Why does a Virgo man not want to date. Husband-Virgo: practical, reliable and constant, but why not everyone will appreciate it

The Virgo man diligently avoids breaking up with his girlfriend. He is capable of such a decisive act only under extraordinary circumstances. Undoubtedly, he does not like it when a woman who is nearby does not have respect and tender feelings for him. Virgo will not tolerate insults to his dignity.

Virgo is used to always soberly assess the situation, this person certainly will not look at the world through “rose-colored” glasses. For him, the main thing is to firmly stand on his feet, to provide himself with a good material foundation. Often, Virgos are educated, hardworking, they are able to perform boring and routine work.

The representative of this sign is very scrupulous, he is well versed in people, it is difficult for him to find a woman who would be perfect for him. Virgo is very punctual, neat and well-mannered. His clothes do not look flashy, but they are always tastefully chosen. This person is responsible for the choice of friends, so he has few of them. However, he will remain devoted to them to the end, and in a difficult moment he will certainly come to the rescue.

A woman who has connected her life with a Virgo man can have no doubts about his fidelity and reliability. But a generous display of emotions from him can hardly be expected. He is emotionally connected to his family and very often feels a sense of duty and responsibility for their well-being. That is why Virgo can take on many unpleasant duties. This man does not really want to have children, but when he nevertheless becomes a father, he surrounds his children with boundless love and care.

To return the Virgin and renew a happy relationship with him, the woman will have to work on her mistakes. This person must see and feel that his beloved is really sincere towards him, that she repents of her actions and is ready to change. This will help restore the trust of the Virgin and again achieve his location.

Virgo will surely like it if you directly tell him about your feelings, ask for forgiveness. However, in this case, further events can occur according to two scenarios: either this person forgives you and never lets go again, or he leaves completely.

When the Virgo man left first, the woman who seeks to return him needs to behave differently. Do not show him how much you missed him and want to return the old relationship. Behave decently. Such behavior should provoke his return, but of his own free will.

And so that it does not come to breaking off relations with a representative of this sign, a woman should be sensitive, pay attention to the slightest changes in his mood. If you notice that this man has become cold towards you, be sure to talk heart to heart with him, try to figure out what he is worried about or upset about.

Virgos are vulnerable and touchy, even a rude word can hurt them greatly. Therefore, when communicating with a representative of this sign, try to control your emotions. Sometimes he can cool off towards a woman even because of minor domestic troubles, because Virgos are very neat by nature and require this from their chosen one.

How to get a Virgo man back
The Virgo man diligently avoids breaking up with his girlfriend. He is capable of such a decisive act only under extraordinary circumstances.

Virgo man ignores

I am an Aries and my boyfriend is a Virgo. We met half a year ago. I fell in love with him almost at first sight. For a long time various signs of attention paid each other, but he always kept me at a distance. We started dating half a month ago. Everything was perfect. We slept together. He is my first man. After some time, he stopped paying attention to me, he doesn’t even call. I gave him a little tantrum on the phone, but he only got offended. It got even worse. He doesn't call, he doesn't want to see you. He became cold and indifferent. I no longer know where to put myself. And I don’t want to be imposed, and I don’t want to lose. And this uncertainty is just depressing. I just want to call and say "either stop this or we'll break up." What to do?

Judging by his behavior, he does not consider himself your boyfriend. Better take it for granted and don't try to change it. The positive thing about this story is that you lost your virginity out of love and in an ideal setting. There is no need to call him and ask him to stop too, because in fact he ALREADY stopped everything. I wish you to survive this and be happy with someone who wants to be with you for a long, long time.

if the virgin is cold, then he has cooled down and don’t wait for feelings anymore

maybe pull him out for some serious conversation to make sure?

so.. just in case..

Or maybe I'm just a naive fool?

girls love men like me. so sho do not bother with this question.

I had a virgin, young, 22 years old. at first all so passionate, hot))) and then Kada realized that I was already his, pulled away. I think that this is not only for virgins, for all martyrs, and then he himself began to get closer, sometimes flashed on the network, then SMS)) so wait and do not terrorize him. for weeks 2. these will be the longest weeks, get ready. but you have to endure. he himself will contact t

9. And when he returned to you, how did you receive him? What did you say? and what is happening now?

I called and said that I needed to talk urgently, that it was important .. during the conversation, he was kind and attentive, made compliments .. I said everything as it was and asked directly. At first he was a little upset, then he scolded me like a little girl half seriously and half jokingly and said that I should not have such a "halva" in my head anymore. But he still does not call and does not offer to meet. Thank you very much Kremka Libra for the advice.. I just sometimes break down and call him or write to him.

virgin men have such a quality - to disappear, and you sit and cannot understand anything. he will return! read the reason for leaving in horoscopes or sit on a branch about virgins (she is in the ranking) and you will understand everything.

Author, I understand that you slept and he became cold? What made you think you were dating? He did not care, he did not achieve. You fell in love and, like a real Aries, galloped with a saber unsheathed. The guy took what was offered voluntarily, used it and .. "thank you, I was not impressed." What do you want from him? He did not sunk, he is not in love.

before we slept, he asked me to date.. it was a long serious conversation about how there will be many difficulties, that he has a bad temper and I might be disappointed, etc. etc. After that, he looked after me for some time and I didn’t sleep with him right away .. I don’t know .. I have little experience .. But when I see him, it seems to me that he is in love .. The expression of the eyes is special, the movements are somehow neat very .. But the problem is that he does not seek to see me or even just talk ..

male-virgin goats are still those, run away from them,

to real men, there is someone to compare

We have a wedding soon, and my virgin man doesn’t even itch, he says everything will be fine, I took care of the whole organization, although it was he who wanted the wedding. He needs a job more than me. I don't know if I'm offended or not. I am a twin according to the horoscope, I constantly bring him to feelings. Interestingly, are virgin men faithful?

The situation is almost one to one, only closer relations did not reach. After another discussion about the "problems" in our relationship, I flared up, and he was terribly offended and said that now you have erased everything that was between us. Then I made several attempts to try on, asked for forgiveness for what I said without thinking. He simply ignored the last message. And for a week now I don’t know anything about him ((((disappeared ((Tell me, is there still hope? Or is that all. It’s hard for me to admit that a person after the words I love so crosses everything out ((((

Hmm. They don't have any patience.

