Dream interpretation of kissing someone. Erotic dream book of Danilova. Interpretation of this dream according to various dream books

Each person at least once in his life saw a colorful memorable dream, but not everyone attaches importance to this. But how can you not attach importance to when you have to kiss a man in a dream? This article will focus on kissing in people's dreams.

Each person at least once in his life saw a colorful memorable dream, but not everyone attaches importance to this.

Some mistakenly believe that the dream book interprets the image of a kiss in a dream as a portent of love. This is far from always the case.

Here are some meanings of this image:

  1. If the dreamer watches someone kiss, she will be drawn into an adventure. This will entail a number of negative consequences. Dealing with setbacks will not be easy.
  2. A kiss with a former lover in dreams is a sign that in a real relationship with a chosen one, the girl is not going smoothly.
  3. If a woman sees a dream in which she had to kiss her current chosen one, this means that in the near future she will be deceived by him. Change is not ruled out.
  4. A kiss that was unforgettable is a dream for an imminent wedding. Perhaps a woman will receive a marriage proposal unexpectedly.
  5. Press your lips to the lips of the deceased - to career growth.
  6. To see someone kissing with the words: "You kiss perfectly" means participating in someone's conflict. A girl can be drawn into a conflict situation against her will and she will have to take sides.
  7. A friend kissed in a dream - to a joyful event. But if the kiss with a friend was passionate, then the event will backfire.
  8. If in a dream you had to kiss your enemy, with whom there was a quarrel the day before, in the future there will be reconciliation with him.
  9. A dream in which I really wanted to merge in a kiss with my beloved man, dreams of separation from him.
  10. If in a dream a woman wanted to kiss her close friend, this promises her failure in love affairs.

Of all the dreams, this one is perhaps one of the most serious in terms of meaning.

Why dream of a kiss (video)

The meaning of this dream according to Miller's dream book

Psychologist Miller gives a double interpretation of the dream, where the central event is a kiss. The meaning of sleep largely depends on the emotion that the dreamer experienced during this process.

So the values ​​are:

  • The girl feels joy while the guy touches her lips, she thinks something like "I'm kissing a real handsome man!" - good sign. If a man is attractive to her both externally and internally, and during his touch a gentle thrill appears, then in the near future the dreamer will have a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpleasures and pleasures.
  • The guy is unpleasant to the girl, and there is no desire to be with him - a bad sign. Someone from the dreamer's inner circle will disappoint her.

Should I be afraid of something after such a dream?

In some dream books there are a number of warnings after such a dream.

In some dream books there are a number of warnings after such a dream. It is believed that touching lips with other lips has a negative imprint in real life. What should you protect yourself from? First of all, from recklessness and frivolity. This is especially true for young girls who are in a state of love.

The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, believed that the image of a romantic man with whom a girl had an intimate relationship in her dream reflects her inexperience and excessive curiosity. Therefore, in order to protect herself and her reputation, she must be more serious about the choice of the first sexual partner. Otherwise, the girl can get psychological trauma, firmly “settled” in her subconscious. This will leave an imprint on her entire future life. That is why such a dream must be taken seriously.

Kiss with a familiar man in a dream: what does it mean

There will be a meeting with an interesting guy with a vague past

If in a dream a woman kissed a man she knew, then this could mean the following:

  1. There will be a meeting with an interesting guy with a vague past. He will probably hide his true face from the dreamer. This will lead to the loss of her impeccable reputation.
  2. A meeting with a person who likes to live at the expense of others is not ruled out. He may also have the makings of a narcissist.
  3. If a girl knows the person she kisses in her dream, and at the same time she is in a relationship with him, then they will soon part. If there is reconciliation, it will be short-lived.
  4. The guy whom the dreamer not only kisses, but also regrets, is in danger. This person must be warned about this and advised not to forget about caution.
  5. If someone else kisses a man he knows, in the near future the dreamer will receive some kind of adventurous offer.

It is also believed that if a woman has an insatiable desire to touch her lips in a dream with the guy she knows in life, then she has a lack of emotions. Perhaps you can make up for this shortcoming by going on a trip.

