Prosthetics with ceramic-metal prostheses. Everything you need to know about dental prosthetics with ceramic-metal. Prosthetics with cermet

Restoration of destroyed or lost various reasons Dentistry is by far the most popular service that dental centers and clinics provide to their patients. There are many types of such restoration, in particular, metal-ceramic prosthetics.

Metal-ceramic is commonly called bridges or crowns, which are made of metal and coated by casting or spraying. thin layer ceramic material. The entire design is hypoallergenic.

The metal base repeats the shape of the tooth itself with great accuracy, and the outer layer helps to make it look very similar to the real units of the row.

For the most part, this type of prosthetics is popular for restoring those teeth that are called chewing, due to their great strength. However, cermets are also placed on the front teeth, because the aesthetic qualities largely depend on the materials used.

For example, the use of non-ferrous precious metals and some special technologies makes it possible to bring the appearance as close as possible to the original.

What determines the cost and what is included in it

There are quite objective factors that can significantly affect the cost of metal-ceramic dental structures. The fact is that the range of prices in this type of prosthetics is very large.

If we consider the cost in general, according to the market, then average price will be about 20-23 thousand rubles. However, the variations are very a large number of. Minimum prices start from 6-7 thousand and can even reach 40 or more.

The price consists of a different number of components in each specific case. Some of them are mandatory, others are not.

Preparatory stage - therapeutic


In many clinics, especially with a very high level of service, this service is either free of charge, or its cost will be included in the bill when all work is completed. Approximate price - 500-600 rubles.


The first is radiography. Based on the results of the obtained image, a decision can be made about next steps specialist. The price starts from 150 rubles and can be increased to almost a thousand, depending on the equipment and the required quality of images, their saving and printing for further use.


If in the process of research old fillings were found, then their quality can be assessed. If it is not enough, then resealing. The cost of this is from 1000 to 5000 rubles. Here the price depends on the complexity of the work and the material used.

It may be necessary to depulp, which implies the subsequent sealing of the canals. This is done in the case when a focus of inflammation is found or in some others.

Also, in the case of diseases such as pulpitis or periodontitis, their treatment is mandatory. The cost of all works can reach 6-10 thousand rubles.

Stump tab

If the tooth is no more than half destroyed, then the metal-ceramic crown will be installed on the pin. It's easier and cheaper.

In the case when the destruction is very strong, that is, only the walls remain or there is practically no tooth to the root, it will be necessary to manufacture and install a special stump tab. This design is essentially a support for the crown, it increases the strength and reliability of the entire structure, up to the issuance of guarantees.

Their cost may depend on the degree of tooth decay and materials. Here are the approximate prices for one piece with installation:

  • single-root metal - from 2-2.5 thousand;
  • metal two-root - about 3 thousand;
  • three-root metal - from 4 thousand or more;
  • tabs made using zirconium dioxide are more expensive, the price starts at about 8 thousand rubles.

Preparation for prosthetics, the procedure itself

These two stages are combined into one, since it makes no sense to separate the cost of the work of the dentist, the orthopedist (the process of making crowns) and the installation of metal ceramics. As well as it makes no sense to buy a crown separately without installing it.

In almost all clinics, the price is announced as a general one. This means that the cost of work and material for prosthetics with ceramic-metal are included in one total amount.

There is only one small step, which in most cases is necessary. It is paid separately. This is the manufacture and installation of plastic temporary crowns for those teeth that are already prepared and ground. Such structures are needed for aesthetic appearance and protection of already prepared and turned teeth.

The cost of each such crown starts from about 150-200 rubles.

Subjective cost components

The first thing to talk about is material manufacturer for the manufacture of structures used in prosthetics.

The factor is partly subjective, since, in addition to the fact that each company has specific technological developments and conducts its own pricing policy, there are also objective market reasons for the rise in the cost of imported materials.

It is also worth mentioning that choice of clinic is also very important. Absolutely similar metal-ceramic dental structures can have different prices even in the same network of clinics.

This is due to the specific location and fame. The more famous dental center the higher prices may be.

The region where the metal-ceramic prosthetics service is provided, is also important in determining the final cost. If prices in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other large cities are even more or less comparable, then in small settlements you can get the same services much cheaper.

AT this case cheapness (relative) is not an indicator of low quality. Of course, large clinics, whose doctors have a huge practical experience, certainly provide guarantees for their services. But this does not mean at all that in small clinics they will do worse work.

About some manufacturing nuances metal-ceramic crowns we learn from the following video:

Savings factors

Partially it has already been said about what can be saved without compromising the quality of installed metal-ceramic prostheses. Some of the factors are not so obvious, but they will also be indicated.

First, the choice of a specific clinic that provides such services. It is not always necessary to go to another city to pay less. You need to ask about the approximate prices for cermets within the same city and its outskirts.

However, it is still advisable to ask if a particular institution provides guarantees to patients. In some cases, savings can be significant, up to 20-30%.

Secondly, all clinics periodically carry out all kinds of stock and provide their patients discounts. Sometimes quite impressive. If the case is not too urgent, then it may make sense to wait a bit for the announced promotions.

Thirdly, you can save on the materials themselves. For example, the base of a dental crown can vary greatly in price. After all, such metal-ceramic products are made not only from alloys of cobalt, titanium, nickel and chromium. Sometimes platinum or gold is also used (see photo on the left), the latter more often.

Of course, precious metals have numerous benefits. However, in this case, you can do without them, because other alloys are no worse in terms of reliability for the base of the crown, and the presence of precious alloys increases the cost by about 2-3 thousand per gram.

Fifth, the number of crowns produced can also affect the cost per unit. How more teeth is subject to one-stage prosthetics, the lower will be their average cost. This is akin to a reduction in prices for wholesale deliveries.

How much does the material cost

First of all, it is worth saying that there are many manufacturers of such structures. This will also partially affect the cost.

In particular, prices vary greatly for the ceramic material itself. It is applied separately to a metal frame, after which it is fired in a special furnace.

Types of metal - approximate prices

This refers to a clinic with more or less average prices of a decent level, but without pathos. All the figures given in this section refer only to the crowns themselves, it does not take into account the work of a dentist and other price components.

  • The manufacturer of the ceramics itself is Germany or Japan, the frame is made of a chromium-cobalt alloy - approximately 6-7 thousand rubles per unit.
  • The composition of the materials is similar, but the manufacturers - Belarusian or Russian manufacturers - the price is reduced by about 1-1.5 thousand.
  • The cost of a frame that is made of precious metal alloys, such as gold-platinum alloy or gold-palladium, will be more than the cost of the entire crown made of other materials - about 9 thousand. The total cost of construction (one crown) is from 17 thousand. However, it is worth considering that objectively this amount can increase quite significantly with an increase in the gold rate.

