The dog does not walk around. The best way to teach a dog a team is around. In what situations is the command given nearby

You got a fluffy pet. While he is very small, he looks into your eyes and tries to please you in everything. But time passes quickly, your baby grows up, like people, his character will begin to deteriorate in adolescence. And becoming an adult and realizing that he does not have a leader, he can try to command himself. To prevent this from happening, you need to start training as early as possible. Today we are going to talk about how to teach your dog the “near” command. This is one of the components of the mandatory training course that every dog ​​needs to go through, regardless of breed.

At what age to start training

The earlier the better. Since teaching your dog the “next” command may not be easy to do quickly, experts recommend starting from the very first day, as soon as the puppy crosses the threshold of your house. The foundation for this is an atmosphere of unconditional acceptance and love. You don't scold your child for not being able to use the potty or hold a spoon, do you? Your puppy also learns everything gradually, and the more you love, praise and support him, the more successful the learning process will be. Already in the first days of adaptation, you can affectionately call the baby - “to me”, “next to me” - and praise when the puppy does everything right.

What happens if the dog does not receive the necessary knowledge

Have you ever seen the owner on the street, who runs skipping, trying to hold back the leash stretched to the limit? This is an example of the owner not knowing how to teach the dog the “near” command. Accustomed to walking as she likes, the dog does not consider it necessary to reckon with the owner, the rules of the road, other pedestrians, which is bad in urban conditions. Therefore, it is impossible to delay training, the general course of training should take place at a young age, so that all norms of behavior are assimilated as dogmas. Any dog ​​handler will tell you how to teach a dog the “near” command, we will talk about this today.

Let's start classes

Be sure to use the “next” command at home. Gradually, the puppy will begin to understand what is required of him. After the adaptation is over and the doctor has allowed you to go outside, you need to start accustoming to the collar and leash. And only when the puppy is fully accustomed to this paraphernalia, you can continue training. Since you won’t be able to teach the dog the “near” command without training, use each walk for training. To do this, take the leash and start moving by giving the appropriate command. If the puppy obediently walks, then actively praise him. If it rests and pulls to the side, gently repeat the command.

Workout duration

Now you know the "close" team. Do not forget that you cannot force a puppy to work for a long time. Usually training is continued until the first success. Even if the puppy walked only 5 steps nearby, it doesn't matter. Praise, give a treat and, stepping to the side, give the command “walk”. After a break, you can repeat by calling the puppy with the “come to me” command.

We complicate the lesson

The next question is usually, "How do I teach my dog ​​the off-leash command near?". To do this, you need to wait and not. As soon as the puppy begins to walk calmly on command, without pulling to the sides, begin to loosen the leash. Every day, let's give more and more freedom to the pet until the leash is completely hanging. Usually, when the leash is loosened, the dog begins to violate the command. To do this, the owner must pull it in time (not too hard), thus marking the punishment. After that, the command is given again and the movement continues.

As you learn, you can complicate the task, walk not only in a straight line, sharply change the direction of movement, invite other people with dogs to the site. Lessons will be especially effective when you walk straight for a long time, and then smoothly go to the side. If the dog went straight by inertia - correct it with a leash, if it turned after you, then praise it.

When can I start off-leash training?

It depends on you and your pet. There are breeds more and less capable of learning. But as soon as the dog begins to flawlessly perform all tasks with a sagging leash, you can let him go and work only with voice commands. From this time on, start walking on quiet streets without a leash, using it only on busy central avenues. These are almost all the recommendations on how to teach a dog the “near” command at home. As you can see, you don't even need the services of a professional handler or cynologist to master this command. All you need is time and daily consolidation of quotes.

Gross mistakes

Keep them in mind, as the only way to teach your dog the "close" command, with or without a leash, is by avoiding them. If the dog has deviated from the set course, you need to give the command again, and then jerk the leash, and not vice versa, as most do. Especially in the first stages of training, you can not change the direction and speed of movement very often. It is better to choose a large circle for movement. You can not lead a dog on a fully stretched leash. If she does not obey at all, you need to choose the most successful few steps, praise and let go for a walk. Try again after the break.

Do not repeat the command too often. If your dog has changed course slightly, gently correct him with a leash. Only in case of gross violation the command is given again. It is very important to give the command in a calm, gentle tone. Strict pronunciation, shouting, can lead to the fact that the dog will begin to perceive the command as a punishment. Finally, don't force things. Start walking without a leash only when the skill is fully developed.

In order for friendship with a pet to bring joy, it is necessary to educate a dog from the first days of acquaintance. Before teaching a puppy to a leash, it is important to study the advice of experienced owners. Cynologists assure that the success of the training process depends on the nature and age of the dog. The patience of the owner himself will also be important.

A leash and collar are essential accessories for any pet dog. Even those pets that rarely leave their home yard should be able to stay on the harness.