Kissing in a dream with a strange man

This dream promises an early love

This dream promises an early love. You should not take this feeling seriously, because it will fade away as quickly as it appears. As for the relationship with the guy who is the object of love, they will be short-lived. There is also no need to talk about regret on the part of each of the partners, because none of them wants to resume romance.

If a married lady dreamed of this, it is highly likely that she will allow herself to be carried away by someone “on the side”. Such a hobby will not pass without a trace, the deception will be revealed, and the family will fall apart.

Such a dream for a girl may be the result of a lack of attention from men.

Kissing in a dream with another guy with her husband

Such a dream is actually a virtual betrayal

Such a dream is actually a virtual betrayal. Why virtual? Yes, because it takes place in the irrational world of human consciousness. Most likely, a woman likes to feel guilty in real life, she seeks adventure. Nevertheless, she cannot get that dose of emotions that she needs, so she has to experience feelings dedicated to other men. These missing feelings find their reflection in dreams.

As for the interpretation itself, it can warn the dreamer of impending danger. It is not forbidden to commit immoral acts in a dream, but this necessarily leaves its mark on a person’s life. It is necessary to remember this and try to get the right dose of emotions in everyday life.

Seeing a passionate kiss in a dream

Any kiss already implies a certain passion, because at this moment people violate each other's intimate space. Unfortunately, in human dreams, passion is by no means a good sign. The more passion was invested in the kiss, the stronger the troubles that the dreamer will have to face.

What can be expected?

  • Betrayal.
  • Grievances.
  • Remorse of conscience.
  • Threats.
  • Deception, etc.

If on the eve of such a dream it was planned to do some important business, you can forget about its successful outcome. The more passion was invested in the process of kissing each other by two people, the harder it will be for the dreamer in reality.

If the moment of the kiss was not only passionate, but also sensual, the dreamer will part with his soulmate, and the separation process will be very painful and difficult.

Kissing in a dream: dream book (video)

Despite the largely negative interpretation of this dream, it always carries a warning. And this means that if you give him the correct interpretation in a timely manner, then you can avoid trouble.

Attention, only TODAY!

When trying to understand why a kiss is dreaming, it is advisable to remember everything, even the smallest details. After all, the manifestation of feelings in the world of dreams can mean different events, depending on the nuances.

Dream Interpretation: to see a kiss in a dream

Miller's dream book interprets a marital kiss in a dream as harmony in the family. Kissing with the enemy means improving relations. However, if the sleeping person was taken by surprise during a kiss, you should be on your guard. Hypocritical friends can cause trouble.

According to Vanga's dream book when you dream of a kiss, you should prepare for changes in your personal life. For a young girl, passionate kisses mean complex emotional experiences because of her lover.

Ukrainian dream book interprets kisses as trouble. Kissing with a person of the same gender is a warning. Acquaintance can bring problems if you immediately trust a new person.

Ahead is a significant deterioration in well-being - this is what a kiss with a dead man dreams about. It is advisable to take preventive measures so that, if at least not to avoid the disease, then do without complications.

Dream Interpretation of Medea as well as a serious illness, the dreamed kiss of a deceased person on the lips interprets. Kissing with a famous person is respect at work and among friends.

French dream book considers a kiss in a dream, taking into account the initiator. If it was a dreamer - a smile of fortune. Someone else kisses - an unexpected but pleasant event.

According to Veles' dream book if you dream of a kiss for lovers or family people, you should take a closer look at the second half. Possible change.

Women's dream book interprets the kiss of the child very favorably. Peace and tranquility reign in the family.

Freud's dream book interprets a kiss in a dream as a reflection of intimate contact. However, the deeper and more frank kissing happened, the greater the disharmony in sex.

Why dream of a kiss with a guy or a man

Kind of a kiss with a guy you like can be interpreted as a projection of real feelings. At the same time, if in a dream this demonstration of personal sympathy took place in a dark room, the dreamer should take care of her reputation.

A dreamed kiss warns of the possible secrecy of a loved one or even deceit on his part. with my boyfriend. If this happened in the cathedral, a marriage proposal may soon follow. But before agreeing, you should learn about the chosen one better.

Also kiss with a loved man interpreted as an increase in income. Moreover, they will be received in a way unusual for a sleeping woman.

tender kiss with husband is a positive symbol. You don't have to worry about relationships. Harmony and balance reign in them.

