The dog is the only creature that Wise sayings about dogs. Meaningful dog quotes

The most devoted friends in life are dogs and books... They both protect and enrich... but their silence always means more than human words...

Not only a dog is a man's friend, but a friend can sometimes turn out to be a pretty bitch.

We love our dog and don't want it to change for the better, and there are many things we want to change in the people we love.

Do you want to be understood, faithfully looked into your eyes and did not ask for anything in return?

No matter how people swear allegiance, except for a dog, no one knows about fidelity.

Not every owner of a dog is worthy of its devotion.

Do you know the difference between a dog and a wife!? Even after a few years, the dog is always glad to see you!

You don't have to be a dog to be friends with a human.

Cats never sink to the point of being tired like dogs.

Only fleas bite the dog; and a bad person - and dogs, and fleas, and conscience.

I took the meat out of the freezer, I thought to cook something delicious!!! My Kitty, while I did not see, climbed in, ate as much as he could fit, threw the rest to the dog !!! Partners, damn it))))

A dog is the only living creature that values ​​its owner's life more than its own.

I will give in good hands seven puppies of a very smart, but slightly frivolous shepherd dog.

The one who gets up early goes for a walk with the dog.

The dog will never betray you... And she doesn't need your salary and other garbage, she just wants to be your friend.

A dog is honor, loyalty and devotion ...

A bone thrown to a dog is not mercy; mercy is a bone divided by a dog when you are as hungry as he is.

The dog is man's best friend. Why not a friend?

I don't want to live like a cat and a dog. I want both Wolf and She-wolf.

The dog is so devoted that you don’t even believe that a person deserves such love.

When they tell you that you are doing the wrong thing, that you think wrong, that you live wrong, answer: "DOGS BARK, AND THE CARAVAN IS GOING!!!"

That's right: a person gets a dog so that there is no feeling of loneliness. The dog really doesn't like being alone.

Dogs are loved because they are not masters.

What difference does it make what title the dog has. The main thing is health and a loving owner nearby!!!

To his dog, every man is a Napoleon. Hence the constant popularity of dogs.

- My dog ​​is so smart, every morning brings "Moskovsky Komsomolets"!
You think a lot of dogs do that.
Yes, but I don't write it.

Do not feed a dog for a day, it will howl no worse than a wolf ... But at the same time it will remain a dog.

“I have a dog, so I have a soul…”

After all, there may be a body of a mongrel, and a heart - of the purest breed!

If you consider yourself a good person, look into the eyes of a dog and you will see an honest answer there ...

I'm wondering, WHERE are the brains of those ... (I won't pick up a term) who get dangerous fighting dogs and do not ensure the safety of the people around them from these animals ??? I'm just shocked by the episodes of "eating" people !!! ((

A pug is an ideal dog for children up to a year old, the child will not eat up wool and will not harm the dog, at the same time they grunt at each other cheerfully ...

The inscription "Beware of the angry dog" is bullshit compared to the human skulls on the palisade.

A hungry dog ​​believes only in meat.

Feed a dog for three days and it will be devoted to you for life. But you can feed a cat for three years and she won't care.

Whoever goes to bed with dogs will wake up with fleas.


The dog yearns on the chain ... And try - unhook ...

THOUGHTS OF A DOG: A man loves me, feeds me, plays, takes care of me… Probably, HE is God! THOUGHTS OF A CAT: A man loves me, feeds me, plays, takes care of me… Probably, I am God!

Carefully! The bad dog is gone!

The only thing worse than a dog is its owner.

The husband came out of the binge, the family sighed happily ... but the dog yearned, was left without an interlocutor ...

“You think dogs don’t go to heaven? I assure you they will be there before any of us."

He was always on the side of dogs, for a man must always be on the side of justice.

The dog contains all the best that can be in a person.

My wife bought a dog clipper… Only my husband didn’t bite… I trained on it…

I am selling a dog. I don’t indicate gender, because I don’t want to say a single bad word about her.

