If a person has different eyes. Why are the eyes different in shape? What does it mean

Incredibly, there are people with eyes of different colors. Maybe it's good luck to meet a person with multi-colored eyes. After all, there are very few such people. Maybe when you meet you will even think that a person wears multi-colored lenses. But what's the point? Do not hesitate, if you are lucky enough to see a woman or a man with multi-colored eyes - this is a natural phenomenon.

Different eyes are not a complex. It is unusual, stylish, fashionable. Science says that this phenomenon is more common in animals than in humans.

At my home persian cat one eye was orange and the other blue. It looked very unusual. It took a long time to get used to.

What can be said about the character of people with multi-colored eyes? Although there are few such individuals, nevertheless they were not left without attention. First of all, as one would expect, people with different color eyes are unpredictable and unusual. They are also fearless. Infinitely polite and generous, which never ceases to amaze others. The last two qualities are inherent in, just the same, exaggerated form.

But besides the advantages, there are, of course, disadvantages. The main disadvantage of people with multi-colored eyes is selfishness. They love to draw attention to themselves. Without attention to own person they just can't live. Therefore, being with them is sometimes very difficult. They will not understand and start a tantrum or scandal if you agreed, for example, about a meeting, but could not come. You will hear many words, the meaning of which will be in one: “can there be something more important than me ?!”.

Oddly enough, they love being alone. But they also have a small circle of friends who are not forgotten about. Meetings and time spent with your friends are highly valued. This gives them extraordinary joy.

Women« odd-eyed”, as a rule, tend to be overweight. Therefore, they often "sit" on a diet. No, they do not consider themselves offended by nature, unattractive. On the contrary, they appreciate and love themselves. Simply, they believe that everything in them should be as close to the ideal as possible.

The life of such people is not too rich in a variety of events. But, if there are moments that are remembered, then they remain in memory forever. They love holidays and know how to arrange them. It is very important for them that relatives and friends share their joy and good mood.

patient. The wonderful thing about them is that they will never complain about life. They try not to share their problems with others, they experience them on their own. If they are not very happy with their salary, it is not very high, then they will share it only with their closest friends. They belong to those people who in life are content with what they have.

D girls with multi-colored eyes love to read, sing and dance, go to GYM's. They rejoice like children if they can find a song that they have been looking for for quite some time.

In love, they are fickle until they meet their only man. Before meeting him, they tend to lead a wild life. But when He appears, the woman changes so dramatically that it is difficult to recognize her. Now she lives for her beloved man and for him. Such vivid egoism, which we spoke about earlier, disappears somewhere. Excellent housewives: incredibly tasty cook, wash, clean. The house is warm and cozy. Everyone and everywhere succeeds. And this, again, for his only. Such transformations, such is love!

You can learn a lot from women with multi-colored eyes as housewives. And they willingly teach, especially those who easily “absorb” all the subtleties of skill.

Unfortunately, alcohol is quite addictive. But with him they can maintain the desired distance, control the situation. But when it comes to smoking, things are different. Trying to break away from this bad habit usually cannot. Throw a thousand times. But all to no avail. They can even smoke an expensive hookah, if given the opportunity.

With everyday moments, such women are all right. But they won't forget themselves. Keep track of their appearance. They, as a rule, have so many different cosmetics: different creams, shampoos, perfumes, lipsticks, probes, ointments, that you can safely open a store.

Still such character traits as stubbornness and capriciousness are inherent in people with multi-colored eyes. They try to hide these shortcomings, not to give them the opportunity to go outside. They are also slightly rough. But only in relation to those people who really deserve such treatment, because they do not understand "another language."

with parents in good relations, but they do not find as much time for them as we would like. In case of conflicts and misunderstandings, they become uncontrollable. Recall that multi-colored people are lovers of conflict. You won't get away from yourself. They believe that there is no situation in which they would be wrong. Therefore, they do not concede, stubbornly stand their ground.

