Quail eggs: product features and its application. Healing properties of quail eggs

Quail eggs are a natural vitamin complex with unique properties. They are rich in vitamins, essential trace elements and amino acids, and therefore require close consideration by every health-conscious person. In this article, the editors of Know Everything.rf will tell you in detail about the benefits of quail eggs: how they differ from chicken eggs, what nutrients they contain, how to cook quail eggs and how to use them correctly.

The benefits of quail eggs

A chicken egg, for example, contains 2.5 times less vitamins than a quail egg. There is more phosphorus, potassium and iron by 4.5 times. And lecithin, which is found in raw quail eggs, helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Therefore, the properties of quail eggs are truly unique.

Quail has a high body temperature - 42 degrees - they are resistant to infections. A raw egg must be washed before use, but for children under 3 years old it is better to boil it. Quail eggs cook much faster than chicken eggs: 1.5-2 minutes is enough to have a soft-boiled egg, hard-boiled - it will take 5 minutes.

Quail eggs can be used to treat various diseases: anemia, high or low blood pressure and severe headaches. With it, you can increase immunity, treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, gastritis and pancreatitis.

With disorders of the nervous system or anemia and diabetes, quail eggs are also indispensable. Diabetics, for example, are advised to eat 6 quail eggs a week. The amount of sugar in this case may decrease by 2 units. With a concomitant diet, stunning results can be achieved. This is even confirmed by medical observations.

Quail eggs - the elixir of youth

The use of quail eggs, coupled with dietary nutrition, helps to strengthen the immune system, restore and improve metabolism. And due to the high content of phosphorus, the quail egg is a good stimulant of potency.

Quail eggs for children should be given 2-6 pieces a day. The amount depends on age, and adults should eat 4-6 pieces a day. At the same time, they should be eaten daily in the morning and on an empty stomach. Quail eggs are best eaten raw. And take systematically without interruption for at least 3 months. The beneficial effect on the body is manifested after two weeks.

Quail eggs are easily digestible and do not cause any negative effects. This is evidenced by medical observations. Absolutely all parents who, due to the constant illnesses of their children, introduced quail eggs into their diet, talk about improving health in a few months.

For example, a disease such as asthma can be completely cured with therapeutic nutrition. Even after a severe form of the disease, the child can afford to run for hours on the street without shortness of breath.

Quail eggs also help to grow. Children who are behind their peers in growth grow after a quail diet by 8-15 centimeters per year. Vitamin D, which is contained in the product, prevents the development of rickets.

This egg also helps with stuttering. Moreover, regardless of the nature of the origin of the disease. After 3-4 months, the child or adult begins to talk normally.

But phosphorus, which is contained in a quail egg, stimulates mental development, improves memory and contributes to the accelerated development of intelligence in babies and adolescents. It is easier for children who eat quail eggs to comprehend science, they perceive the material better, and remember it easier.

Quail egg shell

Studies have shown that the shell of quail eggs, which is 90% calcium carbonate, is easily digestible. In addition, the shell contains all the necessary trace elements: fluorine, copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, molybdenum, zinc - a total of 27 elements. From this list, silicon and molybdenum are very important - our daily diet is extremely poor with them, and the body is in dire need of them.

If you introduce quail shell (shredded) into food, then this will show high therapeutic activity and will not bring any side effects. Excess calcium, when using this shell, will not be deposited on the bones and will not cause urolithiasis.

Starting from the age of one, quail shells can be given to children. Good healing of orthopedic conditions such as osteoporosis and congenital dislocation of the hip (dysplasia) has been observed.

Shell therapy helps with brittle nails and hair, constipation, bleeding gums, irritability, hay fever, insomnia, asthma and hives. How to take the powder from the shell - it does not matter. Can be added to food. And the effect will be greater if you add 3-5 drops of lemon juice or fish oil to the shell.

Even better, trace elements, in particular calcium, dissolve in water. Calcium solution can be prepared as follows: pour the powder on the bottom of the jar at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water. And insist for five hours. From such water you can make tea, infusions, coffee, soups or just drink it raw.

