There are no four fingers in a dream dream book. Dream interpretation fingers

It is known that on the feet, as well as on the hands, there should be five fingers, but if their number is increased in a dream, an increase in the state should be expected. Wanting to know what 6 toes dream of, you need to tell your vision to a specialist, not forgetting about the smallest details of sleep.

What if you dream of six toes?

When a person dreams that he has six toes on his foot, you need to pay attention to other details of sleep, the details are sometimes of great importance. The dreamer needs to remember how he got an extra finger, whether it was originally, or the existing one was divided. In the first case, we should probably talk about an increase in wealth, perhaps this will be a successful deal that will end in a good profit. However, winning the lottery or receiving an inheritance from a long-forgotten relative is not ruled out.

In the case when the big toe increased in size and then split in two with pain and blood, the interpreter of dreams warns the dreamer that he will get money with great difficulty. A person has to work hard and hard, regardless of fatigue, in order to achieve the desired level of well-being. If there was no pain and no blood was observed either, the money will come easily, as if falling from the sky.

Seeing six fingers instead of five on your foot in a dream, you need to remember more details, and write them down on paper so as not to forget. Going to the interpreter of dreams, you need to take these notes with you and show them, because only based on detailed information, the specialist will be able to make the correct prediction.

For a correct prediction, the condition of not only an additional finger, but also the whole leg, beautiful, well-groomed nails on it matters, this is a sign that a person at this stage will be successful in all his endeavors. Now you can safely start a new business, conclude deals, go on a long journey. By the way, an unmarried man on the way can meet an interesting stranger with whom a long-term love relationship will begin.

If you dreamed that your toes were dirty and your nails were broken, you should expect big expenses of money to come, but if you have an extra toe, they will not lead to ruin. It is believed that a dream about fingers, repeated several times, indicates some unfinished business that will certainly pop up at the most inopportune moment. If a woman sees such a dream, it means that soon she will meet the man of her dreams and get married.

What portends?

A dream is considered especially favorable, in which a person sees a golden jewelry on an extra finger, which means that all his dreams will come true, he will achieve his goal without straining too much. For a woman, such a dream promises marriage to a rich and influential man. It is not known how happy such a marriage will be and whether there will be love in it, but sometimes respect and kindness to each other is enough for a normal family life.

Experts say that such visions predict the recovery of a seriously ill person, and this may concern both the dreamer himself and his family members. A split toe, in some cases, may mean that the sleeper is on the verge of a change in life and he has to make a choice. Such visions sometimes come to school graduates, because they need to decide what to do next - go to work or go to college and continue their education in order to obtain a prestigious profession.

A dream in which a person sees six toes on his foot is generally considered auspicious, it portends the receipt of a large amount of money, winning the lottery. A businessman may hope to strike a bargain with the support of an influential person. The dreamer is also lucky in his personal life - there is a chance to meet a lady who will later become his wife.

The variety of dreams is associated with the richness of life realities. This also applies to the human body with its individual parts that people dream of.

Sources emphasize the ambiguity of the image of a finger or toe that was seen in a dream. For example, Aesop's dream book explains fingers as a symbol that cannot be accurately interpreted. The interpretation of such a dream is associated with a number of conditions.

When deciphering what fingers dream of, pay attention to:

  1. The life situation or relationship that is now occupied by the dreamer's thoughts.
  2. Additional characteristics that arose in a dream.
  3. Various interpretations that dream books offer.

Important: the interpretation of the image of a finger in a dream is not always influenced by its symbolic cultural meaning.

The reasons

  • Being part of the human body, the finger indicates the occurrence of positions related to personal development.
  • Often such a dream is aimed at drawing attention to situations that a person forgets or does not notice about in everyday life.
  • Sometimes the subconscious suggests a solution for everyday difficulties.
  • The body signals possible physical problems.

Interpretation criteria

To explain why fingers dream, interpreters combine the varieties of this image according to several criteria:

  • Firstly, according to the location on the arm or leg (large, index, and so on) and additional signs (bruised, sick, etc.).
  • Secondly, in appearance (whole, in the blood).
  • Thirdly, according to the actions of the person himself or other actors (indicate, bite off, etc.).
  • Fourthly, unusual or strange dreams are combined into a separate group.


To find out what the finger is dreaming of, try to remember its location on the hands (or) in a dream.

1. I dreamed of a thumb - the subconscious mind warns you to be careful in relationships and not trust strangers.

If it hurts, then temporary setbacks in financial endeavors await you, and if it is absent, this means small expenses and misunderstanding with loved ones. The subconscious sends a signal: trust your friends, tell them about your worries. Also, such pain portends a mild migraine.

