How to deal with blues. How to get rid of blues. Method - Aggravate. Tired toys are sleeping

There are days when you give up
And there are no words, no music, no strength.
On those days I was apart from myself
And I didn't ask anyone to help me.

Really, how to be, what to do?

Suddenly, the blues set in.

I don’t want anything “and there are no words, no music, no strength.”

Too lazy to even think your thoughts, and not what to do something.

What to do when you don't want to "BE"?

During the season of autumn blues, some people cannot find themselves either in life or in the room. They cease to feel pleasure and displeasure, reduce the activity of the rhythm of life. Reaction to depression there may be a lack of appetite or its sharp increase. Often, the autumn blues develops into a deep and protracted depression.

In this state, a person resembles a vegetable.

Physical energy at zero, emotional - in the red, brains - in the web.

Yes, and he is all like a ball of cotton. And absorbs appropriate to its condition

surrounding energy.

In other words, if you are in “disarranged feelings”, then those around you will “disarrange” them even more. So a person gets into a swamp of negativity, don’t indulge at all.

How can you see the coming of the blues?

What are the signs of blues?

  • Periodically depressed state;
  • Every day depressed mood;
  • Closure and loss of interest in everything around;
  • Changes in appetite in any direction;
  • Noticeable weight loss (the person wasting away);
  • Sharp set excess weight for no apparent reason;
  • Constant drowsiness or insomnia;
  • Nervousness or apathy;
  • The obsession of feelings of guilt;
  • Fear and indecision;
  • Inability to concentrate;
  • Low self-esteem.

Apathy, blues, decline vitality familiar to everyone with different strengths.

The insidiousness of this state of confusion and depression is that all our earned achievements and bonuses, the value of the present moment, are depreciated.

It kills faith in the future with the feeling that this gray streak in life will last forever. Many get used to it so much that they cannot find a way out of this swamp for the rest of their lives.

So they live in despair. With a sense of worthlessness.

What can spleen lead to?

If your mood doesn't improve for two or more weeks, and the lack of sleep, appetite, and other signs are added to it, it's time to sound the alarm.

The spleen ceases to be just a spleen, flowing into exhaustion nervous system, which can subsequently lead to neurosis. In this case, you just need to contact a qualified specialist.

Doctors are well aware of depression. dangerous disease modern man.

What is especially dangerous for melancholy is the ability to cause an exacerbation chronic diseases, which modern man has in bulk. In addition, the oppressed state greatly interferes with both self-development and business.

Gradual oppression of the psyche can even lead to suicide. That is, the blues can become a deadly disease.

I really don't recommend doing this.


The famous optimist Baron Munchausen said:

“a thinking person is simply obliged from time to time to pull himself out of the swamp, even if by the hair.”

Most often, the blues attacks us during the transitional period - in spring, autumn.

This happens because our body is rebuilt from one mode of nutrition, movement to another.

Everything is logical and natural. We went naked for 5 months, daily intake vitamin D exceeded the norm, along with this healthy eating(at normal people), which was accompanied fresh vegetables and fruits increased the body's daily intake of all vitamins and minerals.

We were at the height of our strength and energy. And now, this consumption is moving into another mode - a mode of reduced consumption of all vitamins and minerals from external sources to internal ones, i.e. synthesis of fats that accumulated throughout the summer.

In addition to the fat mass itself, reserves and other resources are deposited in the cells of the body. Bears sleep all winter because their metabolism slows down and these reserves remain, but people cannot do this. We have a dynamic life - the consumption of energy by the brain alone is about 20% of all daily energy received.

Well, enough of the exaggeration already.

Such simple technique will quickly return you to the desired state.


Autumn blues can go away on its own only when a person does not have time to mope. Otherwise, you need to take action.

STEP 1: Healthy sleep

Nothing hits the body as hard as lack of sleep. And this is true not only for autumn. Remember: SLEEP UNTIL MIDNIGHT the most useful and gives maximum rest. You need to sleep at least seven to eight hours a day. If a busy work schedule does not allow you to rest at the allotted time, get enough sleep on the weekend. At the same time, be sure to air the room in the evening before going to bed, listen to calm meditative music or read books, watch your daily routine and evening meals - do not load your stomach with heavy food. Also try to get up early in the morning: this will make your daylight hours longer.

STEP 2: Proper nutrition

In cool weather, the body consumes more energy, vitamins and minerals, which means that these costs need to be replenished. Nutrition should be balanced and contain the whole complex of trace elements and vitamins. Most effective with autumn blues products (dietary supplements) fight with vitamins D and E, omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid. It's all in the fish fatty varieties, nuts, olive oil, meat and eggs. You can treat yourself to delicious, but in moderation: remember that flour products, as well as fatty and sweet in large quantities, slagging the body and reduce immunity.