Quail eggs: benefits and harms

The quail egg is also used in medicine. They make cosmetics. You can make such cosmetics at home.

How long to cook quail eggs?

Due to their size, quail eggs cook quite quickly. It takes 1-2 minutes to get soft-boiled eggs, and 5 minutes for hard-boiled eggs. Eggs, like chicken eggs, must be placed in cold water and heated to a boil, and then timed. It is better to salt the water.

How to cook quail eggs?

Recipes with quail eggs

However, quail eggs can be eaten in any form. Raw food never contains salmonella. And boiled can be added to salads, omelettes, snacks, scrambled eggs and pastries.

Quail eggs can be stored for up to a month at room temperature, in the refrigerator for up to three. In this case, the shell of the eggs must not be damaged.

One of the original recipes is a raw egg drink. It adds strength, energy, accelerates metabolism and growth. For him, you need to take 4-5 quail eggs, beat, add fruit juice, coffee or red wine to them, as well as sugar or honey to taste. Such a nutritious drink can be consumed daily.

Another interesting recipe that kids will love is fried eggs. Eggs should be hard-boiled, peeled and peeled. Whip 2-3 more eggs until fluffy. Moisten boiled eggs in this foam, roll in breadcrumbs, fry in hot oil.

For an omelette with quail eggs, you need to take milk (3/4 cup), beat it with 12-15 quail eggs, salt, add finely chopped onion. Melt the butter in a frying pan, pour the prepared mixture into it, wait until it is fried. Serve on the table.

For a salad with quail eggs, you need to make poached eggs. This is a pretty original recipe. It will require a liter of boiling water, a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon of vinegar. Crack the quail eggs and drop them one by one into the boiling water. At this time, it is necessary to twist the water so that the eggs turn out to be solid lumps. Within two minutes they will curl up.

For salad, cut boiled chicken or quail fillet into thin slices, cut pickles, peeled apple, boiled potatoes. Mix all the ingredients and season with sour cream. However, instead of sour cream, you can take mayonnaise. Put the boiled eggs on top of the salad. Salt the dish, add lemon juice to taste, and sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar.

Quail eggs undoubtedly have unique properties and many useful components. According to the editors of the site, it is worth introducing them into your diet, but not becoming a fanatic. Watch the expiration date, and enjoy your meal.
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Humanity discovered the unique properties of quail eggs a very long time ago.

The first mention of this product is found in the papyri of the ancient Egyptians and even in the ancient recipes of Chinese healers. It was from China that quails were taken to Japan, and smart Japanese became interested not only in poultry meat, but also in eggs.

After the bombing of Hiroshima, the Japanese began to use this product to remove radioactive substances from the body. They also noticed that eggs have a good effect on the mental development of children.

The Japanese government, having learned benefits of raw quail eggs, introduced a law on the regular use of this product in the amount of 2-3 pieces daily.

The achievements of the Japanese were used by Russian scientists when a terrible tragedy happened at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Quail eggs were given to children to normalize appetite, relieve fatigue, dizziness, nosebleeds.

Compared to chicken eggs, quail eggs contain much more B vitamins, four times more iron, five times more calcium. It is an irreplaceable source of vitamin A, phosphorus, cobalt, copper and other amino acids.

They do not cause diathesis, therefore they are recommended for inclusion in the diet of even infants.
The optimal and doctor-approved dosage of this product is as follows:

  1. no more than two pieces under the age of 3 years,
  2. no more than three pieces under the age of 10 years,
  3. no more than four pieces under the age of 18,
  4. no more than five pieces under the age of 50 years.

But, despite all the advantages of eating this product, there are certain limitations.

  1. The first is the cholesterol contained in this product. People with elevated cholesterol levels in their blood should be attentive to their diet and follow the norms allowed by the doctor.
  2. The second is liver disease. The yolk enhances the contractions of the gallbladder, and can also provoke the outflow of bile, so people with gallstone disease should refrain from this product.

Useful properties of quail eggs are unique. Thanks to an amazing set of substances, quail eggs strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, heart, and blood vessels.

