Yorkshire terrier dog character. Yorkshire terrier mini: character, description and reviews. Interesting facts about Yorkshire Terriers

There are no documents that would testify which breeds of England contributed to the genetics to give birth to the Yorkshire Terrier.

Scientific minds have established that non-existent breeds were distant relatives.

From the Maltese, the terriers inherited an unusually blue-steel coat color.

Having reviewed the paintings of artists of the 18th and 19th centuries, we notice that the York of that time resembles representatives of our time. In this article we will look at the standards and features of Yorkshire Terriers.

The Yorkshire Terrier (or Yorkie) is a small decorative dog that was bred in Yorkshire at the end of the 19th century in Britain. The story is well-known: the miners decided to breed a miniature rat-catcher and used them at the very beginning for this purpose.

And then they began to use them as guards for ladies' handbags. Coquettish beauties were very fond of wearing precious jewelry in their purses. They put their pets there too. And only the thief stuck his hand in order to profit - the bite was instant.

Later, representatives of high society paid attention to cute, tiny, intelligent animals. At the court of Queen Victoria, the appearance without this dog was unacceptable.

British cynologists officially recognized the breed in 1874.. World interest and colossal demand came only in the 2nd half of the last century.

The first York in Russia appeared in 1971 at the unsurpassed size of the Soviet ballet O.V. Lepeshinskaya. She received it as a gift from admiring connoisseurs of her talent. And until the nineties, these dogs lived in the regions in isolated cases.

We started bringing animals from Europe only in 1991. We decided to create a dog breeding club. The doggie began to appear more often in people's homes.

Look at the dog: its appearance suggests that it is a proud and brave animal, although very small.

She is proud and important, compact and graceful, smart, frisky, playful, long-haired and proportionately built.

York is a rather active and lively dog, but at the same time it has a positive character.

Head, muzzle and ears

Head size is small. The striking roundness of the skull is absent. The muzzle is medium, cute. The nose is black.

The eyes are not bulging, dark, with a shine. The eyes are set at an angle for a straight line of sight. The look has an intelligent expression.

The ears are neat, straight set. They are not very far from each other.

The coat of the Yorkshire Terrier has a great color.. The reddish-brown coat is deeply colored. The muzzle and bite can be recognized immediately.

The majestic breed has a number of teeth with a pronounced scissors bite. The upper incisors are in harmony with the lower ones. The position of the fangs is straight. The neck is strong, of normal height.

The legs are set straight in front, superbly decorated with golden wool with a reddish-brown tint. At the ends of the hairline - a lighter tone than at the base. Red-brown color is not entitled to rise above the elbow angles.

The body of the dog is knocked down. The chest is well developed. The dog has a solid back and a tucked up tummy.

The paws at the back have protruding bends of the knees, which are at a certain angle. Visual inspection shows that the gait of the hind legs is straight. The paws of Yorkies are fairly overgrown with golden hair with a reddish-brown tint. The hairs at the tips are slightly lighter than the roots.

The reddish-brown color should rise above the bends of the knees.

The shape of the paws is rounded. The nails are dark. Movements, according to the accepted standard, should be active, free, with a fast pace. While in motion, the dog should keep the back straight and the limbs pointed forward.

The tail is almost always docked. It is usually more intensely colored in a dark blue tone than the body. The tail is raised above the line of the body.

Recently, the UK has decided to participate in exhibitions of animals with uncropped tails. The standard does not yet provide for regulations in this regard.

The hairline of the body is of medium size. The hair falls smoothly, there are no waves and curls. The coat is silky, shiny, glossy, quite delicate and weightless. The texture resembles human hair, because it does not have fluff near the body.

It gets tangled easily and requires daily combing and brushing. The cover of the head and muzzle is quite long, fresh golden color with a reddish-brown tint.

And in general, the tone on the sides is much richer than near the auricles and on the muzzle, on which the hair is much longer.

The standard does not allow the spread of golden-brown color to the neck area, as well as the presence of soot deposits or mixing it with other hairs.

Natural paint is of great importance. It is dark, blue-steel. Silver blue is not allowed. The adopted tone must extend along the entire length of the body line: from the protrusion of the occiput to the location of the tail.

The standard does not allow mixing with light orange, purple, radical dark hairs. In front of the thoracic region - wool of a restrained complaisant golden-brick color.

All the hairs of this color are darker at the base than in the middle. In the end, they have an even lighter shade.

It also does not provide for growth parameters and a size section. But the weight of the pet is allowed up to 3.1 kg.

Disadvantages are considered normative deviations from the previously listed norms.

Identified at least one of the list of shortcomings does not give the right to refer the dog to the breed standard.

The assessment of the deficiency is given from the degree of actual manifestation.

In 1989, they made amendments: they changed some of the requirements for appearance.

Beyond the threshold of the breed were dogs that have half. They are not thoroughbred and hairless, lush and overly covered with hair.

All deviations from the standards were accepted by the jury as appearance flaws. This affects the points in the assessment, according to the actual degree of violation of the requirements.

The vices due to which the disqualification takes place are: malocclusion, hanging or half erect ears, atypical color.

The standard defines the highest threshold for the allowable weight of the Yorkshire Terrier - 3.1 kg, the lower threshold for allowable weight and length is not limited. Yorkies are not divided by size, as is the case with poodles.

In Russia and other CIS countries, people who do not understand the standards have given dogs unofficial names. The dogs were divided into weight categories.

Animals that weigh between 2.5 and 3.1 kg inclusive. They take part in breeding and exhibitions.

Average age

The Yorkshire Terrier is unusually active, restless and tireless, he constantly craves movement.
Features of the content are that he needs daily training. Because without training sessions and walks, dogs can become aggressive.

