Screaming loudly in a dream, why dream. Why adults scream in their sleep and how to deal with it. The child screams in a dream, in what cases it is necessary to seek help

A scream in a dream without a voice is often dreamed of by people who tend to hide something even from themselves. This may mean that you do not want to perceive anything, trying to avoid and not raise this issue. It is also worth paying attention to own life, change something or open up to yourself. Dreams are accompanied by clues that can help to more accurately understand the cause of such a cry.

Scream in a dream but not hear your voice and wake up

If you do not hear your own cry in a dream, this means that you do not want to perceive yourself. Strive to suppress feelings or any actions in life. You need to be free, accept yourself and your desires.

To sing in a dream in a beautiful thin voice, why dream

Singing in a beautiful voice in a dream portends a good outcome for some events. You are in harmony with the surrounding world and in peace. If you dream that you are singing in a choir, then you will reach agreement and agreement with people dear to you. Singing along to someone in a dream in a pleasant voice means your secondary role in communicating with him.

Screaming in a dream at a deceased father, deceased, child, mother

Shouting at a dead father in a dream means a struggle with some troubles in life. You should calm down and look at the problem from the other side, perhaps everything is not as bad as it seems.

Shouting at a dead person in a dream portends problems in the family. There may be quarrels from scratch and disagreements. Review recent events and try to smooth things over with your loved ones.

If you scream at a dead child, then you should beware of danger. Perhaps some event will happen that will unpleasantly affect you, while you will not find the culprit.

Shouting at mom often means a desire for independence and a desire to get rid of constant guardianship. Waking you enter adult life without the help of your relatives.

Scream in your sleep and call for help

Crying and calling for help in a dream means your life is not in danger. All terrible events bypassed you, and the call for help portends an early resolution of existing problems. You will receive the much-awaited support.

Crying out in pain can indicate health problems. Minor ailments need to be taken more seriously and dealt with as soon as possible.

Screaming in a dream someone else's name or the name of a loved one

The cry of someone else's name in a dream means your desire to reach out to this person, calling for understanding and support from him. You should talk to him in a calm manner and reach a compromise.

Crying out the name of a loved one means that you cannot get location or understanding from him. AT real life he does not want to hear and help you.

Screaming in my sleep, God help me

Call in a dream "Lord help!" for different situations means different events. For economic people, this may portend good harvest. If you have problems in life, a prayer portends imminent changes for the better.

The Muslim dream book speaks of the heights that you can reach soon.

To sing a gypsy, cherubic, Russian folk, children's, sad song in a dream is good or bad and what does it mean

AT this case we are talking about having a health problem.

Scream in a dream Miller's dream book

Hearing screams in a dream means chores in life that you can easily survive and put everything in order. A screaming person may portend some problems in business and love sphere activities. A cry of surprise in a dream promises unexpected help from a loved one.

If you hear the cry of a person you know, this may indicate an imminent illness of the screaming one.

The egg symbolizes the emerging life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life ...

Why dream of screaming? Such behavior in a sleeping state is typical for those who, by virtue of different kind circumstances, cannot demonstrate their emotions, feelings, express thoughts in reality. Everything that "boiled" and accumulated in the dreamer's soul, thus, splashes out in night dreams. However, dream books do not consider this the only possible interpretation of this vision. For example, quite often explaining why a cry, a cry is dreamed of, they mention an intuitive premonition of danger, trouble.

Any violation of the emotional balance, provoked by impressions, events, people that you had to face the day before, can be reflected in a dream in the most bizarre way. But if you can solve, with the help of a dream book, some riddles of night messages, then you will avoid major troubles and unnecessary worries. And it is also an opportunity to have a frank conversation with oneself - only in a dream a person can perceive the most severe criticism against him, because it comes from his subconscious.

So, you already know why you dream of screaming, from the point of view of psychologists. This is a splash of accumulated negative emotions, which cannot be demonstrated in reality without violating the rules of etiquette, corporate standards and norms.

And here is the prediction that gives the Ancient Noble dream book, quite different: if you happen to yell loudly in a sleeping state, then take care of yourself. Now you are at risk of getting into an accident, becoming a victim or witness to an accident. But let's figure it out in order, picking up a dream book!

