How to restore the microflora after the treatment of thrush and remove the consequences? Chronic candidiasis: treatment and consequences What to do if a woman has thrush

The restoration of microflora after thrush and the increase in the protective functions of the body plays an important role, as it eliminates the risk of re-infection. One of the most common female diseases is vaginal candidiasis, which can be diagnosed in women of absolutely any age. Such a pathology is usually accompanied by vivid symptoms and gives the woman a lot of discomfort and discomfort. The main signs of the disease are severe itching in the genital area and the appearance of copious white discharge, which resemble cottage cheese in consistency. Such a pathology requires mandatory treatment, which can be carried out in various ways.

Usually, after drug therapy, a woman's body needs to normalize the microflora and its acidity, since the progression of yeast fungi greatly affects the state of the bacterial background. In the event that the normal microflora is disturbed, then this negatively affects the state of the entire female body. In this regard, recovery from the disease cannot be ignored, and it is imperative to consult a specialist on this issue.

After operations and treatment of various diseases with the help of antibacterial drugs, the normal balance of microflora is disturbed. The result of this is the development of various vaginal problems, and the development of thrush is often observed.

After such treatment with antibiotics in the microflora of the vagina, an increase in the number of pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida occurs, which leads to the development of pathology.

The presence of good bacteria and microorganisms in the vagina does not cause any gynecological diseases. In the event that pathogenic bacteria penetrate the vagina, this leads to the development of dysbacteriosis, and then to the appearance of such an inflammatory process as vaginitis.

The following factors influence the time of the disease with vaginitis:

  • The number of pathogens that have entered the vagina and the degree of their pathogenicity;
  • The state of the immune system of the vagina.

With a good state of the protective functions of the female body, it independently eliminates pathogenic microorganisms and prevents the progression of thrush and various complications. In the absence of effective treatment, the development of the inflammatory process is simply inevitable. Restoration of microflora after thrush is carried out with the help of probiotics and their main form of release is tablets or capsules with lactobacilli.

Medicines that are used to normalize the healthy microflora of the vagina may not always give a positive result when taking antibacterial agents in parallel. In such a situation, active reproduction and vital activity of yeast-like fungi occurs, which provokes relapses of thrush.

Normalization of the condition of the vagina after thrush can be carried out in various ways, each of which gives its own result.

With improper organization of therapy and treatment of only one partner, the restoration of vaginal acidity can be quite lengthy. In the event that the patient does not take medications, the action of which is aimed at restoring the microflora and the upper layer of the epithelium, then the effect will be short-term or completely absent.

Often, after eliminating candidiasis, a woman notices an increased dryness of the vagina, which requires a mandatory adjustment. In the female body, candidiasis can be localized absolutely anywhere. Regardless of this, special attention should be directed to the restoration of the intestinal microflora, which is the habitat of yeast and other types of fungi.

After vaginal candidiasis, it is necessary to normalize the balance in the genitals. The vagina is a habitat and a breeding ground for the introduction of bacteria and their active life.

For the treatment and restoration of microflora, prebiotics are prescribed - these are drugs, the main ingredients of which are bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Normalization of the balance of microflora is a long process and to obtain a positive result, it must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

To treat thrush and restore balance in the vagina, it is recommended to supplement drug therapy with a nutritious diet, which is dominated by:

  • Fruit;
  • Vegetables;
  • Dairy products.

The intestine is a habitat for a large number of yeast-like fungi and the danger of their penetration into the vagina is not excluded. It is for this reason that after the treatment of candidiasis, recovery should also affect the intestinal microflora.

Often the cause of the development of thrush in the female body is a decrease in immunity, which creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of yeast-like fungi. It is for this reason that after the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, it is necessary to undergo local immunocorrection. Thrush is not only a disease, but also a kind of signal from the body that something is not right with it. It is for this reason that, in addition to drug treatment, it is imperative to identify factors that provoke an imbalance in the environment in the vagina.

