Dog East European Shepherd (photo): hardy defender and true friend. East European Shepherd Dog Veo adult size

The owner of a four-legged pet is sure to be interested in how well his pupil develops. Therefore, the question of how old a dog of this breed grows is not idle. Also, each owner needs to know how many grams a puppy should add monthly, how many centimeters to grow. The parameters of the pet must match the average.

How old are East European Shepherds?

The most active East European Shepherd grows during the first year of life. The appearance of the dog changes, its proportions are formed, it matures and gains body weight. The animal grows in height. Moreover, males from the first days are different from girls of the same age - they are larger, more powerful.

Up to seven or eight months, it is most noticeable how their height and weight increase. To analyze whether this process occurs correctly in a pet, a table of the growth of an animal of different periods of life will help. It shows the weight of the VEO puppy by months.

At 1 year old, the dog looks quite adult. She acquires the weight of an adult VEO, which should not change until the end of her life.

Deviations of parameters indicate physiological changes in the body. In females, this happens during pregnancy, feeding puppies, childbirth. Sometimes a slight decrease in weight is observed due to ignored estrus.

Height and weight are the main indicators of the development of puppies

Important! After castration and sterilization, pets may begin to gain weight unnecessarily. There are cases of obesity after surgery.

If the weight of the East European Shepherd changes without an objective reason, this indicates:

  • disease;
  • wrong content.

However, even after a year, East European Shepherds are still growing, as the body is being formed. They become adults at 2 years old. Some individuals grow up to 3 years, increasing the chest.

VEO height and weight table

Age (in months) Height at the withers of a male (cm) Height at the withers of the bitch (cm) Weight (kg)
1 23-27 23-25 3-5
2 35-38 33-36 8-10
3 43-47 41-46 12-15
4 50-55 48-53 15-20
5 55-60 55-57 20-25
6 60-65 57-65 25-30
7 65-68 65-66 30-35
8 68-70 66-67 35-40
9 68-73 66-68 35-40
10-12 68-75 66-69 35-40

There are changes in other parameters of the shepherd dog.

Table of growth dynamics of the lengths of the body, front legs and head

Age (in months) Oblique torso length (cm) Bust (cm) Front leg length (cm) Pastern girth (cm) Head length (cm) Muzzle length (cm)
1 25-30 36-45 11-16 8-10 12-15 3-4
2 37-44 47-55 18-25 10-12 16-19 8-10
3 47-54 55-62 24-30 11-12,5 19,5-22 12-14
4 55-62 60-69 28-34 11,5-13 22-25 15-18
5 61-66 65-74 31-36 12-13,5 24-27 20-23
6 64-71 69-78 33-38 12-14 25-28 25-28
7 66-73 71-81 34-39 12-14 26-29 30-33
8 68-75 74-83 34,5-39,5 12-14 26,5-29,5 35-43
9 71-76 75-85 35-40 12-14 27-30 35-43
10 72-77 75-86 35-40 12-14 27-30 35-43
11 72-77 78-88 35-40 12-14 27-30 35-43
12 72-78 80-89 35-40 12-14 27-30 35-43

The table shows that the end of the formation of different parts of the body of a dog of this breed falls on different periods of life.

Development of a VEO puppy by months

To be sure that the health of the pet is in full order, you need to keep a diary from birth, in which you note the mass and growth of the East European Shepherd Dog by months. The parameters will be normal if they do not differ greatly from the average weight accepted by the standards. They also track the growth of the East European Shepherd Dog.

Weight and height of the East European Shepherd at birth

The birth weight of puppies depends on many factors:

  • the number of heads in the litter;
  • parental genetics;
  • the age of the whelping bitch;
  • her state of health (weight norm);
  • maintenance (feeding, physical activity) of a bitch dog.

In a multiple litter, there are small puppies, less than 400 g, or very large ones, weighing more than half a kilogram. And this despite the fact that a newborn shepherd cub should weigh according to the standards of 400-500 g.

Boys are smaller than girls at birth - this should not be frightened. But they quickly catch up with the sisters, so that later they can completely overtake them.

Knowing how much the puppy's mother weighs, how much the father meets the standards, one can assume whether their offspring will be large or small.

Small discrepancies with average statistical figures are admissible.

One month

The first weeks the kitten grows very actively. 30 days after birth, the height of the withers becomes 23-27 centimeters. Veo weighs at this age from three to five kilograms.

At the age of one month, puppies still need mother's milk.

At the age of one month, small puppies gain weight faster than large ones, although they do not always catch up with them. But often even those that were smaller than standard at birth reach average parameters. For the first 4 weeks, the kitten increases its body weight by 6-8 or more times.

