Olivine is the building stone of the universe. Olivine in magic and astrology. The healing properties of the stone

A special place in jewelry has long been occupied by chrysolite stone. With his beauty, he deserved fame and chanting of him among poets. Often there is such a name as "evening emerald" or "golden stone". It received this name due to its unusual color. It will be impossible to immediately determine the shade of the mineral, since in natural sunlight it shimmers and combines a light golden tone and the color of young grass. AT Ancient Greece it was very popular: the ornamental stone chrysolite was used to make expensive jewelry.

Chrysolite is formed in the process of deep crystallization of mineral rocks in liquid magma.

It is noteworthy that under artificial lighting, the golden hue disappears, becomes invisible, and the stone seems to be a rich emerald color. In nature, there are several shades of the natural color of this mineral, it can be yellow, golden, lime, emerald, pistachio, olive and dark green. It is worth noting that all the colors of this stone are always pale, they do not have bright juiciness and saturation, but nevertheless they are very dense and pleasant.

Chrysolite is formed in the process of deep crystallization of mineral rocks in liquid magma. This is an unusually complex and lengthy process for obtaining this kind of stones. It belongs to the orthosilicate class of fossils. If we consider its chemical basis, then it is a complex compound of iron and magnesium. It can be heterogeneous in its structure, which greatly complicates processing, also affects transparency and gloss.

Chrysolite is fragile and sensitive stone

The characteristics of this mineral show that it is durable. The density is 3g/cm3, its hardness on the Mohs scale varies within 6-7 units. Depending on the chemical impurities, inclusions in its composition of other rocks, the main characteristics may vary slightly. Accordingly, the shade of chrysolite, brilliance and transparency vary. Based on these data, it is determined whether it is precious or semi-precious stone. Its estimated value is determined precisely by a certain composition, which gives the stone unique properties, which are so appreciated by the master of jewelry.

Chrysolite as a mineral among scientists is most often called olivine, but jewelers prefer a different name - peridot. Therefore, you can find several names of this precious stone and each of them will be true.

The largest deposits of chrysolite are considered to be such countries as Mongolia, Russia, USA, Brazil, Australia, Myanmar and Zaire. Often, under the name chrysolite, other stones also fall, which have a very strong similarity with it and also belong to the class of orthosilicates. Most often, this gemstone is combined in the name with the following minerals: tourmaline, topaz, beryl and chrysoberyl.

The largest specimen of olivine is located in the USA, its mass is 310 carats, but the second largest stone weighs 192.6 carats and is stored in Russia.

Features of chrysolite stone (video)

The use of chrysolite

Its most important purpose is to decorate jewelry. Appreciated its beauty in ancient times, it was most often used in the form of talismans and amulets. It is believed that green chrysolite can protect from trouble. Over time, ancient jewelers were able to create items of extraordinary beauty that were inlaid with this mineral. Imperial tiaras, diadems and royal crowns decorated with chrysolite, today these are pendants, earrings, bracelets, rings and tiaras that anyone can purchase. The cost of these products is rather big, but the value of the stone is quite consistent with this.

When purchasing peridot chrysolite, you should immediately ask how to properly care for it, because some properties of the mineral may be lost, for example, its brilliance and transparency.

In order to clean the product, it is enough to rinse it under running water and let it dry in the sun, then wipe soft cloth. Chrysolite is a fragile and sensitive stone.: avoid mechanical damage, sudden changes in temperature. It reacts negatively to chemical acids.

Gallery: chrysolite stone (50 photos)

Mysterious properties of chrysolite

Olivine is credited with some extraordinary properties. Since ancient times, it was believed that the magical properties of chrysolite stone can bring good luck and success to its owner. Amulets and amulets were made from it, its effect, according to the ancient magicians, was very great. Men had to give their lady a piece of jewelry with this mineral as a gift, then their feelings grew stronger and they were inseparable. In other words, the property was attributed to the stone to strengthen mutual feelings, with the help of the magic of this “golden stone”.

Merchants wore amulets that protected them from attacks by robbers and helped to increase wealth. Small amulets were specially made for warriors, they were supposed to protect them from death and give them strength and courage. The greater value of the chrysolite stone was attributed specifically to luck, because even today, when it is most often called peridot, which means “giving abundance” in Greek, it serves as a symbol of wealth.

magical properties chrysolite was sung by poets, and in many institutions of the world, archaeological finds in the form of these amulets and bracelets have been preserved, which confirm their mysterious significance in ancient times.

