Barrier-free environment for the disabled. Barrier-free event environment. Barrier-free environment for people with limited mobility

Sergei Sobyanin's plan to make the capital comfortable for people with disabilities looks incredible so far. Yes, 500 low-lift buses have already been launched, 27 out of 200 metro stations have been equipped with lifts for the disabled, several hundred road signs and a dozen special traffic lights have appeared on the streets. Special parking lots were even organized, and the administration of large shopping centers now provides in its buildings all the infrastructure necessary for people with limited mobility. But so far, all these efforts are just a drop in the ocean.

A huge number of pedestrian crossings, tram stops, metro stations are not equipped with the necessary means for the movement of disabled people. A complete reconstruction of Moscow at the moment is simply impossible to do - at least because of problems with traffic jams and round-the-clock overcrowding of public transport. And yet, the fact remains: today's Moscow is not the best city for a person in a wheelchair.

Let's take a look at an approximate list of necessary elements for the free movement of people with limited mobility:

All entrances of the city should have special lifts and ramps.
All traffic lights must have audio guidance.
Pedestrian crossings should be easily accessible.
All public transport stops should be on the same level as buses, trams, minibuses, trolleybuses.
All car parks must have at least three disabled parking areas. And also, if necessary, an elevator.
Elevators at all metro stations.

There are many more such points, but let's focus on this for now. One of the main cultural streets of the capital is Ostozhenka. It originates from the Prechistensky Gate Square and reaches the Krymskaya Square - and along its entire length there is not a single object adapted for a sedentary citizen. People with disabilities simply cannot take advantage of the citywide amenities of this street. At the entrance to the restaurants on Ostozhenka, there are high thresholds and steps, and the height of the curb stone is not enough for a comfortable boarding of the bus.

It is worth paying attention to the tram tracks. The tram is the most dangerous transport for a disabled person or a pensioner. Historical cars definitely have the charm of antiquity and gather supporters around them to leave them in service, but having become hopelessly outdated, they should give way to more convenient, thoughtful and practical cars, and themselves go to the disposal of the museum. Old trams have three entrance steps, and this is an insurmountable obstacle for most people with limited mobility. According to statistics PricewaterhouseCoopers Moscow ranks 23rd in the list of the richest cities in the world, but at the same time, apparently, it does not have the ability to order a certain number of trams so as not to endanger people. New generation trams have been launched on only three routes, and this is a catastrophically slow pace of development.

Back in 2014, the Transport Department of the city of Moscow adopted the next draft of the program "Transport of Moscow without Borders" and it contains items on the mobile and general development of the transport system of the capital. The Moscow Traffic Organization Center reports: “ In the city of Moscow, 84 road signs 8.15 "Blind pedestrians", 224 signs 8.17 "Disabled people", 7 signs 8.18 "Except for disabled people" are currently installed. In 2014, 200 road signs 8.17 "Disabled people"* were installed. At the same time, as part of a pilot project, modern equipment was installed at 30 traffic lights in Moscow - sound-vibration modules that will help people with visual and hearing disabilities to cross the road.”

Reconstruction plan of Leninsky Prospekt

And here is another statement from the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the city of Moscow from 2014: “ It should be noted that in 2014, 512 bus stops and 31 tram platforms will be adapted for people with limited mobility in Moscow. They will be equipped with posters with route numbers, handrails and communication devices with the dispatcher. 350 million rubles will be spent on the modernization of all public transport stops. In addition, 400 traffic lights will be equipped with sound. Boarding platforms will also be built on tram tracks for people with limited mobility. The height of the platforms will coincide with the level of the lower step of the tram.In addition, in 2014 the city authorities will create an electronic interactive map with vacancies for people with limited mobility so that they can find a job in their area».

Can these figures be considered a success? Definitely not. Against the background of a city with a population of 12.3 million (registered citizens only), the numbers of the TSODD seem insignificant. What is 30 traffic lights and 300 warning signs in 2 years for the fifth program? By the way, from 1.2 to 1.7 million people with disabilities live in Moscow. And these are only those who received a special certificate. Comparing the figures and graphs of the population, we can conclude that this is no longer just a problem, but a global catastrophe within the capital.

What is most unpleasant in all this is that the work is not carried out for the citizens of the city, but for those who will arrive in this city in 2018 for the World Cup. Departments begin to work only before events that are important for the prestige of the country and try in every possible way not to fall face down in front of the world community. Perhaps this is just a coincidence, but all city projects are designed for a period up to June 2018.

