Do cats change milk teeth. When kittens teeth change: features of teeth change in different breeds

Quite often, kittens get to a new owner at a very early age. Therefore, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of how these animals develop, the care and characteristics of their body, so that a beautiful and healthy cat will grow up in your home. In particular, you need to know at what age kittens teeth change, and what symptoms accompany this. This will be discussed below.

The change of teeth is an important moment in the life of any animal, including the cat family. This process develops in each baby with individual characteristics: some owners may not notice the period of teeth change in their pet, while others, on the contrary, have to provide kittens with special care and pay attention to them.

Features of tooth growth

Fluffy pets are born with no teeth. The first teeth are cut only at the age of two weeks. At this time, tailed babies are almost like little children - they are also restless and now and then scratch their gums about everything that comes their way. Of course, they are not yet so big as to freely crawl around the house and thereby cause trouble to their owner and things in the apartment. But their own paws and tails of brothers and sisters, or the edges of the couch, as they say, are always at hand and will also fit for this business.

By the age of two months, kittens have a complete set of milk teeth. There are twenty-six of them in total - small and very sharp. With the advent of all the teeth, the kitten is already ready to feed not only on mother's milk, but also on food that is harder. This period also requires close attention on the part of the owner for his ward.

When do kittens change milk teeth?

This usually occurs at four months of age and continues for two or three months. In this regard, even when the change of teeth is over, the symptoms of gum irritation may remain, as the process of cutting the molars begins. What stages it is divided into, about this below:

  • First, the incisors are cut, this process in most cases does not cause inconvenience to your pet, and the owner may not even notice that the kitten's teeth have begun to change.
  • After that, the change of fangs begins, first the lower ones are replaced, then the upper ones.
  • In the same sequence, molars and premolars change. At this time, just by the way, there will be various toys that are specially sold for these purposes. You need to take care of buying them, and thus the kitten will not have the desire to attack your hands, other things and objects in your house.

An adult healthy animal has thirty permanent teeth, as already mentioned, kittens have fewer of them - twenty-six. It is clear that these are four fangs, molars, incisors. In normal condition, they look white or creamy, and the gums are pinkish. As a rule, all teeth are strong and show no signs of decay or inflammation. To avoid any disturbances in the development of teeth, they must initially receive all the necessary trace elements. All this is provided by high-quality nutrition of the animal. An important role is played by the timely change of teeth, the correct care of the kitten by the owner.

When should teeth be replaced?

If the process goes well, then all the kitten's teeth will change by the age of seven months - by this time he should have thirty teeth. In total, the upper jaw is represented in cats by six incisors, two canines and eight molars, the lower in the same proportion, only two less molars.

During this critical period, the protective function of the body in kittens weakens, and they become more dependent on various diseases, including those that are not related to teeth. It is necessary in this regard:

  • Make sure that the baby eats only good-quality food, this will help increase immunity.
  • It is necessary to protect the pet from any kind of viral infections.
  • It should be borne in mind that during this period it is not advisable to put any vaccinations, they can play a negative role for a weakened body, creating an extra burden.

This serves as another confirmation in favor of the fact that vaccination should always be carried out in a timely manner. It is necessary to inform the veterinarian at the reception about the change of teeth in the animal, if the question of vaccination is raised.

Symptoms of changing teeth

As a rule, such an important process as the change of teeth in kittens goes almost unnoticed by the owner, but there are signs that cannot be ignored. And when they appear, it is best not to rely on "maybe", but to visit a specialist.

Those who do not have experience in keeping cats, having brought a tiny kitten into the house, are often interested in veterinarians and online forums about when kittens change their teeth? Although attentive owners can, without a specialist and various forums, can understand for themselves when their pet began to change teeth. In order to determine this, it is not even necessary to open the animal's mouth.

Firstly, when a kitten changes its teeth, its behavior begins to change dramatically. A little furry friend can show anxiety, accompanying all this with a plaintive meow, as if telling his owner that he is not very comfortable. In addition, the kitten becomes a real rodent: whether it's slippers or the owner's feet, wires - nothing escapes the itchy cat's mouth. In a word, at this time he needs an eye and an eye, otherwise you won’t even have time to blink, as a rag, a book, a computer mouse will be in his mouth.