Therapeutic effect of peridot

Based on the recommendations of lithotherapy, it is worth using, namely wearing products with this stone on your body, if you have problems with circulatory system as well as with reduced immunity. It is believed that he suitable for those who has endured severe illness and needs to be restored. One of its main features is the ability to help eliminate toxins from the body and speed up the absorption process. useful substances from food. Therefore, in ancient times they were decorated with bowls and goblets for noble people. It is believed that peridots generally have a beneficial effect on work. gastrointestinal tract and on the function of the gallbladder.

Interaction with zodiac signs

Some astrologers believe that it is worth being careful with this mineral, since it does not suit every person according to the horoscope. Brilliant olivine will bring good luck and success to those whose zodiac sign is in the constellation of Aquarius, Libra and Pisces. But for everyone it has its own meaning. For those who are suitable for olivine, it will bring not only wealth, but also strong family relationships.

These green minerals will bring Lions not only good luck, but also the ability to achieve their goals, to be strong in spirit, easily and successfully establish contacts and conclude contracts. Talismans with this stone will bring great victories in business and other financial matters.

Libra with the help of peridot will be able to improve their communication with the opposite sex, family relationships, have good health and peace of mind. Olivine products will help such vulnerable Libra find harmony in their inner world get rid of fears and apathy. It is believed that such amulets give vitality and the necessary energy to a person.

Olivine will bring the greatest luck and success to those whose star is in the constellation Pisces. Jewelry with peridot will attract not only success in business, but also open unusual abilities in the person himself. It has often been said that the wearers of these items can develop a strong intuition and sense of foresight. In all spheres of Pisces, luck and prosperity await.

As a gift, unusual products in the form of miniature figurines or figurines with this mineral are given to people doing business as a symbol of wealth, prosperity and prosperity.

One important note is the following:

  1. Wearing on the body is only new jewelry that will contain only your energy.
  2. Periodically, the stones need to be properly cleaned, allowing them to remove the accumulated negative from themselves. Cleaning should be done correctly so as not to damage the olivine.
  3. You can't have your personal items from chrysolite to give to wear to other people, even close relatives.

Subject to these rules, the stone will be able to truly show its properties and provide the necessary protection for the owner. Any mineral carries the most powerful energy of the earth and can bestow it on those who come into contact with it.

Money stones (video)

A lot of interesting facts exists about chrysolite. For example, he was decorated with the Russian crown, not only because of the beauty and brilliance that he possessed, but also for the purpose of protection and patronage of the royal person.

This unusual stone is shrouded in mystery and aristocracy. Its exquisite beauty deserves special attention. Products from peridot today are presented in the maximum a wide range: from miniature brooches, earrings, bracelets and to massive necklaces and necklaces. Fashion for this mineral will always be. Chrysolite is the embodiment of something noble and refined.

Attention, only TODAY!

Olivine is one of the most abundant and popular minerals in the world. It owes its name to the German geologist Werner. The ancient Greeks called it chrysolite, that is, "golden stone." Thanks to green inclusions, olivine has always been in the spotlight. In general, this is a typical mineral, widely distributed in mantle and deep rocks, as well as in various types meteorites. There are both light yellow stones and deep green ones. It is often compared to emerald, but olivine is much cheaper.

Application in jewelry

Today, the name peridot is common among jewelers, but no matter how this mineral is called, it remains extremely popular. Noble shine, golden green tint and the ability to refraction are the main reasons for the demand for this crystal in jewelry.

However, it is extremely difficult to find rings with olivine, since the mineral is not very wear resistant. It is most often used for jewelry such as brooches, earrings, necklaces and barrettes. The entire depth of the color of the crystal is revealed under artificial lighting, due to which another name has been assigned to olivine - “evening emerald”

Mineral deposits

The most developed olivine deposits are found in the United States, in particular, in such states as Arizona and New Mexico. The mineral is often found in Brazil, Australia, the Hawaiian Islands, Egypt and even in Yakutia. A colorless crystal is mined in the rocks of the island of Sri Lanka. Olivine of excellent quality is found in India, here it is called "Kashmir peridot". Some of the largest crystals are found on the island of Myanmar. Minerals mined here after processing reached a weight of up to 200 carats.