Frontal (front visible) teeth and the cost of their prosthetics

It is desirable to carry out such prosthetics immediately for the entire visible row. This greatly increases the aesthetic performance. If only one crown is made, then almost always it will differ in appearance from neighboring teeth..

Such a service is provided if there are no other possibilities for the restoration or restoration of the tooth, that is, with its almost complete destruction.

The cost of crowns using a framework made of precious metals here will start from 18-19 thousand, as great skill is required, both for a technician and a doctor for more accurate work and color matching.

For chewing metal ceramic crowns The price can be even higher in some cases. Here it is necessary to take into account the amount of required materials per prosthetic unit. However, in this case, you can not use precious metals and temporary crowns. That would be a pretty significant savings.

It should also be added that the price of a metal-ceramic crown installed on a bone implant will be an order of magnitude higher. This is due to the high cost of the implants themselves.

The same crown, only with the use of zirconium dioxide, will cost at least 17-18 thousand, which is equivalent to expensive precious structures.

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By the word ceramic-metal, we usually mean orthopedic constructions - crowns and bridges, made by the method of spraying or casting ceramics on a metal frame. This is a hypoallergenic biocompatible material, which in most cases, with rare exceptions, such as allergies, is not rejected by the human body. Metal-ceramic prostheses are used in dentistry mainly for prosthetics of chewing teeth, where aesthetics are not so much important as function.

The best cermet

The question “Which cermet is better?” must be decided based on the service life and strength of structures based on various metals. In this case, the best cermet is, perhaps, the one that is made on a gold-platinum alloy frame. Such structures serve up to 15 years. As an alternative, zirconia crowns can be offered, which have an even longer service life of 20 years.

The most popular is cermet on a gold alloy, which can also include platinum and palladium, but gold still prevails in percentage terms. Ceramic-metal on gold is preferable to other types of structures due to the fact that gold is not oxidized by saliva and is one of the most biocompatible metals, that is, it is not rejected by the body.

Metal-ceramic prosthetics

Metal-ceramic dental prosthetics can be used both in the frontal zone of the smile and in the lateral sections.

Prosthetics of the anterior teeth

It is possible to put metal-ceramics on the front teeth, but from the point of view of aesthetics, such a solution would not be the best the best option. The fact is that in the frontal zone, the transparency of the tooth enamel is greater than in the lateral zone, so the metal frame can shine through the ceramic coating. Therefore, for prosthetics in the smile area, as a rule, all-ceramics or ceramics on a zirconium frame are used. However, at the request of the patient, cermets can still be installed on the front teeth. At the same time, if the prostheses are carefully and regularly looked after, the service life of cermets on the front teeth, according to patients, can be more than 10 years.

Photo of metal-ceramic prosthetics on the front teeth

Prosthetics of chewing teeth

The most popular metal-ceramic chewing teeth in the lateral sections, where strength is more important than appearance. However, it cannot be said that cermets on chewing teeth look unaesthetic. These prostheses mimic the structure and shades of natural dental tissue well. But their main advantage is still the ability to withstand any chewing load.

Metal-ceramic prostheses

Metal-ceramic dentures are frames made of non-precious, semi-precious or precious metal, on which special dental hypoallergenic ceramics are sprayed or poured (depending on the manufacturing method). The material is able to reproduce the color and structure of natural dental tissue, while it does not fade and does not absorb coloring matter. There are the following types of metal-ceramic prostheses.

  1. Crowns. They are mainly used for prosthetics in the lateral zone to restore teeth that have been destroyed by more than 2/3. Read more in the article.

  2. Dental bridges. Serve to replace several missing teeth in a row. The most reliable bridge structures consist of two crowns and two artificial teeth between them.

  3. Clasp prostheses. Removable structures, in which the arch (clasp) and the frames of the crowns attached to it are made of metal. They are used when fixed prosthetics for one reason or another is impossible.

Photo of a metal-ceramic prosthesis

Pros and cons of cermets

Many patients who decide on prosthetics are concerned about the question: “Is metal-ceramics harmful?”. Subject to all manufacturing and installation standards, the harm to cermet itself is minimized and practically eliminated. Modern materials do not contain any toxins. However, it is worth remembering that different types of materials may behave differently in the oral cavity. So, in the case of chromium-nickel alloys in the framework of the crown, nickel allergy is common, and some base metals can oxidize over time under the influence of saliva. Among the advantages of cermets are high strength and long term services, and the disadvantages of cermets are the possibility of exposing the metal frame when lowering the gums (an exception will be crowns made of zirconium dioxide), the transmission of the frame through the ceramics and the need for a rather strong turning of the living tissues of the tooth under the crown, up to depulpation of the living tooth without direct evidence.


Currently, metal-ceramic dentures, both single and bridge-like, are in most cases used on teeth that have a significant chewing load. Although until recently they were clear leader regardless of what types of dental prosthetics were used. Ceramic crowns, on the other hand, for a long time were not popular due to the increased fragility of the structure and therefore were used only for prosthetics of the frontal group of teeth. However, with the advent of frameworks made of zirconium dioxide or aluminum dioxide, more and more dentists and patients prefer these modern materials for prosthetics of both chewing and, in some cases, anterior teeth.

It should be noted that the excellent strength of metal-ceramic prosthetics can negatively affect the surface of the teeth adjoining them and lead to their excessive abrasion. At the same time, non-metal ceramic prostheses have a hardness coefficient close to that of natural teeth, which makes it possible not to injure opposing teeth.

Allergy to cermet

The ceramic used for the manufacture of crowns is absolutely hypoallergenic, however, the metals used in the framework in rare cases can cause an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergy to ceramic-metal are a burning sensation in the mouth, in the area of ​​​​both the gums and the tongue, a metallic bite, swelling of the gums in the area of ​​​​contact with the crown and swelling. If after the installation of the crown, the phenomena described above are observed, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In such cases, it is recommended to replace the cermet with an all-ceramic crown.