We are blind wandering in the darkness, but we just want to hit someone on the head with our white cane (c)

i glavnoe, po ih slovam, eto vsyo my isportili! (i.e. jenshiny)

In short, I realized that this is all. cooled off. Now the main thing is to knock out this wedge.

Gee) And I have the opposite: he is in love with me, and I ignore him x)

Heck, I'm the opposite too. now I'm lost. but he wants to see. offended by the infection. says I don't take him seriously. Well, what to do, I’m not sure about him, because I don’t understand him. and bored with him, although drawn to him. a situation from the series "I can’t with him and I can’t without him"

they love to push. and having achieved they cool down, they are carried away by the struggle .. and here mine is not going anywhere and everyone goes into relaxation and does not want anything.

I have the same problem, just disappeared without explaining anything, does not answer phone calls and SMS too, and think what you want. :((((Well, if he doesn’t want to communicate, then let him say so. So I think I’m sitting now and will call at all someday or not, I hope to the last. Uncertainty is the worst of all:

I have the same problem, just disappeared without explaining anything, does not answer phone calls and SMS too, and think what you want. :((((Well, if he doesn’t want to communicate, then let him say so. So I think I’m sitting now and will call at all someday or not, I hope to the last. Uncertainty is the worst of all:

One on one situation with a mature (age 33) male virgin .. 3 months talked day and night. And he first confessed his love, and talked a lot, and laughed a lot, and dreamed .. about a future together, never cursed .. Disappeared suddenly .. without tantrums and scandals .. Stopped writing, stopped calling for dates, may not answer the message in networks, although it happens all the time .. Before that .. there was no cooling period in our relationship .. On the contrary .. A couple of days before he disappeared, he said .. "You are my everything .." So understand how you know!

Ulyana I sympathize with you, I am in the same situation, and I also don’t understand anything, is it interesting to return or not? will search or not? It's so embarrassing, I don't know if I can forgive him.

Hi people! Virgo MCH they are secretive, and even if they love they will never show it, no matter how hard you try for them in everything, in communication, in sex, they will be beaten. They love themselves! And this is a fact. They always look like an innocent child, that all grievances disappear. Difficult people. they have enough girls. and lie. What I was very disappointed in. The girls need to run away from them. For all the years that I was with him, I realized one thing. IGNORE HIS SMS, MEETINGS. HE WRITES HIMSELF SMS, CALLS. AND HOW I SHOW INITIATIVES THIS IS EVERYTHING. GONE. WHY IS THIS? UNDERSTAND.

there must be some other explanation.

if it were, he would say.

you just need to talk about it with him.

You don't believe, because you entertain your hopes. drop all illusions. It's hard for you because this is your first man, because you love, but life is a complicated thing. now the phrase "We are responsible for those whom we tamed" is no longer relevant, now I like "no one belongs to anyone" more. remove the veil from your eyes, dear young girl, and you will be all good! I myself had a relationship with Dev and this is what I can say about these men: at first they are modest and helpful, cold, selfish, indecisive, they don’t say yes or no, they’re on their own minds, fooling their heads, and disappearances are in their blood , for no apparent reason can be announced. but I'm not going to wait until retirement, so let's go to his garden!

I recognize my Dima. It's just a cap. He himself wanted to be with me. They began to meet. First date SUPER. The next day he calls and I was with the boss. I could not answer. Called back. He didn't answer any calls or texts. Stopped talking and talking. A month later he became kinder, after two he was added as a friend. Then again the meeting, the second, the third. Everything is great. And then I didn't let him do something. And that's all. And good night, goodbye, thank you for your attention everyone is free.)))))

Pusechka, is your Dima not a footballer by any chance? =))))

A similar situation. We met 2 months ago, after a situation (I didn’t understand what happened at all), he offered to take me home (and before that, everything was super))) and then cold as an iceberg in the ocean, ask what’s wrong - everything says so. I miss you a lot. A * Uli sense want to ask?!))) After all, if you miss Pts so let's be together. Why waste time on something you don't understand. I hate this limbo. and he became so dear to me. such longing in my soul ((((And he doesn’t say anything specific, and then he also stopped responding to messages (although I don’t touch him as written above))) I give time to think alone.

I have a similar situation right now. We've been dating for a couple of months, he talks about a serious relationship, he gave me money for a driving school. After the first sex, everything was great for a week, and then he cooled off. It seems like every day he sends SMS in the morning, and there are zero initiatives for meetings. I call - we communicate, and he eventually leaves on business, promising to call back. I have a strong feeling that he is avoiding me. I'm in stupor. I'm trying my best not to push myself.

)) I already thought - I'm not like that - the man ran away.

the same thing - he courted beautifully, talked a lot, laughed, and so on. True, it didn’t come to serious actions, but I attributed it to him. e. intelligence, was sure that everything was going as it should. I dreamed that I was finally smart. well-read. with ch.yu, etc. etc. Prince.

and then a week - communication on zeros, and if he answered. it would be better not to answer.

on Sunday, on the day of jam, he came to our mutual friends with another. like a ride on the road. my roof broke through - I decided that they were together. especially since she has long been rubbing next to me at the first opportunity.

in short, I gave them both the most severe ignore. no shouting etc. it's just that for me all the time they were like furniture. a few words - the maximum from me, and then because there were others nearby and it was simply impossible not to answer, so as not to draw attention to our psychological showdown.

communicate closely - I know that, but whether they were together - I already doubt - the girl's reaction to being ignored was - bewilderment and resentment. not wine

but I still can’t forgive her for allowing herself to follow my man. and about him - generally keep quiet. fell head over heels in love. I haven’t slept normally for 4 days, I’ve lost weight - my pants are falling down and, like a “smart one”, I’m waiting for what suddenly calls or writes. I’m ignoring for now. I’m just afraid to break loose and write first ..

so what should I do? kill him?

Hi people! Virgo MCH they are secretive, and even if they love they will never show it, no matter how hard you try for them in everything, in communication, in sex, they will be beaten. They love themselves! And this is a fact. They always look like an innocent child, that all grievances disappear. Difficult people. they have enough girls. and lie. What I was very disappointed in. The girls need to run away from them. For all the years that I was with him, I realized one thing. IGNORE HIS SMS, MEETINGS. HE WRITES HIMSELF SMS, CALLS. AND HOW I SHOW INITIATIVES THIS IS EVERYTHING. GONE. WHY IS THIS? UNDERSTAND.