When you need a leash:

  1. A trip to the vet. A regular procedure requiring obedience and humility from the animal.
  2. Walking and moving in crowded places. The safety of others is paramount.
  3. Traveling by public transport. Animals will not be allowed on the bus without a leash.
  4. Control of "unbalanced" individuals. Every dog, regardless of gender, has periods when she is ready to drop everything and run away towards adventure.
  5. Visiting exhibitions where the skills of the animal are evaluated. Walking on a leash is one of the evaluation categories.

Basset walk on a leash

Regardless of whether the pet will travel and stroll through city squares, the law obliges the owner to buy a leash, as well as teach the animal restrained behavior.

First meeting rules

The list of necessary things for a puppy includes a bowl, toys, a brush, a bed and other little things. And if the dog remembers the feeding place with great pleasure, then getting to know the leash is likely to be difficult. To speed up the process, you should choose the right ammunition that does not cause inconvenience to either the animal or its owner. The first acquaintance of the animal with a new object is also important.

Getting used to the collar occurs gradually. Newborn puppies wear colorful ribbons around their necks to distinguish between babies. Later, the threads are replaced by light collars. But acquaintance with the leash occurs at a more conscious age, which leads to difficulties.

There are general rules that allow you to choose the right accessory for any pet, regardless of its breed.

Rules for the selection of ammunition:

  1. As the puppy grows, you will need to change sets, so the first leash should be as "childish" as possible. A prerequisite is softness and natural materials. The harness should not rub the neck and press.
  2. The first accessory should be short. You should not immediately purchase heavy leather products and roulette leashes. The first harness should be no longer than 1.5 meters.
  3. Before using a new harness, it is better to “ventilate” it, leaving it in the apartment for several days. When third-party odors disappear, it will be easier for the puppy to perceive a new object.
  4. Acquaintance of a pet with an unfamiliar thing should occur gradually. You can let the puppy sniff the object.

The first leashes and collars with external spikes were invented in Ancient Greece. This design made it possible to save the dog's neck from the bites of wolves.

Start date

Teaching a puppy to a collar is not difficult. On the very first day, the dog will get used to the new object, and soon it will begin to consider it as its own property. With a leash, things are more complicated. A rare cub will like to be on a leash. Therefore, when training, a reserve of patience will be needed for both the puppy and its owner.

A puppy is a creature woven from emotions. His behavior is based on sensations and reactions to the world around him. That is why it is so difficult to teach a pet to walk on a leash - an inquisitive creature opposes the restriction of freedom.

Freedom is above all

At the heart of any education should be positive associations. It is important not to cause negative emotions in the pet associated with the new item. The first training can be done in game mode.

How to train a puppy on a leash:

  1. You can start training as soon as the pet is 1.5-2 months old. Earlier classes will not give results, and education at a later age will be complicated by a stronger temper.
  2. The first lessons can be carried out when the baby ceases to show increased interest in a new thing. He should get used to the collar too. Only then can a leash be attached to it.
  3. The debut fitting lasts only a few minutes. At this time, it is important to captivate the pet with the game. However, the dog must not play with the harness.

The habit will not come immediately. It is important to spend some time gradually increasing the amount of time your pet is in the harness.

First home lessons

It is best to start learning in a familiar environment. At home, nothing will frighten or distract a puppy, which will help build positive associations. When the pet learns to hold on confidently, the lessons can be fixed on the street.

The first collar should not be heavy. The kid will not be happy with the accessory "for growth". Such an item would be heavy and impractical. It is best to purchase a nylon strap with light plastic clasps. By adjusting the width, secure the collar so that it cannot slip over the head.

The right leash is the key to success

The first use of the leash for its intended purpose should last only a few minutes. At this time, it is important to hold the harness so that the puppy does not pay attention to it. You can talk with him, play, but do not focus on the "servile" position. Pulling, pulling and chatting with a leash is not allowed. It should hang freely.

Until the moment when the puppy finds discomfort, the harness should be removed. The next lesson will be a few minutes longer.

The shorter and more frequent the classes, the faster the puppy will get used to the new subject. However, he shouldn't be bothered. Putting on a harness several times a day can cause a persistent negative association in a dog.

Over time, the duration of home workouts will reach 20 minutes. After that, you can start small walks around the apartment. It is important to train the dog to walk in the direction indicated by the owner.

The first hikes are more likely to be adjusted by a naughty puppy. Simple ways to help teach your pet to listen to the owner.

There are two methods to teach a puppy to follow the owner. This is a loyal way and a tough technique. Each of them has its pros and cons.

Loyal Method

This method will require maximum patience from the owner, but will maintain a trusting relationship with the pet. To work it out, small treats will come in handy.

Weasel is the basis of training

Step by step method:

  1. The puppy is called by name and a leash is fastened to the collar. After petting the dog, they begin to step forward. Most likely, the dog will quickly lose interest in what is happening and rush in the other direction.
  2. As soon as the leash tape is taut, you should stop. The dog must associate his behavior with the movements of the person. As soon as the puppy pulls on the harness, it becomes more difficult to walk - the owner stops.
  3. It is important to let your dog know that walking slowly is more effective than running.
  4. Every time the leash is tightened and the owner stops, wait for the dog to look at the owner. A stopped puppy is rewarded with a treat.
  5. After a tasty prize, the trajectory of movement is changed. After a few lessons, the puppy will understand that tearing up is not profitable. Gradually, the treat is replaced with praise - the dog is told that it is well done and stroked.

