Choosing a Chihuahua puppy. Chihuahua varieties: tips for choosing a decorative dog How to determine how much a puppy will weigh





So, you have decided to buy a puppy. And chose the Chihuahua breed. And not in vain! Since the chihuahua is the love of a lifetime. We list only some of the many advantages of the breed:

1. Well, of course, this is a small size.

For a resident of a huge metropolis with a frantic pace of life, constant traffic jams, lack of free time, a small dog is very convenient for life, because. can have a toilet at home, which, of course, does not cancel walking on the street, but you will not worry that you are stuck in a traffic jam or still at work, and your dog is suffering at home and wants to walk.

Also, if you often travel or go on business trips, a chihuahua can accompany you on trips, because its weight, even with the heaviest carrying, allows you to take an animal on an airplane cabin, you can also easily accommodate such a dog in almost any hotel, and then walk around the city, hanging a carrying bag on your shoulder, from the window of which your four-legged pet will look around with curiosity.

Finally, if, nevertheless, the dog does not accompany you, you can easily find someone who could sit with him - an elderly person and one of your friends can agree, for example, who are also thinking about acquiring a dog and trying on the role of a future owner, Or someone who already has a pet.

The small size of the Chihuahua will allow even a person with a small income to feed the dog with the best products, because. she needs very little.

2. Character. The Chihuahua is a companion dog with an unusual temperament for a small breed. He is very smart, gentle, has an extremely stable psyche, rarely barks. Dogs of this breed are usually courageous, inquisitive, not cocky in relation to other dogs. Chihuahua is very attached to a person, focused on him, has amazing intuition, accurately determining the mood of the owner, however, it is quite self-sufficient to stay alone at home and calmly wait while doing their own business. This is not the case when you will always have a dog whining, scratching and howling under the door, which is often found behind much larger breeds.

Also, a chihuahua will not harm your home, furniture and clothes, as it is quite content with its toys, and chewing on furniture and shoes, etc., is not an interesting activity for it.

Dogs of this breed get along well with other pets, both dogs and cats.

Of course, we drew a portrait of an ideal chihuahua with a pedigree character, but each animal is individual. And of course, a puppy can afford some pranks, but with the correct and patient correction of his behavior, good genes and a healthy environment in the house where he was born and in his future family, he will certainly grow into a dog with such a wonderful character and you will enjoy communication for many years with him, more than once rejoicing at his right choice.

3. Good health.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by good health and are considered to be long-livers in the canine world. Such dogs live, as a rule, 14-17 years old, although representatives of the breed are known who are 20 and even 22 years old!

4. External beauty with a variety of colors and types of wool.

It must be said that such external diversity is not found in any other breed of dog. In addition to the fact that there are long-haired and short-haired varieties, the Chihuahua is unique in the number of different colors. White, cream, sable, red, chocolate, black, tan on various colors, marks (specks) on various colors - these are just the main and incomplete list of Chihuahua colors (there are about 90 of them in total). The breed also contains quite rare colors - blue, lilac, brindle.

It is thanks to these above reasons that a person who already has one Chihuahua very often longs to acquire a second, and sometimes a third!

"Let's take another red-haired, black, etc., he is so funny! And ours will not be bored" - one can often hear such a phrase from happy owners of a chihuahua. And it's not collectible! Extraordinary intelligence, beauty, ease of maintenance and some kind of magic of this breed binds a person who has met her forever, so much so that you want this happiness even more and more.



So, you saw on the Internet or somewhere else a photo of a puppy you like.

Do not be lazy and be sure to visit the breeder's house or apartment, where you can see how the kids grow up, his parents, or at least the puppy's mother and his siblings. A good breeder does not have cages at home (enclosures or fences are acceptable, which sometimes, if necessary, restrict the movement of too small puppies for their safety, and also isolate the mother with newborn puppies). The puppy must have a stamp, a veterinary passport with vaccination marks by age, as well as a puppy card, which is subsequently exchanged for the RKF pedigree. Watch your puppy run and play with other puppies or toys. Be sure to ask all your questions to the breeder, if he has nothing to hide, he will kindly and patiently answer you.

Preference should also be given to a breeder who really loves dogs, and breeding is his favorite thing, and not just a job of necessity.