Every month, the weight gain should be about 3-5 kg, and the growth should increase by 2 cm. From kut, which weigh more than 5 kg per month, dogs subsequently grow damp, friable.

At the age of a month and a half, an East European Shepherd puppy looks like a small bear cub with rather short legs and an egg-shaped body. Hanging ears make it look like a cute soft toy.

Sheepdogs are born toothless. By 4 weeks, they already have fangs, both upper and lower.

Two months

At this time, the skeleton is actively formed. A two month old puppy is trying to raise his ears, but the cartilage is still soft. Incisors should appear - the pet tries everything around “by the tooth”.

2 months - the period when milk incisors appear

Its weight reaches 8-10 kg, which is 20 more than at birth and 2 times more than at the beginning of the previous month. But because of the disproportionately short legs, the kittens still look like toys.

Three months

From the age of 2 months, the puppy's milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones. The hooks fall out first, then the middle ones.

Over the past two months, the pet has increased its mass by 3-4 times, and since its birth - by 30 times. A three-month-old puppy weighs between 12 and 15 kg. The length of the front paws also tripled. Now he does not seem like a clumsy bear cub - this is already a small dog, although due to the fact that the ears are poorly held in a standing position, he looks like a defenseless and cute kitten.

At three months, the ears can rise and then fall again - this is due to the growth of the teeth.

Four months

In puppies at this time, the change of milk teeth is still ongoing. At four months, many shepherd dogs have their first molar from below.
The four-month-old puppy continues to actively gain weight. She already reaches 15-20 kg. The height at the withers has also doubled compared to a one-month-old kitten.

The ears, paws, and tail of the dog grow intensively. Therefore, the pet often carries its tail, lowering it low to the ground. Most of the ears are in good shape. The final term for “ears getting up” is six months.

The joints on the legs are large, stand out strongly, seem disproportionate in comparison with the body.

From 3.5-4 months, the first molt begins in the "Eastern Europeans". The soft puppy coat is replaced by a tougher, "adult" one.

At the age of 4 months, intensive growth of the limbs is observed

Five months

After the fourth month of life, the growth of a shepherd dog is a little slower than before. All parts of the body are formed, become more proportional. A five-month-old East European Shepherd reaches 20-25 kg in weight.

Her milk teeth continue to be replaced by permanent ones, molars appear - from 1 to 3 pieces.

Five months - the time of the appearance of the first molars

six to eight months

During this period, the pet grows very slowly, changes little. His ears should stand in a saddle and not fall to the side, the paws are proportional to the slightly inclined torso. Outwardly, a six-month-old teenager completely resembles an adult.

Already all the milk teeth have been replaced by permanent ones, all the molars have grown.

Some individuals show signs of puberty at half a year: males mark the territory, and the first estrus may begin in bitches.

Important! You should not be led by nature at this time: early matings adversely affect the health of animals and stop their further development.

At the age of 6-8 months, the body becomes more proportional

nine to twelve months

The teenager's paws and head are already fully formed. The muzzle doesn't grow anymore. It looks like a complete dog.

However, it is impossible to say that the animal has grown. Slowly and almost imperceptibly, the sheepdog continues to grow and form. In some individuals, a slight increase in height at the withers is noticed.

By the year, the growth of the shepherd in height stops

One to two years

The shepherd has acquired its permanent color as the molt is over. There are no changes in the main parameters.

But it still continues to develop. Without adding significantly in weight, the dog grows "in breadth": the chest increases, the muscles become stronger.

After a year, the weight of a shepherd dog increases due to a set of muscle mass

Two years and older

Finally, the owner can calm down: his pet has become quite an adult. The countdown has begun. From a year and a half, shepherd dogs notice the erasure of teeth: first the hooks, then the incisors, then the fangs.

Video: the process of growing up an East European Shepherd puppy

Unfortunately, old age always comes to us and our pets. When you get a puppy, you absolutely do not want to think that your pet will leave you sooner or later. There is an assumption that a dog lives 7 times less than a person. Based on this assumption, if the dog is 7 years old, then by our standards she is about fifty years old.

In addition, the life expectancy and rate of aging of dogs of different breeds is not the same: the life span of giant dogs is almost 2 times shorter than that of dwarf compatriots.

East European Shepherd: how long they live and how to ensure longevity

breed standard

It states that the average life expectancy should be 12-14 years old. There were no significant differences between female and male individuals in longevity.

But these data describe only a certain average variant, and how many years a particular pet will spend next to the owner depends on several conditions.