Some puppies react drastically to an unfamiliar object. Once in a harness, pets lie down, sit down or try to slip out of the "trap". This behavior is quite natural. Don't punish your puppy for this. He needs to be distracted by the game and cunning to get up. The technique is suitable for small puppies. For animals older than 4 months, a different method is used.

hard way

The method is based on simple conditioned reflexes. Every time the puppy tries to run about his business, he is sharply pulled back. It is enough to slightly pull the harness so that the dog feels a jerk, but does not experience pain.

Running back, the puppy will run into the same effect. Running hurts. After a few lessons, the pet will hold onto the sagging harness without pulling it on.

For puppies over the age of 5 months, parfors can be used. A special collar with rounded teeth does not cut into the skin, but delivers some discomfort, facilitating the assimilation of the command.

Regardless of the method chosen, it is important not to overload your dog with routine. Monotonous walking at the foot can backfire, provoking a riot. 30-40 steps are enough to understand whether the dog pays attention to the actions of the owner. It is important that between the owner and the dog at the time of training there is a trusting contact. If the puppy is afraid of a person or does not trust him, the training will drag on for many weeks.

Teaching your puppy commands

When the puppy stops vomiting, you can start teaching commands. The orders associated with walking on a leash are simple, so they won't require much effort.


When walking the dog down the street, the owner should not scold or reward the dog for being polite. The use of tasty prizes is permissible only at the initial stage of training. Later, the pet should listen to verbal orders and not wait for a reward for their implementation.

Step-by-step training for the "Near" command:

  1. The dog is seated at the left leg. In the right hand they hold a leash and a treat.
  2. Having given the command “next”, they begin to move, holding the harness in a free position.
  3. Do not allow the puppy to run ahead of the owner. All attempts to pull the leash must be stopped. The dog must copy the pace of the person.
  4. All actions of the puppy are voiced in the appropriate tone. Correct execution is marked by the word "good" and the repetition of the word "next".

When the puppy has covered a measured distance, they give him a reward and play with him. For one walk, 2-3 repetitions are enough.

"Next" team

To me

The team will come in handy during the walk, when you need to fasten the leash urgently. Such an order will also help in organizing a walk without a leash. It is not difficult to teach a puppy to approach on request. It is important that at the time of learning the command, the dog responds to his name.

During the walk, the pet is called to him, combining the nickname and the command “to me” in the order. When the puppy runs up, he is praised and encouraged. After a few correct repetitions, feeding is followed by leashing. It is important to create a positive association with the puppy not only for the nickname, but for the whole process. Gradually, encouragement is given less frequently, continuing to praise the pet.

Fulfilling the command "Come to me", I hasten to call

Teaching an adult dog

Teaching commands to a puppy is easier than taming an adult animal. Often there is a need to teach a dog to walk on a leash that has lived in an aviary or kennel for a long time. The principles of training in this case will be somewhat different from the "baby". While the attention of a small puppy is completely focused on the owner, an adult pet will be more independent. A mature dog can react completely unpredictably to the restriction of freedom. It is better to start training with a long leash. It is optimal if its length exceeds 5 meters.

Education is best done in a deserted quiet place. The first walks will be held under the command of the dog. If she behaves adequately and does not try to escape, you can let her "walk" the owner. The harness should hang freely, giving the animal the illusion of freedom.

When the dog gets used to the presence of the tape, the distance to the owner can be gradually reduced. Most adult animals are reluctant to follow humans. While walking, they fall behind or pull a short leash. In this case, you can use a tasty reward, drawing the dog's attention to the treat. You should keep the prize in plain sight, each time drawing the attention of the animal to the palm of the food. If the dog is blocking the road, you can not treat it. Adult pets can withstand longer workouts. The session can last up to 30 minutes. However, at the first signs of fatigue, the dog should be allowed to play.

The role of tasty reward

In the process of training the owner will need remarkable patience. Raising a pet is based on trust and affection. A delicious prize for the dog will help strengthen the affectionate word. As a reward, any small treat that fits in the palm of your hand and does not stain it is suitable. You can use dry food. It is advisable to use food that is not available to the dog in everyday life. This creates the impression of a particularly attractive reward.

Don't rely too much on food tricks. By generously rewarding the dog for each command executed, you can turn the animal into Pavlov's dog. The result of orders will be an increased appetite and improper performance of tasks.

The dog should not receive a prize if the command was executed incorrectly. Only good actions can be rewarded. If the puppy is tired, he can be distracted with a toy, and not with a portion of food that you do not want to return to your pocket. When disobedient, it is important not to raise the tone, but to make it stricter. You can scare a puppy by screaming, but you can’t bring him up.

