Pain in the small of the back during long sitting. Pain when sitting

"Sitting still" is one of the basic wellness methods. During "sitting", the movement of "true qi" inevitably begins. There are many cases when a person, emaciated by mass chronic diseases, thanks to simple qigong, which is sitting cross-legged with concentration on dan tian, in just a few months he became absolutely healthy. However, it also often happens that a person does not succeed in a pose, and if it does, then he cannot get rid of extraneous thoughts in any way, experiences severe discomfort. We must always remember that without going through difficulties, it is difficult to gain good health. In particular severe cases positive results can be expected only after a year or two of regular classes.

There are a number of requirements for "sitting still": initial stage you can take a simple pose with crossed legs, but without pulling the feet to the hips, or the "half-lotus" position, and at the middle stage - the "full lotus" position: the hands are superimposed one on the other (left hand on top, right hand on the bottom) so that the palms are turned up and thumbs"looked" at each other, and placed in the navel; Lesson duration is less than an hour. gradual increase up to two or more hours. The ten proposed methods can be applied alternately, or you can choose one of the most suitable and practice only it. Frequent change methods are not recommended. And finally, the most important thing: do not shorten the duration of classes and be sure of success.

Speaking the "true words"

Say six words: "wen, ma, ne, ba, mi, hun"; three words: "wen, a, hun" or repeat the name of the Buddha: "Namo Amitofo". Choose one of the options and pronounce it as you like: quietly or loudly, long or short, with any rhythm and any number of times.

Dantian breathing

During the breathing cycles, mentally imagine how your stomach inflates and contracts at the navel. The main thing is that the breathing should be slow, deep, long and subtle.

Full breath

This method of breathing was used by the ancient yogis. As you inhale, count to three so that the upper, middle, and lower parts of the lungs are sequentially filled with air for each count, respectively. When you finish inhaling, exhale slowly through your nose and start a new breath.

delayed breathing

This method is based on the abdominal and deep breathing and. is that the breath is held for some time between inhalation and exhalation or after each respiratory cycle. In this case, you can take a long breath and a short breath or, conversely, a short breath and a long breath. With this method of breathing, 2-3 respiratory cycles per minute are performed.

Peaceful contemplation of the five internal organs

As you enter the "resting state", first call up a mental image of the kidneys in black color and silently count 36 of their pulsating movements. Then alternately call up mental images of the emerald liver, red heart, yellow spleen, white lungs and black kidneys, slowly counting 36 pulsating movements of each of the organs.

Mental contemplation of white bones

Try, as clearly as possible, to imagine your body in the form of a skeleton, try to carefully examine your snow-white bones.

Looking at objects

Place in front of your eyes at a distance of one meter a small ball, a piece of wood or a figurine of the Buddha and carefully peer into this object until its image is clearly preserved when you close your eyes. Then mentally accompany it to the lower dan tian and continue observing its bright glow.

Precious Vessel

After exhaling three times, bring out the "dirty qi", and then slowly inhale through the nose and at the same time tighten the anus. Hold fresh qi in the dan tian for as long as possible. Exhale slowly, bringing the qi out through the nose and pores. While doing the exercise, imagine yourself as an empty "precious vessel".

Breath Contemplation

This method is to mentally fix each exhalation and inhalation in the process of slow breathing: fix the moment the exhalation ends and how qi enters during inhalation, comprehend how it behaves inside, and make sure that all parts of the body she does. From the first breathing cycle, count them until the end of the exercise, and if you fail, start over. Having mastered this method, you can move on to its more complicated version, namely: note the color of the exhaled and inhaled qi, and hold the qi longer before exhaling. An even more perfect version of this method is to mentally observe the white qi entering the body, accompanying the breath with the word "wen"; red qi during breath holding, accompanying it with the word "a"; outgoing orchid-colored qi, accompanying the exhalation with the word hong.

"Golden radiance of the body"

Imagine yourself in the form of a statue of Buddha, vajra, bodhisattva. Entering the image, begin to mentally pronounce the three "true words": "wen, a, hun." Imagine that your body is radiating a dazzling golden glow.