Kiss with a lover, relations with which are not formalized, can also be a warning symbol. Some cooling of feelings is possible soon. To avoid it, it is necessary to analyze the actions and emotions that cause a negative reaction.

Kiss with another man does no honor in reality. The meaning of a dream with such a plot warns against loose behavior and slander about others.

A kiss in a dream warns of romantic temptations in reality with a friend's boyfriend. However, you should not give in to temptation: love passions will very quickly turn into an unpleasant disappointment.

Pleasant events in reality promises a kiss with a friend in a dream. However, if the sleeping woman feels something more for the guy, this may be a visual reflection of her romantic dream.

The kiss is interpreted in two ways with a classmate. On the one hand, it is the help of friends in a difficult situation. On the other hand, a warning against harsh statements addressed to someone.

A kiss signals discomfort during communication with the boss. To achieve success in the professional field, it is necessary to overcome your own complexes and confidently demonstrate skills and abilities.

Generally a kiss with an acquaintance portends that the sleeping woman at any moment in reality can be swirled with passionate amorous adventures. However, it is unlikely that a person from a dream will become a partner.

A friendly kiss with a brother is a good sign. This is a good relationship in real life.

If a kiss in a dream happened with a man, with whom the relationship has already been completed, you should pay attention to your feelings. Probably, subconsciously, the woman is not ready to believe in the final break.

The past still holds its grip - that's what a kiss means with ex-husband. It is desirable to realize that it is time to live in the present.

Kiss with an ex-boyfriend means not only the remaining affection for a once handsome person. Due to problems unresolved by the dreamer in the past, there is not enough attention for those who are next to her at the present time.

A kiss in a dream takes on a slightly different meaning. with a stranger, or the person with whom such a manifestation of feelings in reality is hardly likely.

If you dream of a kiss with an elderly man, and even more so with an old man, the dreamer should be careful. The plot warns of a deterioration in well-being due to the neglect of common sense.

Kiss with a boy warns of the possibility of getting into an awkward situation. They will make fun of the sleeping woman for a long time if she commits rash acts.

A kiss with a stranger in a dream and pleasant emotions after waking up is a good sign. Possible find.

Why dream of a kiss with a girl

A dream in which a kiss was remembered with my girlfriend, promises joyful events. Life will bring amazing surprises.

For a female dreamer, a kiss with a friend when meeting in a dream - a good sign. Ahead is a fun period filled with everyday happy little things.

The memory of past feelings is a dream kiss with an ex girlfriend. Emotionally, the dreamer is not ready to put an end to it.

Kiss with a classmate in a dream should alert. The sleeping person has problems in communicating with others.

A kiss is a warning with a colleague in a dream. It is because of the actions of this person that the dreamer will find himself in an unpleasant situation.

If you dream of a kiss with a girl friend, circumstances will suddenly change. Fortunately, the nature of change will be favorable.

dream kiss with an unknown girl is a warning. In reality, someone will try to deceive or seduce.

Interpreting the kiss With a woman in a dream, it is necessary to take into account its appearance and age. If an adult dreamer passionately kisses a very young person, in reality he is ready to make a dishonest deal for the sake of profit. Kissing a beautiful woman is financial well-being, but if the lady is disgusting, her health is likely to deteriorate.

A good symbol is a kiss with my wife. Family life in the near future will bring only pleasure and happiness.

A reflection of friendly feelings is a dream kiss with sister. Ahead of events that will bring pleasure.

Where kissed in a dream

It can be seen that the dreamed kiss On the lips is interpreted very differently depending on who was the partner or partner. But no less often in a dream, lips touch other parts of the body. A kiss in a dream on the head reflects the need for tenderness and care. The sleeper needs support, and it is not shameful to ask for help from loved ones.

Kiss on your cheek interpreted depending on the initiator. A joyful meeting will take place very soon if the dreamer does this. Someone from the acquaintances kissed on the cheek - a symbol of unfulfilled obligations to this person.

If you dream of a kiss to the neck, this is a hint. It is worth being more decisive when communicating with the opposite sex. Kissing eyes - in reality get into a romantic setting. It is a symbol of tenderness and care.

A dream kiss has a good meaning head-on. All started cases will end in the most favorable way.