Rules for the host

In order for training to give the maximum result, not only the puppy, but also its owner will have to follow the rules. Dog handlers recommend the owner to follow these tips:

  1. For classes, choose places familiar to the animal. It is desirable that nothing distract him.
  2. If training takes place at home, the number of household members present should be limited.
  3. If the puppy is hyperactive, it is better to deal with him after a long walk.
  4. You cannot move on to a new stage of training until the previous one has been mastered.
  5. The leash should not be a tool of punishment. Otherwise, it will cause fear in the trainee and make it difficult to train.
  6. The duration of one lesson should not exceed 15 minutes. After 10 minutes of work, the puppy will get tired, so the intensity of the training should be reduced.

When training a dog, it is important to follow the rules and avoid common mistakes.

What Not to Do

Inexperienced owners often make mistakes. Dog handlers have created a list of common mistakes when trying to introduce a dog to a leash.

Common mistakes:

  1. Puppy should not play with ammunition. This also applies to the rest period. Keep the leash out of the reach of your pet.
  2. When putting on the equipment, the puppy should not be overexcited. If he played too much, it is better to postpone the procedure.
  3. While getting used to the collar, you should not leave the puppy alone with the new item. You can play with your pet or just watch him.
  4. If the dog does not want to go voluntarily, you cannot pull on the harness. Rewards should only be positive.
  5. Don't be too hard on your puppy's desire to play. Long workouts exhaust him, so breaks in work are necessary.
  6. At an early age, it is better not to use the harness model. Pressure on the spine can lead to abnormal skeletal development. An ordinary strap attached to the collar will be optimal.
  7. Collars - shockers and other strict devices should not be used for ethical reasons.

If the dog is categorical

It happens that the owner has spent more than one week training the pet, but the dog still refuses to walk on a leash. Often the cause of the problem is the negative emotions experienced by the animal earlier.

Table 1. Possible causes of dog protest.

Causedog behavior
DiscomfortIt is possible that the collar or parfort is not fitted correctly. Feeling suffocated, the dog is unlikely to obey unconditionally. This is at odds with her instinct for self-preservation.
pamperedHaving allowed the puppy to play with the equipment, you should not be surprised at the subsequent disobedience. There is only one way out of this situation - buying a new, completely different model of the leash.
frightThe owner could not restrain himself and slapped the dog with a harness. The dog will remember such a gesture for a long time. It is easy to check if the pet is afraid of ammunition. It is enough to whip the strap in the palm of your hand and watch the reaction of the dog. If the pet has its ears down, the harness will have to be replaced.
RefusalIf buying a new leash doesn't help, you can temporarily use a special vest for puppies. It is not necessary to remove the collar while wearing it.

The puppy is a small child. He doesn't understand the word "should". Therefore, going out for a walk, it is important to let him frolic enough. When the baby runs and is ready to interact, you can start training.

Video - How to teach a puppy to a leash

Selection of ammunition

There are many models of leashes. Each of them has its pros and cons. Experienced owners know when to apply each of them. The following information will help beginner dog breeders:

Table 2. Varieties and characteristics of leashes.

Leash typeViewCharacteristicNote


  • Allows you to adjust the length.
  • The tape (cord) does not sag and does not get dirty.
  • The length and material are selected according to the weight of the animal.
  • Suitable for city walks.
  • Used for small and medium breeds.
  • Not recommended for walking large animals.



Leash - chain with handle

  • A beautiful and stylish accessory is in fact extremely uncomfortable.
  • The chain is difficult to wind around your hand to close the distance.
  • Such a harness is contraindicated for long-haired breeds - the wool gets tangled into links.
  • Only suitable for adult large dogs.
  • Heavy chains are not suitable for puppies.
  • Most often, such an accessory is used for a short-term publication or visiting exhibitions.

Showroom with a ring

  • The design, consisting of a single cord and two rings at the ends.
  • With a sharp jerk of the dog, the ring on the neck tightens, forcing the animal to weaken the pressure.
  • For use on adult animals only.
  • The noose requires special pet training. Used for large breeds. At exhibitions, such a leash allows you to most effectively show the dignity of your dog.

Harness - vest

  • The design of the tapes passing under the paws.
  • Allows you to control the animal without putting pressure on the neck.
  • There are personal sizes and materials.
  • Suitable for walking small and medium breeds.
  • Mounting on the body allows the dog to feel free and maneuver.
Walker leash

from tarpaulin

  • Such leashes are short models and are designed for short walks.
  • Very convenient for walking in crowded places, when transporting a pet in public transport or in a car.
  • In appearance, such a leash resembles an elongated loop, which is fixed to the collar.
  • Suitable for large breed dogs.
  • Tarpaulin is universal, practical, reliable.
  • It can withstand heavy loads, is less susceptible to negative environmental influences.

  • The skin in case of getting wet or at sub-zero temperatures hardens, deforms, loses its aesthetic appearance.
  • In order for a leather leash to have a long service life, it is necessary to take care of it carefully and from time to time treat it with special protective impregnating compounds.