Therefore, during the change of teeth, the owners will need to be careful. They must monitor the pet's behavior carefully. In addition, the kitten needs good and competent care. And this implies both high-quality nutrition and proper hygiene of the cat's mouth. Then the permanent teeth will grow beautiful and strong, there will be no inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes.

Now we should dwell in more detail on the signs that are most characteristic when changing teeth in kittens, and what the owner should pay attention to in order to better navigate in this situation:

  • Refusal of food. It is considered quite natural if at certain moments the kitten refuses to eat due to sore gums. It does not appear to be a threat to the animal. However, if such a “hunger strike” lasts more than one day, then it is advisable for the owner to contact a specialist for advice.
  • Smell from the mouth. The kitten's mouth should be checked regularly. An unpleasant odor is not always present when changing teeth, but it may happen that the wound where the tooth fell out begins to fester, and then a bad smell is possible. In such a situation, you should contact your veterinarian. Also, you should not ignore if there is a pronounced redness or sores on the mucosa - you should also take care of the examination of a specialist, otherwise the inflammatory process may become more active and lead to undesirable consequences.
  • Change of teeth. Sometimes the owner of the pet does not even notice when the kitten's teeth fall out - most kittens can swallow them during meals. But there may be violations of the process of changing teeth. This can happen when, for example, milk teeth have not yet fallen out, and molars are being cut. This happens quite often due to the fact that the molar sprouts from a different socket, unlike the milk tooth. That is, one tooth is not pushed out by another. And if this does not last long, then there is nothing terrible in it.

When the milk teeth have not yet fallen out, and the permanent ones are growing, then this problem must be solved. This is done quickly: so that there are no obstacles for permanent teeth to grow, milk teeth are removed. But even in such situations, there is not always a need for such a radical method: if the old teeth do not interfere with the growth of the permanent ones, and do not injure the soft tissues of the oral cavity, there is no inflammation of the gums, then they do not need to be removed.

Problems when changing teeth

Animals that are changing teeth require careful care, since this process does not always go as we would like. Therefore, the owner of a small pet must be prepared for any non-standard situations. For example, a kitten may be capricious and refuse food, which he always ate with great eagerness. No, he has not lost his appetite, he just finds it difficult to chew food from discomfort in his mouth. This is quite an acceptable phenomenon when changing teeth.

However, if a kitten refuses food for more than a day, this is already a cause for concern. It is urgent to show it to the veterinarian in order to prevent problems more dangerous than changing teeth. This is due to the fact that our furry friends, although they have been domesticated for several centuries, still continue to be predators, whose digestive system is especially arranged. And prolonged fasting, which lasts, for example, more than two days, can affect the work of their gastrointestinal tract, extremely negatively.

Every owner should understand that for a healthy kitten suffering from nothing but teething, refusing delicious food more than once is not a good sign. If the animal is not burdened with any disease, it will eat even if the food gives it some pain in the mouth. So, perhaps there are more serious reasons for a long-term refusal to eat.

Oral diseases

Some owners of their pets never even admit the thought that both kittens and adult animals have problems with their teeth. Of course, cats, unlike humans, do not smoke cigarettes, do not drink sweets and coffee, therefore, it seems, there are no reasons for the development of an inflammatory and destructive process in their mouths. But this is absolutely not true:

  • Tooth stone. It is one of the most common problems in the cat's mouth. And his favorite place of localization may just be exactly those places where the gums do not fit very tightly to the tooth surface, where there are small wounds, healed sores.
  • Bite disorder. In addition, the presence of a milk tooth that has not fallen out can cause not only injuries to soft gums, contribute to the manifestation of wounds and ulcers on the mucous membrane, but also provoke other more serious problems. There may be a violation of the bite and even the bone tissue of the cat's jaw. Yes, and from periodontal disease in such a situation, there will be no guarantee for a pet.