Requires daily care. It is necessary to comb the pupil with a comb and brush so that the hair does not get tangled, and his appearance is always neat.

The average age of life is 14 years.

Yorkshire Terriers are brave dogs. A hundred years ago, their distant relatives courageously attacked rats, caught and strangled them. Since then, the genes of the breed continue to live.

Under the image of the pupil hides a fearless hero. He is not afraid of anything around. On a walk, he suddenly notices a squirrel - he is ready to immediately jump into a tree after her. When he gets his favorite toy that squeaks, he cannot enjoy the game. It is accepted to shake it so vigorously that it is curious and exciting to watch this process.

It is amazing to watch when he walks solidly with his head up, filled with a sense of unshakable dignity and importance. Yorkies prefer to be self-sufficient and independent. They do not like to obey, but they like to be friends.

They are not afraid of animals that are larger than them.

York behavior is decent. Genes behave differently. Your Yorkie is a hunter. Don't let go of the leash. If he pays attention to a cat, he will run after her to catch up.

These are the funniest creatures among dogs. They are great for competition. Thanks to their fuse, they often become winners and prize-winners of exhibitions.

It is often thought that Yorkshire Terriers are stubborn and unwilling to learn. Nonsense. The dog shows independence, he wants to achieve what he wants.

In the classroom, you will encourage him with treats - you will find a faithful comrade. From friendly communication, you will develop a warm relationship with the student.

If the owner is a supporter of the immediate execution of the order, he gains life in a continuous struggle with the pupil.

It is not true that Yorkshire Terriers are difficult to train. It has been verified that these dogs are very capable of mastering the training material. But in order to turn learning into fun games, it is necessary to thoroughly study modern methods of training and apply them in practice.

In addition to friendliness, the breed has features that are unique to it:

  • York is a friend with a capital letter and a colossal companion.
  • These true friends are among the most sincere creatures. They miraculously know how to turn into senior comrades.
  • The dog feels subtly: she will curl up like a bagel if you are unwell, and will sincerely rejoice at your recovery.
  • Some Yorkshire Terriers have hunter instincts. Others are warm and friendly.
  • Yorkshire terriers reveal their features by barking. But they bark quietly, because their organs are delicate, like themselves. If you have influence, you will be able to contain such a fuse.

However, if you like absolute silence, then such a “talkative” breed will not suit you. But keep in mind that your pet is not barking for fun.

Originated in the XIX century in the counties of Yorkshire and Lancashire, in the north of England.
In the middle of the 19th century, workers from Scotland came to Yorkshire in search of work, bringing with them several varieties of small dogs, then called "Scottish Terriers". Later, separate breeds were identified among them: Clydesdale Terrier, Paisley Terrier, Skye Terrier, Cairo Terrier. They probably laid the foundation for a new breed - the Yorkshire Terrier.
According to another suggestion, the Waterside Terrier may be the ancestor of the Yorkie. This breed was popular in Yorkshire in the 18th and 19th centuries. Basically, they were pets of the peasants, who were forbidden to keep dogs of large sizes that could harm the lands belonging to the nobility. Small terriers caught rodents in houses and accompanied their owners on trips along canals and rivers.

Yorkies are also related to terriers originally from Manchester. There is a possibility that the Maltese lapdog left its mark in this process, which gave silkiness and a light shade of wool. Most likely, all of the above breeds have made their small contribution to the formation of Yorkshire terriers.

Weavers who worked in textile factories took up the process of creating a new breed. They bred dogs of small size, with long, steely-blue hair marked with golden brown markings. At that time, Yorkshire terriers had a larger and longer body and weighed about 6-7 kg.
Dogs of the breed, then called "Yorkshire Blue and Tan Silky Coated Terrier", were used for a long time among English farmers and industrial workers as rat catchers. They quickly gained popularity, crowding out other English terriers. Soon, these smart, cheerful, energetic and cheerful dogs liked society ladies, as a result of which they moved from stables, factories and barns to luxurious boudoirs and living rooms.

During the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901), who was famous for her love of dogs, Yorkshire terriers reached the height of their fame. Ladies from high society adored their pets, dressed them up and pampered them like children. Charming Yorkies accompanied their mistresses everywhere, comfortably nestled in their arms.

In 1872, small indoor dogs conquered the United States. Six years later, the breed was entered into the stud book of the American Kennel Club. Yorkshire terriers became the subject of admiration for the American nobility, who were very reverent and enthusiastic about the well-being of their pets. Closer to the 1940s, their popularity dropped significantly. However, after some time, interest in Yorkshire Terriers revived again. Perhaps this is due to the famous representative of the breed named Smokey, who participated in the Second World War. Today, Yorkshire Terriers are among the most popular dog breeds in the world.

In 1886, the English Kennel Club - the Kennel Club - recognized the Yorkshire Terrier as an independent breed and included it in its stud book. Already in 1898, the breeders created the first club that adopted breed standards that have not changed to this day.

The Yorkshire Terrier appeared in Russia in 1971, when it was presented as a gift to the ballerina Olga Lepeshinskaya. Soon individual specimens began to appear in large cities, and in 1991 the first nursery was founded in the country.
According to existing standards, the weight of Yorkshire Terriers should not exceed 3.1 kg. Height and minimum weight are not limited by standards. The smallest registered representative of the breed is considered to be a dog named Sylvia, who lived in Blackburn, England. Her weight was 113 g, and her height at the withers was 6.3 cm. In 1945, she died at the age of two. The next record holder was a male named Big Boss, owned by Chai Khanchanakom, a resident of Thailand. When the Yorkie was one year old, he weighed 481 g, and his height was 11.9 cm.