Swearing, scandals

Dream Interpretation of Wanderers positively explains why one dreams of screaming. But it should be noted that such an interpretation is possible only if, at the beginning of the dream, the participants in the conflict communicated in elevated tones, and then moved on to a balanced, constructive dialogue. Such a picture promises good luck in business in reality. But if in a dream you didn’t reach a consensus with your interlocutor, then in reality everything will not go as smoothly as you originally intended.

You have to take the first steps towards reconciliation or establishing friendships, that's what you dream of yelling at a person you know with whom you are currently in a quarrel.

Freud interprets the night vision of a woman who had to raise her voice to her husband in a very original way. Why dream similar actions? It turns out that in fact the lady is worried, suffering, being sure that she is not attractive and feminine enough. And most importantly, she is worried that her husband does not show her former, ardent feelings for her.

Why dream of yelling at your spouse? According to the dream book, this is a manifestation of severe psychological dissonance in the sleeping person. He is constantly in conflict, discontent with himself, finding no justification for his actions, actions, decisions. He needs to seriously worry about this internal problem, find its source, so as not to fall into depression, to find peace of mind.

The most curious thing is how the plot is interpreted by the dream books, in which the dreamer swears, raises his voice to his mother. This is a sign that a sleeping person at the present time is at risk of being deceived, misled. Hence the advice - avoid squabbles, stormy disputes, as a rule, scammers often disguise their insidious plans behind violent emotions.

But sometimes, the same vision with the participation of the parent is explained positively by the dream book. This indicates the stage of formation, maturation of the dreamer. He is ready to get out of the custody of the elder: teacher, mentor, and make decisions, taking full responsibility.

But yelling at babies in a dream is not good. According to the dream book, this is a sign of unwanted changes, events that can affect both you and your family. Don't blame yourself or anyone else for what is likely to happen. You still won’t find the culprits, but you will only waste time, ruin your nerves.

You need a foothold!

Why dream of screaming in horror, fear? Do not panic, just in this case, everything that you are most afraid of will safely bypass you in reality, the dream book portends. So the sorceress Medea, commenting on such a midnight nightmare, explains: the most terrible thing remains in night dreams, there is no reason for despair.

Was it puzzled that while they were sleeping, they were desperately and loudly trying to call someone for help? This plot, the dream book promises, will just favorably affect your present - you will receive unexpected support, find like-minded people.

By the way, about like-minded people. In a dream, people often call for help, who in reality are embarrassed to demonstrate their problems, not wanting to upset or burden friends and relatives.

If in a dream you screamed in pain, then this is a symptom of a certain disease. Admit that you do not even want to hear about going to the doctor, agreeing to an examination of the body. In vain, such stubbornness can lead to disastrous results.

Lost voice

If you dreamed that when you try to call for help, you cannot make a sound, then the dream book puts forward an interesting hypothesis: you are a secretive person, and at the same time also insecure. Sometimes you are afraid to praise yourself, and if you make a mistake, then put an end to what you started. This is wrong, you need to fight and make an attempt after an attempt, only in this way, you can change the world around for the better.

In a dream, a cry “stuck in the throat” can be advice - as soon as you wake up, start acting, solving the accumulated issues in succession. We must understand that problems that are not solved in time only multiply and worsen. It will not be possible to do everything at once, but it is possible to clear the "Augean stables" with a certain persistence. By the way, it will be rewarded.

Sometimes in a dream they cannot make a sound and people who are not used to sharing their thoughts and feelings with others. But they also need a violent outburst of suppressed negative emotions. It happens at night, in the form of a nightmare vision, summarizes the dream book.

Calls, toasts

Did you dream that you were loudly calling a person by name? The namesake of this character will play soon important role in your life. Who knows: maybe he will suddenly solve the problem that has been haunting you for so long? And what will the dream book say to the one who shouted: bitter! Nothing bad, on the contrary, the dreamer who feasted at the wedding table in night dreams will have a chance to strengthen his family bonds, to establish relations with the spouse (wife), children, parents. In a word, life is getting better!

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Equivalent to parasomnia. In medicine, the phenomenon is called somniloquia. The problem concerns more often children who have not reached puberty. Experts attribute the failure to developmental features nervous system and a weakened psyche. With age, the condition should normalize on its own. If an adult screams in a dream, the reasons may be more serious. The advice of psychologists is used as treatment, folk remedies and medicines. The doctor is obliged to draw up a course of therapy, focusing on the results of the diagnosis.

