The age of British cats in relation to humans. For cats and cats, how long does a year go. You can try to bring such ratios of feline and human ages

Loving owners do everything to keep their pet healthy and active: they feed only healthy food, arrange a comfortable house for him, invite the best veterinarian, give him a lot of warmth. If you know the age of a cat by human standards, it is much easier to create the necessary conditions for the animal, correctly distribute the necessary loads and make up a diet. This is necessary because with age, the needs of a cat, like a person, change significantly.

How to determine the cat's age?

To determine the age of a kitten, it is necessary to assess the condition of his teeth. The first milk teeth in kittens appear at one month, and by 6 months they fall out. Method for determining life expectancy by the teeth of an animal considered the most accurate and reliable, and it is widely used in felinology (the science of cats). This method guarantees accuracy up to 1 month.

You can also determine the cat's age by the time of their puberty, ending at 6-8 months. But one should not confuse puberty with physical, which is finally formed only by one and a half years.

You can know the age by teeth not only in small kittens, but also in animals throughout the entire period of their life. If you carefully consider the condition of the teeth, you can determine the degree of adulthood of any individual.

From how worn out the teeth of the animal, can be determined quite accurately. how old is the cat:

  • if the teeth on the lower jaw have uneven edges, then the animal is about 2 years old;
  • when there are irregularities and wear of teeth on the upper jaw, then the pet is already more than 3 years old;
  • if a pet has worn fangs, then its age is 5 years;
  • if the animal is more than 10 years old, then his teeth begin to fall out;
  • incisors can be preserved until the age of 15 years, after which the fangs begin to fall out.

Thus, you can accurately determine the age of any cat.

Many owners are trying to understand how old their pet is at the moment, if we translate it into human age. To accurately determine it, you need to multiply the cat's age limit by the number seven. However, this formula is optimal for animals no older than 4 years.

In this way:

  • by human standards, a one-year-old animal is already 7 years old;
  • A 2-year-old individual corresponds to a 14-year-old human;
  • 3-year-old pets catch up with the age standards of a 21-year-old person;
  • when an animal turns 4, by human standards it is already 28 years old.

Then, a coefficient of "four" is added to such a table of the ratio of the age qualification:

  • A 5-year-old cat corresponds to a 32-year-old adult;
  • 6 year old - 36 year old human age, etc.

T Thus, an animal at the age of 12, by human standards, has already turned 60. After that, a factor of "three" is added to the cat's age limit.

That is, three human years are added to every cat year of life.

Such calculations determine not only the equivalent for comparing human age, but also help understand animal behavior at various times in her life. By carefully monitoring the habits of a pet, you can determine its true causes and motivation. You can already meaningfully accept the playfulness and playfulness of a small kitten, as well as the wisdom and calmness of adult cats.

It is clear to everyone that the life expectancy of cats is much less than that of humans. However, calculated by human standards their life equivalent is comparable to human parameters by duration.

On average, pets live 13-15 years. Using the calculation, you can determine that it corresponds to the age of 63–69, and this is a pretty decent experience. Often pets live up to 20 years. The record holder is a cat that lived to be 34 years old.

Thinking about these numbers, it is easy to understand why pets at the age of 9 become calmer and less active. They try to rest more, and not frolic, as young animals do. It is rare that a person at the age of 60 is completely healthy, and pets at the age of 12 require special treatment for them. That's why do not move the feeding cup to another place, rearranging a tray or a house somewhere - for an aging cat, such changes lead to severe stress. Also, do not change your diet unless absolutely necessary.

However, often cats aged 12-15 actively catch mice and show energy in various life situations.

Every animal needs care, proper nutrition and comfortable living conditions. In order for a pet to live as long as possible, it needs to be given more attention and love. Average cats live only 15-17 years, so do not put off care and attention until later.

Human life is divided into several stages: infancy, childhood, adolescence, youth, maturity and old age. A cat's life in calendar terms is much shorter than a human's. However, they also have different age periods. To make it clear exactly what stage of life your fluffy pet is in, you need to compare the duration of the life periods of a person and a cat. Of course, such a distribution is conditional, and yet it allows us to present a schematic picture of the whole cat's life.

How to determine the age of a cat by human standards?


After birth, a kitten, like a human child, feeds on mother's milk and can only crawl. The age of a two-month-old kitten is 5-10 months in a child.


