Brulik in the tooth. Rhinestones on the teeth - a special chic. Dental rhinestones - what is it

Even our distant ancestors loved to decorate their teeth with precious stones and metals. To do this, however, they had to significantly destroy the tooth enamel. At least that's what modern researchers think. But today beauty does not require such sacrifices. Jewelry of the 21st century is practically harmless to the structure and health of teeth.

For the first time, Madonna blinded the audience with an “artificial” smile. Her example was followed by other stars, and then the skies confidently stepped off the stage into the broad masses of people. Today, anyone can install them.

The serial production of jewelry under the name SKYCE was first established by the German company Ivoclar Vivadent. The trademark name, as is often the case, was given over time to all similar products.

Teenagers and young people especially like skies. With their help, it is easy to attract attention, stand out among peers, always look fashionable and original.


Skys types

Skys types

Modern skyces are small decorations made of glass, precious stones and metals that give your smile an original shine. They are small in size - from 1 to 4 mm. They differ in color and shape: turquoise droplets, pink hearts, golden diamonds, blue crosses, etc.

Most accessible glass samples, but they will sparkle for a short time. After the first half of the year, they will begin to fade little by little.

However expensive items made of diamonds, sapphires, emeralds and rubies are also not ideal. In addition to the high price, they have disadvantages associated with their natural properties. Under influence hot and cold foods such jewelry can painfully expand or contract. So, tea and ice cream will have to be abandoned.

Sometimes for expensive stones fasteners with partial destruction of enamel are required, spoiling which for the sake of a shiny pebble in the smile zone is rather stupid. That's why installation of natural stones is usually done on ceramic prostheses, crowns, implants and veneers.

The most popular today are transparent colorless skies of classic round shape made of Swarovski crystals. The bottom layer of the product is a mirror. Therefore, the light, reflected from the rhinestone, creates an iridescent glow, like a real diamond. Besides, special manufacturing technology protects skyce from wet environment, as well as from the impact temperatures and coloring pigments. Such "pebbles" do not fade over time and hold quite firmly.

Ordinary crystals that adorn clothes and other items are completely unsuitable for teeth. After all, the thickness of the skyce is only 0.5 mm, and its edges are carefully processed so as not to injure the tongue and oral mucosa.

Skys sometimes used not only for beauty, but also to mask some defects: fillings, chips, stains. The shine of the decoration also distracts the attention of others from the irregularities of the dentition.


Installation and removal

The choice of location is especially important. It makes no sense to put skyce on chewing teeth where no one will see them. Very rarely adorn the teeth, which actively participate in biting off solid food. The best option is the second and third teeth of the upper jaw.

But only a dentist will give more correct advice, taking into account the characteristics of your row and smile zone:

  1. Before installing the jewelry, it is necessary to carry out a professional cleaning of the teeth. The reverse side of the skyce is also thoroughly cleaned of grease and dirt, and then treated with a bond - a special dental adhesive. The surface of the tooth in the place where the decoration will be glued is polished with a fluorine-free paste and dried. The etching gel is applied in such a way that it is clearly visible. After 20 seconds, it is washed off, and the surface of the tooth is dried again.
  2. The next stage is the application of the bond, and then the liquid composite that fixes the skyce. For crystals, a very small amount of fixative is required, for figures - a little more, since they have a concave back side.
  3. Skyce is installed on the tooth using a special applicator. The composite is cured under the action of a light-polymerizing lamp. The dentist carefully removes its excess.
  4. Similarly, the installation of skys on veneers or ceramic crowns. The only difference is the preparation of the attachment site. It is sanded to remove the top layer for a more secure fit.

Before you decorate your teeth with sparkling stones, make sure that they are designed specifically for dentistry. All dental jewelry must have the appropriate certificate. If in any clinic they are ready to install skyces that you bring yourself, you should not trust such specialists.

Get used to decorations quickly enough. Already after a few hours, the person stops noticing them. Skyce does not require special care. Normal oral hygiene is sufficient. The only warning doctors: do not chew on hard foods and do not bite off hard food with teeth on which jewelry is installed.

Skyces are removed quite simply and without damage to tooth enamel. This procedure is faster than their installation. The place where the skyce was located is carefully removed from the remains of the composite, ground and polished.