Even in dealing with them, one must not forget about their touchiness. With them, you always need to follow every word spoken. They know how to forgive, but they remember the offense for a very long time. They do not know how to speak in hints and do not understand such speech themselves.

Very honest. Better the bitter truth than sweet lies - words that stick to a lifetime.

open little secret A: I have a close friend who has different colored eyes. We have been friends with her for a long time. At first I wondered: how could it happen that she has different eyes? But I will say it as it is, her multi-colored eyes look very interesting and natural. My friends, looking at the photos, thought that the camera was to blame. I had to explain for a long time, a hundred no technique had anything to do with it, that the girl really has eyes of different colors. There are so many amazing things in our life, what else can be surprised?

Science says that the multi-colored eyes can be both congenital and acquired.

There is nothing wrong if genetics tried. But it is bad if multicolor is an acquired phenomenon. This means that some bad processes have occurred or are occurring in the body. The reason for the acquired multicolor is heterochrony.

Heterochrony is associated with an excess or deficiency of melanin pigment.

Here is the list painful conditions, accompanied by a deficiency or excess of melanin, and as a result of which multicolored eyes can be observed:

1. People with glaucoma.

2. People with eye injuries.

3. People who develop a benign tumor.

4. The reason for the multi-colored eyes may be a person's reaction to medications.

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Heterochromia (from the Greek heteros - “other”, chromos - “color”) is the difference in colors of the left and right eyes or the heterogeneity of color distribution in one eye. This is due to the lack or excess of melanin content in the iris of one eye compared to the other. Moreover, such an anomaly occurs in only 2% of the world's population.

The shade of the iris is formed immediately after the birth of a child during the first half of the year - this is the process of saturation of the eye iris with melanin, after a year to two years goes by establishment of a stable eye color. At the same time, the more hormone in the iris, the color will be richer and darker. But melanin can be distributed unevenly in the eyes, which will cause the appearance of heterochromia.

The reasons

In the vast majority of cases, the occurrence of eye heterochromia is caused by heredity, but there are also cases of occurrence after mechanical damage and diseases.

The main reasons include:

  • Waardenburg syndrome - uneven distribution of melanin in the upper layer of the iris.
  • Neurofibromatosis - stopping the distribution of melanin.
  • Inflammation of a non-critical nature in only one eye.
  • Traumatic lesions of the iris.
  • Treatment of glaucoma or its presence in the shell.
  • Finding foreign objects in the eye.
  • Genetic or hereditary.
  • Hemorrhages in the eyeball or sclera.

Who may experience

Statistical studies of the issue made it possible to determine that absolute number heterochromic manifestations found in women. But there is no scientific justification that the sexual characteristic is the cause of the phenomenon.

But it is in men that heterochromia of the eye is most interesting character. Atypical varieties are observed, which will be written below.


In addition to the most typical type - a simple one, others stand out, characterizing more developed forms and abnormal manifestations of heterochromia.


The most common occurrence of the phenomenon. Heterochromia occurs from birth and is not associated with others possible diseases eye or sight. It is expressed by the fact that one eye can be green (blue, gray), and the second must be brown in different shades. In addition to the genetic nature of the prerequisites, it can also be caused by weakness of the cervical bundle of nerves. This condition is characterized by Horner's syndrome. Patients have astigmatism and or slight peripheral strabismus in the "lighter" eye.


The main prerequisite for such a phenomenon is Fuchs syndrome, which is characterized by a strong inflammatory process in the upper layers of the iris and sclera. One eye is affected, and it is associated with sharp drop vision and "lightening" of color due to saturation of the eye with lymphatic compounds. Diagnosis of the disease is difficult, it is almost impossible to treat. The main etymologies of symptoms include:

  • Sudden decrease in vision. That is, vision is reduced jerkily for different periods time.
  • The lens becomes cloudy
  • The iris is anemic.
  • Cloudy formations appear in the iris, as if the iris becomes "speckled".
  • Gradual blindness of the eye.