Many believe that olivine enhances morality by helping its owner to do the right thing. It is often called the stone of lawyers, financiers and judges. The crystal also provides beneficial effect for friendly and family relationships his master, helping him to live in harmony with the people around him. It is believed that olivine helps to gain restful sleep and harmony.

Medicinal properties

It is one of the most abundant minerals in traditional medicine. Due to its soothing properties, the stone is most often used for nervous disorders and bad dreams. Normalizing emotional condition, an amulet with olivine protects its owner from blood pressure. He is also considered excellent tool from tension, jealousy and insomnia. Since ancient times, powder from this mineral has been used to strengthen and cleanse the body. In the old days, healers endowed olivine with the ability to get rid of eye diseases and generally improve vision. Most often, a crushed mineral was applied to the eye, it was even believed that it was possible to pour out the scabies of the eyes in this way.

Today, many continue to believe that this stone can relieve pain in the kidneys and stomach. A thinned nervous system is another reason to purchase an olivine amulet. The mineral is advised for problems with cardiovascular system, as well as a tense psychological state. The positive energy of olivine will help reduce pain during childbirth and stimulate contractions.

Olivine can also help men suffering from a lack of energy, having problems in their sexual life. In ancient times, it was believed that if a man drinks wine from a jug containing this mineral, he is guaranteed success with the opposite sex. According to ancient beliefs, if you hang an ornament with olivine around the neck of a newborn, you can prevent many diseases and strengthen the baby's body.

It is most effective to apply the mineral near the diseased organ. With frequent wear, it is recommended to clean the stone once a month from negative energy. To do this, it is enough to leave olivine in a vessel with clean water. It is better to dry it in the sun.

The meaning of the signs of the zodiac

In astrology, olivine patronizes three signs at once. Practical girls the mineral will help increase your knowledge, become more patient, teach you to enjoy freedom. Being very demanding and conservative, they lack a bit of recklessness, which can be complemented by wearing jewelry or amulets with this crystal.

Pisces mineral will give self-confidence, relieve minor troubles. They will learn to be more enduring, will be able not to worry during periods of stress. As for the lions, thanks to this stone they will be able to restrain internal aggression. Conflict situations with the surrounding people will be resolved peacefully, and the lions will become softer and more pleasant in communication. Being the owners of a powerful amulet or jewelry with olivine, they will easily achieve favor a large number of people.

At the beginning of the last century, geophysics armed itself with sensitive instruments that capture the movements of the earth's crust deep in the bowels of the planet. After studying these fluctuations, scientists came to the conclusion that a huge ocean of viscous and liquid matter boils under the hard stone surface of the Earth.

Not a single drilling machine can get so deep yet. But it is still possible to study the contents of the underground "cauldron". This substance - magma - is helpfully brought to the surface by volcanoes.

According to the ideas of geologists of the 20s of the last century, the Olivine Belt, consisting of a molten mix of minerals and metals, boils several tens of kilometers under our feet. This infernal mixture is dominated by olivine and gold.

The writer Alexei Tolstoy used the theory of the Olivine Belt in the famous adventure novel The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin (1927), where the inventor-adventurer Pyotr Petrovich Garin pierces the earth's crust with a beam of a fantastic hyperboloid and becomes the richest man in the world.

A hundred years have passed, and geophysicists have a much clearer understanding of the structure internal structure Earth. Now Tolstoy would hardly have enriched literature with his wonderful novel. Modern geophysicists have proven that there is no molten gold in the Olivine Belt. This heavy metal should fall much below the light olivine melt.

What does the earth depend on

But in the rest, Alexei Tolstoy was not mistaken. Olivine is indeed a common mineral. It composes the igneous rocks of the planet's mantle, on which the earth's firmament rests. Moreover, olivine is the basis or component of many other minerals and even precious stones (more on this in the chapter “Gemstone appearances of olivine”). Therefore, geologists call olivine rock-forming .

« Godfather The mineral was the Swedish naturalist, professor at Uppsala University Johann Valerius. In his fundamental work "Mineralogy or a description of all kinds of ores and minerals from the earth of things" (1747), the scientist proposed to name olivine a yellow-green mineral resembling olives in color.

Olivine-rich rocks are a sure sign of deposits of diamonds, platinum, chromium, titanium, and nickel.

But on our planet there is olivine and unearthly origin.

Pallas iron

In 1749, blacksmith-ore explorer Yakov Medvedev became interested in an unusual iron nugget interspersed with green stone. He found this block of more than 40 pounds not far from the mining village, on the slopes of the Lesser Altai (now the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Novoselovsky District, the territory of the Komsky Village Council).