Let's summarize. Compared to past decades, Moscow has changed beyond recognition, but several museums adapted for the disabled, three tram routes, several dozen metro stations with elevators and the same number of traffic lights in a giant metropolis are not enough. Today, a car and the help of relatives remain the main assistants in the movement of a person with disabilities. True, we still have hope that by 2018 a city dweller with limited mobility will still be able to drive under his own power from one end of Moscow to the other, without making extra efforts for his trip - and then with pride and confidence it will be possible to say: "Moscow is a city for everyone."

Creating a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities is a paramount task for any developed society, as well as an urgent direction of the state's social policy. An accessible environment is a complex that includes equipping various urban facilities with products that will help people with disabilities much better navigate in space, move more freely on the street or inside buildings and more easily adapt to independent living.

Accessible environment for people with disabilities and other people with limited mobility (AMG) is, first of all, a combination of requirements and conditions for urban design, infrastructure facilities and transport, which allow people with disabilities to move freely in space and receive the necessary information for a comfortable life.

Creating a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities is the primary task of any developed society, as well as the current direction of the social policy of the state.

An accessible environment is a complex that includes equipping various urban facilities with products that will help people with disabilities much better navigate in space, move more freely on the street or inside buildings, and more easily adapt to an independent life.

It is not enough just to make a ramp for wheelchair users. It is necessary to equip the facility with all types of accessibility for all categories: for the visually impaired and the blind, for the hearing impaired and the deaf, for people with impaired musculoskeletal functions and other people with limited mobility.

This handbook is intended to clarify the concept of Accessible Environment and visualize what is needed to make the environment accessible to people with various types of disabilities.

Low mobility groups of the population (LMP) It's not just wheelchair users. In fact, anyone can be in such a group. In accordance with regulatory documents Disabled populations include:

- disabled people with damage to the musculoskeletal system
(including disabled people using wheelchairs);
- visually impaired people;
- people with hearing impairments;
- elderly people (60 years and older);
- temporarily disabled;
- pregnant women;
- people with prams;
- children of preschool age.

People with limited mobility, in addition to people with disabilities, include many more social groups. Although, everything that is made convenient for the disabled will be convenient for all other citizens, even if they do not have physical limitations. According to the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, there are about 60 million such people in the country.

There are different types of physical and sensory limitations and, of course, very different needs in terms of environmental adjustment. A significant change in infrastructure is required for a full life for people with severe impairment of the musculoskeletal system, vision and hearing.

When we talk about an accessible environment for disabled people - supporters, then the image of a disabled person in a wheelchair immediately arises, and, of course, a ramp for him.

The way new buildings, yards, public places should look in order to be comfortable for these millions is dictated by building rules.

Ten years ago, the state program "Accessible Environment" for the disabled was adopted, aimed at creating a comfortable life in settlements. Among the multi-million population of our country, 8.2% of the inhabitants are people with diseases, as a result, with disabilities. Many of them are diagnosed with disabilities at an early age. This fact poses serious questions for the adaptation of this category of people to the authorities and the state.

The essence of the Federal program

The organization of a barrier-free environment for the disabled is a project developed by the authorities, the primary goal of which is to protect and support sections of society if they are limited in their actions for any reason.

These are measures supported by the state at the time of the implementation of the program, both at the federal and regional levels. They assist in the rehabilitation of patients. Attention is paid to people who belong to a sedentary group. They need help for many different reasons.

The state program was initially approved in the fall of 2008 after a document coming from the Government of the Russian Federation. This was another confirmation that the country is ready to fight for the rights of the disabled. The society is concerned about the provision of access for persons with disabilities to public services, services in clinics, and other services that are familiar to ordinary citizens, since they do not have problems associated with the complexity of obtaining them. Initially, the organization of an accessible environment for the disabled was planned for a minimum period, but the positive attitude of citizens towards it proved the need to continue.

Goals and objectives of the program

There is a huge proportion of talented people among citizens with varying degrees of disability in the country. Prior to the adoption of the law, there was no access in the Russian Federation to the objects of social life, to the right to engage in creative work. This was due to the absolute lack of a basis for the implementation of the practice. The adoption of new legal acts has become an opportunity to do what you love and not feel left out in society.

Dmitry Medvedev, during a recent conversation with representatives of a narrow circle of organizations, noted: “Non-standard situations can take anyone by surprise. Society and the state must be prepared to ensure that people who find themselves in a non-standard situation are not left alone with the disease.”