Inflammation, swelling, swelling, or traumatic lesions can lead to the development of this type of anomaly. Abuse chemicals and pharmacological means similarly, they can harm the iris, changing its color to lighter shades from a burn.

Forms of heterochromia

It has been found that heterochromia can be acquired or present from birth. According to the form of coloration and the location of the “spot of coloration”, the phenomenon can be divided into various forms.


The simplest case is complete heterochromia. A person has eyes of different colors, but anatomically and aesthetically, each eye individually is correct and without aberrations. The most common are brown and Blue eyes paired with.

Partial heterochromia

It is caused by staining one eye in different colors. The so-called sectoral heterochromia of the eye. The iris can be divided by flowers in half, in quarters, or have wavy borders, which is extremely rare. This is due to the uneven distribution of melanin even during the formation of color in the first six months of life. In this case, the iris may not have a color of the water scale, but, for example, be brown-gray or green-brown.

Partial heterochromia can be observed in the period from six months to two years, and then the state of the distribution of melanin normalizes.

Central heterochromia

This form is most common in people with the phenomenon of eye color. Usually characterized by a change in the color of the iris of one eye. Most Acceptable aesthetic appearance. It also happens that the color in the eyes spreads in rings around the pupil. This is reminiscent of the rainbow effect, when in one eye there are two rings of different colors, and the second eye is colored monotonously. There are no more than a dozen such people all over the world.


Most unique look caused by mechanical damage. Often occurs in cases of damage to the eye by copper or bronze scale, but can also be caused by the ingress of iron filings. Fine sawdust falls into upper layer irises or sclera. The sclera is not sensitive, and if there is no discomfort, then scale of a few microns remains in the iris. When the scale is placed in the iris environment for a long time, which is a humid environment, it oxidizes and pigment is formed. This pigment causes the iris to change color in patches. Usually the eye takes on a rusty green or light green tint. When the scale is removed, the anomaly does not stop. The pigment does not disappear from the eye.

Heterochromia in animals

The phenomenon is most common in animals, and species diversity is observed. Almost all fauna, except for birds and reptiles, can be prone to eye coloration.

  • In cats, the case is detected with a completely black, white or smoky color without color blotches. This is due to a genetic error in the formation of coat color. Since the color of the cat's coat and eyes is formed by the presence of melanin.
  • In dogs, it occurs only in polar dog breeds, such as huskies or malamutes.

The only difference from humans is that the anomaly in animals is of a strict complete nature without sectors or areas.

Reason for concern?

The phenomenon itself is considered anomalous and atypical for the structure human eye, but if it is not caused by diseases or injuries, then in itself it is not a cause for concern. In order to rule out all possible associated complications, in priority medical examination. It will be carried out in order to find hereditary diseases and developmental anomalies. At hereditary causes often a different eye color is adjacent to a gray strand of hair on the crown or forehead. A similar condition is observed when the human skin is evenly covered with a coffee-milk stain or focal coating. The sclera and iris of the eye are also covered.

It is also necessary to implement an appeal to the clinic with minimal damage to the eye by specks, scales or, as a result, strong blows head and eyeballs. Concussions are the most common indication for examination. eyeball.

Diagnosis and treatment

It should be noted that the phenomenon itself cannot be characterized as a disease. But in order to identify the consequences and causes that may be outpatient in nature, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination by an ophthalmologist.

