Astrological horoscope for May

In 2018, the month of May could not be more fortunate for many zodiac signs. But luck, like water that does not flow under a lying stone, will not come just like that.

To enjoy all the benefits that the yellow Dog promises for May 2018 to representatives of different zodiac symbols, you should show perseverance and determination. So what does the horoscope promise us for May 2018?

What do astrologers promise for this month?

As astrologers note, the beginning of May will be the most favorable time for healing and strengthening the body, as well as starting something new. This is explained by the increased activity of the astral-lunar flows.

So, from May 1 to 4, representatives of all zodiac signs can start organizing a wedding, start implementing long-planned things or improving their health.

From the 5th to the 8th, the monthly horoscope advises you to refrain from making vital decisions, because at this time the state of the Moon and the Earth’s biosphere will not be very favorable for people. The days of May 6 and 7 will be especially turbulent.

Astrologers associate the onset of the second week of the month with the waning of the Moon. With the beginning of this phase, humanity will be able to tune in to creative work and begin preparing new projects and active social activities.

The horoscope of work and finance advises to do this in the period from May 8 to May 12, because in the next two days the Moon will return to the position it was in at the time of a person’s birth (which happens only once every 8-9 years). The period of the Black Moon, which falls on May 13 and 14, is not the best period for resolving important situations and issues.

According to the 2018 horoscope, May will be a month conducive to the fulfillment of desires and the achievement of goals. But only if you listen to the advice of astrologers. For example, their forecast states that on May 15, after approximately 14:00, you should refrain from emotional statements and promises that are obviously false, because at this time the new moon arrives.

According to the horoscope according to the zodiac signs for the coming year, May 16 is a day that is a kind of boundary between what was planned and what will be realized. Moreover, the second half of May is the most suitable time to start doing new things.

From May 19, when Venus is in the sign of Cancer, a very favorable period begins for children and representatives of the fair half of humanity. They will become not only more sensual, but also more active in terms of developing business, interpersonal and family relationships. However, on May 20 and 21, you need to be more careful with your feelings and their manifestations, because during this period the Moon will be in not very favorable aspects in relation to the planets.

But already with the beginning of the third ten days of the month the situation will change, and the last week of May will be full of various fateful events. Especially for those signs who are representatives of the elements “fire” and “air”, for whom the horoscope of work and finance promises the conclusion of profitable deals, the signing of profitable contracts, as well as interesting and useful acquaintances.

It is worth remembering that May 26 is the day when the Moon will take a position that is very tense in relation to the strongest (energetically) planets. On this day it is recommended:

  • Refrain from emotional outbursts.
  • Try not to be led by jealousy.
  • Do not react to provocations.

The new moon will occur on May 29th. On this day, as well as the day before it, it is advisable not to plan anything important, but to devote all your free time to relaxing with your family. The last days of May, according to the 2018 horoscope, will pass smoothly and easily for most of the planet’s inhabitants – traveling and meeting with family and friends.

What will be the forecast of astrologers regarding love and health?

Just like the astrologers' forecast for all zodiac signs for 2017, the horoscope for the coming year promises changeability. Since the weather in spring is capricious and unstable, people need to dress warmly, taking into account what the weather is like outside the window. Of course, spring warmth comes with the first rays of the sun, but you shouldn’t trust its changeable nature prematurely.

According to the health horoscope, prevention will not be unnecessary in May. Especially for those whose bodies are weakened and prone to exacerbations of diseases in the autumn-spring period. Try to take vitamins or undergo a course of treatment in advance so as not to end up in the hospital on warm spring days.

Astrologers predict a slight decline in the activity of astral energy flows for mid-May, which can provoke poor health among representatives of different zodiac signs. There is no need to panic and worry ahead of time, because the situation will change with the beginning of the last week of the month.

In May, as the 2018 horoscope advises, it is recommended to eat more dairy products and exclude junk foods (convenience foods, fatty and spicy foods) from your diet in order to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Don't forget to eat some sweets in May to help lift your spirits.

As for the tricks of Cupid in May, the love horoscope for this month has prepared many adventures for representatives of all zodiac signs without exception.

According to astrologers, spring 2018 will not leave anyone alone. Love will come even to those who weren’t even expecting it. Interesting acquaintances, exciting meetings, beautiful speeches and sincere feelings - this is exactly what the love horoscope promises for all zodiac signs.

What should Aries, Taurus, Cancer and Gemini expect in May?

According to the promises of the horoscope for 2018, for Aries May will be not only active, but also fruitful. Considering that most representatives of this zodiac sign are avid enthusiasts, it will not be difficult for them to complete the work they start. Moreover, the work done will promise them decent pay, recognition from society, and respect from their superiors.