This period of time in cats begins from the moment when the kitten begins to walk. At the same time, he actively gets acquainted with the outside world, trying the surrounding things on the tooth, and also trying to remember the smell and taste of each item. He starts trying other foods. This occurs after 2 months from birth. The age of a kitten by human standards corresponds to a 2-year-old child.


At this stage, the kitten is still playing with pleasure, but at the same time he has a sense of danger and, when an unfamiliar object approaches, he quickly hides. Outwardly, he already looks like an adult cat. This phase of development falls on the 7-8th month of the animal's life, which corresponds to an eight-year-old human child.


During this period, the growth of the cat's body continues. Puberty is coming. At the same time, if possible, it is necessary to protect the pet from the early establishment of offspring, since this occupation can negatively affect the overall development of the animal's body, as it requires large energy costs. This time comes when the cat is 9-10 months old, and the person is 14-16 years old. In a year, cats fully reach puberty and can already produce offspring. A cat year is approximately 18 human years.

mature years.

All physiological systems work in harmony. Cats are full of strength and energy. This stage of development begins at about 3-4 years. By human standards, a cat's age of 3 years is equal to 30 years in humans, a five-year-old cat is about a forty-year-old person.

Old age.

The animal becomes lazy, moves gracefully but slowly. Wool loses its former luster and smoothness. This occurs when the animal reaches 13-14 years of age. At 11, a cat is a 60-year-old pensioner by human standards. Further, each cat's lived year goes for four and five, and if your pet lived to be 20 years old, then she crossed the 100-year mark of human life. Approximate correspondence of the age of the cat by human standards in the table.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to understand how old a cat is. If a cat is healthy, well cared for, balanced nutrition and well kept, it is quite active, and you might think that it will always be so. But old age is not far off, the average life expectancy of a fluffy purr is about 15-17 years.

All the best, see you soon friends!
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Often, cat owners wonder how old their pet would be if she were a person. Is it possible to convert a cat's age into a human? The table "Age of a cat by human standards" will allow you to find out at what stage of growing up the animal is, and help you better understand it.

How to determine the age of a cat

The owners of a cat do not always know its exact age. Often the animal gets to new owners from a shelter or from the street. If you got a completely toddler or teenager, then even a non-professional can determine the approximate age. But most often, such questions arise when a fully mature animal enters the house.

An experienced breeder or veterinarian can determine the age of an adult cat with an accuracy of one year. To do this, you need to examine the teeth of the animal. In a month-old kitten, teeth are just appearing, in a six-month-old, milk ones are replaced by indigenous ones. Next, look at the erasure of the incisors of the upper and lower jaws, canines. The more worn the teeth, the older the animal.

How to draw analogies

How is the correspondence between cat and human? The intellect of man and animal cannot be compared; in terms of physiological development, they also differ greatly. Therefore, when comparing ages, first of all, emotional and social characteristics are taken into account.

For example, both a feline and a human baby are a helpless creature that is completely dependent on the mother. The teenager is active, but has little experience. And the old man gradually loses interest in life, becomes passive, loses the sharpness of feelings.

According to this principle, scientists have compiled a comparative table "The age of a cat by human standards." There are several different age conversion systems. The simplest is to multiply the age of the animal by 7. It is easy to see the uselessness of this method. Is it possible to compare a one-year-old, already mature and independent cat with a seven-year-old child?

Therefore, the table "Age of a cat by human standards" has been improved. In it, a one-year-old cat is compared with a fifteen-year-old teenager, and a two-year-old animal is compared with a 24-year-old man. In the future, 4 human years are given for each cat year.

According to another system, until a cat reaches the age of five, each year is considered seven human years, up to twelve - four, and after - three. The most accurate system uses a series of complex coefficients. To better understand the development of an animal and compare it with a person, consider the stages of maturation of a cat.


A cat develops and matures much faster than a human. The period of infancy for a kitten lasts only a few weeks, while the baby takes a big step in its development. A cat child is born absolutely helpless, deaf and blind.

Within a week after birth, the film that protects the baby's delicate ears disappears. The eyes open on the 5-10th day after birth, but vision is formed gradually, and the kitten will begin to see the world around normally only after a few weeks.

Two-week-old kittens start teething. For comparison: in human children, this stage occurs only at the age of 6-8 months. Already monthly kittens run, actively study the surrounding space. Children behave like this at 1-1.5 years. The table “Age of a cat by human standards” shows that a one-month-old kitten is developed like a six-month-old child, two cat months are equal to ten human months, and a three-month-old animal can be compared to a two-year-old baby.