Yorkshire Terriers can be described as graceful, compact, strong and harmoniously built animals. The most distinctive feature of the breed is a long, shiny, silky coat that falls evenly and straight down the sides of the body. The absence of an undercoat indicates that these dogs practically do not shed. This coat structure allows people who are prone to allergic reactions to start Yorkies.

The color of an adult (from 18 months old) Yorkshire Terrier from the back of the head to the base of the tail has a bluish steel color. The tail may be of a darker shade, especially at the tip.
The long, flowing hair on the dog's head is colored in a juicy golden red-brown color. On the chest and limbs, the hairline has a golden-fiery color. Darker and more saturated at the root, the hair lightens towards the ends.

Newborn Yorkshire Terriers have a black coat color, strewn with small fiery spots on the paws and muzzle. With age, the color begins to change at an individual pace.

The average life span of a Yorkie is 12-15 years.
Yorkshire Terriers are extroverted dogs with a strong character, courageous, hardy, and at the same time very gentle, friendly and infinitely devoted to their owner. The miniature size of Yorkies did not prevent them from retaining the qualities inherent in the blood of larger terriers - curiosity, courage and tirelessness. Also, the attractive features of the breed include delicacy, poise and elegance. Yorkshire Terriers are very educated, obedient, smart, easy to train. In case of danger, little brave men will rush to defend their home and people dear to them without hesitation. Yorkies are attentive and always alert.

Being constantly in a good mood, dogs of this breed really need the attention of the owner. They can accompany him everywhere, adjusting to almost any situation, they just love long walks. Easily adapt to the lifestyle of its owner. The Yorkshire Terrier is the best friend of the kids, ready to play ball, run and jump at any time. It will be a loyal and calm friend to the elderly. It tolerates neighborhood with other pets.

In addition to their charming appearance and cheerful disposition, Yorkshire terriers have a sharp mind. If necessary, using their cunning and perseverance, they are able to achieve their goal. Subtly feel the mood of the owner and try to adapt to it. If the Yorkie sees that the owner is saddened, he will immediately find a way to cheer him up, attracting attention with funny facial expressions or play. A rich imagination allows the Yorkshire Terrier to turn any trifle into an exciting game. He can run after a feather, a fly, a piece of paper or a ball. All "property" Yorkies hide in secluded corners, and at night they collect it in their basket for rest. It's amazing how such traits as pride and sweet spontaneity are combined in one dog.

The curiosity and courage inherent in the Yorkshire Terrier often lead him into dangerous situations. Hunting excitement leads the baby to chase any potential prey, which can also lead to sad consequences. It is desirable that the territory on which the dog will run is securely fenced.

The Yorkshire Terrier will feel great both in a small city apartment and in a house with a large territory, where there is space for games and hunting for small animals. Yorkies can be easily accustomed to a special diaper or tray, which will remove the need for mandatory walks. At the same time, dogs of this breed simply love to walk, however, they enjoy any physical activity.

The main advantage of the Yorkshire Terrier - a luxurious silky coat - requires careful care and attention. Usually long hair is grown in dogs that take part in exhibitions. They should be washed every 7-10 days, using shampoo and balm, and then lubricating the hair with oil. When the coat dries, it must be combed. Since the structure of the Yorkshire Terrier's hair is similar to that of a human, it should be combed daily and curled into curls to avoid tangling.

Some owners do not prefer luxurious long hair, but a short haircut, which can be chosen to your taste. It needs to be repeated every 3-4 months. The Shorthair Yorkie should be bathed when it gets very dirty or smells bad.

Haircut options:

The diet of a Yorkie must include meat: boiled breast, rabbit, beef. Boneless sea fish, bird liver (once a week), egg yolk, kefir, cheese, low-fat cottage cheese will be useful. An important component of the diet is plant foods - fruits and vegetables. Cereals such as buckwheat and rice are of great value. Periodically, Yorkshire Terriers can enjoy dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins), which are rich in iron, potassium, manganese and other vitamins that help normalize metabolic processes. They will also like marine invertebrates (shrimps, squids), saturated with minerals and iodine.
The most optimal in the diet of a Yorkie will be the following ratio of products: 50% - protein products (cottage cheese, fish, meat, etc.), 25% - cereals and 25% - vegetables.
There is a list of foods that are strictly forbidden to give to Yorkshire Terriers. Exclude from the diet: fried and fatty foods, pastries, sausages, fatty cheeses, salted and smoked foods, semolina and oatmeal porridge, butter, oily fish, mushrooms, cabbage, chocolate, sweets, citrus fruits, grapes and nuts.

Today, Yorkshire Terriers are among the most popular and beloved dog breeds. For more than a century, they have not ceased to win the hearts of people. One of the first famous Yorkie owners was Queen Victoria. Later, a representative of this breed became the favorite of the famous actress Audrey Hepburn, after which their popularity increased significantly. Yorkshire terriers have attracted such actors as J.P. Belmondo, O. Bloom, S. Stallone, B. Willis, V. Mashkov. Yorkies were also seen in the company of Whitney Houston, Paris Hilton, Natalie Portman, Britney Spears, Natasha Koroleva, Anzhelika Varum, Anfisa Chekhova, Daria Dontsova and many other equally famous people.

You can buy a Yorkshire Terrier puppy for 800-2000 US dollars.