Longevity conditions

To factors affecting life expectancy should include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • physical health;
  • conditions of detention;
  • emotional background.

Each of these factors can influence both positively and negatively.

A puppy taken from trusted parents who received quality veterinary care, including vaccinations and check-ups according to age, nutritious food, provided with the necessary physical activity and grew up in an emotionally safe environment has every chance of becoming a "long-liver" reaching the age of 15-16 years.

Therefore, no one can say exactly how many years the East European Shepherd has been living, it all depends on the above factors and their execution by the owner.

Sexual activity plays a role- sterilized individuals have a slightly longer lifespan.

Age changes

The life of a dog can be conditionally divided, like a human one, into several stages, each of which will have its own physical and behavioral characteristics.

In the early period, the puppy's eyes have not yet opened, it feeds only on milk, and cannot survive without extraneous care (on average, up to 12 days).

By 20-21 days there is a gradual rejection of milk, teething begins.

At 4-7 months, teeth are replaced, and ears should stand up at 4 months.

By the year the dog reaches adult size, the proportions of the body are built according to the parameters of the breed and individual characteristics.

Interesting! Further find out how long the Eastern European Shepherd Dogs live it is possible in the teeth, more precisely, by the presence of tubercles on them, which are gradually erased.

So, in a year on white teeth, the tubercles are clearly visible, by the age of 5, the teeth can change color to more yellow, and the tubercles begin to wear off. By the age of 10, a shepherd dog may already experience problems with loose and worn teeth.

However, these features are private and are highly dependent on the quality of care and nutrition.

Psychologically shepherd reaches maturity at the age of about 3 years. She loses in many ways puppy mobility and restlessness, learns the norms of living together with the owner.

After 8 years of life, they talk about the onset of old age. Diseases characteristic of this breed may appear– diseases of the joints, limiting mobility, diabetes.

The decrepitude of the dog is evidenced by: low mobility, sagging skin around the mouth, strong gray hair.

Becoming the owner of an East European Shepherd Dog, should be remembered that the dog's age is short-lived. But caring care and harmonious construction of the pet's living conditions will allow him to live the years allotted to him productively and with pleasure.

An all-purpose dog used for all types of service is the East European Shepherd Dog. Amateur dog breeders may confuse this breed with the German Shepherd, which served as the basis for breeding the breed. But professionals probably know both the differences and the history of the origin of the dog. If you compare photos of these two breeds, the differences will immediately be evident. Each has its own distinctive standard and description, although the oriental has not yet been recognized by the International Cynological Federation.

The image of the East European Shepherd as an intelligent, obedient dog is quite consistent with the traits that were cultivated in these dogs. They showed themselves from the best side, serving a person, becoming also excellent companions. In a sense, the German Shepherd has eclipsed the Eastern European, and today the choice will more often fall on German puppies. But true connoisseurs of VEO still remain and, which cannot but rejoice, new ones have appeared. Today, the breed is reborn again thanks, first of all, to its excellent working qualities, as well as a beautiful exterior.

Origin and breeding

The East European Shepherd appeared in the Soviet Union at the beginning of the 20th century. Animals were specially bred to work in different conditions: army service, assistance in the national economy, were used as a guard and guide. Soviet cynologists instilled in the dog qualities that its ancestors did not have. The nature and abilities of the VEO made it possible to use it in the guard and convoy, search service. They were orderlies during the Russo-Japanese War, worked on the fronts of World War II, rescuing the wounded and blowing up enemy tanks. Since the beginning of the 20th century, they have been used in search. Since then, photos of dogs “at work” have remained.

Wide breeding of the breed began in 1924. Nurseries were created, a standard was bred. Purposeful breeding for fifty years made it possible to breed a breed that has an excellent character and rather serious external differences from its closest brother, the German Shepherd, although in many ways their description is similar.

East European Shepherd - standard and appearance

  • Oriental handsome man has a height above average, a powerful backbone with well-developed muscles. Males are larger than females, which is noticeable even in the photo.
  • The standard provides for the growth of males up to 76 cm and females up to 72 cm.
  • The head is massive, wedge-shaped. The ears are medium, set high (see photo). The neck is of moderate length, muscular.
  • Dog owners often wonder when VEO's ears stand up. Easterners have ears that rise relatively early. The standard allows hanging ears in young individuals up to six months.
  • Dogs with a strong back and a wide oval chest. The slope of the back is much less than that of the German Shepherd (see photo). The tail is shaped like a saber.
  • The limbs are strong and muscular. Paws are oval, pads and nails are dark. The breed standard calls for the removal of dewclaws.
  • The coat is straight and coarse, of medium length, close to the body. It is shorter on the head and limbs. The ears are also covered with short hair. There are fringes on the hips. The breed standard provides for black and black color on a lightened background (see photo).
  • The standard provides for a certain character and behavior of dogs of this breed. The East European Shepherd is a calm and self-confident dog, distrustful of strangers. It has a pronounced protective reaction (see video).
  • Life span: about 13 years.