Medvedev dragged the nugget to the yard of the forge, and little by little he beat off the pieces for handicrafts, marveling at the fact that the iron did not rust at all in the rain.

After 23 years, the German naturalist and traveler Peter Pallas, an academician of the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Sciences, visited these lands with a scientific expedition. Having examined the unique boulder, the scientist identified it as an alloy of olivine stone and native iron, and ordered it to be sent to the capital.

By the way, the Khakasses, the indigenous inhabitants of these places, told Pallas that this boulder is a sacred stone, a gift from the gods, sent from heaven. But the German scientist considered such stories fiction.

About this block, called Pallas iron , Peter Pallas reported in publications of European scientific communities. In the centers of science - Paris, Berlin, Vienna, London - were sent samples, chipped from this strange olivine-iron formation.

No man is an island

And at the end of the 18th century, the German naturalist Ernst Florence Chladni, who studied one of these samples, published a book in which he first scientifically substantiated the assumption that Pallas iron is a meteorite that formed in the depths of space and once fell to Earth.

With this bold statement, he almost ruined his scientific career. Serious pundits refused to believe that rocks could fall from the sky.

“What nonsense! Where would huge boulders come from in the sky?”, the skeptics asked with a grin.

Interestingly, along with outstanding discoveries, the most dense ignorance reigned in the Paris Academy of Sciences. At the famous curious meeting (1772), the French academicians issued a thoughtful verdict: “Without a doubt, there can be no flying stones in the sky. Therefore, any message that a stone has fallen from the sky is a deliberate lie.

Meanwhile, even the Greek philosopher Diogenes (4th century BC) believed that meteorites were somehow connected with the stars, which means they were formed outside the Earth.

Pliny in Natural History (77 AD) wrote: “That stones often fall to the Earth, no one will doubt this.”

Time has put everything in its place, and now the physicist Ernst Chladni is considered the founder meteoritics - a science that has thrown a bridge between geology and astronomy.

As for Pallas iron, the discussions about its origin were brought to an end only in 1902, when a meteorite of a similar composition fell on the territory of Finland in the Maryalahti region. Such meteorites in modern mineralogy are called pallasites , and their contents pallasite . Probably, olivine is one of the "building blocks" that form rocks on other planets.

Olivine from Space

Pallas iron has been identified all over the world. Only in three rare cases a fall of such an iron-stone meteorite was observed. This happened on the island of Sicily (1826) and in Japan (1898). The third fall of pallasite was seen by the Finns in the mentioned region of Maryalahti.

The bulk of the found fragments of pallasites belonged to meteorites that crashed onto the surface of our planet in the distant past.

In 1890, fragments of a meteorite interspersed with olivine were discovered near the town of Branham (Kansas, USA). In total, more than 20 large fragments with a total weight of about five tons were collected. One of them weighing 1074 pounds (487 kg) is in the Museum of Natural History in Chicago.

In 2005, meteorite hunters Steve Arnold and Phil Money surveyed the same area. With the help of metal detectors, they discovered and extracted several more large meteorite fragments from underground.

Almost one and a half ton meteorite-pallasite was found right on the pasture of a cattle farm near the city of Alice Springs, in northern Australia (1937).

Fragments of a meteorite weighing about a ton were discovered in the Chilean Atacama Desert (1822).

In 2000, a farmer from the Chinese province of Xinjiang pulled a huge boulder out of his rice field, which turned out to be pallasite.

When digging a pit in the Gomel region (Belarus) in 2002, they found a fragment of a space guest (227 kg), buried three meters into the ground.

AT different time"Pallas iron" was found in the vast icy expanses of Antarctica.

Incredible coincidence

In the Volgograd region of the Russian Federation there is a city named after academician Pallas - the district center Pallasovka.

Just imagine the improbability of the fact that it was here in 1990 that an almost 200-kilogram meteorite consisting of pallasite was found!

How much does space pallasite cost?

The question is not at all idle. A pebble lying on the ground in anticipation of an attentive passerby can be more expensive than a gold bar.

Meteorites are coveted exhibits in collectors' collections. The demand for rare pallasites is especially rush, although their cost is truly astronomical and is available to very few collectors - up to $ 40,000 per kilogram.

Thin polished sections of pallasite are especially beautiful. The bluish metal tightly frames the yellow-green crystalline formations of olivine. Such sections are reminiscent of artistic stained glass windows of avant-garde design.