The beginning of the month may be somewhat stressful for representatives of this zodiac symbol. But the horoscope for May 2018 warns that, despite the difficulties, Aries must behave with dignity and not allow emotions to get the better of them. Only in this case will representatives of this zodiac sign be able to achieve incredible success in May.

For representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer May will be very favorable. This month they should focus on establishing public relations and business relationships. As the horoscope for May 2018 shows, Cancer will be more successful and fruitful in the business sphere in the first half of the month.

With the onset of the second half of May, things will begin to improve for Cancers in the love field. It is better for them to spend the last week of spring traveling and communicating with loved ones.

Considering that April will be for Taurus Far from being a favorable month, May will seem very successful to them. According to the horoscope, in May Taurus can begin the path to their goal. But, given the ardent and stubborn disposition of the representatives of this zodiac constellation, astrologers advise them to carefully plan all their actions and move towards their goal with measured steps. According to the horoscope for May 2018, Taurus will be able to win if they show all their determination and perseverance.

A more controversial situation, but still better than the one predicted by the horoscope for May 2017. Gemini, will happen in May for representatives of this zodiac sign. If you believe the forecasts of astrologers, this month they will expect falls, alternating with ups and triumphs.

Gemini will have to become more compliant and flexible in May if they want to reduce negative influences from the outside. The horoscope for May 2018 advises representatives of the Gemini sign to take stock of previous activities and make plans for the future.

What does the month have in store for Leos, Virgos, Scorpios and Libra?

With the coming of May Lions can tune in to very fruitful activities, because this month they will have to face quite complex professional tasks and mysteries of fate. But representatives of this sign who find themselves in an atypical situation are not recommended to panic, much less give up.

As the forecast for May 2018 says, Leo should not make attempts to evade responsibility if he wants to achieve his goal and at the same time avoid a conflict showdown. In general, May promises to be favorable for those born under the constellation Leo.

What did the horoscope predict for representatives of this sign? Virgo at the end of spring 2018? A lot of worries, new perspectives and discoveries, inspiring ideas - this is the horoscope for May 2018 for people born under the constellation Virgo. But a great danger may lie in the frivolity of representatives of this zodiac sign. Only by abandoning it will Virgos be able to achieve success in May of the coming year.

Scales In May 2018, a period of calm awaits, which will soon be replaced by emotional outbursts. The May 2018 horoscope for representatives of the Libra sign will delight you with pleasant changes and joyful events in the family. It is in this month that they will understand that nothing is more important than the family hearth, and will begin to do everything for the benefit of their loved ones.

The horoscope for May 2018 says that Scorpion will face many different situations that require his direct participation. But given that this month it will be difficult for representatives of this sign to make choices and important decisions, it is better to postpone such actions until better times, and spend May more relaxed, doing their usual things and worries.

What will be significant for Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces this month?

Astrologers claim that May is for representatives of the sign Sagittarius will be labor. They will have to work hard and hard to get not only a decent reward, but also new experience. It is worth noting that the effort and time spent will begin to pay off by the end of the month.

In addition, Sagittarius will be able to discover a new talent in themselves at the end of May. In general, the horoscope for May 2018 for Sagittarius is very favorable and promises many exciting and joyful events.

Horoscope for May 2018 for those born under the constellation Capricorn also predicts workdays and many unsolved problems. This month, fate will smile on diligent Capricorns: they will be able to implement long-planned plans, which in the future can bring good profits. Some of them will have to face difficulties at the very beginning of their journey. However, May is a time of achievements and victories, so the horoscope advises not to give up under any circumstances.

As astrologers predict, Aquarius May will allow you to reveal all your best qualities. But the most relevant ones this month will be: eloquence, honesty, loyalty and wit. In particular, the latter quality will allow people born under this constellation to overcome various minor troubles and problems that will arise in the business sphere. In addition, the horoscope for May 2018 predicts pleasant trips and interesting acquaintances for those born under the sign of Aquarius.

The last month of spring for Pisces will be extremely memorable. It will bring many new contacts and new knowledge, which Pisces will use to their advantage throughout the year.

Most likely, representatives of this sign will be lucky enough to make new contacts and gain experience while traveling or on business trips. Therefore, Pisces need to be prepared for any emergency situations in order to be able to experience all the positive influences of the astrological forecast for May of the coming year.

May 2017 will bring us a lot of positive and pleasant moments. The stars remind us that if we change our attitude to what is happening around us, our whole life will change. Look for exclusively positive aspects in all situations, and do not take small troubles and failures to heart. May will bring a lot of new ideas that will help you cope with your backlog and achieve new goals.