Oooh, how true. Girls run away from them.)

My maid is weird too. He offended me - he asked for forgiveness, and several times (feels guilty), I forgave and began to write to him first. everything .. merged quickly, already writes and likes puts another))))

They are first-class liars, although they do not know how to lie, but they cannot live without it!

I see that all the maidens ran away, but at least they returned to someone?

To me, but it was too late, I found myself an archer :)

Sorry for the mistakes, I was in a hurry

Yeah. and with my "virgin" everything started so beautifully. wine. kissing night. romance. but I had to leave for a week, as the vacation was planned before the start of our relationship. and everything .. silence. no sms to you. no response to your sms. ignore comrades!

And I had a maiden. All of the above is true. They infuriate me, there were better girls, but it was I who cooled down to them. In their garden, anyway!

All the peasants of the virgin are muddled and goats. Run away from them if you don't want to end up in a psychiatric hospital. They are not responsible for their words and deeds. Today he is gentle and affectionate, calling for marriage. And tomorrow is gone. Hangs up, turns phone off. Doesn't answer calls or texts. don't write or call him anymore. Don't be humiliated! ALL VIRGINS AND GOATS! SELF-LOVERED EGOISTS. NOT MEN DEFINITELY! Trust my experience and don't put up with your nerves.

The natural secrecy and some coldness of Virgos in love often puzzles women who have put this zodiac sign in front of them. Having stumbled upon such a detachment, the fair sex uses various tricks in order to understand what he, the Virgo man, is in love and what is the true proof of his feelings. To understand this issue without spoiling the relationship that has begun, there should be a few born under the sign of Virgo.

In contact with

Virgos, both men and women, are often taciturn, shy and self-critical. The behavior of a Virgo man in love is far from always predictable. They are not used to losing their heads in love, and therefore they do not use romantic tricks in relationships with women.

They live by the standards that they consider to be true for themselves, and they choose women for love, following their own principles. They prefer:

  • smart;
  • decent and caring;
  • honest and pure soul;
  • economic and practical.

They are critical not only of themselves, but also of those around them, so do not be surprised by their remarks about being overweight, a burnt pie, disheveled hair, or an occasional stain on clothes. Not shy about pointing out shortcomings, he, in his opinion, takes care of his neighbor and even demonstrates love.

This fate cannot be avoided by the object of love, so do not take sharp remarks from the Virgo man as a disaster. Perhaps this is precisely what is a kind of signal of indifference: when a Virgo man is in love, he makes every effort to make his chosen one the ideal woman for him.

What is he like in love?

If a Virgo man is in love, as a rule, they are expressed in the following manifestations:

  • he is talkative, talks a lot, not being afraid to be frank;
  • he calls on his own initiative and may suddenly come to visit;
  • he shows concern and is even ready to make sacrifices;
  • spends a lot of time with you, often to the detriment of communicating with friends;
  • he introduces you to his friends and relatives.

If you are wondering how a Virgo man achieves a woman, her love, then you will probably be a little disappointed to learn that Virgos almost never use conquest techniques. They act slowly, carefully and as if by chance, until the last moment postponing the moment of confessing to the woman they love in their feelings and love.

How does he behave with a woman?

Knowing that Virgo is a man, you can “bite through” him literally at the very initial stage of your relationship and make certain conclusions about his love. Nevertheless, do not rush to draw conclusions: by nature, Virgo is scrupulous nature, and therefore do not take his gallantry and politeness as evidence of sympathy or love. It is quite possible that he just keeps up the conversation so as not to spoil relations with you.

When a Virgo man is in love, the signs and behavior in society of the lady he is interested in are not always easy to “read” from the outside. However, a change in his mind can be indicated by a frequent change of mood, while with the “offal” of a lover, his own eyes give out:

  • he admires the object of his passion while the woman does not notice his gaze;
  • immediately averts his eyes when the woman turns her gaze in his direction.

In this way, he tries to cope with his emotions: he is not used to showing his love.

The main features of a man born under the sign of Virgo

How to understand that he is in love with you?

If a Virgo man is nearby quite often, how to understand that he is in love and has really serious intentions? Reliable confirmation is his jealousy. However, it is not easy to see her, he will disguise himself in every possible way, not showing his true feelings and experiences because of his love for you.

In this case, Virgo will definitely find a way to prove to you that his rival is:

  • does not love and is not worthy of you;
  • trying to deceive you;
  • wants to take advantage of your innocence.

However, he himself is not as simple as it seems. Compromising the other in your eyes, he will appeal with hints to the fact that he is a more successful couple for you.

Features of the behavior of the Virgo in love

Being interested in how a Virgo man behaves when in love, keep in mind that, even being jealous, he is not a supporter of limiting your communication with other members of his gender. And it's not even that he doesn't care.

Giving his woman freedom of communication, he thus reserves the right to the same free communication. In this case, communication is meant in a friendly format and nothing else: he himself, as a rule, is honest and decent in relation to the opposite sex and counts on reciprocity in love from his chosen one.

Many women intuitively turn their attention to this zodiac sign, since one of the most faithful and decent husbands is the Virgo man. How to understand that he is in love with a woman with whom they just know? Pay attention to such important little things that indicate the presence of his interest and love:

  • he began to monitor his appearance more carefully, trying to be noticeable;
  • he, like never before, often jokes, trying to cheer up the woman and others;
  • most often in a good mood, especially in the presence of a particular lady;
  • he is generous with gifts;
  • always carefully listens to a woman (in this case, a specific one).

Perhaps he hides his feelings?

If you have ever encountered Virgos and know about their secrecy, then you are probably wondering: how to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings?

Virgo is one of those signs that may actually try to hide infatuation and love. Having set a goal - to win their attention, love and sympathy, remain correct in dealing with them: they are quite often deeply disappointed in people. Do not let the Virgo man be disappointed in you - and you will have a real chance to achieve, in the end, his frankness.

Not only astrologers, but also psychologists know exactly how to understand that a Virgo man is in love with a woman. Gestures speak eloquently of his love:

  • he preens in the presence of a woman (straightens his hair, tie);
  • during a conversation, he turns to her with his whole body, showing interest in the conversation;
  • “mirrors” the interlocutor’s pose, that is, takes the same position, only in a mirror image;
  • tries to gently touch her (support, straighten the collar or hair, brush off an invisible speck of dust, shelter from the wind, etc.).