Service life of sintered metal

One of the saddest misconceptions of patients is that a metal-ceramic crown does not require replacement and will last the rest of your life. Unfortunately, this is not the case, and the service life of cermets is limited. On average, a ceramic-metal denture can last 10-12 years if the frame is made of an alloy of base metals, and 15 years or more if a gold-platinum alloy is used. However, it should be borne in mind that the prosthesis must be made strictly according to individual casts, and the patient, when wearing such a fixed or partially removable structure, must follow all recommendations for care. The warranty for cermets is valid on average from one to three years, depending on the frame material. At the same time, the warranty conditions imply that the crown will retain its integrity and will not be destroyed by mechanical impact within the specified period, while the most common cause crown prolapse is secondary caries developing at the junction of the tooth and crown. To avoid similar situations, it is necessary to regularly undergo preventive examinations and timely replace old orthopedic structures with new ones. Remember: the prosthesis has a service life, failure to comply with which can lead to tooth loss.

Color of cermet

The ceramic used for the manufacture of metal-ceramic crowns allows you to imitate the color and structure of natural enamel, making the prosthetic tooth as similar as possible to the neighboring, natural teeth of the patient. The color of ceramic-metal is selected according to the Vita scale, it does not fade and does not change over time, since, unlike natural enamel and composite materials(e.g. fillings), ceramics do not absorb coloring matter from food and drinks, so bleaching of metal ceramics is not required. If it seems to you that the time has come to whiten the ceramic-metal installed in your oral cavity, most likely you need to visit a hygienist to remove stained plaque.

Metal-ceramics or ceramics?

If you decide to resort to prosthetics with crowns or bridges, then sooner or later you will face the question: "Which is better - ceramics or metal-ceramics?". What is the difference Metal ceramics and metal-free ceramics differ in their aesthetic and functional properties. Metal-ceramic prostheses are more durable, but have significant aesthetic flaws, which play an important role in the restoration of teeth in the smile zone. Therefore, for prosthetics of the anterior dentition, all-ceramic orthopedic structures will be the preferred option. However, it should be borne in mind that ceramic prostheses are mostly very expensive. In the case when chewing teeth are being restored, metal-ceramic is quite acceptable, since its aesthetic flaws are invisible in the lateral sections.

Metal-ceramic or metal-plastic?

Modern dentistry offers many different options for the manufacture of crowns, the main difference of which lies in the materials for the manufacture of the framework and anatomically shaped tooth. Some materials are more expensive, others are cheaper, but the quality of crowns, as you might guess, directly depends on the price, since the most durable and aesthetic designs made from more expensive materials. To the question: "Which is better - cermet or metal-plastic?" The answer is unequivocal, of course, cermets. Despite the fact that modern dental plastic is of decent quality and hypoallergenic and, just like ceramics, is able to imitate the natural color of teeth, it still loses in many ways, so the choice - metal-plastic or cermet - is decided in favor of the latter. Plastic is inferior to ceramics both in strength and in the ability to imitate natural enamel. Therefore, the plastic modern dentistry is used exclusively for making temporary crowns, those that the patient wears while in dental laboratory permanent constructions are being made or while the implant is engrafting. The manufacture of permanent crowns from plastic, and even on a metal frame, is absolutely unprofitable, the service life of metal and plastic is different, and their connection is not justified.

Sintered metal or metal?

Also today, all-metal crowns are available to patients, but this is the most unaesthetic type of orthopedic structures, which, unlike metal-ceramics and ceramics, are in principle not able to imitate a natural tooth in anything other than anatomical shape. However, metal crowns are noticeably cheaper than metal ceramics, but inferior to it in most parameters. To all other, metal constructions can cause increased abrasion of the teeth with which they are in contact.

Metal-ceramic or zirconium?

Above, we have already considered the difference between cermet and ceramic-coated zirconium. If you are faced with a choice: zirconium dioxide or cermet, then in the case of anterior teeth prosthetics, the advantage, of course, is on the side of ceramic crowns on a zirconium frame. As for the teeth in the chewing zone, zirconium oxide or cermet is not so important, they are not inferior to each other in strength, and the aesthetic side in the posterior region is not as important as the functional one.

Installation of cermet

Now let's talk about how to put cermets.

    If you decide to install cermet, first of all you need to undergo a diagnosis.

    The procedure for preparing teeth for metal-ceramic. Contrary to popular belief, the installation of metal ceramics on a living tooth is quite possible. However, in most cases there is a need to depulp the tooth under metal-ceramic.

    After that, the orthopedist will be able to take casts from the turned teeth, which are necessary for the manufacture of individual designs.

    Fixation of the prosthesis.

Many patients are interested in how teeth are turned under metal-plastic - prostheses with a metal frame and a plastic coating on top. The preparation technique is the same as when installing ceramic-metal structures, but the tooth undergoes a much more significant turning due to the massiveness of the metal-plastic structures.

If you decide to install ceramic-metal prostheses, choose proven dentistry.

Grinding of teeth for metal-ceramic

In prosthetics, there are several ways to prepare for metal-ceramic. Grinding of teeth for metal-ceramic can be carried out in two ways, described below.

Cermet with ledge

The orthopedist, grinding the dental tissues, forms a circular ledge along the lower edge, which avoids contact of the metal frame with the gum, and, as a result, minimizes the risk of edema, irritation, bleeding and allergies. With such a turning, to improve aesthetics, it is possible to use cermet with a shoulder mass. The shoulder mass is applied in the area of ​​the ledge under the metal-ceramic and serves to hide the strip of gray metal that shows through the enamel at the base of the crown. Installing a cermet with a ledge and a shoulder mass usually costs more, but these costs are fully justified and allow you to avoid many problems with a denture. In addition, cermet grinding with a ledge extends the life of the crown by several years.

Turning for cermet without shoulder

This is an outdated method that was previously used to install stamped steel dentures or metal-plastic crowns. However, some doctors still use it for metal-ceramic preparation, which leads to negative consequences. The preparation of a tooth without a ledge does not provide enough space for the crown, so the contours of the gums are disturbed. The outer perimeter of an artificial crown is larger than that of a natural tooth. As a result, a space is formed between the metal-ceramic and the gum, where plaque accumulates, the bare edge of the prosthesis looks unaesthetic, and the design itself constantly injures others. soft tissues. In this regard, if the doctor grinds the teeth for metal-ceramic without a ledge, the crown will need to be changed after 5-6 years.

Metal-ceramic dental care

Daily oral hygiene after the installation of ceramic-metal is no different from the usual one. Caring for cermets involves brushing your teeth in the morning and evening, and, if possible, after each meal. At the same time, it is necessary to follow the rules of cleaning: the sweeping movements of the brush should be directed from the gums to the cutting edge, dental care should be completed with dental floss, and ideally, with an irrigator. If you are interested in the question of how to clean metal ceramics, then everything is simple here: the same as your own teeth, that is, with a soft brush that does not harm the gums, and a paste that your dentist will help you choose, based on your individual characteristics oral cavity. If, during cleaning or at any other time, you feel that your teeth hurt under ceramic-metal, contact your dentist immediately, it is possible that secondary caries has developed under the crown, or carious cavity was not carefully processed.