Types of ophthalmological examinations

  • Biomicroscopy - for this method is used slit lamp. The object of study is the shallow primary layer of the iris. With the help of illumination, the structure of the iris can be examined in order to find foreign bodies, inclusions, clots or damage. The primary method for identifying the prerequisites of heterochromia.
  • - a study aimed at studying the system of capillaries and the retina of the eye. During the procedure, there is no contact with the eye, a removed lens is used. FROM absolute precision allows detection of docked vessels and capillaries.
  • Electrophysiological study (EPS) - allows you to effectively evaluate the state of the pupil, lens and identify outward signs chemical balance vitreous body and rainbows. Primarily, a judgment can be made on the amount of melanin in the eye. The eye is exposed to a point electrical impact in a thousandth of a percent of power. In this case, there is a thickening of the color or the identification of blotches. When removing the sense, the clots resolve within a few minutes.
  • Campimetry - determination of the reaction of the eye to various levels light and color. The study is carried out using a special screen white color. Color markers appear on the screen in a chaotic manner, the brightness of which increases and decreases. At this point, an active study of the reaction of the iris and pupil with the help of a lens is in progress. The fact is that eyes with different colors of the iris can perceive the color of the world around them differently. What is Dalton's Syndrome. The method with absolute success allows diagnosing glaucoma.
  • Ultrasound examination of the eyeball () - if there is mechanical damage to the eye on the face, then ultrasound procedure. The method allows you to examine the eyeball from the inside and also thin outer layers.


All research methodology can be used both separately and in combination. often carried out comprehensive study with a view to more exact definition prerequisites and consequences of heterochromia.

Depending on the cause that led to heterochrony, doctors prescribe an adequate therapeutic or surgery. congenital pathology can not be subjected to medical correction, only colored contact lenses are applicable.

A person's eyes are the mirror of his soul. Someone has blue and kind, green with a cunning, burning and black, melancholy and gray, and someone has heterochrome and multi-colored. All people are individual in their appearance, but only “healthy heterochromia” is an image of individuality given by nature itself. The main thing to know is that the anomaly of multi-colored eyes is not a reason for complexes and dissatisfaction with oneself.

Different eyes are one of the unique natural phenomena. Irises with different pigmentation are called heterochromia. It is characteristic of both humans and animals.

There is no danger in this phenomenon, but it can mean certain disease Therefore, its owners are recommended regular medical examinations.

People with different eye colors can feel uncomfortable in a crowd because of the close attention to themselves, and most women with this feature complain about the difficulty in choosing makeup. Previously, such people were considered witches and sorcerers. And although at present there are no such stereotypes anymore, the owners of such a phenomenon are still perceived as a non-conformity to the norm. For 1 thousand people, heterochromia can appear only in 10. But it is still unknown why people have this phenomenon.


The cause of this disease is the oversaturation of the eye with melanin or its deficiency. This is usually a genetic feature. The degree of melanin content in the iris and its distribution determines which shades will prevail. The color of the human iris develops in the first months of a child's life, but the final shade acquires its shade only after 1-2 years. At a low concentration of melanin, the eyes become light, and at a high concentration, on the contrary, dark. Sometimes melanin can be distributed unevenly, which leads to heterochromia. However, it is impossible to specifically change the color of the eyes.

This disease is of a genetic or acquired type, formed due to injury or deterioration in health. It does not affect vision, as a person sees everything normally. Most often found in females. Eyes of different colors in people are possible for the following reasons:

  • injury;
  • neurofibromatosis;
  • hemorrhage;
  • hereditary (genetic) phenomenon;
  • glaucoma;
  • Waardenburg syndrome;
  • inflammation;
  • foreign body in the eye;
  • the use of drops that provoked the production of a large amount of melanin;
  • Siderosis disease;
  • malignant tumor;
  • iris atrophy.

Types and types of heterochromia

There are three types of heterochromia, in which the color of a person's eyes varies:

  1. complete;
  2. partial or sector;
  3. central.

The most common types of the disease are complete and central. At complete heterochromia eyes have different color. For example, one eye gray shade, and the second is dark brown.

Sectoral heterochromia means a combination of two shades on one iris, i.e. in the form of a spot. In this case, several colors can be combined on the iris at once. For example, there are eyes brown shade with a lighter patch of gray and blue color. They indicate a lack of melanin in the child's body, when the eyes were just beginning to acquire their color, as a result of which the iris was not completely colored.