From slings with latex

Synthetic webbing is durable and practical.

An ideal option as a first leash would be a light synthetic harness. The less she reminds the dog of herself, the faster the animal will get used to her presence.

Manufacturers and prices

When choosing ammunition for a quadruple friend, it is important to find a quality product that meets all the requirements of both the owner and the animal. However, the first leash will soon have to be changed to an “adult” model, so when buying debut equipment, it is important not to overpay, but to purchase a reliable product.

Walking leashes

The advantage of a simple leash - walker - maneuverability when managing a dog. The disadvantage of the model is the need to wind the free end around the brush or hold it with the other hand. Chain - walker while working with a large dog can injure the owner's hand. The most budget leashes cost about 200 rubles. Prices for more durable models start at 600 rubles.


Convenient option for small and medium breeds. There are two types of roulettes - corded and tape. Corded options are suitable for small pets. Dogs weighing more than 30 kg are best walked on a tape leash. The advantage of the tape measure is the convenient control of the length of the leash. A significant drawback of the model is the risk of breakage of the mechanism at the most inopportune moment. Prices for leashes - roulettes start at 800 rubles. A better product costs over 1 thousand rubles.


It is customary to use ringovki at exhibitions and other events where complete control over the dog is required. The advantage of the stranglehold is the accelerated learning of the animal. However, it is carried out on the basis of the negative experience of the puppy, therefore, such ammunition is rarely used for training pets. The lack of a show ring is the impossibility of applying it to small breeds. The simplest model can be purchased for 150 rubles. More thoughtful designs made of quality material are more expensive - from 1.5 thousand rubles.

Pet training is a long process. To teach a puppy to walk on a leash, the owner will need patience, as well as high-quality ammunition.

The “Nearby” command benefits the pet and is the basis of training. It is very important to learn the correct ways to teach the animal this command. Even those dogs that pull on the leash with all their might and pull on the owner can be the perfect walking companion.

The command "Next" should be studied from the age of three months. By this time, the puppy should be familiar with walking on a leash. Before you start training the “Near” command, you need to teach the animal to sit on command..

Classes should be carried out in a place that is well known to the dog, where it will be comfortable, it will feel safe and not react to extraneous odors.

Attention! The study of the command "Next" is open at any age. The main thing is the knowledge of the basic commands: “Come to me” and “Sit”.

In what situations is the command given nearby

  1. The command is required at the moment the movement starts and before its character changes. They give the order and move on. Before stopping, it is necessary to command “close, sit”, and only after that stop. It is important that the animal sits close to the left leg, and not at a distance.
  2. It is served before the turn. To turn right, say "near", then turn right. Left - "next" and start turning left. To make the reverse movement, you need to command "near" and turn.
  3. before changing the pace. Moving at a constant pace, you should say "near" and slow down. To speed up, do a similar chain, only at the end to speed up the movement.


For the correct setting of the dog's head, special harnesses are used.

The above standards apply to those individuals that are intended for performances. Trying to get a companion dog to follow exactly in any situation is superfluous. For a pet, the command should mean:

  • movement strictly at the left foot of the owner. The shoulder should be parallel to the person's knee. She must move at the same pace with the conductor, being at a minimum distance from him. At the very beginning of training, a half-meter gap between the animal and the owner can be allowed, but over time this gap must be reduced. The dog should almost stick to the person's leg;
  • head is straight. Sometimes the dog raises his muzzle, looking into the face of the owner - this is acceptable. To work out the correct positioning of the head, you need special harnesses.;
  • if the trainer stops, the dog must sit down on its own without waiting for a sign or command. Croup close to the leg. In the absence of a command, a perfectly trained dog does not change its posture. If the trainer turns, the animal follows him and sits down again;
  • when executing the “near” command from a distance, the dog must bypass the owner and sit next to the left leg;
  • when the trainer turns, the dog goes around him from behind.

It should be borne in mind that for animals not preparing for performances, the movement may be such that it does not cause discomfort to the owner. For example, for lefties, you can teach a dog to walk on the right. The main thing is confidence in the complete control of the animal, which moves at the foot without a leash.

If you have got yourself a German Shepherd puppy, check out how to train it. If you have taught your dog the basic commands, it will not be superfluous.

The first thing to do for training is to choose the right place. It is best to choose a site familiar to the dog. It is important to choose a time when there will be no other animals on it that can distract the pet.

Before starting training, choose a convenient place for training.

Before starting training, you must carefully walk the dog. Run in the stadium, leave the sticks, let them swim - the perfect start to the lesson.

Later exercises can be done in front of other animals or people. At this stage, it is important that the pet is not distracted by noises, smells and sounds, continuing to move strictly nearby.

There are several ways to teach your dog the “near” command, each of which is appropriate in specific situations.

Old school - "jerk"

With this technique, the owner must be able to do two things: make the right jerk and catch the moment at which the command should be given. It is required to make as short and sharp a jerk as possible. The command is given one moment before, clearly and confidently. The purpose of the jerk is to exert maximum pressure on the dog, to “hit” it. Thus, the animal develops a reflex to the command. Subsequently, the animal will perfectly fulfill the command.