A miniature dog with a long, silky coat and expressive dark eyes conquers with its beauty. Indeed, the Yorkshire Terrier has become a favorite breed of fashionable ladies and show business stars, accompanying their dazzling owners to secular parties and showing off on the covers of glossy magazines. The ability to behave absolutely indifferently in front of outsiders, sitting on the hands or in the hostess's bag with the appearance of a royal person, touches casual viewers who certainly want to get the same dog. But the Yorkshire Terrier is not only a decorative dog, modern dogs of this breed have the hot temper of their ancestors.

The Yorkshire Terrier has an ancient and glorious origin, and although its history is shrouded in secrets and hoaxes, and there are few documented facts, one thing is certain: this the breed originated in the British Isles. As early as the second century BC, in the manuscripts of a Roman naturalist who landed on the islands, there were records of small dogs leading a fearless fight against rats underground.

In the fourteenth century, terriers, thanks to the sea routes, spread throughout Europe. A couple of centuries later, a professor at Cambridge University described miniature dogs with long, flowing silky hair, from which the Yorkshire Terrier breed originated. And although the Waterside Terrier is considered the ancestor of the breed, in Every Yorkie has the blood of numerous small terriers and even Maltese.

Interesting! The favorite of glamorous ladies was created by real commoners from Yorkshire, who created a new breed not at all for shining in society, but for catching numerous rats. The dog of the new breed had to be small in order to deftly penetrate secluded corners, and long hair served him as a kind of protective mantle from sharp rat teeth.

Later, already in 1886, the breed was recognized by the Kennel Club of England and received an official name by the name of the county, from where most of the best representatives were represented. Initially, the size and format of Yorkshire Terriers ranged from super-small specimens to relatively large and even huge ones. Breeders paid much more attention to the length and silkiness of the coat, its unique color, than to anatomical features. The breed acquired its perfect form already in the twentieth century.

Purpose of Yorkshire Terriers

The Yorkshire Terrier dog breed is designed to be a real family dog, able to deftly rid the house of its owners from rodents and other small pests. But with the development of the breed and over time, the skills of a rat catcher ceased to be a priority, and the incredible charm and amazing beauty of small dogs came to the fore. Today, the main purpose of the breed is the ability to give love and a lot of positive emotions to the owner and members of his family.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a great family companion. These dogs do an excellent job of catching small rodents.

Dogs of this breed are ideal for both single people and large families. A small dog can be seen in the hands of an aging lady and surrounded by a noisy gang of children, as the nature of the Yorkshire Terrier is to always be in the spotlight and get real pleasure from it.

Breed standard, description and photos

The general impression is a graceful, small animal with a strong, proportional build and a proud posture. A regal appearance is created by a long, smooth coat falling to the ground. The Yorkshire Terrier always looks confident, feels free in any society.

Photo. Yorkshire terrier dog

Yorkshire terrier in the photo

Here are the main characteristics of these dogs:
  • The body of the animal is strong, compact, strong, with a straight back, a muscular loin and a short, straight croup. The chest is moderately deep, with rounded ribs and a smooth underline. The tail is of medium length, docked to the required size, set high, carried above the level of the back, covered with long hair of a dark silver shade.
  • The forelimbs are straight, parallel to each other, with an inclined shoulder, covered with golden wool. The hind limbs are straight, with moderately pronounced angles, the paws are arched, strong, the claws are black.
  • The head is of medium size with a small, flat skull and a not too long muzzle. Jaws strong, straight, with small, strong teeth and a scissor bite. Full teeth desirable.
  • The eyes are medium, round, but not protruding, straight set, dark in color, very expressive. The look is cheerful and lively, the rim of the eyes is dark, the eyelids are tight-fitting. The ears are small, triangular in shape, erect, not too widely spaced. The coat on the ears should be trimmed to accentuate its shape.
  • The coat is long, falling, straight, with a silky texture, not wavy or fluffy. The color is steel, dark from the base of the tail to the back of the head. On the head and chest, the color is golden, at the roots the tan is always richer and darker than at the ends of the hair. On the back, the color is uniform, without inclusions of brown or bronze hair. Interestingly, on the Yorkshire Terrier score sheet, the highest score is given to the quantity and quality of the coat, as well as the depth and regularity of the color.
  • Movement is free, balanced, energetic, fervently raised tail testifies to the cheerful character of a real terrier.

Important! Yorkshire Terrier puppies at birth are black in color with small patches of red tan. Even a breeder cannot predict how deep their color will be in adulthood. Only by the year the puppies bloom and acquire the color characteristic of the breed.

Yorkshire terrier dog personality

Temperamental and bold, the Yorkshire Terrier is not at all the pampered parlor dog that it is mistakenly made out to be. A dog of this breed is quite capable of standing up for itself, rushing to protect the owner and even bite the offender. A bully and a desperate daredevil, he really does not like familiarity, he can bite an outsider who decides to stroke his shiny fur.

Yorkshire Terriers are temperamental and bold dogs. They constantly prey on small animals and insects.

The protective qualities of the Yorkshire Terrier, due to its small stature, do not matter to the owners, however, the dog is an excellent watchman, barking loudly when meeting any guest or reacting with a menacing growl to suspicious noise.

Yorkshire Terriers are born hunters. The dog loves to look for traces of animals in the park and does not miss the opportunity to open a hunt for a lizard or a large beetle. The neighbor's cat can also become the subject of persecution. A dog of this breed, once in a village courtyard, will definitely start chasing poultry.

The Yorkshire Terrier is not at all a toy or a funny animal, it is a person capable of selfless love and possessing the courage of a large dog. An intelligent and humorous dog, with the right upbringing, becomes an ideal companion, devoted friend and constant companion.

