Normal ovarian function is the basis of a woman's health. How to “wake up” the ovaries and make them work to get pregnant

The ovaries are a paired organ of the genitourinary system in a woman, it is located in the small pelvis. It is in it that the female sex cells mature and develop, they talk about this even in the classroom at school. The ovaries also produce sex hormones that control sexual desire and the aging process of the female body. This is the main task of hormones. In addition, they are able to keep the skin elastic, and the mood is good. If the ovaries have ceased to cope with all the functions assigned to them, then it is urgent to make them work urgently.

Interesting fact. A woman's ovaries produce not only female hormones called estrogens, but also male hormones called testosterone. It also controls sexual desire and arousal in the erogenous zones, i.e. the clitoris and nipples. During orgasm, this hormone has its highest level in the blood.

Signs of the disease

Symptoms that the body has begun to age are:

  • there is a violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • fibroids and cysts appear.

In rare cases, it may appear:

  • feeling of constant fatigue;
  • bones become brittle;
  • the skin loses its elasticity;
  • hair starts to fall out.

In most cases, many women become overweight, which is simply impossible to control.

If you look at the situation soberly, then the absence of menstruation cannot be the main indicator that the body has begun to age and no longer perform its function. At the doctor's consultation, one woman may have several symptoms, while the other has only one. However, in both cases, the diagnosis is the same for patients.

Causes of the disease

Every woman should know when ovarian failure occurs gradually, this is normal. However, modern medicine is a little alarmed, as there are more and more cases of women with such a problem, whose age is less and less.

This female organ begins to age even before a woman reaches the age of thirty. At birth, a certain number of follicles are laid in the female body. Every woman has her own number. With the onset of monthly menstruation, this number is reduced, and with the rupture of the latter, comes the onset of menopause.

The reason for wasting follicles is not only menstruation, it can be various stressful situations, lack of sleep, smoking, surgeries performed on the ovaries. It must be said that abortion is one of the unfavorable factors. Because during pregnancy, the hormonal background in the female body changes. And if this process is abruptly stopped, it will be a disaster for the organ. Therefore, it is believed that women who often have abortions are at risk.

It should also be noted that if the thyroid gland refuses to work, or there is no sexual life, then this can also affect the functioning of the organ. In addition, many dental fillings emit various heavy metals. Their accumulation occurs in the body, and this has a very bad effect on the performance of the ovaries.

Consequences of the disease

Unfortunately, but infertility is the consequences of a violation of the functioning of the body. For the treatment of infertility, you can resort to two methods, this is surgery or medication. During treatment with drugs, they resort to hormonal drugs. They are able to give impetus to the proper functioning of the ovaries. In some cases, oral contraceptives may also help. And in the case when drug treatment does not bring the desired result, the question arises of surgical intervention. After the operation, up to ninety percent of women can become pregnant.

Medicine will give impetus to the work of the body

First you need to seek help from an experienced doctor. After examining and conducting the necessary tests, he will establish the cause. The reason may be either the ovaries themselves, or failures in the endocrine system. In special medical centers, there are devices that can, with the help of a special program, determine all problems in the human body. After receiving the results of this study, the doctor prescribes the correct treatment.

Possible treatment for the disease

In order for the treatment of the disease to give a positive result, it is necessary to adhere to the following:

  • if you assume that the body does not want to work, then consult a doctor, it may be a gynecologist or endocrinologist. After listening to your complaints and conducting an examination, he will prescribe an additional examination. If you have previously consulted a doctor and had an examination, tell your doctor about it. If all results are preserved, they must be submitted;
  • you need to find out the amount of hormones in the blood, for this, donate blood for analysis. In addition, additional studies and analyzes may be prescribed;
  • insist on finding out the general condition of the organ. To do this, you just need to do an ultrasound (ultrasound examination) and conduct an examination using a gynecological mirror. In most cases, multiple cysts are found on this organ, which interfere with the work of the organ;
  • if the cause of the disease can be removed with the help of medications (hormonal drugs), then the doctor prescribes them. About half of the patients are cured in this way. While taking the drugs, the dosage and the necessary regularity of taking should be observed;

  • if medications do not help, you can resort to surgery. The operation is performed without an incision, but by laparoscopy. This means that through a puncture in the abdomen, work is carried out with micro instruments. During the operation, the altered part of the organ is removed. In almost eighty percent of cases, the operations are successful. However, after a while, the body can return to its previous state again.

