Leashing a dog on a chain is ineffective - A dog is a bodyguard - A domestic dog - A man is a friend to a dog. How to train a dog to a booth in the yard - methods and recommendations

For many years, many rural residents have been accustomed to keeping dogs on a chain - as a guard and a "bell". The world of these animals is limited by the length of the chain, it has a place for a booth, a plate of food and an owner who is suitable not to untie them and play with them, but to close them in the booth.

There are several reasons why people restrict dogs this way. Some believe that four-legged animals should not enter the house or trample on lawns. Others fear that the dog will run away. Still others are sure that this is the only way to make the dog guard the house.

But now, in many countries, keeping dogs on a chain has either been banned altogether, or it has not been recommended to tie them for a long time. After all, life on a chain is really “dog”. This is a great mental trauma for the animal, which is why chain dogs are so angry and, when they break the chain, they become uncontrollable. Even a naturally friendly and cheerful dog, put on a chain, will become deeply unhappy, will show anxiety and aggression. A free-ranging dog will not attack anyone for no reason.

The danger of leashing also lies in the fact that dogs can inadvertently suffocate, becoming entangled or trying to jump over the fence. An animal sitting on a chain is defenseless against the attacks of other animals; cruel people can also offend them.

What to do if you are forced to limit the dog? Think about alternative options. For example, install a high fence around the house, and let the dog move freely around the yard - so there will be much more sense from it as a guard.

Another way to give your pet more freedom is to make the chain longer, thereby giving him the opportunity to run around the site. You need to accustom yourself to the chain gradually, and at the same time constantly engage in dog training and play with it.

At the same time, it is not worth keeping the animal on a chain all the time. Give her hours of work during which she will be tied up, and after the end of the service, release her. The dog will quickly get used to such a schedule and will know that this is her duty, not a punishment.

And just putting it on a chain and forgetting it will be inhumane, moreover, from such an attitude, the animal can degrade physically and will not be able to perform the functions of a security guard. The dog needs strength exercises that develop its endurance.

In addition, greater freedom of movement will help the dog stop possible intruders who have entered the yard.

If you keep your dog on a chain for the sole reason that he likes to dig under the fence, bury the net or wire around the entire perimeter, or install special fences at the fence, as well as around the flower bed. You can even make a separate sandbox for the dog, burying her favorite toys in it - when she realizes that she needs to dig there, praise her for this in order to consolidate the result.
In general, all problems in the behavior of a dog are a lack of training and a lack of toys. The dog needs to be given some objects with which he will play. There are many special dog toys for sale.

If the dog already lives in the yard, and its movement must be limited when children walk around the yard, for example, then let the dog be in a spacious aviary.

For an aviary (as a rule, it is fenced with a construction net), you need to choose a dry place with a good view of the yard. The place itself should be in a sunny place, but at the same time have a shaded corner in which the dog will rest in the heat. In the enclosure itself, you need to install a warm booth.

The size of the enclosure and booth must be calculated based on the size of the dog. It should easily fit in it both lying down and standing up.

The booth should be located on a small pedestal, and not directly on the ground, and should not have slots. The correct roof of the booth is triangular, one on which snow will not hold and which will not get wet from the rain. But it is not necessary to fix the roof itself so that it is possible to carry out cleaning in the "kennel". The hole should be located at a height of about 5 centimeters.

When cold weather sets in, cover the manhole of the booth with a “curtain” made of warm fabric, and lay straw (but not hay) on the floor, changing it every week. If the dog has thick hair, then instead of straw it is better to lay a mattress stuffed with feathers or dry grass.

Of course, there is enough fresh air for a dog living in an aviary. But you still need to take her out. For a mobile animal to feel good, it is necessary to walk and communicate a lot, to feel its freedom. We must not forget that a dog is a living being, whose feelings largely depend on us.

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Everyone knows that animals live in their kennel. But how to accustom a dog to a booth? The matter is not easy, and therefore it is necessary to understand it in detail.

Why is it so difficult?

A dog is a rather intelligent animal, so any little thing that the dog does not like can cause him to not want to stay in his kennel. Particular attention should be paid to odors. The booth should not repel the animal, and in dogs the sense of smell is developed several times stronger than in humans.