One of the side effects of antibiotic treatment is candidiasis, which is better known as thrush. It develops due to an imbalance in the microflora of the intestinal mucosa, mouth, and in women also the vagina. Under normal conditions, the Candida fungus does not cause concern, but under the influence of antibiotics, it begins to multiply rapidly and causes unpleasant symptoms - cottage cheese secretions and itching of the external genitalia. The earlier treatment is started, the more successful it will be and the cure will require less time and money. You can learn more about how to treat thrush on the website, just follow the link. There you will learn a lot of informative and useful information about the treatment of thrush.

Diagnosis is the first step in treatment

The first step to take is to contact a gynecologist to clarify the diagnosis. Even if you are almost sure that you have thrush after taking antibiotics, only a gynecologist, based on the tests and symptoms, can correctly diagnose the disease. Similar signs can accompany various gynecological and sexually transmitted diseases, therefore, if you self-medicate and fight a non-existent disease, you can lose time. When the results of the smears show that you really have thrush, only then proceed with treatment.

Treatment of thrush

If you douche to relieve itching and discomfort, stop these procedures after confirming the diagnosis. They create an alkaline environment in the vagina, preventing the body from fighting bacteria. It is necessary to create a weakly acidic environment with the help of topical medications to support the vital activity of lactobacilli. For this, gels or creams are used, for example Gynocomfort.

The next step is the restoration of the vaginal microflora. Vagilak capsules or tablets are used orally, and Vaginorm-C suppositories or vaginal tablets are applied topically.

The duration of the course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and is determined by the attending physician. Usually, 5-7 days are enough for the final relief of symptoms, but to consolidate the result, the doctor may continue treatment with drugs - Normospectrum or Normoflorin-L probiotics. They will have to be taken within three months - that is how much time is required for the complete restoration of the microflora, both in the vagina and in the intestines.

If the disease is running?

If the inflammatory process proceeds in an active form and is clearly expressed, systemic drugs are prescribed that are quickly absorbed into the blood and act directly on the focus of infection. The most effective are products containing fluconazole, which is part of the drugs Forkan, Medoflucan, Diflucan and the like. These are single-dose medications (150 mg), but with especially neglected forms of thrush, a longer course of treatment is prescribed - a week or more.

Other drugs that are effective in the fight against the fungus contain the substance itraconazole, such as the drug Orgunal. His reception is also most often prescribed once.

What else needs to be done?

Simultaneously with the treatment of thrush, start taking drugs for intestinal candidiasis - it always accompanies this disease if it is caused by taking antibiotics. There is no need to do tests for intestinal microflora, just drink biological agents and add more fermented milk products such as Bifilife or Bifidok to your diet. Of the medicines, you can choose Laktumbacterin or Bifidumbacterin. An effective product containing lactose, fatty and amino acids and lactic acid is known as Hilak Forte.

12/23/2003, Nelly
Recently, my partner and I were treated for ureaplasma and gardnerellosis. The first control analysis for both was negative. But after treatment, I was diagnosed with thrush (apparently due to the use of antibiotics), 3 pluses. I took Pimafucin suppositories for three nights. After taking them, I passed a smear on the flora, again the same 3 pluses of thrush (candles helped?), And even an increased number of leukocytes (does this mean that the infection has remained in me?). Have appointed or nominated deeper treatment of a thrush. The problem is this. On the third day of this very treatment, I had sexual intercourse without a condom with my partner (the one who was treated, he is the only one for me). Now I'm worried if my thrush could be passed on to him? Does he need to be tested for it? And what worries me is that we never waited for the second control analysis (a month after the first). Is it possible that the first counter. the analysis on an infection - negative, and the second - positive? During treatment, until the first test, they did not have sex at all. And another addition (perhaps that is why the leukocytes increased), 4 genital warts were found, which were removed to me during the last smear for the flora (not for infection).

