How to translate pms in guys. What happens if SMR is not treated. What is male pms

Oddly enough, but not only women in PMS period they beat the plates, swear and get annoyed because of all sorts of trifles and trifles.

Men are also not spared from such a misfortune.

They also have depressive-manic periods. By the way, it is at this time that they are extremely easy to negative impact nervousness. Why does it happen? There are several reasons: attention deficit, emotional instability, or any change in hormone levels. No matter how men object, but all signs of PMS on the face! Read on to find out more about PMS in men. However, we note right away that in our men this phenomenon is called SMR (stands for syndrome male irritability).

So, it is now known and proven by science that not only beautiful ladies have the right to be irritable and there will be no punishment for it. After all, everyone knows what is the reason for this phenomenon - premenstrual syndrome. Therefore, we note that if the fair sex is more or less clear what PMS is, then as for PMS in men, then this is just an “unread book”.

What happens to the man and why?

The male hormone testosterone is the culprit. It is from him that both emotional and physical state your beloved second half. The hormonal storm in men is a natural phenomenon. Therefore, do not be afraid if your chosen one becomes somewhat nervous and irritable for some period of time. It's only hormonal disbalance, which has the interesting abbreviation CMP. The symptoms are known to everyone: drowsiness, some fatigue, mood swings, depression, and also nervousness.

The reasons for such nervous breakdowns one can name numerous and varied stressful situations that can overtake a man in absolutely any environment: at work, at home, and even among friends. During this period, a representative of the strong half of humanity is depleted of testosterone. That's why men become a little nervous and mischievous.

How easy and simple is it to recognize this phenomenon?

Initially, we note one rather important point: you need to distinguish between SMR and the characteristics of a person's character. Since these are two completely different and unrelated concepts.

You are "visiting" SMR, if the presence of such signs is confirmed:

  1. A man gives in to a feeling of fatigue, regardless of the time of day.
  2. He is absolutely indifferent to the stories of his lady about her successes and problems at work, he is absolutely not worried about the failures of children and the like.
  3. Constantly wants to sleep.
  4. There are various differences in sexual desires.

A woman during this period should not despair and think that a man has become indifferent to her. Just in this moment a man needs help, because he has quite serious problems.

Does this happen to men? An affirmative answer is given by the following information. While studying at the vocal department in certain days men are simply forbidden to sing. It is not difficult to recognize exactly when this happens: the voice during this period begins to sound very rough, even if it was originally high. Any voltage vocal cords these days can lead to quite negative consequences, namely to total loss vote. Interestingly, for women, the picture is completely opposite! IN critical days they can sing especially loudly and magnificently. Nevertheless, any overvoltage also leads to disastrous results.

The time of male irritability syndrome can be at any age. In some cases, it overtakes even 20-year-old boys. However greatest danger it represents for 40-45 year old men. The fact is that it was at this time that a man was overcome by doubts about his sexuality, began to think about and analyze his achievements in a professional way. He is haunted by the fear that the age is critical and all the most vivid, emotional, memorable is left far behind. Such peculiar “critical days” for men are irregular, but if they happen, then be sure that there will be no end in sight.

What to do with male irritability syndrome

Currently, there are several fairly effective and proven methods with which it is absolutely easy to help a man cope with this phenomenon:

  1. Good dream. Any person who does not get enough sleep will be somewhat irritable. Special meaning good and quality sleep has for the working man. Therefore, it is very important to provide him with such an opportunity.
  2. Food. Special attention you need to pay for the nutrition of a man. It must be full and complete. essential vitamins and minerals.
  3. Calm.
  4. Sex. An old and proven method. Differs in undeniable efficiency. If everything is good in this regard, then the question “why” should never arise.
In conclusion, we note that the only person who can help a man cope with the syndrome of male irritability is his beloved woman. It depends on her support and attention how easily they will go through this period.

Your beloved, always cheerful, energetic, kind, self-confident husband suddenly became nervous, irritable, quick-tempered. He no longer rushes to bed with you, or vice versa - he has irrepressible sexual desires. He falls into depression, he clearly shows signs of apathy, at the same time he is without any visible reasons suddenly shows aggression ... You can be sure - your husband has begun "critical" days.