2. If you saw in a dream your index finger in the blood (or that drops of milk flow out of it) - you will have a difficult relationship with your mother-in-law or mother-in-law. But the difficult situation will eventually be resolved, and you will get along.

See how you injure your finger - portends problems with your left hand (sprains, bruises). He dreams about how he rises - an image from the subconscious that in all endeavors one should keep a distance and caution. In general, the index finger dreams when the subconscious mind seeks to draw a person's attention to a problem.

3. The middle finger is associated with the person himself. Depending on his state, you can understand your psychological state.

4. The ring finger, on which a golden ring is put on, is a harbinger of a passionate affair with a married man. Such a dream predicts marriage or betrothal (for a single person). And if the nameless one is absent, expect money problems that will be solved only by your efforts.

5. A bruised little finger portends minor injuries (such as bruises) on the right hand. A broken one promises misunderstanding from friends.


A finger seen in a dream can be characterized by the following symptoms:

Broken - if the little finger, the subconscious portends disagreements with friends. Velesov's dream book speaks in this case of ailments in the family, and Yuri Longo claims that more efforts must be made to achieve a result. Don't lose hope and don't give up.

Cut off - you will be disturbed by a restless conscience, but then you will realize that you have nothing to blame yourself for. The dreamer will return the lost location of friends or relatives. If it is nameless, it portends the birth of a son, and if it is middle, the news will soon talk about losses in the field of science or art.

White, clean, beautiful - your feeling will be reciprocated. The dreamer will be honored, rewarded, promoted. Also a symbol of health, good luck in the service and in private life. Show generosity and indulgence to the shortcomings of friends, and they will respond with respect and love.

Chopped - you will part with family and friends for a short time (business trip or vacation). Dream Interpretation Hasse explains why you dream of cutting your finger: you will receive recognition from relatives and friends. Perhaps parting with a loved one, but not for long.

  • Bandaged - an image of health problems that are easily solved.
  • Dirty - to the fulfillment of desires or to a bad mood.
  • The bruised symbolizes leg problems (bruises, sprains): the middle one is on the left, and the nameless one is on the right.
  • Alien - positive events in the lives of other people. Curves - ill-wishers are preparing to harm your personal relationships, but you will be able to avoid their intrigues. Stay away from those who are not trustworthy.
  • Severed finger - symbolizes a short separation from a husband or wife, children. Work on family relationships.
  • If the finger is covered with wool - unexpected and large income (inheritance, bonus at work).


Grishina points out that looking at fingers on your hands is for enrichment, and scratching is for financial success in business. According to other interpretations, many small troubles are coming. To prick in a dream is a signal from the subconscious about a slight malaise.

If you see how you burn your finger - this is a marriage or misunderstanding with younger relatives. Also, the subconscious mind tells you not to interfere in other people's affairs. Longo claims that such an image portends a confusing situation from which you yourself, with honor, will find a way out.

Someone shows the dreamer a “V” sign - a warning from the subconscious not to rush and refrain from acting for 20 days. The information you have acquired during this time will change the vision of the situation.

If you dream about how they are trying to cut off your finger on your hand, then the subconscious mind calls for vigilance and foresee the actions of ill-wishers in time. On your feet - do not invest in expensive projects, now is an unfavorable time.

If you dreamed of a fingerless right hand, then a long journey awaits you. When the fingers are injured on the feet, then it is the turn of financial assistance to the family, and if there are no fingers, get together, circumstances will require intervention. Clenched fist - the time for active action to solve problems in the family has not yet come.

She dreams about how the finger suddenly spoke - a warning about a tense situation in the family. Interpreters are advised to take a closer look at their own behavior and show understanding to close people and friends.

The image of a finger seen in a dream is characterized by a wealth of meanings and their shades. Associated with the spiritual and personal life of a person, such dreams are interpreted by dream books mainly as a good sign.

Sometimes they mean complications with relatives or friends, but the positive meanings that this image is endowed with make these difficulties short-lived. Author: Maria Kuglerova

Dream interpretation toes

In general, legs in a dream are considered by dream books as the path of a person. This can apply both to the life path and to a specific road.

Why dream of toes? Interpreters can give many predictions that contradict one another. To understand night vision, you will have to study the issue thoroughly.

General meaning of sleep

It is necessary to clarify how the dreamer reacted to this symbol in a dream, what were the nuances of the vision, the time period. Predictions can differ dramatically from each other.