The analysis is more correct that which surrenders in a month, after the end of treatment. Of course, in vain you allowed unprotected intercourse during treatment! Because of this, you may not be cured. Ureaplasma often behaves like a virus, i.e. does not leave the body for good, but remains in a specific "depot", from where it crawls out again with a decrease in immunity. Yes, the papilloma virus has joined! After all, it is he who is "guilty" in the formation of genital warts. You can contact me, on December 29 I work in the morning, from 10 to 15.30, I will recommend an effective course of treatment.

01/13/2004, Elya
After the treatment of chlamydia 2.5 years ago, I have chronic thrush - the doctor constantly prescribes Clotrimazole and tab. Nystatin - but after 1.5-2 months. again. Please advise something more effective, and any tab. for husband.

It is necessary to retake DNA (PCR) tests for sexual infections: chlamydia, gardnerella, human and urogenital mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, herpes viruses. These infections can recur many times. This may explain chronic thrush. It can also be attributed to improper treatment. You can not use the same drug several times, each time you need to use different antifungal agents, and Nystatin is a hopelessly outdated drug that has been used since the 50s and no longer works at all.

I am 23 years old. Tell me, what is the effective treatment of gardnereleza. Within 4 years, these bacteria are periodically detected. After each detection of gardnerella, I am treated, after treatment the analysis is negative. I had uterine bleeding in September, they did scraping. Could this be due to the long non-treatment of gardnerella (3 months)? Are there any preventive measures to prevent the reproduction of these bacteria. And what drugs are most effective? Do I need to treat my partner, and with what medicines? Is it possible to call my situation a chronic disease, and how it will affect future pregnancy.

This is a chronic dysbacteriosis in the vagina. It occurs in conditions of immunodeficiency, so it constantly recurs. It is necessary to take DNA (PCR) tests for other sexually transmitted infections: chlamydia, human and urogenital mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, herpes viruses, because it is these infections that cause immunodeficiency and the invasion of pathogenic bacteria and thrush. You can contact me, the test results will be ready the next day.

01/26/2004, Anonymous
I had intercourse 5 days ago without using a condom. Now there are white curdled discharge from the vagina, odorless, slight itching and scabies, body temperature 37. Before the onset of menstruation, 10 days. What is it, can it be thrush? I can’t urgently see a doctor, because. I am outside the city.

When you return to Moscow, you can contact me, you need to take a smear and DNA (PCR) tests for sexual infections: chlamydia, gardnerella, human and urogenital mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, herpes viruses. Test results will be ready the next day. In the meantime, you can use Betadine suppositories, 1 suppository in the morning and at night.

01/29/2004, Oksana
I am 13 months pregnant. I was diagnosed with thrush and prescribed Nystatin suppositories. But the instructions say that they are contraindicated for pregnant women. So what should I do?

You must have been wrong about 13 months. Did you mean to write - 13 weeks? I will proceed from this. Nystatin has been used for a very long time, since the 50s of the last century, therefore it is completely ineffective. You should first take DNA (PCR) tests for chlamydia, gardnerella, human or urogenital mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas, herpes and CMV viruses, because. these infections are widespread, multiply actively during pregnancy, when immunity is reduced, and can cause thrush. They pose a danger to the preservation of pregnancy and the proper development of the embryo. But drugs administered vaginally do not penetrate anywhere else. There is no point in simply being treated with Nystatin.

January 31, 2004
I am worried about discharge of brown color or with streaks of blood, which have been more than once over the past six months. They appear either on the days when menstruation should be (then normal menstruation does not occur, and the next month everything is fine) or before menstruation and last about a week. I am 18 years old, I do not live sexually, ultrasound of the thyroid gland and small pelvis did not reveal any pathologies. What is the reason for these discharges and what to do?

You have reduced ovarian function. It is necessary to take blood tests for LH, FSH, E2 and Prolactin on the eve of the expected menstruation.