What are the benefits of quail eggs

Many parents are faced with acute respiratory diseases in babies. As soon as the child goes to school or kindergarten after the sick leave, the disease again takes over. The reason for this is a weak immune system.

For the prevention of acute respiratory diseases, quail eggs are actively used, they help to reduce the risk of developing acute respiratory infections several times. And if the baby is still sick, the disease proceeds easier and faster.

  1. A positive effect from the use of the product is observed in patients with hypertension, anemia, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma.
  2. Medicinal properties of quail eggs allow pregnant girls and the elderly to keep their teeth with a lack of calcium in the body.

Bulgarian specialists have identified another unique property of this product - the improvement of male potency. They came up with an egg cocktail that includes quail eggs. The Germans traditionally eat several raw eggs on an empty stomach and wash them down with a tablespoon of vodka. Such a breakfast allows them not to complain about potency until old age.

From tyrosine, which is found in quail eggs, even cosmetic products for the face are made. Many European brands add tyrosine to expensive shampoos and creams that have a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Useful properties of quail egg shells

Krompecher, a doctor from Hungary, answered the question for the first time. Together with his colleagues, he carefully studied the eggshell and found out that it is an affordable and good source of calcium, which is perfectly absorbed by the human body.

  1. Lack of calcium leads to serious health problems - rickets in the smallest, loss of teeth, problems with the spine, in the elderly there is an increased fragility of the bones. If calcium metabolism is disturbed, other ailments arise - allergic reactions, frequent colds. Calcium preparations used in medicine are hard to digest, and therefore are not highly effective.
  2. The most valuable shell is quail. It is almost 90% calcium carbonate, it also contains iron, copper, fluorine, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, silicon, molybdenum and a number of other useful elements that are very few in ordinary food.
  3. Adding pre-crushed shells to the diet gave excellent results without any side effects.

It's hard to overestimate favor of the shell for the little ones from the age of one. During this period, the processes of bone tissue formation are especially active, and calcium is extremely important for the formation of the skeleton and teeth.

The inclusion of the shell in the child's diet will prevent rickets and anemia. Doctors also claim faster healing in osteoporosis.

Shell therapy strengthens hair, nails, relieves bleeding gums, helps fight insomnia, constipation and even asthma.

You can add the shell directly to food.

Even better, useful substances from the shell are absorbed in the form of a special calcium solution. It is crushed and stirred in water, insisted for several hours. The resulting water is used for brewing teas, coffee drinks, soups.

The shell is a reliable assistant in water purification from heavy metals, as well as chlorine!

Even on the shelves of ordinary stores, you can often see miniature testicles with brown spots laid by quails. What are the benefits and harms of quail eggs, and how are they used in the kitchen, in treatment and cosmetology?

The composition and calorie content of quail eggs

  • vitamins of group B - B9, B2, B1, B6;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin A;
  • nicotinic acid PP;
  • choline and beta-carotene;
  • valuable minerals - calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium, chlorine and phosphorus;
  • iron and copper;
  • rather rare minerals - cobalt and molybdenum, chromium and manganese;
  • amino acids.

100 g contains 168 calories. Most of all, in the delicacy product of fats - about 13 g, another 12 g is occupied by proteins, and carbohydrates account for only 0.6 g. There is a lot of water in the composition of eggs - 73 g.

How many quail eggs replace one chicken? It is necessary to take 5 - 6 pieces of gourmet eggs so that the mass and nutritional value are approximately equal to 1 chicken.

The benefits of quail eggs for the body

It may be hard to get enough of miniature delicacies, but that's not their main benefit. The properties of the product and its unique composition contribute to the fact that eggs:

  • help in the treatment of stomach and intestinal ailments;
  • stimulate the brain and purify the blood;
  • increase resistance to infections and viruses;
  • tone up;
  • reduce the possibility of developing atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes;
  • speed up metabolism and maintain normal vision;
  • help with asthma and allergies;
  • serve to prevent diabetes and protect the kidneys and bladder from the formation of stones.

The benefits of quail eggs for women

Quail eggs will be of particular benefit to the fair sex. Quail eggs for women after 50 are very valuable, since the properties of the product regulate sex hormones and improve the condition during menopause. These same properties help young women quickly return to normal after childbirth.