Useful video

Virgo is a very peculiar sign of the zodiac, especially if its owner is a man. Its behavior will differ significantly from the behavior of, for example, or . In the video, the astrologer gives a description of the man Virgo, who fell into the trap of Cupid:


  1. If you don’t know how to understand that a Virgo man is in love with you, watch him for a while and draw the appropriate conclusions. Be attentive to the above signs that the Virgo man is experiencing love, and you will certainly get an unambiguous answer to your question.
  2. In the event that your conclusions turned out to be disappointing, try to analyze your chances. If you really match his image of a beautiful lady and hope for love, why not take advantage of this?
  3. It is possible that the object of your love does not know you well enough. Beauty for Virgo is not the most important thing. A kind, correct, gentle and economic girl is unlikely to leave his heart indifferent!

The Virgo man is not easy to understand. He is practical and laconic. But under the outer coldness hides an amorous and vulnerable heart. Let's look at Virgo in marriage and life closer.

He considers all of you, girls and women, ideal, but he is prevented by uncertainty and timidity in front of you. Take a closer look, have patience, and the reward for your love will be the sincere tenderness and devotion of the Virgo man.

How to understand a Virgo man?

Virgo (24.08 - 23.09) is an earth sign, and therefore behaves reasonably. It is unlikely that you will notice him in the club. He is wearing discreet clothes, there is no fiery searching look, veal enthusiasm in flirting and passion in dancing. The Virgo man does not have the talent to do anything - he is rarely the conqueror of women's hearts. Most likely, you appreciated it at work or in a small company. Perhaps you learned from friends that he likes you? Anyway, you have a date. And what? Maybe not even kisses. Rather, conversations, the maximum that he can say: "I like you (or you)." The stage of courtship is the most difficult for them: Virgo guys are constrained, feel awkward and fear of humiliation. Such meetings can go on for a long time, with breaks, digressions, and new insistence, but without an offer. And you are already starting to think: “How boring, and what is all this for?”. Why is this happening? Even if you "hooked" him, he will go into cover to think. Passion seems to Virgo a disease of the soul. They analyze their feelings, under the guise of closeness or ridicule, and try to prove their affection with deeds, not words of love. Virgos are not just calm, but very prudent and careful. They make demands on a partner in accordance with their ideal: they pay attention to how you behave, how you look, look at you, how polite you are. They rely on moral honesty, chastity, affection, and similar goals: work, intellectual interests, and so on. Sex is not the tool to keep them. In addition, Virgos are afraid of getting infected and almost never enter into casual relationships.

How to win a Virgo man?

There is one way to activate such a man - this is to convince him that he is doing you a favor. He will want to show you how well he will serve you. With flattery and admiration, you can inspire him to do anything. He will demonstrate passion, even if it is not. In sex, Virgos are quite skillful and can satisfy any taste, but most of all, a woman is struck by tenderness that other men are not capable of.

The Virgo man conquers with inexpensive bouquets and reading poetry in the moonlight, he does not know how to speak beautiful words and is not at all going to effectively care for a woman, even if he really likes her. The charm of this person lies elsewhere: he is energetic and successful, a little cold, but he can be attentive and caring, he is not easy to make contact, but communication with him is often pleasant. All these features are inherent in many Virgo men, representatives of the sign sometimes seem to romantic girls not so attractive.

But, having become a little more mature, most of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity suddenly discover the positive qualities of Virgo men. These men are practical, but successful, demanding, but able to create excellent conditions for the family and ensure a prosperous, calm and cloudless life. When establishing contact with a Virgo man, building relationships with him, it is important to take into account some of the nuances. Sometimes sudden outbursts of irritation, harsh remarks or incomprehensible silence of a loved one baffle. How to understand a Virgo man, if for no apparent reason he stops talking for several days, demands strict adherence to the daily routine, forbids meeting with an old friend? Why is Virgo so strict, constantly criticizing? It begins to seem to women that their chosen ones no longer have tender feelings for them, have cooled down for a long time, are carried away by other girls. In fact, it is important to remember some of the features inherent in the representatives of this zodiac sign. A woman's intuition plays an important role, her ability to carefully study the chosen one, to foresee his actions and reactions.

Strict realist: we understand the Virgo man correctly
Communication with a Virgo man is not an easy task. It is important for a woman not only to try to treat her beloved as objectively as possible and not be offended by him, but also to build relationships carefully. You need to gracefully bypass all the "pitfalls", change a little if necessary, remember all the basic preferences of the Virgo man.