If the kennel went to the dog from another animal, he can immediately reject such a place of residence. The strange smell only irritates the dog, so do not be surprised that the dog will not even go into his new home.

It should be remembered about tightness as one of the possible reasons. How to train a dog to a booth in the yard? Usually the situation is complicated by the fact that the four-legged is accustomed to living in a spacious house, and in the kennel it is simply cramped. Over time, the pet will get used to it, so you should not worry too much.

The above reasons are the main ones, but there are other factors as well. The owner needs to get to the bottom of the truth on his own.

Arrangement of a kennel

Before thinking about how to accustom a dog to a booth, you need to take care of its construction and arrangement. The entrance to the dwelling should be convenient so that the animal does not experience problems during the passage. All splinters must be eliminated, dry and clean. Particular attention should be paid to tightness. Holes should not be allowed, because then the dog will definitely not feel comfortable. All cracks must be sealed, the booth should not be blown. It is recommended to make the walls of the dwelling double, and lay foam between the layers for insulation.

It is worth noting that if you purchased a puppy, you need to build a booth, taking into account the size of an adult dog. The dimensions of the kennel are determined in such a way that the dog can easily stretch out on the entire floor in it. As for the height, the best option is when the top of the dog barely touches the ceiling in a sitting position.


The question of how to accustom a dog to a new booth will disappear by itself if you manage to make such a kennel from which the dog does not want to leave. You should immediately refuse to cover the home with various smelling substances - this will only scare the dog away. It is recommended to choose pine as a material for construction. If you use all the recommendations for building a home, then accustoming a dog to sleep in a booth, as a rule, will be absolutely easy.

How to accustom a dog to a booth?

It should be noted right away that this process should take place gradually. No need to force the dog into the kennel, punish the pet for disobedience. To solve the problem, you should understand the reasons that led to it.

Most often, the dog does not want to move to a separate kennel because of the habit of living with the owners, in a warm house among people. The booth, no matter how well-equipped it may be, cannot be compared with a cozy hearth and delicious food. Therefore, it is worth smoothly accustoming the dog to his new place of residence. It is recommended to first place the dog in the kennel for a while, and then transfer it back to the house, slowly increasing the length of stay in the booth. Thus, the dog will gradually get used to the new place.

It is much easier to adapt a puppy, but how to accustom an adult dog to a booth? There are a few important tips to put into practice.

As already noted, the issue cannot be resolved by force. If you want to accustom a dog to a kennel, you do not need to close the animal in the dark. In this case, the development of an intractable phobia is possible, which will negatively affect the dog, and create a lot of problems for the owner. It is also not recommended to immediately put on a collar.

The dog is guided by its sense of smell, so you need to give it time to develop new territory. Let the dog often run around the yard, sniffing and scouting. It is advisable to carry out accustoming in dry weather. However, you can go for a little trick. When it starts to rain, do not let the pet into the house, and then he will go to the booth to hide from the rain. Thus, an instinct will be developed, which the animal will strictly follow.

Many are interested in the question of how to accustom a dog to a chain and a booth. First you need to deal with the kennel, and then gradually accustom to the chain.

The first time is the hardest

It has been historically proven that one of the most effective methods is the "carrot and stick" method. Lure the dog with treats, leaving them in the booth at first. Sooner or later, the animal will understand that goodies must be sought in the kennel. In the early days, it is undesirable to leave the dog in the booth for the whole day, one hour will be enough. It is very important to monitor the reaction of the pet: if everything is in order and the dog does not whine, leave it for a couple of hours the next day, gradually increasing the time.

If, before accustoming a dog to a booth in an aviary, the dog lived in a house with the owners, then the task becomes much more complicated. At first, you need to be with the animal often so that it does not feel lonely and abandoned. Let the dog spend the night at home until he is fully accustomed to the new home. In order for the adaptation period to be successful, you should constantly treat him with fresh meat or tasty bones. After each stay in the booth, the dog receives a prize - the method of motivation is always effective.

In order for the animal to want to visit the booth of their own free will, some owners do this: they moisten the soil near the kennel, and the dog moves to a new house in search of a warm and dry place. In order for the dog to orient himself, a bowl of food should be placed near the dwelling.