It is categorically impossible to install skyses on your own! In the hands of an amateur, this procedure is very dangerous. It is equally risky to remove jewelry yourself - you can seriously damage the enamel. The installation and removal of dental jewelry should only be done by a professional in a dental office.

  • children under 12;
  • with pathological bite;
  • if you are allergic to metal jewelry.


Since every clinic that cares about your health and its reputation will not accept skyce "from the street", the installation of decorations must be calculated from the cost of the sample and the complexity of the work. The dentist will offer you many options for products at low and high prices.

The lower limit along with the setting will be around 1000 rubles, and the top one is limited to only your financial possibilities. If they are high, then you can compete with pop and movie stars.

Skyce on teeth- These are jewelry that are attached to the enamel of the teeth.

They are often used to hide defects in tooth enamel.

Jewelry can be made of stones, in the form of rhinestones, metal figurines.

Skyces look quite original and are able to attract the attention of others. Skyce teeth decoration is very popular among young people.

Today, skyce can be installed on the teeth by anyone. Almost every modern dentistry can provide this service.

Skyce is installed quickly, inexpensively and absolutely painlessly.

Skies are most often preferred:

  • Young people who want to stand out from the crowd.
  • Those who want to hide defects in tooth enamel.
  • The older generation, following fashion trends, wanting to show the attractiveness of their teeth.
  • Skyce on the tooth is often found in theater and film stars, as well as singers.

Types of jewelry for teeth

Modern technologies make it possible to make skies from various materials and give them a variety of shapes.

Ornaments of teeth are divided into simple and combined. Simple skies are made of one material, combined ones are made from a combination of two or more materials.

Depending on the material and shape, there are types of jewelry for teeth:

  • Skies. They are most often made of glass or crystal and give them a round shape. Products consist of many facets, so it can be very difficult to distinguish them from diamonds. Skyce is completely unnoticeable in the mouth. Their thickness is no more than 2 mm, and the size in diameter is 2 mm.
  • Twinkles. They are made of precious stones or precious metals: platinum, gold. They can be diamond, ruby, emerald in the form of hearts, stars, flowers, crosses.
  • Stickers. Their form can be very different. This is the cheapest, fastest and safest way to decorate your teeth.
  • Rhinestones. The shape of the rhinestone can be the most diverse. They are made from colored or ordinary glass.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the installation of dental jewelry:

  • The presence of stains on the enamel of the teeth.
  • With enamel hypoplasia.
  • Defects of teeth and tooth surface.

Installing skyce ona tooth may be contraindicated in some cases:

  • If there is a pathological bite.
  • For allergies to metals.
  • It is not recommended to put jewelry on the teeth of children under 12 years of age, due to the danger to their health.

How to install skyce

Jewelry can be installed on a tooth not only on a healthy part of the tooth. In order to hide defects in tooth enamel, skyce can be installed on an artificial crown or implant, and also be part of a filling.

Skyce is installed on a tooth in an average of twenty minutes.

Decorative ornaments are easy to install and also easy to remove.

  • The dentist prepares tooth enamel. Removes plaque, produces fluoridation of tooth enamel, makes the surface of the tooth absolutely dry.
  • A drop of special glue (bond) is applied to the place chosen for the installation of the skyce.
  • Attaching decoration.
  • Fixing the skyce for a few seconds with a special lamp, until the adhesive hardens.

Precious stones, such as a diamond, are fixed in a specially drilled recess on the tooth enamel or as part of a filling.

Skyce can be mounted in an artificial dental crown or on a veneer.

In order for the jewelry to stay on the tooth for a long time, it is treated with a special compound.

Only a qualified specialist can install dental jewelry.

How to remove a skyce from a tooth

Jewelry can be removed from the tooth at any time. The procedure for removing the skyce is quite simple, dismantling the decoration is faster than installing it.

Pros and cons of skyce on teeth

  • With the help of skyce, it is possible to mask visible defects in tooth enamel.
  • The adhesive that fixes the jewelry contains fluorine. Fluoride is used in dentistry to strengthen tooth enamel.
  • The only drawback of skyce is that it is not recommended to eat very solid food, chew nuts, seeds, ice, etc.


  • Dental jewelry care is usual: using a toothbrush with paste.
  • Dental floss is used to clean the teeth from food debris in the interdental spaces.
  • After eating, rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • You should visit the dentist for a checkup at least twice a year.
  • Chew solid food and crack crackers, nuts, etc.
  • If possible, chew with all teeth, thereby reducing the load on the tooth with decoration.