In addition to the above, you can use physical exercises. They will help reduce insulin levels in the blood, and exercise will balance hormones and rid the body of excess glucose. But exercise in excess will increase testosterone levels, and symptoms can only worsen.

Any disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries are the cause of an imbalance of sex hormones, which leads to diseases of the organs of the reproductive system and mammary glands. The consequences are severe menstrual disorders, the inability to have children. Recognizing ovarian dysfunction is not difficult if you treat your health carefully. Pain in the lower abdomen, cycle disorders - if such signs appear, it is necessary to visit a doctor in order to correctly diagnose the disease and undergo a course of treatment. It is important to eliminate the cause of the violations.


Violation of the functioning of the ovaries and its consequences

The function of the ovaries in the body is the production of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone, in response to the effects of pituitary hormones (FSH - follicle-stimulating and LH - luteinizing). Dysfunction of the ovaries, that is, their inability to produce hormones in the required amount, leads to a disruption in the process of maturation of the egg and the impossibility of its fertilization.

The result of dysfunction is an abnormal lengthening (up to 40 days or more) or shortening of the cycle (less than 21 days), the occurrence of dysfunctional uterine bleeding (abundant and prolonged, appearing between irregular periods), the absence of ovulation (the egg does not mature completely, follicle rupture does not occur). The level of female sex hormones affects the functioning of all systems of the female body. Therefore, the consequences of ovarian dysfunction are:

  1. Violation of reproductive health, the result of which is infertility or miscarriage.
  2. The occurrence of endometriosis in a woman (pathological growth of the epithelial layer of the uterine cavity and its germination in other organs), polycystosis, as well as the appearance of fibroids (benign tumors) and malignant neoplasms in the uterus.
  3. The development of breast cancer (estrogen-dependent tumor).
  4. Disorder of the nervous system, deterioration of the skin and hair, pain in the abdomen and back, other manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

Anemia and deterioration in general health is also an indirect sign of malfunctioning of the ovaries.

Video: Causes of hormonal disorders in women

Reasons for malfunction

The emergence of dysfunction is facilitated not only by hormonal changes and a deterioration in the general well-being of a woman, but even by living conditions and the environment. The causes and consequences of ovarian dysfunction are interrelated.

The main factors leading to this pathology are abnormal changes in the hormonal background in the body, leading to the appearance of diseases of the uterus and appendages. The first symptom of such pathologies is a violation of the production of female sex hormones in the ovaries and, as a result, the impossibility of the normal course of the processes of the menstrual cycle. Disorders are caused by a malfunction of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and other organs of internal secretion. Often they are caused by diabetes.

Hormonal shifts can be natural. For example, dysfunctional disorders often occur in young girls at the very beginning of puberty, when the reproductive organs are in the development stage, the cycle has not formed. Ovarian dysfunction is one of the main manifestations of menopause. During this period, there is a depletion of the egg supply, aging and a decrease in the ovaries. This leads to the appearance of an increasing number of anovulatory cycles, lengthening the pauses between menstruation up to the complete disappearance of menstruation. In the period of premenopause, alternation of heavy periods with scanty periods is possible. Until the onset of menopause, these processes are natural.

Important to remember: Pathology is the appearance of any spotting after menstruation at this age is absent for 1 year. This may be a symptom of endometrial hyperplasia, uterine cancer. If such a symptom appears, you should immediately visit a doctor.

The cause of hormonal disorders and ovarian dysfunction in women of reproductive age are past diseases of the reproductive system:

  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • inflammation of the endometrium of the uterus (endometritis) and ovaries (adnexitis);
  • infectious lesions of the genital organs (thrush, genital herpes, gonorrhea);
  • metabolic disorders and related sudden changes in body weight;
  • taking certain medications and contraceptives, installing an intrauterine device;
  • abortions and other operations on the reproductive organs;
  • irregular sex life;
  • smoking, alcohol and drug addiction.

Comment: The ovaries are an organ that is sensitive even to the mood of a woman, her mental state. Severe stress, worries about the lack of pregnancy, untimely arrival of menstruation, as well as a change in the usual living conditions can affect the functioning of the ovaries, cause the appearance of temporary or chronic disorders.