What are useful quail eggs for men

For men, the benefit of the product is that it raises testosterone levels and has a positive effect on potency. The product is able to serve as a prophylaxis for inflammation of the prostate gland.

Can quail eggs be given to children

Ordinary large eggs are introduced into the children's diet late, but quail eggs are an exception - due to their miniature size, they will not cause harm. But the benefits will be great - the properties of the product will protect the child's eyesight, contribute to the good functioning of the brain and memory, and strengthen the immune system. Therefore, in small quantities, the delicacy is not only allowed for children, but is also very important for their diet.

At what age can a child be given

For the first time, you can offer the product to an infant as early as 9 months - but in very small quantities. You should start literally with a grain of boiled yolk. If there is no negative reaction, then gradually the dosage can be increased to half the yolk, and by 12 months - to the whole. Protein is introduced into the diet after 1 year - and at the same time they begin to introduce the child to omelettes and casseroles from this product.

Important! Despite the valuable properties, the product can cause an individual negative reaction in children. In order not to harm the baby, before introducing the delicacy into the diet, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Is it possible to use quail eggs for pregnant and lactating

A useful product is very rich in folic acid and other valuable substances, so it is definitely recommended to use it while carrying a child. The delicacy will help strengthen the developing body of the fetus and insure against miscarriage.

Quail eggs during breastfeeding can be consumed daily, in a couple of pieces, partially replacing more allergenic chicken eggs.

Are quail eggs good for weight loss?

At first glance, it seems that the nutritional value of 168 calories makes the product not the best choice for a dietary diet. But you need to remember that the calorie content is indicated for 100 g of the product - and one testicle weighs much less. Therefore, during weight loss, 1 - 2 pieces per day are acceptable and very useful - they will help make up for the lack of valuable substances.

Treatment with quail eggs

The health benefits of quail eggs are expressed in the fact that the product even helps alleviate some chronic diseases. How is it supposed to use a delicacy for various ailments?

With pancreatitis

Even at an acute stage with an inflammatory disease of the pancreas, you can use the product - but only in its raw form. In extreme cases, soft-boiled testicles are allowed. The fact is that boiled yolk is too hard to digest and can harm the pancreas.

For gastritis and ulcers

With peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis, it is also better to eat the product unprocessed. Fresh eggs coat the walls of the stomach from the inside, helping to fight nausea and heartburn, and relieve inflammation.

For diabetes

In case of diabetes, the product is not prohibited - the sugar level does not increase from it, but the beneficial properties allow you to maintain normal well-being. However, before using the delicacy, you must definitely consult with your doctor - in some complex forms of diabetes, the body can still be harmful.

In case of poisoning

The product contains cleansing properties, so in case of food poisoning, you can take one testicle every 6 hours - the body will cope with intoxication faster.

The use of quail eggs in cosmetology

Proteins and yolks are successfully used not only in cooking, but also in folk cosmetology. Their valuable properties have a good effect on the skin, restoring its youth, elasticity and freshness, as well as nourish and strengthen weak brittle hair.

Face masks

To moisturize your face and at the same time get rid of swelling, you can make the following mask:

  • Mix 3 yolks with a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of oatmeal;
  • distribute the mask over the face for 15 minutes;
  • then rinse and apply a cold washcloth for a couple of minutes.

Another mask nourishes the skin around the eyes and helps to get rid of swelling and "bruises".

  • Egg yolk is mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Add some fresh lemon juice.
  • Gently applied to the delicate skin of the lower and upper eyelids for 20 minutes, avoiding contact with the eyes themselves.

Hair masks

The properties of the product effectively strengthen the hair, give it shine and improve the condition of the scalp.

  • To restore strength to brittle dry hair, you need to mix 3 yolks with 2 teaspoons of castor oil and aloe juice. The mixture is distributed over the hair, then covered with a film and wrapped with a towel for 4 hours. After this time, the mask is washed off with a mild shampoo.
  • To get rid of dandruff, you can mix 3-4 yolks with 5 tablespoons of beer and crumble some rye bread into the mixture. The mask is mixed, then rubbed into the scalp to wash off with shampoo after half an hour.