In this regard, the removal of milk teeth is required, which in kittens fall out of time, due to some violations. This operation does not take much time - it is quite simple and is done in the veterinarian's office. After it, the animals feel good and the owners are calmer for the health of the pet.

oral hygiene

One of the important components of caring for a small pet, when teeth are changed, is oral hygiene. This kitten needs to be trained from a very early age, which will allow you not to experience problems with an adult cat in the future. You can arrange this in the form of a game - so the baby will begin to get used to his toothbrush, which is specially designed for cats, will not feel fear for it. He, most likely, himself will not be averse to grasping the bristly surface of the brush, this is especially true during the period when permanent teeth are being cut and there is a release from milk and gums are very itchy.

The main thing is to conduct such games constantly, then the kitten will be able to get used to this hygienic “gymnastics” well and will not interfere with its implementation. That will soon, when he grows up, avoid serious consequences such as tartar and concomitant inflammation of the gums, periodontitis.

When kittens teeth change: a special diet

Sometimes babies refuse to eat during the period of changing teeth, they eat much less than before. Of course, it is not necessary to force kittens to eat food, but it is extremely important to take care that their food is saturated with all the necessary nutrients, in a word, the diet must be complete. In such a difficult time for animals, they just need good nutrition:

  • Only if there is a sufficient amount of trace elements in the kittens' food, such as calcium and phosphorus, the change of teeth will proceed normally. They are primarily needed to create strong bone tissue.
  • Also, a young body needs the necessary set of vitamins. Often, veterinarians suggest using an additional special complex of vitamin and mineral supplements for these needs. The introduction of such a complex into the diet of kittens will allow newly erupted teeth to grow healthy and strong. In this regard, it is very important to provide a small pet with good nutrition.
  • When the kittens reach the age of three months, a set of fermented milk products and cottage cheese must be introduced into their diet. They need to be fed in small portions, but regularly.
  • In the diet of babies, there must be a variety of lean meats, such as beef, rabbit, chicken or turkey. It is recommended to feed only defrosted and scalded meat. It should not be given to kittens in a steamy raw form. A good food is boiled meat, it must be cooled to room temperature, cut into small pieces and mixed with cereals and vegetables.
  • A set of vegetables for kittens should consist of boiled carrots, zucchini, pumpkin. Kittens should eat them willingly in a mixture. As for cereals, rice, buckwheat and hercules and some other species will be the most suitable food for a kitten.
  • You can give the baby fish. This product is served only boiled, and no more than twice in seven days. Care must be taken to remove the bones so that the small animal does not choke. It is best to give the kitten marine products - cod or hake, they are low-fat species. However, despite the fact that fish is rich in calcium, you should not give it a lot, and if possible, you can give fish even less often, or even eliminate it altogether.

Some owners mistakenly believe that it is not recommended to give the kitten dry food during this period. On the contrary, during the period of changing teeth, the gums begin to itch in babies, and food in the form of “crackers” will come in handy. In addition, it is in this food that there is a large amount of minerals that will be very useful to the kitten at this time.

In addition, as mentioned above, you should give the kitten a vitamin complex in the form of tablets or drops, this will significantly increase the body's resistance to infections and avoid any complications.

Education: change of teeth

Caring for small animals in such a crucial period as changing teeth requires the utmost attention from the owner. After all, it is often necessary to correct the behavior of the pet, since kittens whose teeth are changing will certainly taste everything. And such behavior, when a furry friend begins to gnaw on expensive or dangerous things, is unlikely to please its owner. In addition, some kittens, when changing teeth, begin to act up and make plaintive sounds. But, of course, it is not worth punishing animals for such behavior, on the contrary, you need to treat them kindly and kindly, which will help the kittens survive this difficult time for them.