The first ten days of May 2017 will pass in a fairly positive direction and in a good mood. Those who are tired of the everyday routine and everyday hassle will have the opportunity to relax and restore their strength and vitality. Unexpected and bright events will begin to happen, life will be filled with meaning, goals and desires will become clearer, thoughts will become more legible and precise. During this period, you will have to concentrate all your attention and efforts on achieving a specific goal and solving specific problems. The horoscope for May 2017 promises success to those who do everything possible to achieve it. At this time, you should avoid conflict and controversial situations so as not to waste your energy on sorting out relationships and unnecessary proceedings. The first days of this month will be a favorable period for those who have changed their environment, place of residence, or give up their bad habits. These days, adaptive abilities will be high, and getting used to this or that environment will not be difficult. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. After all, there is only one way to avoid mistakes - by doing nothing. But it is better to regret what you have done than to shed tears over a missed opportunity. The beginning of May is great for new beginnings and decisive actions. So, all doubts go away, go ahead and sing!

In the second ten days of May 2017, many of us will simply forget about our affairs, work problems and tasks. For almost the entire two weeks, they will relax outdoors in a cheerful, noisy company, celebrating the May holidays. But the holidays will end, leaving behind many unforgettable impressions and a lot of unfinished work. Therefore, in order to improve your results at the end of the month and get a decent payment for your work, in the second ten days of the month you will have to work hard and fulfill your job duties as efficiently and efficiently as possible. Mid-May will make work a top priority, so all attention will be focused on implementing work plans and ideas. The most ambitious and persistent stars promise that they will be able to catch up and even, moreover, succeed in solving business issues. Those of us who were looking for work are unlikely to want to settle for little and burden ourselves with unfavorable working conditions immediately after the holidays. It’s worth waiting a little, because next month excellent career prospects will open up. During this period, special attention should be paid to the preparation and submission of reports. Be careful and picky about the numbers to avoid irreparable mistakes.

The third ten days of May 2017 will fill the lives of single people with languid anticipation and romantic hopes for a fateful meeting. It’s worth noting right away that thanks to the position of Venus, you’ll hardly be bored. The horoscope promises a lot of new acquaintances, romantic encounters and increased interest of the opposite sex. However, acquaintances will become easy and superficial, so you should not count on the emergence of deep and real feelings, although many new acquaintances will become your permanent, loyal and reliable friends. The end of May will pass in a relaxed atmosphere, everything will be informal and frivolous, so you should not start a relationship during this period. You shouldn’t run ahead of the locomotive, leave everything as it is. Time will put everything in its place. Be patient and enjoy every moment of your life, this is the only way you will be confident in the future.

Month of May 2017, monthly horoscope

Read the zodiac horoscope for the month of May 2017 for each zodiac sign published on the Kaleidoscope of Horoscopes website.

Finally, the long-awaited May holidays have arrived, when you can relax and enjoy watching how nature has almost woken up from hibernation. In spring there is a special atmosphere of joy and romanticism; in such times we want to know the future, to see what fate has in store for us, whether what we dream about will come true. Let's find out about this from astrologers and get acquainted with the horoscope for May 2017.

Failures at work and in the family can weaken you for a while, and it will suddenly seem to you that the whole world is conspiring against you. But it only seems so, in fact, if you can pull yourself together and persistently move towards your goal, then be sure that everything will work out.

Even though May will be quite difficult this year, you definitely need to find time for your inner peace. After all, before conquering the peaks, you need to work on yourself and understand what is paramount in this life and what is not so important. It is then that it will become clear where to move next, how to solve pressing problems, how to organize your day in such a way as to achieve real success.

Career horoscope for May 2017

The first ten days of the month are preparing a good shake-up for you; problems and troubles will begin that need to be resolved urgently. The ability to organize yourself, curb all your emotions for the sake of a common cause, composure and determination - all these qualities will be your faithful companions in achieving success at work. This is exactly the case when fate tests you and strengthens your character, so you should not be afraid to show determination and independence.

Constant problems at the beginning of the month can unsettle you for a while; at some point it may even seem to you that you are out of place. And despite the fact that in the second half of May all problems will be resolved, the desire to leave work will not disappear. But don’t rush into such decisions, maybe you’re just tired and need rest. Take some time off and relax, gain strength, which, by the way, you will need during this period. And all because it is in the second ten days of the month that you will be especially productive - this is the ideal period for starting new projects, concluding contracts and deals, creativity and creating real masterpieces. Your creative potential is at its peak, and therefore it is worth working hard. Although it may seem to you that nothing will come of it, throw away unnecessary doubts, they only slow you down on the path to success. However, when solving everyday issues and negotiating with people, be vigilant, because in May of this year various types of scammers will be most active. When concluding any transactions, check everything carefully, and if you have any doubts, it is better to refuse joint cooperation.