Remember - a puppy that has grown up in love and affection has a normal, stable psyche and is better adapted to adult life.

What should be of concern:

- puppies and adult dogs are kept in cages and there are a lot of them

- puppies and adult dogs have an untidy and unkempt appearance

- there is no mother of the puppy (perhaps these are resellers) - an exception may be a maintenance puppy,

- unsanitary conditions of detention

- lack of stigma and documents - veterinary passport and puppy card

- the breeder shows the puppy in his hands, gives it to you, but you do not see how he runs on the floor, plays - behavioral problems or health problems are possible.

- puppy and adult dogs are too shy

- negligent attitude of the breeder to puppies and adult dogs


The optimal age at which a puppy should be taken is from 2.5 months.

This is the age when 2 vaccinations were made and quarantined after the 2nd vaccination.

If you like a puppy under the age of 2-2.5 months, then you can RESERVE it, and only then pick it up.

Often you can find offers for the sale of 1-month-old, one and a half-month-old puppies.

Buying such a puppy is always a risk, besides, he needs special care, frequent feeding, and such a baby will miss his mother and brothers very much, he is not used to sleeping alone, he will feel lonely and uncomfortable. Taking such a baby to bed is very dangerous, he may fall out of bed or you may accidentally crush him.

Finally, if such a puppy is also a mini, then he may not survive at all.

It is better to take a real mini-puppy at 3, then 4-5 months of age.

A very good option is a grown puppy at the age of 4-6 months.

Why: you can see the exterior of the puppy, its size and its character, that is, you already see what you will get approximately in an adult state.

This is almost a ready-made dog, you can feed it 2 times a day, fearlessly going to work all day, you can already walk, all vaccinations have been done. And at the same time it is still a playful cheerful puppy.

In fact, unscrupulous breeders promise that there will be a MINI puppy with a short muzzle, selling a 1.5 month old puppy, of course, at that age it is small and nothing is clear, then a large dog sometimes weighs 4-5 kg. with a non-pedigree head, a long muzzle ... But they promised us ... they deceived us ... tell me who I have? Do we look like chihuahuas? That's what scammers say. Of course, if a person loves dogs, his pet will still remain the best and most beloved for him, however, if you still want to have a pedigree healthy animal of a standard size up to 3 kg. or MINI (we will talk about this later separately), it is worth approaching the choice more carefully and prudently. After all, you choose a friend for a long time.

Buying an adult dog

To be continued.







Chihuahua belongs to the decorative breeds of dogs. She is considered the smallest dog in the world that can fit in a pocket of clothes. The breed originated in Mexico. Among its representatives there are officially recognized types and invented by unscrupulous breeders.

In contact with


Chihuahua species

Chihuahuas are divided into longhaired and smoothhaired. The former have a soft, straight, silky coat and a not very dense undercoat. The hair of long-haired dogs has a fine texture. They are longest in the area of ​​the ears, neck, tail and hind legs. The hairline at the neck resembles a frill, and panties at the hind legs.

In smooth-haired species, the coat is dense and short. It feels very soft and smooth to the touch. The hair is shiny and silky. The rarest coat of wool they have is at the neck. In these places in animals you can see the skin. Long-haired and smooth-haired dogs differ in character. In "hairies" it is soft and flexible. Dogs with short hair are very mobile and quick-tempered.

By body type, breed standards are divided into two types: cobby and dir. The English word cobbi means stocky and undersized. Cobbies are burly men with large, round eyes that are set far apart. Their muzzle is adorned with a snub-nosed nose. Their chest and paws are well developed, the powerful tail has a dense coat.

Dirs are like deer. This similarity gave the name to this group of animals. It comes from the English word deer - deer. Dogs have a small head with an elongated muzzle. Their ears, in relation to the size of their heads, appear large. The chest of dirs is much smaller than that of cobbies. They have thin long tails, not very thick wool with undercoat. Breeders recognize both species but preference for breeding is given to them by the cobby.