  1. A healthy view of things. Virgo men are realists. It is common sense, the habit of looking at everything objectively, that is characteristic of most Virgos. When you like this person, you should not be upset if, after long communication and frequent meetings, he still does not show any traits of romance. It probably doesn't have them. It often seems to women that they do not hear compliments and affectionate words from Virgo men, because their feelings are not strong enough. In fact, such behavior is generally atypical for Virgo. His love is shown in a different way.
  2. Constant criticism, an inexhaustible supply of comments... It is important to understand the Virgo man correctly, once again making a strict remark. He prefers to create comfortable conditions for himself, wants his requirements to be fulfilled. In a sense, representatives of the sign are characterized by intolerance, but it is quite possible to get used to this. If a Virgo man regularly criticizes you, gives you advice and strict instructions, this certainly indicates his affection for you, because he is indifferent to strangers, keeps his distance from them.
  3. Supervisor. In personal relationships, the Virgo man prefers to lead. He seeks to control a woman, appreciates respect and obedience. But here too, moderation must be observed. It is worth noting that a woman who does everything unquestioningly can become boring and uninteresting for Virgo. At the same time, it is also impossible to neglect the requirements of a loved one. The best solution is to find a balance, a golden mean, try to obey more often, but in some cases delicately express your opinion, express disagreement. Of course, some skills of a diplomat and a psychologist are needed here. A Virgo man must understand that his opinion is very important, but a woman has her own.
  4. Communication in different languages. Romantic women who dream of awakening dreaminess and delight in Virgo men will surely be disappointed. Trying to change the representatives of this sign is not worth it. They do not like to be pressured, they seek to evoke reactions that are unusual for them, to force them to act differently. You need to understand the Virgo man, for whom real things, common sense and objectivity are more important. He is always busy with something, and prefers a quiet rest, does not like fuss. A woman who shows excessive romanticism can repel this Virgo man.
  5. Successful and goal oriented. Most representatives of this zodiac sign are constantly busy with regular projects, career advancement, and the implementation of long-term plans. It will not be difficult for such an active and purposeful woman to understand the Virgo man, who also wants to ensure his well-being and confidence in the future. Virgo may not have enough time for much, romance and sublimity are definitely in last place for him. There is no need to be offended by a practical man, because he has other advantages.
  6. Accuracy. The Virgo man is always in perfect order. He appreciates neatness, radiant purity, keeps all things systematized, never allows "creative disorder". From a beloved woman, Virgo will demand the same.
  7. A practical and objective Virgo man. Some women are confused by the excessive practicality of Virgo men. Representatives of this sign are characterized by the desire to subject everything to criticism, strict analysis, the Virgo man is usually free from various stereotypes, prefers to make his own opinion about everything. He goes to his goal firmly, is not distracted by extraneous factors, evaluates everything from a practical point of view. When he plans the family budget, the daily routine, this is especially noticeable. Wise women quickly see the positive aspects of this approach, but some find it difficult to understand Virgo men.
  8. The path to prosperity. Representatives of this zodiac sign build a destiny with their own hands, they know what to strive for and how to achieve success in life. They always choose the main thing, they know how to concentrate and determine priority areas, sweeping away everything unnecessary. A woman who correctly understands the Virgo man will live in complete harmony with him, create excellent conditions for herself and her loved ones. This person should not be distracted from his work, interfere with his development.
  9. Relationship with a Virgo man. For most Virgo men, the desire for a calm and stable family life is characteristic. Usually Virgos avoid flirting, any superficial connections. Starting communication with a woman, approaching her, the Virgo man is already trying on her the role of wife, mother of his children. This person will certainly not be exchanged for betrayal, get carried away by other girls. But he also makes very strict demands on his wife in this regard. Often, Virgo men do not forgive betrayals.
You can get used to the difficult nature of the Virgo man quite quickly. He is often silent because he thinks about important tasks. He is not worried about frivolous everyday issues, does not touch the manifestations of romance, affectionate words, compliments. The Virgo man appreciates sane, responsible and accurate women, moderately obedient, preserving their individuality. Most representatives of this sign are quite loyal if their plans are not violated, and the basic requirements are met.

Prosperity with the Virgo man
A rational, prudent and purposeful Virgo man is able to make a woman happy, to ensure a cloudless future for the family.

  • Thoughts about the future. Many Virgos immediately focus on relationships with a woman in a global sense. This man is looking for a reliable, faithful and practical companion, he is attracted to balanced and interesting women.
  • Meeting with the future wife. Starting communication with a Virgo man, you must immediately lay a solid foundation for future relationships. It is important to show your advantages, realizing that he considers a representative of the opposite sex as a potential wife. The Virgo man will appreciate sincerity, seriousness, any hint of flirting will scare him away.
  • Care of the Virgo man. If your loved one forgot to prepare a gift for the day they met, did not have time for the festive table for the name day, you should not be offended by it. In fact, most representatives of this sign are caring, attentive to their loved ones. With a Virgo man, there will certainly be no domestic problems, he will ensure a prosperous life.
It is much easier to understand the Virgo man if you know his basic preferences, requirements, take into account the individual qualities and traits that are characteristic of many representatives of this sign.

Philosophical supper, or how I met a Virgo man

Everything was spoiled as always by the worst girlfriends! One cold winter evening, under martinis and Celentano's songs, they showed interest in my acquaintance Dev, noting that he was already too old for a bachelor, but meanwhile quite a decent party, both with a career and with money. Is it worth it to say that, starving for male attention, I took note of this, and I myself made an appointment, not a meeting, but a date for the Virgo man. It was then that the first features of his stellar temperament appeared. I had to court him with the perseverance of a cat on a March day, he capriciously chose a cafe, which is cheaper, but so that the kitchen does not let us down. And then he even asked me to pick him up, because he doesn’t want to take a car from the parking lot, and he doesn’t respect public transport.

That on the first date, that in subsequent meetings, the Virgo man adored either talking about himself or delving into the philosophical problems of being. He strongly recommended that I read this or that book, so that the next day I could devote a couple of hours to discussing the suffering of the protagonist or the author's ideas. It so happened that for each meeting I had to prepare more stubbornly than for exams in high school. In other words, the Virgo man turned out to be a rare bore!

At the same time, even when I became a couple, I did not feel a man next to me. For my birthday, he gave me an old record with a bible for children, arguing that I was not well informed in this direction, while visiting public places was limited to free seminars and concerts, he considered all other entertainment events to be squeezing money.

Moreover, the Virgo man had no problems with money. His career steadily went up. He had an innate female intuition, he knew which scams to go for and which ones to avoid. Along with this, the Virgo man cannot be denied an analytical mind, he even calculated at least 4-5 moves ahead in a chess game, to say nothing of exchange rates and real estate prices. In addition, he had friends, wealthy people who were directly related to power. They all owed him something, from the time of their dashing youth, and paid very generously with connections, tenders and patronage.

He bought himself expensive, but high-quality and stylish things, flew business class on business trips, changed a new car for an even newer one, but he preferred to eat at home, and macaroni and cheese, because meat and vegetables are “so expensive” in the spring. He liked to touch money, stroke it, put portraits against portraits, count them and look at the watermarks. There was a maniacal order in his wallet, the same as in a house where books are arranged alphabetically, the dust is not wiped on the shelves 2 times a day, and in the refrigerator everything is ordered by color and expiration date.

In bed, by the way, everything is also subject to regulations. 3 minutes for foreplay, 4 minutes for the act, 3 minutes for talking, and thanks to everyone - everyone is free! After all, the Virgo man is used to sleeping alone, which means that a decent woman should get together after sex and go to spend the night with her.

After one of these meetings, I suddenly felt hopelessly sad. It gave the impression that I was not a young lady, but some kind of loser gentleman, who is required, like a man, but constantly pointed out that you have not grown up to this honorary title and will never grow up. And I decided to part with my Virgo. He long and tediously demanded explanations, and until I laid out everything, he did not calm down. True, then he called 2-3 times - he clarified!

How I dated a Virgo man
I’m not lying one iota if I say that after a dangerous day of life and health of the experience of relations with a Scorpio man, I began to be afraid of all representatives of the Adamic estate at once and one by one ...