Also, in addition to other problems, minor quarrels and disagreements at work with colleagues and superiors await you. And all because, due to the location of the planets, many will be subject to emotional swings, it will be difficult to contain everything within themselves, any little thing can make you angry. Try to control yourself, believe that your own peace of mind and peace of mind are much more important than any quarrels.

Family horoscope for May 2017

Quarrels await you in your family, and here you need to show special wisdom and the ability to smooth out conflicts. In particular, this applies to quarrels with children, because they are especially susceptible to the influence of planets. In this case, astrologers recommend not to rush to give your child advice if he does not come to you. They will only make you want to be stubborn and do the opposite. Try to show by example what is good and what is bad, spend more time with your child and take an interest in his life. This is the only way to become an authority, and over time he himself will begin to approach you for advice.

If disagreements arise with other family members, they will only be minor ones. There is no need to worry too much about this, soon everything will work out and be forgotten. Better concentrate on other important issues. Also, in any quarrels, try to avoid any loud and careless phrases. This will only increase the disagreement.

But in the relationship with your partner, oddly enough, everything will be smooth and calm. It is only important that you overcome all problems, conflicts and other troubles together, like a real team. Only then will it be possible to achieve harmony.

Love horoscope for May 2017

Your soulmate will be especially sensual and romantic in the first ten days of the month. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to make each other more joyful and happy. After all, these are the moments you will remember with special reverence. But be also careful, because conflicts will arise from an overabundance of emotions, so try to control yourself and not spoil the romantic atmosphere that will overwhelm you.

But it’s better to postpone the marriage proposal this month, as well as the wedding. According to astrologers, the month of May is generally not desirable for starting a family and any serious decisions related to the family. And it would also be extremely undesirable to get to know anyone; there is a risk of falling for a swindler or simply a deceiver.

Health horoscope for May 2017

Despite the May holidays and significant weekends this month, you will have to work a lot, and therefore it is important at such times to observe the correct work and rest schedule. There is no need to devote yourself completely to work, your health will not thank you, and your immunity will weaken even more. And who wants to be sick in such good spring weather, right? It’s better to spend an extra hour in the park with your family than at home in bed with medications.

Also take care of your gastrointestinal tract, because this month it is at risk. Try to eat more vegetables and fruits, and after the holidays have a fasting day. Give your stomach a rest, which has been working so hard all holiday season. If possible, try switching to fractional meals and eating in small portions, but often.

May has prepared a real love ecstasy for Aries. At a certain point, you will become so carried away by your loved one that you can make some too significant promises or make a rash proposal. Some people will be happy with simple assurances, while other people will decide to take advantage of your offer. Try to watch what you say if you really don't want to rush into certain steps in your romantic life. Think about your phrases and be much more attentive to yourself in the most dizzying moments associated with communication with your soulmate. Believe me, your relationship will not get worse if it develops gradually and consistently, without any bold confessions or vows. If you want to please your loved one, it’s better to give him something that he will appreciate.



Taurus should muster the courage to admit to their partner that they have no strength or mood left for communication if such a state suddenly overtakes them. This will be a better solution for you than trying to imitate passion and interest with complete internal disharmony. Your partner will understand you and will not reproach you. On the contrary, he will willingly take on a new task - to inspire you. And, by the way, he has every chance to cope with this.


Geminis should not worry about success in the romantic sphere of life, even if the first days of May are clearly not going well. You are gradually approaching a very prosperous state - on the 21st, the Sun moves into the sign of Gemini, and the luck and winning attitude that will accompany this astrological combination will become an excellent weapon in your hands. With the Sun as your ally, you won't have a hard time attracting the person you're interested in. The only thing worth worrying about is asking yourself in time whether you really see that cherished soul mate in the object of your interest. Geminis are characterized by inconstancy, and you need to be aware of the seriousness of your intentions. If there is one, then act decisively, because the stars are on your side.


Cancers should not delve too deeply into the realm of romance at the beginning of the month. It is quite possible that success will come a little later, closer to the 19th, when Venus will be in the sign of Cancer. This is a positive impact that will definitely affect your qualities: it will add to your charm and open the eyes of representatives of the opposite sex to your merits. There is no need to worry that when Venus leaves, these qualities will disappear. They're not going anywhere. It’s just that right now you can demonstrate them, make them more pronounced. You need to understand that astrological influences only emphasize some features that are already inherent in us.

a lion

The heavenly bodies urge Leo to be more restrained in their emotions in May 2018. No circumstances will occur that merit a violent reaction, and only astrological factors will influence your mood. It is best to show willpower and set a requirement for yourself - to communicate with people only as they deserve, and not as required by your inner mood. This simple formula will help you avoid a number of unpleasant situations, especially if they involve the opposite sex.