According to the candidate medical sciences Sergey Agarkov, unlike women who have monthly hormonal disruptions, men suffer from them throughout their lives. Conventionally, male cycles are designated as life (biological) annual, monthly and daily.

The biological cycle is determined by age. After the age of 30, every year in the body of a man, the level of testosterone decreases by 1-2 percent. The man is no longer so sexually active and not so positive. Such changes in own body for many, they end in depression, which further reduces the level of the main hormone.

The annual cycle is determined by the seasons. Based on research by scientists from various countries, Sergey Agarkov cites data: in spring and especially in autumn, men's activity is at its peak. And summer and winter are intermediate phases for them. By the symptoms of irritability, aggressiveness, isolation, it is easy to calculate when the most unfavorable time of the year comes for a particular man.

Daily changes in hormonal levels in men have been thoroughly studied by British scientists. According to their research, frequent changes The level of the main hormone is mainly affected by young men - within 24 hours, their testosterone levels can change up to four times. Any number of reasons can become catalysts for change: the defeat of your favorite football team, the disruption of going to the bathhouse, or ... the arrival of your mother-in-law. External manifestations such swings can be observed when, in the course of a seemingly insignificant dispute between young people, one person suddenly rushes into a fight. For doctors, this behavior is understandable.

And here monthly cycle not all men are affected. He is more associated with psychological stress and therefore more often recorded in men employed in business area. Dr. Richard Petley from London, after examining a group of men, found that testosterone levels drop sharply after stress.

English scientist Jed Diamond proved that men, like women, also have premenstrual syndrome. It manifests itself, in the words of the Englishman, with hungry spasms. A man eats everything and at the same time constantly requires something to eat.

And then the man comes the day "X" - an analogue of "critical" women's days, only without bleeding, of course. On this day, a man is experiencing a peak of emotional excitability. Smart women on such a day try not to argue with their faithful.

And yet the most difficult for men is age-related hormonal failure. Andrology professor Svetlana Kalinchenko calls it one big "critical" day for men. It can last, according to the professor, half a life.

It's all about testosterone again. It is he who makes a man courageous, strong, self-confident, attractive to women. Testosterone is a regulator metabolic processes, the formation of spermatozoa depends on it, it provides sex drive. With the age-related fall of the main hormone, all the functions for which it is responsible gradually fade away. The man understands that the peak of his heyday is behind him. For some, this period begins immediately after 30 years, but there are men who do not experience noticeable hormonal changes until the age of 45. It has to do with lifestyle and character. Optimists, as a rule, do not close on their feelings, lead active image life and maintain a good physical and psychological shape for quite a long period. This helps to periodically increase the level of the main hormone so much that some men are able to conceive a child even after 70 years. But the owners of a beer belly can not count on an increase in testosterone levels. Andrologists even give a number: if a man’s waist exceeds 94 centimeters, he is provided with “critical” days until complete hormonal attenuation.

It was designed by nature that the regular menstrual cycle belonged to a woman. This process allows new offspring to be born. And the maturation of the egg is simply impossible without menstruation. This takes 3-4 weeks. Therefore, critical days are usually attributed only to the female half of humanity. But, for conception, it is also required male cage- sperm. During the period of sperm maturation, do men also experience critical days? Do men have periods?

Physiology of the male body

To understand whether a man has periods, you need to know the differences in the physiology of the female and male organisms. With age, anatomical differences become pronounced. Since men do not have ovaries, vagina and uterus, bleeding during menstruation, like girls, young people do not. What then does a man have instead of menstruation?

The representatives of the stronger sex have prostate. The prostate is called the second heart of a man, or the male uterus. Indeed, the gland has a small formation, which is called the uterus. The embryo is endowed with this formation during the period of conception. And only during the period of sex formation, the uterus either develops further, or remains in the same rudimentary state. Also, women, while still in the womb, have the rudiments of a male penis. So, the analogue of an undeveloped penis in girls is the clitoris. Thus, boys from the period of conception are endowed with the sexual characteristics of a girl. They just don't develop.