Interpretation of sleep by day of the week

Many dream books turn Special attention on the night on which day of the week the dream is dreaming. So, you dreamed about your toes on the night of:

Dropping lower limbs

  • Monday - life will present the dreamer with a number of unpleasant surprises, he will learn about deception, will begin to experience various difficulties;
  • tuesday - the dreamer is an optional person who is completely unable to keep his word;
  • Wednesday - a split in power, trouble in the country where the sleeping person lives;
  • Thursday - well-being, and not only material, also peace of mind awaits the dreamer;
  • Friday - you have an enemy who has real chances to harm you;
  • Saturday - the cause to which you have devoted most of your life is in danger;
  • Sunday - in general, the dream does not carry any message, it may indicate that in our life we ​​cannot rely on anyone.

Dream book predictions

You can consider night symbols from the position of when the vision appeared to the dreamer. It is better to reconsider certain interpreters of dreams.

Persian dream book Taflisi

The interpreter believes that if you just dreamed about your toes, without any injuries or distinguishing features, then everything is fine in life. The main thing is not to frighten away the happiness that is nearby.

The lower limb is damaged - you will have property troubles.

Seeing wounds or cuts in a dream

Cuts of varying degrees dream of parting with close relatives. If they are broken, then a loved one may soon die.

Broken toes promise big trouble in business. You should urgently go about your business before it's too late. If you hesitate any longer, the situation will backfire.

A strange dream in which fingers begin to talk to you means that relatives have taken up arms against you and weave intrigues behind your back.

Interpreter of Azar

This dream book considers toes in the same way as fingers. It is believed that after sleep, a heap of small tasks and troubles will fall on you. You will be busy with unnecessary chores.

Love dream book

When you see beautiful toes in night vision, this is a very good sign. So, fate will bring you a person who will become your destiny, you will be happy together.

Interpreter of the sorceress Medea

Dreaming of beautiful fingers

A vision with fingers indicates that you will have to solve some everyday, everyday issues. Such a vision suggests that you will have many things to do.

Get hurt - you should not get into someone else's life, thereby you will only harm yourself.

Cut off fingers - loss of friends, relatives. If there was no blood, then material damage.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

A dreaming finger is your friend, assistant, relative. Accordingly, if there are a lot of them, then you have surrounded yourself with faithful people. If the phalanges were beautiful, then you are lucky in love affairs.

To see 6, 7, 8 or more toes on one foot - to receive an inheritance, profit. When they are lacking, then separation or loss of a material nature awaits you.

Interpreter from "A" to "Z"

The image of the legs in the dreams of a young girl

The fingers on the lower extremities are dreamed of before the dreamer is accused of their deed, this is what this dream book believes. You run the risk of getting into trouble at work, a serious conversation with your superiors, you will be called to school, management will not be very happy with the work done.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

When a woman dreams of toes, then minor chores await her.. If the lady is currently in a state of cold war with someone, then the dream may mark the beginning of violent hostilities.

Interpreter Hasse

What can a girl's leg with fingers dream about? The dream interpretation believes that soon the dreamer may receive an anonymous letter in which threats will be written.

Another dream promises turmoil, an incomprehensible situation that will develop around you.

It is believed that if such a vision appeared on the full moon, then the dreamer will strive with all his might to seek truth and justice, and in the end he will achieve his goal.

How many fingers did you see in a dream

Dreamed of an unusual number of fingers

Six toes on one foot indicate your desire to help your neighbor. You do it disinterestedly, since you are a person of such a temperament. Although, if you experienced discomfort from the fact that there is one more phalanx, then your desire to help will not be able to change anything, but will only cause irritation among the people around you.

If you have experienced absolutely no discomfort, then you will be able to support a person in difficult times, give him good advice, inspire hope, reassure.

It happens that in a dream there is a completely unimaginable number of fingers on the leg. The vision speaks of the beginning of a difficult period in the life of a sleeping person. You run the risk of encountering a large number of obstacles and difficulties along the way. You need to remember your feelings:

  • if extra fingers did not interfere with you at all, but even helped to some extent, then in reality you will find support and help, most likely where you did not expect at all;
  • phalanxes caused inconvenience - there will be more and more worries and difficulties.

Interpreters advise not to despair and fight to the last. If you become completely unbearable, then ask for help from loved ones.

Seeing crippled limbs in a dream

When you dreamed of someone else's limb completely without phalanges, then you run the risk of being left completely alone and in material need. Even the children of a sleeping person will not take care of him.

Other dreams associated with the phalanges

Break your toe - you are too aggressive person. By your behavior, you repel even those people who treat you kindly.

If the phalanx is not just broken, but fallen off, completely absent, then because of your character you will be left all alone. At this time, troubles will pile up on you, and you will have to deal with them alone.