STEP 3: Sports

During intense training, a number of hormones are produced, including the hormone of joy - endorphin. It is not for nothing that psychotherapists include physical exercise in the treatment of patients with depression. If you start playing sports, you will achieve a double result: brain function will improve and the figure will become more beautiful. So do not hesitate, but drown the blues in the pool or trample it on the treadmillJ. If you can’t go to the gym, work out at home, do exercises, run in the morning, ride a bike, or at least replace trips with walking.

STEP 4: Activity to your liking

Find a fun activity that will fill you up. free time and, most importantly, it was fun. At the same time, it doesn’t matter what you do - the main thing is that the lesson should be a way to have fun and drive away negative thoughts from yourself.

STEP 5: Positive attitude

Do not withdraw into yourself in anticipation when the dull state will pass. After all, there are so many things in life that can bring joy. Relax in the sauna, go shopping, have a warm get-together with friends or watch a movie with your loved one. Listen to your favorite songs, read good books and walk more outdoors. Don't get hung up on negative situations and use the rule of small joys: set aside time every day for symbolic gifts to yourself and praise yourself for what you have done throughout the day.

For starters, 20-30 minutes a day is enough for you.

And most importantly, remember - a journey of a thousand miles begins with one little first step.

Start acting a little, in small portions. Then it will be easier to gain acceleration and defeat the blues.

With small regular actions, it is much easier to develop the habit of conquering not only the blues, but also any everyday difficulties.

Start right now. Don't wait for the blues to attack you from around the corner. Be the first on the way to a happy future and help other people cope with their blues.

May there be less blues in our lives.

And for those who find it difficult to start acting on their own,

a series of free lessons will help

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With faith in your early success, Alex Gorka

What in our country is accustomed to call winter depression, in the West has long been official name: Seasonal Affective Disorder - “seasonal emotional disorder”, abbreviated as SAD, which translates from English as “sad”. Another, more poetic name for the same problem is “winter blues” (“blues” - English “longing”). According to the American National Association mental health, young people and women are most susceptible to this longing. According to psychologist Zhanna Sandaevskaya, the occurrence of winter blues can also be explained from the point of view of philosophy. Subconsciously, we treat autumn as a period of dying of nature, and we perceive winter as a temporary death. This suggests the frailty of human existence and causes sadness.
We have identified several key factors in the emergence of seasonal emotional disorder and figured out how to deal with each of them.


All the same, the National Mental Health Association claims that the main culprit of winter longing is melatonin, a hormone that regulates circadian rhythms, which works in tandem with another hormone, serotonin. As in the Taoist monad, Yin is dark and passive, and Yang is bright and active, so is seratonin in human body responsible for wakefulness good mood, and melatonin - for sleep and a passive state, including emotional. And just like in Chinese philosophy, dark and light fight each other, and the more one appears, the less the other becomes. Accordingly, the more melatonin in the body, the stronger the person’s desire to climb under a warm blanket and tell others: "Leave me alone!" But what about winter? And despite the fact that melatonin is produced in the dark, which is in abundance in winter period.

You can fight excess harmful hormone through light - best of all solar. Ordinary incandescent lamps will not work - their light does not contain ultraviolet, under the influence of which serotonin is produced. If it's a sunny day, go outside and just take a walk. Even a 35-40 minute walk in clear weather can significantly increase serotonin levels in the body. There is no way to get to Fresh air? Then at least move your desktop closer to the window. And if the chances of seeing the sun in winter are less than not re-electing Putin, go to the solarium. AT medicinal purposes quite enough short sessions of 5-10 minutes 3-4 times a month. Just do not forget to consult a specialist - artificial sun is contraindicated in many chronic diseases, skin diseases and thyroid gland. In addition, serotonin is synthesized in our body from a special amino acid - tryptophan. Its production can be easily stimulated by eating foods rich in this substance: dark chocolate, dates, bananas, plums, figs, tomatoes, milk, soy products, peanuts, pine nuts, meat (especially poultry).


Winter is the time of traditional hibernation for bears, hedgehogs and other animals. And man is no exception. According to research conducted by American psychologist Deborah Serani, people usually sleep an average of 42 minutes longer in winter than in other seasons. But a person suffering from SAD - more than 2.5 hours! So what? It would seem that a dream excellent tool dealing with stress, but anyone who has ever suffered from depression or unrequited love knows that the more you sleep, the more you want to lie in bed and do nothing. The reason for this is the same melatonin - it is most actively produced just during sleep. American psychiatrist Henry Emmons advises to sleep no more than 8 hours a day and accustom yourself to get up at the same time. And Deborah Serani adds: don't go to bed too early! And, of course, you need to fight the round-the-clock desire to take a nap.
In that the best assistant were, are and will be all the same - sports, exercise and dancing.