The prostate gland produces the hormone prostaglandin, which affects the body young man. Moreover, in the male testicles, spermatozoa are formed, stored, and testosterone is synthesized. At their maximum concentration (1 time per month), signs of menstruation appear. Therefore, we can safely say that internal systems young people also work in cycles. Therefore, men have a kind of menstruation.

Symptoms of menstruation in men

Menstruation in men how it manifests itself, only a few know. After all, this cycle is not characterized blood secretions. Then what happens to men instead of menstruation? Rather, there are changes in the behavior, well-being of the guy. They are very similar to PMS in women. Scientists have named the male menstrual cycle- day "X". During this period of time, the level of emotional excitability reaches its peak, due to the concentration of sex hormones.

On day X, young people show unmotivated aggression to everyone around. Youths in adolescence become distracted, can not cope with their emotions. In general, the peak male cycle, menstruation is characterized by the following features:

  • distraction;
  • Increased aggression;
  • Apathy;
  • lack of assembly;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Decreased libido.

This symptomatology completely depends on the changes in the hormonal background that occur cyclically in the body of each guy.

What do men need to know about menstruation?

Signs of menstruation in men may appear during puberty. It is then that the active restructuring of the hormonal background begins. The guy turns into a man, a man. He is already capable of fully conceiving a child. So, men's "menstruation" begins. You can recognize the beginning of menstruation by the formation of pronounced secondary sexual characteristics.

PMS symptoms can last up to 4 days. In more adulthood, monthly lasts 1 day. Therefore, this period is called the "X" day. During critical days, it is undesirable for guys to get injured, leading to hemorrhage. The fact is that on this day the blood has an extremely weak coagulability, you can lose a large amount of it.

Is X day dangerous for men?

Such a concept as men's menstruation should not be taken literally. All organisms have their own biorhythms. Therefore, day "X" is just a cyclical change in hormonal levels. no danger this process does not represent. And it's impossible to get rid of it. That's how nature intended it. In men, at the hormonal peak, only changes emotional condition. Sometimes, may decrease physical activity, against the background of general melancholy and apathy.

It is worth noting that in young people menstruation can occur more often than once a month. Hormonal surge, increase female estrogens a decrease in testosterone occurs when malnutrition, overwork, high loads, stress. So, young people complain about general weakness, headaches, problems with the vascular system.

Sex and critical days in men

It is known that a woman during menstruation experiences a decrease in the level of libido, sexual activity. A man's need for sex is always stable. The hormonal background adjusts to the needs of the body, and not vice versa (as in women). That's why, sex life on days "X" does not change. But, with the age of the function endocrine system decrease, testosterone synthesis becomes more moderate. So, a man feels changes in his usual biorhythm. Already after 40 years of sexual activity becomes less. But emotional outbursts are increasing. Because of such fluctuations, the question “why do men not have periods?” inappropriate.

Mood swings, depression, unreasonable apathy and other symptoms that are usually associated with the onset menstrual cycle women also occur in men. Some believe that this is how emotional closeness between partners is manifested - the body loving man supposedly adjusts to the rhythm that the beloved's body obeys.

Sounds doubtful? Of course, because our bodies are too different in terms of physiology. But does that mean that men who report these kinds of symptoms are just fooling around? Let's figure it out.

The menstrual cycle exists to prepare the female reproductive organs for fertilization. A few days before and, in some cases, a few weeks after the start of menstruation, a woman's body has an imbalance of hormones. Those sensations that a woman experiences at this time are called “premenstrual syndrome” or PMS.

Men do not have menstrual pains, headaches and swelling, which are subject to cyclic patterns. But their hormonal background can also change.

In fact, "male PMS" is not medical concept, and an attempt by amateurs to find a term similar in meaning to describe a special psychological state caused by hormonal fluctuations.

Men become irritable when their testosterone levels drop, not vice versa

It was first noticed by the Scottish physician Gerald Lincoln and even suggested a name - "Irritable Man Syndrome" or CRM. In 2005, the therapist Jed Diamond in the book of the same name for the first time described in detail how SRM manifests itself and what exactly the processes are behind it.

“Contrary to popular belief, men become irritable when their testosterone levels drop, and not vice versa. Irritability, depression and withdrawal are the result of a lack of this hormone in the body,” explains Diamond.