Sleepwalking (somniloquia) is a common and harmless parasomnia. A person talks in his sleep or even shouts out certain phrases loudly, but in the morning he does not remember anything. The seizure lasts for about half a minute. high probability repetitions.

Approximately 6% of the world's population is affected by the problem. The majority of patients are under 16 years of age. The risk group includes people who abuse bad habits, do not observe sleep hygiene, or have a hereditary predisposition.

The severity of the failure depends on causative factor. Children scream because of nightmares, but mumble incoherent sounds with a large amount of incoming information. In adulthood, emotional shock comes to the fore. The situation is aggravated by taking medications, alcohol and constant stress.

Characteristic manifestations of the phenomenon

Somniloquia is usually divided into 2 types. The first type is characterized by the pronunciation of clear phrases during the REM stage of sleep, and the second - incoherent sounds during the slow stage. Talking in a dream rarely reflects dreams and manifests itself in varying degrees. Relatives of the patient can timely find out about the presence of parasomnia by the following signs:

  • The sleeper turns to someone or starts calling for help, which creates the appearance of awakening.
  • Words are whispered or in a loud voice. Speech is clear or slurred depending on the phase of sleep.
  • A person begins to yell, wake up in the middle of the night, cry and wave his arms if he has a terrible dream. The situation worsens under the influence of drugs, drugs or alcohol.
  • A sleeper, without waking up, is able to get out of bed, scream or ask something from relatives. Symptoms of somnambulism are characteristic.

Advice! Waking up a person talking in a dream is very difficult and is not recommended so as not to disturb the psycho-emotional background.

The problem is rarely detected on its own, since in the morning the patient does not remember anything. Learn about this type of disorder advantage from people sleeping nearby, forced to constantly hear screams, unintelligible sounds and conversations at night.

Finding a reason

Experts in the field of neuropathology and psychiatry believe that screams through sleep appear against the background of excessive excitation of the nervous system. Perhaps the patient often drinks coffee before going to bed or watches horror in the evenings. In second place are the consequences of the accumulation of negative emotions due to regular stay in stressful situations. If you do not learn to relax and splash out the negative, psychosomatic failures will begin to develop over time. A general list of reasons why people scream in their sleep is given below:

It's important to know! From the point of view of esotericism, the main reason why adults scream and toss and turn in their sleep are internal experiences. The sleeper may be afraid of certain things in real life, which leaves its mark on the subconscious.

Reasons for concern

Cries at night stop in children under 16 years of age. If the problem persists or worsens, the help of a neurologist will be required. The specialist will check the child for the presence neurological disorders. In the absence of failures, the patient will be redirected to a somnologist and psychotherapist to compile a picture of sleep and examine the psyche. In some cases, it is urgent to start acting earlier than the announced deadline. The following list of alarming symptoms will help you navigate in a timely manner:

The situations mentioned above should not be left to chance. anxiety symptoms may indicate the development of serious pathological processes. The patient needs to be urgently examined to draw up an optimal treatment regimen and prevent dangerous consequences.

Treatment options

Patients on their own can try to exclude exposure external stimuli and take advantage available methods calming the nervous system. Relevant advice in the absence warning signs. In other cases, you will need the help of a doctor. The course of therapy may include the following treatment options:

  • traditional methods;
  • folk recipes;
  • advice from psychologists.

You will have to combine the therapy regimen with the observance of sleep hygiene. Treatment is aimed at stopping the causative factor and eliminating discomfort.

traditional medicine

Traditional methods are used if the failure is difficult to fix by following the rules alone. healthy sleep. The course of treatment is compiled by a somnologist based on the results of the examination. The scheme of therapy with 3 integral elements is presented:

  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • undergoing physiotherapy procedures;
  • the use of drugs to calm the nervous system.

Attention! Funds from hypnotic effect and physiotherapy are prescribed only by the attending physician. On your own, you can only drink vitamins and medicines with a slight sedative effect vegetable based.