At the same time, it is necessary to strictly adjust the behavior of your pet:

  • It is necessary to strictly ensure that the kitten does not gnaw on anything that can harm him: wires, rags, rubber and plastic toys. All this can greatly harm the cat's stomach and lead to such serious consequences as intestinal obstruction. Not only can this cost the kitten its life, you will have to fork out for an expensive and complex operation.
  • The kitten should not find a substitute for toys in the hands and feet of the owner. It must not be allowed to acquire the skill of biting human limbs. Of course, there will be no tragedy from this, but the animal may develop a bad habit, and, as you know, it is not so easy to wean from bad habits. Soon, when the kitten becomes an adult animal, it will also begin to stick its claws and fangs into your hands and feet with strong, well-formed teeth. Of course, this will not be news to you, but the guests will hardly react favorably to this.

Based on the above, you should prepare in advance for such a crucial time in your kitten's life. Buy him toys that are not dangerous, they can be found at the pet store. Let the kitten lick, gnaw and bite them, thereby bringing relief to itself during the period of teeth change. Very good for such a situation, for example, dried sinews and ears as a treat.


Summing up, it must be said that animal care must be built competently. The teeth of cats are a formidable weapon of a wild feline representative and helpers for the proper nutrition of your pet. In order for them to always serve properly, owners who care about their fluffy pet must keep them under supervision from the very first day the kitten enters the house. And this means to accustom the kitten to hygiene, supplying everything necessary for this.

The owner, when the kittens' teeth change, the first thing to do is not forget about the nutrition of the kids. Pet food must contain calcium and phosphorus. Since, if the baby’s body lacks these substances, this can provoke a softening of the tooth tissue, which are already growing permanently and their subsequent defeat by various dental diseases. In addition, the kitten's teeth can grow uneven, and this will affect the ability to chew food well in the future and lead to problems in the digestive process.

With the meager daily food of the baby and the absence of the trace elements and vitamins he needs, the owners should take care of buying special dressings containing the entire necessary complex of vitamins and minerals. They can always be found in specialized pet stores.

Teeth in cats, like in humans, can fall out for two reasons: age (change of milk to indigenous) and if the animal is sick. Little kittens are born completely toothless. The first milk teeth appear at the age of 14-20 days. During this period, the kitten actively bites and tastes everything.

The first change of teeth normally occurs at 4-6 months. A clear period here, as in human children, does not exist. Some cats will fall out sooner, some later. Breed also has little effect on shift time.

Milk teeth are not rich in dentin, they are fragile, the enamel is thin. They initially have a root, when the time comes, it becomes thinner and resolves. The tooth, which is attached to the gum mucosa, falls off easily - this is a normal change process.

With the first 4 teeth, there are usually no problems, but the fangs change very problematic. It happens that new ones are already starting to crawl out, but the old ones have not yet fallen out. Such a problem gives the animal inconvenience, you should consult a veterinarian. It will help remove the old canine.

The period of tooth change is quite noticeable in both humans and animals. At this important life stage, you will notice:

  1. Change in the behavior of the kitten. The animal may become nervous from experiencing soreness in the mouth area. The periods of greatest activity mainly fall at night. Even remembering yourself, we can say with confidence that in the evening hours, for some reason, my teeth hurt more. Do not scold the cat, try to stroke it and calm it down. Some owners note, on the contrary, an excessively drowsy mood of the pet, unwillingness to play.
  2. Increased desire to bite. The pet begins to gnaw literally everything, especially he loves the hands and feet of his owners. You can just buy a soft rubber toy for your pet. There are many different toys-biters, squeakers in the assortment of pet stores. There is an erroneous opinion that the kitten should be fed during this period with dry food, because they stimulate the gums. This is not true.
  3. Increased salivation in a cat, the appearance of bloody discharge from the gums. The mouth of the animal becomes really constantly wet even in a dream, do not worry. The period of changing teeth lasts about 2 months, so you should be patient.
  4. The teeth began to loosen. Even when playing with you, you can see the teeth that have fallen out. With active play, they may even remain in your skin. You don’t need to specially loosen the cat’s teeth, let nature itself complete this process.
  5. The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the mouth of an animal. This symptom may also be present in a number of inflammatory diseases in an animal (gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease). In this case, it is better to show the animal to the veterinarian.