Virgo man does not call (

Do you call yourself?

don't call for anything

no zodiac sign here

Do not call, he will call, my Virgo called a month later.

10, +1 everyone knows this, even the most dense ones! :)))

Virgos cherish honor before the wedding and never call first. Shame does not allow them. Didn't you know?

But the Cancer man didn’t want to call me:) Haha,

what the hell is the difference who he is according to the horoscope? it is important that the author according to the horoscope is a HORRIBLE FOOL! and when he becomes a husband you will not call?

You know, I used to read the title of the topics "how to lure a calf if I'm a cow", "Is the fish more tender than the scales" and lay around! I thought they were idiots! And so, somehow I read about the signs of my acquaintances, and there is some truth) And this VIRGO_FREAK DOES NOT CALL!

For the first time, I agree with Vasya about the sign of the Author's horoscope. One to one.

17-ha. respect. and who are you according to the horoscope, 39363813?

The Virgo sign is actually very vulnerable, if he is offended, he does not forgive in his soul, in words - yes, he will forgive. I advise those who have a beloved (th) - Virgo, to take into account their resentment very much. And to the fact that. they carry water on the offended, it is not suitable here.

Virgos are terrible bores. And who are you according to the horoscope yourself?

U menja tozhe M4-deva.Zakolebal.Postojanno s nim v ssore.Praviljno,skazali-zanudi i nado derzhatsja ot nih podalshe.

I am fish! So what is he thinking about, I'm offended.

Call yourself, what's the problem? Virgos are obsessed with work, they are just busy, maybe they don’t worry about this issue, they themselves often need to be bothered.

Does not call. I don’t understand him, it would be better if he didn’t call at all than like this, first he calls, then he falls into the sewer. what to do with him? (((((

And I'm a fish, I want attention. and he ((((((

still call. analyzes something

25 Write directly in my words. exactly. mine, too, has not been ringing for many days - and before that, solid "contrasts". although in general everything is fine in the relationship. I don't even know what to do. Or is it such a mysterious girl character?

And he just set himself up like that!

If you do not replay the situation now, you will always remain guilty. Moreover, the period of his silence will increase.

Damn manipulator! Just don't get fooled! yell, bite your elbows, roll on the floor, but do everything not to call first.

If he doesn’t get in touch anymore, everything is clear, you shouldn’t spend more time on him, but if he runs, you won! And if this situation happens again, do not put up again. Relearn quickly. If you appreciate it, of course!

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Virgo man does not call (
Do you call yourself?

Virgo man does not call, does not write, does not call anywhere

About six months ago, a guy came to our company, 26 years old, not married, handsome, tall, I immediately liked him. We quickly became friends, according to the Virgo horoscope (born 10.09) it was clear that he liked me, though we communicate more on business issues. We exchanged phone numbers, added each other on social media. networks. But it is strange that he does not show any activity. He does not write, although I see him online in the evenings, he does not call.

What would you do in my situation? Would you start to be active yourself, or forget?

so not very pretty

Doesn't take initiative, doesn't want to

not ashamed to impose?

Ne partes, esli nravites rojavitsa. Oni tugodumi! Ja so svoim 2goda prorabotala prez "de cem on resilsa na bolee menee aktivnie sagi, a do etogo bilo jasno cto nravljus no nikakih aktivnih dejstvij

it was obvious that he liked me

Don't self-deceive. But it’s worth taking the initiative, maybe something will work out.

This means only one thing - he does not like you and he does not want to communicate with you.

If a girl has no dignity, then let her annoy the one who clearly showed that he was breathing evenly in her direction.

he doesn’t like you, so he doesn’t write everything, just don’t rack your brains

"Virgo-Ox is domestic, conservative, responsible. Very hardworking and responsible, she can be trusted with any difficult work. Virgo-Ox is disciplined and objective, law-abiding, protects her property and does not encroach on someone else's. Reduces emotional life to a minimum. Prefers silence and work noisy fun."

Uh, well, the pies are probably too much. This is too strong a hint. And an invitation to the cinema. Continue to communicate on work issues, invite you to join you for lunch. Just don't get hung up (although it's easy to say). Do everything easily and unobtrusively, according to the principle: no, there is no trial.

About six months ago, a guy came to our company, 26 years old, not married, handsome, tall, I immediately liked him. We quickly became friends, according to the Virgo horoscope (born 10.09) it was clear that he liked me, though we communicate more on business issues. We exchanged phone numbers, added each other on social media. networks. But it is strange that he does not show any activity. He does not write, although I see him online in the evenings, he does not call. What would you do in my situation? Would you start to be active yourself, or forget?

if he doesn't show interest, then you're not his type of girl. And I'm more than sure that you wouldn't like him if you got to know him better.

Why do you think so? He is an interesting guy, with a sense of humor and attractive 🙂 Or do you have your own opinion about virgin guys?

This means only one thing - he does not like you and he does not want to communicate with you.

Maybe so. But strangely, I felt that he liked me. All these glances, flirting, were on his part.

so not very pretty

Well, not a written beauty, but not ugly either. True, the growth is small - 162 cm .. but slender and not *** on her face. Cavaliers were, the guys get acquainted.

Girl, you are not a soviet aunt. In the West, they don’t rock the boat, they wait until the girl glues it herself. And they walk like bulls. And you do the same. Do you like him? Invite to the cinema, call, treat homemade pies. If the maiden, then doni on rationality are turned. So you need to tell some story so that it can be seen what a reasonable person you are. But what attracts them most is money. Maybe you are rich or just buy yourself a new car? Apparently, he is a Virgo-Ox. Look for information about them on the Internet, a lot will become clear. Here I have found their quintessence for you:

"Virgo-Ox? Homemade, conservative, responsible. Very hardworking and responsible, she can be trusted with any difficult work. Virgo-Ox is disciplined and objective, law-abiding, protects her property and does not encroach on someone else's. Reduces emotional life to a minimum. Prefers silence and work noisy fun."

I don't know how it is in the west. But I won’t impose myself so much, and it’s not in my nature ..

But do virgin men generally have to take the initiative.

These aunts should run after such men, and not vice versa.

:)) What is not? Or are Virgos special?

In short, I scored)))

Well, yes, you don’t show initiative yourself and they don’t blow your mustache, because passive, you will show, they will immediately run away and hide, because shy. They are strange, even if they have a lot of advantages, but I don’t feel the masculine principle.