02/01/2004, Ira
After prolonged use of antibiotics, thrush does not go away for about a year. It was checked for infections (6) by DNA method, as well as the husband was not found. The diagnosis is bacterial vaginosis. Various methods of treatment were carried out: diflucan, orungal, Macmiror suppositories, gyno-pevaril, betadine, acylact. It is not possible to achieve a remission period of more than a month. Doctors shrug. I really want a child. A year ago I had a missed pregnancy at 4 weeks. Please help me.

It is necessary to retake DNA in another laboratory for gardnerella, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, herpes and cytomegalovirus. Prolonged thrush and bac.vaginosis, stopping the development of pregnancy are vivid symptoms of the presence of one or more of these pathogens, which are in 1st place as the cause of miscarriage.

02/02/2004, Julia
I had itching and white lumpy discharge a week ago. Please tell me what it could be. Should I go to the doctor or will it pass.

It's most likely thrush, a fungal infection. But you still need to go to the doctor, take a smear and DNA (PCR) tests for sexual infections: chlamydia, gardnerella, human and urogenital mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas.

02/02/2004, Anonymous
I am 23 years old and had a baby 2 years ago. After giving birth, white discharge began. The doctor said that it was dysbacteriosis and prescribed a treatment (unfortunately I don’t remember which one) and said that I had a small erosion, but it’s not scary. After treatment, the discharge did not stop. Now they are still going, white thick, with a smell, but not strong. Sometimes the lower abdomen aches a little. What could it be. There are no burning, itching, pimples and other symptoms.

Dysbacteriosis of the vagina and discharge is a sure sign of the presence of STDs. It is necessary to take DNA (PCR) tests for chlamydia, gardnerella, human or urogenital mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas, herpes viruses, you could take them with me, they are ready the next day, and you can get to me this week, call and make an appointment.

02/02/2004 Julia
All tests were done more than once, everything is clean, the smear is perfect, as the doctor said. There are no diseases. But there is a discharge, constant, every day. And it hurts to have sex. And there is no sexual arousal, very likely because then and during the act it burns very much. There is no itch. Lubrication also ceased to stand out, but before it was enough, it was not necessary to use anything else. I don’t know what to do, because I have already tried a bunch of pills, I did treatments with different compositions, but still, the discharge appears after a while. I follow nutrition, I drink vitamins, I go in for sports, I don’t get sick. Only one trouble .. Well, I want to fully engage in sex, and not endure pain. Please help, maybe you have had similar cases in your practice.

It is necessary to check the levels of ovarian hormones during their ovulatory peak, in the middle of the cycle. Lack of lubrication, burning sensation may indicate a decrease in ovarian function. Hand over LH, FSH, E2, T. You also need to check the papilloma and herpes viruses by DNA (PCR), they can also cause burning in the genital tract.

Thrush occurs quite often against the background of taking antibiotics and causes a lot of discomfort. The disease affects both men and women, although it is more common for the fair sex. Timely diagnosis and treatment will quickly get rid of the disease.

Why does thrush appear after taking antibiotics

Thrush is an infection that occurs as a result of the reproduction of yeast-like fungi. The disease can occur due to a number of provoking factors, one of them is the use of antibiotics. Preparations of this group are aimed at the destruction of a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms. Unfortunately, the active substance destroys the membrane not only of pathogenic bacteria, but also of those that are designed to protect the body and regulate its work. These include lactobacilli. They contribute to the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, maintain the acid-base balance of the body.

While taking antibiotics, the number of lactobacilli decreases sharply. Pathogenic flora is eliminated, but a large number of beneficial bacteria die. At the same time, the acid-base balance in the body changes, which contributes to the growth and reproduction of Candida fungi.

Thrush can begin both immediately after the course of treatment, and during, due to a weak immune system.