Life time

On average, a skyce stays on a tooth for just over one year with proper oral care and decoration.

After a while, the decoration may become faded. In this case, if it is not a precious stone, then it is better to replace it with a new one.

Video: "Rhinestones on the teeth"

Questions and answers

Today, anyone can install skyce on a tooth. Skyce have many advantages over other overlays for teeth.

They can be placed without exposing the tooth to preparation and removed at any time without injuring the teeth.

Dentist's answers to frequently asked questions from patients:

  • Question: Who is more likely to apply for a skyce on teeth?

Answer: This service is popular with show business stars, modern young people who want to attract attention, older people with beautiful and healthy teeth.

  • Question: How long does the skyce stay on the tooth?

Answer: Manufacturers give a guarantee of no more than four years, dentists and even less - no more than two years. In this case, it all depends on the skill of the dentist, hygienic care of the oral cavity.

  • Question: Is it easy to remove the skyce from the tooth?

Answer: If for some reason it is necessary to remove the skyce, then it is removed without any negative consequences for the tooth. If the tooth was dissected on a precious stone, then the flaw in the enamel will be sealed.

Aesthetic dentistry enjoys great success among visitors, along with the therapeutic and surgical fields of science.

In addition to the usual whitening of the dentition and the installation of veneers and lumineers, the decoration of the elements included in the smile zone with rhinestones is gaining more and more popularity.

This procedure allows not only to emphasize the individuality of the owner, but also to hide some enamel defects.

Rhinestones for teeth are small decorative items that are attached to the enamel without violating its integrity, using a special glue.

These elements are made from different materials - processed glass, amethyst, precious metals and stones.

The shape and size of the products are also very different from each other, so we can distinguish the following types of jewelry:

  1. Rhinestones- the most affordable option for dental inlay. They are made of transparent or colored glass. The shape of such products can be quite diverse, and the surface can be ribbed or smooth.
  2. skies- round or oval products, for the manufacture of which precious stones are used. Thanks to high-quality processing, they are securely fixed on the teeth, without causing discomfort in the process of communication and eating.
  3. Twinkles are flat pebbles, which are often made of precious metals (gold or platinum), and also encrusted with precious stones. The shape of the product depends on the wishes of the patient. It can be hearts, flowers, stars, animals.
  4. Grills- special overlays for the front teeth, made in the form of lattices. They can be made of medical chromium-nickel alloy or precious metals. The fixation of these products on the enamel occurs due to silicone suction cups and special micro-clamps, due to which the jewelry does not damage the surface of the incisors, and can also be easily removed from the oral cavity.
  5. stickers- a budget decoration option that can be used even by children. A special film is attached to the selected element of the row, on the inner surface of which a pattern is applied. Duration of preservation on the teeth does not exceed 2-3 weeks.

Main differences

Patients often confuse two concepts - rhinestones and skies, believing that these are the same products.

However, there are several differences between these products, the main of which is the material of manufacture:

  1. Various compositions can be used to make dental rhinestones. Most often, this is ordinary or lead glass, which has a high refractive index of light, due to which rhinestones imitate precious stones.

    No less rarely, in the manufacture of rhinestones, rock crystal is used, the main characteristics of which are high strength and light reflectivity. In addition, dental rhinestones can consist of two materials - crystal and precious stone, from which the upper part of the product is made.

  2. Skyce is made exclusively from precious stones.: emeralds, rubies, diamonds. Their size often does not exceed 2.5 mm. Processing of stones is carried out in such a way that the product is securely fixed on the tooth surface.

    It should be understood that in order to fix a natural diamond or other precious stone on the cutter, it may be necessary to grind off the enamel or drill a hole in the tooth. For this reason, skyces are most often installed on artificial crowns.

Another significant difference between skyce and rhinestones is the duration of their use.

With careful care, skyces can be worn for about 1-2 years, while rhinestones will have to be changed after a few weeks or months.

An important point and the cost of jewelry. The average price for glass rhinestones is about one thousand rubles, while skyces will have to be paid several times more, depending on the type of stone used.


The main goal pursued by fans of rhinestones is to improve the appearance of the dentition.