If in iris several different shades are located around the pupil in the form of rings, then we can talk about central heterochromia. Most people are unaware of the presence of this type of heterochromia, taking this unique phenomenon simply for an unusual eye color.

Heterochromia is also divided according to the type of causes of occurrence. She may be:

  1. simple;
  2. mechanical;
  3. complicated.

At simple type the color of the eyes in newborns is already different, but there are no other symptoms. Often, this phenomenon occurs as a result of a weakened cervical sympathetic nerve, the symptoms of which can also be a constricted pupil, ptosis of the eyelids, an incorrect location of the eyeball, a change in shade skin etc. The congenital form of the disease can also be formed as a result of Horner's or Waardenburg's syndromes.

Complicated form disease is possible against the background of Fuchs syndrome, the symptoms of which are the following: a cloudy lens, the appearance of small white formations and blurred vision.

And in case of injury, damage to the eye mechanical type , tumor or inflammation, an acquired form of heterochromia may develop. If a metallic element (metallosis) enters the eye, the iris may become rusty-brown or blue-green.


Diagnosis of the disease can be as a result of observation. If the color of the iris has suddenly changed, then you should consult an ophthalmologist, as such a change may be caused by a disease. When a specialist makes a diagnosis of "heterochromia" is assigned comprehensive examination. If only a different eye color is observed, then the need for medication or surgical intervention no. Treatment is prescribed only when diseases that lead to heterochromia are identified. Initially, steroids may be prescribed as treatment. But if they do not help and clouding of the lens is detected, then vitrectomy and laser treatment can be performed.

With a congenital disease, different colors of the iris will never become the same, but with an acquired form, it is possible to restore the former shade of the eye. Especially if the changes have occurred due to metal elements that have fallen, after the removal of which the iris can gradually recover. Also, the eyes can return their shade after successful treatment of inflammation with corticosteroids, antibacterial drugs, miotics and non-specific anti-inflammatory drugs. The restoration of the shade of the eye after vitrectomy depends on how cloudy the lens was.

If a person with genetic heterochromia feels uncomfortable because of his peculiarity, then he can purchase colored contact lenses that will help even out the shades of the eyes to one color. But now this phenomenon is perceived by people simply as an unusual feature of appearance.

People with unusual eyes

To the most famous people with heterochromia is the popular musician David Bowie, who in adolescence injured his eye, which subsequently changed its color. One of his eyes is green and the other is blue.

The following celebrities also have multi-colored eyes: Mila Kunis, Jane Seymour, Kate Bosworth, Kiefer Sutherland, Benedict Cumberbatch and Dominic Sherwood. Among historical figures this phenomenon is mentioned by Alexander the Great.

The eyes allow us to perceive as accurately as possible. the world. This organ can be called the most complex among all the elements in human body. Due to the special arrangement, the eyes, in addition to the shape of the object, allow you to perceive objects in volume. They not only receive information from outside, but they themselves can tell a lot. Information can be both the color of the iris and the shape of the eye (pupil). But some people have different meanings. Let's consider why this happens.

Each person has a different color and shade of eyes. Everyone knows this and has repeatedly paid attention. They can be brown, green, blue, green, gray and even amber and purple (pictured). Why does it happen? Why does a person have a different eye color and is it in a wide range? In order to deal with this issue, you need to deepen your knowledge of the origin of eye color.

Why do people have different eyes?

At its core, eye color is completely dependent on the iris, which is located around the pupil. With its help, the amount of light passing to the photosensitive receptors is regulated. The color of the iris directly depends on the amount coloring pigment- melanin. At in large numbers melanin we get brown eyes.

But how do you get light colors eye? No, this is not because there is more or less melanin in the cells. The thing is that the light, falling on the iris, is scattered special cells which may be many, few, or very few. As a result, reflected from them, the beam returns, and we see that the person's eyes are blue, gray or green. As a rule, people have the following colors:

    Blue eyes;

  • amber and purple (very rare).