I had a crush on me too, they were crazy, I was very nice, and then one day the devil twitched me to write to him that he looked like my beloved uncle when he was at his age (it’s true, uncle, father’s brother, I loved the similarity very much in childhood their exterior is simply amazing). So this virgin, I don’t know what he dreamed up for himself and what he didn’t like, but the horizon disappeared. It's so unexpected and without explanation. To say that it was very unpleasant for me not to say anything, but after him I did NOT rush and did not begin to inquire about the truth. Maybe he was looking for a reason to complain about and found it. And if so, it means that he needed me so much. And to this day I am in ignorance, because we cannot even accidentally cross paths - we are from different places.

They say (and even here on the forum) that they are then wonderful husbands, etc. Well, I believe. So those girls never said anything superfluous, they didn’t frighten anything, everyone liked them, they were loved and they were taken as wives. Well, this is how I insulted the Virgin. /

I have a very similar situation .. I met at work, through mutual friends, with Dev .. He took my ICQ number from a friend, added it. He complained that I was not online, and when I appeared, he wrote once, but now he is silent. Strange(((

Same situation! They are very passive!

Maybe that's their nature. It’s just that when we communicate, everything gets hurt, or the actor is super-duper, but why then ..

In short, I scored)))

Lord, yes they are therefore VIRGOS! Because they are like girls - touchy, lack of initiative, waiting to be carried in their arms. SIGN like this (.

yes does not depend on the sign

yes does not depend on the sign

Girls, do you want this hell? I've been going through it for two years now. But at first there were precisely these prerequisites - he appeared, disappeared, then affectionate words, then silence, like sympathy, but in fact it turned out that he was callous, indifferent, selfish and just some kind of frozen person. And how many similar stories on the Internet!

This type of Virgo is close to the last radical type - they say that a greater number of maniacs and sadists are among male Virgos. So in the second type, these signs are very much manifested, only in a milder form. Perhaps they themselves do not even realize that sometimes they simply scoff, torment a person with their silent neglect.

I will never contact a Virgo man again in my life if I see even the slightest hint of such behavior in him. This silent observation "of the victim", a subtle and skillful game of flirting - just his "fishing" on an empty hook. Don't get caught girls! Spare yourself! Do you know what happiness it is when a man admires you - gently, warmly and sincerely? Not so with Virgo. With his coldness, he provokes us to kindle an ever stronger fire in your souls. And he does it very well. It seems to us, well, just a little more, and he will warm up, melt, and a stream of tenderness will gush over us from his soul! Yeah. will gush! Wait! . It creates a colossal psychological bond, from which you will not get out later without loss to yourself. And at the peak of your burning, he will warm up and silently fall down, because he has already achieved his goal, but in response he CANNOT and CANNOT love.

If you still want to conquer such a monster, you just need to mirror it. With one hand, gently attract, let him understand very subtly, not intrusively and almost invisibly, that you like him, and with the other hand push him away, ignore him, treat him a little condescendingly, with slight sarcasm. In general, Virgo is yours, as long as he feels like a conqueror, playing a very subtle game at the subconscious level. As soon as he feels that he has achieved his goal and owns your soul undividedly, you become uninteresting to him. Like a book you read.

If you want to play such games - go ahead! She's exciting, but she's also dangerous. For us women it is dangerous. You can hurt your soul. And from the Virgin, like water off a duck's back. Some of them seem to have no soul, well, or a soul that loves only itself.

Sorry for so many words! Hurt with this Virgo! My advice to you is to stay away from them while you still have nothing to do with him!

yeah, on a bare hook) only he is not alone and you are not alone.

more and more new topics about virgins)) we keep the brand

It's not about Virgos, but about weak and prudent men and women who love a lot. Weak in the end - both. That's all. no one is forcing you to win it. What got into him. If you don't like his coldness, leave.

Obviously you didn't understand me. I have not been with him for a long time, only pain remained from him.

Dorothea, thank you for your sincerity! Everything is very accurate, especially about psychological dependence. I'm no longer a girl, but no one has ever hooked me like that, though, and this Dava is my first (and last) in my life. A terrible feeling of an interrupted flight, when, like this, for no reason, a relationship is interrupted. This feeling of incompleteness, not bringing the relationship to the end is very unpleasant (after all, a person completely calms down when the process of something is completed for him, he can be left behind and start something new from scratch). Virgos do not give this opportunity, leaving the woman in limbo. And you are right, this is not love, this is a painful desire to end the process and get rid of it. But that's exactly what Virgos don't need.

Yes, it was an aborted flight! Just my words and my feelings. Like you got shot in the air.

By the way, until you know who the virgins are, they look very advantageous against the background of other men, such handsome elves, inaccessible-incomprehensibly-romantic, as soon as you comprehend their essence, all other men look advantageous against the background of these manipulators :))). So what kind of special brand that the virgins hold is the author of posts 25 and 26 proud of - it’s not entirely clear :)) This brand remains a brand until you understand all the shitty virginity, but only a light analysis of the applicant’s actions is required, how all its vintageness disappears, leaving a feeling of disappointment and disgust :))) Or the males of this sign believe that suffering for them will last forever.))))))))))))

(Wow, I broke up today) and yet, such behavior, in my opinion, is a sign of spiritual not only coldness, but also emptiness. Well, there will not be a real man with brains, carried away by some idea or deed, setting up psychological snares and traps for the opposite sex, reveling in his own coolness and addiction of the victim. Real men, if they carry their pride, then with something else, really worthwhile.

This is so with you, why are you not nice that they parted with you so much. What makes you think that all girls do this to everyone? You have worked yourself up so much that you can already become screenwriters in soap operas. And at the expense of the brand, this is just humor, but here you asked yourself a question and did not understand simple sarcasm. Maybe in a relationship you were looking for some kind of hidden moves, games, manipulations, subtext. Maybe they played, in the image they were here and saw through you even earlier and played with you. Although this is my imagination.

Do you consider yourself not worth the vanity of a real man?

Virgos are very active and talkative when they like someone (when they don't like someone, too). Communicate with them is a pleasure.

Dorothea, oh, how some Virgo grabbed you! What if it was a Leo or an Aquarius? It's not about the sign, you don't need to blame everything on it. But I think that men behave this way with some kind of complexes that cannot fully open up to a woman, perhaps they are afraid of close relationships, or are simply too selfish.