On the topic of movement, one of critical issues is the problem of the harm of sitting. Sitting is unhealthy and sitting does us serious damage and one might well say that "Sitting is the new smoking." Leading Experts Agree: Sitting (more than 10 hours a day) actually causes more problems healthier than smoking. The health consequences are the same for all people: all ages, both sexes, all races and countries. Note that sitting is much more harmful than standing or lying down.

In Britain, about 32% of the British population spend more than 10 hours a day in a sitting position. Of these, 50% rarely leave workplace and even dine at the office table. It is noted that about half office workers complain of pain in lower section spine.

Man is not made to sit on a chair.

The purpose of sitting is to give the body a break from movement and vertical position, which is the basic specific feature of the structure of our body, given to us by nature. Man is designed to be on the move all day: moving to work, moving at work, walking and feeding children, gathering food, hunting, etc. People who used to live and work in countryside sat only for the purpose of short rest. But today this figure has increased to an average of 13 hours a day, while sleeping takes 8 hours and only 3 hours are left for movement (the real numbers in big cities are even less). Sitting is harmful and sitting all day on the fifth point, you destroy your health and strengthen.

The chair is a habit of the last 150 years.

Among the ancient Greeks, chairs were mainly the privilege of women and children. If you look closely at the drawings on ancient Greek vases, you will notice that they often depict women sitting on elegant chairs. Men preferred to lie down during leisurely conversations and feasts.

For a long time, the chair remained a prestigious thing. For the ancient Romans, a chair or armchair was an indicator of how successful a person was. An important official did not part with his folding, ivory-lined chair. It was carried behind him by his obedient slave. Only especially respected citizens sat on a low, richly decorated seat - bisillium. And the head of an aristocratic family descended on a home throne made of marble, arranged like an imperial one. The ancient Romans ate lying down, read, wrote, received guests. The favorite furniture of men was simple couches - wedges, borrowed from the same Greeks. The ancient Romans ate while seated only during mourning.

In the East, before and now, it was customary to sit on the floor. Even in prehistoric times, the Chinese created floor mats for sitting and, accordingly, wooden tables with low legs.

The sitting position is unnatural.

Sitting is harmful, because sitting is an absolutely unnatural position of the body. We are not used to sitting. The human spine is not designed to carry long time in a sitting position. In general, the fact that the human spine resembles the letter S serves us good service. “What do you think, with a heavy load on C and S, which of them will break faster? C,” Kranz says. However, when sitting, the spine's natural S-shape turns into a C, which almost blocks the abdominal and back muscles that support the body. You stoop, and the oblique and lateral muscles weaken and become unable to support the body. When you stand, the load falls on the hips, knees, ankles. When you sit, the entire load is transferred to the pelvis and spine, increasing pressure on intervertebral discs. According to magnetic resonance imaging, even a perfectly correct sitting position causes serious pressure on the back.

1. Sitting is harmful, it increases the risk of developing many diseases.

Sitting is very dangerous for health, because it significantly increases the risk of diabetes or cardiovascular disease. At the same time, know that no exercise and training, as previously thought, the harm from long sitting you won't shoot. For every hour you sit watching TV or listening to a lecture, your life is reduced by 22 extra minutes. People who sat for 11 hours or more a day had a 40 percent greater risk. The power of the chair extends far beyond obesity; if you sit too long, diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease and early death follow you around.

Sitting is harmful and those who, for whatever reason, sit for more than 4 hours every day are more susceptible than others. chronic diseases. They may develop cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and even cancer. Moreover, the risk of acquiring the disease increases with the number of hours spent in the chair.

Australian researchers have made a completely frightening conclusion that sounds like a sentence for modern man, often spending at the computer both working and free time. Among those who sit more than 11 hours a day, the risk of death in the next three years is 40% higher than those who spend three times less time in a sitting position.

We also note the stagnation of blood and lymph, the risk of blood clots in predisposed people. Inactivity, and in 99% of cases it accompanies long sitting, causes stagnation of blood and fluids in the legs. It is even more harmful to sit with your legs crossed, this makes blood flow even more difficult. Women should be more attentive to this problem, because it causes, among other things, obesity of the thighs and cellulite. "syndrome of motionless sitting", or simply - thrombosis. For men, it is especially harmful to sit constantly, the risk of prostate diseases increases. Due to prolonged sitting and lack of movement, the blood in the veins stagnates and because of this, there is a possibility of blood clots.