However, there are meteorites and more expensive. Fragments of completely plain-looking rocks that arrived on Earth from Mars or the Moon can cost up to $ 10,000. Only not per kilogram, but per gram (5 carats). This cost is comparable to a good five-carat gem.

"Hawaiian Emeralds"

On the Hawaiian Islands (USA) there are colorful beaches made up of various volcanic rocks, crushed by the ocean surf.

Among them there is also a grassy green. In Hawaiian, it is called Papakolea. This part of the coast is strewn with green pebbles and sand rolled by the waves. The layers of olivine contained the slope of the Puu Mahan volcano that collapsed into the sea.

The water near the shore is also emerald green - the waves are saturated with small particles of the mineral olivine.

Depending on the lighting, the beach may change color several times during the day. In clear weather, it is light olive, at dawn the shade of sand is grassy or yellow-green, as if covered with shoots of Irish heather. At sunset, the olivine grains in your palm will resemble tiny emeralds and diamonds. Tourists call them so - Hawaiian emeralds.

How nice it is to swim in the emerald (in the literal sense!) Sea, and then sunbathe on the mountains of treasures.

In fact, admiring travelers are not far from the truth - the beaches are littered with billions of crystals, a gemstone that is part of an extensive family of minerals, the structure of which includes olivine.

But as soon as the sky is covered with clouds, the sand loses its magical green hue and turns into a dull dark gray strip between the surf and the steep slope of the volcano.

This is how olivine crystals in grains of sand refract sunlight.

The authorities of the state of Hawaii have imposed a ban on the export of olivine sand from a unique beach. There are hefty fines for breaking the law. But tourists strive to take a handful as a keepsake.

To the ban deaf and wayward surf. Sometimes storms wash thousands of tons of sandy treasures into the ocean. Hawaiians fear that over time, the precious olivine surface of the beach will completely disappear.

Other olivine beaches

There are several more green olivine beaches on the planet. One is located on the island of Guam in the Western Pacific, in Micronesia. The island is part of the Mariana Archipelago, known for that in the ocean near it is the deepest hole in the earth's crust - Mariana Trench(11 km).

Here, green olivine, born in a volcano, is adjacent to dazzling white and orange sand from coral chips.

The Galapagos Islands belonging to Ecuador can boast of green beaches. The archipelago is located in pacific ocean, a thousand kilometers off the coast of South America. The islands have active volcanoes, regularly supplying olivine.

There is such an exotic beach in Europe, but there are few bathers there. After all, the olivine beach is located in Norway, and is washed by the waves of the cold North Sea.

Gem Skins of Olivine


Olivine that has landed in the zone of hydrothermal vents is exposed to the action of minerals dissolved in hot water, and also to weathering. So this stone is transformed into a mineral serpentine resembling snake skin. This similarity gave serpentine another name -.

The patterns on the serpentine are very diverse. Surprisingly, they are often similar to the shade and pattern of the skin of those snakes that are found in the region of the mineral deposit. Scientists cannot explain such a mystical connection between animate and inanimate nature.

Serpentine serpentine is mainly used as an ornamental stone.

We have already mentioned chrysolite. We add that this silicate changes color depending on the proportions of magnesium and iron contained in it. It demonstrates all shades of green - pistachio, yellowish, grassy, ​​brown, golden.

In Russia these semiprecious stones mined in Yakutia.


Another variety of olivine is forsterite. The composition of this silicate includes magnesium, so forsterite is also called magnesium olivine.

It was first described in the scientific literature by the geologist Armand Levy (1824). The mineral is named after Jacob Forster, an English gemologist and mineral collector. Forsterite is found in volcanic deposits, for example, in the area of ​​Mount Vesuvius (Italy).

The color of the mineral is traditionally green for olivines, but it can also be white and lemon yellow. Gemologists classify transparent forsterite as a semi-precious chrysolite.

Forsterite often accompanies deposits of both serpentine, plagioclase and.

Forsterite is a common mineral on Earth. Around the world there are about 800 of its deposits. Forsterite samples were raised from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

In Russia, there are forsterite deposits in the Urals.

In the electronics industry, forsterite ceramics are reliably soldered to metals in electrovacuum devices. The mineral, which does not represent jewelry value, is used for the production of high-quality ceramic refractory materials.