I agree with Another Guest, as a rule, both people with complexes get into such relationships. This is a mirror, not so smart herself. I myself got into such a relationship. And not Dev, but Capricorn. Also brain composter. Indeed, a person who is afraid to open up is afraid of trusting relationships and is too selfish. She herself is like that. Everything in life is no coincidence. This is your other side of the moon.

Do you consider yourself not worth the vanity of a real man? (c)

I had no desire to understand the authenticity of the peasant. as soon as I was confronted with the fact of silence, I immediately accepted the terms of the game (well, or not the game, as your ego pleases :)). I did not impose myself, write, find out and find out something, and even more so, ask for attention and communication. Died so died :)

I would not use the verb to wind up here in relation to my case. This is my first experience, so it’s elementary to figure it out, at least for myself, I wanted to, I won’t hide it. But having figured it out, I came to the conclusion that virgins are hardly drawn to a real man :) I’m really too lazy to describe why :) I will say one thing, sites of acquaintances are filled with such surprisingly popular, incomparable, desired virgins. There every second virgin is due to widowhood, divorce or perpetual bachelorhood. Apparently, having created a male virgin, God forgot to create a couple for him. So the unfortunate people wander around all sites and non-sites in search of a decent one, trying to isolate it among the illiquid assets. Tough job :)

As for the fact that I did not suit him (if we go to my specific case), then here you are fundamentally wrong. Rather, he liked me very much, but he, sincerely, wanted to bend me for the full effect, to see how much he sunk into my soul. The sinking happened, but not the expected quality. Now I will still spit for a long time :) Or you, virgins, at least so, if only not complete indifference with oblivion? :))))))

Since horoscopes are discussed here, can you find out who you are by sign?

There is one more guest, if the question is for me, then I am a Sagittarius by sign.

Oh, sorry, you asked my nickname about the sign (and I about the same), but I didn’t recognize it myself :))))))

Or you, virgins, at least

so, if only not complete indifference with

No, after leaving, it becomes completely spit on what is happening with you there, and if you are not interested in "why he died" - then you don't give a damn and it doesn't matter where he is, what's wrong with him? And you think you did the right thing.

Yes. A person with internal complexes, with a fear of intimacy, will keep a comfortable psychological distance. A little closer you are, he is not comfortable, he takes a step back. You are further - he takes a step forward so as not to miss you. This may go on for a long time.

Exit? Turn the tide and just end the relationship. Or vice versa to find out everything inside and out. But for this you need to be strong, mentally and character. And you can gradually, slowly, reduce the distance and let it get closer and closer, breaking down complexes and fear. But it's time and work. Are you ready for it? Decide for yourself.

Agree with you. I gradually communicate like this, changing in myself and he is changing, I was just afraid to lose a person, to delete him from life. BUT the work is difficult, even more for yourself. Complexes, that is, everyone, they cannot be overcome, you need to learn how to live with them. I don’t know what will happen next, but at least I have a good friend, and this is worth a lot. Especially when one day you are such a macho for everyone, suddenly turns to a woman for support. Both of us seem to be very successful and public, but they all have complexes and life problems. So any relationship is dead, you need to see why they are given to a person.

Sorry ran into errors.

Dorothea, oh, how some Virgo grabbed you! What if it was a Leo or an Aquarius? It's not about the sign, you don't need to blame everything on it. But I think that men behave this way with some kind of complexes that cannot fully open up to a woman, perhaps they are afraid of close relationships, or are simply too selfish.

So this is what we are talking about, that this is how men with complexes behave. Virgo isn't the only man I've had a relationship with. There were men and other signs. I left someone, someone didn’t like me, they left. Everything is not always beautiful, but to just silently dump it like that after they have achieved reciprocity, received help, maintained warm good relations - this is the first time I have come across this. Naturally, I was left confused and confused. No, of course, I understand that a person doesn’t need relationships anymore, he’s tired, he doesn’t like it, but why not talk about it, explain himself, close the door completely behind him, leave with dignity on his own and leave a woman who is not humiliated by rejection and ignorance, but self-respecting ? Why make it hurt more where it hurts so much?

Probably men of other signs do the same, but for Virgos this is almost a pattern. Similar stories are a dime a dozen. People often break up when their relationship ends, when they both come to a logical end, or when a third person appears who breaks up the established couple. Virgos often disappear suddenly, without any prerequisites. Women, even the most self-critical, cannot understand the reasons for such behavior, cannot understand their guilt. And not because they are blind, but because it really is NOT. It's all about cockroaches Dev. They are just very big egoists, besides devoid of any emotionality, the ability to love, to feel. At the same time, they have a very great charm and attractiveness. I know one such "charming" Virgo man, who seems to be just a darling in public, but at home he beats his pregnant wife.

I make a reservation again - not all m-Virgos are like that, but a similar pattern is more often traced among the men of this sign. Therefore, if even at the beginning of a relationship there are such bells, then you need to be wary. Because THEN, as a rule, nothing will "be endured and fall in love" with such people. It will only get worse.

Me, my beloved man Virgo, put me out the door at 2 am because I wanted to watch the movie "Once again about love" and he annoyed him. He said he needed attention and I watch stupid movies. Like this.

I think that before that you simply did not notice his "magnificent" attitude towards you

Dorothea, I understand that you must still be in pain, because. remained in limbo. Take advantage of this experience. And then you will again fall into a dependent relationship.

Rarely, when both end a relationship, especially since a man usually takes the right to break up, especially the one with complexes. More often it is his revenge for a failed relationship. Don Juan complex.

Moreover, no one will say in person, everything has gone yet. And ZZ has nothing to do with it.

Do you reject astrology in general? I say this about m-Virgos based on my experience and the experience of so many women who have encountered m-Virgos. And I affirm that this regularity can be traced more often precisely in m-Dev.

For the rest, I agree with you. And about complexes and about their revenge for previous defeats. In my case, that's exactly what happened. Several meetings before me, which did not end well. A man already at a fairly mature age of 8 years was divorced, interrupted by chance meetings. He could not get along with anyone for a long time and seriously. Although not bl—n, and makes a very pleasant, trustworthy impression upon meeting.

And I hope I learned from experience. If there is another meeting with m-Virgo, I will be very wary of him, if I don’t bypass him at all. away from sin.

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