Priority tasks:

  1. Establishment of a legislative framework that would guarantee access to the facilities and services of the social infrastructure for the disabled on an equal basis with citizens who are absolutely healthy physically.
  2. The construction of new institutions in the cities necessary for the improvement, further rehabilitation of citizens, their education.
  3. Training of new personnel in the field of providing assistance to citizens, both with poor eyesight and with no less complex other diseases.
  4. Providing targeted support to people with hearing / visual impairments in finding a job in various institutions to develop and demonstrate the availability of the social environment. The main vector of the direction of this project is the collection of feedback from citizens. The data obtained should relate to the moments of cooperation with the hearing impaired and citizens who, for other reasons, have limited opportunities. The program is becoming an excellent way to establish productive work of the physically healthy population with disabilities.

Based on the list of main goals, federal laws set two main tasks for all institutions operating in the country:

  • organization of new places of work for all categories of citizens in the country;
  • provision of absolutely free services for the disabled in all operating medical institutions.

Creating an Accessible Environment for the Disabled

At the federal, regional level, governments are required to carry out a whole list of important actions within the framework of the current federal program. It is important to increase the current value of the established indicators. Services and facilities in every field of activity must be accessible to all persons with disabilities. Clear time limits, a specific procedure for the development of these measures are legislatively approved by regulatory legal acts that entered into force relatively recently, in 2016. Since 2016, the regions have been independently implementing the requirements of all Federal Laws and other laws within the framework of the project on their territories.

The governor of each region personally supervises all actions taking place within the framework of this program. It is he who sets the right vector of development in this matter. Citizens in need of support can always count on receiving it in the shortest possible time.

Recently, the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labor and Social Policy noted: “Thanks to the implementation of the project, it was almost immediately possible to clearly identify the nuances of an integrated approach. Each city has already written an action plan for the near future until 2020.”

Infrastructure Development

In one of the capital's laws regarding the accessibility of facilities for socialization for disabled people, it is noted: everyone must be equipped with equipment:

  • information in a visual, audio format,
  • signs located near buildings that are being renovated or under construction,
  • signaling at each active traffic light,
  • means of communication that are user-friendly for all persons with disabilities. By 2020, in order to avoid penalties, all facilities must be equipped with them without fail.
  • sanitary rooms,
  • ramps,
  • special signs for traffic in improved parks and other recreational areas.

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Designing a barrier-free living environment for people with limited static-dynamic functions in buildings and structures.

general information

One of the factors that determine the degree of civilization of a society is its attitude towards people suffering from various kinds of ailments. Statistical studies have shown that people suffering from disorders of the musculoskeletal functions in the world are approximately 10% of the total population on the planet.

The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, Article 17 states: “The Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations create conditions for unhindered access of persons with disabilities (including persons with disabilities using wheelchairs and guide dogs) to social facilities. infrastructure (residential, public and industrial buildings, buildings and structures, sports facilities, recreation areas, cultural and entertainment and other institutions), as well as for the unimpeded use of air, rail, road, water transport and all types of urban and suburban passenger transport, means communications and information. Urban planning and development of urban and rural settlements, development of project documentation for the construction, reconstruction of buildings, structures and structures and their complexes, engineering and transport infrastructure facilities without taking into account the provision of conditions for unhindered access of disabled people to engineering, transport and social infrastructure facilities and the use of such facilities by disabled people is not allowed” and sedentary groups of the population into society, and provide them with equal conditions with other members of society when entering the labor market, education and recreation by creating a barrier-free living environment.

Solving these problems requires the participation of the entire healthy part of the country's population. The legal basis for this is the Decrees of the Government of Russia, relevant laws, GOSTs and other regulatory documents. But the most important thing in this work is the moral code of each participant in this process.

At present, in Moscow, and in the country as a whole, the necessary legal framework has been created that provides people with impaired musculoskeletal functions, functions of the organs of vision and hearing with comfortable conditions for their life in the social, transport and engineering infrastructures of the urban economy.

It is known that all new projects of buildings and structures, as well as structures subject to major repairs, should provide for the creation of a barrier-free environment during their implementation.

Ensuring the creation of a barrier-free environment is largely solved through the use of adaptive office equipment such as: devices for sanitary and hygienic places, vehicles, toilet chairs, handrails and other office equipment.

One of the elements in creating a barrier-free living environment are lifting vehicles (PTS). These are “mini-elevators” for individual use, designed for a lifting height of up to 4-6 meters (vertical); PTS of inclined movement with a load-carrying device in the form of a platform, designed for a lifting height of up to 30 meters, with a load capacity of not more than 225-300 kg or with a load-bearing device in the form of a chair with a load capacity of 130 kg; mobile autonomous PTS with a carrying capacity of 130 kg.