Very often, people who have metal-ceramic crowns in their mouths are concerned about the question: how do MRI and metal-ceramics compare. We hasten to reassure you: metal-ceramic crowns do not deform and do not move under the influence of a magnetic resonance tomograph, however, they can provoke an image defect in the image, so always warn the doctor who prescribes your MRI that you have metal-ceramics.

Situations are different, and sometimes restoration of cermets is required. This happens when the crown is mechanically damaged. If the cermet in your mouth has broken off, the orthopedist will first of all assess the extent of the problem - how big piece was chipped off. And here he is primarily interested in whether the metal frame is exposed or not. The fact is that it is quite possible to restore an insignificant cleavage of cermet, including the use of composite materials. At the same time, the restoration of cermets in the oral cavity, when the framework was exposed, is no longer possible in most cases. In such a situation, most likely, it will be necessary to remove the cermet and install new structures. Also, do not forget that the timely replacement of cermets will help to avoid unforeseen problems, such as falling out crowns or their splitting.

Warranty for cermet

As with any other types of prostheses, each clinic provides a guarantee for metal ceramics for teeth. Of course, its period is short, and how long the guarantee for ceramic-metal lasts depends mainly on the decision of the management of dentistry. What kind of warranty is usually provided for cermets? This is a period of one to three years, during which you can see a doctor for a free repair of your prosthesis. Taking into account the fact that structures made of this material are recommended to be changed after 5-7 years, such a guarantee can be called acceptable.

Prices for dental prosthetics with ceramic-metal

The price of cermets is much lower than that of all-ceramic structures. The price includes production orthopedic construction in a dental laboratory, tooth turning and installation by an orthopedist. So how much does cermet teeth cost? Depending on the price category of the clinic and the frame material, the price of metal ceramics for teeth in Moscow varies from 7,000 rubles per tooth in economy dentistry to 40,000 rubles in a premium clinic. In the Price section, you can find out the cost of cermets in various clinics cities.

Modern prosthetic technology teeth, used today in orthopedics, allows the use of a variety of materials for the manufacture of dentures, of which the most popular is.

Ceramic-metal prosthetics, the stages of which are reduced to the manufacture of teeth and bridge structures from the material of the same name.

As the name implies, ceramic-metal prostheses are a frame consisting of metal, covered with a thin layer of ceramics on top. Metal-free ceramics and cermets, the difference between them in the composition.

Dental prosthetics with ceramic-metal

Dental prosthetics with ceramic-metal today makes it possible to solve the problem of their absence at any age. The advantage of such prostheses is that with their help, damaged and lost teeth restore the previous function of the dentition and have an ideal appearance.

Metal-ceramic is widely used for removable and non-removable prosthetics. A removable prosthesis made of metal-ceramic is made if it is impossible to install a fixed structure.

Photo: what crowns look like from behind

What a metal-ceramic crown looks like: rear view - see photo.

How are metal-ceramic teeth made?

The doctor makes an impression of the dental structure and gives it to the dental technician. The dental technician models the framework of future crowns on it. Then the doctor tries it on the patient's teeth.

If the frame sits well on the teeth, then ceramics are applied on top of it. Ultimately, the design is covered with glaze. Everything - the prosthesis is ready.

How to insert teeth from metal-ceramic

Prosthetics using cermets is a process that is extended over time. Installation of the prosthesis takes a few minutes. But before inserting teeth from metal-ceramic, it is necessary to undergo a series of procedures by visiting an orthopedic doctor.

Stages of dental prosthetics with ceramic-metal

  1. At the initial stage, teeth are prepared for prosthetics with ceramic-metal.
  2. If necessary, non-viable teeth are removed, teeth and gums are treated.
  3. Based on the examination and the budget planned by the patient, one or another type of crowns is selected and an estimate is made.

Preparation of teeth for metal ceramics

Grinding of teeth for metal-ceramic is a mandatory procedure. If a bridge is placed, then the abutment teeth must be prepared. Preparation of a tooth for a metal-ceramic crown is carried out in such a way that the tooth takes a conical shape.

How are ceramic-metal teeth inserted if only the roots remain? In this case, a part of the tooth crown is restored using a pin or stump tab.

Indications and contraindications

Metal-ceramic dental crowns are installed in case of inferiority of the dental crown of real teeth or their absence.

Indications for the installation of cermets:

  • The destruction of the crowns of the teeth, when it is impossible to restore them with the help of fillings or inlays.
  • Anomalies in the development of teeth that cannot be eliminated by any other means.
  • Pathological abrasion of tooth enamel.
  • Crown defects (loss of gloss, discoloration, loss of shape).
  • Dentition defects.
  • Inconsistency of existing crowns (plastic, metal, combined) and bridge prostheses with aesthetic requirements.
  • To restore two or more teeth in a bridge.
  • Restoration of lost chewing teeth.

It is possible to install ceramic dentures in all cases that are not a contraindication.

Contraindications for the use of cermets:

  • Allergic reaction to cermet.
  • Teeth with periodontal disease.
  • Marked convergence of teeth.
  • Grinding of teeth at night (bruxism).
  • Defects in the dentition of a large extent.
  • Teeth with a short crown.
  • If a tooth hurts, metal ceramics cannot be installed until it is completely cured.

Pros and cons

Due to their excellent qualities, dental crowns and bridges are very popular among the population. But no matter how good metal-ceramic teeth are, there are pluses and minuses for all types of materials.

Pros and cons of cermets:

  • Aesthetics. Complete resemblance to real teeth in color and shape. But since the rod present in the prosthesis does not transmit light well, this can affect various appearance two adjacent teeth.
  • Hygiene. Metal-ceramic teeth are not exposed to microbes.
  • Complete biocompatibility. If the teeth are set correctly, then they cannot affect the health of the gums.
  • Strength and durability. The sintered metal can withstand heavy loads. With proper oral hygiene, teeth and dental bridges can last more than 15 years.
  • Functionality. There is no difference when eating.
  • Protection of the remaining part of the tooth under the crown from the damaging effects of the aggressive environment of the oral cavity.
  • The color of the teeth does not change over time.
  • The price is low compared to non-metallic prostheses and implants.
  • The cost is higher than for dental prosthetics with metal structures.