The subtleties of training Yorkies

One of the features of the Yorkshire Terrier is early maturation. A one-year-old dog is already fully formed, both physically and emotionally. Very often, it is this age limit that becomes an unexpected unpleasant surprise for owners: obedient and cute becomes a real prankster, loses neatness skills, and shows aggression.

Most often, such a change in behavior becomes sudden only for owners who are not attentive to small signals that appear periodically. For example, the dog growled when trying to comb it, became importunate, constantly begging at the table. At the same time, inexperienced owners satisfy all his desires, finding an excuse for such behavior.

Growing up, the dog understands that it is she who is the main one in the family, and begins to behave as she pleases. For this reason, the upbringing and training of a puppy (including ring training for show animals) must be started early, from the first moment of meeting a new family.

Yorkshire terriers are very trainable, they are happy to learn new commands, but in the absence of education they can show aggression.

No need to make allowances for the tender age or the small size of the dog. The general course of training will make a well-mannered, seasoned dog out of an eccentric puppy. These dogs will easily learn, "Sit" and "Lie down", learn.

Important! You can not treat a pet as an ornament or a toy. Yorkshire terrier puppies are very cute and funny, but inside every baby lives a stubborn and courageous terrier that needs a firm and consistent upbringing.

Dogs of this breed are good at grasping everything new, they are able to remember a large number of words and phrases, but they find it difficult to exercise endurance. And yet, it's hard not to be surprised, looking at how calmly and patiently an adult Yorkshire terrier endures all manipulations with its coat, how motionlessly it stands in an exhibition stand.

Attitude towards children and animals

Yorkshire terriers are very sociable, they easily make friends with other pets.

Yorkshire Terriers are eternal children, they are always ready to play and have fun, so they are happy to communicate with children. Interestingly, on a walk, other people's children do not cause aggression or hostility in them, but if a bully boy wants to offend a little mistress, then the dog will definitely come to the defense. In the family, a dog of this breed becomes a true devoted friend for the child, a warm, trusting relationship is established between them.

If other pets live in the house besides the Yorkie, then the puppy will definitely try to make friends with them. Puppies of this breed are friendly and inquisitive. An adult dog may react warily to a kitten or puppy brought in, try to scare the alien or even bite. Over time, he will change his anger to mercy and will patronize the baby, even if he grows several times his size.

The small size of the Yorkshire Terrier does not detract from his great desire to command those who are lower in status. A new adult animal can cause strong jealousy of the owner, completely change his behavior in the house. The male most often begins to uncontrollably mark the territory, the bitches lose their neatness skills and spoil things.

Important! The danger for a dog of this breed is represented by babies who have just learned to walk. They can fall on a sleeping puppy, drop a heavy toy on it, or hurt it by grabbing its ear or tail. An adult dog may react to such behavior with a growl or even bite a child, and the puppy will be frightened or injured.

How to properly care for a Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is the most labor-intensive dog breed in terms of grooming. Long and silky coat has a special, unique structure, reminiscent of human hair. Just like hair, it quickly becomes dirty, the dog begins to look untidy and smells terrible. You have to bathe the animal several times a week, and for bathing you buy a special shampoo and a whole line of care products: balms, oils, conditioners.

The Yorkshire Terrier's coat needs constant grooming. If the dog does not attend exhibitions, it is better to take him for a haircut.

Puppies of this breed have a short coat that grows constantly and by the age of two the dog looks just fine, provided that the coat is well looked after. Show dogs are forced to walk in hairpins all the time, as the coat gets tangled and deteriorates from grass, dust and street dirt. The dog is combed daily. If the owners do not plan an exhibition career for their pet, then it is better for the dog to get a haircut. to make grooming easier.

In addition to the usual haircut, the Yorkshire Terrier is given a hygienic haircut about once every two weeks. First, the hairs are carefully trimmed, which bristle near the eyes and can injure them. Then the hairs inside the ears are plucked out, which is very painful, so the inside of the ear is pre-treated with a special anesthetic. The hair around the paws is neatly trimmed, between the fingers - sheared. The fur near the anus is removed so that the excrement does not stain it.

In order to keep the coat in order and protect the dog from the cold, and the delicate paw pads from street dirt and reagents, the Yorkshire terrier wears clothes. Overalls of various styles and colors for cold days, warm sweaters and raincoats for the off-season, as well as summer cotton clothes. In clothes, the dog's hair is less wrinkled and dirty, it does not freeze. They start teaching a puppy to wear overalls or boots early, so that an adult dog is calm about this.

Yorkies teeth tartar quickly, so they should be cleaned regularly.

The breed feature of the Yorkshire Terrier is the increased viscosity of saliva.. This leads to a slow cleaning of the dog's teeth from food particles and the rapid formation of tartar. A puppy should be taught to brush his teeth with a special brush from an early age, when the dog becomes an adult, she will calmly relate to any manipulations in the oral cavity. Animals not accustomed to brushing their teeth have to be euthanized for the plaque removal procedure.

Tears often flow from the dog's eyes, as the eyes are injured by dust particles or hairs sticking out of the muzzle. Tears dry up, forming paths, the hair under them remains wet, microorganisms actively multiply there, inflammation of the skin begins. To prevent these consequences, the eyes are wiped with a special lotion daily.

If the dog walks a little, then his claws grow so much that they cause discomfort, can catch on a carpet or other object, overstrain, which is very painful. Overgrown claws must be cut with a special guillotine or nail cutter. This is done very carefully, literally by a millimeter, so as not to touch the tissue containing the nerve endings and blood vessels.

Yorkie diet plan

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the smallest breeds and eats little, but this does not mean that the dog can be fed table scraps. The digestive system of these babies is prone to various failures, the pancreas is especially vulnerable. Acute pancreatitis is the most commonly diagnosed disease that can be fatal.