From the beginning, a command is made, after which a jerk is made.

In practice, it looks like this. The owner commands “close”, makes a jerk and moves at the same moment. The leash is held 30 cm from the carabiner with the left hand. As long as the dog moves as it should, you should go without interfering with the process. If only the leash is taut, you must repeat the command and make a jerk. If the dog moves correctly, it should be praised.

Over time, a reflex to the command is developed, so it is no longer necessary to make a jerk. At the stage of training, it is required to strictly follow the instructions. The effectiveness of training can be increased if you use not an ordinary collar, but a strict collar with spikes inside.

Attention! When buying parfors, you should tell the seller the type of wool and the breed of the animal so that he correctly selects the characteristics of the teeth.


Another teaching method is to use tidbits. To do this, you need to hold a treat in front of the dog's nose - she will try to take it away. After that, they give the command “near” and begin to move, moving their hand forward. The dog follows her. During the movement, you should give a little food, praise the pet. The animal will not turn to anything other than food. Gradually, you can give treats less often, increasing the intervals of passage without treats.

Attention! It is very important to constantly praise the animal, even for the slightest achievements. At the end of the exercise, you must use a gesture indicating the end of the workout.

Reinforcement is necessary for any team, including when teaching the "near" team. When a puppy is just starting to learn to walk on a leash, you need to immediately teach him to move around on command. When performing the right actions, you need to give a treat. At first, the puppy should move for food. You can not give it away, you just need to praise the dog. Repeat the workout three times a day for 10 minutes.

Reward your dog with treats.

It is very important to encourage OR words OR treats. Both incentives should not be used at the same time.

Work without a leash

Before you start teaching the "near" off-leash command, you need to make sure that he ideally walks next to him on a leash.

You can teach your dog to walk alongside without a leash from the age of 6 months. You need to purchase a long leash. Start walking on a loose leash. Gradually, the distance of the command should be increased. If the animal is further than five meters, it should first be called by commanding "come to me."

After the dog executes the command on a long leash, it is necessary to start commanding "next" when the animal is walking freely. In order for the pet not to resist the execution, he must regularly repeat walking nearby on a leash. If this is not done, the animal will very quickly cease to obey.

Learning Features

Mistakes that are made when training a team nearby

Inexperienced pet owners often make training mistakes.

  • The worst mistake– voice command after the jerk. It is very important to fully control your actions, to follow the algorithm.
  • Excessive change in direction or speed.
  • Constant tension on the leash.
  • Too frequent use of the command unnecessarily. If the animal understands what is wanted from it and only slightly deviated from the course, it can be gently corrected with a leash. Command and jerk are required only when the animal is clearly distracted.
  • Threatening tone of the team. In this case, the dog may consider walking as a punishment.
  • Early transition to off-leash walking.

Important! You can not beat the dog, scream, be nervous. The command is repeated once. You can’t show your weakness to the dog, because you are the leader!

You need to consolidate the team at every opportunity. During a long walk, it is important to dilute it with stops, turns, changes in speed - so the dog will not relax, always remaining focused on the owner.

For clarity, watch the video of how the dog is trained to command nearby.

Never hit your dog or threaten it with a leash if you want to punish it.

Do not let the dog play with the leash, grab it with his teeth, gnaw.

A leash is not a toy, rather, it is a kind of connection between you and your dog, in some cases a control lever, and sometimes a language of communication with your pet.

Teaching your dog how to properly walk on a leash is a necessary skill.

But this must be done in such a way that the leash becomes desirable for the puppy, and not the subject of partial deprivation of his freedom. In addition, it is just for your own convenience while walking.

Show your puppy the leash every time before walking, fasten it on and go for a walk.

On a walk, call the puppy several times, fasten the leash for 1-2 minutes, pet the puppy, walk with him silently and let him go by unfastening the leash. So your puppy will quickly understand that the leash is for walks, and he does not take away his freedom.

As soon as he gets used to it and when he sees the leash in your hands, he starts to rejoice and asks to go outside, wait until he calms down a bit, or even better, sits down, and start fastening.

If the puppy jumps up and starts to spin, stop your activities and resume them when he calms down again. This can be repeated for a long time, but if you are patient, your pet will understand that the walk will take place only if he allows you to fasten the leash calmly and without frills.

In order for the puppy to treat the leash correctly, make sure that when he sees him in your hands, he comes up to you and calmly waits until he is fastened.

Perhaps the most difficult thing is to teach the dog to walk at the same pace as you and at the same time not adapt to the speed of your pet. As a rule, the natural speed of a dog's movement is greater than the walking pace of a person. This is due to the fact that the most convenient and easy way of movement for any healthy and not old dog is the trot. An exception here can only be mini breeds.

The first thing to do is to teach the puppy not to pull on the leash, and then proceed to a clear practice of the “near” command.