Take the advice of the dream book: restrain yourself, control your emotions, try to calm down.

Why is the big toe dreaming? According to the interpreter, you can safely begin to prepare for the reception of long-awaited guests. It could be a distant relative or a friend you haven't seen in a while. The interpreter is sure that you will be glad to see him.

A child is dreaming with missing toes - the dreamer will find himself in a situation that he cannot influence. If the baby did not have legs at all, then you will suffer greatly, but you will not be able to change anything.

If you are interested in the color of nail polish, then, considering this issue briefly, we can say:

  • white - to the acquisition of new things or acquaintances;
  • red - unexpected news;
  • black - disease, sadness.

In general, it is better to turn to dream books for help, search in the “Color” section.

In night vision, you are not entirely satisfied with the condition and appearance of your fingers - in reality, you are very angry with someone, but you take your anger out on an innocent person.

You stepped on your foot - in some business you will be the first.

If you saw fingers in a dream, try to remember as many details of the dream as possible, because the interpretation of visions directly depends on them. What are the fingers for?

What does a dream about fingers mean?

Modern dream book

When you see fingers on beautiful hands in a dream, expect reciprocal love and glorification from generosity in real life.

Fingers dirty and scratched, with bleeding wounds, prophesy despair, suffering and a lot of unpleasant moments in life.

Pointing at something or someone in a dream with a finger means an early realization of one's unseemly deeds and repentance for what one has done.

Contemplating your index finger in a dream may indicate that the cause of many failures should be sought in yourself. A dreaming thumb promises the patronage of dexterous people who will plunge you into uncertainty.

When you lose a finger in a dream, for men, the dream prophesies the loss of respectful attitude of partners, and for women - an accident with a child.

When in a dream one of the fingers differs in its size, you will find yourself in a situation that you have never been in before.

A dream where your fingers are cut off portends the deprivation of your wealth by intruders.

Having donated fingers in a dream, expect a wonderful present or good news in reality.

We saw a wound on the thumb - get ready to incur losses in business.

In the dream book, scratch your fingers - to growing well-being. Making a profit prophesies and looking at fingers. If there are more of them on hand than it should be, an inheritance awaits you.

If you broke your little finger in a dream, expect a quarrel.

Small Velesov dream book

A limb itches in a dream - to make a profit. Burn it - to envious gossip.

If in a dream they pointed a finger at you, and at the same time you clearly felt an attack of fear, you should beware of attacks.

To love and happiness - that's what beautiful fingers dream of.

Fingers that were cut off in a dream promise trouble and mortal danger for a friend.

To the illness of a loved one - this is what a broken finger dreams of.

An extra number of fingers portends an inheritance.

When in a dream they poked a finger at you - in reality, expect changes.

Women's dream book

Seeing fingers in a dream unkempt, dirty, with bloody abrasions - to a feeling of disappointment and bitterness. On the contrary, well-groomed, they will become a signal of your sincere feelings, which will be appreciated by the right person.

In a dream, the thumb looks very small - expect fast-paced joyful events.

When in a dream you feel pain in your thumb, get ready for unsuccessful business dealings. When this finger is not at all, then loneliness and a poor life await you.

In the dream book, a finger stained with something indicates that you are enjoying your love passions.

When in a dream you see an overly long nail on your thumb, give up dubious pleasures, otherwise they will make you commit a sin.

The absence of any fingers on the hands is a big financial loss.

Freud's dream book

A woman who injures a finger in a dream, which symbolizes the male reproductive organ in the dream book, may in reality be subject to violent acts.

A man who hurts his finger in a dream, in reality, has doubts about his masculine strength.

If you dreamed that you touched the limbs of a person of the opposite sex, this means that you want to have sexual relations.

When in a dream the toes or hands are bandaged, it is required to use a condom during intercourse.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

In a dream, to see beautiful fingers - to successful and reciprocal love.

If in a dream you looked at your index finger, in life you need to pay special attention to something.

Fingers adorned with beautiful rings promise temptation with something or someone.

If not all fingers are present on the hand - to losses, failures and death of loved ones.

An extra number of fingers portends the receipt of hereditary wealth. Also, fingers that you simply examine or scratch dream of wealth.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

To lose a finger in a dream is to suffer losses in reality.

Cripple fingers - become loved and adored by many.

The presence of beautiful fingers in a dream prophesies the achievement of high honor.

Dream Interpretation Yu. Longo

A dreaming index finger looking up predicts a great danger, so you should take precautions.

To break a limb in a dream - nothing of the planned will come out.

A bandaged finger portends a short-lived illness awaiting you or your relatives.

A severed finger dreams of the loss of support from relatives.