Service life of sintered metal

The service life of metal-ceramic structures depends on many factors. In order for the prostheses to last longer, it is necessary to follow certain rules. They should be treated the same as real teeth. There are no restrictions on food.

But also experiment with opening bottles, cracking nuts, bones, etc. also not necessary. If, in the process of chewing solid food, the tooth nevertheless broke off, it means that the manufacturing technology of the prosthesis was violated.

According to WHO, the service life of metal-ceramic crowns is 7-8 years.


Complications when using metal-ceramic prostheses can occur due to side effects of the prostheses themselves, side effects of the materials that make up the prosthesis, and as a result of technical or medical errors.

Complications can be manifested by such side effects as:

  • Change in the condition of the gingival margin and gingivitis.
  • If a tooth hurts under metal ceramics, then this may signal that periodontitis has begun to develop. Usually, this happens if the crown was installed on a living tooth.


What is the pricemetal-ceramic crown?

  • You can find a cheap metal-ceramic crown for 3000 rubles, then such a design will most likely be stamped.
  • A porcelain-fused-to-metal crown from a Japanese or German manufacturer will cost approximately 6,000 rubles per unit.
  • If the crown of the Belarusian or Russian production, then the price will be lower - 4500 rubles.
  • Metal-ceramic crown for gold - platinum or gold - palladium alloys - 9000 rubles.
  • The cost of a metal-ceramic crown on gold is 17,000 rubles per unit.
  • You can put metal ceramics only on the front teeth, and on the side and wisdom teeth, for example, plastic.

Installing a turnkey crown in Moscow, including diagnostics, anesthesia, tooth turning, taking an impression, making and fixing the crown will cost 12,000 rubles.

Video: How teeth are prepared for metal ceramics

Metal-ceramic crowns are often used for fixed prosthetics. The popularity of such prostheses is explained by a combination of strength, aesthetics and a variety of raw materials, which allows you to choose a dental design for people of any income. The list of advantages of cermets is also complemented by such properties as long-term operation and high adaptability.

Features of porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns

The advantage of using metal-ceramic teeth is a combination of aesthetics and high resistance to chewing loads. These dental constructions are distinguished by a special manufacturing technology, which involves the combination of 2 layers.

The inner layer is made of metal based on a plaster cast that repeats the relief of the tooth. This ensures a strong fixation of the system. outer layer made of ceramics, the shade of which duplicates the tone of closely spaced hard tissues.


In the photo you can see only part of the product - a beautiful layer of ceramics that ensures the aesthetics of the system. It consists of elements of the following groups: oxides, carbides, silicides and carbon. A metal-free layer is obtained by layering the material and firing the structure in a furnace.

The ceramic mass is applied to a metal frame - a rod that repeats the relief of a solid tissue. Metal-ceramic teeth are made on the basis of the following metal alloys:

  1. Nickel and chrome. The popularity of these materials is due to their high ductility and affordable cost. The main disadvantage of this combination is the lack of adaptability, which can provoke an allergic reaction.
  2. cobalt and chromium. It is the most popular basis for the manufacture of cermets, which is explained by a combination of such qualities as strength, bioinertness and affordable cost.
  3. Expensive compositions of gold, platinum, palladium. Differ in the maximum survival rate and long term of operation. In this case, you do not need to seriously undermine hard tissues.
  4. Titanium. Differs in the maximum adaptability and long service. Such metal-ceramic crowns have the highest cost.

Differences from all-ceramic and metal crowns

Metal-ceramic bridges represent an average option between all-ceramic and metal models. The combination of these materials endowed the system with high aesthetics and durability. In the photo of teeth after prosthetics, cermet is no different from natural tissues.

Ceramic non-metal crowns are installed only on the front teeth, which is explained by the high chewing load on the lateral incisors and the insufficient strength of the material (more details in the article:). Metal-free ceramics looks the most aesthetically pleasing among all types of dental structures. The main difference between these models is the high abrasion of neighboring hard tissues by ceramic-metal. When determining which crowns to install, they are guided by the location of the deformed surfaces and the degree of pressure on them.

Comparison of crowns shows that porcelain-fused-to-metal systems are an improvement over standard metal models. With their strength, they are used to restore posterior teeth subjected to chewing loads in most. The difference between the first designs is the imitation of the natural tone of the teeth, which allows them to be inserted in the front row.

Indications and contraindications for installation

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The main indication for prosthetics with ceramic-metal is a violation of the shape and color of teeth against the background of acquired ones (caries, medications) or congenital (anomalies in the structure of hard tissues, hereditary enamel lesions) pathologies. Semi-ceramic bridges are placed in the presence of the following indications:

  • loss of 1-3 teeth;
  • increased abrasion of teeth;
  • the impossibility of using inlays and veneers to eliminate defects that have developed as a result of trauma;
  • inadmissibility of restoration of teeth by filling.

The following circumstances oppose the use of metal-ceramic crowns:

  • the patient's age is up to 16 years;
  • gum weakness;
  • severe forms of periodontal disease;
  • bruxism;
  • malocclusion;
  • insufficient thickness and height of teeth;
  • individual intolerance to the materials that make up the crown.

Design pros and cons

The main advantage of using ceramic-metal dental crowns is the natural color and full restoration of chewing function. The installation of such crowns makes the results of the procedure almost invisible. Prostheses made using this technology have a natural tone and shape, indistinguishable from natural teeth.

The popularity of cermets is explained by the following advantages of using bridges:

  • long-term aesthetic effect- ceramic-metal models do not absorb coloring components and retain their original tone;
  • high adaptability and painless operation;
  • harmlessness - crowns do not contain toxic substances and rarely lead to the development of allergic reactions;
  • long-term use due to the use of durable materials and a tight fit of the crown to the tooth;
  • a wide price range, allowing you to choose a model for any wallet.

The list of disadvantages of using metal-ceramic crowns:

Types of metal-ceramic crowns

Traditionally, metal-ceramic crowns are classified depending on the material of manufacture. According to this criterion, they are divided into systems made of base, noble metals and titanium. The most durable and adaptable to the mucosa are the crowns of the last group. Less high-quality are crowns made of cobalt and chromium, the installation of which is often accompanied by allergic reaction and darkening of the gums.

Depending on the degree of aesthetics, crowns are divided into the following types:

  • standard designs that provide for the end of the layers of metal and ceramics at the same level, due to which the mucous membrane is in contact with the metal;
  • crowns with a shoulder mass, characterized by an elongated ceramic layer, which eliminates metal contact with the gum and makes the design as aesthetic as possible.