Pet character

The East European Shepherd Dog is most devoted to its owner - protecting him, she is ready to give her life. A distrustful attitude towards strangers is complemented by adequacy and poise, which guarantees: without the need, the dog will not show either strength or aggression.

Easy to train, listens to the owner (see video). A dog of this breed is generous to other animals, does not offend them, and can even make friends and take care of them. He loves children and loves to play with them.

The dog is quickly brought to "combat" readiness, its reactions are lightning fast.

The character has many positive traits: devotion, activity, readiness to protect. A monument has even been erected to a dog of this breed - more than 60 thousand Eastern Shepherd Dogs participated in hostilities during the Second World War.

Features of maintenance and care

Dogs of this breed are absolutely unpretentious (see video). But they need proper nutrition, regular training and physical activity for a normal life. They can be kept both in the apartment and in the aviary. An aviary with a booth is considered an ideal place - so the dog will have the space it needs and a roof over its head. It is necessary to accustom the animal to the place from a young age.

Diseases of the "Eastern"

The East European Shepherd is a fairly robust and hardy dog ​​with good health. But still there are diseases to which this breed is prone. These include:

  • inversion of the stomach;
  • arthritis (diseases of the joints).

As a prophylaxis of the disease, you should regularly diagnose it with a veterinarian and, if the first symptoms are present, begin treatment.

There are also incurable and deadly diseases from which all dogs are not immune. First of all, it's madness. So don't forget to get vaccinated.

Good care, proper diet, comfortable habitual conditions of detention, regular visits to the veterinarian - and your pet is not afraid of any diseases!

Nutrition Features

Dog nutrition should be complete, balanced, enriched with essential vitamins and minerals. This will keep the animal healthy and in good physical shape. The lack of necessary substances in the body can be noticed in appearance, when the coat grows dull, the ears fall or do not rise, etc.

Feeding a dog with ready-made dry food causes a lot of controversy among experts. Supporters of industrial feed assure their usefulness, balance and saturation with nutrients. At the same time, there is also an opposite opinion. Consider both ways - how to feed a dog with natural food and dry food.

Natural feeding has an undeniable advantage - after all, the concentrates used in industrial feeds cannot completely replace animal protein, which is essential for the full life of an animal. When choosing this method, it is imperative to feed the dog with foods such as meat (mandatory in the diet of both an adult dog and puppies), fish, cottage cheese, eggs, milk, cereals, bread, fruits, vegetables, greens. You can not feed the animal with potatoes, legumes, flour products, salty foods, give sweets, fish and tubular bones, sausage skins.

All food should be given raw or slightly cooked, so that it retains the necessary vitamins.

The advantage of dry food lies in its balance and the presence of all nutrients. In addition, dry food takes into account the age needs of the animal in certain minerals: there are special foods for puppies and adults, pregnant and lactating. If you decide to feed your dog with commercial food, consult with professional breeders about the choice of manufacturer and brand of food; buy a few options to try and see what feed suits your pet best.

You should not buy cheap food from unknown manufacturers, you should always pay attention to the expiration dates and the integrity of the packaging. It should be understood that pet nutrition is the most important component.

When planning to feed an animal with dry food, one should also take into account the fact that in this case it will need a lot of water. A bowl of fresh water should always be near the dog.

Also, do not forget about bait. So, if the animal's ears have fallen, this indicates a lack of calcium in the body. So, it must be replenished with food additives.

Feeding can also be combined. There are some peculiarities here. The main thing is that such food should not disturb the dog's digestion. Mixed feeding can be as follows: in the morning you use natural products, in the evening you give dry food.

Choosing a puppy VEO

When choosing an East European Shepherd puppy, decide on the purpose - what do you need a dog for. It could be:

  • pet. In this case, it does not matter at all whether he has a pedigree or not. A puppy rejected due to the wrong color or a puppy from an unscheduled litter can become a real member of your family, decorate your photo, and save you money - because its price will be much lower;
  • security guard. In this case, the main purpose of buying a puppy is protection. It is impossible to determine his protective qualities at the age of two months, so you should pay attention to his parents. It will be an advantage if they were used in service dog breeding or passed the guard service exam. Often nurseries shoot videos where you can see the possibilities of parents. Also, the characteristics of the animal can be issued in the club.
  • manufacturer. When choosing a puppy for further breeding, be sure to pay attention to the pedigree of the parents. Sometimes it is even better to wait for the litter of the manufacturer you need. Of course, the price of such puppies will be appropriate.