Candida mushrooms are the main provocateurs of the appearance of thrush

What is thrush - video

Symptoms of the disease

Thrush has a number of characteristic features for it. Both men and women may develop ulcerations in the oral cavity, covered with a white coating. Candida infection can affect any mucous membranes, affecting the tonsils and larynx. This causes the following symptoms:

  • pain when swallowing;
  • cough;
  • sore throat while talking;
  • gum itching;
  • temperature rise.

The intensity of the manifestations of thrush depends on the work of the immune system.

Symptoms of the disease in women

In the fair sex, thrush is the most severe and manifests itself in the form of:

  • itching in the vagina;
  • abundant secretions of a curdled consistency from the genital tract with a characteristic sour smell;
  • burning during urination.

In women, with the spread of a fungal infection, ulceration of the walls of the vagina often occurs, which contributes to pain.

Manifestations of the disease in men

In men, thrush is often asymptomatic, but with a significant decrease in the body's defenses, the following symptoms appear:

  • white coating on the head of the penis;
  • curdled discharge from the urethra;
  • the occurrence of erosions on the head of the penis, as well as under the foreskin;
  • itching of the genitals;
  • burning during urination and after intercourse.

Men with thrush often have flushing (redness) around the head of the penis. The organ may swell.

Treating thrush after taking antibiotics

You can get rid of candida infection only with the help of medicines. Alternative methods of treatment are unable to completely eliminate the disease, but they are effective as adjuvant therapy. The diet will speed up the healing process and reduce the intensity of unpleasant symptoms.

You should not try to get rid of thrush on your own without first consulting a doctor, since a candidal infection often masks other, more dangerous types of pathogens.

Medicines that are used to eliminate thrush - table

Name Release form Indications Contraindications Application period Side effects For the treatment of men/women
  • candles;
  • cream.
  • intestines;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • vulvovaginitis.
individual intolerance3-6 daysburning at the site of applicationsuitable for the treatment of women and men
  • vaginal tablets;
  • cream.
fungal infections of various etiologies, including candidal balanoposthitis and vulvovaginitis7–10 daysburning and dryness at the site of application
  • candles;
  • cream.
fungal infections of the vagina and cervix1 dayallergic reactions
  • ointment;
  • candles;
  • tablets.
candidiasis of internal organs and mucous membranesgastrointestinal diseases and pregnancy7–10 days
  • nausea;
  • chills;
  • diarrhea.
  • tablets;
  • solution.
mycoses of the skin, as well as fungal infections of the mucous membranesadditional treatment with terfenadine7 days
  • allergy;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for thrush that occurs after taking antibiotics help reduce the intensity of symptoms and speed up recovery. Effective Recipes:

  1. Soda solution. This tool is universal for both men and women. It can be used to wipe the glans penis and the area under the foreskin, as well as to wash the vagina and douche. If the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is affected, then the soda solution should be used for rinsing. The tool is used for 3-5 days. It will take 1 liter of warm boiled water, in which you need to dissolve 1 tsp. soda. The solution should be applied 2 times a day.
  2. Anti-inflammatory and antifungal infusion. You will need chamomile, sage and calendula. Mix all herbs and take in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. Then pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist 40 minutes. Then filter and apply for douching or treatment of the penis 3-4 times a day for two weeks.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil. It can be used for both men and women. To do this, it is enough to moisten a cotton pad in oil and treat the external genital organs. Such a procedure will help to get rid of inflammation as soon as possible, which often results from the introduction of a fungal infection. It is recommended to repeat daily at bedtime (after washing) for a week.

Tar soap has a good antifungal effect. If you wash the external genitalia with this remedy, the symptoms will not be so pronounced.

Ingredients for traditional medicine recipes - photo gallery

Soda has an antifungal effect due to a change in pH Chamomile relieves inflammation Sage has an antiseptic effect
Calendula reduces the severity of symptoms in thrush
Sea buckthorn oil has a regenerating effect

Diet food

With thrush, everything that can provoke the growth and reproduction of the fungus should be excluded from the menu, namely:

  • sweets: chocolate, lollipops, etc.;
  • confectionery: cakes and pastries;
  • citrus;
  • spices;
  • coffee;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • sweet soda.
  • vegetables and fruits (except citrus fruits);
  • wholemeal bread;
  • steam cutlets from poultry and fish;
  • cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • nuts.