Attacked the wrong one! - the boy in braces shouted to the bitten dog.

A border guard with a dog walks along the border. Rustle in the bushes. Border guard dog:
- Well, look what's there.
- Look yourself! I can bark from here too.

Two dogs walk up to a paid parking lot and one says to the other, "How do you like it? Paid toilets!"

No person will greet you like a dog!

Have you noticed that even if you lightly blow your dog in the face, he will be terribly angry, but when he rides in a car, he will definitely stick his head out the window.

Don't mistake pleasure for happiness. It's like different breeds of dogs.

Everything new is well forgotten old. The game with a dog on a walk, with a phone in hand is called - "Spoiled Phone".

The only difference between a man and a dog is that a DOG WILL NEVER betray!

They say that dogs are smarter because they can be trained, but cats are actually smarter and therefore cannot be trained.

Dogs are very loyal. The only pity is that their life is shorter than human.

Unlike dogs, we growl more often at our own than at strangers.

Lost dog, Doberman. The finder - the kingdom of heaven.

Carefully! The dog is not evil, but principled.

Oh, I taught the dog to give a paw on the command “manicure!”

Most say that dogs are better than cats. But why then is it considered an insult: a bitch, a son of a bitch and a dog, a puppy. And the appeal of a cat, a cat sounds completely different, almost like a compliment

Don't shout down a barking dog.

Dogs are the most truly loving creatures on earth. They don't care who you are, they care what you are.

Gratitude is a disease of dogs that is not transmitted to humans ...

The dog immediately responds to the call of the owner. And the cat is like an answering machine: you leave a message and they call you back later

Saw today. The stray dogs stopped in front of a traffic light, waited for the green light, and ran across the crossing. Are they getting smarter?

Gerasim has a new dog! Diver…)

I perceive my husband as he is ... and if I wanted to do training, I would get a dog)

Dog - A friend proven over the years.

Dogs, like people, are stupid and smart, but people are not, like dogs - always and completely devoted.

Dogs have masters, cats have servants.

The dog was such a rare breed that its owners guarded it day and night.

A free man goes his own way: neither teasing passing dogs, nor turning around at an occasional bark.

A cunning guide dog drove the owner around the apartment because of the rain for two hours, skillfully imitating street sounds.

It's stupid to punish a shitting dog after an hour. And here they define me in hell for the sins of youth.

Dog logic: "If it can't be chewed or fucked, then it can be peed on"

Statuses about a dog and devotion of dogs

The selection includes phrases and quotes about dogs with the meaning of great people:

  • To see himself in the right light, a person needs a dog that adores him and a cat that does not notice him. Christopher Morley
  • Does he love me as much as I love him? Does he love anyone more than me? These are the agonizing questions I asked myself when it came to a man, never when it came to my dog. Ambrose Bierce
  • The more you get to know people, the more you begin to appreciate dogs. Edward Abbey about dogs
  • Reverence is a feeling that a person has for God, and a dog for a person. "Pshekrui
  • A good person is ashamed even in front of a dog. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
  • In the history of civilization, there are far more examples of canine fidelity than human. Alexander Pope, from a letter to H. Crombell, 1709
  • Dogs have only one drawback - they trust people. Elian J. Finbert
  • Paradise is accepted not on merit, but on patronage, otherwise you would have remained outside the threshold, but would have let your dog in. Mark Twain
  • You are forever responsible for those you have tamed. Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
  • That's right: a person gets a dog so that there is no feeling of loneliness. The dog really doesn't like being alone. Derek Bruce
  • Only a faithful dog is faithful to us to the end. Konrad Lorenz
  • Lord, help me become what my dog ​​thinks I am! Alphonse Toussenel about dogs
  • Those who keep animals must admit that they serve the animals rather than the animals serve them. Montaigne Michel
  • In order to be considered a friend of man, it is not enough to be a dog. Daniel Rudy
  • Dachshund: about half a dog in height and one and a half dogs in length. henry wheeler dog show
  • If dogs could talk, they wouldn't seem so smart. Sergey Savvateev
  • The happiness of a dog is always on the other side of the door.
  • If your best friend is a dog, your dog is not to be envied. Fran Lebowitz
  • Dogs, God bless them, believe that a person is a weak, defenseless creature, in need of constant love and care. You casually lick your hand, rub your furry muzzle on your leg, and the poor owner knows: a friend will not leave him in trouble. Mary McGrory
  • If the taste of soap is unfamiliar to you, then you have never washed a dog. Karel Capek
  • Dogs laugh too, only they laugh with their tails. Max Eastman
  • If you pet a dog for three days, it will remember you for three years; if you pet a cat for three years, it will forget you in three days. Nadine de Rothschild
  • The dog has seldom succeeded in instilling its prudence in man; but it costs nothing for a man to dissolve a dog. Thurber James
  • If a woman truly loves dogs, there is no doubt that she has become disillusioned with her love for men.
  • The dog is so devoted that you don’t even believe that a person deserves such love. Ilya Ilf
  • If buying a dog, it is best to have a dachshund so that all the children can stroke it at the same time. Charlton Ogborn
  • The dog was created especially for children. She is the epitome of mischief. Henry Ward Beecher
  • Who himself did not come out as a breed - keep purebred dogs!
  • The dog hesitated for a moment, but then wagged its tail invitingly, and when the boy stretched out his hand and called to her, she came closer as if apologetically, and they, the boy and the dog, exchanged greetings. Stephen Crane
  • The best thing a person has is a dog. Charlet, Nicolas-Toussaint
  • A dog's best friend is also because when you're sad, he doesn't try to figure out why. “Japanese saying about dogs.
  • Love me, love my dog. The connection between man and dog can only disappear with life ... E. Seton-Thompson
  • The dog understands everything, but cannot express anything, and the wife expresses everything, but does not want to understand anything. Franklin P. Jones
  • My little old dog, heart beating at my feet. Konstantin Melikhan
  • The dog is me, and people bark, growl, And why, I can’t understand in any way! During the day they do whatever they want, Sleep before meals and sleep after dinner. A thief would have stolen the owner long ago, If I, like him, would sleep day and night. VLADIMIR FLYING
  • It would be unfair to call him a dog, and despite the fact that he barks, he has a tail and four paws. To those who knew him, he was certainly a gentleman. Hermione Gingold
  • Dogs are loved because they do not want to become owners. Interesting quotes about dogs by Gennady Malkin
  • It is not true that dogs carry fleas; on the contrary: they collect them. Edith Wharton
  • Newfoundlands are good for rescuing drowning children; but if you do not have a decent reservoir and a child, you definitely do not need a Newfoundland. Mikhail Genin
  • There is nothing more touching than a sick animal: it endures suffering with such quiet and sad humility. Theophile Gauthier
  • Never get between a dog and a tree. Edward Abbey
  • There are no ugly dogs, only unloved ones. Przekrui
  • No dog - get a friend. Gennady Malkin
  • No one appreciates your talent as an interlocutor as our dog. Winston Pendelton
  • There is no better psychotherapist in the world than a puppy that licks your face.
  • The candle fades and goes out... Who is that coughing there, so hoarsely and deafly? Curling up in a ball, huddling and shuddering at my feet, the old dog, my only comrade... Ivan Turgenev
  • Don't look at your dogs like people or they will start looking at you like dogs. Martha Scott
  • A dog is a pet that understands people less than all other pets. Karel Capek
  • We are attached to dogs because we have a lot in common. They, like us, grumble, are embarrassed, it is easy to piss them off or cheer them up; they are grateful for kindness and attention, even the smallest. Pam Brown
  • The dog was such a rare breed that the owners guarded it both day and night.
  • The world, I confess, is very sweet (Please, scratch behind your ear) When I frolic, full of strength (Please, scratch behind your ear) We will come under a tree with you, And we will lie down there in the shade together; Take a nap with the owner in silence - Please, scratch behind your ear.
  • The dog always remembers that you are the one who patted her last week and said she was beautiful. Pam Brown
  • The best way to get a puppy is to ask your mom for a little brother. Brothers are usually replaced with puppies.
  • The dog jumps on your lap because he loves you; cat - because it is so warmer. Whitehead Alfred North
  • Buy a puppy and you will get the most devoted love in the world. Rudyard Kipling
  • Holy dog. She is by nature direct and honest. She feels when it's not up to her, and can lie motionless for hours while her idol is busy. When the owner is saddened, she puts her head on his knees. "Did everyone leave you? Think! Let's go for a walk, and everything will be forgotten! Excel Munt
  • To each dog - a thoroughbred owner! Max Beerbom about dogs
  • The dog is the most wonderful, perfect and useful of all the acquisitions that man has ever made. J. Cuvier