Puppies can be sold from private hands, from kennels or clubs, their price can be varied. Which of these methods to choose depends only on what you want: to get a purebred East European Shepherd or a dog that may turn out to be a mestizo. From the photo of the puppy it is impossible to determine with maximum accuracy whether it is a purebred dog or a transfer dog. It will become noticeable only with age, for example, when the ears do not stand up.

However, the price doesn't matter. As well as whether the dog falls under the standard. After all, buying VEO, you get a true friend with a wonderful character, a protector and companion who will decorate family photos.

According to historical facts, East European Shepherd Dogs were bred in the 30s. 20th century, but the breed was officially recognized in 1964.

The breed was bred by breeding from, cynologists worked hard to create a more hardy and massive look.

In 1924, the authorities of the Soviet Union set before them the task of forming all the positive qualities in the dog: the breed had to become universal, withstanding physical, psychological and climatic stress.

The first breeding species on the basis of the Moscow nursery "Red Star" did not receive a logical conclusion, due to financial instability in the country, but the work did not stop, thanks to donations from high-ranking officials.

The history of domestic dog breeding in the post-war period was disappointing, a large number of shepherd dogs were exterminated. But the situation changed in 1945. when purebred German shepherds were brought from German kennels.

Nurseries resumed, the work was carried out carefully and structured, new families were created, the breed has not been crossed with other species dogs, which is confirmed by the presence of documents; breeding took place behind closed doors without the help of foreign specialists.

Its recognition as a new species breed of the East European Shepherd Dog received in 1964. from General G.L. Medvedev: she was recognized as the most patriotic breed for her merits and heroism during the hostilities.

Breeding work to improve this species continued, second VEO standard was recognized in 1977, it is characteristic that the breed was considered a subspecies of the German Shepherd and did not exist as a separate species.

With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, a turning point came for the VEO: the German Shepherd received the international FCI standard, which put the East European Shepherd in an illegal position.

Undertaken attempts to eradicate this breed, however, in the same period, a new community "Association of breeding nurseries of the VEO breed" was formed, which served as the basis for the creation of the "Unified Pedigree Book of Mating" of the East European Shepherd Dog since 1999.

Only in 2002 VEO recognized as a separate species, thanks to the cynological organization RFK, which returned honor and respect to her.

Differences between the East European Shepherd and the German

Externally VEO much taller and bulkier German (height male varies from 65 cm to 77 cm, bitches- from 62 to 71 cm).

Eastern European Shepherd female slightly smaller than the male, whereas in the German Shepherd, females are taller than males.

Paws "pasto" even in puppies, orientals are expressed by their massiveness.

The body of the "back" of the German goes down, as if the dog is crouching; that is, the highest point is at the withers, while in the East European Shepherd Dog the body is from the withers to the base of the croup looks classic, the back looks more even. The sternum is wider, oval in shape.

The movements are balanced, sweeping "trot" with a fairly strong support push.

The Germans look more colorful in color, having a pronounced tan, VEO opposite- differ in a lighter color, the coat is straight, thick and hard.

The temperament of the breeds is also different: the German Shepherd is more playful and noisy, which cannot be said about the Eastern European. Those, in turn, are distinguished by “serious” and balanced behavior.

VEO - universal dog, but most suitable for serving in various military structures.

Gallery VEO


The most pronounced feature of the breed is its attachment to the owner. The dog unquestioningly executes commands and obeys.

He is distrustful of strangers, but does not show obvious aggression.

Without special need, he does not show strength, since he has a stable psyche from birth and iron nerves, but at the same time reacts with lightning speed to the situation.

If the owner or his family is in danger, the reaction of the dog will follow immediately, due to the moral attachment to his mentor, he capable of sacrificing life for the sake of the owner and his family members.

The owner considers his own, over him does not dominate, in the circle of his allows himself to relax and play.

He loves children, is a good "nanny", reacts calmly to the whims of children, always has fun with them.

Very vigilantly monitors its territory, does not tolerate the presence of strangers. Suitable for the role guide.

Training can be done independently, but for a more effective result it is better to entrust it to the cynologist.

The East European Shepherd Dog lends itself well to training, easily makes contact, which plays an important role in military affairs.

It should be noted her endurance and performance. VEO can be described in one word - bodyguard.