Most often, such decoration is preferred by teenagers who want to express themselves, public figures and people who, by the nature of their activities, have to communicate a lot.

In addition to the desire to attract attention, rhinestones, skyce and other dental products are often used to hide visible enamel defects in the smile area - cracks, chips, age spots.


Despite the high-quality processing of stones used for the manufacture of rhinestones, and the absence of the need to grind off enamel, the products have several significant contraindications:

  • significant carious damage to the tooth surface;
  • the presence of tartar;
  • pathology of the structure of the jaw row;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • thinning of the enamel;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • an allergic reaction to the materials from which the rhinestones are made;
  • inflammatory periodontal disease.

How is the installation

Fixation of dental rhinestones is carried out quite quickly - the whole procedure takes about 15-20 minutes.

However, for high-quality fixing and long-term wearing, preliminary sanitation of the oral cavity may be required - teeth whitening, removal of mineralized deposits, caries treatment.

If there are no contraindications to the installation of a rhinestone, the patient chooses the type, the type of fixation will depend on this.

When using thin rhinestones made of artificial material, they are glued, the use of products made of precious stone requires inlay.

Application or gluing is carried out as follows:

  • The area of ​​enamel on which the stone will be fixed is cleaned with a fluorine-free paste and dried.
  • A special gel is applied to the prepared area of ​​the tooth, which increases its porosity, thereby increasing the degree of adhesion.
  • After the gel dries, a drop of Bond glue is applied to the place of the further location of the rhinestone.
  • The decoration is located on the selected area of ​​the tooth and is fixed due to the polymerization process, which starts when the adhesive is exposed to a special lamp.
  • At the end of the manipulation, the cutter is polished around the fixed decoration.

When installing jewelry, which includes precious stones, they are inlaid. This is required due to the significant weight of the jewel and a more convex shape due to the specific faceting.

The inlay procedure is as follows:

  • A hole is made in the selected tooth, the size of which exactly corresponds to the bottom of the jewelry.
  • The recess is disinfected and dried, after which the composite material is applied to it. The selected skyce is set on top.
  • The tooth with the decoration is exposed to a special lamp, due to which the polymer composition hardens, firmly fixing the skyce.

Dentists note that preparing your own tooth for jewelry can further increase its sensitivity, so this procedure should be meaningful.

Can inlays damage tooth enamel, find out from the video.

Wearing and care

After installing a dental rhinestone, special attention should be paid to hygiene procedures.

The area around the rhinestone needs careful care to avoid the formation of mineralized plaque on it and the development of carious lesions.

  1. When performing hygiene procedures, it is necessary to use additional tools and items - an irrigator, rinse aid.
  2. Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day. You should not worry about the jewelry - the brush is unable to damage it, but it will help eliminate bacteriological plaque that accumulates in the irregularities of the enamel.
  3. At the time of wearing rhinestones, it is advisable to refuse to eat solid foods, cracking nuts, seeds, crackers. When chewing, the load should be evenly distributed throughout the entire jaw row, removing excessive stress from the front teeth.
  4. Every six months, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations at the dentist in order to timely identify problems and carry out professional cleaning of the dentition.


The main advantage of installing dental rhinestones is to give the smile an additional aesthetic appeal, as well as masking some enamel defects that cause a person to feel insecure.

The variety of materials and shapes allows you to choose the best option, taking into account the age of the person, his material status and existing enamel defects.

Due to the use of precious metals and biologically inert materials, the occurrence of an allergic reaction is observed in exceptional cases, with increased human sensitivity.

Another important point is the reliable fixation of jewelry on the tooth surface. If you follow the rules for caring for the oral cavity, the pebble will not fall out; a visit to the dentist is necessary to remove it.


In addition to the undoubted advantages, there is also a serious disadvantage that arises in the case of the use of precious stones.

During the inlay of a diamond or other stone in the tooth surface, the integrity of the enamel is violated, which can later lead to an increase in the sensitivity of the incisors, especially when eating cold and hot dishes.

In addition, after removing the jewelry from the tooth, a hole will remain in its place, which will have to be covered with a composite material in order to avoid the development of caries and restore the aesthetic appearance.

The desire to stand out among the crowd and emphasize individuality is inherent not only in adults, but also in children.