This page of our kennel is about quotes ever said about dogs

Dogs have always been close to man, and mankind decided to capture on paper gratitude to this animal for love, friendship and endless devotion.

Anyone who says you can't buy happiness has never bought a puppy (Wilfred P. Lampton)

The life of dogs is too short, this is their only drawback.

It's good when a dog is a friend, but it's bad when a friend is a dog...

"A dog is the only creature that has seen its God with its own eyes" "White Fang" Jack London

The dog jumps on your lap because he loves you; cat - because it is so warmer (Alfred North Whitehead)

A dog is the only creature in the world that loves you more than itself (Josh Billings)

"The gods do not count the time spent walking the dog" (Folk Wisdom)

"Perhaps when they call us a dog, it's not such a big insult." John Richard Stevens

"The most loving creature in the world is a wet dog." Ambrose Bierce

"Every dog ​​should have its own bone." Bee Dorsey Orley

"It doesn't matter: a person gets a dog so that there is no feeling of loneliness. The dog really does not like to be alone." Karel Capek

"Don't live in a city where you don't hear dogs barking"

"Women and cats always do as they please; men and dogs can only relax and accept this state of affairs." Robert A. Heinlein

"Dogs have only one drawback - they trust people." Elian J. Finbert

"When you run after a dog for a long time, you become a border guard." Shenderovich

"A bone thrown to a dog is not mercy; mercy is a bone shared with a dog when you are as hungry as he is." Jack London

"Buy a puppy and you will get the most devoted love in the world."

“You should not be afraid of dogs, but of their owners”

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov:
A good person is ashamed even in front of a dog .

A dog is not just a friend of a person, it is part of the family!

The best time to adopt a dog is when the right dog appears.

"A dog is the most wonderful, perfect and useful of all the acquisitions that a man has ever made." J. Cuvier

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky:
We do not yet have a word that could express at the same time selflessness, courage and intelligence - all those magnificent qualities that a dog possesses.

The dog is so devoted that you don’t even believe that a person deserves such love. Ilya Ilf

The dog has seldom succeeded in instilling its prudence in man; but it costs nothing for a man to dissolve a dog.

No matter how little money you have, a dog always makes you rich. Lewis Sabin

Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, unlike humans, who are unable to selflessly love and mix love and hate. Sigmund Freud

Did your shepherd graduate from service dog school? - Offend. She teaches there.

To his dog, every man is a Napoleon. Hence the constant popularity of dogs.

Good cables are taken apart by puppies.

I recently noticed that I call my brother, dog and boyfriend the same affectionate words.

Only fleas bite the dog; and a bad person - and dogs, and fleas, and conscience.

Friendship is different. For me, a dog is a four-legged friend, and for a tree, a three-legged enemy.

If you want to have a friend in the family, get a dog. If you want to be barked at, get married.