The benefits and harms of quail egg shells

It is not necessary to throw out the egg shells - they can also be used for food. The benefit is no less than from the yolks themselves - the shell contains the same set of useful minerals, vitamins and amino acids.

You can only eat shells of boiled eggs. Before use, they need to be ground into the smallest powder, and then added to coffee, taken with water, or used as a spice for various dishes.

Advice! On the day of an adult, it is allowed to use powder from 3 shells, for teenagers under 18 it is better to stop at the ground shell of 2 eggs. And for small children from 1 to 8 years old, it is worth giving the powder in an amount of no more than from 1 shell.

When properly prepared, the properties of the shell cannot cause harm. It is only dangerous to grind into powder a poorly washed shell from a raw egg. You also need to make sure that there are no large shell particles left in the powder that can injure your mouth or throat.

How to eat quail eggs

How to eat quail eggs for more benefits? The product can be processed in all available ways - hard-boiled and soft-boiled, fried in a pan, eaten raw, added to baking dough.

True, there is one caveat - useful, but tiny delicacies are not rational to use for cooking bulky dishes. Usually they are used as a decorating touch. Product meets:

  • in salads;
  • on sandwiches and toast;
  • in rolls and casseroles;
  • in garnishes and soups;
  • in dessert dishes.

The product goes well with any vegetables and fruits, with meat and cheeses, with fish dishes and herbs.

Cholesterol in quail eggs is quite high (a third of the daily norm in 1 egg), and it is recommended to consume them little by little. The daily norm is 2 - 3 pieces for a healthy adult, and for children and people with poor health, it is generally better to limit yourself to 1 testicle per day.

Raw quail eggs: good or bad

In a fresh product, not subjected to any processing, a maximum of vitamins and all valuable properties are preserved. And this means that the greatest benefit to the body will be from raw eggs. Raw quail eggs on an empty stomach improve health. And if such a product does not seem too pleasant to taste, it is added to porridge or mashed potatoes, mixed with sweet juice or sugar.

However, with this method of use, harm is also possible - eggs can carry Salmonella bacteria. The risk is considered not too high. Quails are clean birds, and the eggs are covered with a very dense, almost impenetrable shell. Nevertheless, the possibility of contracting a dangerous infection still exists.

Advice! In order not to refuse to eat raw eggs, you should buy them only in a trusted store or directly from a reliable supplier. Before breaking the shell, it must be thoroughly washed.

How to boil quail eggs

Miniature eggs cook much faster than chicken eggs. They need to be kept in boiling water for only 5 minutes if you want to get a hard-boiled egg, and no more than 2 minutes if soft-boiled - then the benefits of boiled quail eggs are maximized.

Harm of quail eggs and contraindications for use

The valuable properties of eggs in some cases can turn out to be harmful to the human body. The product has the following contraindications:

  • hepatitis and other severe liver diseases;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • kidney failure;
  • atherosclerosis and complicated diabetes;
  • egg allergy.

How to choose quail eggs

You can buy a useful product even in a regular store, but first you need to carefully examine the packaging. Good fresh eggs should be:

  • whole - without damage to the shell;
  • heavy enough - if the egg weighs almost nothing, then its expiration date has long expired;
  • with a bright and saturated shell - a too faded shell indicates an unformed egg.

How long can quail eggs be stored

You can keep a useful product only in the refrigerator. At very low temperatures, fresh eggs remain fresh for up to 2 months, and at temperatures above 10 degrees - no longer than a week. Hard-boiled eggs keep for about 7 days in the refrigerator.


The benefits and harms of quail eggs depend on how much they are consumed. If you do not exceed the daily norm, then there will be no harm to the body - on the contrary, the product will help to cope with ailments in many ailments.

The exquisite taste, dietary and medicinal properties of quail eggs make them a popular and indispensable product for the family table. The only drawback, miniature size, is more than compensated by the balance of the composition and unusual appearance. Children like them and can always serve as a decoration for festive dishes.