Parents should not dissuade their children from the new dental trend. Installing rhinestones in a good clinic will not only not cause harm, but will also bring several positive points:

  • Before installing a decorative stone, the dentist will sanitize the child's oral cavity, which makes it possible to identify and treat existing diseases.
  • For long-term preservation of shine, the child will have to more carefully monitor the condition of the dentition, regularly perform hygiene procedures.

Popular questions and answers

Decorating teeth with rhinestones is a fairly old trend in dentistry, however, not everyone knows the details of the procedure.

Patients have many questions, the answers to which are given by specialists:

  • What is the duration of holding the rhinestone on the tooth surface? The period of wear depends on its type and method of fixation. When using temporary glue, the service life of the decorative element will not exceed 1-2 weeks. Permanent glue allows you to wear jewelry for about a year. When inlaying a precious stone, this period increases to several years.
  • How to remove a rhinestone? The removal procedure is carried out in a dental clinic and takes no more than 10 minutes. The dentist acts on the adhesive composition with a special tool, after which he unfastens the pebble and polishes the enamel.
  • Will there be a hole after removing the skyce? If the gemstone was inlaid into the tooth surface, then the hole left after its removal is filled with a composite material. When fixing a rhinestone by the application method, after its removal, no traces will remain.
  • Does it hurt to install a rhinestone? The procedure is absolutely painless, since there is no violation of the integrity of the enamel.
  • Does the rhinestone interfere with communication and eating? The first time after installation, slight discomfort may be felt, however, after 7-10 days, unpleasant feelings disappear.

Which celebrity wears

Skyce, twinkle and grillz are very popular among famous media personalities. So, Madonna's dentition for some time was decorated with gold grills encrusted with diamonds.

At different times, skys flaunted on the incisors of such celebrities as Pink, Miley Cyrus, Lana Del Rey, Beyoncé.


The cost of dental jewelry can be very diverse. It depends on the type and shape of the stone used:

  1. Glass rhinestones will cost 1000-1500 rubles.
  2. The cost of stickers on the teeth is 500-1000 rubles.
  3. When using Swarovski crystals, the price rises to 3000-5000 rubles.
  4. Skys with precious stones and metals can cost up to 10,000 rubles.

The video goes into more detail about fitting and wearing dental jewelry.

A rhinestone or skyce on a tooth serves as a decoration and is attached to the tooth enamel. Young people install them to show off. People in adulthood to hide enamel defects. Skyce is made from artificial diamonds or real, other stones. The invention belongs to German experts in the field of dentistry. Previously, decorating a tooth was a painful process.

Today, the procedure is carried out with ease, since it does not cause any discomfort or pain, and it costs within reason. These are not the usual rhinestones used to decorate fabrics. These are not suitable for teeth, as their structure will not allow you to stay in a humid environment for a long time and reliably. They quickly peel off, leaving unaesthetic stains.

Ordinary rhinestones do not have a dazzling brilliance, but this is the main feature of skys. Dental jewelry is prepared using special technologies. The lower part is a mirror, the outer “diamond” layer has numerous facets that can refract light in such a way that when you smile, multi-colored sparkling rays scatter from it in all directions. Moreover, this effect does not fade with time.

Rhinestones on the teeth look spectacular, expensive, attracting other people's eyes. Photos of famous representatives of show business only spur the desire to install skyce. They are made of glass or crystal. They are given many facets, which makes them almost indistinguishable from real diamonds.

The thickness of the rhinestone is a maximum of 2 mm, so it does not interfere at all in the mouth and is not felt. Dental jewelry is given a very different shape:

  • round;
  • square;
  • hearts;
  • droplets;
  • just oval;
  • dolphins;
  • other.

Another type of jewelry for teeth - twinkles. For their manufacture, precious stones or metals corresponding to the client’s desire are selected:

  • gold;
  • platinum;
  • rubies;
  • diamonds;
  • emeralds;
  • sapphires.

Their shape is also the most diverse - flowers, stars, crosses, hearts.

There is also a very economical, safe and quick option to make a smile sparkling - stickers.

Cases of using skyses

The main task of skyce is to make a smile more attractive. He, slightly gleaming, and attracts the eye. Rhinestones look great only on snow-white teeth. Those who have yellow enamel are not recommended to put them on, as they will emphasize the yellowness even more.

Skyce is also placed on the teeth in order to hide any defects in the tooth surface. A sparkling element will distract attention from the flaw.