2. Comfortable chairs don't work.

Over the past 30 years, the swivel chair industry has grown to $3 billion, with more than 100 companies operating in the US market. The most popular office chair provides lumbar support. However, scientists do not share their enthusiasm. Aeron is too low, according to Danish doctor A.S. Mandal. “I visited Herman Miller a few years ago and they get it. Chairs should be higher so that you can move. But while they have huge sales, they do not want to change anything, ”the doctor complains. A significant proportion of ideas about how it should look comfortable chair, has been in the furniture industry since the 1960s-1970s, when numerous complaints from workers began to come in for back pain.

The main cause of the problem was the lack of lumbar support. “However, lumbar support does not help the spine much,” the expert believes. “There is no way out of this problem,” says Galen Krantz, a professor at the University of California at Berkeley. “However, the idea of ​​lumbar support is so ingrained in people's perceptions of comfort that it doesn't connect to the actual experience of sitting in a chair. In a way, we're locked inside a problem."

When we sit at the table, it seems that we are very comfortable and comfortable. Comfortable - with a curved back, with a palm on which the chin rests, head bent over the keyboard. But if you sit like this for two hours and then get up, you will definitely feel how your arms, back and legs are numb.

Sitting is harmful, much more harmful than lying or standing. All the time that you were sitting like this, the pressure on the spine was 2 times more than when you are standing and 8 times more than when you are lying down.

3. Sedentary lifestyle is worse than immobility.

Sitting is much more harmful than just physical inactivity. So, lying and standing is much more useful than sitting. Latest Research in various areas epidemiology, molecular biology, biomechanics and psychology lead to an unexpected conclusion: sitting is a threat to public health. And it can't be smoothed out with exercise. “People need to understand that quality seating mechanisms are completely different from walking or exercising,” says University of Missouri microbiologist Mark Hamilton. - Too much sedentary image life is not the same as lack of training. For the body, these are two completely different things.”

4. Standing is easier and more beneficial than sitting.

“When you do standing work, you use specialized postural muscles that never get tired,” says Hamilton. They are unique in that nervous system uses them for low-intensity exercise, and they are rich in enzymes.” One enzyme, lipoprotein lipase, traps fat and cholesterol from the blood, burns fat for energy, converting "bad" LDL cholesterol into "good" cholesterol, HDL. When you are sitting, your muscles are relaxed and enzyme activity falls by 90-95%. In a few hours of sitting, the level of "healthy" cholesterol in the blood drops by 20%. Standing burns three times more calories than sitting. Muscle contractions, even those that occur when a person is standing still, cause important processes associated with the breakdown of fats and sugars. However, after the body takes sitting position, the operation of these mechanisms is terminated.

5. Increasing stress levels.

Immobilization is The best way stress modeling. Sitting causes a chronic rise in cortisol. And too much cortisol makes patients fat and depressed in a vicious cycle: the more stressed you are, the more cortisol your body produces. As a result of excess cortisol, you start to eat more, feel more sad and overwhelmed, gain weight and sit. The cortisol system, on the other hand, sabotages the muscle's response to stimuli to move, and causes you to prefer sitting more.

6. Sitting is a bad habit.

Several latest generations people, millions of brains have become "sedentary". Most people in the modern Western world are overworked. As the brain adapts to the chair, so does the whole society. Sitting is harmful, and if the majority of people become overworked, then the structure of the whole society gradually adapts to meet the new environmental conditions.

Back in 2005, in a Science article, Mayo Clinic obesity specialist James Levin found out why some people get fat and some don't with the same diet. “We found that obese people have a natural tendency to be chained to a chair, and this habit persists even when such people try to lose weight,” the physician wrote. “What amazes me is that humans evolved over 1.5 million years to be able to walk and get around. And literally 150 years ago, 90% of all human activity was associated with agriculture. In a tiny amount of time, we became chair-bound."

If you sit for a long period, the brain becomes sedentary in structure and eventually this is reflected in the way you think - a seated body creates a sedentary mind as well. But the good news is that if a person tied to a chair takes the first step: gets up and walks, then the brain, like a muscle, begins to adapt to the movement. The brain of a person who begins to sit less and walk more triggers new neuroplasticity factors. Under these conditions, over time, the brain adapts to the newly mastered skill of its owner.