Manufacturing process

Making crowns is a labor-intensive process that takes about 10 days. The fundamental stage of prosthetics is the removal of an impression that most accurately reflects the features of the relief of the tooth. After turning hard tissues and until the installation of a permanent crown, the patient wears a temporary structure.

The manufacturing process of metal-ceramic prostheses includes the following stages:

  1. Casting a plaster model of the patient's jaw from the obtained impression.
  2. Preparation of the wax form of the future metal frame. Transferring the model to the laboratory for casting the base from the selected metal alloy.
  3. An example of the resulting cap. If the product fits snugly and painlessly to the tooth, it is returned to the techniques for grinding with diamond tips and ceramic coating.
  4. Artistic and heat treatment crowns to give it a natural color and shine. Most often, a3 tone ceramics are chosen.

Stages of installing a ceramic-metal crown on teeth with before and after photos

Metal-ceramic crown is installed after sanitation oral cavity. Preparation of teeth involves the treatment of gum pathologies, filling, depulpation of teeth. With a significant deformation of hard tissues, pins or stump tabs are fixed before installing the crowns (we recommend reading:). The fixation of these elements is carried out in order to create a support for the crown while maintaining the root of the tooth.

Prosthetics of metal-ceramic crowns includes the following steps:

  1. Teeth sharpening. Preparing teeth for metal-ceramic prosthetics involves fitting the surface under the crown to minimize the load on the gums. The teeth are ground down to acquire a rough relief, which is necessary for a snug fit of the crown to the tooth.
  2. Making a metal-ceramic crown by a dental technician based on the impression obtained. Fixation on the turned teeth of a temporary metal-free system made of plastic.
  3. Installation of ceramic-metal dentures. Initially, the crown is fixed for 3 months. This is due to the need to assess the tightness and comfort of wearing the crown. With absence discomfort in the process of eating and talking, the structure is fixed on an ongoing basis.

Rules of care and service life

Metal-ceramic prostheses require more careful care of the oral cavity. You should brush your teeth after every meal, using a soft brush and fluoride-free toothpaste. It is recommended to introduce the use of irrigators and dental floss into the daily ritual of oral hygiene.

The basis of oral cavity care after fixation of metal-ceramic crowns is rinsing with special solutions. It is necessary to consult with a doctor to select the optimal type of antibacterial liquid. Most often, mint infusion or professional lotions are used to treat the mucosa.

The service life of the system depends on the thickness of the ceramic-metal crown, the professionalism of the doctor, subsequent care and ranges from 10-15 years. Products made of gold and titanium can last about 25 years. Crown life can be increased by preventing excessive masticatory stress and injury.

Patients are interested in the question of how much it costs to fix metal-ceramic crowns from start to finish. It will take several visits to the dentist, during which the doctor consults the patient, grinds hard tissues and takes an impression. On the this stage determine the materials for the manufacture of the structure. Consultation costs patients free of charge or within 500 rubles.

The cost of the service is determined by the value of the material from which the ceramic-metal crown is made, and varies between 4500-40000 rubles. The price of one crown is:

  • cobalt and chromium - within 4500-11000 rubles;
  • gold - up to 17,000 rubles;
  • titanium - 35,000 rubles.

If necessary, depulping the tooth is strengthened with a stump tab. The cost of this service varies between 4500-6000 rubles. In subsequent visits to the doctor, the oral cavity is sanitized, the tone of future crowns is determined, and temporary prostheses(1500 rubles).

Metal-ceramic crowns are a popular way to restore the dentition when it is impossible to fill or install veneers. High strength and aesthetics of the products are combined with a long service life - more than 10 years. To increase the life of the system, you should thoroughly clean the oral cavity and visit the dentist regularly to prevent periodontal and gum pathologies.

From this article you will learn:

  • what is cermet for teeth,
  • how much does a metal-ceramic crown cost per tooth (for 2019),
  • cermet - reviews, photos before and after.

Metal-ceramic crowns (metal-ceramic) are the most successful compromise between strength, aesthetics and cost in dental prosthetics. They occupy an intermediate position between expensive metal-free ceramic crowns and conventional metal crowns.

Each metal-ceramic crown has a strong metal frame inside, lined with ceramic mass on the outside (Fig. 1-3). The cladding of the frame takes place in the form of layer-by-layer manual application of ceramic layers. After applying each layer, the crown is fired in a special oven at a temperature of 800-950 degrees. This technology allows to achieve a strong chemical bond between metal and ceramics.

Metal-ceramic crown: photo

Case #1 -

In this article, we will talk not only about the advantages, but also about the disadvantages of this type of prosthetics, which patients complain about (primarily when restoring the front teeth). We will also tell you why in one clinic such a crown can cost only 4,500 rubles, and in another - 8,000 or even 15,000 rubles, and why you should not chase the lowest price.

Advantages of metal-ceramic crowns -

  • good enough aesthetics
  • long service life - about 8-10 years,
  • the cost of a metal-ceramic crown in economy class clinics is only from 5,500 to 7,500 rubles.

About the cons in detail - in the middle of the article.

Metal ceramics for teeth: what is important for patients to know

If you have already chosen metal-ceramic crowns for prosthetics, then it is very important to understand that they can differ greatly from each other in terms of their aesthetic properties, reliability and service life. There are several subspecies of metal-ceramic crowns (we will talk about them below), which will differ from each other in quality and aesthetics.

But the most important thing at the first stage (without which a crown cannot be of high quality a priori) is

For example: if root canals the tooth will be poorly sealed (which, according to statistics, happens in more than 60% of cases) - this tooth is waiting for inflammation with the need to remove the crown, retreat the tooth and new prosthetics. Therefore, it is imperative to take control pictures after depulpation of the teeth or retreatment of the canals in them, and to be sure, it is advisable to show these pictures to another doctor.

Secondly, the grinding of teeth for crowns should be carried out with a “ledge”. But even if these first two points are perfect, then the crowns can still be of poor quality if a poor-quality cast is made. For example, to save money, the doctor will use cheap impression materials, such as alginate mass or C-silicone. A good impression mass is A-silicone, and even better - a polyester mass, which gives a super-accurate reproduction of the tissues of the oral cavity.

Important : improperly ground teeth or a poorly taken impression will lead to the fact that the crown will not fit accurately and tightly to the neck of the tooth. The latter threatens to leak saliva and get bacteria under the crown, which will cause tooth decay under the crown. Due to inaccurate manufacturing, doctors sometimes file ready-made crowns with a drill, which indicates a low quality of workmanship.

Types of metal-ceramic crowns -

1) First- These are traditional metal-ceramic crowns, in which the metal frame is cast from inexpensive base metal alloys (cobalt-chromium or nickel-chromium alloys), and there is nothing wrong with that. The subtle point lies in the fact that in standard manufacturing, the metal-ceramic crown is lined with ceramic mass from all sides - with the exception of the ledge area, i.e. where the edge of the crown goes a little under the gum (Fig. 7.9).

As a result, the edge of the metal frame will make some contact with the gum, which is enough to give it a bluish color. However, there are metal-ceramic crowns with a “shoulder mass”, in which the edge of the metal frame is also lined with ceramics (Fig. 8). Edge veneering can be performed around the entire circumference of the crown, or only from its front surface. The price of crowns with a "shoulder mass" made of ceramics will immediately be 2-2.5 times higher - about 12,000 - 16,000 rubles in Moscow.

Cermet without/with ceramic shoulder material –

2) Second- it is possible to make a metal frame from precious metal alloys (Fig. 9). In addition to the fact that precious metals react less with the aggressive environment of the oral cavity, they allow you to make the crown more like a real tooth. This is due to the fact that the ceramic mass is slightly translucent and the metal framework containing gold will give the ceramic a natural slightly yellowish tint. The calculation of the cost of such crowns, see below.

3) Third option- This is a metal-ceramic on a milled metal frame. In this case, the frame is not cast from molten metal, but is made on a special milling machine with digital program control using CAD / CAM technology (ceramic crowns are made of zirconium dioxide in a similar way). This allows you to significantly increase the accuracy of the fit of the crown to the neck of the tooth and its service life. But keep in mind that with a milled frame, a metal-ceramic crown for a tooth - the price in Moscow will start from 18,000 rubles.

Milling a metal frame using CAD / CAM technology: video

Metal ceramics: before and after photos

Metal-ceramic on the front teeth looks good mainly only in cases where patients need to make crowns immediately for the entire group of front teeth on the upper or mandible. But if you want to make only 1-2 or three crowns, then get ready for the fact that they will at least slightly differ in color and transparency from neighboring natural teeth.

Metal ceramics on the front teeth: before and after photos

How good is cermet for the front teeth - reviews, service life, its shortcomings - read the article below.

Metal ceramics: prosthetics of chewing teeth

Metal-ceramic crown: price 2019

So, how much does a ceramic-metal crown cost in 2019 (in economy class clinics, or in the middle price category). Get ready that the price range will be very large. In the price lists of most clinics, you will see that patients are offered various options metal-ceramic crowns, which are made of ceramic masses and metal different manufacturers, and different technologies.

  • Cermet on cobalt-chromium alloy
    cost of metal-ceramic crown quality materials economy class made in Germany - is usually not less than 6,000 rubles for 1 crown. When using more expensive ceramic masses, 1 metal-ceramic crown in Moscow will already be in the range of 10,000 - 12,000 rubles. If the crown is made with the so-called “shoulder mass”, which allows to achieve good aesthetics of the gums around the crown, and when using expensive ceramic mass, the price of the crown will be from 12,000 to 16,000 rubles.

    However, you can find clinics where metal ceramics for teeth will cost only 4,500 rubles for 1 crown. Usually, in these cases, cheaper materials of Russian and Belarusian production. In crowns made of such materials, the metal frame often cracks, and ceramics can constantly chip off. Well, in this case, the crowns are unlikely to be done by a doctor and a dental technician. the highest category because to hire good doctor- he needs to pay above the market average.

  • On gold-platinum alloy
    the cost of manufacturing a metal-ceramic crown on a gold-palladium or gold-platinum alloy will cost 9,000 rubles + the cost of gold (about 65 euros per gram). Together with the cost of gold, 1 crown will cost about 17,000 rubles for one 1 crown.
  • Additional expenses
    if during the process of prosthetics with ceramic-metal the patient was made temporary plastic crowns, then the cost of a ceramic-metal crown automatically increases by another 1,500 - 2,000 rubles (for each temporary crown). Preparation of teeth for prosthetics is also a separate line of the budget. Therefore, it is sometimes cheaper to screw in than to grind adjacent teeth and make a bridge from metal-ceramic.

Metal ceramics - the price of even one crown may seem too high to many people, but in fact it is quite a compromise compared to other types of prosthetics. It is enough to compare the cost of metal-ceramic crowns with the cost of veneers or metal-free ceramic crowns to make a decision.

Metal-ceramic crowns: disadvantages

These crowns are contraindicated if the patient is allergic to metals. In addition, if the patient already has metal-containing crowns on his teeth, it should be taken into account that the presence of dissimilar metal crowns in the oral cavity will cause galvanism (micro-currents) to appear in the oral cavity. This can lead to a permanent metallic taste in the mouth, the development of diseases of the oral mucosa, for example,.

Other disadvantages of cermets -

1) Complaints of patients about insufficient aesthetics
many patients sometimes speak extremely negatively about metal-ceramic crowns on their front teeth for two reasons. Firstly, if you have a high transparency of the enamel of your own teeth, then it will not be possible at all to make the crown not stand out against the background of your teeth. The fact is that the metal frame inside the cermet does not allow to give the ceramic mass the translucency of natural tooth enamel.

That is why dentists recommend doing it on the front teeth if possible. However, if your tooth enamel is not transparent, or you need to take all the front teeth of the upper or lower jaw under the crowns, then a well-made metal-ceramic will achieve a good aesthetic result. If we are talking about prosthetics of chewing teeth, then even the most common cermet, i.e. without shoulder mass would be a good option.

2) Blueness of the gums and dark line of the edge of the crown -

  • Firstly, over time, many patients note the appearance of an increasing cyanosis of the gums around metal-ceramic crowns. The bluish color of the gum gives the very edge of the metal frame of the crown, which is in contact with the gum (slightly below the edge of the gum) in the neck of the tooth. Of course, this will be critical if the tooth is front, and also if the gum is exposed when smiling. See photo below.
  • Secondly, over time, a dark line will definitely appear between the gum and the crown. This is due to the fact that the gum will gradually descend, exposing the edge of the metal frame of the crown (see photo below). If the tooth is front, then it will be very critical.

What can be done –
cyanosis of the gums and the appearance of a dark line can only be avoided by a ceramic-metal crown with the so-called “shoulder mass”, the manufacturing technology of which implies that the metal frame will be insulated with ceramics even under the gum in the area of ​​the ledge. This technology is labor-intensive, which is why such crowns are more expensive.

Therefore, if you are prosthetizing your front teeth, if your gums are exposed when you smile, if you are demanding on aesthetics, then you are unlikely to be satisfied with the aesthetics of standard metal-ceramic crowns (without shoulder mass) for a long time - at a price of 5000-7000 rubles. So if you want decent aesthetic option- Unfortunately, you won't be able to save money.

3) The need to grind a large amount of tooth tissue
turning teeth for metal-ceramic is usually carried out to a depth of 1.5-2 mm on all sides of the tooth (Fig. 17), which is determined by the minimum thickness of the crown walls. It should be noted that for crowns made of metal-free ceramics, as well as for ordinary all-metal cast crowns, teeth are grinded much less.

3) The need for depulpation of teeth
due to the large depth of grinding of the hard tissues of the tooth, conditions are created under which a thermal burn of the tooth pulp and death of the nerve can occur. Therefore, doctors most often try to depulp teeth under metal ceramics. However, some teeth that have a large thickness of hard tissues (large molars) can and should be kept alive, which will increase their service life.

How does the process of prosthetics work?

The whole process of prosthetics - from the moment of turning the teeth for crowns and until the fixation of finished crowns - takes an average of 10-14 days. If you are promised to have crowns made in less than a week, then you can say with almost 100% certainty that it will be clumsy poor-quality work. But the most important thing before this is the quality preparation of the supporting teeth (except in cases where the teeth can be kept alive).

1. Therapeutic preparation of the tooth -

First of all, an x-ray is taken. If it shows the presence of an inflammation focus at the top of the root, the inflammation focus will first need to be treated, and the root canals will subsequently be sealed. If the canals of the tooth have already been sealed, but of poor quality, then the canals are healed even in the absence of a visible focus of inflammation at the root apex.

In the presence of caries, old low-quality fillings on the tooth, caries is treated, fillings are changed, but taking into account the need for preliminary depulpation of the tooth. Tooth depulpation involves the removal of the nerve, followed by root canal filling, and it is carried out if there is either a tooth. Living intact single-rooted teeth are also most often subjected to depulpation, but multi-rooted teeth can most often be left alive under metal ceramics.

If the tooth is severely damaged –
when the tooth crown is destroyed by no more than 1/2 - usually a pin is screwed into the root canal, and then the crown part of the tooth is restored from filling material(Fig.21-22). The pin allows you to strengthen the restored crown of the tooth, will not allow it to break during chewing loads.

However, when the crown of the tooth is destroyed almost to the root or only very thin walls remain, to restore the tooth, it is necessary to use not a pin, but a metal one (Fig. 18-19). On this tab, the metal-ceramic crown will then be fixed. The use of a stump tab will increase the strength of the structure, and will not allow the crown to break off under a significant load.

2. Stages of prosthetics -

After the tooth has been prepared for prosthetics, it is turned from all sides to the thickness of the future crown (Fig. 22-23). Next, the prosthodontist takes an impression of the teeth and sends it to the dental laboratory, where the ceramic-metal crown is made by a dental technician. Normal terms of prosthetics with ceramic-metal - 10-14 days.

Good specialists are usually loaded with work more than others, and therefore too short time and low prices will be suspicious. It is important to understand that there are very few good dental technicians and orthopedic dentists, and their salaries are more expensive for clinics, which also affects the price of prosthetics.

Metal-ceramic crown: photo before and after

At the time of the manufacture of metal-ceramic crowns - the patient is always offered to do. Temporary crowns are necessary both for aesthetics and to protect fragile, turned teeth from aggressive acid environment oral cavity. This will additionally cost 2000 rubles for 1 temporary crown. If this is expensive for you, then it is advisable to ask the doctor to treat the turned teeth with a special preparation - “dentin-sealing liquid”.

Important : taking into account the cost of preparing each supporting tooth for prosthetics (which can range from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles per 1 tooth, depending on the complexity), as well as the cost of temporary plastic crowns - the price of metal-ceramic crowns in Moscow sometimes reaches the cost of installing an economy-class implant, type .

Therefore, often, when it comes to prosthetics of a single missing tooth with a bridge prosthesis of 3 crowns, it is sometimes cheaper and more reliable to implant 1 tooth. Moreover, this can allow you to keep the adjacent teeth from a defect - alive and healthy.

Metal ceramics or zirconium: which is better

1) Many patients ask: cermet or zirconium - which is better for prosthetics of the front teeth. Indeed, zirconia crowns, if they are well made, are much more aesthetically pleasing than metal ceramics. However, on the front teeth, it is best to do only those patients whose teeth do not have a high transparency of tooth enamel.

This is due to the fact that the zirconium framework inside such crowns is too bright. White color, and it is almost as opaque as the non-metal framework of porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. Therefore, zirconium crowns will have low transparency compared to the natural enamel of one's own teeth, and also have a not too natural "milky" color. Therefore, if the enamel of your adjacent own teeth has a high transparency coefficient, most likely you will not be completely satisfied with the result.

Higher aesthetics on the front teeth can be achieved not from zirconium dioxide, but from another type of ceramic - lithium disilicate. An example of the best material based on it is IPS Emax ceramics. It can be "Emax CAD" or "Emax PRESS" material. It is from these materials that we recommend making crowns for the front teeth in general for all patients, but especially for those who have a high transparency of tooth enamel. These materials can be used to make single crowns and bridges up to three crowns.

2) Zirconia or cermet: which is better for chewing teeth

Zirconia ceramic crowns for posterior teeth are a good alternative to metal ceramics. However, the weak point of such structures will be the chips of the porcelain mass on the surface of the zirconium frame. According to statistics, after 3/5 years, chips are observed in 6/10% of patients, respectively. And the more traumatic the bite will be (the closure of the upper and lower teeth) - especially high risk cracks will be observed.

The way out of this situation can be the manufacture of crowns from monolithic zirconium, i.e. without the surface layer of porcelain, which is necessary to achieve aesthetics. Therefore, if reliability is more important to you than perfect aesthetics, you can choose this option. If you need to make only a single crown, and at the same time you want perfect aesthetics, then it can also be made from (and it is better to use the pressing method).

Bridges of three IPS Emax crowns on posterior teeth can in principle also be made, provided that the patient does not have bruxism and big problems with bite. And here it is no longer necessary to use the pressing method, but the CAD / CAM technology (milling on a machine with program control), which is also used for the manufacture of zirconium crowns. I hope that this section has helped you answer the question - "Metal ceramics or ceramics: which is better?"

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