Although the procedure is safe, there are contraindications:

  • with pathological bite;
  • hypoplasia or aplasia of enamel;
  • allergic reactions to metals;
  • children under 12;
  • caries;
  • yellow enamel.

They put jewelry on the teeth of the upper row - on fangs or lateral incisors.

How is skyce installed?

The decoration is attached only to a healthy tooth, previously healed, polished. Installation even on an implant, a crown, veneers is possible. There is a variant of fastening a rhinestone as part of a seal.

The procedure for installing skyce is simple, it takes twenty minutes. The patient does not experience any pain or discomfort. Decoration on enamel is easy to install and also easy to remove.

Decoration installation steps

  1. The procedure begins with the preparation of the tooth surface. To do this, a specialist dentist removes plaque, saturates tooth enamel with fluoride.
  2. The surface of the tooth on which the skyce will be installed must be absolutely dry.
  3. A drop of bond is applied to a predetermined place under the decoration. Bond is a special, dental adhesive.
  4. Direct installation of the selected decorative element.
  5. The decoration is fixed with a special lamp. It takes a few seconds for the glue to harden.
  6. Polishing.

This completes the installation procedure.

If a precious stone, for example, a diamond, is chosen as a decorative element, then a small recess is prepared in addition to the enamel by drilling.

In order for the skyce to stay on the tooth surface for a long time, it is additionally treated with a special compound. Only a specialist dentist is engaged in the installation of dental decorating elements.

If necessary, the skyce can be easily removed. Dismantling the decoration is much easier than installing it. No glue or rhinestone stains remain on the enamel. The skyce is removed with a dental instrument, then the surface is fluoridated and polished. Although the removal procedure is simple, do not try to do it yourself.

The decoration can stand for several years. It happens that it disappears after a while. Much depends on the structure of the tooth enamel, on the quality of the installation work and the quality of the materials. The average service life is about two years.


The price of the skyce installation procedure will directly depend on the material chosen. From precious stones, the jewelry will cost in the range from 4500 to 5500 rubles.

Glass stickers and rhinestones will be much cheaper. If you really want to ennoble your smile, make it unique, attractive, then there is an option for any wallet.

Features of care

In daily care for a person who has installed a piece of jewelry on his tooth, nothing changes. It is also required to carry out oral hygiene in the morning and evening, using toothpaste. It is recommended to ease the pressure when brushing the tooth with skyce, brush more carefully and gently in this place.

Clean interdental spaces with dental floss. Rinse your mouth with warm water after every meal.

Be sure to visit the dentist twice a year with a preventive examination to identify pathological processes and remove them in a timely manner.

Keep an eye on the whiteness of the teeth, since skyces are the most aesthetically pleasing on white teeth and give a smile a special charm. If necessary, carry out a professional cleaning of the teeth, with the removal of calculus.

Solid foods, especially nuts and seeds, should be avoided.

Since the installation of conventional skyces is carried out without any procedures damaging the tooth enamel, this does not harm the tooth. Just to fix the gemstone jewelry, it is necessary to create a recess in the enamel, and this may cause some damage to the tooth in the future. In this case, the dentist will tell you the necessary measures to preserve the health of the tooth.

If there are doubts about the safety of the procedure, it is necessary to first clarify all the questions of interest with the specialist and discuss with him all the stages of installation and subsequent oral care.

Parents know how difficult it is sometimes to persuade a child to visit a dentist. Sometimes no persuasion works. By offering a young coquette to install a skyce on a tooth, you can forget about all the problems with visiting a dentist. It works magically on teenagers. They are so greedy for anything that will help them stand out. Having received an excellent result, the child will always be willing to go to the dentist in the future.

The doctor will give a lot of useful tips on caring for your teeth and oral cavity. Before installing Skyce, a complete sanitation of the oral cavity will be carried out, all teeth will be healed, a sparkling zest will appear. The child will gladly hide all his fears of the dentist, just to get a unique smile. Children are recommended to install skyces after 12 years.

All about the pros and cons of skies

  • Sparkling skyce easily masks any small defects in the surface of the tooth;
  • special glue for fixing jewelry is saturated with fluorine, which helps to strengthen the enamel;
  • undeniable aesthetic effect;
  • its inconvenience is that it is impossible to gnaw nuts, seeds, apples, and other solid foods.