Cat cubs develop so rapidly that during this period it is most difficult to compare their age with the age of children. After the age of three months, the kitten actively communicates with his brothers and sisters, establishes contact with the owners. Recognizes own and others. He can take care of himself, clean his fur, learn certain rules of behavior, focusing on his mother. The kid eats on his own, knows where the bowls, bed, tray are. He already has an idea of ​​what to play with and what items should not be touched.

The age of a cat by human standards (a table by months is presented in the article) indicates that in the first year of its life the animal goes through stages that a person will go through for 18 years.

Compared to humans, cats mature by several years in a short period of two to three months. If a three-month-old kitten is compared with a baby of 2-3 years old, then a six-month-old kitten already looks like a fourteen-year-old teenager. Therefore, it is important not to miss this short period and actively engage in raising a pet. Right now he learns the rules of behavior that he will use all his life.


Inexperienced owners may treat kittens like little three-year-olds. They forgive them pranks, aggression, puddles, damage to things and expect that with age, bad habits will disappear by themselves.

The table "Age of a cat by human standards" shows that in fact a five-six-month-old kitten is comparable to a developed teenager. Serious changes appear in the character of the animal. He becomes active, playful and sometimes really resembles a teenager in adolescence.

The fluffy kitten looks cute and his bad behavior is often forgiven. However, the young animal is experiencing the limits of what is permitted. The owner must be firm and stop rebellion.

At this age, cats begin puberty. Kittens begin to "flirt" at the age of 5-7 months, they begin their first estrus. Cats can also mate. Pregnancy may occur. However, such young animals are not yet ready for parenthood, so mating should not be allowed.

So, the age of a cat by human standards (a table up to a year is given below) will look like this.


The table "Age of a cat by human standards" shows that a one-year-old animal can be compared to an 18-year-old person. It is this age that corresponds to the psychological and physical development. The cat seems already mature and serious, but often behaves like a child, plays a lot, hides, etc.

The cat has already grown to an adult size, has lost the fluffiness of its fur, its movements no longer seem funny and clumsy, grace and rapacity appear.

The speed of maturation also depends on the breed of the cat. For example, oriental breeds form early and are fully developed already in a year. But large breeds can reach maturity only in 1.5-2 years.


How to calculate the age of a cat by human standards? The table indicates that a cat at 18 months (1.5 years) corresponds to a 20-year-old human. Youth is coming, the heyday of a cat's life. It lasts up to 5 years, which corresponds to 36-40 years in human terms.

During this period, the cat is stronger than ever, dexterous and tireless. It is the animals of this age that most often become the winners of exhibitions, they are optimally suited for breeding. At the age of 7, purebred pets are already taken out of breeding, as the risks for mother and offspring increase.


When does a cat come by human standards? The table states that the period of maturity is 6-10 years, which corresponds to the age of 40-56 years in humans. An adult animal can also play and fool around, but most of the time it behaves solidly and sedately.

The activity and playfulness of a cat depends on its origin. There are breeds that behave like kittens until old age. But regardless of activity in adulthood, flaws in the content begin to manifest themselves, the first signs of chronic diseases appear. Failures in the work of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract begin. Animals that have not been spayed suffer from hormonal imbalances.

Old age

Veterinarians consider an elderly animal at the age of 10-12 years. However, it does not mean the approach of death. Much depends on the conditions of detention and heredity. Cats living on the street usually do not even reach 10 years. But pets often step over the 16-year milestone. Many cats live to be 20 years old, which is the same as the 100th anniversary in humans.

Therefore, do not be afraid of old age, equaling the age of a cat by human standards. Photos show that even twenty-year-old pets look and feel great. Elderly cats require special care. Do not expose the animal to unnecessary stress, change the position of the bowl, bedding, tray. Keep your pet safe when he gets clumsy.

A table by years will help determine the age of a cat by human standards. Photos of fluffy handsome men will prove to you that they look charming at any age.

Long-lived cats

It has been documented that a cat can live up to 29 years. However, there are centenarians whose age was determined by the testimony of their owners. These are outbred pets that did not receive documents at birth. So, the cat Fluffy from Texas lived for 38 years, and Lucy, a resident of Foggy Albion, celebrated her 40th birthday.