It is best to teach your puppy to walk properly on a leash while the puppy is still small, not as strong, and you can handle him easily.

Never follow the puppy, allowing him to choose the direction of movement and, moreover, to drag you.

Remember, you are not the free app on the other end of the leash. You are the leader and leader that all members of your pack must follow, in this case your puppy! What he learns at 2–3 months will definitely be transferred to adulthood, and at 6–7 months it will be more difficult to educate him.

In order to teach your dog how to walk on a leash, first change the pace of movement, turn, take steps to the side, while lightly jerking the puppy along with you.

It doesn’t matter where it will be relative to you, left, right, front or back (you are not working out the “next” command yet, but you are already preparing the foundation), the main thing is that it follows you.

Encourage every correct attempt to follow you and, conversely, stop all his attempts to pull on the leash. Gradually, the puppy gets used to the fact that you should walk calmly on a leash, that the leader is the owner and you need to follow his actions and you shouldn’t run away anywhere.

Once the puppy learns to walk properly on a leash, it will be much easier to work out the “next” command with him.

Whatever the dimensions of a four-legged friend, accustoming to well-mannered behavior and walking on a leash is one of the most important rules of good manners. A simple device will prevent accidents (hit by vehicles, fights with yard dogs), allow you to take walks within the city, use public transport, and control unwanted pet actions.

Teaching from an early age, knowledge of the tricks of coaching, patience and a competent approach are the key to successful training.

Read in this article

At what age should a dog be taught to a leash?

Experienced amateur dog breeders and professional dog handlers strongly recommend that owners train a puppy on a leash after the pet is accustomed to a collar or harness. Putting on the baby his first ammunition should be at the age of no later than 1.5 months. When the puppy gets used to the presence of a leather strap around his neck and will calmly respond to manipulations with it, you can proceed to the next step - fasten a leash to the collar.

Young animals have a mobile psyche and often gladly accept innovations from the owner. A puppy at the age of 1.5 - 2 months is easier to accustom to wearing ammunition. However, this process does not always go smoothly.

Some animals negatively perceive a foreign object on their neck, get scared, refuse to go, resist, get nervous, try to gnaw through a thing that is unnecessary for them. In this case, the owner should be patient and learn the skills of training.

Rules of behavior of the owner during training

In order for the training process to be productive, the owner must follow certain rules during training sessions with the pet. Cynologists in this situation give the following recommendations:

  • Training should be carried out in a familiar environment for the animal. The puppy must be allowed to sniff a new object for him, but playing with him and biting is strictly prohibited. The first workouts are best done in an apartment or in a closed courtyard where the pet lives.
  • Training should take place in a calm, relaxed atmosphere. The presence of strangers is not recommended. So that the puppy is not distracted, the number of household members should be limited during the lesson.
  • The best time for training is 2 to 3 hours after feeding, so that the treats used in the training process are interesting to the puppy.
  • Hyperactive animals are often difficult to respond even to simple training techniques. In this case, cynologists recommend conducting training sessions after a long walk, when the pet's energy is not so active.
  • The owner should be patient and prepare for the fact that the process of accustoming even a young animal to walking on a leash will take more than one day. Depending on the temperament of the ward, the frequency of classes, the perseverance of the owner, the learning process lasts from one week to a month.
  • The effectiveness of training is largely dependent on the sequence of the owner. During training, it is necessary to achieve obedience and the correct execution of the command, not to move on to the next stage until the previous one is mastered.
  • During the training session, it is strictly forbidden to yell at the puppy, and even more so to punish the animal with a leash. Negative emotions will develop in the pet fear, distrust, anger towards both the owner and ammunition, and make further training more difficult.
  • Training should not be tiring for a young animal. The puppy gets tired after 10 - 15 minutes, so training should be short.
  • Of no small importance for productive training is the choice of devices. The collar should not put pressure on the puppy's neck. It is best to use light and soft harnesses, leather accessories.

Ammunition should not have an extraneous odor that distracts the animal from activities. At first, you should get a short leash no more than 2 meters. This length allows the pet to get used to the innovation and helps to control and correct its behavior on the part of the owner. Retractable structures (roulettes) are not suitable for training.

Patience, consistency, affection and friendly attitude of the owner to the ward is the key to effective training of the puppy in the basics of education and the intricacies of dog etiquette in public places.

How to teach to walk on a leash and with a collar

Correct behavior on a leash can be taught to a dog at any age. The easiest way to raise a puppy. Training an adult requires more time, patience, has its own nuances and tricks.


After the puppy learns to ignore the collar, the owner should start teaching him to walk on a leash. In the first couple of days, experienced dog handlers advise only to fasten the leash to the harness or collar. The puppy needs to be called, stroked on the head and discreetly fasten the ammunition. For several such repetitions, the animal will calmly relate to this manipulation. When the puppy gets used to the sound of the carabiner being fastened, the training can be continued.

Experienced cynologists often resort to the tactics of a training leash. For this purpose, a rope no more than 2 meters long is attached to the collar.