The iris takes on color primarily to protect the eyes from light. The pigment melanin attracts and absorbs ultraviolet radiation, which destroys cells and the retina. Exactly the same paint is in our body to protect the skin, but in the eyes it plays the most leading role, painting the pupils in fancy colors.

Eyes of different color

Some people may have a pathology in the form of two eyes of different color. This is justified both by a hereditary trait (parents with different colors of the iris), and various diseases. But whatever the color of the eyes, this value is directly regulated by the amount of melanin.

It happens that the iris does not contain melanin at all. From this, the quality of vision does not change, and this pathology is called albinism. In this case, ultraviolet passes through the iris and affects blood vessels. As a result, the color of the eyes becomes red or pink. When photographing, exactly the same effect works, because the red eyes in the photo are obtained due to the reflection of the color of the blood vessels.

Why are the eyes different in shape?

Besides the fact that people have different eye colors, they also come in the most various shapes. And it occurs simultaneously in the same person. This disease is called anisocria. The pupils have different size. Is this pathology in that the muscles of both visual organs have a different tone. The causes of anisocria are different:

    getting an infection;

    various injuries that damage muscle pupil

    tumors different kind and aneurysms - oculomotor nerve squeezed;

    syndromes of Horner, Adie (more often observed in females).

Also, a different shape of the eyes can be with glaucoma and inflammation of the iris. most terrible reason is cancer tumor thyroid glands. In this case, the sympathetic nerve is infringed and, as a result, the muscle tissue of the eye relaxes, thus expanding the pupil.

What to do with different eye shapes?

It is important to understand that anisocria symptoms do not just happen. In this case, the consequences can be very different. It all depends on the reason. Therefore, the usual treatment with herbs at home will not lead to good. This should be understood, because by launching the disease and hoping that everything will pass by itself, you risk complicating the situation.

The first step is to go to a specialist who will accurately determine the cause of the pathology and, as a result of the diagnosis, prescribe proper treatment. The thing is that anisocria can be a manifestation of a more complex and terrible disease. In addition to undermining the state of health, it carries a danger to life. For this reason, research should be carried out comprehensively.

An experienced doctor will first prescribe a fluoroscopic examination of the neck, MRI and EEG. This decision will eliminate doubts about the presence of a cause in the head area. You should strictly adhere to all the prescriptions of the doctor, and the result of the treatment will not keep you waiting.

One of amazing features a person that immediately attracts attention is eyes of different colors, which in medicine are called heterochromia. There is something mysterious, unknown and even mystical in this, it seems that their owner owns unique knowledge and information that is inaccessible to ordinary people. The probability of meeting a person with multi-colored eyes is small, because, according to statistics, out of 1000 people, only 11 have this color.

short information

Since ancient times, people with such an anomaly caused fear among others, they were considered sorcerers, witches, and even descendants of the devil. They were persecuted and blamed for all the misfortunes and troubles that were happening around. So, if suddenly there was a fire, flood or other disaster, the owner of eyes of different color has always been considered guilty. Mothers who gave birth to children with different colors of the iris got no less - they were credited with love affair with satan. People with different eye colors caused fear among others, so a superstitious person always tried to bypass them. If a meeting with them was inevitable, then special prayers and conspiracies from corruption and the evil eye came to the rescue.

At present, science has stepped far forward and doctors can answer the question of why people have different eyes. Now people with heterochromia are not persecuted, but, no doubt, they attract the attention of others. Most owners of eyes with different colors of the iris are complex and consider this their disadvantage.

However, some of them turn the anomaly into dignity and are proud of their uniqueness, the complexes are alien to them.

What is heterochromia?

Scientists have long studied this phenomenon and found the answer to the question of what heterochromia is. Multi-colored eyes do not appear due to possession or other influence of otherworldly forces. Such an unusual coloration arises from too high or negligible content in the iris of the pigment melanin, which is responsible for a certain shade of the eyes in humans.