Forsterite is found even in space. This ubiquitous mineral has been found on the Moon, in asteroids and comets, and in stone meteorites that have fallen to Earth.


Transparent green crystals of gem olivine in western mineralogy are called peridot. Peridot crystals are also dark yellow, golden green,

The name probably goes back to a consonant ancient Greek word meaning "Giving abundance." These gems have been known to jewelers since time immemorial. Three thousand years ago, the ancient Egyptians mined peridot on the island of Zeberget in the Red Sea. This deposit has not been exhausted to this day.

Green olivine peridot is often very similar to or chrysoberyl. The mineral often accompanies deposits.

Some varieties of peridot have a "cat's eye" effect. Since ancient times, such stones have been considered a good amulet against the evil eye and magic spells.

Olivine magic

Oriental magicians have been using olivine for their rituals for thousands of years. The binary magical properties inherent in pallasites (metal-stone) that fell from space are especially valued.

And the terrestrial olivine is filled with energy not only of the underground bowels, but of the entire Universe. The magical properties of amulets made of cheerful green chrysolite are directed to good luck in all endeavors of the owner. It is recommended to those who have fallen into a period of chronic business failures.

Olivine and Zodiac

Olivine is the stone of the zodiac Leo. So they say astrological horoscopes. But any sign of the Zodiac can claim its location, if the owner of the amulet is determined to achieve his goals in life. Wear it in a ring.

This is a stone of athletes, leaders, purposeful entrepreneurs.

The olivine amulet will assist the leaders. But olivine does not like whiners.

Olivine is a semi-precious mineral that belongs to the silicate family. It is very common and popular all over the world. AT classic version the color of the stone varies from green to golden. Best of all, the shade is revealed under artificial lighting. It is often compared to emerald, but the cost of the mineral is much lower.

The history of the mineral

Olivine is also called peridot or chrysolite. Cases where one mineral has several names are not rare, since researchers from different countries often did not have contact with each other. Therefore, a German scientist gave it a name - olivine, in France the stone was known as peridot, and the Greeks gave it a name - chrysolite or "golden stone". Its different varieties also have their own name.

In Europe, this stone became famous thanks to the Crusaders, who brought it along with church utensils. It was also valued in the Baroque era. On the this moment its prevalence has decreased somewhat, due to its low hardness and brittleness.

Deposits and production

The extraction of this mineral has been carried out by man since ancient times. The first data on the development of its deposits date back to the 4th millennium BC, which were carried out on the island of St. John's in the Red Sea. Volcanic, mantle and deep rocks, as well as meteorites, are suitable for the formation of the mineral.

Now the development of deposits is carried out almost all over the world. Especially large deposits are found in: USA, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, India, Norway, Kenya, Egypt, on the islands of Sri Lanka and Hawaii. In Russia, olivine has been found in Yakutia and the Urals. The largest specimens - up to 200 carats, are found in Myanmar.

Colors and varieties

The color palette is not very wide - usually it is the whole gamut from green to golden. The final shade depends on the composition of impurities, metal ions - chromium and nickel. Their concentration, depth of penetration will determine the intensity of the color. There are unevenly colored specimens, where the shade smoothly flows from dark to light.

Deposits of stones of an absolutely yellow and pistachio hue, as well as transparent light green - forsterite, brown - fayalite, grassy in the Urals - demantoids, even colorless specimens were found. Rarely found blue stones.

Physical and chemical characteristics

Olivine is quartz, which, thanks to iron, nickel, chromium and magnesium, is part of large group silicates. It has a pronounced non-metallic glassy luster, translucency or transparency. Cleavage is absent. Main physical characteristics depend on the chemical composition:

  • specific gravity - 3.27-3.37 g / cm³;
  • hardness - 6.5-7, leaves a scratch on the glass.

Some specimens are very similar to emerald, beryl and prasiolite.

The chemical formula depends on the composition. In the natural environment, the stone changes under the influence aqueous solutions and carbon dioxide, which leads to the formation of serpentine close to it. Perchloric acid has practically no effect, while sulfuric and hydrochloric acid decompose it, turning the solid mineral into jelly. If a dark-colored gem is ignited, it will brighten.

The healing properties of the stone

It is widely used as remedy in the following directions:

  1. ophthalmology;
  2. CNS - calms, normalizes sleep, relieves aggression and anxiety;
  3. the cardiovascular system;
  4. gynecology, during childbirth, increases potency;
  5. normalizes metabolism;
  6. heals wounds, prevents infections;
  7. relieves migraine, helps to recover from a stroke and sclerosis;
  8. liver disease.