Dairy products speed up recovery, as they contain live bifidobacteria that promote the growth of beneficial microflora.

You should eat at least 4 times a day. It is desirable that the food be steamed. It is not recommended to use a lot of salt and spices. You should drink more liquid, up to 2-2.5 liters per day.

Foods to include in your diet - photo gallery

Vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins and strengthen the immune system Wholemeal bread improves the functioning of the digestive tract Steamed cutlets do not contain harmful cholesterol Grains improve digestion Fermented milk products contribute to the growth and reproduction of beneficial microflora Nuts contain healthy fats

Treatment prognosis and complications

The prognosis for the treatment of thrush that arose against the background of taking antibiotics is favorable. You can eliminate the disease in 7-10 days. It all depends on the state of the immune system. Getting rid of the disease forever is not possible. Thrush can again make itself felt when the course of antibiotics is resumed. Complications rarely occur. The most common side effects of thrush in women are:

  • the occurrence of extensive erosions on the walls of the vagina;
  • the introduction of a fungal infection into the bladder with the further development of cystitis;
  • occurrence of bacterial vaginosis.

Complications in men:

  • ulceration of the penis, which leads to pain during sexual intercourse;
  • inflammation of the urethra, accompanied by discomfort when urinating.

Disease prevention

Basic rules of prevention:

  1. Do not take antibiotics without a doctor's prescription, and do not change the dose of drugs on your own.
  2. Balance the diet, include fermented milk products that contribute to the preservation of beneficial microflora.
  3. During antibiotic treatment, additionally take prebiotics, which will help prevent the occurrence of thrush.
  4. Wear underwear only from natural fabrics.
  5. Support the immune system: take vitamins, eat more vegetables and fruits, harden.

When taking antibiotics, thrush does not appear in everyone. Inflammatory processes present in the reproductive organs become a predisposing factor.

Prevention of thrush while taking antibiotics - video

If you approach the treatment of thrush correctly, then you can eliminate the symptoms in the shortest possible time. Preventive measures that should be observed while taking antibiotics will help prevent the occurrence of such a disease. At the first sign of a candidal infection, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Vaginal candidiasis or thrush is not a severe condition. But at the same time, a woman who has overly activated Candida fungi experiences significant inconvenience. This is expressed through unpleasant sensations: itching, burning, pain in the genital area. Activation of candidiasis increases the possibility of introducing a more dangerous pathogenic flora into the body.

Microflora of the vagina

The epithelium of the vagina protects the body from the penetration of pathogenic flora. This flat, non-keratinized layer of glands does not contain and is inhabited by various microorganisms, which - in the case when a woman is healthy - peacefully coexist with each other.

The acidic environment of lactoflora increases local immunity. A group of Candida fungi are natural vaginal flora. With a normal amount of lactobacilli, fungi do not cause inconvenience to women.

But as soon as there are reasons due to which the number of lactobacilli decreases, and Candida is activated, thrush appears.

Factors provoking the activity of the fungal flora may be as follows:

  • Decrease in the general immunity of the body, which may be caused by infectious diseases or hypothermia;
  • External causes: changes in climatic factors, water quality, diet;
  • Hormonal and endocrine disorders;
  • Exposure to certain drugs, in particular antibiotics;
  • Neglect of the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • Intestinal dysbacteriosis.

The symptoms of thrush are:

  • the appearance of curdled discharge;
  • itching and burning in the vagina;
  • hyperthermia of its mucous membrane;
  • feeling of dryness.

If thrush is not treated, candida invades the reproductive organs, causing diseases such as endometriosis, endometritis, adnexitis - inflammation of the appendages. Also, pathogenic flora can pass through the urethra into the bladder and rise to the kidneys, which provokes cystitis and pyelonephritis.