If a friend betrayed you, it was clearly a person, not your dog.

Not only a dog is a man's friend, but a friend can sometimes turn out to be a pretty bitch.

If you pick up a yard dog on the street and feed it, it will never bite you. This is the difference between a dog and a human.

"Mark Twain"

My friend's dog is a huge Rottweiler. And every time he says that he fed his dog on the way to me, I want to go and count the neighbors.

Lost dog, very smart. Sharik, if you are reading this now, call home!

If you don't have enough love, get a dog. There is no one to give your love to - get a cat.

Lost smart dog! If smart, then she didn’t disappear, but ran away!

Attention, sensation! A boy raised by dogs was found in Lyubertsy! Interestingly, this is the only educated boy in Lyubertsy.

In such a dog, the weather will not drive the owner out into the street.

They say that a dog is a man's best friend. I hope this huge rottweiler without a muzzle runs to see how I'm doing.

Ad. Dog for sale, kind, affectionate. Eats everything. He loves children very much.

A dog is so devoted to a person that sometimes it’s hard to believe that a person is worthy of such love.

- What kind of profession do you have - a cynologist? “None of your fucking business.

Do you know the difference between a dog and a wife? Even after a few years, the dog is always glad to see you!

A dog, like a woman, seems to be faithful, but if she hurts, she will bite.

Not every owner of a dog is worthy of its devotion.

Put the dog to guard the car. Came in the morning - no wheels. There is a note on the glass: “Do not scold the dog, it was barking.”

Many people know that Pavlov's dog drooled at the sight of a light bulb, but few people know what she got up to at the sight of a soldering iron!

The dog is surprisingly devoted to the owner - it is impossible to believe that every person deserves the loyalty of a friend.

That's right: a person gets a dog so that there is no feeling of loneliness. The dog really doesn't like being alone.

Love the teacher, for the dog is man's best friend.

Do you know what a real booze is? A case of beer, a case of vodka, sausage and a dog! - Why a dog? - Well, someone must eat sausage!

Even the cheetah couldn't catch up with the dog that lived next to the shawarma kiosk for five years.

A kind person is ashamed even in front of a dog.

"BUT. P. Chekhov»

Do you know what happiness is? This is your first dog ever. Here he runs after you, sticking out his tongue, wagging his tail, bringing a stick. And you are happy next to the best friend in the world.

In the accident, he remained disabled, and now about 5 years have passed, and she is still there, but not her beloved girlfriend or wife or even daughter, but her beloved dog. There is no greater being for him.

I will give in good hands seven puppies of a very smart, but slightly frivolous shepherd dog.

The cops just rang at my door. When I opened it they said my dog ​​was chasing a man on a bike. I sent them to hell because my dog ​​doesn't and never had a bike!

Money can buy any dog, but not the wagging of its tail.

A Chihuahua dog runs through a dohuahua in a day.

A dog will never betray you. And she doesn't want your paycheck and all that crap, she just wants to be your friend.

Most often, a real friend gives you not a hand, but a paw.

That's why when you walk your dog and a pretty girl walks towards you, the dog will definitely take a shit?

Quotes about dogs

What difference does it make what title the dog has. The main thing is health and a loving owner nearby!

Apparently, the only creature that loves me sincerely, not for beautiful eyes and figure, but simply because I exist, is my dog.

The bitch is polite and sweet on the outside, looking as sweet as a peach. Inside the dog there is always a place for a hard bone.

Dogs are loved because they are not masters.

Dogs have only one drawback - they trust people.

Announcement: "The dog is missing. Pekinese." Below, in a different handwriting: “And this is just the beginning. Pay for the gas."

You don't have to be a dog to be friends with a human.

Upon learning of the death of the faithful Hachiko, mourning was declared in the Land of the Rising Sun. A monument was erected at the site of the dog's death, where the lovers swear allegiance.

Catch the moment when the dog went big to pity the cop, ceasing to be afraid of him.