To keep healthy The Yorkshire Terrier needs a fractional diet with a minimum amount of animal fats in the diet.. For dogs of this breed, you should choose one type of food: prepared food or natural food. It is impossible to mix dry food and natural products, just as it is impossible to give both types of food on the same day.

Yorkshire terrier dogs are fed either natural food or premium and super-premium dry food.

Among ready-made feeds, it is preferable to choose those that contain products for Yorkshire terriers, or for animals with sensitive digestion. These are feeds such as ANF, Nutra Gold. They belong to the premium segment.

If it is decided to feed the pet with natural food, then the main products in the diet should be raw and boiled meat: beef, turkey or rabbit. Meat pieces are mixed with stewed carrots or green salad, oatmeal or rice flakes are added, previously steamed. Kefir or fermented baked milk is given daily at night. In between meals, you can treat your pet with fresh fruit.

Yorkshire Terrier Health

Gum disease is a common problem among Yorkshire Terriers.

Like many representatives of decorative breeds, Yorkshire terriers live a long time, often overcoming the age limit of 13-15 years. The dog will be healthy and cheerful if the owner devotes a lot of time to caring for him, feeding him properly and regularly visiting the veterinary clinic. Otherwise, the dog may suffer from a huge number of acquired diseases of the digestive tract, skin, and oral cavity.

Most often diagnosed:

  • Pancreatitis.
  • Dermatitis and dermatoses.
  • Food and drug allergies.
  • Periodontitis and.

Particular attention should be paid to the desire of people to acquire very small dogs, with a short muzzle and large eyes. Dwarfism is always accompanied by anomalies of internal organs, congenital diseases. Such a pet may suffer from heart disease, reproductive system disorders, weak immunity, and various metabolic disorders.

In addition to health problems, dwarf dogs suffer from mental disorders. This is a constant, causeless barking, cowardice, tantrums, the desire for constant protection.

Pros and cons of the breed

The advantages of the Yorkshire Terrier are:

The disadvantages of the breed are:

  • A large item of expenditure for the maintenance of a pet of this breed.
  • The dog needs constant attention, as it does not like to be alone.
  • The dog needs regular and time-consuming grooming.

Important! The pet needs a fairly strict upbringing, as the Yorkshire Terrier tends to mistake the gentleness and compliance of the owner for the inability to be a leader. In this case, the dog begins to literally lead the family members, dictating his own rules to them.

How to choose a puppy and what to look for

The popularity of the breed has led to the fact that, in pursuit of big money, Yorkshire terriers began to be bred by people who are far from the idea of ​​​​the true standard of the breed. On bulletin boards you can see photos of puppies that only vaguely resemble Yorkies, so the choice of a breeder must be approached especially meticulously. The right choice of a breeder will allow you to get a puppy without congenital pathologies, with a strong nervous system.

Photo. Yorkshire terrier puppy

Yorkshire terrier puppy in the photo

The kid should be cheerful and sociable, want to get to know the guests, play with littermates, that is, be active and bold. At the age of two months, when the puppies start looking for a new family, they are funny babies with short, sticking out fur and triangular ears.

Despite his small stature, he should have a strong build, straight paws with no signs of splaying or clubfoot and a fervently protruding tail. An excellent pet can be purchased at a large kennel that professionally breeds dogs of this breed:

  1. In Moscow: nursery "JOY JELY", website http://yorki-joy-jely.ru, cost from $700.
  2. In St. Petersburg: Dan Style cattery, website http://denstail.ru/index.html, cost from $850.

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the smallest dog breeds in the world, but that doesn't stop them from being very energetic.

They are always looking for adventure, love and attention. And their character is simply amazing with its courage and stubbornness. By nature, these inquisitive dogs are endowed with a lot of mischief.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a wonderful, devoted companion and watchdog.

This breed has won many fans thanks to its devotion to its owner, elegant appearance and adaptability to life in an apartment.

The Yorkshire Terrier should be between 15 and 18 cm at the withers and weigh no more than 3.5 kg. Although Yorkie size inconsistencies are not uncommon. Some representatives of this breed can weigh 2 kg.

Beware of dog breeders who offer very small Yorkshire Terriers. Dogs that are less than standard are prone to genetic disorders and may have major health problems.

Yorkshire terrier coat is enough long, silky and perfectly straight without any hint of waves. In some dogs of this breed, the pile reaches the floor, and besides, it is not thick at all.

From the back of the head to the tip of the tail, the pile is a dark steel color, and in the sun it has a bluish tint. The muzzle is completely bright golden in color and if you look closely, you can see that the hairs at the roots are redder than at the ends. Long bangs with the same golden hue as the muzzle. Golden long bangs, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears and nose, the hair is dark.


Yorkie puppies are born black, and their brown and bluish color develops gradually. During the summer, their coat often turns gray.

An interesting fact is that Yorkies become lighter with age. Their hormonal changes affect the color.


There is no real distribution of Yorkshire Terriers by variety, they can be divided based on their weight and size:

  • Ordinary, standard Yorkshire terriers weigh from 3 to 3.5 kg.
  • Mini Yorkies reach 2 kg in weight.
  • The smallest, they are also called "cup", weigh from 850 grams to 1.3 kg.

Description of the breed

Yorkies are one of the most popular dog breeds today. They attract with their noble appearance and playful character. Although few owners of dogs of this breed know that they were originally used to work in mines and factories. And only in the middle of the 19th century did they become popular as a pet.