Too much pride is signaled by a kiss in hand, and in order to attract sympathy, it is desirable to become kinder to others. Also, this plot warns businessmen about the need to avoid making dubious transactions.

What kiss did you have

Passionate a kiss in a dream calls for a rational view of people and circumstances. Excessive emotionality can damage objectivity and ultimately lead to disappointment.

dream kiss passionately warns of some complication in relationships. A conflict is brewing between lovers.

After all long a kiss in a dream predicts the appearance of an impudent rival or rival. However, it is desirable to take emotions under control, and not make scandals. The partner is faithful, but nagging can change the situation.

Some detachment from reality means French kiss in a dream Keeping your head in the clouds can be harmful.

We must think more realistically - that's what a kiss is for with tongue. It can also be a symbol of a fleeting romance.

dreaming the first a kiss in a dream signals a longing for the past. This is a reflection of the dreamer's slight melancholy.

Romantic waking adventure means gentle kiss in a dream This is a sign that representatives of the opposite sex will show increased attention in the coming period.

Violent unpleasant a kiss symbolizes the habit of giving up the initiative and obeying someone else's will. The dream suggests that sometimes it’s good to defend your own opinion.

The romantic nature of the dreamer is reflected in the plot of the dream, where he gives or receives air kiss. It is also a sign of unpreparedness for a serious relationship.

A kiss in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. It is quite difficult to interpret it, remembering the many details of the dream. Therefore, we sincerely wish to kiss more in reality, and not in dreams.

Kissing on the lips is not only pleasant, but also good for health, because it reduces feelings of anxiety and anxiety. But not everything is so simple in dreams. Sometimes the happiest moments in them are clues about the problems that threaten waking dreamers. Why dream of kissing a man, and even on the lips?

What will Mr. Miller say?

In a dream, did you witness that an outsider kisses passionately with his beloved? In this case, Miller warns: your girlfriend trusts you less and less. So take action. In order not to completely lose respect, the location of a friend.

Why did a married woman dream that an unfamiliar admirer kisses on the lips? An American psychologist does not exclude the possibility that a lady will succumb to fleeting passion and start a love affair on the side, which will negatively affect her future future.

Take care of honor from a young age!

If a girl dreams of passionate kisses on the lips, and even with a stranger, then she behaves extremely imprudently and frivolously. And such behavior can once and for all disgrace her in the eyes of the public. Therefore, the dream book of the Lovers warns the young dreamer of the need to behave seriously with members of the opposite sex. However, she needs to show a little more prudence in all other matters.

It's time to decide

You need to analyze your desires and priorities, that's what advice Loff gives, to that dreamer who, in her nightly dream, dreamed and achieved a passionate kiss with a stranger. And yet such a sleeping beauty constantly doubts: how good is her current boyfriend, and is it worth building further relationships with him?

Freud's "diagnosis"

Without a doubt, the kissing dream, according to Freud, is associated with the dreamer's sexual fantasies. If she is familiar with the hero of the dream in reality, then she thinks about how good he is in bed.

But for a young lady, this dream has a completely different meaning. Freud warns that the current gentleman has long been dreaming of taking possession of her body and is ready for very decisive action.

Who touched the lips

The sorceress Medea is given great importance to: who kissed the sleeping woman? Suppose it was a famous person. In this case, this vision portends an increase in social status, authority. If such close tactile contact was with the enemy, then reconciliation is likely in reality, the revival of friendship with a former comrade. In a dream, did you kiss a friend? Alas, but this is a harbinger of a quarrel with him in reality. Problems and troubles at work, that's what kissing with the boss dreamed about.

From the Erotic Collection of Interpretations

Oddly enough, but in the Erotic Dream Interpreter, kissing on the lips with a man is an alarm signal, suggesting that a loved one in a difficult situation will betray or behave unworthily, ugly.

Experienced Emotions

In the General Collection of Sleep Predictions, the kissing scene foreshadows the sleeping visit of guests or receiving interesting news from afar. Aesop advises recalling: what kind of feelings were experienced in the nocturnal phantasmagoria during such close contact with a man.

If the sleeping woman was pleased with the kiss of the dreaming admirer, then her fate will change for the better, she will become a participant in the most interesting events.