For treatment, it is enough to put a gem next to a diseased organ for a while or take water charged on a stone. Some treatments require the use of crushed olivine. special medicinal value attached to the stone in Vietnam and Armenia.

The magical properties of olivine

Olivine is also credited with a special magical influence per person. For the most part, it is positive:

  • increases self-confidence;
  • Adds decisiveness;
  • brings success in business.

Its last property is often associated with the ability of a stone to open new knowledge to a person, to set up a relationship with the other world or cosmic energy. There are already different variations here, but somehow a person is lucky in business, especially in business and commerce. To those who commit rash acts, he bestows wisdom.

He helps in family disputes, troubles, extinguishing conflicts. It is believed that he saves the house from fires.

The meaning of Olivine in the signs of the zodiac

According to horoscopes, this stone is suitable for most signs of the zodiac: it can help them in business, balance the state of mind. It also helps to strengthen in its owner such qualities as determination, stubbornness.

  1. Leo, with the help of olivine, will learn to reveal his talents from all sides, gain respect in society, gain firmness and determination, which he often lacks.
  2. Virgos will be able to cope with natural conservatism, engage in self-development, which will bring good results in their personal lives and at work.
  3. Pisces, he will add decisiveness in accepting important decisions, as well as improve relations with the environment through awareness of one's own dignity.
  4. Sagittarius will be able to sleep better, fix problems with willpower, but still such a talisman is not suitable for constant wear.
  5. Libra will help normalize sleep, relieve accumulated nervous tension.
  6. Such a stone is not recommended for Cancers, since it only has a short-term effect. positive effect. Wearing it for a long time will not bring good luck.
  7. Olivine is contraindicated for Aquarius, since all the qualities that it enhances - stubbornness and inaccessibility - are extremely pronounced in this sign.
  8. Capricorn also should not use the stone all the time, it is better not to wear it at all.
  9. Gemini will become more calm, and abrupt change sentiment will soften a bit.
  10. Taurus under the influence of the stone will become even more compliant and generous.
  11. Aries, with its help, will change impulsiveness in a calm way, they will begin to bring everything that has been started to the end.
  12. It is categorically not suitable for Scorpios, as they will be easily influenced by outside influences.

Thus, it works best on Pisces, Leo and Virgo.

Areas of use

The main area of ​​​​application of the mineral is jewelry: earrings and pendants are made from it. For rings, the gem is rarely used, as it is very fragile. Now it is classified as a second-rate jewelry stone, and gold is usually chosen for the setting.

Some varieties, for example, fayalite, are used in industry and metallurgy, purifying ore from impurities with its help. It is also added to some alloys, which improves their quality. Olivine is used in construction, adding it to the mixture for refractory bricks.

Jewelery and products made from olivine

Since this gem is very inexpensive and beautiful, it is widely used for making jewelry most various forms and style. Jewelers often show great imagination in working with olivine, which allows them to create real masterpieces. This is facilitated by its numerous shades, which are often combined in one product.

Except jewelry it is used as talismans, souvenirs, and even for interior decoration.

Storage and care

Special care for an item with olivine is not required, but it should be protected during use due to its fragility. In addition, sudden changes in temperature, exposure to acids and even salt water can harm. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear expensive jewelry with olivine all the time, it is better to leave them for an evening out.

Care is gentle cleansing with soapy water.


How to distinguish a fake

There are several proven ways to distinguish a fake:

  • natural stone slowly heats up in the hands, fake - very quickly;
  • a faceted stone must be turned in the sun - a ray of light is refracted in two in a real specimen;
  • natural olivine is difficult to scratch, and a plastic fake is easy;
  • there are a lot of fakes in Sri Lanka - craftsmen dip bottle glass into water with stones and after a while the current makes them hewn, similar to natural gems, but upon closer examination, you can notice the uneven color of the glass.

In a reliable way to determine natural origin is a certificate.

Natural stone is very beautiful, it is not in vain that it is compared with an emerald. But unlike the latter, the price is much more democratic, which means that almost everyone can afford jewelry with it.

Olivine is a rock-forming mineral, magnesian-ferruginous silicate with the formula (Mg,Fe)2. The content of Fe and Mg varies between the two end members of the continuous isomorphic series of olivines: Mg2 forsterite and Fe2 fayalite. Olivine composes basic and ultrabasic igneous rocks and is very widespread in the mantle. It is one of the most common minerals on earth. The hardness of it and all its varieties is 6.5 - 7.0.