You burned your finger in a dream - you will decide how to quickly and independently get out of a difficult situation.

Hairy fingers dream of unexpected financial profit.

Also interesting: why dream


Dream Interpretation Fingers The most common finger sleep indications are: your children; your nephews; people in your service; friends. If you dreamed of a right hand devoid of fingers, then in reality you are destined to lose a close relative or even your own child (possibly a nephew). Fingers clenched into a fist portend that, due to very serious obstacles, you are unlikely to be able to fully deal with the problems of your own family. The absence of a ring finger on your hand in a dream is a harbinger of financial loss. The toes seen in a dream are a sign that everything is in perfect order with you. If the toes are damaged, this is a harbinger of property problems. Cut fingers - to separation from people close to you. Broken fingers - to the death of a relative. If you dreamed that your fingers and toes were broken, you need to seriously go about your business while you can still save at least something. A dream in which milk drips from the little finger or blood drips from the index finger portends a difficult relationship with your spouse's mother. An unusual and rare dream, when you hear a voice sounding from your finger, means that your relatives are plotting against you. Dream Interpretation Taflisi

Dream Interpretation Fingers The fingers are very beautiful - happiness in love; pointing, ticking at someone or something - big changes in life; extra finger - profit, inheritance; lost finger - a lawsuit, some kind of trouble. Ukrainian dream book

Dream Interpretation Fingers Seeing the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched - to bitterness and disappointment. If your hands are beautiful, white, with well-groomed fingers in a dream, the sincerity of your feelings will be appreciated. Your benevolence and generosity will earn you respect. If you dream that you have no fingers on your hands, this means great material losses. If in a dream you focus on your thumb, there is a danger of becoming a victim of dodgers and scammers. If in a dream you experience pain in your thumb, you will fail in business. The absence of a thumb means need and loneliness. If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, fleeting joys await you. Too much thumb means that your success will be swift and brilliant. If you see that your thumb is dirty, you will experience great pleasure, giving free rein to your passions. Too long a thumbnail indicates that the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you to sin. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Fingers If you see that you are missing a finger on your hand, this dream portends a misfortune for a woman that can happen to her child to men: this predicts a loss of respect from friends or colleagues. If you accidentally lose a finger: Your actions are very reasonable and there is no cause for concern. If you find that one of the fingers stands out for its size among the others: this portends a situation in which you have not yet had to find yourself. If in a dream you donated a finger, you will receive good news or a gift. If in a dream you saw your index finger: look for the cause of your troubles and troubles in yourself. Pointing your finger: means that very soon you will regret what you have done and will be annoyed by what you have done. Instruct someone: to realize their guilt. If you dream of dirty or scratched bleeding fingers, the dream promises trouble and suffering. On the path of life, you will often despair. To dream of beautiful hands with white fingers means that your love will be mutual and your generosity will glorify you. The dream in which your fingers were cut off predicts that enemies will deprive you of wealth and inheritance. Seeing a thumb in a dream is a sign that clever people will patronize you, and your future will be uncertain. If you dreamed that you had a wound on your thumb, you will suffer losses in commercial affairs, and your companions will turn out to be unpleasant people. Absence of a thumb: predicts need, deprivation and loneliness. If the thumb seems unnaturally small: Your pleasures will be fleeting and short-lived. If it is abnormally large: You will have a great stunning success. Dirty thumb: dreams to satisfy your passions. Too big a nail on the thumb: predicts that in pursuit of strange pleasures you will get into trouble. If you accidentally lose your finger, then your actions are very reasonable and there is no cause for concern. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Hands, fingers, mittens This symbol is very significant: hands are considered a part of the body, without which it is impossible to lead a normal life and enjoy the fact that you live. There are a lot of proverbs and sayings among the people, in which there is a mention of hands. They have different meanings, so the meaning of the symbol cannot be spoken even approximately. To dream that you are looking for glasses and understand that you need them like hands, you cannot do anything without them - this dream indicates the need for an assistant; you have to find a new way to achieve what you need; you will not be able to fulfill the promise. To dream of parents who scold you for a broken glass and, laughing, say that you do not have hands, but mounting hooks - to criticism, dissatisfaction with yourself; to reflection and the next awakening of old complexes. To dream of a person with strange hands, they look like wings and stick out from the back - you will not be lucky with new employees; to household problems; to trouble. To dream that your hands are very itchy - to a fight; to clarify relationships with unbalanced people; accident or money. To dream that you are trying on large mittens with prickly spikes on your hands - this dream portends a promotion; relations in the family will improve; your children will present a pleasant surprise; you will find a solution to a problem that has long caused a headache. To see that you are carefully trying to wash your hands without soap, and therefore rub them against each other with all your might, you have no one to rely on, so make your own decision; in order not to get stuck in a dirty business, be able to give a categorical refusal in time; you can't hide what you've done. To dream that they pour water from a jug on your hands and you wash your face - you are preoccupied with plans that you keep secret and are trying to develop a course of retreat in case of failure; you will be persecuted for hiding the truth. To dream of a person who does everything with his own hands and offers his help - this means that you will make a good acquaintance; a person with great connections will appear in your circle; you have to get out of a confusing situation. To see a dream in which you are appointed by the right hand of the boss - your ambitions are not destined to receive a worthy reward; do not rush to change jobs; to a good conversation; to the fulfillment of desire. To dream that you are sitting in a hole and cannot get out, but no one comes to cry for help, no one lends a hand to you - this dream portends disappointment; you quarrel with a reliable person; you are destined to experience new sensations. To see a man who sits like an idol, and his arms are lowered along the sides - you have to deal with an incorrigible lazy person; what you have in mind will not come true, because you will not have real allies; to misunderstanding and communication with empty people. To dream that you are starting to drown, but do not ask for help, but are trying to get out of your last strength on your own - to the recognition of your merits; to a new project; to a good deal. You are looking for the culprit who left dirty handprints all over the apartment - this dream warns you that you should expect trouble; you will be involved in unpleasant rumors; you have to work hard to insist on your own; you have to learn something special that will cause a lot of trouble. Seeing in a dream a person who is constantly spinning in the cycle of affairs and cannot even sit down to take a break - this dream portends boredom, fatigue and a monotonous occupation. To dream of a person who with all his appearance inspires confidence and the ability to stand up for himself, about whom they say that do not put a finger in his mouth - it seems to you that your opinion is not taken seriously; to doubt; to clashes with the mighty of this world, those in power. Aesop's dream book