East European Shepherds served in the Chechen war. For heroism and courage, the dog Elga was assigned to the award and a monument was erected in her honor in the city of Primorsk-Akhtarsk. Thanks to her courage, dozens or even hundreds of human lives were saved: sacrificing herself, Elga pointed out to the military at buried mines and hidden ammunition.

Feeding and care

The East European Shepherd Dog is quite unpretentious, but like any other species, it requires attention.

  • To hygiene procedures it should be taught from infancy, so that later the dog can calmly respond to them.
  • Need special care fur and ears: comb the dog once a day with a special brush - this improves blood circulation and gets rid of various kinds of contaminants.
  • wash the dog veterinarians recommend shampooing no more than once a week; zoological stores offer a wide range of this product.
  • Ears are cleaned from excess sulfur 1 time in two weeks with a dry cotton swab.
  • If the eyes the dog is not disturbed, then you should not touch them, so as not to harm.
  • Per teeth they should be monitored and periodically brushed, otherwise tartar formation is possible.
  • The dog can live both on the street and in the house, but still it is more suitable for the private sector, where possible. However, VEO can also be kept in a spacious apartment.

  • Regardless of where it will be contained, it should be done worm prevention And also do not forget about vaccinations. From fleas apply drops or a collar.


As you know, a properly balanced diet helps to keep the body in good shape.

Therefore, cynologists and specialists have developed special diet for the East European Shepherd.

This list of products is suitable for both a puppy and an adult.

Puppy daily menu:

  • meat (beef) - 150 gr.;
  • cottage cheese - 150 gr.;
  • one egg;
  • beef bones;
  • vitamins - doses are prescribed by a veterinarian;
  • various cereals - 80 gr.;
  • minerals - doses are prescribed by a veterinarian;
  • milk - 110g;
  • soups - 80 gr.;
  • boiled fish (can be instead of meat).

puppy food should not be very thick and hot, and you should not overfeed it - this can lead to obesity.

Water follows keep changing so that it doesn't get stuck. As the baby grows, the diet is gradually increased.

Adults can eat special food: both dry and liquid foods should be present in the daily diet.


Training starts with a puppy from the first months his life.

This is a kind of establishing contact between the owner and the dog, to be more precise, an emotional connection is established.

Should limit the communication of the little one with strangers to a minimum, otherwise the dog will subsequently begin to obey everyone.

Since some puppies, due to their age, do not concentrate well on the same activity, you should not exercise with it for more than 5 minutes. Enough to do three sets of 5 min. in a day.

In fact, all dog commands are carried out reflexively, here we can recall Pavlov's experiment. The essence of training is based on the same method: after the completed command, the pet is always rewarded with a piece of his favorite treat.

It must be borne in mind that the dog must clearly follow the orders of the owner, without being distracted by extraneous objects and noises.

At the age of three months, they begin to walk the street with the dog, asking commands and getting a positive result from it.

You can also try teach the puppy the most important team "Near!".

  • To do this, get a collar with spikes according to the size of the pet's neck, put it on a walk with the spikes inward.
  • During the walk, the dog is kept on a short leash, saying “nearby”.
  • As soon as the dog begins to move away from the owner, the spikes will begin to put pressure on the neck, causing discomfort, and the animal will return to its original position.
  • The technique is used up to a year, until the dog begins to independently carry out this command.

Starting at 4-5 months teach the team "Barrier!".

  • The dog's mentor puts a small log on the ground, puts on a leash and starts running with the dog in the direction of the obstacle, directing the animal towards it.
  • Approaching the target, the trainer runs around the log so that she cannot do the same, thereby forcing her to jump over.
  • It should not be forgotten that before the start of the jump it is necessary to shout out "barrier".
  • As soon as the pet copes with the task, he is treated to a treat.
  • Training should take place daily until the dog begins to clearly follow the command, barriers can be increased and diversified over time.

Many commands and knowledge of the East European Shepherd Dogs are still at the genetic level the main thing is to develop them.

There is nothing difficult in training- basic commands are easy to execute; the main thing is to stock up on patience and perseverance, because not everything worked out for us the first time.

How to choose a VEO puppy

Puppy should be looked after and bought in a specialized nursery: there you can trace his entire pedigree - cynologists keep a strict record of all litters.

The price in the nursery fluctuates from 16 000 rub. and above, depending on the pedigree and prospects of the puppy.

Hand price - from 3000 rub., but this suggests that instead of a European, you can buy a pig in a poke. Be carefull! Check documents.