Informal types of breed

The result of illiterate reproduction of the Chihuahua was the emergence of various types that formed intrabreed offshoots. They represent tribal marriage. These include types such as:

  • Pikinese. Snub-nosed and bug-eyed animals that look more like Japanese Chins than Pekingese. They have a large, curled-up tail that constantly lies on their backs.
  • Aboriginal. They have an insufficiently round head, high-set ears and closely spaced eyes.
  • English. They are distinguished by a rough body structure and an overloaded skeleton. Compared to other species, they have a fairly large weight.
  • Extreme. Characteristic features of the type are a convex forehead, bulging eyes and a snub-nosed muzzle. The head is enlarged. Animals are dwarf in size and have very small paws.
  • Exotic. The size of these dogs is even smaller than that of the extreme ones.
  • Classical. They have a flattened forehead, a slightly lowered muzzle and an irregular stop angle. They belong to dir-type.

All these species are widespread in everyday life, but are not used to breed the breed.

pygmy chihuahua

The difference between the breed standard and mini becomes apparent at the age of 12-15 months. The standard weight is from 1.7 to 3 kg. Mini include animals with a weight of 0.8 to 1.7 kg. Their life expectancy can reach 12 years. They have an incomplete set of teeth and a very fragile body structure. They cannot be dropped, kicked or beaten. It is not recommended to let larger animals near them. Even a cat can cause them serious injury.

Miniature Chihuahuas have weakened immune systems, so they require special care. Their food must be carefully ground. Despite their miniature size, pygmy dogs have the instincts of a real watchdog. They have excellent hearing and excellent reaction. When a stranger appears, they begin to bark loudly and try to protect their master, showing their fearlessness.

It is believed that dwarf species have the most stable psyche. They are very active and have a cheerful disposition. Their small size does not prevent them from having self-esteem. Babies look down on their owners. In their upbringing, firmness and perseverance must be shown.

They have features such as:

  • high intelligence;
  • observation;
  • stubbornness;
  • determination.

They are easily trained, very devoted to their master, jealous and touchy, they really do not like to be shouted at. Most part of time representatives of dwarf species are in motion. A calmer disposition in those of them who belong to the long-haired type.

short haired chihuahua

This species was bred before the longhair. Short-haired Chihuahuas have a height at the withers of 15 to 23 cm and a weight of 1 to 3 kg. These are active animals with a cheerful disposition, loving to play. They are jealous of the attention of their owners, so experts do not recommend starting them for families with small children. Feeling a lack of attention, they can be aggressive towards the baby surrounded by the care of parents. It is very important for them to be the most beloved and adored member of the family.

Among the people surrounding the dog, she chooses her “favorite”. It becomes the person who spends the most time with her, feeds her, takes her for a walk and plays with her. After the birth, smooth-haired puppies in the first days eat only mother's milk. Gradually they are transferred to feeding with cottage cheese and ground boiled beef. They are fed 5-6 times a day. AT feeding ration you can not include sweet, salty, smoked, fried and fatty foods.

How to choose a puppy?

Before buying a Chihuahua puppy, you need to decide on the question of why it is being purchased. If in the future it is planned to continue the breed, then the choice must be taken very seriously.

Among the dogs sold in the markets and in kennels, you can find a large number of puppies that are far from the requirements of breed standards. For Chihuahua lovers dreaming of dog shows and medals, it is better to look for a thoroughbred puppy from breeders.

Any thoroughbred puppy has its own pedigree and passport. Such puppies have the highest price. If they are bought as a true friend, then many deviations from the standards can be turned a blind eye.

When purchasing a dog that has deviations from the breed standards, it must be remembered that it must be sterilized. With any option of buying a puppy, it is very important to pay attention to the state of his health. Do not take representatives of a breed that does not have documents on their veterinary examination.

Already in puppyhood, dogs begin to show the difference between male and female character. Girls bark less often, are less belligerent, love to sit on the hands of the owner. They are much easier to train and bring less trouble to the owners. Boys are more active, stubborn, like to bark and are very proud. Regardless of the sex of the animals, they become aggressive and irritable if they are not walked enough.

Today, Chihuahua dogs are very popular all over the world. Traditionally, these are the smallest dogs on earth. The weight of an adult Chihuahua dog does not exceed, as a rule, 2 kilograms, although the breed standard allows them to weigh up to 3 kilograms.