The meaning of sleep Fingers Pain in the fingers: portends a misfortune that will affect the children of the author of the dream. If he does not have them, he will refuse to pray. If someone sees himself with a cut off ring finger: a son will be born to him. If he sees that his middle finger has been cut off: he will learn about the death of a famous scientist or judge in his country. If he sees that four fingers have been cut off at once, he will marry four women, who will soon all die. If the sleeper sees that he is cutting off someone's finger, this means that he will cause that person losses. It is said that the disappearance of fingers: means the absence of servants. If he sees in a dream that someone is cutting off his toe, it will become known that he is refusing to pay the debt, or his cash income will be depleted, with which he expected to ensure his existence. Islamic Dream Interpretation

Sleep Fingers If in a dream, when asked how things are going for you, you show your thumb, they say, everything is fine, it means that in reality everything will be just the opposite. Folding a fiddle from your fingers portends an unexpected refusal, and if they show you a fig, you will come in a state of extreme excitement and do stupid things. Fingers folded into a fist with which you threaten someone in a dream portend participation in a scandal, quarrel or fight. If in a dream you scratch your fingers - this is a sign of profit, cut your nails on them - to trouble, do a manicure - you will experience loneliness away from home. Seeing a cut off or severed finger - to the loss of a relative, ugly twisted - friends will turn away from you, broken - to danger from rogues. If a wounded finger hurts in a dream, this is a failure in business. Losing a finger in a dream is a harbinger of need and suffering. Seeing more than five fingers on the hand - to new connections, profits and inheritance. Burn your fingers - lose the opportunity to have children. Putting a ring or ring on your finger - to enter into a second marriage or cohabitation with a widower. A thimble on your finger means serious trouble that cannot be avoided. To see thin artistic fingers plucking the strings of a guitar or fluttering on the piano keys - the pursuit of dubious entertainment will lead you to sin. Thick, like sausages, fingers - you will encounter a misunderstanding of the interlocutor, to whom elementary things do not reach. Little children's fingers seen in a dream - fleeting joy awaits you. Dirty or dirty fingers portend gossip and gossip around your love affairs. Scratched, knocked down or callused fingers signify the onset of sad events and the forced abandonment of the original plans. Well-groomed fingers - to luxury and wealth. If you dreamed of too long manicured nails on thin long fingers, then in reality you will experience a strong love passion. Seeing crooked fingers with claws instead of nails is a loss of money. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dreaming Fingers FINGERS - to see in a dream two fingers raised up as a sign of victory in the Latin letter V means that you need to wait 20 days and take no action, during which time you will receive new information that will radically change your plans and direct your thoughts to another direction. Dream Interpretation of Pythagoras