East European Shepherd Puppy Games:

Back in the Soviet Union, the first representatives of this fearless and devoted breed were bred. The East European Shepherd Dog is still in high demand today, because such dogs have an extraordinary mind, exceptional devotion and rare reliability.

Origin story

Parents and grandparents of the representatives of the breed were brought to our country in 1904 from Germany. These were the best German Shepherds. At the very beginning, dogs were not used for breeding, exploiting their working qualities - excellent security and shepherd capabilities. In the First World War, animals were used as sanitary dogs. After that, it was decided to involve representatives of the breed in the work of the police. During the years of the revolution, almost all livestock was destroyed, but after the civil war in Germany, the required number of animals was purchased. In the first years, the new government simply used dogs, not trying to breed the breed on the spot.

However, already in 24-36 years the situation changed: the task was to breed a new breed that would be more adapted to climatic conditions. To this end, German Shepherd males were bred with females of other breeds or even mongrels, taking into account the phenotype. The result of this selection was a dog, which was called the "East European Shepherd".

The first breed standards were developed and approved in 1955. The RKF adopted the standard for this type of shepherd dog only in 2002.

Breed characteristics

Representatives of this breed have powerful muscles, developed backbone. The hind legs are set almost at right angles to the level back. The average height at the withers is 70 cm. Males are noticeably larger than females and taller, in addition, their chest is more developed, and their head is larger. Weight - about 50 kg. The coat is coarse, the undercoat is thick. The East European Shepherd Dog, whose color does not have a strict framework, can be black, red-spotted, black-backed, gray-spotted or black and tan.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by endurance, activity and tirelessness. The standard states that at any time this animal must be ready to follow the commands of the owner. Protecting the property entrusted to them or their own owner, these dogs can act independently, showing incredible courage. At the same time, aggression, which has no basis, is the reason to consider the animal defective.

By nature, the East European Shepherd Dog, it will be black or any other color, is incredulous. But this only applies to strangers. Moreover, she is merciless to her enemies and the enemies of her master. At the same time, she is very gentle with children, being an excellent nanny for them. The dog will be happy to play any games with children, but especially loves moving ones like catching up. She loves to bring objects thrown to her. A dog full of dignity and calm will become a full member of the family. Well-bred does not experience negative emotions towards other pets.

These shepherd dogs are very balanced, have strong nerves, sharp hearing and instinct, do not have the habit of raising their voices during work. These qualities are highly valued in guard duty, for which the breed is used today.

Differences from German

Despite the fact that the breed originated from the "Germans", today the difference between the German and East European Shepherd is very significant. Of course, fans exist in both breeds, however, in order to determine your preferences, you need to know exactly what the differences are.

So, first of all, the East European Shepherd Dog is noticeably larger. Even VEO females, according to the standards, are larger than the male representatives of the "Germans". And this despite the fact that females are always smaller than males of the same breed. In addition, the "Easterners" are wider in the chest, it is deeper, with a more pronounced turn.

The girth of the pastern is also important - the "Eastern European" paw is much thicker than that of the "German" of the same age and gender. It is very important to pay attention to the back of the dog - in VEO the difference between the withers and croup is about 3 cm, while the back of the German Shepherd resembles an arc, forming a large difference in the height of the withers and croup. "Germans" have longer legs, making their movements somewhat squatting.

These dogs are also very different in temperament. "Germans" - athletes: noisy and rather cheerful, while VEOs are active, but serious.


Like any other breed, the East European Shepherd Dog has characteristics that all representatives of the breed must meet. These standards were adopted by the RKF on November 1, 2002.

The dog is moderately elongated, large in stature, with strong bones and well-developed muscles. The gender type is pronounced. Males are more massive and larger.

Temperament and Behavior: This breed cannot be expected to be patient with strangers. According to the standard, the dog must be self-confident, balanced, have a bright active-defensive reaction. Outsiders should be treated with distrust.

Males reach 66-76 cm at the withers, females - 62-72 cm.

The dog's head is in proportion to the whole body, its length is about 40 percent of the height at the withers. Massive, slightly pointed, wide and deep. The cheekbones are rounded, the muscles are developed. The forehead is rounded.

The limbs are straight, set almost parallel. Pasterns are long, springy. The hind limbs are drawn back, parallel to each other. The thighs are muscular, set at an angle.


Until now, German Shepherd males are used in breeding, capable of adding "fresh blood" to the VEO branch. But despite all the efforts of breeders, East European Shepherd puppies may appear with defects for which they may be culled or simply not allowed for further breeding.