Diamond advises men who may be affected by CPM to track their hormonal cycles. “Each of us this period manifests itself in its own way, but we are quite able to prepare for it,” the therapist notes. – The problem is that this phenomenon is not yet fully understood and studied. A lot of people just don't care about it."

The good news is that male and female "cycles" cannot affect each other, and the possibility of contracting symptoms from the other is nothing more than a fantasy. “Our research has shown that only women's hormonal cycles can synchronize with each other. Manifestations of SRM cannot cause a similar reaction in another man or woman if they live together,” reassuringly Diamond.

Can the inconvenience associated with CPM be minimized? According to Diamond, the solution to this problem involves proper nutrition and exercise. Therapy may also include taking the hormone testosterone - in case its level in a man is consistently low.

Facts about hormonal fluctuations in men, cited by Diamond:

  • Testosterone levels in men are subject to strong fluctuations - up to 4 or even 5 times per hour.
  • During the day, testosterone levels in men are not the same: in the morning it is usually elevated, and in the evening it is lower.
  • There are also seasonal fluctuations of the hormone with a peak in November and a decrease in April.
  • Between the ages of 40 and 55, men experience what we call male menopause or andropause.

Many believe that only women experience emotional breakdowns when they experience PMS. But this happens to men too. It's called depression. At this moment, the stronger sex is experiencing a hysterical attack due to hormonal changes, an experienced scandal.


PMS in men is considered in medicine as male irritability syndrome (SMR). There have been many studies that have shown that testosterone is the cause. There is a hormonal failure, after which a breakdown of emotions appears.

Testosterone affects the health of a man, namely the condition:

In this regard, we can conclude that a man who arranges conflicts from scratch is experiencing a hormonal hurricane. This makes him feel constantly tired.

Symptoms of depression in men

When PMS is observed in men, a person becomes indifferent to the school problems of the child, the experiences that his wife experiences, he does not care about difficulties with money. He feels tired, he constantly wants to sleep. This state does not go away even when he oversleep long time. Sexual activity may increase or, conversely, decrease.

In this case, a woman does not need to despair. Cause strange behavior husband may be hormonal changes. Better get help.

Crisis 40 years

Young guys rarely experience such a change in life. Often there is a hormonal failure in men aged 40-45 years.

Everything happens due to the fact that a person is going through a midlife crisis, after which PMS may appear in men.

In this period strong half of the population begins to fear that their sexual desire is decreasing, they reflect on their successes and failures. Often they may begin to think about what they have achieved in their time. After that, their sad conclusions overtake. A man may think that only gray everyday life awaits him, that all the best has already happened.

What to do?

To really cope with the syndrome of increased irritability in men, his beloved woman can help. To do this, you do not need to read scientific books, look for difficult treatment but simply to provide support during such a period. A man who works is especially tired, he can fall asleep lying on the couch. It is better not to wake him up, but simply show understanding, cover him with a blanket, and wake him up in the morning, surrounding him with affection and tenderness. Such behavior will have a good effect on a man, he will already receive a charge of positive mood in the morning. And, of course, a woman must ensure that her husband does not dine on hastily. His diet should be saturated with carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins. By the way, it is advised to pamper a man with dark chocolate, which contains antidepressants.

Some healing secrets

As mentioned before, a man's food should be rich useful elements. It will help to energize the presence of fiber in food. She happens:

  • soluble;
  • insoluble.

There are foods that are rich in this element:

  • seaweed;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • fruits;
  • legumes.

Fiber can provide a feeling of satiety to a person.

A man, especially at a crisis age, needs a feeling of comfort in the house. It can be presented to him by his wife. She must provide him with a decent rest, and, if her husband so desires, listen to his experiences. To help her man, a wife can add bright colors to everyday life, arrange holidays. Thus, a person will receive an emotional shake-up, which will only benefit.

During this difficult period, limit sex life it is forbidden. After all, it is during intercourse that endorphins begin to be released, after which the body only grows younger. By the way, if people have sex several times a week, they look ten years younger.

So, as such, PMS does not happen in men, but sometimes he can feel the irritability syndrome to which he is led. different factors life. During this period, he needs help, care. It is not difficult for him to return to his former life, but his wife can influence this, creating all the conditions for his recovery.

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