And why did the disgusting type dream, communication with which even in a dream caused disgust and awkwardness? Unfortunately, this promises in reality a bunch of unpleasant, but urgent matters, worries.

Straight Talk

The dream interpretation of the 21st century gives a woman who kissed a stranger on the lips in a dream valuable advice: urgently talk heart to heart with her lover. Otherwise, the misunderstanding that gradually accumulates in a couple will lead to the separation of two loving hearts. And the dreamer should also hint to her partner that she needs a little more affection and attention from him.

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Visions born in the depths of the subconscious are sometimes surprisingly pleasant. I immediately want to look into the dream book. Kissing a man, experiencing great pleasure, for example, why? And if this process causes horror or disgust, what does this mean? Interested? Let's leaf through the wise books to know what to prepare for.

New dream book

Kissing a man, the source claims, means his infidelity or insincerity.

This is when you have a close relationship (informal) with this representative of the stronger sex. That's how twisted it is! Kissing with her husband - to his fidelity. He will delight you with attention and affection, this dream book believes. Kissing with a guy to whom the heart is torn means that dreams will come true, giving extraordinary happiness. For a guy, caressing a beauty with his lips - to luck, an unattractive girl - to failure, the dream book predicts. Kissing a man, experiencing a terrible disgust - for illness or other trouble. The girl should think over her actions. Such a dream predicts that she will suffer from unjust people with perverted views. They will evaluate her kind, but slightly playful behavior, based on their own destructive experience and aspirations. It will be unpleasant and insulting when evil words are told to you.

Miller's dream book

This source believes that one should analyze the feeling and the environment in which everything happened.

If caresses took place under the cover of night, you will be accused of debauchery (maybe only by your own conscience), says the dream book. Kissing a man in bright light means that your integrity and loyalty to high ideals are reflected in relation to the opposite sex. This is not only commendable, but will help you get the desired happiness with a faithful and reliable chosen one.

When you see with horror that you are kissing a sworn enemy, do not worry. Such a strange and unpleasant vision predicts reconciliation with a friend, calms the dream book. Kissing with a stranger is to show immorality. Try after such a dream to think about your intentions, to correlate them with such an important concept as morality. When you are caught kissing a friend and your own beloved, expect a crisis in the relationship. You will have to part with one of them, or maybe both. The reason will be their betrayal, abuse of your trust. Most likely, they spun a cunning affair behind your back.

Intimate dream book

Kissing in a dream - to a new fascinating acquaintance for a woman. Her imagination will be captivated by the extraordinary qualities of the gentleman, which later turn out to be just a subtle game. After a certain time, it turns out that this individual is an experienced gigolo, which, of course, will lead to disappointment. Try to be more critical of “what glitters”, separating the first impression from real moral qualities, the dream book recommends.

Kissing on the lips is good for spouses. This is a sign of family harmony and prosperity. For young couples, such a vision portends the appearance of a desired heir, conceived in love. The child will become the support and pride of the parents. When a kissing couple dreamed, beware of being drawn into unseemly deeds. Enemies, hiding behind good intentions, will try to involve you in their evil intrigues. Guilty will be the one who did not suspect anything and believed in bright ideals. Try not to be that fool.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

This source predicts treason to those who experienced pleasure from the caresses of a partner. Most often, such a vision means separation, this dream book warns. Kissing your ex is the opposite. This is a sign that today there is a faithful person next to you who will never let go of love of his own free will. Appreciate this person. It is given to you for life. If women kiss each other, then they will begin to scandal, finding out "who is the cutest in the world."

A quarrel will not cost a damned egg, it will only kindle a dormant enmity. Do not pay attention, be above petty malice and envy. Kissing an unpleasant person means that your kindness will be appreciated in society. Some of your act will be discussed, recognizing that it is worthy of a true leader. After that, you will have a chance to acquire new loyal supporters, many of whom will become a support.

Folk dream book

When dreaming of a kiss with a person of the same sex, be hostile. Most often, it is this person who has negative feelings for you, while secretly criticizing every word or deed. Soon this hostility will come out. Nothing particularly bad will happen. It’s better to know who hates you than to watch the disapproving looks of others. Now you will know exactly where the wind is blowing from.