What should hosts do

Do cats lose their milk teeth? Of course! If you notice that your pet's teeth have begun to change, do not worry. At this stage of life, attention should be paid to the cat's oral cavity. Every day you need to treat your mouth with a weak solution of Chlorhexidine. A video on how to do this will help you.

Focus on cat nutrition. Special foods for growing kittens contain an increased amount of calcium and phosphorus, which are the builders of future teeth.

It would be useful to give your pet vitamins for growth. In general, in the first year of life, a cat should always be given vitamin supplements, especially if he is fed dry food. Castration should be postponed temporarily so as not to cause increased stress to the body.

Please note that the cat or dog also needs to brush their teeth. This is done with a special paste with an attractive smell. Cleaning allows you to remove particles of stuck food from the enamel and prevents tartar from forming.

If the age is not the same

If your pet is over a year old, and you notice any sign or see teeth falling out, this indicates not a physiological, but a pathological change. The reason may lie in an infectious and inflammatory disease, a violation of normal nutrition (avitaminosis), an animal injury. In this case, your beloved pet should be shown to the veterinarian.

The change of teeth in kittens is a natural process, and many animals tolerate it normally. Sometimes kittens cannot do without the help of the owner, in this case the person should contact the veterinarian. The doctor will examine the animal's mouth and give recommendations for its treatment.

When does tooth replacement take place?

Kittens are born without teeth. Then, after a few weeks, the first teeth begin to cut: first the incisors, then the fangs, and after that all the rest. Normally, this process is completed in two months, when all 26 teeth erupt.

By this time, the kittens gradually begin to switch to solid food. Most often this happens automatically - babies try food from their mother's bowl, learn to chew and swallow. At this time, kittens also drink milk, in most cases the cat does not mind.

When changing teeth, you need to follow the correct course of the process. If something goes wrong and the baby has problems, you should immediately contact the veterinarian. After the first set of teeth has grown, the kittens are vaccinated and distributed to new owners: now the kids are already able to live without a mother. It is important to have time to do all this before the start of the change of teeth, because at this time the body of the animal will be weakened, and it does not need additional loads. When it still didn’t work out, it is advisable to wait for the end of this process, but if we are talking about a male representative, you will have to take extra care not to allow him to females.

At four months, milk teeth begin to change into molars. The sequence is the same as during the eruption of the first set: first the incisors change, then the canines, then the rest of the teeth. The last to grow are those on the edges of the jaw, corresponding to human wisdom teeth. In total, an adult cat should have 30 teeth.

When a pet ends the process of changing teeth, the following picture can be observed in its oral cavity:

  • 12 incisors - 6 pieces on each jaw;
  • 2 canines on the upper and lower jaws;
  • 8 molars on the upper jaw;
  • 6 indigenous on the bottom.

The whole process is completed when the kitten reaches 7 months of age. After that, the teeth of the animal no longer grow, with the existing kit, he needs to live the rest of his life.

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Process Features

When the time comes, the molars begin to grow out of the gums, and the milk teeth begin to fall out. At this time, the gum becomes inflamed, the kitten constantly drools - like a human baby during teething. The process goes in waves: the next canine matures, in a few days, under the pressure of a permanent tooth, the roots of the milk one dissolve. The permanent ones erupt, and the milk ones fall out, after which the gum returns to normal. After some time, everything repeats with the next.

At this time, kittens may refuse to eat, because chewing hurts. But they still try to scratch their gums about everything: about food, master's slippers, human hands.

It's hard to find a missing tooth. The tongue of an animal is arranged in such a way that if something gets into the mouth, then most likely it will be swallowed. So the fallen teeth go the same way. Sometimes the owners are still lucky - if he fell out at the very moment when the cat was scratching his gum on something suitable, and got stuck in this object. It can be a pillow, a blanket, a carpet, a soft toy - everything that the baby has turned up at that moment.

Do not be afraid if the milk tooth is still in the gum, and the permanent one has already grown. In cats, this happens quite often, especially with fangs. The fact is that permanent teeth do not grow from the same hole, so they do not push out milk teeth. If there is no inflammation and the whole structure does not injure the opposite gum or lips, you can do nothing, over time it will fall out on its own. Or, after changing all the teeth, show the cat to the veterinarian, he will remove all unnecessary immediately.