Useful properties of quail eggs

The unique ratio of nutrients in a quail egg is best suited for human nutrition, and lysozyme protects the product from damage by pathogenic microorganisms. The ecological situation in large industrial cities is a serious indication for the inclusion of quail eggs in the daily diet. It is the success in the rehabilitation of people affected by the effects of radiation exposure and environmental pollution that caused the popularity of this product to grow day by day.

Features of the physiology of quails make it possible to keep a bird without carrying out preventive and therapeutic measures associated with the use of antibiotics and other medications. In addition, quail breeding farms are most often small, since the market for quail products is not massive. This means that quail eggs and meat are environmentally friendly food, both in the case of purchasing them from a private farmstead, and when buying them in a store.

Who will benefit from quail eggs

For medical reasons, quail eggs should be used as an adjuvant for the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • hypertension, anemia, angina pectoris, ischemia, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis;
  • gastritis, gastric ulcer, pancreatitis;
  • tuberculosis, pneumonia, asthma;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • radiation sickness;
  • some types of allergies;
  • male impotence;
  • immune deficiency;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • violations of physical and mental development.

It is useful to use quail eggs in the nutrition of children, adolescents and young adults, weakened by disease or the elderly, women during periods of bearing a child. They are also suitable for diet during breastfeeding. With enhanced sports, they are necessary to enrich the diet with protein. With a decrease in working capacity and increased fatigue, “health ampoules” from quails will help to gently tone the body, saturating it with vitamins, microelements and essential amino acids.

Options for use and cooking features

Options for the use of quail eggs are no different from those for eggs of other farm birds. They can be baked, boiled, fried, marinated, cooked omelettes and sauces. It is important to consider that heat treatment deprives the product of some of its healing properties. However, the small size of the quail egg allows it to warm up quickly and evenly, which significantly reduces the time required for cooking and allows you to better preserve the nutrients in an active form.

The use of raw quail eggs is possible only with full confidence in the health of the layers, the cleanliness of the seller, the freshness of the products, the absence of damage to the shell and the integrity of the shell membrane. Daily intake of raw eggs on an empty stomach has undoubted benefits: it helps prevent hair loss, improves the condition of teeth, nails, and restores joint mobility.

Advice: Clean eggs without damage can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of +5ºC for up to 90 days without losing their useful properties, they should not be wiped and washed, otherwise the protective cuticle will be destroyed.

The shell of a quail egg can also be used as food after it has been boiled for a short time, dried and chopped. The composition of the eggshell is almost the same as the human skeleton, so it is easily absorbed by the body and serves as a natural source of calcium. Its property to activate the process of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow is also important, which contributes to a comprehensive recovery.

The benefits of quail eggs for women

Processes unique for the female body - bearing a child and breastfeeding - can proceed much easier and with less loss to health, if you choose the right diet. Quail eggs soften the manifestations of toxicosis, contribute to the preservation of the fetus, its harmonious growth and development. Cocktails with a product that has not undergone heat treatment relieve constipation, which is especially important in the second half of pregnancy.

Regular consumption of quail eggs helps the body recover after childbirth, prevents the development of mastopathy. The proteins, folates and fatty acids that make up their composition have a beneficial effect on the hormonal background of a woman and maintain it in a healthy state. During lactation, they are able to easily replace chicken eggs, which are often banned on the recommendation of a doctor, while the high quality of milk can be maintained without harm to the mother.

Women who monitor their weight have the opportunity to appreciate the ability of quail eggs to nourish the body with all the nutrients it needs without overloading it with calories. Dietary complexes based on this product are distinguished by a long-term effect and safety for health.

Advice: A feature of a quail egg is the increased strength of the shell shell, while the shell is fragile and thin. It is not very convenient to break it in the usual way, there are special scissors for cutting the shells, you can also use an ordinary kitchen knife.

Cosmetic properties of quail eggs

The content of tyrosine allows cosmetic products based on quail eggs to have a beneficial effect on the skin, maintaining its healthy appearance and improving complexion. Anti-aging masks are especially popular, giving a noticeable long-term effect. They narrow pores, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, treat acne, stop inflammation, relieve swelling, and help smooth out wrinkles.