Kennel training a puppy

How to accustom a dog to a booth in the yard, if it is very small? As you already understood, we are talking about the adaptation of the puppy. In principle, there are no special rules in this case, you just need to follow the recommendations. For example, when arranging a home, focus on an adult, because a puppy will someday grow up, and rebuilding a booth is not entirely correct. No need to lock the pet, forbid him to leave the kennel. The adaptation process should take place in stages.

An interesting fact: if the parents of a small dog lived in a booth, then the puppy is easier to adapt. In any case, let him become independent, do not constantly walk around him. Do not forget to put a bowl of food next to the house so that the puppy knows where to eat.


If you follow all the recommendations and rules, then the addiction process will be calm and effective. The kennel must be dry and clean so that the dog can feel comfortable. The owner should be patient and create a favorable atmosphere for the pet.

In this material, we answered the question of how to accustom a dog to a booth. Remember that any animal can get used to a kennel. At the same time, it is especially important to correctly build the learning process. There is no place for violence and aggression. You need to behave with the dog kindly, using cunning and various tricks. Only if the dog trusts his master, there will be no problems with adaptation.

Today there is a trend when families sell apartments and move to live in a country house. Many dog ​​breeders in such a situation are faced with the question of how to teach an animal to live in a booth. After all, the pet is used to living in an apartment with the owner, located in an armchair or on a sofa. This process is easiest for puppies, it is much more difficult to re-educate an adult animal. What needs to be done to accustom your pet to life in a booth or aviary?

How to furnish a new home for your pet?

Before accustoming your pet to a booth, you need to equip his new home for him. A new space for a dog must be comfortable for living. Such trifles are very important for the process of retraining a pet, so some features should be taken into account when arranging the booth:

  1. When arranging a booth or aviary, it is very important to take into account the size of the animal, since the new pet house must be spacious. In addition, the room should be clean and dark enough.
  2. It is also important to build a booth in such a way that there are no gaps between the parts of the building. This will protect your pet from drafts in the cold season.
  3. It is very important to make a reliable roof in the booth so that water does not get inside through it. Checking this is quite simple: you can pour water from a hose on top or pour a bucket of liquid. The lack of moisture in the booth contributes to the health of the animal.
  4. It is possible to accustom a pet to new housing only when the booth or aviary is completely ready. You should not let the animal inside if the preparation process is still in progress, especially if the boards are covered with paint or other materials. This can harm the dog. The walls and roof of the enclosure should not be covered with drying oil or varnish, it is better to choose dry materials for building a dog house.
  5. It is necessary to organize the entrance to the aviary or booth as conveniently as possible for the animal. Additionally, you can make a small visor above the entrance in case the dog wants to stick his head out of the booth. Also, the pet will need to be accustomed to the chain if only a booth without an aviary is organized for it.
  6. In most cases, pine is used to equip a doghouse. Ordinary linoleum or roofing material is perfect as a roof. The roof should be made in such a way that the dog can easily climb on it, as many pets like to spend time on top.
  7. You should build the highest quality and solid construction that will serve your pet as a reliable home for several years.

There are a few simple rules to help accustom an animal to an aviary or booth:

  1. In order for the pet to go inside the enclosure or booth for the first time, it is necessary to put the dog’s favorite treat there near the entrance. After that, you should step aside and let your pet pick up the yummy. If the animal still does not go inside, you do not need to shout at it or force it, just go about your business, after a while the dog will definitely take the treat.
  2. You can accustom the dog to a new booth by periodically repeating the exercise described earlier. Each time you need to throw a treat farther from the entrance to the booth.
  3. To train your pet to be in an aviary, you can start small: give the dog food near the aviary. This will allow the animal to form positive emotions from being in the aviary. Then gradually you need to rearrange the bowl inside the enclosure, each time increasing the distance from the entrance.
  4. At first, the pet will not linger inside the enclosure, but will run out of there as quickly as possible. Do not close the door behind him during this period. It is better to wait until he gets used to the new room and starts to linger there for a while. After that, you can close the door behind him. However, so that the dog does not form a negative impression, you should slightly open the door and give him some treats. So even closed doors will not cause negative emotions in the animal.
  5. If the closed doors of the enclosure cause discontent of the dog, she starts to whine or bark, you need to slightly reduce the time the pet is in the closed space. However, you should not open the door immediately after the pet began to whine. Otherwise, the animal will understand this, and the next time it will whine on purpose.
  6. After the dog gets used to the new room and can stay there for at least an hour or two, you can give him some kind of toy or bone so that the pet is not bored.
  7. It is important to accustom the dog to the fact that the owner cannot always be around. Therefore, you need to leave the dog alone in the aviary, each time increasing the time.