It is always interesting to know how old a pet would be if it were a human. Such a comparison allows the owners to better understand the tailed friend and provide age-appropriate care.

How to find out how old a cat or cat is? This question worries those who pick up homeless animals on the street or take a pet in a shelter. By what signs can you determine the age of a cat, calculate how old he is by human standards? You will find answers to these questions in our material.

How to determine the age of a cat

To the teeth

Teeth are an indicator of age (the method works best for determining the age of a kitten). Veterinarians often use them to determine the age of the animal.

  1. If you found only the first milk incisors in the kitten's mouth, then he is from 2 to 4 weeks old.
  2. If milk fangs are found next to the incisors, then you have a kitten 3-4 weeks old.
  3. The presence of premolars indicates the age of 4-6 weeks.
  4. If milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones, but the molars have not yet erupted, the kitten is 3 to 4 months old.
  5. White healthy permanent teeth indicate an age of 6 months to a year. There should be no tartar or signs of wear on them.
  6. Slight yellowing of the enamel and worn middle incisors of the lower jaw indicate the age of 2 years.
  7. The presence of tartar on all teeth and abrasion of the central incisors of the upper jaw - 3-5 years.
  8. If the pigmentation of the enamel is broken, and the extreme incisors of the upper jaw are erased, then you have an animal of 6-7 years old.
  9. Severe yellowness and wear of all teeth, as well as the absence of some teeth, is an age over 10 years.
  10. Fallen fangs indicate an advanced age - 15-18 years.

It should be noted that teeth are not an absolutely accurate indicator of the age of the animal. They may be in poor condition due to improper care of the animal, or vice versa, snow-white teeth can mislead you when calculating the age and only testify to the impeccable care of the animal.

By puberty

If your cat is trying to mark its territory, the urine has a specific strong smell - this indicates that the pet has reached puberty (usually this happens at the age of about 5-6 months).

Sexually mature cats become very affectionate, emit a loud meow. They go into heat, calling for potential suitors, starting at the age of 5 to 12 months.

By type of wool

The coat of younger cats is soft and fine. With age, the coat becomes coarser, the color may lighten or, on the contrary, darken. Older animals, like people, have gray hair. It can be individual white or gray hairs, as well as whole spots.

By the eyes

Juveniles usually have clear, clear and bright eyes. With age, you may notice a change in eye color or the presence of opacities, pigmentation disorders of the iris. If a cat is over 6 years old, her eye lenses become denser. This can be seen with an ophthalmoscope.

After reaching the age of 10, clouding of the iris is visible to the naked eye.

By body type

Age-related changes affect the entire body. According to the state of the body of the pet, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • younger animals tend to be more muscular and leaner due to their higher levels of activity;
  • middle-aged cats are more well-fed and rounded, but at the same time a muscular corset is well felt;
  • in older animals, the bones of the shoulder girdle strongly protrude, they have flabby and wrinkled skin.

By behavior

The level of activity, daily routine (alternating sleep and wakefulness) can also tell the owners the approximate age of the pet. You need to carefully observe your cat and kitty.

Behavioral signs that indicate the age of the cat:

  1. Young animals are usually more playful and inquisitive. Periods of daytime sleep alternate with long periods of wakefulness.
  2. Middle-aged animals have not yet lost interest in the world around them, but they behave more restrained and prudent.
  3. Older cats are less active, they spend most of their time sleeping. They often confuse day with night.
  4. Fear, anxiety, and aggressive behavior are most common in older animals.

Video how long do cats live:

The age of the cat in relation to the human

Cats tend to mature quickly. A year after their birth, they are already fully developed and reach sexual maturity. Therefore, in comparison with humans, childhood in cats is extremely short.

In the public domain, you can find several options for tables of correspondence between feline and human age. We will give two that seem to us the most reliable.

Our tables will allow you to find out how old a cat is by human standards.

First option

In this table, the first year of a cat's life is equal to 15 human years.