It is extremely rare to find a specimen weighing up to 1 kilogram. Such dogs are very much appreciated by people who are far from dog breeding, because it is exotic. An important role in this is played by advertising photographs depicting dogs in glasses or coffee cups. Seeing such a photo, do not rush to be delighted. People, however, do not think about the fact that these dwarfs are not able to lead a normal dog life. More than anyone, they are prone to infections.

The ideal weight of an adult dog can be considered 1700 - 2000 grams. These Chihuahuas are strong, cheerful, healthy and will live a long life if properly maintained. To choose a puppy of this breed you will need some knowledge, so the following tips will help you in choosing the right one.

Chihuahua species

They are also called Shiva, they belong to the ancient breeds of dogs, whose history is fraught with many secrets and mysteries. They can be longhaired and shorthaired. As a rule, the long-haired Chihuahua is much softer in character than the smooth-haired one.

The smooth-haired one is such a brave defender and prankster, and the long-haired one is sunny and more affectionate. But these two are united by a balanced temperament, they are absolutely calm and very devoted to the owner of the dog.

Chihuahuas are monogamous, and although they will love all family members, they will show unconditional devotion to only one person - their owner, whom they will choose for themselves.

Chihuahua can be different colors. There are no standards. Therefore, in this regard, when buying a puppy, the choice in color is huge.

Where to buy a puppy?

If you are buying a Chihuahua, don't rush to the "bird market". Otherwise, you will be severely disappointed when, instead of a small dog, a puppy you have acquired grows into “something” the size of a canine greyhound, or even worse, you just buy a sick dog. So, how and where to buy a good dog?

It can be done through the club. With such a purchase, you will be prompted in which litter more promising puppies are expected. They can say when there will be an interesting omet, in which high-class dogs are expected.

You will also have the opportunity to choose the parents of your puppy at the show. After all, you can buy a puppy from the winner bitch you like. Believe me, both the breeder and the club will approach the choice of a male for her very carefully. You can also purchase a puppy from a winning male. At the same time, it would be good to look at the offspring from him, if any, especially at children from different females - how much they are of the same type and similar to their father.

It does not hurt to ask about the exhibition career of the children of the father or mother you like. Often one female or male is the founder of a whole galaxy of "stars" or, on the contrary, they are followed by a "train" of various vices, such as malocclusion, clubfoot, and the like.

Most often, a puppy is purchased on internet ads, as the choice of sites and offers is simply huge. Here, too, it does not hurt to ask about the show career of the puppy's parents, their ancestors. The breeder must also have a document - a pedigree. This is a document confirming the birth of a puppy and its origin. The pedigree contains four generations of the dog's ancestors. It is filled in according to the form approved by the cynological organization. This document also confirms that the puppy meets the breed standard. If there is no pedigree, then there is no guarantee that your Chihuahua's grandmother was not a German Shepherd.

Therefore, it is worth taking a responsible approach to the question: where to buy a puppy? Of course, without documents, a puppy will cost much less, but is it worth chasing cheapness in such cases?

Boy or girl?

Most often, not sparing the burden of puppies, future owners choose a male, forgetting or simply not knowing some of the nuances.

Firstly, the bitch flows twice a year, and if you're lucky, then one. The male is “sexually preoccupied” all year round and any dog ​​passing by in which estrus is your potential “homemaker” that can take your dog to distant lands. Males are more pugnacious than bitches. But, in fairness, it should be noted that the breed is more pronounced in the male, and he, as a rule, is more beautiful than the female.

Age to acquire a Chihuahua

The best time to buy a puppy will be aged 6 - 10 weeks. You will immediately take up his upbringing, you will be able to fully feed him and walk him, you will be able to give him everything he needs. And at this age, it is psychologically easier for a puppy to adapt to a new place and to a new family.

Sometimes they sell grown puppies. Do not immediately refuse such offers. If you are buying a puppy and want to pursue his show career, then the age of 4 - 6 months is just perfect for buying. After all, at this age you already clearly see the level of his breed, you will bypass the excitement about the correctness of the bite. And if the dog has any flaws, then they can be seen without any problems.