Because the brain is constantly adapting, it takes approximately three weeks for the necessary changes in the brain to take place. Threeweeks "chairholic" can become a "walker". Remember that sitting is bad and start looking at your chair with caution!

The life of an office worker is full of difficulties and dangers. After all, it's so difficult to sit at a computer all day, flipping through countless social media feeds. networks, upload articles to your LiveJournal, watch videos on youtube, like, repost and comment. And besides this, you still need to make a kind of violent activity. Somehow a lot of things, don't you think? This requires a lot of strength. And while the secret of the energy of the cat Boris remains unsolved for us, we have to reinvent the wheel. Your attention is presented to an article about how you need to sit at your workplace and stay healthy and energetic, always ready to scroll through a few more publics with ELITE memes about cats, watch a couple of videos of reactions to the reaction and file 140 characters on your Twitter. Perhaps you even have enough strength for your personal life, but this is not certain.


Ideal sitting position- a guarantee of your health and saving money on treatment in the future, and it is also a beautiful posture and a comfortable stay at the workplace. There are 62 nerves that come out of the spine and regulate activity. internal organs body. Based on this, it should be understood what role a healthy back plays in our lives.

The sitting posture at the workplace as a whole determines the further position of our back when walking, driving in a car, even while sleeping. An incorrectly formed posture over the years makes itself felt, causing problems not only with the spine, but also with other organs of our body. Everyone knows about it, but they continue to adopt a pose that destroys us when sitting. Get ready, if you have been sitting “wrong” all your life, learning to do it safely will not work right away. Since our body has been remembering for years not correct posture, and as soon as you are distracted, then again the back is not in a very good position for your future.

What do we do wrong while sitting and what advice do experts give?

So what is the right way to sit?

Many, when they hear about proper sitting, immediately straighten their backs, but you won’t sit in this position for a long time, as it starts to break your lower back and the body eventually returns to its previous position. Is it right to sit with a straight back? The question is debatable for many, but there is only one answer - you definitely need to sit with a correctly set pelvis. Our pelvis is the basis of the entire pyramid of the body, and if the pelvis is not in the right position, then the pyramid collapses, warps.

For the location of the pelvis in a comfortable and healthy position, it is necessary to correctly place the buttocks on the chair. These are protrusions of the bones at the bottom of the pelvis. They feel great when sitting on a hard surface. The key to proper sitting is the landing of the pelvis on these hillocks. Also Special attention pay attention to the position of the legs. Feet should be on the floor, and the angle should be 90 degrees . Crossing legs - bad habit. It not only worsens the condition of the veins by squeezing them and disrupting the outflow of blood, but also makes your back skewed to the side. And the more and longer you sit in this position, the stronger your back takes on the appearance of something not very beautiful, oh healthy and strong back in that case, it's out of the question. So, we already kicked off our legs, found the buttocks and sat on them. Next, bend your back and serve chest part slightly forward, while creating a deflection in the lumbar zone. AT thoracic region the back should not be rounded, no stoop, only a slight natural curve. Tighten your stomach and strain a little, no bends in the neck, that is, the head is raised evenly. These few simple rules help you maintain your back in its natural state. But that's not all.

If you are comfortable, then you are doing what needs to be done. . In this way, you maintain the correct physiological curves of the spine and make the landing as comfortable as possible for you. But, unfortunately, it will not be easy to get used to such a position right away. As soon as you are distracted, the brain will give you a signal to take the past position, because it is the one that it has already got used to for many years. This is the very difficulty of proper sitting at the workplace.

How to get used to a new sitting position?

It is very difficult to sit properly on a wobbly chair with a reclined back. Today, chairs with special support for the lower back are popular. They are quite expensive, but as an alternative, special pads are used on ordinary chairs that support the curve of the spine exactly where it is needed. Thanks to the use of such corrective agents in the future, you will save on the services of neuropathologists and osteopaths, and they will this moment are not cheap.

How do you know if you are sitting correctly? In the position described above, first of all, you should be comfortable, you should not feel any tension in your back.

The position of the eyes to the monitor must also be correct if you want to keep your eyesight. Gentle for the eyes, the location of the monitor - at an angle of 90 degrees to the window, this is necessary to avoid glare. The very distance from your eyes to the monitor should be no less than the length of an outstretched arm. Measured? Now the main thing is to keep this distance.