When should you contact a veterinarian?

The owner should be guided by the well-being of the pet and his own common sense. Often, the symptoms of changing teeth in kittens make the owner worry about the health of the baby.

Veterinarians are quite loyal to situations when the owner brings a healthy kitten to the appointment to make sure that everything is in order with him. This is definitely better than not going to a doctor when his help is definitely needed.

Regarding the change of teeth, a veterinarian is definitely needed in such situations:

  • the wound on the site of the former milk tooth festered;
  • the cat meows plaintively, cannot sleep, worries;
  • the animal is very lethargic;
  • the kitten does not eat for more than a day;
  • from the mouth of the baby smells bad;
  • the gum is very inflamed;
  • a new tooth or an old one displaced under its influence injures a kitten;
  • the milk tooth never fell out, and the gum around it is inflamed;
  • the cat does not go to the toilet for more than a day (he scratched his teeth on something, bit off a piece, and he got stuck in the intestines);
  • part of the milk teeth did not fall out, although the permanent ones had already grown and the time for changing teeth had passed.

It is advisable to consult a veterinarian about the nutrition of the animal during the change of teeth. Usually during this period, kittens are additionally fed with calcium and phosphorus or appropriate feeds are selected. But this increases the load on the kidneys, so some caution is still needed. Especially if the mother or siblings have already had such problems.

It should be remembered that at the time when the change of teeth occurs in kittens, they are more vulnerable to infections. So it’s not worth it to attribute any oddities in his behavior and well-being to his teeth, perhaps he just got sick. This also applies to those animals that live in an apartment and do not go for walks: some cat diseases can be brought with you on the soles of street shoes. It is not dangerous for an adult vaccinated animal, and problems sometimes arise with kittens during a change of teeth.

Precautionary measures

The owner needs to remember that the baby is not easy right now, and not create additional stress for him. It is better if guests do not come to the house at this time or the cat will have the opportunity to go to another room. It is also better to postpone repairs, rearrangement of furniture, moving to another apartment or to a summer cottage if possible.

When changing teeth, kittens gnaw everything they can get to. This is not out of harm or evil - it's just that the gums itch, and they need to be scratched about something. Scolding babies for such behavior is useless in about the same way as it is useless to scold a child for combing mosquito bites. You just need to remove everything that you would not want to see spoiled, including those things that the kitten can swallow pieces of.

The wires must either be hidden or fixed so that they are inconvenient to gnaw. This also applies to the cord from a computer mouse (it is recommended to use a wireless one), and to chargers from smartphones. If this is not possible, you will have to keep the kitten out of such a room for several months without supervision.

Do not leave documents and securities in the public domain. It is also better to remove plastic bags away: they have no place in the cat's stomach.

It is also better not to leave street shoes and bags with which the owners go outside where the kitten can get to them. Not only because the thing will be a pity, but also for hygienic reasons.

If there are children in the house, then they need to be warned, the kitten's teeth are changing, so he will look for something to chew on, which means that there is no need to leave valuable toys where he can find them. Particular attention should be paid to toys made of soft plastic, because the cat can bite off a piece and swallow it. If such a piece gets stuck in the intestines, an operation will be required.

It is better not to allow the kitten to gnaw on human hands: this behavior can become habitual and remain for life. Although the cat is a small animal, it is quite capable of biting a hand, so it’s better not to teach it right away.

The kitten should be given the opportunity to gnaw something suitable for the time of changing teeth. In pet stores, you can buy dried ears and veins or special toys for this purpose. You can also offer a boiled bone of a suitable size (just not tubular - they are gnawed into small sharp fragments and can injure the animal). Some owners buy teethers designed for human babies, but be careful here, as kittens have sharper teeth and may bite off a piece.

Sometimes veterinarians advise lubricating inflamed gums with special dental gels that can be bought at a regular pharmacy. This will relieve pain and reduce inflammation, so that the animal will feel better. There are also cooling teethers - these are toys into which the owner pours cold water and gives the pet a bite. Cold helps relieve pain.