Kissing with a loved one - to his dishonesty. He already has another object of adoration. Yes, he "forgot" to tell you about it. We'll have to bring it to clean water.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

When a guy kisses a beauty, he will soon marry. The chosen one will be faithful, decent and economic. If the girl kisses the good fellow, she will not see the wedding feast. Her destiny is suffering from the infidelity of the one to whom her heart is most inclined.

When you dream that you do not dare to kiss a person dear to your soul, you will become sad, thinking that your desires will never come true. You need to shake yourself up and call on a sense of humor to help. As you know, it is this behavior that contributes to the establishment of relationships. Make your loved one laugh, and you will see that your souls are already connected, the only thing left is to clarify positions and establish contacts. Kissing the ground is to be very anxious.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why dream of exchanging Kisses

Kiss - Physical intimacy is symbolic in itself, because it reflects not only feelings, but also an act of unification or reconciliation. But if hugs with relatives or a lover are easy to explain, then, for example, why dream of a kiss with a person who is hostile to you? According to circumstances, contact with lips portends immense respect or dependence on others.

  • A kiss with a friend in a dream - in reality, good news awaits you.
  • A kiss with a stranger portends an early reconciliation, resolution of a conflict situation in the inner circle of acquaintances.
  • I dreamed that children kiss each other on the cheek - peace and perfect understanding will reign in the family.
  • Seeing a touching kiss on the mother's cheek will be a blessing: any of your undertakings after such a plot will be crowned with success.
  • Kissing someone on the lips in the light? Your generosity and selflessness will resonate in the hearts of those around you. However, kisses in the dark warn of danger due to a dissolute lifestyle, they require to be more restrained.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

What did Kisses dream about

Kiss with a guy - A light touch of the lips is a sign of politeness or an expression of passion. Psychoanalysts point out that a kiss can be dreamed of both during strong excitement or changes in personal relationships, and on the eve of spiritual liberation due to the presence of some negative energies. Being a symbol of dominance and suppression, a dreamed kiss acquires a certain meaning only in combination with the object to which it is directed.

  • In the family circle, you feel maximum comfort, so a kiss from one of the relatives is a sign of spiritual harmony. You enjoy life, feel joy in everyday life and perceive the world around you as an endless holiday.
  • Why dream of a kiss with a hatted acquaintance or boss give out suspicions: a subconscious feeling of anxiety and anticipation of imminent problems associated with this person. If someone breaks into a dream and interrupts an intimate moment, beware of betrayal by friends.

Romantic dream book

Why dream of a kiss

Kiss with a girl - Deep emotions do not always manifest in reality, so do not be afraid to see the kiss and enjoy it: intimate action symbolizes the evolution of feelings.

  • If spouses kiss each other even in dreams, their bond is incredibly strong, and the time spent together will only strengthen it. Plot circumstances are regarded as signs of future changes in relationships.
  • Why dream of a passionate kiss with a lover in the light - it means that simple dates will gradually develop into something more promising, sincere and favorable.
  • The dream is colored by impenetrable darkness, the twilight of a club or flickering candles, and did a stranger turn out to be a partner in a kiss in a dream? This symbolizes the hardships in a relationship: the dreamer will face serious trials, betrayals or disappointing intrigues. Understand your feelings or break up with your lover.

The meaning of the dream about the Violation of personal space (Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers)

Kiss - It is a dream that some shadow figures are kissing a sleeping person - in this form, an esoteric process of spiritual liberation from local negative energies (demons) occurs with proper Christian prayer. After such dreams with kisses, the prayer book-practitioner feels extraordinary freedom, lightness, emancipation and inspiration - this is the meaning of sleep.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of a Kiss

  • Dreaming of a kiss with a beloved girl in the dark means reckless debauchery.
  • A kiss in a dream with a guy you like portends respect and reverence towards women.
  • I dreamed of a kiss of children - peace and harmony in the family, satisfaction from one's work.
  • I dreamed of a kiss on the cheek of my mother - to successful entrepreneurship, love and respect for friends.
  • In a dream, a kiss with a brother or sister is a sign of future pleasures and good friendship.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Kisses from your dream

  • A dreaming friendly kiss with an ex-boyfriend symbolizes parting.
  • I dreamed of a sensitive kiss passionately - portends that the disease will soon recede.
  • I dreamed of a long kiss of a man - a painful long separation or a strong quarrel.
  • Cold on the lips after kissing in a dream - death itself marked you.
  • Pain in the lips after a kiss in a dream - liberation from painful expectation, care.