Buying a puppy

When buying a Chihuahua, you need to pay attention, first of all, to its appearance. He should look healthy, well-fed, he should have a shiny coat. Be sure to look at the puppy's tummy, there should not be an umbilical hernia. The nose, ears and eyes must be perfectly clean and not have any signs of purulent discharge. Also, no unpleasant odor should be heard from the ears. The butt should also be clean with no obvious signs of disorder or irritation.

The coat should not have bald areas, especially on the head, muzzle, or limbs. This may indicate staphyloderma or streptoderma. Do not trust the breeder and his stories that these are bite marks during games between puppies.

Chihuahua at home. Puppy care

Even before the puppy appears in the house, you should choose a place for it. The place should be located away from heating devices, not in a draft, not on the aisle. It is advisable at first to raise the curtains, hide shoes, books, various trifles, everything that can get on your baby's tooth.

As for care items, first of all you need two bowls: for food and for water. Chihuahuas are not picky about grooming, they do not need to be bathed and combed often. For hair care, you only need brush preferably with natural bristles.

For walking you will need to buy collar and leash. And in the cold, you will also need clothes, because Chihuahuas are thermophilic and very sensitive to cold. Winter walks without clothes for a Chihuahua are not allowed. You can also buy a toilet for a puppy in a pet store, this is very convenient, because by accustoming a dog to a tray, you can save time on walking. And an even bigger plus is that in bad weather, it is not necessary to go outside.

01/17/2017 by Evgeniy

One of the most important qualities that a future pet should have is excellent health. That is why people who were not previously familiar with this decorative breed should consult with specialists before completing a transaction. If you do not have the opportunity to chat with an experienced Chihuahua breeder, then use the tips from this article.

Where to buy an animal

If you are wondering “How to choose a Chihuahua puppy?”, then you are unlikely to buy a pet in dubious stores or on the market. But still we will warn you against acquiring an animal in such places. Now it is fashionable to buy puppies using classifieds sites. The first thing you need to clarify when contacting the seller: is he the owner of the cattery?

It is better to pay more, but to buy a Chihuahua from a person who has been selling and breeding puppies for years. Ask questions about pet conditions. Often, newly minted breeders violate all sanitary standards. Before deciding whether or not to go to the nursery, evaluate the communication on the phone. A professional will answer your questions calmly, will not be rude and overly praise the puppies.

During your visit, pay attention to:

  • cleanliness of enclosures;
  • feed quality and quantity.

At the first visit to the breeder, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the pedigree of the selected Chihuahua. Also find out the number of puppies in the litter - there should not be more than 5.

Try to pay attention to the number of births, the bitch must rest between matings, otherwise the offspring will be defective.

Purpose of purchasing a puppy

There are two options here:

  1. You are looking for a dog that will later become an elite sire. In this case, you will have to pay a high price for the animal. It is necessary to choose it when the age of the pet reaches 3-4 months, that is, after the change of teeth. Be prepared to visit exhibitions where the puppy will have to confirm compliance with the standard.
  2. If you need a mini-companion, then you can take a pet at the age of 2 months.

In the first case, the pet must fit the standard. If you just need a nice companion, and you will not be breeding, the cost of the animal will be somewhat lower. In any case, the puppy must have a brand and documents, because due to a breed mutation, you can get an animal with a bad temper or health problems.

Sex selection

If you choose a companion, you must consider the following features of the Chihuahua characters, which depend on gender:

  • boys are more active and inquisitive;
  • girls are affectionate and careful.

If you are not going to be a breeder, by choosing a girl, be prepared to face heat and pregnancy. Boys who have never participated in mating are calm about female representatives of their breed. After the first mating, they will have to be kept on a short leash, they will begin to run after females in heat. Males will have to be trained from the first day they are in the house, as they often try to mark their territory.


Appearance is most important for those who are going to breed a Chihuahua. First of all, pay attention to the shape of the muzzle and the length of the mouth. The shorter the mouth, the worse the quality of the teeth will be. The bite may be straight or scissor. The shape of the head should resemble an apple, a flat skull is unacceptable. The forehead should be pronounced. Please note that the fontanel in this breed does not overgrow, it is important to monitor it throughout the life of the pet, to exclude injuries to the skull and blows to it.

A healthy Chihuahua should have clean ears with no visible dirt or pus. The nose should be moist, but without mucous secretions. Dry urine is a sign of a baby's illness. Also pay attention to the eyes - they should be rounded and slightly moist.