What is important to know?

In the learning process, it is also important to remember some features. For example, weather conditions must be taken into account. If it is raining outside, then the animal will have a greater desire to hide from the water in the booth. If the sun is bright and hot outside, the pet is unlikely to want to sit in the booth.

Train your dog on the chain only after he gets used to the new home and space. It is always better to place the booth and the chain so that the dog sees the front door of the house. In this case, the animal will feel more confident and calmer, as it will see the owner going outside.

Also, in the process of adapting the animal to a new home, you can lay out your dog’s favorite things and treats inside the booth or aviary. A positive result can only be achieved through patience and creating good motivation for the dog.

Video: how to train a dog to a cage

"Hello! I live in the countryside, I have two mutts in my yard: they sit on a chain at different ends of the plot. Recently, they are constantly tied to a chain, because if you let go, they catch chickens. Q: Is it bad for dogs to be chained all the time? And what to do if there is simply no money or opportunity to build an aviary?


Can a dog be chained?

This question is asked by those who, at least a little, but living in a rural area, do not have the opportunity to keep a dog at home in proper care (many do not have a bath or water in the house), and build an aviary beyond their means. What to do in this case? There are many opinions on this matter. We will give the opinions of people who have kept dogs for many years. So, dog on a chain: "pros and cons".

Natalia (owner of the dog).

I am categorically against having a dog sit on a chain. And although I am not a cynologist, I have sufficient experience in keeping dogs. We have both a Doberman and a German Shepherd. They always ran freely around the area around the house, and they perfectly understood that it was impossible to run through the beds and flower beds. You can't just attack people and animals just like that. Just trained them in due time, spent time on training. Of course, it is easier to put on a chain, why waste time? Only now there will not be that friendship with a dog, that close connection ... If you want to get a real four-legged friend, please do not put him on a chain!

Alexander (cynologist).

Now many people consider a dog as a toy: they wash it (although the wool does not get better), dress it up in clothes (and after all, for centuries dogs did without rags and were healthy), invest fabulous sums again in the dog, and then brag among themselves.

There was an opinion that the dog should not be kept on a chain. But understand, there are working dogs that serve. And if the service takes place near the roadway and garages? There are also territories that cannot be protected with the help of free guarding. Have you heard of such a thing as a checkpoint? Dogs work in such posts all their lives. But trust me: chained content and bad content are not the same thing! The maintenance of working dogs is quite good: they are fed, combed, walked, and dealt with. And believe me, such a dog feels needed, loved even more than its fellow in an apartment or aviary.

The dog was created to have a job. For her psychology, this is important. It's just as important to be loved. I saw completely unhappy dogs with rich people, dogs with gilded bowls, groomers, servants. And I saw happy dogs, past which the owner, passing, would stroke, and caress, and talk to her.

Tatyana (owner of dogs).

Dogs in the private sector and rural areas are mostly kept on a chain. Nobody really cares about them. Feed leftovers from the table. Nobody walks them. However, guard breeds may well live in such conditions. About aviaries. Our neighbor has an alabai. The dog lives in an aviary, no one walks him. Sometimes he breaks free from the enclosure, runs around the neighboring gardens, scares the chickens until the owner catches him and puts him back in his place.

In my opinion, it would be better to let the dog sit on a chain. I think if a person is not a dog lover, but simply gets a dog according to circumstances, a chain is quite suitable for a dog. Just such people it is desirable to take the dog for walks so that it does not fall into depression.

This does not apply, of course, to those who love dogs. For example, I have two dogs. Both live in the house, and are not even aware of the chain. My dogs are easily manageable, even if they knock on the gate, they don’t go outside without my permission.

Sergey (dog owner).