Such an environmental factor as temperature has a multifaceted effect on the body. We all experienced it ourselves: negative temperatures are much more difficult to endure than positive ones. If only because on human skin
ten times more receptors that respond to cold than those that respond to heat. Under the influence of frost, a short-term vasoconstriction occurs first, followed by their expansion and an increase in blood flow - this is manifested
in redness skin. Long term exposure cold can cause adverse effects: weakening of vascular tone, which leads to a slowdown in blood flow and insufficient blood supply fabrics. You should not be afraid - there is no talk of any serious damage. However, the overall physical tone is reduced. Do you remember how difficult it is to hang curtains with your hands hanging all the time? This happens just because of the decrease in blood flow. Therapist, head of the therapeutic department Natalya Efimova advises: always dress for the weather!


In winter, our body needs not only warmth and more calories, but also in additional emotions. Winter in the city is dullness, mud and cloudy skies. There are few colors, pleasing to the eye pictures and smells. “The olfactory center of the brain strongly influences the limbic system, which is precisely responsible for the formation of emotions. Few pleasant smells— consequently, the limbic system is starving, we lack endorphins — hormones of pleasure, — says Yulia Ovchinnikova, Ph.D. - Look for ways to get aesthetic pleasure: look at beautiful people, go to a museum or a concert, inhale the aromas of your favorite perfumes and oils. Finally, think about a new dress. Look around and look into yourself - find beauty, if not outside, then inside.

In addition to visual and olfactory, the body also experiences tactile "hunger" - in winter we wear a lot of clothes that cover almost the entire body. Tactile sensations become minimal, and even then not the most pleasant - dry skin, itching from woolen clothes, cold wind, prickly snow in the face. We lose an important source of information and sensations - contact with the body. What to do? Touch and smell! Cook, draw, sculpt, knit, sew, wallow in the snow, play snowballs, cuddle. The best body therapy- ice skating. Especially if you arrange a bunch of small things with your loved one, friends or children.

“A good remedy against winter blues is a massage of a special reflexogenic zone - the He-Gu point,” says Vlada Titova, PhD, psychotherapist. In the East, this point was known more than a thousand years ago and helped in the treatment of many ailments. Modern research confirmed: the effect on He-Gu improves immunity, eliminates symptoms of fatigue and depression. Finding it is easy: on the back of the hand, closer to the top of the triangle formed by the large and index fingers. To facilitate the search, take a pea or a grain of buckwheat and drive it in the indicated place until you find the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greatest pain - this will be the He-Gu point. You need to massage it in a circular motion clockwise, for 1.5-3 minutes, deep enough, overcoming unpleasant, often very pain. The course can be carried out within 2-3 weeks - and then spring is just around the corner.

Symptoms of seasonal emotional disorder:
. feelings of sadness, helplessness and hopelessness
. lack of energy
. sleep problems: difficulty falling asleep and often waking up at night
. changes in appetite and/or weight
. inability to concentrate and make decisions
. dominance negative thoughts
. loss of interest in people, physical and social activity in general
. increased appetite, special interest in sweet and starchy foods

TEXT: Pavel Koshik

There are moments when there is no strength to resist the inner apathy. The clock hand moves sluggishly, the languishing melancholy inside grows with a dangerous fungus. How to get out of this quagmire? We will help restore a good mood and a taste for life by offering some outrageous simple recipes from blues. It's time to say goodbye to melancholy and despondency, learn to understand how to deal with the blues, turning towards a new self!

12 effective recipes for blues

Cultivate positive emotions

To get rid of boredom, you need to put aside the mental chewing gum and shake your feelings well. American psychologists say that a person has 5 basic positive states that help to get out of the routine. It is curiosity, gratitude, hope, delight and peace. Learn to evoke these feelings in yourself instead of the usual experiences.

Look for an outlet

Constant work stress, lack of time resources have a negative impact on our condition. To help the psyche switch, it is enough to devote at least a couple of hours a week to your favorite hobby. It can be anything - floriculture, needlework, playing with pets or drawing on a tablet. Let your soul find a new source of inspiration!

Outline your strengths

AT bad mood we often succumb to depressive thoughts, starting to remember past failures and painful mistakes of youth. To get off the black stripe, we offer a simple task. Take two sheets of paper, on each of which make a list of your strengths(in work, love and friendship), as well as memorable achievements. Remember and write down what you can be proud of! And then treat yourself to the things that give you pleasure.