The next step is to inspect the coat of your family's future pet. A purchase should be made only if it is soft and thick to the touch. In the long-haired Chihuahua, slightly wavy hair is acceptable, but without pronounced curls. Be sure to part the hair in several areas of the body and inspect the skin - it should not have a rash, irritation, flea eggs or dandruff.

Feel the skeleton, paying special attention to the paws. The bones must be straight. The standard does not allow for dislocations and displacements. Ask for a scale to measure your puppy's weight. It should be more than 500 grams and not reach 2,700.

Let's watch the behavior

It is important to be able to distinguish a defective pet by character. To do this, spend some time at the aviary. Even if the puppy has just woken up, he must be active. As a rule, Chihuahuas communicate well with their mother and their brothers. They move around a lot inside the enclosure and sniff everything around. This is how they show their natural curiosity. To outsiders, young dogs are usually friendly.

If the baby is cowardly or sick, he will hide behind his mother or beds. You may have to spend a sufficient amount of time at the enclosure to make sure that the future pet is clean. As a rule, puppies go to special diapers, and do not leave puddles around. If you are faced with the second option, you should find another Chihuahua to purchase - it will be very difficult for you to wean your baby from such freedom.

What do you need a dog for? The question will make you confused. For the soul, of course. Do you know that your future pet can shine at exhibitions? Or have a high zootechnical value in the breed?

Want to learn how to choose the Chihuahua puppy you can only dream of?

A little about the breed

What is the personality of a chihuahua? Dog owners claim that their pets are incredibly brave. For them, there is no formidable enemy, they will protect the owner not for life, but for death.

Because of the courage of the little ones, problems arise. And the Chihuahuas themselves, and their owners. That's why it's important to walk your pet on a leash. If she decides that she or her owner is in danger in the face of a large dog, she will rush into battle. We will not describe the consequences of such a bold madness.

Chihuahuas are very smart and well trained. It is only necessary to take into account that the crumbs quickly get tired. A few minutes a day for training will be enough.

Well-bred representatives of the breed will not bark for no reason. As well as aggressive behavior is not characteristic of them. Not counting the situation when the pet decided that he or the owner was in danger.

Children are treated with respect. But getting a Chihuahua into a family with very young children is undesirable. Toddlers do not understand that the animal is in pain. And Chihuahuas are too fragile. Any jerk by the paw, tail or ear can seriously harm the dog.

These are active, funny and friendly pets. They will become excellent companions for all family members, except for babies.

How to choose a Chihuahua puppy? Let's move on to this topic.

What to pay attention to?

The puppy has been chosen, the breeder has agreed on when to come for him, and the dream is about to come true. A chihuahua will appear at home, which almost the owners have dreamed of for so long.

When you come to the breeder, do not forget about the main thing to celebrate. How to choose a Chihuahua puppy and what should you pay attention to?

    Appearance. A healthy puppy has clear skin, good coat, sparkling eyes and pink ears.

    There should be no rash or irritation on the skin.

    The baby's coat should be clean, without dandruff or feeling greasy in the palm of your hand when touched.

    The eyes are expressive and slightly moist.

    The ears are very large and set wide apart. The auricle is clean, there are no "pimples" on the skin.

    The puppy's nose is cold and wet. If the baby's nose is dry, warm or hot - a sign that the puppy is sick.

    A healthy dog ​​is inquisitive. He approaches people in the hope of getting to know each other. He starts to wag his tail, willingly allows himself to be stroked. If a puppy with an indifferent look sits near the mother, not showing interest in the guests, it should be left at the place of residence.

Chihuahua height and weight

Currently, there are three directions for breeding these dogs. Standard Chihuahua, mini and supermini. The last two weigh about 500 grams. The weight of an ordinary Chihuahua is from 800 to 1200 grams.

As for growth, these dogs barely reach 30 centimeters at the withers. Height ranges from 15 to 23 centimeters, as a rule.

dog types

We have decided on the size of the Chihuahua. Now let's talk about their types. There are show class dogs, pet and breed. Show puppies are a dog for the soul. She has no breeding value and cannot participate in exhibitions due to conformation defects. A breed-level Chihuahua is good for everyone: everything is in order with her exterior, and she is admitted to breeding breeding. But there is no enthusiasm for an exhibition career, "light", so necessary for this.