Why dream of Fingers Fingers in a dream: indicate the relationship of the situation to practical activities, solving everyday problems. See fingers: many small things will arise. Burn fingers, injure: a warning against interfering in other people's affairs. Severed fingers: loss of friends, relatives or damage. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Fingers If you dream of a raised index finger: this is a dream warning: if you do not follow the precautions, then you are in great danger. The situation may be aggravated by the fact that your ill-wishers during this period will attempt to put you on the bandwagon. Try to control your emotions, do not waste your energy on trifles, you will still need them in the struggle for a place in the sun. Broken finger: no matter how hard you try, nothing comes out the way you would like it to. You are completely exhausted. It seems to you that nothing good will happen in your life in the near future. Believe me, this will pass soon. Bandaged finger: to a short illness that awaits you or someone close to you. You should not be scared ahead of time, because it will be a slight ailment that will not cause any complications. If in a dream you see a severed finger, this means that in reality you risk losing the support of others. This is caused by your behavior, which lately you have been offending relatives and friends of people related to you. Burn your finger: you will find yourself in a difficult position from which it will be very difficult for you to get out. The exit is difficult because no one can help you. You will have to extricate yourself. Hairy fingers: to unexpected profits. Such a dream means that you can receive an inheritance from a wealthy relative or a reward for your work at work. Crooked fingers: your envious dream of harming you and are looking for all sorts of ways to do this. Be especially careful with those you trust little, especially those you don't trust at all. Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Dream Interpretation Fingers Fingers. When you dream of a thumb on your hand, there is a danger that you will become a victim of dodgers and dubious luck. If in a dream you experience pain in your thumb, it means that you will fail in business. The absence of a thumb means need and loneliness. If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, a fleeting joy awaits you. An unnatural thumb means that your success will be swift and brilliant. If you see that your thumb is dirty, you will experience pleasure, giving free rein to your passions. A too long thumbnail indicates that the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you into sin. Seeing fingers on your hands dirty and scratched - to sorrows. If you dream of beautiful white hands with well-groomed fingers, then in reality your sincere feeling will be appreciated. Your kindness and generosity will make you famous. If you dream that there are no fingers on your hands, this dream promises great material losses. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Fingers Seeing your thumb in a dream, take a closer look at your surroundings: no matter how you have to become a victim of dodgers and swindlers! Feeling pain in the thumb portends failure in business. The absence of a thumb promises need and loneliness. If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, fleeting joy awaits you. And an unnatural thumb means that your success will be swift and brilliant. If you see your thumb dirty, give free rein to passions and you will experience pleasure. A too long thumbnail is a warning: do not sin! Dirty and scratched fingers dream of trouble. And beautiful, well-groomed hands - to mutual love and success. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Fingers “Do not strike a finger”: inaction, idleness “know something like the back of your hand”: very good “look through your fingers”: connivance, do not pay attention “circle around your finger”: deceive “press to the nail”: ruthlessly punish , force "suck from the finger": invent, greatly exaggerate "beckon with the finger": attract, call "bite the finger": special sensitivity, but not so significant. Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Fingers Carefully examine a finger in a dream: try to see fate, predetermine the future (path). Sleep is favorable or unfavorable, depending on the awareness of sleep and the dreamer's actions in reality: the initial impetus for movement in a dream has been given, it remains to apply your mind, talent and strength. Seeing someone else's crippled finger: a state of imbalance and illness. The internal pathology of the organ gives rise to an inadequacy of the perception of the external world, since the whole organism begins to live in a rhythm that is sparing for the sick place, both movement and perception. This can result in damage in business and physical injuries, when in an extreme situation it will be necessary to realize all the abilities of perception, and some of the abilities have already been lost - a loss is inevitable. In addition, injured fingers in a dream: they can warn of possible physical injury not only to internal organs, but also to external parts of the body. The dependence is as follows: index thumb: left hand middle: left foot nameless: right foot little finger: right hand. Imperial dream book