The color of the iris is formed by only 3 pigments: yellow, blue and brown. Depending on the concentration of each of them in it, a person has a specific eye color. Each person suffering from heterochromia has a unique shape, but scientists divide the anomaly into several large groups, each of which will have its own name. So:

  1. Complete heterochromia - those same multi-colored eyes. The most common combinations are with blue eyes.
  2. Sector, which is also called partial heterochromia eyes, with this deviation for the iris is characterized by coloring in several contrasting shades.
  3. Central - a deviation in which several pronounced rings can be distinguished on the iris, each of them differs in color from the others.

Heterochromia is not a disease, but an anomaly of the eyes, so you should not be afraid of it. It does not pose any danger: it does not affect vision, does not distort the color and shape of surrounding objects.

Rarely, the presence of this abnormality can be a sign of other eye problems.

Why does heterochromia occur?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer why some people have different colored eyes. Scientists agree that such an anomaly is nothing more than a game of nature. However, there are 3 main reasons for its occurrence. Among them:

  1. Simple heterochromia, or congenital, when a person has different eyes from the moment of birth, while there are no disturbances in the functioning of this organ. Such an anomaly in pure form is rare.
  2. Complicated heterochromia often develops against the background of Fuchs syndrome. With such a disease, one eye is affected in people, while heterochromia may be mild or absent altogether.
  3. Acquired heterochromia, when a change in the color of the iris is caused by trauma, inflammatory process, tumor, incorrect eye medicines and various mechanical damage. For example, this happens when a microscopic particle of copper or iron gets into the eye. In the first case, there is a high probability of developing chalcosis, in the second - siderosis, while it will acquire a greenish, bluish, brownish or rusty hue.

Diagnosis and treatment of anomalies

Diagnosis of an anomaly occurs by observation, its signs are visible to the naked eye from the moment of manifestation. After detecting different eye colors, the doctor conducts a comprehensive examination using laboratory research and special techniques aimed at identifying violations in the work visual apparatus. Only after that the specialist makes a diagnosis, says the name of the disease, and prescribes treatment.

If a different eye color is the only anomaly that is observed in the patient, and no other abnormalities were detected during the examination, drug treatment and surgical intervention are not assigned. This is simply not necessary, because to fix this defect modern medicine not under power. If, during the examination, diseases are detected, the result of which is heterochromia, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Thus, if heterochromia is an acquired deviation, then it will be possible to restore the color of the iris, but this may take a decent amount of time. But people with different-colored eyes from birth will never be able to correct their color. As practice shows, most consider this feature to be a flaw in appearance, few want to attract the attention of others. Such people can be advised to correct the shade of the eyes with the help of colored contact lenses. Nowadays, they can be purchased at any optics and even tried on before buying. Properly selected lenses will be completely invisible to others and will help a person with heterochromia get rid of complexes. Before you go for contact lenses, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist to make sure that there are no contraindications to wearing them.

Heterochromia and human character

Folk wisdom says that congenital heterochromia leaves an imprint on a person's personality.

There are no people without flaws, and representatives with multi-colored eyes are no exception. Them main disadvantage- selfishness. This explains the extremes inherent in their behavior - they either withdraw into themselves and consider this feature a huge disadvantage, or they emphasize it in every possible way, trying to be in the spotlight. These people want a special relationship and heightened attention to your person. However, this does not prevent them from having a narrow circle of close friends whom they truly love and enjoy spending time with them.

The different color of the eyes of people indicates their touchiness, so you need to be extremely careful with statements addressed to them. Of course, they know how to forgive, but they will remember the offense for a very long time. They also do not know how to speak in hints and do not understand them, they always say everything they think directly, sometimes thereby offending others.

In addition, these are very creative individuals: they love to sing, dance, write poetry and draw. They really appreciate the holidays, visiting guests and receiving them in their home. In general, very uncommon and interesting people, so they definitely shouldn’t complex because of their appearance. They are very devoted to those they love and will always lend a helping hand if needed.

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