False urge to urinate. False urge to urinate: the main causes. Diagnosis in identifying complaints of false urination

Urination is a complex reflex process. In order for it to happen, the coordinated work of receptors in the bladder, neurons spinal cord and urinary control centers in the brain.

The bladder is located in the small pelvis. In men, it is located next to.

Normally, the filling and emptying of the bladder occurs several times a day and mainly in daytime. Nighttime trips to the toilet may occur, but are rare in a healthy adult.

Do you have a path to the map that contains shopping center? Are you afraid to leave the house because the restroom won't be around when you need it? This is a reality for the millions of women who suffer from overactive bladder. And what are the reasons for urinating?

Do you miss excursions with friends because you are worried that the toilet will not be at arm's length? An overactive bladder should not constrain your style or your social life. The condition occurs when your brain sends signals to your bladder at the wrong time, telling the body that you need to urinate. Your bladder responds to contracting and you feel the urge to go - often, sometimes urgently, and certainly more than "normal".

Two situations can take place:

  1. Together with frequent urges, the volume of urine also increased;
  2. The urge is false, that is, a single portion during urination is tiny.

If a man suffers from frequent urge to urinate, his anatomy must be taken into account to identify the cause.

Possible causes of frequent urge to urinate.

However, changing daily habits is the first course of treatment - simple steps such as viewing fluid intake and doing Kegel exercises. Here are 6 before and 6 not to get you started. When you hang over the toilet, you cannot empty your bladder.

Do not squeeze your legs and do not hold back and do not rush. "You need to take an extra 30 seconds," she says. What if you are using public toilet? "Put the paper on the toilet seat and sit down." Valaitis asks his patients to keep a diary of what they drink and when they urinate.

Disorders in the excretory system

  1. The first diagnosis doctors think of when they mention frequent urination is cystitis. This disease, due to the peculiarities of the anatomy, is more typical for women (short urethra), but it is quite possible in men. In this case, the bladder neck receptors are irritated due to inflammation.
  2. Cystitis can indeed be in a man, but more often it is chlamydia cystitis or cystitis caused by mycoplasma. These are sexually transmitted infections. Often these symptoms are accompanied by joint damage.
  3. In addition to inflammation, the urethral wall can irritate the tracts.
  4. Similar symptoms may disturb a man for a short time when changing diet and eating a large number meat or spices. In this case, the composition of urine changes and its acidic reaction can irritate the bladder mucosa.
  5. Iron deficiency anemia makes the mucous membranes tender and sensitive. With a long-term anemia, other symptoms may be joined by a constant urge to urinate.
  6. Radiation cystitis develops during the treatment of tumors genitourinary system x-ray irradiation.

Disorders outside the excretory system

  1. In men, the closest organ to the bladder is the prostate gland. With its inflammation, the area of ​​​​the bladder, which is adjacent to the prostate gland, also reacts. The urge to urinate is irresistible, but the result is only a few drops. In order to make a diagnosis, it is necessary rectal examination prostate, ultrasound and study of its secret.
  2. Prostate adenoma usually makes it difficult to urinate, but if the gland enlarges unevenly, if the adenoma grows in an area where the prostate gland is located close to the bladder, then the receptors of the latter can react and send signals about the need to urinate.
  3. Spinal cord injury as well possible reason urinary disorders.

If a frequent urges on urination are accompanied by pain during urination or outside of this process, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this at the first appointment.

I'm so amazed that patients drink without even realizing it, she says. "I had one 25-year-old woman who drank 120 ounces of Pepsi a day and didn't even think about how it would affect her bladder control." Do Kegel exercises. According to Smith, Kegel exercises strengthen muscles pelvic floor and short circuit in urination.

"If you have good muscles pelvic floor, you can suppress your desire to walk,” she says. Cut back on the mocha latte. "Eight ounces of coffee seems to be harder on the bladder than 8 ounces of water," Smith says. "So, go with the water." So you need to "teach" him when you want to go, she says. Undoubtedly, the condition can make women uncomfortable during sex because they feel the urge to urinate and worry that they might have an accident.