Activate mirror neurons

Have you noticed how the environment affects a person? If there is fun around, you automatically want to smile, and if the atmosphere is poisonous, then it’s hard to believe in a miracle. This is all the work of mirror neurons in the brain, which are responsible for imitation. environment. Change your environment and the world inside will also change.

Engage your right brain

For the most part, people read a lot, analyze and predict - but the left hemisphere, while the right one passively processes the incoming information. To regain a taste for life, you need to devote more time to art. This will activate the center of creativity in the left hemisphere, which is responsible for emotions, humor and intuition, and therefore will not let you get bored.

Give up black and white thinking

The older we become, the more we need to be flexible, abandoning the categorical nature of adolescents. Thinking in the style of "all or nothing" plunges into depression, because it is so important to see many shades and facets! Do not say “life is terrible” or “I am a loser”, but think philosophically: “in this situation I acted stupidly, tomorrow I will do better”, “everything is changing, I am changing, my life is in my hands.” The main thing to remember is that if you fail in some area, there are still many places in which you have no equal.

Fulfill an old dream

In adolescence, we all dreamed of something: conquer Everest, get a dog, become an eminent choreographer or skydive. If a period of stagnation has come in life, why not fulfill a childhood dream? Respectable age, employment or “serious” status are just excuses! Find something that will breathe oxygen into your life. And act.

Limit your analgesics

If you are under constant stress, because of which you are forced to take painkillers to somehow dull headache We have bad news for you. Pills seriously interfere with the body's production of serotonin, which produces joy. Jump off this bad habit and look for new ways to eliminate pain.

Go in for sports

Chronic fatigue leads to the fact that the world around loses its colors. Work, home, sleep… some groundhog day! To add some variety to your typical everyday life, take care of your body. Purchase a gym membership or sign up for a sports section, guided by your preferences. Someone is closer to yoga or swimming, while someone prefers Thai boxing. The main thing is to let the body know who is the boss in the house!

Try Music Therapy

Scientists have proven positive influence classical music on the human body. So, listening to or Bach not only improves mood, but also helps to restore body cells, and also provokes the growth of neurons. It is not for nothing that music therapy is so actively used in European clinics in the treatment of premature babies, as well as in the practice of postoperative recovery.

Sign up for dancing

Another way to get rid of the blues and open up to the new is to dance! The crazy energy of salsa, passionate tango movements, incendiary flamenco will not only wake you up from hibernation, but will give you new meaning life with enormous energy. Most likely, there will simply be no time for sadness.

Act unpredictably

If you know yourself to be flaky, it's time to change. Get rid of old habits in exchange for new ones, give yourself another chance, discover a new passion. Enough to follow the beaten path, to be embarrassed to express yourself, you were not born a slave of the gray mass, but a person. Open new boundaries of your "I", move away from what you don't like, look for something interesting - and life will become brighter. As you can see, dealing with the blues is not such a difficult thing. All the possibilities of the world are in your hands.

Probably, at least once in a lifetime, everyone has felt this state, when the air seems to be heavier, and thoughts - more painful. But the blues can be fought. I WANT to address this problem to a psychologist. And got an expert answer.

Blues - a phenomenon, for the most part, seasonal. Sadness, despondency, melancholy are more and more manifested with the onset of late autumn and winter. What to do in order not to remain in this state until the summer?

Before making any recommendations, it is important to understand what is causing the condition. If you have a difficult period in your life, painful experiences that do not change for more than 2-3 weeks, sadness is combined with anxiety or fear, you have lost your appetite, you have difficulty sleeping or body pain of unknown origin, then you need to contact to the psychologist for internal consultation.

If we are talking about a slight decrease in activity, sadness, shallow sadness, then the ability to notice and know yourself will be valuable: WHAT you like exactly, WHAT you love and what you enjoy.

Try to remember what you liked to do as a child. It can be anything, even if it doesn't seem serious or appropriate right now. For example, color a coloring book with felt-tip pens. Children are able to get very involved in the process that is interesting to them, give themselves to it and not think about anything else. Most adults can't do that anymore.

move more

In motion - life! Fitness, dancing, sports, skiing, sledding - choose an activity to your liking.

Don't forget to treat yourself to something delicious. Also pay attention to the people around you. It is much easier to sink into despondency and melancholy if those around you have been there for a long time. But getting out of this state together is much harder.

We are looking for pluses

Spleen is a state that helps to slow down, take your time, think, gain strength and resources in order to do something more actively later.

It is important to learn to accept the blues as a valuable and important experience. After all, we do not live only at the peak of experiences. There are also transitional periods that help us not to rush from one extreme to another. These periods are not acute, perhaps unpleasant, but very valuable.

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