Dream Interpretation Fingers Different fingers: have different meanings. This especially depends on the cultural environment where you are, as different cultures have assigned different meanings to different fingers. In Western cultures, the ring finger often symbolizes marriage and partnership. Middle finger: signifies anger, and can also be perceived as a phallic symbol. Thumb: says everything is fine. Index finger: can express accusation. Do you blame others, point the finger at you with condemnation? Thumb: means: "Go ahead." The thumb down says, "Forget it." Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Fingers Break a finger: one of your loved ones gets sick; scratch: profit was shown with a finger and fear grabbed you: beware of an attack or imprisonment; poke at someone or something: burn big changes in life: envy cut off fingers: death of a friend, trouble, judgment of excess fingers: profit, inheritance, friendship beautiful: happiness in love. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Fingers FINGERS - in general - helpers, children, loved ones, loved ones. Beautiful - good luck in love. Pointing - serious attention should be paid to something. In rings and rings - demonic temptation, seduction by something or some kind of secret knowledge. Extra - acquisition, inheritance. Lacks fingers on the hand, cut off - losses, failures; separation from spouse, children or death of one of them. Consider, itch - for money. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Fingers Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Fingers Seeing the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched: to bitterness and disappointment. If your hands in a dream are beautiful, white, with well-groomed fingers, the sincerity of your feelings will be appreciated. Your benevolence and generosity will earn you respect. If you dream that you have no fingers on your hands, this means great material losses. If in a dream you focus on your thumb, there is a danger of becoming a victim of dodgers and scammers. If in a dream you experience pain in your thumb, you will fail in business. The absence of a thumb means need and loneliness. If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, fleeting joys await you. Too thumb: means that your success will be swift and brilliant. If you see that your thumb is dirty, you will experience great pleasure, giving free rein to your passions. Too long thumbnail: says that the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you to sin. Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Dream Interpretation Fingers Break a finger: you will fall under the influence of a strong, authoritative personality. Fingerprints, if your own: to commit actions that fall under the article of the Criminal Code. The latest dream book

Dream Interpretation Fingers Fingers in a dream indicate the relationship of the situation to practical activities, solving everyday problems. (See also Nails) Seeing fingers - many small things will arise. Burn your fingers, injure - a warning against interfering in other people's affairs. Cut off fingers - loss of friends, relatives or damage. Dream Interpretation Tutorial

Dream Interpretation Fingers Seeing your thumb in a dream: be more attentive to your surroundings: no matter how you have to become a victim of dodgers and swindlers! Sensation of pain in the thumb: portends failure in business. Absence of a thumb: promises need and loneliness. If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, a fleeting joy awaits you. And an unnatural thumb: means that your success will be swift and brilliant. If you see your thumb dirty: give free rein to passions, and you will experience pleasure. Too long thumbnail: this is a warning: do not sin! Dirty and scratched fingers: dream of trouble. And beautiful, well-groomed hands: to mutual love and success. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Fingers Toes: First: a reflection of the perception of oneself. Second: a reflection of the perception of another person. Third: a reflection of perception in general. Fourth: a reflection of the perception of how the dreamer looks in the eyes of others. Fifth: a reflection of the perception of one's own potential. Fingers: Large: a reflection of the relationship with oneself. Index: a reflection of the perception of the relationship of other people with the dreamer. Medium: a reflection of the relationship in general. Unnamed: a reflection of the dreamer's perception of the relationship with another person. Little finger: a reflection of a potential relationship. The fingers still retain the old meanings, which depend on the cultural environment of the dreamer (different cultures attached different meanings to the fingers). In the West, ring finger: often symbolizes marriage and/or partnership. Average Dream Interpretation 2012

Dream Interpretation Fingers Seeing beautiful hands with white fingers is a sign that love will be mutual. Dirty or scratched fingers: dream of trouble and suffering. If your fingers are cut off: beware of the machinations of enemies who are trying to deprive you of wealth and inheritance. A dream in which you see that you don’t have enough finger on your hand, for a woman: portends a misfortune that can happen to her child, for a man Absence of a thumb: predicts need, deprivation and loneliness. Seeing a thumb: a sign that some influential people will patronize you. If the thumb is injured: be careful in business. A dream in which you are surprised to find that one of the fingers is much larger than the others means: you will find yourself in a situation in which you have not yet found yourself. If the thumb seems unnaturally small: your pleasures will be fleeting and short-lived. If it is unnaturally large, then a great stunning success awaits you. Dirty thumb: dreams of satisfying passions. Too big nail on the thumb: warns: in pursuit of dubious pleasures, you will get into trouble. Dream Interpretation East

Dream Interpretation Fingers Seeing the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched - to bitterness and disappointment. If your hands are beautiful, white, with well-groomed fingers in a dream, the sincerity of your feelings will be appreciated. Your benevolence and generosity will earn you respect. If you dream that you have no fingers on your hands, this means great material losses. If in a dream you focus on your thumb, there is a danger of becoming a victim of dodgers and scammers. If in a dream you experience pain in your thumb, you will fail in business. The absence of a thumb means need and loneliness. If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, fleeting joys await you. Too much thumb means that your success will be swift and brilliant. If you see that your thumb is dirty, you will experience great pleasure, giving free rein to your passions. Too long a thumbnail indicates that the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you to sin. Tips received in a dream

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