Hair masks with quail eggs moisturize and revitalize dry strands, give them shine and strength. Complex multi-component products with the components of this product can get rid of dandruff and cure alopecia. Due to the activation of the processes of regeneration of scalp cells, hair growth accelerates, curls become thicker.

Quail eggs are non-allergenic, go well with other useful ingredients used to make cosmetics at home. They do not cause irritation, on the contrary, they have a calming effect on the skin, heal microtraumas.

Video: The program "About the most important": the benefits and features of the composition of quail eggs

Composition of quail eggs

The uniqueness of quail eggs is determined by the saturation of their composition with a low calorie content, which is 168 Kcal. Per unit weight, they contain more proteins, vitamins A, PP, B1, B2, minerals, including phosphorus, iron, copper, potassium and calcium than the eggs of other types of agricultural brood birds. All essential amino acids in a quail egg are present in greater quantities than in a chicken egg, especially a lot of methionine, lysine and tryptophan.

Quail egg nutritional value (per 100 g of product)

Harm of quail eggs

In some cases, the inclusion of quail eggs in the diet can be dangerous and harm the body:

  • an allergic reaction to the components of a quail egg;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • violation of protein metabolism, assimilation of proteins.

Excess consumption of heat-treated quail eggs leads to the accumulation of cholesterol, and raw - increases the risk of salmonella infection and can cause indigestion. Quail eggs should be boiled for no longer than 3-4 minutes, after which they should be immediately removed from boiling water, otherwise there will be almost no useful substances left. The less time the product is heated, the more benefits the body can get from eating it, so soft-boiled, poached eggs are healthier than fried or hard-boiled.

Usefulness of quail eggs.
The beneficial properties of quail eggs have been known to people for a long time. Mentions are found in Egyptian papyri, recipes of Chinese folk medicine.

This product was made popular all over the world by the Japanese, who brought a batch of quails from China to study the properties of quail eggs. After all, quail eggs were widely used by Chinese healers. Having studied the properties, it was revealed that quail eggs have a positive effect on the development of mental abilities and the nervous system of children and contribute to the removal of radionuclides from the body, so now they are sold everywhere in Japan.

In our country, small spotted eggs have long been considered a delicacy and are often used in baby food. But in recent years, quail eggs have begun to gain popularity among adults, too, due to the numerous healing properties and unique chemical composition.

Composition of quail eggs.
Proteins rich in essential amino acids such as tyrosine, threonine, lysine, glycine and histidine. Compared to a chicken egg, one gram of a quail egg contains more vitamins: A - 2.5 times, B - 2.8 times and B2 - 2.2 times. They have 5 times the level of phosphorus and potassium, 4.5 times the level of iron. There is much more copper and cobalt in quail eggs.

Medicinal properties of quail eggs.
To strengthen bones, improve and stabilize the work of the prostate gland, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, pancreas and other vital organs, it is recommended to eat quail eggs systematically, without interruptions, for 3-4 months. With a therapeutic purpose, it is more useful to use them raw, half an hour before meals, drinking water or juice. Quails do not suffer from salmonellosis, so it is not dangerous. You can also mix raw eggs into porridge, mashed potatoes or soup, cook fried eggs or scrambled eggs. However, remember that vitamins are completely destroyed during a 15-minute heat treatment.

Daily dosage of quail eggs.
Reception of eggs, especially sickly children, is recommended to start with a half dose.
- from one to three years - 1-2 eggs;
- from three to ten years - 3 eggs;
- from ten to eighteen years - 4 eggs;
- from eighteen to fifty years - 5-6;
- from fifty years and older - 4-5 eggs.

Already after two weeks, their beneficial effects on the body begin to appear.

Quail eggs are especially useful for older people. With their regular use in the elderly, joint pain decreases, hearing and vision improve. Quail eggs are an indispensable product for women before and after childbirth (pregnancy in weak women is much easier, they prevent fetal failure, and alleviate toxicosis).

To raise vitality, mix the contents of 4-5 quail eggs with 100g. freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice, sweeten with honey and drink every morning on an empty stomach.