The more I get to know people, the more I like dogs.

Carefully! There is a good dog in the yard. Please don't hurt her!

A bone thrown to a dog is not mercy; mercy is a bone divided by a dog when you are as hungry as he is.

DOG: the only creature that loves you more than yourself.
Henry Wheeler Shaw

The more you get to know people, the more you begin to appreciate dogs.
Atphonse Goosenel

No one appreciates your talent as an interlocutor as your dog.
Christopher Morley

If you want sex, have an affair. If you want real feeling, get a dog.
Julie Burchill

…My little old dog, heart beating at my feet.
Edith Wharton

There is no better psychotherapist in the world than a puppy who licks your face.
Edward Abbey

Does he love me as much as I love him? Does he love anyone more than me? I asked myself these agonizing questions when it came to a man, never when it came to my dog.
Nadine de Rothschild

If a woman truly loves dogs, there is no doubt that she has become disillusioned with her love for men.
Max Beerbom

A dog is a pet that understands people less than all other pets.
Adolf Novachinsky

AWE - the feeling that a person has for God, and a dog for a person.
Ambrose Bierce

Lord, help me become what my dog ​​thinks I am!
"The Penguin Dictionary of Jokes"

If I believed in the immortality of the soul, I would think that very many of the dogs I know and very few of the people I know have gone to heaven.
James Thurber

That's right: a person gets a dog so that there is no feeling of loneliness. The dog really doesn't like being alone.
Karel Capek

If the taste of soap is unfamiliar to you, then you have never washed a dog.
Franklin P. Jones

It is not true that dogs carry fleas; on the contrary: they collect them.

The best way to get a puppy is to ask your mom for a little brother. Brothers are usually replaced with puppies.
Winston Pendelton

If buying a dog, it is best to have a dachshund so that all the children can stroke it at the same time.

Dachshund: about half a dog in height and one and a half dogs in length.
From the "Dictionary of Unreliable Definitions" by L. Levinson

Newfoundlands are good for rescuing drowning children; but if you do not have a decent reservoir and a child, you definitely do not need a Newfoundland.
Henry Wheeler Shaw

The dog was such a rare breed that the owners guarded it both day and night.
Mikhail Genin

A dog is also a best friend because when you're sad, it doesn't try to figure out why.

If your best friend is a dog, your dog is not to be envied.
Edward Abbey

A dog has so many friends because it wiggles its tail, not its tongue.

They say a dog is man's best friend. I do not believe in this. How many of your friends have you castrated?
Larry Reeb

The dog understands everything, but cannot express anything, and the wife expresses everything, but does not want to understand anything.
Konstantin Melikhan

The happiness of a dog is always on the other side of the door.
Charlton Ogborn

If your dog is overweight, then you are not getting enough exercise.

If you are a dog and the owner suggests that you wear a vest, suggest that he wear a tail.
Fran Lebowitz

Never get between a dog and a tree.
American saying

All dogs are sons of bitches.
William Cude Fields

To each dog - a thoroughbred owner!
Gennady Malkin

According to your dog, you are a very elongated and phenomenally smart dog.
Mabel Robinson

For any dog, its owner is Napoleon; hence the continued popularity of dogs.
Aldous Huxley

I hate those who keep dogs. These are cowards who don't have the guts to bite people themselves.
August Strindberg

A Canadian psychologist sells a video that teaches how to measure your dog's IQ. The method is this: if you spent $12.99 on this video, then your dog is smarter than you.
Jay Leno

Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you went there? I think dogs spend their whole lives like this.
Sue Murphy

I noticed a look of contemptuous surprise in the dog's eyes, and now I'm sure that dogs think people are idiots.
John Steinbeck

I wonder: do dogs think that poodles are members of some mysterious sect?
Rita Rudner

Silly dog ​​barks loudly.
Japanese proverb

A dog only brings pain when it dies.
Brigitte Bardot

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