Physiotherapists believe that The “ideal” posture, which is primarily beneficial for health, is individual for each person. , because each of us has his own characteristics of the spine, and possibly even injuries or illnesses, which must be taken into account when choosing a position for sitting. Therefore, if you still have back problems, you should consult a specialist in this field.

No matter how well you sit in the workplace, you can not do without exercise. So following these few simple rules you will ensure a healthy and beautiful posture. Most importantly, don't be lazy!

  • Every 30 minutes do a short exercise for your eyes: 15 seconds to look at the point closest to you and 15 seconds - at the most distant, for example, through the window. Tired eyes - move them to the right and left several times and you will notice a clear relief.
  • Every hour and a half required get up from your favorite computer, walk around a bit and stretch your arms and legs with the minimum exercises that come to mind.
  • Also don't forget every 15-20 minutes change the position of the body a little to avoid muscle fatigue. This does not mean that you should take wrong position for sitting. Just make minimal movements, and then return to the correct, and most importantly, comfortable posture at the table.
  • More walking- a guarantee that back problems will not make themselves felt for a long time. Recommendations of experts 7-8 km a day. For many, this figure will seem simply huge, but if you start small, for example, get off the bus stop earlier and walk home, then it's already better for your back anyway.

How to do everything and make the day productive? More details in the previous one.

In addition to proper sitting at the workplace, you should also take care of comfortable driving position. This is especially important if you spend a lot of time driving. Therefore, pay attention to a few simple, but very useful rules for a healthy back:

  1. The seat, firstly, must be rigid, and secondly, there must be good support in the lumbar region to maintain a natural curve.
  2. The shoulders should be kept straight, as well as the head.
  3. The arms should not be tense, but ensure that they are slightly bent.
  4. If you have spent several hours driving, be sure to stop and warm up.

These few simple rules will help get rid of back pain, which often appears after a long drive.

Do you feel? Do you feel like your working day has become another 20 minutes closer to the end? Nice feeling, isn't it? And they didn't seem to be wasted. You can explain to the boss that you are not a slacker, but on the contrary, you are such a workaholic that your back already hurts from constant sedentary work. And instead of taking sick leave and going to the doctor, you continue to work, only now with the ischial tuberosities correctly placed (let him understand that you are not so simple).

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Your position at your desk is of great importance for your posture and overall health. By sitting for 6-8 hours five days a week, you form the habit of holding your body in a certain way. This habit determines your posture not only at your desk, but also in any other place: while driving, in training, while walking, even in a dream. And if the position you are used to is not physiological, sooner or later it will cause problems with the spine.

Perhaps, reading this, you straightened your back and decided now to always sit upright. It's great, but it won't last long. At first it seems that keeping your back straight is easy and even pleasant, but after a minute or two your lower back begins to ache, so you will very soon take your usual position.

Why is it so hard to keep your back

When you maintain a certain position for a long time, your body gets used to it. The brain begins to perceive it as natural and comfortable. This is where the main difficulty lies.

Once your brain has learned how to do things in a certain way, it is quite difficult to retrain it.

A good example is the habit of writing with one hand. Try shifting a pen to your non-dominant hand and you'll feel like an awkward child.

However, albeit with difficulty, our brain is still able to relearn and. Practice will help you form the habit of correct posture and say goodbye to pain and stiffness after a day's work. And the first thing you need to pay attention to is the position of your pelvis on the chair.

The correct position of the pelvis is the basis of a good posture

The position of the pelvis on the chair is of decisive importance for the entire posture as a whole. Your pelvis and spine are like bricks stacked on top of each other. If you put the bottom brick crookedly, all the rest will be skewed.

To position the pelvis correctly, first you need to find the buttocks. These are two bony protrusions at the bottom of the pelvis.

The structure of the pelvic bones

To find them, sit on hard surface, put your hands under your buttocks and lower yourself onto them with your body weight. You will feel how the ischial tuberosities press on your hands.

The main rule of good posture is to sit on the buttocks. Most people sit with their body either behind or in front of their buttocks.

How to properly position the pelvis

First of all, you need to feel the correct position of the pelvis. To do this, sit on the edge of a chair, put your feet on the floor, the angle at the knee should be 90 degrees. This is the correct position of the legs.