Yorkies have one color: adult dogs are always dark steel color but puppies are born completely black.

how long do yorkies live

Yorkshire Terriers are considered long-lived (12-15 years) with relatively few major health problems. Some Yorkies are prone to fractures, bronchitis, eye infections, tooth decay, poor digestion, and poor anesthesia. Exotic treats should be avoided.

Small dog with noble appearance and playful character


Some personality traits are very common among Yorkshire Terriers, but every dog ​​is unique. . Knowing your dog's personality traits can be used to your advantage, which will help you train him more effectively.

Basically a Yorkshire Terrier. very energetic and loves to keep busy. But there are also homebodies among this breed. For such a small breed of dog, Yorkies, like , are very big personalities.

Yorkies have many character traits:

Because of their small size, Yorkies not suitable for families with small children. Most dog owners will not sell puppies to people whose children are under 5 or 6 years old. Toddlers may throw them, step on them, or squeeze them too hard.

Yorkies get along well with other pets, including cats, as long as they grow up together. And completely do not tolerate rodents.

If you have small children, it is better to choose a dog size a little more. We recommend the description of the Jack Russell Terrier. The kids will be crazy about it!

And if you want the perfect companion and a dog with a charming appearance - maybe it will suit you.

Choosing a puppy

To choose a good thoroughbred Yorkie, you need to have a general idea of ​​the breed, character and physical data of the dog. And also be guided by some advice:

  • Ask a lot of questions. Find out the puppy's pedigree.
  • Yorkies have a hard time being separated, so take a very small puppy.
  • Visit the nursery, and preferably a few. In addition to the puppies themselves, pay attention to what they eat and from what dishes - everything should be clean. Inspect the enclosures, they should not be overcrowded (maximum 2 Yorkies).
  • Pay attention to the appearance of the puppy. He must be clean, mobile, playful, without rashes and wounds, have an excellent appetite. The eyes should be black and shiny, never protruding. Ears should be V-shaped.
  • It is necessary to have a document with the name of the vaccinations made and their dates.
  • A puppy's passport is required.

Puppies at birth - black color

The new owner must be mindful of the size of the puppy and its fragility. Being at a young age, Yorkies are not able to quickly respond to danger.

Moving around the apartment need to look down so as not to accidentally harm the baby. Be careful when opening or closing doors. Make sure your puppy can always hear you. Do not give them to small children.

How much is york

The price of a Yorkshire Terrier depends on several factors:

  • Puppy pedigree.
  • Feeding and care.
  • Content.
  • Availability of all necessary vaccinations and documents.
  • Achievements at exhibitions.

The price range for small Yorkies fluctuates from 200 to 1500 US dollars, depending on the factors mentioned above. An adult trained dog can reach $2,500.

Video about the breed

Video about the breed

Yorkie Care

The Yorkshire Terrier does not shed, but it does require daily care. They have very long, silky hair that needs to be washed and combed to prevent tangling. The hair on the top of the Yorkie's head is usually tied with an elastic band or ribbon so he can see well.

If the dog's coat is too long, it needs to be trimmed every few months. Teeth need to be brushed regularly.


A dog's appetite depends entirely on its size, age, structure, metabolism and activity level. The quality of dog food also matters - the better the food, the more it will be nutritious for the animal and the less it will need.

Keep your Yorkie in good shape by measuring how much he eats and feeding him only twice a day rather than leaving food in the bowl.

Energetic and curious

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing a Yorkshire Terrier, you also need to compare the pros and cons of this dog breed for you personally!


  • Elegant and very compact dogs that you can always carry with you.
  • One of the best dogs for allergy sufferers.
  • Energetic and inquisitive, agile thanks to an easy gait.
  • Easily trainable.
  • An excellent watchman - will certainly report strangers.
  • Very friendly and great with children.


  • Fragile. Needs protection.
  • Requires regular brushing, combing or trimming.
  • With the wrong upbringing, it becomes practically uncontrollable.
  • Likes to run.

In essence, the Yorkshire Terrier is an excellent breed for a new dog owner. They are ideal for apartment living, for families with children over 7, for individuals or couples without children, and even for families on the move.

Yorkies do very well in backpacks or a carry bag, and can ride under a seat or in special carriers. These are bright, perky, funny, smart dogs, excellent watchdogs. And they require very little outdoor exercise.

Yorkshire Terriers are by far the most popular toy dogs. And they deserved the love of millions not by any working qualities, but by an exceptionally incredible appearance and positive character. Yorkies are so cute and cunning that their owners do not even understand how in a short time this toy creature gets the rights of the youngest member of the family with all the ensuing consequences. Where did this breed come from, and how did it manage to gain worldwide recognition?

Looking at these cuties, only one version comes to mind - this breed was diligently bred so that the dogs would please high-ranking owners with their presence. But no, in fact, representatives of this breed are by no means from secular salons. Yes, and Yorkshire terriers cannot boast of ancient history either.

In fact, according to reliable data, these dogs were bred by workers in the coal mines of the small town of West Rydeng, which was located in the Yorkshire-Nottingham coalfield. And the task before the Yorks was not an easy one - to destroy the crowds of rodents that live in the mines, and the search for the accumulation of ore gases. They turned out to be excellent rat-catchers, and besides, bypassing the law banning the appearance of animals in mines, they successfully penetrated there in the sleeves of workers.

But this round in the history of the breed turned out to be short-lived, as the cuties were noticed by ladies from high society and very quickly, leaving the coal mines, they became guests of salons and boudoirs.

In the 19th century, under Queen Victoria, it was bad form to attend social events without a tiny pet in your arms. And the smaller the pet was, the more it was valued and evoked envious glances.