Folk recipes

Funds traditional medicine rarely cause adverse reactions and simply prepared at home. It turns out a sedative effect due to lemon balm, valerian, hawthorn and others natural ingredients. To normalize sleep, the following methods are suitable:

  • Herbal infusions with a sedative effect eliminate nervous excitement. A medicine is being prepared from 1-2 tbsp. l. collection (hawthorn, valerian, peppermint), filled with 500 ml of boiling water. After 20 minutes of infusion, discard the raw materials and leave the liquid. The remedy is taken in the morning and in the evening for ½ cup.
  • Inhaling relaxing aromas calms the nervous system. The patient needs to fill in equal parts lavender, chamomile and lemon balm in a rag bag and put it under the pillow or next to the bed.
  • Warm water with the addition of 1 tsp. honey perfectly removes nervous tension. It is enough to drink a sweet drink 1 cup before bedtime.
  • Evening foot baths allow you to relax and forget about problems. Will improve the effect of adding to warm water essential oils, needles and chamomile.

Most of the techniques are relevant for the treatment of representatives of any age categories.

Advice! If you are prone to allergies, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using folk remedies.

Screams in a dream are regarded by experts as a manifestation of repressed emotions. In real life, many people cannot fully express dissatisfaction, irritation, resentment because of the disapproval of such demonstrations by society. Gradually, the negative accumulates, which leads to the development of parasomnia.

As a treatment, it is enough to understand the cause of the failure and “pour out” emotions to a loved one. person or express indignation in writing. You can repeat the procedure until complete recovery. If the recommendation does not help or the patient is not able to understand what exactly is “squeezing inside”, you need to do the following exercise:

  • find a comfortable body position;
  • close eyes;
  • make sure that breathing remains even;
  • recall the happiest memory;
  • think about the sensations experienced after waking up;
  • comparing emotions, draw a conclusion for yourself.

At correct execution exercises will be able to see the source of the problem. Further actions should be aimed at splashing out suppressed emotions.

Prevention of disruptions in the rhythm of sleep-wake

The development of parasomnia can be stopped if the impact is excluded annoying factors. The patient should establish a sleep-wake schedule, create a suitable environment for relaxation in the bedroom and follow the recommendations of doctors. It's easier to focus on general list tips:

  • Refuse bad habits. The body is adversely affected by alcohol-containing drinks, drugs and cigarettes. If you can’t stop yourself on your own, you should contact specialized institutions.
  • Creation comfortable conditions for relax. In the bedroom, a person should feel relaxed. It is necessary to try to create a quiet and darkened environment with an air temperature of 18 to 22 ° with a humidity of up to 50-60%.
  • Try not to excite the nervous system in evening time. A few hours before the rest, it is recommended to stop working at the computer and watching TV. Only moderate physical and intellectual loads are allowed. Instead of coffee and energy drinks, it is better to drink tea or a decoction based on plants with a sedative effect. Shortly before bedtime, you can walk down the street, listen to relaxing music, read a book or take a bath.
  • Follow the schedule. You need to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Failure to comply with the rule will lead to disruption of daily biorhythms and lack of sleep.
  • Don't overeat before bed. The last meal is preferably carried out 2-3 hours before rest, otherwise there will be problems with digestion.

Cries in a dream are considered a frequent manifestation of excessive excitation of the nervous system. In the absence of other irritants, it is enough to follow the advice of specialists to normalize psycho-emotional state. If the problem is the development of pathologies or dependence on harmful substances, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

A desperate cry in a dream warns of a difficult period that you can overcome if you gather your strength now. However, the interpretation of the dream must take into account such details as the volume, the cause, and, if possible, the personality of the person who yelled. The dream book will help you figure out what the indicated sound is dreaming of.

According to Miller

If in dreams I happened to see a screaming person, then in reality dubious pleasures will lead to decline in all areas of life.


What does a loud cry for help mean? If in a dream you hurried to the call, in real life you will cope with any difficulties, if you prefer not to interfere, then get ready for major problems.

Did you dream that a familiar person was crying for help? The dream interpretation is sure: in reality, he will certainly get sick. If the voice pleading for help was unfamiliar to you, then trouble will come from strangers.

At night, the cry of despair symbolizes terrible news from afar. And the call of the dead man warns of great misfortune.

Don't be stupid!

Why dream of a frightened squeak of an unfamiliar child? By unworthy behavior you destroy your own soul.

If a mother happens to see her screaming child in a dream, then he is threatened great danger. Hearing the screech of a child unknown to you means that you will not get what you want, no matter how hard you try.

The heartbreaking squeak of a baby marks a period of numerous problems. If you dreamed of a cry of a baby, then the dream book is sure: you will repent of perfect stupidity.

Calm down!

Why is a loud female cry heard? Hear gossip or be invited to visit. The cry of a woman symbolizes disappointment and failure in a dream, and the dream book warns: your fears are far-fetched.