Virgos should take into account that they will behave quite harshly from May 9 to May 20. In certain situations this will work to your advantage. For example, you can finally get rid of an annoying partner, whose refusals, expressed in a more tolerant way, are simply ignored. However, if being rude and offending someone is not your intention, try to show restraint. Try various psychological self-control techniques or meditation to bring order to the ocean of emotions raging inside you.


Libra should be prepared for the fact that May does not hold serious relationships in store for them. But this does not mean that there will be no communication with representatives of the opposite sex. On the contrary, there will be plenty of romance, courtship and proposals of an intimate nature. But from the very beginning there will be no doubt that all these options are intended only for short-term relationships. If you like them, then of course you can use them. If you are expecting something more, then you should be more attentive to those who start a conversation with you, and not be afraid to refuse if you have any doubts.


This period will be very eventful for those Scorpios who want to have a little office romance. There are many people around who want to take part in such an affair. On May 8, you may be invited on a date to a very unusual place. You shouldn’t expect any consequences that will be important for your romantic life, and it’s better to approach the event itself with restraint. If you don't go there, you won't lose anything. The most favorable solution is to forget about love affairs for a while and take care of your family and loved ones.


If you have a desire to find your ideal in May, then do not get your hopes up. The point is not that it does not exist, but that this month itself will be quite unsuccessful for establishing romantic relationships. Of course, you will be able to find those representatives of the opposite sex who will be interesting to you, and who themselves will show interest in you. But you shouldn’t assume that you and any of them are meant for each other. This probability is low. In the coming months it will be much easier to find your true soulmate.


Capricorns should build their romantic relationships based on mutual hobbies and interests. Romance, frankly speaking, is not your strong point this month. But you can compensate for this shortcoming as an interesting interlocutor. In fact, among the representatives of your gender you will not have worthy competitors who can interest anyone in a conversation so much. Just choose those topics in which you really feel confident. Your charm as a storyteller will attract attention and arouse genuine interest.


Aquarians, who do not yet have a soulmate, have a great chance of meeting an interesting person for whom they will immediately develop sympathy. The heavenly bodies recommend not to rush to conclusions and first figure out what exactly attracts you to this stranger. It is quite possible that it is not he himself, but some quality that arouses your admiration. Aquarians can build truly promising and reliable relationships with someone from their circle of acquaintances. Well, those representatives of this zodiac sign whose relationships are already established will spend a rather serene month full of joyful emotions.


Pisces may not have to worry about their romantic life in May. You and your significant other will feel great next to each other. Not only communication, but simply the presence of a loved one will become a great joy for each of you, charging you with pleasant emotions and setting you in a positive mood. You can successfully use the positive charge of energy you receive in any other area of ​​your life, for example, professional.

For Gemini, May will be a month as busy as it is hectic. To a large extent, the reason for this is your own reluctance to sit still and stop there. Well, you have excellent opportunities for communication and development of business relationships, as well as restoring connections with previous partners and colleagues. The month will be successful for schoolchildren and students, as well as everyone who is engaged in intellectual work, works with electronics and is involved in paperwork. It is not advisable to start long-term and large-scale projects, but it is possible that you will have to buy or sell real estate. The beginning and middle of the month will force you to focus on business, engage in organizational activities and work with documents, but the end of May will allow you to realize your cherished dream. Events are likely that will change your life, and serious efforts will not be required to direct them in the right direction.
From a financial point of view, May will be a very pleasant month: unexpected cash flows and profitable transactions are likely. All you need to do is not be frivolous when investing the funds received. Negotiations related to obtaining a loan will go well.
Family life in May will require considerable dedication from you. This is due not only to the emergence of some difficulties in relationships, but also to the abundance of everyday affairs. Beginnings related to home improvement will take a lot of effort, but the work will not be in vain. For lovers, the month will be calm, relationships will become a little less romantic, but will acquire a pronounced partnership character. Don’t be discouraged if difficulties arise: you can count on the support of loved ones, including relatives. Try to spend more time socially and be sure that the parties you are invited to will be fun.
You will feel great for most of the month, but you still shouldn’t overestimate your body’s capabilities. Women should remember that during this period there is a high probability of pregnancy.

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