4. Strange things are still happening from the scoreboard on which the former vice-governor Hovhannisyan was burned.

One of them was mounted at the very last moment, and a cover was hung on the frame in place of the second. Many either jokingly or seriously say that there is actually no screen under the cover yet.

5. If the opening match had taken place on December 26, the stadium announcer might not have shouted to the fans.

The fact is that the speakers, like the seats, were decided to be mounted in advance in order to meet the deadlines, and, according to the construction participants, since then they have become very dusty.

However, they were not tested prior to delivery.

6. Plans and schedules for the production of works stably lag behind the production of these same works.

On our floor, according to the plan, the completion of work on December 12, but in fact, three days before delivery, they didn’t even clean anything else, - one of the builders admits.

7. Construction and not very garbage filled many rooms.

8. The permanent flood becomes part of the unique style of the Zenith Arena.

9. Workers still complain about the delay in wages, and providence is still deaf to their pleas.

In the office of one of the contractors, they promised 2,160 rubles per day of work. I worked six full shifts of 12 hours. The money was received only from the third time. The first two times I was invited, and then for some reason my name was not on the lists, or they said that the organization had no money, since the customer had not yet transferred anything to the company. As a result, instead of 12 thousand, I was paid two. The rest promise to give out sometime later, exactly after the New Year, - Ruslan said.

By the way, it was the mess with payments and the subsequent demarche of workers in the summer that served as one of the external reasons for changing the general contractor, but little has changed since then.

10. For one wrong move, a worker can lose one and a half months of earnings.

11. But at the facility you can pull up foreign languages ​​well.

12. And learn to take care of yourself.

As Oscar Wilde said, a true gentleman should bathe at least once a year.

13. Toilets, by the way, could also be used for other purposes.

In any case, many of them became clogged and on the eve of commissioning were clearly not ready.

as the most The sources of "DP" name the probable new general contractor for the construction of the stadium on Krestovsky Island as the State Unitary Enterprise "Vodokanal".

Recall today(July 15) Smolny notified Inzhtransstroy of the termination of the contract for the construction of the stadium. At the same time, in order not to disrupt the deadlines, the new general contractor will have to accept the work as quickly as possible.

However, according to "DP", "Inzhtransstroy" is not going to give up without a fight. The company's lawyers are ready to present multi-billion dollar claims to Smolny for unpaid work, for changes in estimates and for delays in coordinating project documentation.

In today's official statement "Inzhtransstroy" says that the company hopes for the participation of the federal authorities in the conflict. "For the federal authorities, the World Cup is much more important than for the committee for the construction of St. Petersburg," the company says.

Smolny resolutely determined to terminate the contract. Back at the beginning of the week, they assured that everything was going well at the construction site, but now they are already declaring that they do not understand where the 2.5 billion rubles in advance paid to Inzhtransstroy disappeared. According to Vice Governor Igor Albin, the construction committee sent a statement to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region about the loss of this amount.

What's left to do

The general contractor is being changed a few months before the commissioning of the facility: in December of this year, the stadium is planned to be commissioned. According to Inzhtransstroy, 85% of the work has been completed. Note that we are talking about contracts for which acts of acceptance of work have been signed.

Fully installed metal structures on the roof and roll-out field. But there is a lot of work left to do in field engineering, say the interlocutors of DP, who are familiar with the progress of work. All types of concreting and installation of stained-glass windows are almost completed. More than 90% roofing completed. As "DP" found out, it remains to mount a translucent coating (film) on the "lens" of the roof at the stadium. Most of the work on the installation of elevators and escalators has also been completed.

How much work has been done at the Zenit Arena

Source: "Transstroy"

Meanwhile, several Representatives of companies that worked at the stadium on a subcontract told DP that they had completed the work for which they were involved, but did not receive payment precisely because of the lack of acceptance certificates for the work. “We have done everything. The workers left the facility. But we don’t know how to get the act drawn up. It seems that there is simply no money, and in order not to have to give it out, they find formal reasons not to sign the acts,” the source said.

Thus, based on the reviews of subcontractors, the percentage of actually completed work tends to 90. Of course, finishing work, furniture installation, work on the facade, landscaping - all this is still ahead. Then the setup phase should begin.

Who will do

"Responsible official Sergey Morozov, the head of the construction committee, has been appointed the person responsible for the transfer of the unfinished capital construction object from the city, who has been instructed to form a commission for the acceptance and transfer of the object, as well as engineering, technical and financial documentation," said Vice Governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin.

main contender State Unitary Enterprise "Vodokanal" is considered to be the new general contractor for the work. At the State Unitary Enterprise, all the questions of "DP" were answered laconically on this matter: "At the moment, Vodokanal is performing work at the stadium under an agreement for the provision of services for the temporary operation of external sewer networks. Issues related to the interaction between the customer and the general contractor, and also by other subcontractors, are not within the competence of our enterprise.

However, as reported DP "employees of Vodokanal, who wished to remain anonymous, yesterday the head of the enterprise Felix Karmazinov said that the city was in a difficult situation in connection with the construction of the stadium and the duty of the State Unitary Enterprise is to provide support. He also instructed the employees to communicate with subcontractors who work at the stadium, understand the problems of their work, discuss the prospects for cooperation.

"Vodokanal" and himself works at the stadium, so he is generally familiar with the progress of work. In addition, yesterday the security of the stadium was strengthened with the help of employees of the Vodopad enterprise, which traditionally guards the facilities of Vodokanal.

Another interlocutor " DP ", who is familiar with the stadium construction process, noted that Metrostroy could also be involved in general contracting functions, but due to the company's poor relations with Smolny, this is now unlikely.

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