A kitten is a member of the family and its owners should be concerned about its health. In order for the pet to be cheerful and cheerful, you need to properly care for him and monitor all changes in his behavior.

Cats, like humans, are born without fully formed teeth. However, unlike humans, the development of the animal is faster (at the same time, they live less) and the first teeth in kittens appear in two weeks. First, the first incisors erupt, and by the twelfth week, all the remaining milk teeth. Up to four months, cats have 26 milk teeth in their mouths, but gradually the "baby teeth" fall out and the animals change their teeth. Therefore, if you are interested in whether cats' teeth change, then you should know that they do, and even with a little addition. Instead of 26 teeth, the animal grows thirty permanent strong teeth.

Change of milk teeth in cats

The age at which a change of teeth occurs in cats from the fourth to the seventh month. Initially incisors 2-4 weeks), then canines (4 weeks), and finally premolars and molars (4-8 weeks). Popular Question: Do cats lose their teeth? Of course they fall out! This process is completely invisible to the owner and takes only 5 months. At 3-4 months, permanent incisors erupt, by 5 months permanent canines appear, and by 6 months permanent molars and premolars erupt. At the moment when cats change their teeth, they need to fully eat and take a special vitamin complex so that their teeth are healthy and strong.

At this time, the gums of the kittens are irritated and “itch”, so they begin to bite everything. For this case, you can purchase special toys and bones that will distract the pet's attention from leather shoes and sofa upholstery.

Improper development of teeth

If by 6 months all the teeth have not fallen out, then the remnants should be removed. Too many teeth will damage the gums, jaw, or cause periodontal disease. Extra teeth can be loosened by yourself or entrusted with their removal by an experienced veterinarian. Renewed teeth need to be looked after with their pet toothpaste. Otherwise, tartar will form, leading to inflammation of the gums, loosening of the teeth, increased salivation and abscess.

The age of the cat in the teeth

Did you know that the teeth can tell the age of your cat. To do this, you should look at the front incisor teeth. If their crown is worn off and does not have an even cut, then the animal is about 6 years old. By the age of 10, the molars begin to fall out for the first time, and by the age of 15, all incisors fall out. The age of young individuals that have reached six months is determined by milk teeth.

Many owners of fluffy pets are concerned about the question: when do kittens change their teeth and what needs to be done during this period of animal development. This is an important stage in the life of a mammal, the baby needs special care at this time. The teeth of an animal are an indicator of its health, they must be white and strong, have the correct bite.

Change of teeth in kittens

Little kittens are born toothless. This is provided for by nature - smooth gums do not injure the mother's nipples, because the first month of their life, babies feed on her milk. At 2-3 weeks of life, the first milk teeth begin to erupt in cats. Their appearance goes unnoticed and does not cause trouble, because the pets are still small and cannot move around the room. By the month they already have 26 sharp teeth in their jaws, pets can eat solid food on their own. Many owners are interested in the question - do cats change their teeth, how does this happen and what is accompanied by?

Do kittens lose their teeth?

Dairy bone tissue in the jaw of cats is replaced by a permanent one in stages. Inexperienced owners, if a kitten has a tooth, do not know what to do. There is no need to panic - the main thing is to inspect the oral cavity. If old teeth do not interfere with the smooth growth of new ones and fall out in a timely manner, there is no need to interfere in the process. It may happen that the wounds in the cavity do not heal and fester, the gums become inflamed. Then you need to contact the veterinarian so that the pet does not earn periodontal disease. Healthy gums in a baby should be pinkish in color without red borders along the line of bone tissue.

It happens that milk teeth do not fall out, but the root ones are already growing. This situation requires the examination of a veterinarian. From an overabundance of teeth, the gums can be injured and an abnormal bite can form. Subsequently, the problem will affect the thoroughbred characteristics of the animal. In this case, the doctor removes the old tooth and nothing prevents the permanent one from growing evenly.

At what age do cats change their teeth?