How much does a Chihuahua puppy cost? From 15 to 200 thousand rubles. Depending on what type it belongs to and where it is bought.

Male or female?

How to choose a Chihuahua puppy? And who is better to take - a female or a male? Bitches are more affectionate and more willing to make contact. In order to get along with a dog, you will have to make every effort. They are wayward, not always obedient, and if necessary, they will also use their teeth. But if you manage to win the trust of the boy, you will not find a better friend. Even females pale in comparison to how devoted males are to their owners.

What are the dimensions of the Chihuahua male and female? Males are larger, from 20 to 23 centimeters at the withers. Bitches are more elegant: their height ranges from 15 to 19 centimeters at the withers.

Breed color

The standard acceptable Chihuahua colors are as follows:

  • Black and tan.



They are characterized by the presence of bright spots, most often a dark red color. And all this beauty on a black background.

Chocolate Chihuahua coloring implies a dark brown hue. Although there are two variations: chocolate and tan and chocolate tricolor.

Brindle representatives of the breed flaunt in an unusual "fur coat". Red, white and black colors alternate with each other. Looks pretty original.

At what age should you take a pet?

Breeders start selling babies when the Chihuahua puppies are a month old. But do not buy a pet at such a tender age. He is not well socialized among dogs. In the future, this will lead to serious consequences, the dog runs the risk of growing up completely unbalanced.

Buy a puppy when he is 2.5-3 months old. Not before this age.

Breed features

Let's talk about exterior signs and nuances of character.

The most important external feature of a Chihuahua puppy is its ears. Huge, widely spaced, they resemble locators.

Another distinguishing feature is wool. These dogs come in long-haired and short-haired varieties. The long coat curls nicely at the bottom. Pets need to be brushed three to four times a week.

How to choose a Chihuahua puppy? Paying attention to the features of the character, first of all:

    Chihuahuas are very jealous. They get along with other pets, of course, but they will feel uncomfortable at the same time. It is better to take a representative of the breed as the only pet in the family.

    Dogs do not tolerate being alone. If the owner is not at home all the time, the baby will start to get bored and wither away. Can get sick from loneliness.

    Curious, they need everything and everything is interesting.

    It has already been mentioned above that cowardice is alien to the Chihuahua. Getting into a fight with a big dog is no problem.

    With proper upbringing, they are restrained and silent, they will not bark over trifles.

A little about the content

We figured out how to choose a Chihuahua puppy. Now let's talk about how to keep this cute dog.

    Buy a dog house. The pet store sells special houses for dogs of small breeds. This will be the chihuahua's personal place where she can hide from everyone and sleep.

    The dog should have two bowls: one for water and one for food. Choose stainless steel bowls.

    Two or three times a month, babies cut their claws. This procedure can be carried out in a veterinary clinic, or you can do it yourself at home.

    Be sure to buy a collar and leash. It's a collar, not a harness. In the city limits, take your pet for a walk only on a leash.

    Wash your Chihuahua no more than four times a year.

    Check your eyes and ears daily. Remove discharge from the eyes with a clean cotton swab dipped in plain water.

    Ears need not be cleaned. if there is no dirt in the auricles, you do not need to climb into them.

    Chihuahuas are prone to colds. Buy your pet warm clothes for walking in the cold season.

    If there are sockets and wires at the height of the dog, remove them. As already mentioned, representatives of the breed are curious. You never know, the family's favorite decides to taste the wire.


In the article, we talked about small breed dogs such as chihuahuas. We learned about her character, height and weight of a Chihuahua, identified the features of the breed. We also touched on the maintenance of the baby. The main aspects of the article:

    Dogs are short-haired and long-haired.

    There are three types of Chihuahua: show class, delirium and pet.

    How much does a Chihuahua puppy cost? Show class reaches 200 thousand rubles. A pet-level dog can also be purchased for 15,000.

    These kids live 14-18 years. Real longevity.


Now anyone who wants to buy a representative of the breed knows how to choose a Chihuahua puppy. A properly chosen dog will delight the owner for many years.

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