The lesson should be carried out in an open and safe place so that the pet could not injure himself or run away. The puppy is given freedom - the training leash is dragged along the ground. This technique allows the dog to get used to the accessory and allows the owner to control unwanted behavior and limit movement by stepping on the free end of the rope.

Getting used to the training device, the puppy will not be afraid of the leash.

Positive dynamics in learning must be reinforced with a treat. If the puppy at first does not understand what is required of him, you should return to training from the previous stage. In no case should you shout at the dog, sharply pull the leash. This behavior will reduce positive motivation and prolong the habituation time.

In the event that the puppy refuses to walk on a leash, sits down or lies down, you should not force or pull him. It is necessary to caress, encourage, distract the pet from ammunition with the help of affection, games. Switching attention to entertainment, a new toy, the puppy will no longer perceive the leash as something alien and scary.

Having overcome the fear of a foreign object, the baby can be taught to walk with it. You can captivate your pet with the help of treats, your favorite toy. Many puppies are well aware that you need to follow the owner, if during the lesson you take a bowl of food and carry it in front of the animal. This method is effective if the training is done before feeding.

In the event that the puppy, on the contrary, tries to run ahead, pulls on the leash, the following tactic should be applied. As soon as the animal pulls on the leash, you must immediately stop. You can't drag a puppy. You need to wait until he comes up himself, and only in this case continue moving. This should be done every time the pet pulls on the leash.

In order for a young animal not to get tired, training should not exceed 5 minutes for each month of age. If the dog is 2 months old, then training should not be more than 10 minutes.

adult dog

Often there are situations when there is a need to accustom an already adult animal to a leash (a long stay in an aviary, nursery, etc.). Training techniques are somewhat different from teaching a puppy to a leash.
Training an adult dog should begin with a long leash of at least 5-8 meters.

For classes, you must select an open area. When the dog gets used to walking on a long loose leash and stops being afraid of it, the length can be shortened.

As a rule, an adult animal is reluctant to follow the owner, lags behind and refuses to walk on a short leash. In this case, dog handlers recommend attracting the attention of a pet with a treat, luring and dragging the animal along. A tasty piece should be kept in the dog's field of vision and ensure that, getting to it, the pet does not run ahead, does not block the road.

The duration of classes with an adult dog should not exceed 20 - 30 minutes. At the slightest sign of overwork and inattention, the training should be stopped and the dog distracted to the game.

To learn how to train a puppy or an adult dog to a leash, see this video:

What to do so that the dog does not pull, walks beside

Having accustomed a pet to a leash, the next step in training is to develop the skill of walking nearby. Such a team is especially relevant for large-sized four-legged friends. You can teach your dog not to pull on the leash with the help of a long fixture.

The owner must understand that if he pulls the animal, then the resistance on his part will only increase. Therefore, as soon as the dog pulls on the leash during the walk, you must immediately pull it with a short jerk and immediately loosen the tension, reducing the length. As soon as the dog loosens the leash, jerking immediately stops.

At that moment, when the dog walks freely on its own (without jerks) and does not pull the owner, it should be encouraged, called and treated with a treat.

An adult animal can be trained to walk on a loose leash with a "strict" collar. Its design has spikes and with a short jerk causes discomfort to the pet. After the skill of free following the owner is worked out with a “strict” collar, it should be fixed with ordinary ammunition.

During training, you should change the length of the leash and bring novelty to the training sessions - alternate the environment, the venue, work out the turns behind the owner, conduct classes at a different pace. Training can be considered complete if for a pet the formed skill is the norm of behavior.

How to organize walks without a leash

A walk without a leash should be started only after the four-legged friend learns to walk flawlessly on it freely, without the slightest tension. By this time, the dog should know and perform the commands “Come to me” and “Next” on demand.

At first, being distracted by new objects, including strangers, dogs, the animal loses contact with the owner and becomes naughty. In no case should a dog be punished for inattention and passion for a new subject or object. The owner can draw attention to himself and thereby attract the animal with his favorite toy, an invitation to an interesting game, the sound of a clicker, etc. Each approach at the call or command should evoke only positive emotions in the dog.

Walks without ammunition should be carried out in a calm and familiar environment for the pet. When the dog gets used to it, to complicate the task, you can ask your partner to divert his attention and at the same time achieve the perfect execution of the “Come to me” command.

In order for the dog to approach the owner without fear and caution, you can not immediately take it on a leash. The animal should be praised, treated with a treat, played and given the opportunity to independently explore the area. The dog should not have the association that the command "Come" means the end of an interesting walk.

Teaching a four-legged pet to a collar and leash is the basics of dog education. The owner should be patient and apply some tricks and tricks in the training process in order to quickly and easily accustom the dog to wearing ammunition. Only a positive stimulus, constant contact with the animal, consistency and regularity of training will develop the correct behavioral responses in it.

Walking with a well-mannered dog is not only fun, but also safe for both the dog and the owner.

Useful video

To learn how to teach a dog to walk without a leash, see this video:

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