Miller's dream book

Why dream Kiss in a dream

  • You kiss children - means happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction at work.
  • To dream that you are kissing your mother - that you will find success in business, the love and respect of friends.
  • A kiss in a dream with a brother or sister is a sign of future pleasures and good friendship.
  • A kiss in a dream with a beloved in the dark portends danger and debauchery, and a kiss with her in the light means that you will not change your noble attitude towards women.
  • Kissing an unfamiliar woman in a dream is a harbinger of immoral acts.
  • Seeing a rival kissing your beloved is a sign that you are in danger of losing her respect.
  • For spouses to dream of kissing each other means spiritual harmony that will never leave their home.
  • You kiss the enemy - means that you will succeed in reconciliation with a friend.
  • Why dream of a kiss of a young lady with a fan, interrupted by a casual observer - a dream foreshadows her impudent acts on the part of her imaginary friends, this is how the Kiss is deciphered by the dream book, and everything that you dream about.
  • Kiss on the lips with relatives? You have good and interesting friends with whom you have fun in your free time.
  • A kiss on the lips with a friend indicates troubles, problems that will arise due to the fault of your partner from sleep.

Modern dream book

Kisses - what do they mean for the dreamer

  • If you dream of a kiss, in reality you will encounter deceit from friends, their hypocrisy, betrayal, deceit.
  • A dreamed friendly kiss warns of hostility or misunderstanding between people.
  • A kiss with a relative predicts the loss of trust, mutual respect, squabbles.
  • Kissing with a regular partner is an empty dream that throws you images from memories.
  • Why dream of a kiss with a stranger speaks of a situation that will bring a lot of anxiety and negative emotions.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why dream in a dream Kiss

  • If in a dream you dream of a kiss on the hand from a gallant man, portends a chance to get rich, which you may miss by underestimating the consequences of your rash act.
  • If in a dream a tipsy friend of your husband tries to kiss you, in reality you will be disappointed in this person, and there will be good reasons for that.
  • Kissing with your chosen one - such a dream portends a quick wedding for a young girl.
  • Seeing a husband kissing another is a sign of adultery in reality.
  • To see a kiss of men - to disappointment in failures, women - in reality you will have a great rest and have fun with your friends.
  • Kissing children in a dream - in reality, excessive fuss and impatience will bring a result opposite to what is expected.
  • Kissing a child portends new worries.
  • Kissing children are dreaming - a sign of happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction with their position.
  • A mother kissing you in a dream portends the love and care of loved ones. Kissing in a dream with a stranger in a dark entrance or gateway means that, having sufficient funds, you will unwisely spend them, trying to throw dust in the eyes of a person whose love you want to achieve in all possible ways and no matter what it costs you.
  • Why dream of a kiss with your fiance for the bride portends a breakdown in the wedding on the very eve.
  • If, on the contrary, he kisses you, it means just an unfortunate misunderstanding, which will quickly become clear to the great joy of both.
  • A pleasant kiss in a dream means that in reality you will attract the attention of many men.
  • Kissing with freaks or lustful old men means that only endurance and patience can bring you the desired result.
  • Kissing the forehead of a dead man in a dream means that joys and sorrows will be evenly interspersed in your family life.
  • Kissing a cross or a Bible in a dream means that in reality you will be disappointed in your chosen one even before the wedding.

Assyrian dream book

The Magic of the Kiss - what does it mean for the dreamer

Dreamed kisses often signify romantic feelings, such as the kiss that woke Sleeping Beauty from her deep sleep. Another kiss can symbolize betrayal, such as the kiss of death with which Judas betrayed Christ. Whether the dreamer accepts the kiss or kisses himself, as well as the feelings that arise during the kiss, determine the meaning of the symbol.

Large modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Kiss

  • According to the dream book, to see kissing children - you had a quarrel in your family, now reconciliation will come.
  • Seeing a kiss with someone unfamiliar - a new love interest awaits you, and here you are not in control of yourself; just try not to make too many sacrifices.
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