Accessibility of buildings and structures

A review and analysis of domestic and foreign press on the rehabilitation and adaptation of people suffering from violations of static-dynamic functions allows us to conclude that for the accessibility of buildings and structures, it is possible to create the necessary and sufficient conditions for an integrated, complete, interconnected “barrier-free living environment” (BCW).

BSZH can be formed due to:

  • use of ramps and handrails in entrance groups and inside buildings;
  • equipping residential premises with adaptive office equipment (kitchens, living rooms, sanitary and hygienic places);
  • the use of an autonomous mobile OB van both indoors and in the entrance groups of buildings and structures, as well as in the landscape area adjacent to them;
  • PTS of inclined and vertical movement.

Entrance group of buildings.

All buildings and structures that can be used by people with disabilities must have at least one entrance accessible to them, which, if necessary, must be equipped with a ramp or other devices (lifting devices for inclined or vertical movement) that make it possible for citizens of this category to rise to the level entrance to the building, its first floor or elevator hall.

The entrance to the building is flush with the sidewalk without stairs and ramps - this is the ideal solution to the problem of unhindered access in the design of buildings and structures.

Doors to buildings and premises on the paths of a person in a wheelchair should not have thresholds, or their height should not exceed 0.025 m and, if possible, have automatic opening (closing) devices.

Internal premises.

Interior spaces must be equipped with:

  1. A set of support rails in accordance with current standards and building codes.
  2. Adaptive means of office equipment, including sanitary and hygienic places, living rooms and kitchens for barrier-free access to them by people with limited musculoskeletal functions.

Garages and parkings

At each parking lot of vehicles (near residential buildings, manufacturing enterprises, trade and service enterprises, medical, sports, cultural and entertainment institutions, enterprises), at least 10 percent of places equipped with special signs and markings are allocated for parking special vehicles of disabled people who do not must be occupied by other vehicles.

Unhindered access must be provided to parking spaces, excluding high curbs, narrow passages (drives), etc.

Availability of garden and park, landscape areas and squares adjacent to buildings and structures.

To ensure barrier-free access for people to various social and cultural facilities (cinema and concert hall, sports ground, swimming pool, natural landscape zone, etc.), including those moving in wheelchairs, the approach paths (entrance) must be equipped with anti-slip coatings and anti-slip means.

The slopes of footpaths and sidewalks should not exceed: longitudinal - 5%, transverse - 1-2%.

On difficult terrain, provision should be made for the construction of serpentine tracks with slopes within the normal range, as well as the use of ramps and various lifting devices, both stationary and mobile.

At the intersection of pedestrian paths with the carriageway of streets and roads, a reduced curb of sufficient width (at least 900 mm) and with a safe height of side stones (at least 2.5 cm) should be provided.

All stairs in the path of a person in a wheelchair must be duplicated by ramps or lifts.

In residential areas, along pedestrian paths and sidewalks intended for movement, rest areas with benches should be provided (at least every 300 m).

Universal means for such cases can be mobile autonomous lifts, the use of which for people moving in wheelchairs practically nullifies barriers both in park and garden areas, and indoors.


  • Rehabilitation equipment: chair stair lifts for the disabled, inclined and vertical lifts, mini-lifts, etc.
  • Means of rehabilitation and adaptation technology
  • Price list for the products of the company "Mash XXI century"
  • Presentation “Equipment for barrier-free movement in the habitat of disabled people of all categories. Lifting vehicles. Means of adaptive office equipment»
  • Newsletter "Products of adaptation and rehabilitation equipment for people with impaired musculoskeletal functions, hearing and vision"
  • Video materials "Use of equipment for barrier-free movement of wheelchair users"

  • Disabled platforms and lifts for the disabled SERVELIFT. A photo
  • Disabled platforms and lifts for the disabled SERVELIFT. SERVELIFT K100 inclined elevators
  • Disabled platforms and lifts for the disabled SERVELIFT. SERVELIFT T60 platform stairlifts
  • Disabled platforms and lifts for the disabled SERVELIFT. SERVELIFT T50 platform stairlifts
  • Disabled platforms and lifts for the disabled SERVELIFT. SERVELIFT V10/V20 - technical data
  • Disabled platforms and lifts for the disabled SERVELIFT. SERVELIFT V40 vertical platform lift with open cabin
  • Disabled platforms and lifts for the disabled SERVELIFT. Specifications elevator K100
  • Disabled platforms and lifts for the disabled SERVELIFT. Specifications platform stairlift T50
  • Disabled platforms and lifts for the disabled SERVELIFT. Specifications vertical platform lift V10
  • Disabled platforms and lifts for the disabled SERVELIFT. Specifications vertical platform lift V20
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