To combat belching and heaviness in the stomach after eating, as well as to improve potency, it is advisable to drink 3-4 beaten quail eggs with 30g on an empty stomach before meals. cognac and 1 tsp. a spoonful of sugar. Be sure to eat bran bread with this meal.

To restore shine to overdried hair, you can beat a coffee cup of olive or other vegetable oil, 5-6 quail eggs and a third of a cup of honey in a mixer. Lubricate the resulting mixture with the hair and use a comb to evenly distribute it over the entire surface of the head. After that, wrap your hair with polyethylene and a warm towel. Wash off the mask thoroughly after an hour. After this procedure, the hair becomes soft and shiny.

In addition to eggs for medicinal purposes, their shells, which are 90% calcium carbonate, can also be used. This substance is easily absorbed by the body. In addition, the shell contains other trace elements necessary for the body, including copper, fluorine, sulfur, silicon, and zinc. The composition of the eggshell of quail eggs strikingly matches the composition of human bones and teeth. The shell of quail eggs is especially useful for children. Indeed, in their body, the processes of bone tissue formation are most intensive and require an uninterrupted supply of calcium.

How to prepare a potion from the shell?
First, you need to quickly peel the egg from the shell. In a saucepan with cold water, pour the shells and boil for 5 minutes. Drain and refill with cold water. Boil for another 5 minutes - drain the water, cool and pour apple cider vinegar for 24 hours. We drain the vinegar, rinse the shell and dry it so that the sun's rays do not fall on it. Then grind into powder in a coffee grinder twice.

It will not be difficult to prepare this potion from the shell. So we cook and eat at home this healing potion.

For the prevention of calcium deficiency and diathesis, children are given 1/2 hour. tablespoons of powder, on which 3-5 drops of lemon juice are dripped.
- To relieve an attack of heartburn, take 1 hour. a spoonful of quail egg shell powder.
- With brittle nails and hair loss, bleeding from the gums, constipation, irritability, insomnia, hay fever, for rapid bone healing in fractures, it is recommended to use 1 hour. a spoonful of shell powder per day. Wash down the powder preferably with sour juice.

Also for bodybuilders, quail eggs are a unique way to increase protein in the body, since the egg is absorbed by 80%, when taken in large quantities (more than 10 pieces), it does not cause diathesis.

The list of medicinal properties can be continued further, but this is not the main thing. The main thing is that, unlike medicines, the use of quail eggs does not harm any organ in the human body, but it gives enormous benefits. The increased content of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids leads to their accumulation in the body, and, consequently, to an increase in the body's immune defense against various diseases.
The high content of B vitamins contributes to improved functioning of the nervous system, a person becomes more calm, balanced.
The high content of phosphorus, potassium, iron improves memory, teeth are not destroyed in pregnant women.
Probably, it is not necessary to explain what cholesterol is. So, there is almost no cholesterol in a quail egg.
Quail meat is high in calories. It surpasses chicken and rabbit meat in nutritional, dietary and taste qualities. Try it yourself!

One of the most valuable properties of quail eggs is their long-term preservation. They can be stored at room temperature for up to 30 days, and in the refrigerator - up to 60 days. This is due to the high content of the amino acid - lysocin, this substance is one of the eight essential amino acids that are not produced by the human body. Lysocin prevents the development of microflora, both in the egg and in the human body.

And yet, before buying quail eggs, always open a box with small spotted eggs! You need to do this for several reasons. Firstly, in a closed box, you will not notice split copies. And they can occur, because the shell of quail eggs is not as strong as that of chicken ones. Secondly, quail eggs can be stale on the shelves. "Old" eggs do not go out, but dry (due to lysozyme, which prevents spoilage). Therefore, carefully study the expiration date and try to "weigh" the eggs in your hands: fresh - heavy, weighs at least 12 grams, and dried - like a feather.

In cooking, quail eggs are used in the same way as chicken eggs, on the basis that 5 quail eggs are equal in volume and weight to one chicken. They can be used to prepare a variety of dishes such as omelets, salads, appetizers, scrambled eggs, mayonnaise, pastries and more. Just all the cooked foods will be more useful. Quail eggs will also decorate any table, including a festive one.

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