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skies (SKYCE) is a flat decoration for teeth.

Who does not dream of a Hollywood smile - brilliant and dazzling, and in the truest sense of these words? Modern dentistry provides services not only for the treatment or implantation of teeth, but also for aesthetic purposes.

Dental jewelry is becoming more and more popular and is a flat piece of jewelry that is glued onto the teeth. With the help of such jewelry, you can emphasize your own originality, add luxury to the image, hide some defects in the surface of the teeth.

Teeth jewelry of a suitable shape can hide a crack, a stain on the surface of the tooth. And if one of your teeth sticks out, it is enough to place an ornament on the adjacent one to visually make the dentition even.

For the first time, jewelry of this kind was used by Hollywood stars. After a while, this decor also interested the citizens of our country. Initially, only public people, stage workers resorted to it, but now skys are available to anyone.

Depending on the materials used, the appearance and method of fastening, several types of tooth jewelry are distinguished.

Decoration - inlay

This method of decorating teeth is a thing of the past, because it harms the enamel. When inlaid, precious stones are used. Due to the fact that they have a convex shape, it becomes necessary to deepen them in the tooth. To do this, small holes are drilled in the enamel, where jewelry is inserted. This method is harmful and has many safe analogues.


skies (SKYCE) are flat decorations for teeth, their diameter is a maximum of 2.5 - 3 mm. Skyce contains 1 gem. In fact, he came to replace the inlay of the tooth with a diamond. Skyce with a diamond, or rather with its artificial counterpart, is extremely popular.

Such jewelry sparkles, shimmers and amazes others. Unlike a real diamond, for which you have to drill through the tooth to fix it, skyce is completely safe for the tooth. Skyce is installed by attaching it to a special glue, it gains reliability after exposure to the rays of a dental lamp. The inner surface of the jewelry is rough, which provides better adhesion of the skyce and the tooth surface.

In addition, even if you find an adequate way to attach a real diamond to the tooth, it will not be attractive in the oral cavity. The fact is that for the overflow of a precious stone, a frame is required and one more condition must be observed - the light must pass from 2 sides of the stone. It is clear that in the mouth it is impossible.

At the same time, the skyce, imitating a diamond, delights with brilliance, iridescence and iridescent radiance. This is achieved thanks to the multifaceted mirror surface. The more "diamond" on the skyce has facets, the more brilliance it radiates.

It is also important how well and carefully the stone is polished. Now there are skys of various shades: from transparent to the most incredible colors.

Rainbow skies are very popular. When light hits them, they flash with a rainbow of shades, each time looking in a new way. Skyce are attached to healthy teeth, the enamel of which is in good condition. In this case, the service life of Skyce is calculated for 6-12 months.

Skyce cannot be placed on teeth where caries develops; with thinning enamel.

Skyce on the teeth are completely harmless, they are attached to the enamel without damaging it.


Rhinestones on the teeth can not be called either jewelry or jewelry. They do not have any metal frame, but are a shiny, sparkling figure. By the way, the shape of the rhinestone can be absolutely any.

Rhinestones are also attached to a special glue. The whole procedure takes 15-20 minutes. Installing rhinestones on the teeth requires a decoration intended for this. Those rhinestones that are used to decorate clothes are not suitable.

The fact is that they are not designed to be constantly in a humid environment. They will fall off after a few days, leaving a dark spot on the surface of the tooth. In addition, such rhinestones do not have a bright shine, for which they resort to decorating teeth. They do not have a rough surface, which is typical for dental rhinestones, which provides a better connection between the jewelry and the tooth.

Twinkles jewelry

This method of decorating teeth in general resembles decorating with skyce. However, the latter contains only 1 gem, and twinkles is a figurine made of precious metal that is adorned with a gem.

As for the shape of this decoration, it can be varied. It is also possible to manufacture transcripts to order.

The fastening of the decoration is similar to the installation of the skies.

Which tooth should be attached to the jewelry?

Existing indications and contraindications allow the installation of a skyce on a healthy, strong tooth, and prohibit it if the tooth is susceptible to caries, is destroyed or has enamel damage.

Malocclusion is also considered a contraindication. Skies are not installed on artificial teeth either.

Before installation, make sure that the patient is not allergic to metal. Installation of skies is not recommended for children and adolescents.