But the urge to urinate can be quite justified. That is, every time you urinate enough urine. There are several most likely reasons:

  1. Debut. With an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood, it begins to be excreted in the urine. And once there, sugar “pulls” water along with it. The amount of urine is greatly increased.
  2. Diabetes insipidus. It is too endocrine disease, but more rare and the mechanism of occurrence is different.
  3. Drinking coffee or diuretics, increasing the amount of fluid you drink.

Urination regulates the condition internal environment organism. The fact that there was a violation of this process indicates serious violations and requires immediate medical attention.

Limiting fluid intake before sex may also ease discomfort, dr. Don't focus on urine. There is no such thing as "normal" urination, she says. "Anything that makes you functional is normal." Obsessing over when, where and how you go, she says, only leads to stress. And this can make many women feel even more frequent urination because when they are stressed, they tend to drink more fluids - creating a never ending cycle.

Causes in women

If you urinate more than is practical and it bothers you, see your doctor, dr. Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and short circuit in urination, doctor. The caffeine in coffee, tea, soda - even chocolate - has a diuretic effect: it makes your bladder go faster so you need to urinate. "Eight ounces of coffee seems to be harder on the bladder than 8 ounces of water," says Dr. Smith. "So, go with the water."

false urination is a condition in which a person feels the urge to urinate, but no urine output occurs. The same condition can occur in practice under the name of false urge to urinate. The condition may be accompanied by total absence urine after the urge, and its excretion in a small amount.

Set up a urine schedule. The brain can tell your body that you need to go even if you don't. "One of the procedures is to teach patients how to gradually increase the intervals between urination," she says. To do this, you need to keep a diary of when you urinate in order to find a pattern. You may also be asked to measure your results in containers to determine when you really need to go and when you don't.

If you're going more frequently, longer toilet breaks will gradually be introduced, Dr. But finding your own rhythm is what's most important to managing overactive bladders. "Everyone has their own issues and you have to know your body and its requirements," she says.

False urination can occur in children due to insufficient formation neural connections. In adults and the elderly, this condition can be regarded as independent disease, a symptom of urological pathology or other disease.

Causes of false urge to urinate

Feeling the urge to urinate is a common condition for healthy person. Thanks to the formation of a desire to empty the bladder, a person can regulate the act of urination. If such a system of regulation is violated, serious problems arise.

"It's nice to look at and maybe change the time of day when you're taking your medication," she says. You can make simple adjustments, such as not taking medication at night or when you are walking. Maintain healthy weight. Overweight puts extra pressure on the bladder and increases the risk of bladder problems bladder.

Follow further treatment. If habit change doesn't work, anticholinergic drugs can ease the urge to urinate by blocking nerve signals in the bladder. Minimally invasive surgery is also an option—either a bladder pacemaker or Botox injected into the organ to relax the muscle and minimize the feeling of having to constantly urinate.

The manifestation of urination disorders can manifest itself as follows:

  • frequent urination
  • involuntary urination

The reasons for the formation of false urination can be:

  • active influence on the walls of the bladder irritating substances
  • urinary tract infections, especially cystitis
  • sexually transmitted infections
  • disruption of neural connections between bladder and brain receptors
  • urolithiasis disease with obstruction of the ureter
  • severe stress shock

Diagnosis in identifying complaints of false urination

The main task in the treatment of false urination is to eliminate the causes that caused this pathology. Treatment begins with an attempt to psychologically get rid of the problem and turn off the perception of the urge. In parallel with this, the doctor prescribes drugs that allow you to sanitize the focus of chronic infection.

Do you have bladder problems? Leak when you laugh? Incontinence is a problem that can be dealt with. Knowing the causes and common triggers can help you stay dry and out of the bathroom. Do you know how to make your bladder behave?

Contact us. Bladder infection is the most common example of an infection urinary tract. Usually, a bladder infection is caused by bacteria that cause the bladder to become inflamed. Bladder infections are much more common in women than men due to female anatomy. Antibiotics are usually very effective for bladder infections.

You can make an appointment using the services of the reference “Your Doctor”. We are always ready to help you choose a clinic and a specialist of the right profile, as well as find medical Center located near your home.

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