Disadvantages that can affect the health of the dog:

Strong deviations from the sexual type;
- insecure behavior;
- stretched or flattened shape of the body;
- uncharacteristic facial expression;
- light, convex or round gases;
- absence of premolars;
- ill-fitting ears;
- tail ring;
- curvature of the limbs or loose gait;
- depigmentation of the nose.

Flaws that lead to the disqualification of a dog:

Cowardice or unmotivated aggression;
- non-compliance with standards;
- deviation (except for the cases specified in the defects);
- not a scissor bite;
- hanging ears;
- eyes of different colors;
- albinism;
- short or curly tail;
- deviations in color;
- full or partial cryptorchidism;
- curly, too long or too short coat;
- unsteady or non-standard gait.

An East European Shepherd Dog that has at least one of the indicated defects cannot be admitted to exhibitions, breed competitions or allowed for breeding.


Today, there are two types of breeding: with the participation of fresh blood of German Shepherd males or crossing only within the breed. The Eastern European type includes puppies bred in both ways. In the ring, both options can be equally successful, as judges prefer well-trained, well-displayed dogs. After the end of the exhibition, by analyzing the descriptions of experts, breeders and clubs match pairs and draw up breeding plans.


Like any other breed, the price of a good dog with great ancestors cannot be cheap. Of course, you can buy a puppy from a "sheepdog" without documents for a thousand or two. But if you need a good, promising puppy from working parents, you need to go to a service dog breeding club. And here you should not expect low prices. The correct East European Shepherd Dog, the price of which is quite adequate, with an excellent pedigree and good data, will cost from 30 thousand rubles.

Puppy education

Most often, there are no problems with raising cubs of this breed. Puppies of the East European Shepherd Dog receive their first "education" from the age of four months. However, one should not rush much, because the upbringing of any living being is a long process that requires maximum patience.

In addition, the correct and balanced feeding of an East European Shepherd puppy is very important. The diet must include meat, cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables.


This dog - East European Shepherd Dog - is distinguished by intelligence, so its training and education are quite simple. The animal is able to absorb new elements very quickly. Jumping and overcoming obstacles is a favorite part of the activities of any dog ​​of this breed. Training with a variety of tasks is the best way to spend your pet's energy.

This breed needs firm management, so it is important to interest the dog - it will not perform empty tasks. It is necessary to ensure that the animal itself wants to obey, and not just because it was trained that way - then it will enjoy the lessons. It is impossible to achieve obedience and devotion from the VEO by punishment.

It is very important to establish a connection with a dog from childhood - this is the only way to get a truly understanding friend. Apart from their owners, puppies need to socialize with other animals, especially dogs, to avoid further hostility towards them. It is important that the puppy be in crowded places, so as not to raise a vicious, withdrawn dog.

Having raised the East European Shepherd correctly, you can get an excellent bodyguard, an excellent guard who loves and cares about the owner and his family.

If you ask the owner what are the difficulties of keeping this breed, he will most often think. And this is not a pretense at all, the East European Shepherd Dog has an extremely good health. The owners' reviews indicate that she does not need special conditions of detention: she can easily get used to living both in an apartment and in the courtyard of the house. Wool is very easy to care for - just wash it as it gets dirty, comb it during the molting period. Apart from a predisposition to gastric volvulus, the breed does not have any serious transmissible diseases. To avoid this trouble, it is enough to follow the rules of feeding: never feed immediately before or after a walk - at least an hour should pass. It is best to give small portions of high-calorie meals, because the larger the amount of food, the higher the chance of getting a bloat.

Like other large dogs, BEOs are prone to arthritis and other joint problems. Therefore, it is necessary in 5-6 years, without waiting for the first signs, to carry out the prevention of such problems.


The nature of this shepherd dog is plastic, which makes it easy for the animal to adapt to different types of lifestyle. Depending on the situation, it can be both a sofa pet and a devoted guard. But still, do not forget that these dogs were bred for service, so they need education, training, long walks. It is very important for the mental health of the animal to participate in various rings and competitions. It can be not just OKD or ZKS, but also sled dog competitions, towing, agility.

Among other things, this dog is extremely owner-oriented - it does not tolerate not only long business trips, but even short-term separation. Even in a small space, the Oriental will follow the owner, strive to lie down next to him, constantly see him. Such strong devotion can annoy some people - this must be taken into account when choosing a pet.

Breed today

Today, the East European Shepherd Dog is not the most popular breed. However, every year more and more people choose her as a pet. Despite the fact that quite recently VEO almost disappeared forever from the lists of breeds, amateurs and connoisseurs did not allow this to happen. That is why we have the opportunity to see the best representatives of this breed in the region at almost any exhibition.

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