Its location is a purely individual choice. Usually, the upper teeth are chosen for this, since they are more visible to others than the lower ones. Decoration can be installed so that everyone can see it. Then it is attached to one of the front teeth. If you want the pebble to sparkle only with a wide smile, then it is placed on the canine or the next tooth.

It is important to choose the right size of jewelry. On large teeth, small skyce can be lost, while on small teeth, a huge decoration looks ridiculous. In addition, in this case it represents a serious burden.

Skyce prices

The minimum cost of skies starts from 800 rubles. The maximum is almost unlimited. The cost of a tooth decoration depends on its size, the material used, the number of edges and the degree of their smoothness.

Due to the fact that today there are several large manufacturers competing with each other, it is possible to achieve a reduction in the cost of jewelry. So, for example, Ivoclar Vivadent skys, which are produced by a company specializing in the production of dental materials, were among the first.

Their advantage is the production in full accordance with the standards. The cost of skys from this manufacturer ranges from 600 to 1500 rubles.

It should be understood that the installation of decorations is a separate payment. On average, you will have to pay for the procedure - 1500 - 2000 rubles.

How to install skyce?

The skyce installation process takes 15-20 minutes.

First of all, the dentist examines the oral cavity to make sure that the teeth are healthy and that there are no contraindications to the use of skyce.

Then it is necessary to carry out a hygienic cleaning of the teeth. This allows you to increase the life of the skyce. If there is no need for hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity, the selected tooth is treated with special pastes with an abrasive.

The pebble looks most advantageous on snow-white teeth, so many resort to teeth whitening and subsequent fluoridation before the procedure.

After the type of jewelry is chosen, the tooth to which it is attached is determined, the doctor proceeds with the installation of the jewelry.

The tooth itself must be completely dry. First, 37% orthophosphoric acid is applied to the tooth. It contributes to the appearance of tiny pores on the surface of the tooth.

The adhesive component acts as the adhesive component. It must be illuminated with a dental polymerization lamp.

The next layer is a composite material endowed with photoreflective properties. Only after that is the decoration applied. After that, the tooth is illuminated from both sides with a lamp.

The composite, which turned out to be superfluous and protrudes, is polished until it disappears completely.

Cleanliness, lack of fat on the teeth is one of the main components of a well-established skyce. Also important is the professionalism of the dentist, the availability of high-quality materials and special equipment.

In the first 2-3 days, the patient feels the skys because it is still a foreign body. However, after the specified time, the decoration becomes invisible, does not bring discomfort. If, nevertheless, the discomfort does not go away, an adjustment of the skies is required.

How to care for skyce?

Proper care of Skyce helps to maintain its shine and healthy teeth for a long time. Skyce care involves meticulous oral hygiene.

Many people are afraid that the movements of the brush can rip off the skys or scratch it. However, the decoration is securely fastened, it can only be removed by a dentist. Moreover, now that a decorative element has appeared on the tooth, it needs a better cleaning.

Lack of care can cause the accumulation and reproduction of bacteria at the border of the skyce and tooth. In addition, if you bypass the decorated tooth during cleaning, then in a week it will differ from the rest in its appearance, any sense of installing skyce will be lost.

Finally, brushing your teeth is a kind of polishing of skyce, which means that it will delight you with its brilliance for a long time.

How to remove skyce from a tooth?

If you are bored with the decoration, then you don’t have to worry about how to remove the skyce from the tooth. A professional dentist will do this in a few minutes.

The procedure is harmless and painless.

The calculus is removed using ultrasound, after which the tooth is polished to make it smooth and remove the remaining adhesive elements. This procedure does not harm the enamel, since it does not affect it in any way, it is not affected.

Removing the jewelry in any other way will be painful and dangerous to the tooth. The study of the history of fashion shows that in different periods of development, a person sought to decorate his teeth in one way or another, focusing on the canons of attractiveness existing in society. H

dental jewelry has come a long way, becoming more convenient, lighter, but most importantly, safer. Skyce and rhinestones do not require drilling of the tooth and even the slightest damage to the enamel. At the same time, their appearance has become much more diverse and attractive.

Today skys are not only decoration, but also a way of disguise. A dark spot, crack or other minor damage to the enamel may be hiding under the skyce, but others will never know about it, because they will only see your brilliant smile.





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