As a rule, from three to four months, milk teeth in kittens begin to fall out, when they change to permanent ones. This process is long, everything happens gradually. The change of teeth in different animals takes from 12 to 20 weeks, as a result, by the age of 6-8 months, a pet will have a complete set of strong permanent molars in the upper and lower jaws.

Change of teeth in kittens - symptoms

When cats change their teeth, an experienced owner will notice this by the behavior of their pets. Pets become restless, often meowing loudly or plaintively, informing the owner of their discomfort. Toddlers may refuse to eat due to loss of appetite. Sometimes it appears from their mouth, but it goes away on its own within a few weeks if there is no inflammation in the cavity.

When kittens change milk teeth to molars, they need a complete diet, in which calcium and phosphorus must be present. Then the bone tissue in the animal will form strong and healthy. The menu should include fermented milk products, cottage cheese, lean beef, rabbit meat and chicken, vitamin and mineral supplements in tablets or drops. At this time, the animal's body is weakened and all sorts are contraindicated for the baby.

Often, when kittens change their teeth, they begin to gnaw on everything - wires, things, shoes. It is better to buy them safe rubber toys in the store or chew treats. And attempts to bite the owner’s hands during this period of a fluffy pet must be immediately stopped, otherwise such a habit may remain with him for life. Pets must be taught to the oral cavity from childhood so that the gums and bone tissue are always healthy.

Canine teeth change in kittens?

Every owner should know if cats change teeth before one year of age in order to monitor the formation of the correct bite in the animal. First, there is a change of milk incisors - 2-4 weeks, then canines (first lower, then upper) - 3-4 weeks, lastly root molars and premolars grow - 3-8 weeks. A cat should have 30 permanent teeth. On both jaws, two canines and six incisors can be seen in front. 4 molars grow from above, and from below - 3 on each side.

Change of teeth in Maine Coon kittens

Newborn Maine Coons, like their relatives, are born without sharp teeth. The first incisors grow in them in the second week of life. By the age of three months, the pet becomes the owner of a full set of milk teeth - there are 26 in total. Pets grow, the change of teeth begins in kittens at the age of four months. They grow gradually - first the incisors, then the canines, then the molars and premolars. An adult Maine Coon cat has 30 teeth - molars are added to the set of milk teeth. Pets do not chew food, but use their jaws to gnaw, tear, and bite off food.

A growing cat gets a full-fledged adult jaw by 7 months of age, sometimes the process is delayed and ends by 9. Pets of this breed rarely have oral diseases and tartar, but it is better to ensure that the animal receives periodically hard food to clean the enamel. In Maine Coons, milk teeth often coexist with growing molars - then they need to be loosened in order to speed up the process of loss.

Change of teeth in British kittens

Many owners are interested in the question at what age the teeth of British kittens change. Dairy (26 pieces) erupt from them from 10 to 30 days of life. From the 3rd to the 8th month, they fall out and grow permanent. During this period, it is important to examine the baby's jaw in order to avoid the formation of a malocclusion. When kittens change their teeth, pay attention to the position of the lower canine and the upper extreme incisor. He should not come into contact with him or go into the gum, otherwise there is a high probability of an overshot or undershot bite. Such defects often result in disqualification from shows.

You can correct the situation with a special massage of the gums or breaking off the edge of the canine, which can be done by a veterinarian. The change of teeth to permanent ones (30 pieces) for the British begins at 3.5 months and ends at 5.5. The order of their appearance, like that of all relatives, is incisors, canines, molars, premolars. During this period, pets often refuse to eat. Sometimes the process can take up to 10 months.

Change of teeth in Scottish kittens

When asked how much Scottish cats change their teeth, experienced breeders give an unequivocal answer - dairy teeth begin to erupt from 14 days, at the age of 4-6 months, indigenous ones grow in their place. An adult animal, like all felines, should have 30 of them - 16 on the upper jaw and 14 on the lower. A normal bite is considered a straight or scissor bite, when the upper incisors, overlapping the lower ones, are in contact with them. A deviation from the standard will be the protrusion of the lower jaw (bulldog) or undershot when the teeth do not touch.

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