The occurrence of dysfunction contributes to the presence in a woman of diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys, as well as cardiovascular insufficiency.

Video: Dysfunction: what it is, how it manifests itself

Dysfunction symptoms

A number of characteristic symptoms testify to the presence of ovarian dysfunction in a woman. First of all, this is a violation of the regularity and duration of the cycle.

During normal ovarian function, the level of estrogen in a woman of childbearing age gradually decreases by the middle of the cycle, and the level of progesterone rises. Thanks to this, the endometrium develops normally in the uterus and a healthy egg is formed, ready for fertilization. If conception does not occur, then menstruation occurs in a timely manner, lasting 3-5 days and with a volume of 40-80 ml. Dysfunction leads to a sharp change in hormone levels, which is fraught with the appearance of uterine bleeding between periods. It can be so severe that the woman needs emergency medical attention to stop it. Large blood loss is life-threatening.

The lack of estrogen leads to a shortening of the first phase of the cycle and a reduction in its length. Menstruation begins to come randomly and more often than after 21 days. Excess estrogen leads to a lack of ovulation, large delays in menstruation. One of the possible consequences of ovarian dysfunction is amenorrhea - the complete cessation of menstruation in a woman of reproductive age (for six months or more).

Insufficient production of progesterone makes it impossible to maintain a pregnancy and bear a fetus. At the same time, the woman's periods become long and plentiful. Blood loss leads to symptoms of iron deficiency in the body (dizziness, weakness, nausea, headache).

An excess of the hormone causes a lengthening of the second phase of the cycle and indicates an abnormal development of the corpus luteum that produces it. This condition is characterized by the appearance of migraine, swelling and soreness of the mammary glands, depressive mood, and decreased sexual activity.

Both with an excess and a lack of female sex hormones, symptoms such as a feeling of constant fatigue, skin allergic reactions in the form of itching and rashes, blurred vision, and a drop in blood pressure may occur. With ovarian dysfunction, neurological disorders occur: insomnia, pain in the heart, causeless mood swings. Excessive growth of hair on the body, deterioration of the skin, hair, nails.

Dysfunction Diagnosis

The purpose of the examination is to confirm the disorder of the hormonal function of the ovaries and to determine the cause of the pathology. It is possible to assume the presence of a disorder by such symptoms as cycle disorders, the presence of intermenstrual bleeding, inability to become pregnant, and general malaise.

To confirm the diagnosis and establish the cause of ovarian dysfunction, the following studies are performed:

  • a blood test for the content of hormones of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, prolactin, estrogen and progesterone;
  • biochemical blood test for sugar to exclude diabetes mellitus;
  • PCR analysis of a smear from the vagina and cervix to detect pathogens of sexual and other infections, which could result in inflammation of the ovaries;
  • biopsy of neoplasms in the uterus (histological examination of samples can detect malignant diseases);
  • folliculometry - a weekly ultrasound that allows you to follow the development of follicles, detect the presence or absence of ovulation;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • study of the state of the pituitary gland using MRI and CT scans of the brain.

An ultrasound of the uterus and appendages is required to detect such indicators as the thickness of the endometrium, the location and size of the dominant follicle, and the presence of cystic cavities. The study is done by the abdominal (external) method or transvaginally (through the vagina, by inserting a sensor into it).

Treatment for ovarian dysfunction

Ovarian dysfunction manifests itself in different ways depending on the cause that caused it, the age of the woman, and the general state of health. During treatment, it may be necessary to stop bleeding, eliminate the causes of infertility, treat diseases of the genital organs, eliminate hormonal disorders and cycle disorders.

Elimination of uterine bleeding. In some cases, hormonal drugs are used for this. For example, on days 16-21 of the cycle, a woman is prescribed progesterone preparations. The intrauterine device is removed. If the result cannot be achieved quickly, then the uterine cavity is scraped to remove the bleeding endometrium.

Elimination of hormonal imbalance. It is usually performed under the supervision of a gynecologist and an experienced endocrinologist. Prescribed drugs containing estrogens and progesterone (in the form of birth control pills). The type and dose of the drug is selected depending on the nature of hormonal abnormalities and the age of the patient. The work of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, pancreas is being adjusted (with the help of hormonal agents, they achieve a decrease in blood sugar in diabetes).

Treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases reproductive organs with the help of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment of infertility. If a woman has infertility due to the lack of ovulation, ovarian dysfunction is diagnosed, treatment is carried out with drugs that increase the content of estrogens in the blood, stimulate the growth of the ovaries, the development of follicles and the release of an egg from them. These agents include humegon, pergonal, profazi. Their dose is selected strictly individually to avoid the consequences of excess hormones. Medicines are taken on certain days of the cycle.

Advice: It is possible to determine whether ovulation occurs and on which days of the cycle this occurs by measuring basal temperature daily and drawing up an appropriate schedule. If the temperature in the middle of the cycle increases by 0.5 ° -1 °, then the result is positive, pregnancy is possible. If the temperature does not change, then, as a rule, there is ovarian dysfunction. At home, special express ovulation tests (Eviplan and others) are also used.

A woman is also given drugs with hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) to stimulate egg maturation and maintain pregnancy (gonacor, pregnyl).

Video: How ovulation is determined. Stimulation of ovulation in the treatment of infertility

Failures in the work of the ovaries do not have the best effect on the functioning of the entire reproductive system. Pathology is easily recognized by a delay in the menstrual cycle for 35 or more days and subsequent bleeding, which can last about a week. Women who are faced with a similar problem are worried about how to prolong the "youth" of the appendages and make the ovaries work. We will tell about all the subtleties below.

To improve the functioning of the ovaries (especially in a woman after 40), it is necessary, first, to establish the cause that provoked the failure. Among the most famous factors, it is worth noting the following:

  • the presence of processes or infectious lesions in the reproductive system (in the uterus, appendages);
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • prolonged stress, overload, nervous exhaustion;
  • interrupted pregnancy (miscarriage, abortion);
  • improper use of contraceptives;
  • if the spiral is incorrectly located in the uterus;
  • the use of drugs, especially uncontrolled;
  • previous surgery on the genitals.

These reasons can lead to such a pathology as anorexia of the ovary. If the appendages do not work well or stop functioning altogether, urgent measures must be taken.

How to restore ovarian function

There are several methods to wake up the ovaries, that is, to restore their working capacity. But first you should go through a complete one, according to the results of which the doctor will prescribe a therapy that can improve the functioning of the appendages. All funds must meet the same goal - to stabilize the monthly cycle.


One of the methods that has declared itself relatively recently is phonophoresis. The procedure, somewhat reminiscent of an ultrasound, restores the functioning of the ovaries. The only difference is that ultrasound uses a gel, phonophoresis involves the use of various medications and natural remedies. It is generally accepted that by means of ultrasound, drugs applied to the skin penetrate deeper into the tissues. It is still difficult to judge how effective this method is, as there is no official data on this issue. However, doctors often use it.

The undeniable advantages of phonophoresis include the following:

  • during the procedure, tissues are saturated with oxygen, which means that their elasticity will increase, ovarian rejuvenation will occur;
  • the substance used penetrates deeply, which is characterized by a longer action;
  • differs in anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects, reduces swelling.

However, not everyone is shown phonophoresis. Such a procedure should be avoided by hypertensive patients, patients with oncological diseases suffering from skin pathologies of various etiologies. The procedure is not recommended for people with endocrine disorders during pregnancy.

Ultraphonophoresis for the restoration of the ovaries has a gentle effect on the organs of the woman's reproductive system. If there are no contraindications, then it is definitely worth a try, it will not get worse.


Restoration of the normal functioning of the ovaries is carried out with the use of medications. Such treatment should be comprehensive and consist of the following steps:

  1. Elimination of the immediate causes that provoked malfunctions in the functioning of the ovaries.
  2. Treatment of symptoms requiring immediate attention (for example, blood loss).
  3. For the normal functioning of the ovaries, it is necessary to take care of the normalization of the hormonal background.

A special effect of drug therapy is noted in cases where it is necessary to restore the functions of conception and solve the problem of infertility in women.

The ovaries should work if you start taking the pills prescribed by the doctor. Among these drugs, it is worth highlighting a few:

  • Puregon;
  • Clostilbegit;
  • Ovitrelle;
  • