Restoration of a ceramic crown. How to eliminate a chipped tooth on a metal-ceramic bridge? Repair of a ceramic-metal chip is divided into

The use of ceramic-metal structures in modern dental prosthetics is an almost daily practice in the work of an orthopedic dentist.

Many years of experience of practitioners and world researchers have made it possible to create a large amount of scientific literature that is devoted to prosthetics with metal-ceramic removable and non-removable structures. But metal-ceramic crowns and prostheses are not ideal designs.

With some incompatibility of materials (an alloy of metal and ceramics), an oversight by a doctor, technical errors in manufacturing, chipping of the ceramic lining is likely, and under some circumstances, a large number of more serious complications of a functional or aesthetic plan.

Experience shows that most of the chipping of the ceramic lining of the metal-ceramic crown occurs on the molars and vestibular surfaces of the crown of the frontal sections of the jaw. Often, this is due to not quite accurate reproduction of the initial lateral component of Bennett's movement in the articulator, or in the absence of such. Articulators that are not adjustable are often used in domestic practice and provide symmetrical lateral movement of the lower row of teeth in relation to the upper one.

This is significantly different from the nature of the movement of teeth in the oral cavity, mainly on the balancing side, and this can affect the oral cavity, in a lesser case, by chipping the ceramic facings of the cusps of the supporting crowns. To avoid this, it is recommended to use adjustable or semi-adjustable articulators.

Preparing to restore the chip

Before carrying out the restoration of a ceramic chip, an analysis should be made and the reason for which it occurred should be identified. If the cause cannot be eliminated, then relapse is likely. Such reasons include chronic occlusal trauma, which can occur when the teeth close or during articulation movements of the lower row of teeth. Premature contact provokes the appearance of a high stress point in the local zone, a crack occurs, and then the ceramic is directly chipped. The ceramic surface is not sufficiently elastic, withstanding large compression loads, it does not tolerate narrowly directed impacts.

Porcelain has a critical strain of 0.1%. Therefore, when restoring ceramics, one should work in an articulator, and when fixing the finished structure in the oral cavity, attention should be paid to the processing of individual articulatory movements.

Modern technologies make it possible to restore the chipped cermet directly in the oral cavity. The materials that are used in the restoration guarantee an excellent result - the restored prostheses and crowns made of metal-ceramic have the original structural strength.

The dentist, after determining the cause of the chip, decides on the method of restoration. Any restoration procedure begins with the preparatory work of the surface to be restored. Here we apply the principle of reliable adhesion of two metals: the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe connection, the higher the strength of the connection. Therefore, the surface must be extended over its area and not smooth.

Restoration of metal-ceramic chips is carried out with the help of composite filling materials, which contain a masking substance, which makes it possible to prevent the metal from being translucent. Then a special polishing system is applied, which gives the restored surface a natural look and completely hides the traces of the restoration work carried out.

Dental prosthetics returns a person not only a beautiful smile, but also provides the jaw row with functionality. There are several types of restoration material, cermet is considered the best option. She has proven herself both technically and aesthetically. Although she also has a chance of chipping.

A porcelain-fused-to-metal crown is made from a metal alloy and then covered with porcelain. In this case, the frame can be made of several noble metals at the same time or simply from cobalt, nickel, chromium. It is these materials that provide the structure with the necessary strength, so the tooth and jaw as a whole can function normally. The ceramic layer is responsible for aesthetics.

Replacing teeth with ceramics is considered one of the most reliable and durable options. But, as a rule, it is they who are most often exposed to chips and various damages. Therefore, you need to know what to do if a piece has broken off. The fact is that ignoring this problem can destroy it completely in a short time.

This is especially true for those people who do not follow medical recommendations and consume solid foods. Such abuse often violates the integrity of the tooth: at first, microcracks form on it, and later chips appear.

The main causes of damage

It can get damaged for a variety of reasons. But, as noted by dental technicians, the most common cases of chipping are as follows:

  • The person is sick with bruxism, and the dentist who performed the prosthetics did not ask about the disease.
  • The patient does not comply with the rules of operation.
  • The product can chip due to a foreign body that has fallen into the space between the tooth and the crown.
  • The master in the manufacture of the device did not take into account the ability of the composition to thermal expansion.
  • There are too many dental units in the bridge, so it has a strong load, both external and internal.
  • Incorrect or poorly made form of the prosthesis, so the pressure on it from the opposite jaw row is uneven.
  • The technology was violated during the firing of the structure.
  • The preparation was not performed correctly, the taper of the crown is incomplete, which causes a lot of stress inside the system.
  • During the restoration, an excessively thick fixing cement mixture was used.

Modern methods of restoration

A chip on the ceramic mass does not look very attractive. The patient's quality of life decreases, various complexes appear. Modern dentistry offers several ways to restore teeth, there are even options in which you can undermine a metal-ceramic crown without removing it.

The most common restoration method is polishing. The procedure is performed for minor damage to the ceramic part of the tooth. The main disadvantage of this method is that the crown loses its original shape, so it is most often used if the chip is in an inconspicuous place.

Accessibility is considered one of the main advantages of polishing, since the cost of such procedures is low. During the event, the doctor treats the damaged area with a special polishing compound using a rubber brush, and the gaps between the teeth with finishing plates.

Repair of a chip on a metal-ceramic crown consists in its complete replacement. This option is the most expensive of all, but also the most reliable. If the structure was screwed in, then it is drilled with a special drill and a suitable nozzle. If the crown was fixed with dental glue, then preliminary cementing is required: a softener is applied, which will bring the glue to a paste-like state.

After the structure has been cemented, the dentist makes a control impression, prepares the tooth, if necessary, and then performs the processing. Next, the layout is sent to the laboratory for the manufacture of a new product. The effectiveness of this method cannot be compared with any other correction option in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.

The next restoration is carried out only after the removal of the crown, but it should be noted right away that this option has many disadvantages, so doctors do not recommend using it. This is due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to maintain the integrity of a ceramic tooth if it was fixed on cement. Although there are patients who agree to this procedure because of the low cost and short repair time.

There are more advanced and sparing methods for restoring a chipped tooth that do not destroy ceramics. Such dental measures involve the use of directional ultrasonic vibrations, as well as the supply of compressed air. But such procedures are carried out only in good clinics, which are equipped with expensive devices.

Repairs can also be made directly in the oral cavity. As a rule, such restoration leaves practically no traces behind. Modern composites are of very high quality; after spraying, the metal does not shine through.

A significant disadvantage of the procedure: no doctor can guarantee that the crown will last a long time, and will not fall off immediately. Such manipulations are somewhat reminiscent of ordinary fillings.

Recovery after removal

Restoring a ceramic prosthesis is quite difficult, and only a professional can do such work with high quality. The fact is that when removed, the crown may be damaged or completely destroyed, and it will be impossible to restore the product in order to glue it back. To carry out such events, you will need tools and special devices:

  • a device equipped with a tip that resembles a crochet hook;
  • bolt separator;
  • pneumatic hand tools;
  • mechanical devices for removing the prosthesis from the mouth;
  • spitting utensils;
  • forceps.

Manipulations are carried out under local anesthesia, so the patient should not experience pain. Immediately after removal, the prosthesis is sent to a special laboratory, where the dental technician will carefully examine the design and restore the product. The entire recovery procedure lasts, as a rule, no longer than 3-5 hours.

If a small chip has formed and the separated part has been preserved, then it is simply glued to its original place using medical quick-drying glue. If the fragment is lost, then several ceramic layers are applied to the crown, thereby giving the tooth the necessary shape. After that, it remains to dry the prosthesis, this is done under the influence of high temperature in a special oven.

At the final stage, the technician grinds the extra fragments, grinds the crown and polishes the finish. But this method is used extremely rarely, since the percentage of removal of the prosthesis without damaging it is extremely low. In addition, there is a high probability of injuring the gums and soft tissues of the mucosa. It is impossible to guarantee that such a design will last for a long time, even if the work is done efficiently and professionally.

Oral repair

This option is most common among owners of metal-ceramic teeth. This is due to the fact that it is not required to remove the crowns, it is enough to open your mouth, and the doctor will repair the damage on the spot. The procedure itself is carried out in stages:

  1. Moisture is completely removed from the oral cavity. This is a prerequisite before any recovery procedures. The area itself, on which the chip formed, is also thoroughly dried, and then dissected with a diamond drill. So the tooth surface will become rough, which will allow the composite to adhere to the ceramics more firmly and reliably.
  2. The surface is cleaned of crumbs and diamond dust present on it. Next, the dentist impregnates the ceramic-metal crown and the place where there is damage with an acid mass for 1 minute. Modern clinics mainly use hydrofluoric acid for these purposes. After 60 seconds, the oral cavity is thoroughly rinsed under powerful water pressure and dried again.
  3. Then the doctor applies a silane to the ceramics, which dries within a few seconds, and then also treats the dental crown with a primer: this material enhances adhesion.
  4. After the actions taken, they proceed to the main work. Using a special composition, the required number of layers is applied to the cleavage site and the product is given the desired shape.

At the very end, the denture is treated with an adhesive and then with a surface composite material. It remains only to grind and polish the crown, and the procedure is considered complete.

Prognosis of the condition of the teeth

It does not matter what technique was used to restore the metal-ceramic crown. It is impossible to predict how long it will last exactly. But you can determine the approximate lifespan by several factors:

  1. The amount of damage. If the chip was large enough or there were several of them, then such prostheses will collapse quickly enough, so it is best to initially replace the old design with a new one.
  2. The foundation. It is very important what the crown is made of: if it is metal, then the adhesion to the composite material will be several times lower than that of ceramic products.
  3. Malocclusion. This pathology can provoke a new breakdown almost immediately after restoration work.
  4. Non-compliance with the rules of operation and poor dental care.
  5. The bridge consists of a large number of dental units.
  6. A leaky connection leads to the fact that the structure quickly collapses.

According to dentists, the main cause of various injuries is injuries and improper care of artificial teeth. If, nevertheless, a nuisance occurs, restoration measures should be taken immediately, otherwise the crown may be completely destroyed, and a new product will be required.

The appearance of a small chip of the ceramic layer

What will the surface of the artificial tooth model installed to you look like if there is a chip on it on the ceramic-metal crown? The base will be exposed. This will become noticeable due to the reduced volume of the surface material and the different color of the metal base, which is impossible not to see.

Especially if a large chip of cermet appeared, what to do in this case will probably be important for every person. After all, the money has been paid, and the tooth seems to be in place. And the warranty for the model itself has a very short period (12 months). And I want to know if the restoration of metal-ceramic crowns is possible at all.

The problem of the appearance of the analogue of the chewing element will cause discomfort when smiling. If, nevertheless, the ceramic-metal crown has broken off, it will seem that this is a large hole.

Although the application of an aesthetically covering mass is carried out using a complex technology, cases when a metal-ceramic crown has broken off still occur frequently.

Is it possible to build up a metal-ceramic crown?

Features of the installation of different types of analogs recreating the chewing form is that the internal structure can be different. And even the repair of a cermet chip can be considered in different ways. Since there are cases when translucence is achieved on the cutting side or there is no such effect. It all depends on how the ceramic mass was applied.

Volumetric area of ​​the damaged surface of the artificial analogue

Repair of a ceramic-metal chip is divided into:

  • light correction in the form of polishing the edges (on the invisible side);
  • simple and complex recovery;
  • rarely used removal to repair metal-ceramic crowns in the laboratory;
  • If it is impossible to repair the ceramic-metal crown, it is completely replaced.

Having determined whether it is possible to restore a ceramic-metal crown, whether it can be restored, the doctor suggests possible solutions. In complex cases, it will be costly, but more appropriate to remove the existing model and create a new one. This will exclude a new chip of ceramics on the denture to restore, which will then be unrealistic.

Processing, restoration of metal-ceramic teeth

With a small amount of damage, the area must be processed to eliminate roughness. This is done with a diamond bur. Further, a slight bevel is created along the edge of the missing surface. The defect is closed with a special material covering the metal. Its polymerization will not allow noticeable translucence of the frame. Restoration of metal-ceramic crowns is completed by applying a composite with fixation by rays from a lamp. Shine is given by polishing. The composite can sometimes be visible in the light.

This option is carried out in a direct way, that is, directly in the oral cavity.

If it is noted that there is a lot of upper material missing, it is impossible to carry out repairs and restoration with such a nuisance as a volumetric chipping of the cermet. A complete replacement of the model will be required. It's hard to take it off. This is a laborious process, in which it is difficult to accurately carry out the process. Difficulties often arise due to which it is damaged during the procedure for removing it. Therefore, if there are such conditions, then they resort to the creation of a new analogue of the tooth, including bridge structures.

Basically, when a piece of a metal-ceramic crown broke off, it is observed in cases where they are made from combined raw materials.

Cleavage options for different raw material composition:

  1. If the crown consists of a metal base and a plastic coating, then chips are quite common. This is explained by the poor connection of the plastic with the base. It is advisable to use this restoration option as a temporary structure.
  2. If the composition includes ceramics with metal, chipping is less common, since ceramics break only under the condition of excessive load.

Chips are also possible on conventional metal-ceramic crowns if the patient prefers solid food.

Why is this happening?

There are several main causes of damage to cermets:

  • the difference in the coefficients of thermal expansion of different materials that make up the crown is not taken into account;
  • if the patient has bruxism, and the specialist did not take this into account;

  • with an excessively long prosthesis, which is subjected to increased external and internal pressure;
  • application for fixing the cement structure;
  • when a foreign body gets into the gap between the crown and the tooth on which it is installed;
  • the required frame height is not taken into account, as a result, the ceramic layer is quite large and less reliable;
  • incorrect tooth modeling;
  • processing violation;
  • hole in the base
  • violation of technology in the process of firing;
  • the human factor, when the patient himself treats the structure with negligence.

Recovery steps

Of all types of dental restoration, metal-ceramic crowns are practically the only structures that rarely need restoration. The reason for this is their rare breakdown.

If, nevertheless, there was a chipping of the ceramic coating from the base, then the following must be done:

  1. Polish the surface. Then the tooth will take on a different shape, but remain intact and retain its aesthetic appeal. This option is appropriate only in cases where the tooth is outside the smile zone.
  2. Restoration with composite materials. The damage is built up to the original shape of the crown. But it should be understood that this option is more of a temporary solution.
  3. A costly option is the replacement of cermets. But this option is one of the most reliable.

Due to the fact that the structure and the tooth are connected with reliable cement, it is almost impossible to remove it from the place of fixation without damage, therefore, restoration outside the oral cavity is not used.

On a note: The process of repairing porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns is quite complicated, so it is very important to follow the technology.

The first step is to dry the recovery area. This is done by applying a rubber dam.

The breakage area is processed with a diamond bur. Thus, the required roughness is achieved. Formation of a bevel on a ceramic surface.

After that, the entire surface layer is cleaned with a brush. Silane treatment, which dries in a couple of minutes.

The defect is covered with opaque material. Carrying out polymerization with a halogen lamp.

Finally, the doctor applies layer after layer of the composite material of the desired flow. All layers polymerize as they are applied. Completion of work - final grinding.

Why do chips appear on ceramic-metal teeth?

Despite the fact that metal-ceramic crowns are accompanied by high strength, sometimes patients complain that they suddenly found a chip in metal-ceramic. Of course, everyone is interested in why such a problem arose and how it can be prevented.

A chip on a metal-ceramic crown may appear due to a mistake that the doctor made if he used an alloy of incompatible metals. Also, a technical error can be made when installing a metal-ceramic crown. In any case, chips look terrible on metal-ceramic teeth and seriously spoil the appearance, as a result of which communicative complexes begin to appear in a person.

Cleavage of the cermet crown is most often observed on the cusps of the molars. This may be due to the fact that the lateral component of Bennett's movement was not accurately recreated.

Articulators are used both adjustable and non-adjustable. Non-adjustable articulators are very often the reason that a piece of a metal-ceramic crown has broken off. Non-adjustable articulators are not able to convey the natural movement of teeth in the oral cavity, so dentists recommend using only adjustable and, in extreme cases, partially adjustable articulators.

Treatment of large chips on metal-ceramic

If a metal-ceramic crown has broken off, the patient should immediately contact the clinic so as not to provoke further deterioration of the tooth. Premier Clinic doctors initially establish the cause that provoked such a problem. It is very important to establish the cause, because, without eliminating it, relapses will definitely occur later. Dentists often identify such a cause as chronic occlusal trauma.

Unfortunately, ceramics, having high strength, are able to withstand high compression loads, but they are not able to withstand narrowly directed impacts that occur due to improper occlusion of teeth.

If the cermet has broken off, the doctor develops a treatment plan:

  • elimination of the cause;
  • fixation in the oral cavity of the articulator;
  • selection of materials that will provide high adhesion;
  • increase in the connection area (it is no secret that the larger the cultivated area, the stronger the connection will be much higher). For this reason, the dentist deliberately expands the area and also makes the surface uneven to ensure good adhesion of materials.

In order to eliminate chipping and restore the shape of the tooth, dentists use composite filling materials, which are endowed with good masking characteristics. Using them, you can be sure that the metal will not shine through. After restoring the shape of the tooth, a polishing system is used. This method allows you to provide the tooth with an appearance identical to the natural one. After carrying out such work, no one will be able to detect traces of the restoration. Experienced dentists will quickly and efficiently put the tooth in order, once again providing it with strength and external beauty.

Chip of cermet

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Pros and cons

The advantages of the design include:

  1. Simple and safe process of prosthetics;
  2. The use of only hypoallergenic and biocompatible materials;
  3. Effective restoration of chewing function;
  4. High aesthetic performance of crowns;
  5. Long service life;
  6. High strength;
  7. Protecting the tooth from further damage;
  8. Artificial teeth are not different from natural ones;
  9. A wide palette of colors to select the desired shade;
  10. Uniform distribution of chewing pressure;
  11. Strong fixation;
  12. Lack of special care;
  13. Affordable design cost.

The disadvantages of ceramic crowns include:

  • Risk of ceramic chipping or structural failure;
  • The need to prepare the tooth, which includes the removal of nerves and significant grinding of the tooth;
  • In the absence of depulpation of the teeth, complications arise in the form of pulpitis;
  • The risk of an allergy to a metal frame or ceramics;
  • Erasure of opposing teeth;
  • Translucence of the metal frame from under the gums, especially in the area of ​​​​the front teeth.


The structures consist of a frame 0.3-0.5 mm thick and a ceramic layer 1.2-2 mm. Crowns have several types, depending on the material of the frame:

  1. Based on metal and its alloys. Such crowns are the most common and affordable;
  2. Based on cobalt-chromium and nickel. Alloys have been developed specifically for use in orthopedic dentistry;
  3. Based on precious metals (gold) - these are the most expensive designs. Their advantages are increased aesthetics, the possibility of using in the frontal region of the jaw, and the absence of allergic reactions.

Manufacturing steps

Treatment can be divided into two large stages: therapeutic and orthopedic. At the therapeutic stage, the organs of the oral cavity are sanitized and the necessary teeth are prepared. Sanitation includes the treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, non-carious lesions of the teeth, as well as gum diseases: gingivitis, periodontitis and stomatitis.

Tooth preparation consists of nerve removal (depulpation). To begin with, an x-ray is taken to make sure that there is no inflammatory process on the root of the tooth. In the presence of inflammation, the doctor uses a slightly different treatment tactic to eliminate the pathogenic focus. When depulping a tooth, the dentist performs anesthesia, removal of the nerve, cleaning of the root canals with instruments and antiseptics, and filling the canals. The treatment ends with permanent fillings made of photopolymer materials.

Feedback (Anna, 38 years old): “After the treatment of the canals of the lateral tooth, there was a strong destruction of the tooth and I decided to install an artificial crown. After a careful choice, I settled on metal-ceramic crowns and do not regret my choice. The crown does not differ from natural teeth and does not require special care. The dentist gave a guarantee for 1 year, but promised that the crown would last more than 5 years.”

At the orthopedic stage of treatment, the hard tissues of the tooth are ground to a thickness of 1.5-2 mm from all sides. After turning, a small stump of the tooth is obtained, from which the doctor takes impressions with a special material. At this stage, the anatomical shape of the teeth and color are selected using the Vita scale.

At the time of crowns manufacturing (7-10 working days), provisional temporary crowns are put on the turned teeth to preserve the aesthetics and integrity of the teeth. After the fabrication of the structure, the procedure for fixing the finished metal-ceramic crowns is carried out.

In the absence of a tooth crown, an additional stage of treatment is the manufacture of a stump tab. An inlay is a metal rod that consists of a root part and a crown part. The root part is fixed in the canal of the tooth, and the root part looks like a stump, on which the crown will be fixed. The laboratory stages of crown manufacturing include:

  • Casting a plaster model of the tooth;
  • Making temporary crowns;
  • Production of a cast metal frame;
  • Facing the frame with ceramic mass;
  • Baking ceramics at high temperature to give the necessary properties;
  • Grinding and polishing of the finished structure.

Installation (before and after)

After manufacturing the product, the dental technician sends the work to the clinic for further installation. The dentist checks the crowns for serviceability, absence of defects and proceeds to installation in the oral cavity. To do this, the teeth and crowns are treated with antiseptics, a special glue is prepared and the product is fixed on it.

Sometimes a temporary fixation is carried out, and then permanent materials are used. This stage is used to check the crown in the bite, so that the design does not interfere with eating or talking. After installing ceramic-metal crowns, the doctor gives recommendations on proper care, operating rules and the need for preventive examinations.

Preparation for metal-ceramic crown

One of the most important stages of successful treatment is the preparation of the tooth for a crown. Fixation and stabilization of the structure, aesthetic appearance and service life will depend on how the tooth is turned. To properly form the stump of the tooth, it is necessary to remove hard tissues by 1.5-2 mm (0.4-0.6 for a metal frame and 0.8-1.3 for ceramic lining).

Removal of a large layer of tissue is painful and can provoke the development of inflammation of the nerve, therefore depulpation is recommended. The preparation is carried out using a bur of the required shape and a water-cooled tip. Preparation steps for a metal-ceramic crown:

  1. Creation of grooves of the required thickness to control the removal of hard tissues;
  2. Grinding the vestibular and oral sides of the tooth;
  3. Preparation of the chewing surface or cutting edge;
  4. Turning the contact surface on both sides;
  5. Installing a retraction thread and pushing back the gums;
  6. Formation of a circular ledge for a strong fixation of the future structure and the correct distribution of chewing pressure;
  7. Final processing of the tooth stump.

Caring for metal-ceramic dental crowns

Hygienic care for metal-ceramic crowns includes regular brushing in the morning and evening. During hygiene, it is necessary to carry out sweeping movements from the gum to the cutting edge. In this case, attention should be paid to the area of ​​transition of the crown to the gum. The stiffness of the brush bristles can be chosen to be comfortable for natural teeth. It is also not recommended to use the brush for more than three months.

It is mandatory to use dental floss to clean the interdental spaces. The remains of food between the teeth provoke decementation of the crowns and the occurrence of a carious process. To prevent complications, it is necessary to use floss every day after brushing your teeth, the procedure is recommended to be carried out before going to bed.

If necessary, it is recommended to use dental brushes to clean the space between the teeth. Every six months, you need to visit a doctor to inspect structures, treat diseases and professionally clean your teeth. In case of periodontal tissue diseases, it is necessary to carry out treatment, since chronic inflammation of the gums reduces the quality and service life of crowns.

Life time

The service life of metal-ceramic crowns is 6-10 years, but doctors give a guarantee for 1-2 years. The service life of structures depends on the following factors:

  • The quality of the therapeutic stage of treatment. A common cause of crown removal is inflammation and pain at the top of the tooth. Such situations arise with poor-quality root canal treatment and a decrease in human immunity;
  • Proper preparation of hard tissues. If the tooth is not properly turned, the crown will not be fixed well and will constantly fall off the stump;
  • Professionalism of the dental technician;
  • Quality of dental materials;
  • Hygienic oral care;
  • chewing pressure. Excessive pressure (opening bottles, nuts) can lead to structural failure.

How much does a crown cost for a tooth

The price of metal-ceramic crowns depends on many factors:

  1. Location and prestige of the clinic;
  2. Pricing policy of dentistry;
  3. The choice of materials;
  4. Experience of a doctor and dental technician;
  5. production time;
  6. The quality of the ceramic mass;
  7. The presence of temporary crowns;
  8. The presence of the stage of therapeutic preparation of the tooth.

A crown made from materials of domestic manufacturers will cost 4-5 thousand rubles. When using high-quality German ceramics, the price will be about 6-8 thousand rubles. When using a precious metal alloy for the frame, the price of the crown will be 15-50 thousand rubles. In the manufacture of temporary crowns, the cost of the structure will increase by about a thousand rubles.

Question answer

Is it possible to do an MRI with metal-ceramic crowns

Previously, it was impossible to conduct studies with a magnetic resonance tomograph in the presence of metal inclusions in the oral cavity, including metal-ceramic crowns. In the presence of metal elements, the results of the examination are distorted and the study is not effective. Modern technologies allow examinations in the presence of crowns, pins, braces, plates and other elements. New tomographs equipped with special features that allow examinations of almost everyone. Before the MRI, you need to warn the doctor about the state of health and the presence of crowns.

Can crowns be whitened?

Over time, crowns can slightly darken, become saturated with pigments from the oral cavity, and many are interested in the question: is it possible to whiten? Whitening products are designed to affect enamel, so using them on ceramics will be ineffective. So that the designs do not change color, you need to regularly carry out hygiene procedures, visit a doctor for professional cleaning. If necessary, a polishing procedure can be carried out, in which traces of dark plaque and tartar are eliminated.

Feedback (Evgeny, 45 years old): “I had a large prosthesis made of metal-ceramic crowns on the upper jaw. Crowns were placed on the front and side teeth. I am very pleased with the result of the treatment, my teeth look beautiful and now I can fully eat. Immediately after installation, there was a slight discomfort in the mouth, but after a few days I got used to it and the discomfort disappeared. ”

Which crowns are better metal-ceramic or zirconium

Zirconium crowns are orthopedic structures that are made from zirconium dioxide. Compared to cermets, they are made without a metal frame, which has many advantages. High-quality material provides high aesthetics, strength, reliability, durability.

There is no translucence of the metal in the cervical region and the occurrence of allergic reactions is excluded. It can be concluded that zirconium crowns are much better than metal-ceramic ones. The only disadvantage of the products is the high cost.

A piece of a metal-ceramic crown broke off: what to do

A very common complication in the treatment of metal-ceramic crowns is the occurrence of chips and breakage of ceramics. A piece of material can break off with excessive chewing pressure on an artificial tooth, with the use of nuts, crackers, etc. If a complication occurs, it is necessary to contact the attending orthopedic doctor and eliminate the defect.

Today, the most advanced technologies and exceptionally reliable materials are used in the manufacture of dentures. But, despite this, chips and damage to dental crowns still happen.

In such situations, Moscow doctors often advise replacing the prosthesis with a new one, but few people know that there is a much more gentle way to solve this problem - the repair of metal-ceramic crowns in Moscow. Practice shows that most types of prostheses can be repaired, which is faster and much cheaper than installing a new metal-ceramic crown on a tooth. If you notice a chip on a metal-ceramic crown, contact a specialist immediately.

What are the causes of damage to cermets?

Among the main factors contributing to the breakdown of the dental structure are:

  • not taken into account the difference in the coefficients of thermal expansion of the materials that make up the product;
  • bruxism;
  • excessively long prosthesis, and, as a result, increased external / internal loads on it;
  • the use of cement to fix the structure;
  • getting a foreign object between the tooth and the crown;
  • incorrect tooth modeling;
  • violations in the technique of working with cermets;
  • human factor.

Methods for repairing cermets

Restoration of a chip or other damage to the dental structure is possible in two ways:

  • the first is surface polishing. Grinding is indicated for micro-splitting, when the metal frame is not exposed;
  • the second is restoration using composite materials.

The procedure is as follows: the dentist builds up the damaged area with a special material and gives the tooth a solid, original appearance. These manipulations restore the strength of the product and prevent its subsequent destruction.

Regional Marina Vasilievna

Clinical specialty - therapy, endodontics, aesthetic dentistry, micro-prosthetics, whitening and prevention.

Dentist of the highest category.

She took specialized courses in dental schools in Germany, the USA and Israel.

For 20 years he has been working in leading dental clinics in Moscow. He constantly improves his qualifications by participating in international symposiums and seminars.

Kalaidov Andrey Fyodorovich


Dr. A. F. Kalaidov is one of the pioneers of Russian implantology. Has been involved in dental implants since 1992. Specializes in bone reconstruction. The oldest Russian member of the European Association of Osseointegration - the most prestigious association of implantologists in the world. Author of original techniques for the reconstruction of the jawbone and soft tissues. He lectures at international congresses. He regularly teaches doctors both the basics of implantation and complex reconstructive surgeries. Patients from all over the world come to him for treatment, from the USA to Japan.

Polekhin Alexander Viktorovich

Maxillofacial surgeon, implant surgeon

A highly qualified specialist with 13 years of experience in dento-alveolar and maxillofacial surgery in the best clinics in Moscow.

Graduate of the Voronezh State Medical Academy named after V.I. N.N. Burdenko.

Clinical specialty - maxillofacial surgery, surgical dentistry.

Sofieva Madina Vyacheslavovna


She graduated from clinical residency at the Department of Orthodontics and Children's Prosthetics of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University.

Clinical specialty - orthodontics.

Dentist-orthodontist. Work experience since 1997.

Artamonova Irina Vladimirovna

Dentist-therapist, candidate of medical sciences

Clinical specialty - therapy, endodontics, aesthetic dentistry, whitening, microprosthetics.

Candidate of Medical Sciences. (2005)

Badalov Samir Badalovich


Clinical specialty - orthopedic dentistry.

He was trained by leading experts in Europe. Constantly participates in international congresses.

Nesterovich Victor Alexandrovich


Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

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