The name "Olivine" was first proposed by Werner to refer to the green inclusions he encountered in basalts.

An extremely small number of olivines are suitable for jewelry - something like one millionth of total number. The rest of the amount lies in the aggressive environment of the earth's depths.

The term "olivine" in jewelry is used in relation to, as a rule, dark and not very beautiful samples, which only conditionally fit the definition of "precious". Actually, there are two recognized varieties of olivine: chrysolite and peridot. By chemical composition they are identical and appearance very similar.

At present, there is no precise, generally accepted international nomenclature for separating olivine varieties. Some nationalities recognize only olivine and chrysolite (Germans), while others distinguish only olivine and peridot. In Russia, both are accepted, or even they write “olivine” on the labels, which is incorrect, or get off with the term “jewelry variety of olivine”. Olivines are a rock-forming mineral, and under his name they may well sell a piece of rock that has absolutely no aesthetic value. Often you can find an indication that chroisolite is a synonym for peridot and vice versa.

There are signs separating peridots from chrysolites. They have a slightly different crystal structure.

Peridot, (Mg, Fe)2SiO4. The name goes back to the Greek word peridona - giving abundance. Other names: forsterite, peridot cashmere. Color: olive green, yellow green, brownish green, lime green (the most valuable). Has a pronounced hallmark: strong birefringence. It can be seen even with the naked eye with normal vision (under a magnifying glass for sure). The birefringence looks like a bifurcation of the faces of the crystal opposite from the point of view.

Chrysolite (from the ancient Greek χρυσός - gold and λίθος - stone) is a transparent jewelry variety of the olivine mineral from yellow-green to dark chartreuse, with a characteristic golden hue. Other name: evening emerald. Chrysolites are considered, as a rule, more yellowish stones with a lower index of double refraction of light.

In Russia, in the field of trade, all green stones from the genus of olivines are called chrysolites by default, there may be a clarification, but not always.

In any case, both chrysolites and peridots are included in the group of green-yellow relatively soft minerals (hardness is lower than that of quartz). They are common, and therefore are not of particular value as rare minerals. In addition, both chrysolite and peridot are soft, which means they are easily damaged and eventually lose their clarity of polishing from abrasion by quartz dust, which is present everywhere.

It is rare that chrysolite "survives" to its fifth birthday without any scratches at all. The only way to protect green stone products from spoilage is to store them in a display case with a transparent lid. Chrysolite should be worn carefully, it is not suitable for everyday use.

Chrysolite is for the most part designed for an amateur than for a connoisseur of exquisite beauty. It occurs in almost any form. Beads made of small green stones can be bought for a meager price - 100 - 150 rubles. silver ring with an insert of medium size (5 carats) - and for 600 rubles. Even large chrysolites are cheap and rarely cost more than $5 per carat.

Chrysolite beads can cost from 500 to 5000. The price depends on the cut and size of the stones.

Chrysolite looks like green garnets (grossular, demantoid, tsavorite and others) so much that sometimes only special diagnostics help. They are similar in hardness and scale. In addition, not all chrysolites have a strong birefringence. Until recently, when spectral and chemical analysis appeared, it was difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to distinguish between these two types of completely different minerals. From this comes the widespread myth that chrysolites are green garnets.

In particular, there is a well-known myth that in the ring of the "false John" (and he was born under the constellation of Pisces) - the impostor Giannino de Guccio Baglioni - there were precisely green garnets. There are serious reasons to believe that cheap chrysolite was more affordable at that time than green garnet. In addition, green garnets as a raw material for jewelry began to be used much later. Based historical events- the troublemaker never achieved anything - green garnet was banned for the zodiac sign "Pisces", although it would be more correct to ban chrysolite.

Another historical chrysolite is Nero's green glasses, or rather, his lorgnette. The emperor's contemporaries described him as "a green stone set in a frame." At different times, the stone was considered an emerald and a green garnet. It is quite obvious that this stone could not be exactly an emerald: such large emeralds cannot be without flaws and internal cracks. Green garnets are also rarely of this size, but chrysolites are just right. There is reason to believe that it is chrysolite that is now in the Diamond Fund of the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin. It is one of the seven historical stones.

To a lesser extent, chrysolite is similar to yellowish

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