The restoration of microflora after thrush should take place as soon as possible in order to protect the woman's body from diseases that can lead to miscarriage, infertility and disrupt the urinary system.

Prevention of dysbacteriosis

To prevent candidiasis, it is enough to follow the following rules:

  • include plant foods and dairy products in the daily menu;
  • do not take medications without a special purpose, and if necessary, drink probiotics;
  • do not abuse intimate hygiene products with fragrances;
  • avoid wearing synthetic underwear, especially in summer;
  • use condoms when having sex with unfamiliar partners.

In some cases, even hygienic tampons have to be abandoned - they provoke imbalances in the vaginal microflora. If it was not possible to protect yourself from the disease, you need to know how to quickly restore the microflora after thrush.

This can be done with the help of traditional and traditional medicine.

Features restoration of microflora after thrush

The disease is diagnosed quite simply. It has characteristic symptoms, and in a swab taken during a routine gynecological examination, candida is easily detected.

For its treatment, there are enough drugs of local and general action, but it is impossible to do without complex therapy. Candida destroys the surface epithelial layer, and if it is not restored, then the lactobacilli introduced into the body die within a week.

Treatment should be carried out by means working in several directions. They must simultaneously restore the damaged epithelium, increase local immunity, and balance the microflora.

Restoration of microflora with medications after treatment of thrush is the most reliable method.

Currently, the following medications are most commonly used:

  • vaginal tablets: gynoflor, pimafucin, polygynax, terzhinan;
  • candles: vagilak, bifilakt, vaginorm, lactobacterin and many others.

Medicines are required to be selected individually, depending on the clinical picture of the disease. Often, thrush occurs as a concomitant disease. In this case, the drug should be directed to the treatment of several problems. The course of treatment averages from 3 to 14 days. It all depends on the severity of the thrush.

Sometimes restorative suppositories and tablets do not fix the microflora after thrush, and you have to use general drugs that are taken orally. These are diflucan, flucanazole, diflazol tablets. Usually a single dose is recommended, but if there are frequent relapses of the disease, it is recommended to drink the medicine twice, with a week break.

The body's immunity is raised by special preparations: probiotics, immunomodulators and immunostimulants. They are taken orally.

Treatment of candidiasis with traditional medicine recipes

There are enough ways to help stop the development of vaginal dysbacteriosis, using traditional medicine recipes. But it is better to use them in complex treatment.

They accelerate the introduction of lactobacilli and restore the integrity of the epithelium, but they are not able to completely stop the activation of candida. Improvement occurs only for a short period, and then the infectious process begins again.

Recipes from the arsenal of traditional medicine:

  • Douching with a solution of soda. The proportions of the solution are 5 g of baking soda per 1 liter of warm water. It needs to be applied carefully. If the mucosa is sensitive, it can be injured;
  • Honey douches. The solution is made as follows: a teaspoon of honey per 50 ml of warm boiled water;
  • You can put tampons soaked in kefir at night;
  • Douching with a solution of burnt alum. The solution is made as follows: 15 g of alum is diluted with a liter of warm water, brought to a boil;
  • Douching with herbal preparations or individual herbs. Effectively remove the inflammatory process of chamomile, calendula, oak bark, sage;
  • Drinking carrot juice, a glass 3 times a day.

Some healers advise treating candidiasis with onion juice by soaking a tampon with it. Although onions have excellent antibacterial properties, this should not be done. The growth of pathogenic flora will stop, but the vaginal mucosa will be damaged. Onion burns have to be treated within a week.

To restore the normal state of the microflora, it will be useful to take additional measures during treatment:

  • Exclude from the diet foods that activate the growth of pathogenic fungi: grapes, muffins, spicy and smoked foods;
  • For a while, refuse to visit the bath and sauna;
  • Change underwear more often, do not wear things that contain synthetics;
  • Use the mode of sexual rest.
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