2 years - 24 years

3 years - 28 years

4 years - 32 years

5 years - 36 years

6 years - 40 years

7 years - 44 years

8 years - 48 years

9 years old - 52 years old

10 years - 56 years

11 years - 60 years

12 years old - 64 years old

13 years old - 68 years old

14 years old - 72 years old

15 years - 76 years

16 years old - 80 years old

17 years old - 84 years old

18 years old - 88 years old

19 years old - 92 years old

20 years - 96 years

Second option

Here the countdown is from the age of one month:

1 month – 6 months

2 months – 10 months

3 months - 2 years

4 months - 5 years

5 months - 8 years

6 months - 14 years

7 months - 15 years

8 months - 16 years

1 year - 18 years

2 years - 25 years

3 years - 30 years

4 years - 35 years

5 years - 40 years

6 years - 43 years

7 years - 45 years

8 years - 50 years

9 years - 55 years

10 years - 60 years

11 years old - 62 years old

12 years - 65 years

13 years old - 68 years old

14 years old - 72 years old

15 years - 74 years

16 years old - 76 years old

17 years old - 78 years old

18 years old - 80 years old

20 years - 100 years

Choose any table and calculate how many human years your cat has already lived.

What determines the lifespan of a cat

Many factors influence the life expectancy of your pet: heredity, quality of life, including the quality of nutrition and care in general.

The life expectancy of cats tends to increase and is approximately 12-19 years.


Since the development of animals differs significantly from the development of humans, owners are often interested in how long a cat's year goes. Knowledge on this topic allows you to provide proper care for your pet and thereby extend their life.

Some people claim that a year in cats counts as 7 human years. According to them, to calculate the age of a pet, it is enough to multiply it by 7, but this statement is not true. The fact is that in the first year of life, pets develop most actively, and after that the process gradually slows down.

Leading experts in the field of zoology have developed a special table of feline age. According to her, already after the first year lived, the kitten corresponds to the age of an 18-year-old person in terms of physical and mental development. The ratio of the age of an animal and a person looks like this:

  • 1 month - six months;
  • 2 months – 10 months;
  • 3 months - 2 years;
  • 4 months - 5 years;
  • 5 months - 8 years;
  • 6-8 months – 14-16 years old;
  • 1 year - 18 years.

A two-year-old cat corresponds to the age of 24-25 years. Veterinarians believe that this period is most suitable for the first mating, since puberty is completed, and the body is already quite strong.

Starting from the third year of life, a year in a cat goes for 4-5 human years. A 10-year-old animal by human standards is about 60 years old. After the development process slows down even more. In this regard, for every 365 days lived by a pet, only 2 years should be added. A 20-year-old cat is considered an old-timer because its life expectancy is 100 years in human terms.

Important! If the exact age of the animal is unknown, you can contact your veterinarian for help. He will determine it by the teeth or other physiological features.

Age periods of development

The development of man and animal has many similarities, if you know how many years a year is considered for cats.


This period in pets lasts only a few weeks. And although kittens are born helpless, unable to move, see and hear, due to their rapid development, they quickly get on their feet and begin to learn about the world around them. In humans, similar development takes about 9 months.

Monthly kittens, like one and a half year old babies, begin to run, jump and frolic. At 3 months, the mental abilities of a pet correspond to a two-year-old child.


If people have 10-12 years of childhood, kittens go through this period on average in 3 months. Four-month-old kittens are able to communicate with other animals. During this period, they acquire the skills of self-care for themselves. Without using the help of their mother, they clean their hair, wash their faces and do other “procedures”. The period from 3 to 6 months is most suitable for the social adaptation of the animal, as well as its education. Later, the kitten may respond poorly to educational activities.

Teenage years

In pets, puberty begins at 6.5-7 months. At this age, the cat's first estrus occurs, and cats become attracted to the opposite sex, so they run away from home or show anxiety. Cats should not be allowed to mate at this age, since their body is not yet ready to bear offspring. Pets, like teenagers, can experience behavioral changes. Any attempts at rebellion should be stopped immediately, otherwise problems with re-education may arise later.

Youth and maturity

In cats, the age of 2 to 7 years is considered a mature period, which is equal to 25-50 years in humans. It is well suited for breeding. Animals are distinguished by activity and good health in the absence of congenital pathologies and proper care. After 7 years, experts recommend not using both females and males for breeding, as the body's resources are depleted, and the risk of giving birth to sick or weak kittens increases.

Old age

Older cats are considered 10-12 years old, although some representatives successfully live up to 16-18 years. During this period, animals become inactive. Their coat condition may deteriorate, their appetite may decrease, or other changes may appear. Older animals, like people over 60 years old, are more likely to have health problems, so it is important to have an examination at a veterinary clinic at least twice a year.

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