First, arch your back in an arc and hold for a couple of seconds, then arch your back, bringing your chest forward and creating. After that, take the middle position.

Left - tilt of the pelvis back, in the center - tilt of the pelvis forward, on the right - the correct position

If the position is correct, it feels as comfortable as possible (first minute). The weight is located on the buttocks, the back is straight, but with the preservation of the physiological curves of the spine.

So, you have found the perfect position, but your body has been accustomed to a different position for years, so as soon as you are distracted, it will immediately return to its usual position. Of course, you can’t just do everything all day long to monitor the position of the pelvis, and the lower back will get tired out of habit. Help yourself get used to it - use a back support that will make it easier to form a new pattern.

How to help your body get used to good posture

Most often, the back of office chairs is slightly tilted back, especially if the chair is no longer new and is a little loose. In such a chair, you will not be able to sit on the buttocks and at the same time lean on the back.

Left - regular chair, right - with lumbar support

In order not to break the correct position, try a special chair with a roller in the lumbar region. On such a chair, you can properly position the pelvis and lean your back on the roller. Due to this, the back muscles will not be overloaded, and you will stop leaning back, shifting the weight from the buttocks.

However nice chair can be quite expensive. If you don't plan to spend a lot of money, there is a more affordable alternative - pillows and orthopedic pads.

The memory pillow compresses under the weight of your body and retains its shape. You can put it under your lower back on a chair or car seat and keep your back in a neutral position without feeling tired in the muscles. Such pillows can be ordered on AliExpress. The cost is about 500 rubles.

There are more cheap option- chair pad for lumbar support. This lightweight mesh construction, which is attached to the chair with ropes, provides good lumbar support and keeps your back from sweating. The cost is about 200 rubles.

chair pad

Correct your posture while sitting, and you will not have to spend money on the services of an osteopath and a chiropractor.

Correct posture is not only beautiful body but also a guarantee of health. That is why, in order to provide it to a person, it is necessary to carry out daily prevention of posture curvature.

AT this case sitting on a chair plays a sufficient role. This aspect is very important for schoolchildren and people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Choosing the right posture

AT modern world many people lead sedentary image life, which leads to the development various diseases.

In order to avoid problems with the spine, it is recommended to take the correct posture while sitting.

A lot of people are wondering: how to sit in a chair?

In order to take the correct posture, you need to follow a number of recommendations:

  • Initially, it is necessary to adjust the height of the chair so that its seat with knee joints person was on the same line.
  • The back of the thigh needs only light pressure on the seat. With excessive pressure, inconvenience occurs while sitting. It will also lead to difficulty in the lower extremities.
  • In order to reduce the level of pressure on the back of the thighs, it is necessary to install a special bench under the feet. It will also give you a comfortable foothold.
  • While sitting, the chair should support as well as possible. lower part back.
  • The buttocks should fit as close as possible to the back of the chair seat.
  • To prevent the body from leaning towards the table, it is necessary to move the chair as tightly as possible to it.
  • If an ordinary chair is used, a fabric roller is attached at the level of the lower back.
  • If a person is doing written work, he needs to lean on the back of a chair. While sitting, the back must be kept straight.
  • If you need to do a certain job, then you can only tilt your head forward.

Thanks to proper sitting, you can not only save correct posture, but also to avoid the development of diverse and internal organs.

Consequences of improper sitting

Many people very often neglect the rules

At improper fit may have problems with the spine

correct sitting on a chair, which leads to the appearance of various negative consequences.

If a person sits on a chair for a long time and incorrectly, then this leads to the fact that he develops spinal dysfunctions.

Neglect of the rules of sitting is the cause of violation normal state vertebrae. It also leads to the fact that the vertebra can not fully perform its functions.

People who sit incorrectly very often suffer from diseases of the spine - osteochondrosis, sciatica, scoliosis. It may also lead to pathological condition joints - arthrosis,.

Incorrect sitting in most cases leads to varicose veins veins, vision problems.

Improper sitting on a chair and prolonged sedentary work can lead to a variety of diseases, many of which are difficult to treat.

It is also recommended to sit correctly in a chair, following all the above recommendations, otherwise you may experience various diseases. When the first symptoms appear, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a doctor who can correctly diagnose and prescribe a rational treatment.

The video specialist will provide useful tips:

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