I have a large dog, Caucasian. I regret that I didn’t teach him to chain as a puppy. But the dog grew up and it became necessary to put him on a chain. Of course, he whined for a long time. I found a way out: I stretched a wire 6 mm thick along the fence, threaded a running ring into it, attached the chain to the collar. Increased the dog's territory, now the dog is happy and guards the territory. Of course, once a week I walk in the nearest landing.

Here are the different opinions. Nevertheless, the dog handler is not against the chain, let's listen to his advice.

How to train a dog to chain?

Before you put your dog on a chain, think about a booth that will protect the dog from heat and rain in the summer, and from the cold in the winter. For this purpose, you can also build a warm aviary.

When choosing a chain, think about how it does not interfere with the movements of the animal. In addition, the dog, attacking a stranger, must have a run-up, so that the chain must be long enough. Be sure to pay attention to teaching your pet commands. A well-trained dog will not touch cats and chickens, but if there is, then walk it away from residential buildings.

Now let's figure out how to chain train a dog. Puppy, accustom to the chain gradually. A young dog should have enough time for free range, only then it will properly form and grow up to be a healthy guard. This also applies to adult pets: they also need to be released daily to run.

Whether to plant dog on a chain, everyone decides for himself. Let's just say: do not rush to condemn those people who support their own! And we ask the owners of watchdogs: do not forget about your pets and show maximum attention to them!

The main and first condition for keeping a dog on the street is the obligatory arrangement of a fence.

Quite often, dogs are put on a chain so that it can protect the house and site from uninvited guests, without interfering with free movement in the rest of the site. This method is not only the least convenient way of protection, but also does not meet the needs of the dog. With such a content, the mobility of the animal is rather limited, the dog lives in the literal sense "on the aisle". People scurry past it, including strangers, because very rarely the leash is made in such a way as to completely block the entrance. In this case, the dog performs rather a signaling function than a security one, barking announcing the appearance of strangers.

Being in constant tension, when there is very little time for rest or it is limited to the dark time of the day (namely, at this time the dog is most anxious and prone to activity), contributes to the development of undesirable consequences. The dog becomes angry, non-contact, quickly excitable, barks more out of habit than on business. Not in order to draw the attention of the owners to the danger, but simply out of boredom and in order to give vent to irritation. Such “empty likes” are animals that are initially easily excitable, especially those who are chained at a young age. The animal is in a state of constant chronic emotional stress, while experiencing a strong information hunger, since the volume of new (precisely new) information received with the help of various sense organs is limited.

Limited mobility also has a negative effect on the dog: it is deprived of the opportunity to run, there is only room for short throws or even for walking. The dog is stale, it does not develop normal muscles, a violation of the musculoskeletal system develops. The ill-conceived location of the leash directly contributes to this. Animal owners mistakenly attach the chain at ground level - it happened. With this fastening, and with sharp lunges of the dog, the chain hits the animal on the legs. Chain dogs can be recognized by the characteristic curvature of the hind limbs, by the connected gait.

If there is no other way of keeping except on a chain, then a more favorable solution can be found. First of all, we will ensure the safety of others - the leash can only be metal. No matter how comfortable and attractive modern and popular cables made of polymer materials are today, they have one significant drawback - sooner or later they are all gnawed by dogs. In addition, the metal cable often twists, interfering with the uninhibited movements of the dog. Very often, such cables become loose and injure dogs. Therefore, the most convenient leash has been and remains - the chain, of course, provided that it is qualitatively welded or riveted.

It is necessary to remember about the length of the chain and its safe fastening for the animal. If the attachment point of the chain is at the height of the withers of your pet, it will not cripple the legs of the animal. Some fasten the chain with a metal bracket to the wall of the house, at first glance it seems to be a solid structure, but nevertheless, due to a sharp jerk, the animal can pull out even a very diligently hammered bracket. And the dogs are strong enough. I have seen pictures like this several times. A dog is tied to a car weighing about two tons, whose body weight is 50 kilograms. It rushes at strangers approaching the car and pulls this colossus to the side by a good meter. So why shouldn't she tear out some sort of bracket from the wall?!

More reliable are such solutions for fastening the chain: riveting the chain to the continuous strapping of the booth or passing a special metal rack through the hole. In the first case, the booth must be solid and firmly attached to the base, in the second case, the stand must be driven into the ground to a third of its height so that the dog cannot pull it out.

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