Home first aid kit: a list of what everyone should have. Heart and sedatives. How to take medicines from the home medicine cabinet

Every house has first aid kit. But rarely the contents of this box, package, locker carefully thought out. More often these are the remnants of medicines from previous treatments and drugs that a person takes with some kind of disease. Of course, this is wrong.

A first aid kit can save a life. These are not empty words. So that it does not happen that at the right critical moment the first-aid kit did not have the most necessary, for its contents must be monitored, choose the right one, look at the expiration date.

What to put

No one calls for throwing money away. You don't need extra. Let's try to determine what should be included in the composition home first aid kit. Just in case, it is recommended to have on hand the following drugs:

  • Antipyretics and painkillers. Antispasmodics.
  • Sedatives.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Against colds.
  • From cough.
  • Antiallergic.
  • For digestion.
  • Against diarrhea and constipation.

The list is exemplary. Each family has its own characteristics, in addition, the use of certain drugs is seasonal. Let's say summer fewer colds, more poisoning. The list of drugs in the home first aid kit should be approached creatively.

Ready kit

Practically healthy people can buy set for individual use, containing minimum for first aid. It includes dressings, means for treating wounds, burns and drugs that can bring a person to life if he suddenly becomes ill.

There are also standard kits for home first aid kit. You can buy one as a basis for your own, which you will then have to supplement, based on the needs of the family. It is clear that absolutely different medicines may be required by children and the elderly. That's why it is better to complete the first aid kit yourself. Especially if family members have some kind of disease, and this is almost always the case.

It should be remembered that all medicines have their own period and method of storage.

We complete the first aid kit

Work must begin with an audit of existing houses medicines. See what is, expiration date, from what. Ruthlessly throw away everything that causes at least some doubt. Next, we compose list of necessary medicines in the home first aid kit. We buy. After that, they must be correctly arranged into categories, so it will be easier to find what you need.

Antipyretic and analgesic drugs

Most of them relieve pain and fever at the same time. it paracetamol, aspirin, analgin, ibuprofen. There should be enough of them in the first-aid kit so that, if necessary, enough for a couple of days. Which of these drugs to put in the first aid kit, the person decides on his own, he knows what suits him best.

Antispasmodics are needed to relieve some types of pain. no-shpa, drotaverine. They are taken with spasm of cerebral vessels, with pain in the abdomen.

Commonly used for colds and flu fervex, teraflu. They help quickly, relieve symptoms. Should have drops for eyes, nose, ears. Cough tablets.

Sedatives and heart remedies

Liquid sedatives require refrigeration. it barboval, corvalol, corvaldin. They relieve heart pain. Should be in the first aid kit validol. It will help with neurosis, angina pectoris, motion sickness. One blister or bottle will be enough.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Food poisoning of one gravity or another is common in our lifestyle, when we do not always eat at home. Required in first aid kit Activated carbon or smecta. Coal is taken 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight, the supply for the family can be calculated. To restore the microflora, there must be probiotics. From diarrhea - imodium, lopedium.

Many people like to eat, do not always control this process. In this case, the first-aid kit needs enzyme preparationsmezim, fistal, pancreatin. Moreover, we note that mezim and pancreatin differ only in price and packaging. The same can be said about other drugs, many have cheap counterparts.

Laxatives - buckthorn bark, hay leaf.

Against diarrhea oak bark, blueberries.


Allergy sufferers should have in their first aid kit antihistaminesclaretin, suprastin, diazolin and others. Please note that some of them have a pronounced sleepy effect, you should not take it while driving if you have to important work, oversleep.

For outdoor use

External products help to cope with skin diseases and others problems. What you need to have:

  • Iodine and greenery. These are bactericides for wounds.
  • Antiseptics, if the wounds are purulent. Salicylic alcohol. Tincture of calendula.
  • Hydrogen peroxide stops bleeding. It should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Pantinol - against burns.
  • Heparin ointment or troxevasin. Help against swelling and bruising.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs that are used for bruises, sprains. Ketoprofen, diclofenac.
  • Redavit (belanten) - ointment for skin healing.

Other materials

  • Necessarily - bandages sterile and non-sterile different widths and dressing. You can buy a lot, they do not have an expiration date.
  • For bruises and sprains - elastic bandage.
  • A variety of adhesive plasters - in rolls, disposable bactericidal.
  • Thermometer. Mercury requires especially careful attitude. Bath thermometer.
  • Scissors.
  • Tweezers.
  • Warmer.
  • Gauze bandages.
  • Various syringes.
  • Douches of various sizes.
  • Disposable gloves.
  • Ice bubble.
  • Apparatus for measuring blood pressure.
  • Hemostatic tourniquet.

We have considered What should be in a first aid kit. medical reference book , lying next to her, can be very helpful. If it is not there, you can store all attachments to the purchased drugs. Comfortable to hold them in one folder. Do not rely on memory, it can fail.

It should be remembered that All medicines have their own shelf life and method of storage.. Dry, dark and cool place is the only general condition for storage of all drugs. First aid kit should be out of the reach of children. We wish you to get sick less often and recover quickly.

The first aid kit should contain everything necessary medicines After all, without any exaggeration, health and life depend on it. Usually, a home first aid kit consists of chaotically collected medicines, many of which are completely unnecessary. So what should be in a first aid kit?

Properly collected medicines in a home first aid kit should be in every home so that they can be provided quality care in emergency before the arrival of the ambulance. In addition to medicines in the home first aid kit, you must have a set of sanitary products - these are various bandages, gauze bandages, cotton wool.