Did you dream of a displeased cry from your mother? You have chosen the wrong path and risk suffering. The heartbreaking screech of a familiar woman hints that you are literally walking along the edge, but you don’t even know it.


Did you dream of the loud cry of a wild bird? Get ready for a very difficult life stage. Dream Interpretation believes that you have to work with a tough and demanding person.

What is the dream of the cry of a poultry? The path to glory and success will be difficult and long. Hearing the cry of a wild animal in a dream, but not seeing it, can be an accident, and a domestic one - a family scandal.

Other transcripts

Additionally, the dream book gives the meanings of sounds that can be heard in a dream.

  • The cry of a rooster promises prosperity, a wedding, relief.
  • Owls - danger, loss, longing.
  • Seagulls - the death of relatives.
  • Crows - forgery, deceit.
  • Goose - slander, denunciation.
  • Orla - the advice of an influential / wise person.
  • Donkey is a public insult.
  • Elephant - a long journey.

Harmony or attack?

Why dream of a deafening cry for a girl? Most likely, she will have to leave her chosen one due to a misunderstanding.

Do not be afraid!

Why dream of your own cry? In reality, make an unfortunate mistake and become a laughingstock. Your own cry also means disappointment, worries, dark times, illnesses and other negative events in a dream.

Did you hear your wild cry? In reality, you will experience helplessness. But crying out in surprise is good. The dream interpretation is sure: in a difficult moment they will definitely help you.

Even if you managed to scream in fear in the night, then be calm: what you are very afraid of, you definitely do not threaten. Had a dream that they called someone in the forest? This is a sign of a lack of communication, participation - just go to visit.

Joy or trouble?

What does a fight and a panic squeal mean in the night? The dream interpretation suspects that you will become a participant in difficult trials, among other people chosen by fate.

In a dream, were you terribly frightened and screamed? Exactly what you suspect will happen. But a sudden fright from someone else's cry promises joy and achievement of the desired.

Why dream a lot of screams? With equal probability, a family scandal or a joyful event is approaching.

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Often quite adequate and healthy people they start talking, moaning and even screaming in their sleep.

Is it dangerous

Restless dreamers themselves, as a rule, do not remember anything about what happened when they wake up and do not want to go to the doctors, while their loved ones are very frightened of night attacks. It is they who are most often the first to wonder why a person screams at night in a dream.

Although in most cases night screams are a completely harmless thing, it should still be monitored with extreme care. given state in children. As a rule, such behavior is one of the phenomena of parasomnia, a specific sleep disorder that is most widespread among children under the age of 8-10 years. However, such screams can be a sign of increased epiactivity of the brain. If the situation is chronic and does not go away with the age of the child (by the age of 14-16), then it makes sense to consult a neurologist. If the neurologist does not identify violations, then in order to figure out why a person screams and talks in a dream, he will be sent for a consultation with a somnologist and a psychotherapist. A somnologist will draw up a picture of a dream, and a psychotherapist will examine the state of the patient's psyche for the presence of deviations that can provoke problems.

Possible reasons

Most common cause why people scream in their sleep - nightmares triggered by stress and everyday emotional experiences.

Sleep is an active process mental activity. The brain does not turn off during a night's rest and continues to evaluate the information that it received during the day. Psychic work is going on. Unresolved life problems and conflicts with others force the subconscious mind to work continuously to solve the problem. Talking and screaming in a dream are signs of this mental activity.

The most common cause of screaming in a dream in adults and children is a banal nightmare.

In addition to the main cause of night screams, you can name the following:

  • taking medications that affect the central nervous system, as well as abrupt cessation of sleeping pills and sedatives;
  • serious psychopathology and neurological disorders;
  • depression;
  • sudden awakening from an external stimulus;
  • high temperature, fever;
  • unfavorable conditions for night rest.

If a person does not follow the daily routine, goes to bed late, does not rest enough, sleeps in a stuffy hot visit, then it is not surprising to hear a complaint from him: “I often talk and shout in my sleep”

If a person claims: “I scream in my sleep, like my father / mother,” the reasons for this are quite prosaic. Features of the functioning of the nervous system are often hereditary. Including the ability to withstand stress. Even in early childhood, the child absorbs emotional condition nervous prone to fear and phobias of the mother, which results in nightmares, accompanied by symptoms of parasomnia.

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