But the documented history of the breed began only in the 70s of the 19th century, when the English Kennel Club was organized, and the British stud book appeared. Officially, the club recognized the breed only in 86 of the last century, then the dogs were called "Yorkshire Terriers". The adoption of the same standard occurred later, after 12 years.

P. Eden, a connoisseur and true connoisseur of various dog breeds, is considered the founder of the breed. He acted as an expert at various dog shows, where the first representatives of the breed were presented. He was also the owner of a Yorkie named Albert, who was the first to be entered in the Stud Book of Great Britain. The dog turned out to be an excellent founder of the family and passed on excellent qualities of character and beautiful coat to many of his descendants. 74 times Albert was the winner of various exhibitions.

The second owner of this eminent dog was Mrs. Foster, who also made a significant contribution to the maintenance of the breed. She organized the first Yorkshire terrier kennel, and for half a century she devotedly did what she loved.

In those days, the size of most Yorkies was not as compact as today's crumbs, and many dogs simply did not fit into the established standards. But the official standard tightened the requirements - the weight of the representatives of the breed had to vary from 1350 to 3150 grams. At the same time, attention was paid to the length of the coat, its softness and color.

The dogs of those times were somewhat different, painstaking selection made modern dogs more graceful and elegant. Breeders managed to get animals with a high tail, straight back and small ears.

The popularity of York Terriers increased significantly after World War II ended. Since then, these miniature creatures have spread throughout the world, winning the hearts of many millions of people.

Description of the breed Yorkshire Terrier

Dog breed Yorkshire Terrier photo

Many lovers and admirers of the breed claim that Yorkies are extraterrestrial creatures that arrived on earth from distant worlds. But such an unusual exterior is not so much external qualities as the work of owners and dog care specialists. Only high-quality care gives dogs an unearthly appearance:

  • The dogs are small head, slightly flattened on top, with a pretty, medium-sized muzzle. Yorkies have dark brown pearly eyes that show through their abundant coat.
  • Ears in dogs, they are erect, have a V-shape. The limbs are not visible because of the hair, but they are straight and parallel to each other. Paws are round, with densely collected fingers and claws of black color.
  • Yorkies are very fast and agile, which is a sign of true terriers. Tail set high, it stops by half at the age of 5 days. In a good mood, as a rule, he stands at the dog with a “pipe”.
  • One of the external advantages of the representatives of the breed is a long, shiny, silky coat, which hangs evenly on both sides of the body.

Colors of Yorkshire Terriers

Puppies of this breed are born with black fur, and only on the face and paws there are bright red small spots. Multi-colored Yorkies are much more expensive, as their coat looks luxurious, as if the dog had visited the salon and came out with fashionable coloring.

The nature of the representatives of the breed

Of course, each dog has special character traits, but still some of the similar characteristics are inherent in most Yorkies. Most dogs are energetic, but recently more calm and phlegmatic individuals have often been found among them. These cuties are characterized by high intelligence, and they deftly use this quality for their own purposes in order to get what they want. But for the owners, the sharp mind of the pet makes it much easier, provided that it is possible to interest and lure him into the process.

Yorkshire terrier dog photo

Do not forget that Yorkies are, first of all, terriers, and this gives their character one characteristic feature - the desire for independence. If you do not indicate to the pet who is in charge in the family, the dog himself will appoint himself to this position. It is worth noting that they also do not hold stubbornness and perseverance. Dogs have not lost their historical roots, so any creature of the same size or smaller becomes their prey. It is worth paying attention to this during walking.

Despite the extremely modest size, the pet will defend its space from other animals that dare to invade its territory. However, in new, unusual conditions, the dog may be confused. Yorkies are very attached to their owners and sincerely love their family, showing amazing tenderness. Despite a long life in high society, dogs come from the people. Therefore, they always act simply and clearly.

This is one of the most cheerful creatures, and only the cruel treatment of the owners can eradicate this quality. But, basically, Yorkshire terriers are curious, good-natured and almost always in a good-natured mood, infecting others with positive.

When purchasing this tiny, affectionate creature, you should calculate your strength and have free time, as the exterior of the terrier requires careful care.

Wool is the first and most important item in grooming procedures. She is tender, long, capricious in Yorkies. She will be beautiful and attractive only with constant combing. If it is not possible to do this every day, then you can cut your pet, fortunately, salons offer a lot of model haircuts for this breed.

Photo - Yorkshire Terrier Puppy

Also, the coat requires frequent, this should be done every 7-10 days. It is most convenient to carry out the procedure in the bathroom, avoiding the hit of elastic jets of water on the dog, as this can scare the Yorkie. It is better to use special detergents, in extreme cases, you can use a mild shampoo for children, but after diluting it with water. To improve the quality of the coat and make combing easier, it is recommended to apply a balm or conditioner for dogs to the coat, and then rinse it thoroughly. All actions should be done in the direction of hair growth.

After taking a bath, the pet should be dried with a hairdryer, wrapped in a towel or diaper. After drying, you should immediately do your hair, combing your pet, and sprinkle the hair with a spray. If you wish, you can wind the strands on hair curlers.

The eyes also require daily care, they should be wiped in the morning with a swab dipped in water and combed down so that individual hairs do not injure the eyes.

Yorkie ears are not so demanding, it is enough to inspect them once every 7 days and clean the formed plaque with a cotton swab and a special lotion or liquid. Caution should be exercised, as too deep penetration can cause injury to the auricle. Ear hyperemia or the appearance of an unpleasant odor is the reason for contacting a veterinarian.

The nose of a Yorkie, like that of other dogs, is an indicator of health. In a healthy pet, the urine is moist and cool. But the formation of a white border or the appearance of abundant secretions should alarm the owner.

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