Here detailed list necessary sanitary products for a home first aid kit:

- Non-sterile bandage for fixing dressings.
- Wide sterile bandage for dressing.
- Sterile cotton wool for compresses on wounds.
- Gauze dressings are sterile.
- Adhesive plaster (bactericidal and conventional).
- Rubber tourniquet hemostatic.
Also in a home pharmacy it makes sense to have blunt scissors, tweezers, an eye dropper, a thermometer (thermometer) and a tonometer. Now let's move on to the medicines that should be part of the home first aid kit.

Necessary medicines in the home first aid kit:

- Analgin (tablets, 10 pieces of 0.5 g.). Painkiller.
Acetylsalicylic acid(tablets, 10 pieces of 0.25 g and 0.5 g each), a common name is aspirin. Antipyretic and pain reliever.
- Nitroglycerin (tablets or capsules, 20 pieces of 0.0005g each). Helps with pain in the heart.
- Valocordin or Corvalol (liquid, 20-25 ml.). Depressant.
- Suprastin (tablets, 20 pcs., 0.025 g each). Antiallergic agent.
– Activated charcoal (tablets, 10 pcs. 0.5g each). Helps with food poisoning. Take from 3 tablets at the same time.

Also among the medicines of the home first aid kit there should be preparations for external use, which include:
- Iodine for the treatment and disinfection of wounds.
- Zelenka (brilliant green solution) for the treatment of wounds.
- Hydrogen peroxide for washing wounds and stopping bleeding in places of minor wounds (scratches, abrasions)
Ammonia necessary to bring to life a fainted person.
- Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) for washing wounds and stomach in case of poisoning. Burns can be treated.
- Sulfacyl sodium for eye treatment in case of injury or infection.

This is a mandatory composition - the most necessary medicines in a home first aid kit that may be required for first aid. The content of a home first aid kit can be increased with anti-flu medicines, cough medicines, and a cold. Also, it is worth adding all the regularly taken drugs prescribed by the doctor and vitamins to the composition of the home first aid kit.

And be healthy!

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Everyone knows that self-medication is dangerous. But it is almost impossible to do without it. The pace of modern life does not allow you to turn to a doctor with every minor trouble, and information about ways to provide self-care medical care quite accessible. This means that we have only one thing left: to learn how to provide this assistance competently and to the extent that it is permissible for a person who does not have a special education.

As part of this training, you first need to figure out how to use a home first aid kit.

Source: depositphotos.com

What medications should be kept at home?

The contents of a home first aid kit largely depend on the health status and age of family members. For example, if elderly people and chronically ill people live in the house, then the medicines required to maintain their normal well-being should always be at hand. If there are children in the family, the first-aid kit should be supplemented with medicines and care products that are optimal for this age group.

And in each apartment it is necessary to store a set of medicines common to all, which can come in handy literally at any moment. It should contain:

  • dressings - cotton wool, bandages, plaster, BF-6 glue, gauze. You can add cotton pads and sticks, wet wipes soaked in an antiseptic, etc.;
  • means intended for the treatment of wounds - hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green, furatsilin, healing sprays and ointments;
  • painkillers and antipyretics. When choosing, you should be guided by the advice of a doctor, but paracetamol should still be kept in the first aid kit;
  • antispasmodic (no-shpa or drotaverine);
  • antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs;
  • sedatives plant origin(tincture of valerian or motherwort);
  • medicines to help relieve symptoms of the common cold and respiratory diseases. Choice of the most effective drugs remains with a specialist, but lozenges for coughs or sore throats, gargles, herbal drops for a runny nose are needed in every home. In addition, it is desirable to include mustard plasters in the first-aid kit;
  • means of combating disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, nausea; preparations containing enzymes. The first aid kit should also contain medicines intended for first aid in case of poisoning (activated charcoal, smecta, etc.);
  • first aid for cores (for example, validol). If there is a patient with angina pectoris in the family, it is necessary to keep an “on-duty” package of nitroglycerin in the first-aid kit;
  • ammonia;
  • ointments, gels, or rubs that relieve pain from sprains and bruises.

Keep thermometers, pipettes, fingertips and blunt scissors in a separate place. It is very good if the house has an inhaler and a blood pressure monitor, and if relevant, then a glucometer.

Source: depositphotos.com

We organize the storage of medicines correctly

Preparations to be stored under conditions low temperature must be placed in the refrigerator. It is not necessary to allocate an entire shelf for them, but it is important that they do not come into contact with products. It is best to put the medicines in a tightly sealed plastic box.

To store the rest of the drugs, you should pick up a capacious box, box or basket with a lid and put it in a closet. It is very important that this closet is locked so that children do not have access to the keys. By the way, it is recommended to store baby care products and children's medicines separately from the first-aid kit for adults. This is necessary not only in order to quickly find a drug for the baby in an emergency, but also in order not to confuse drugs: products for children often have the same names as for adults, but contain a lower concentration of active ingredients.

Now about the most important thing: all drugs sooner or later expire, and it is dangerous to use expired drugs. Therefore, the responsible owner of the first-aid kit not only competently completes and stores it, but also looks through it once every six months to remove expired medicines and replace them with new ones, as well as replenish the deficit. Then the risk of being left at the most inopportune moment without the right drug or material excluded.

Ability to help yourself and your loved ones first aid is the basis of the concept of responsible self-treatment, actively promoted by the World Health Organization. AT recent times this concept became interested in our country as well; it is approved by the leadership of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary for such assistance is the civic duty of every modern person.

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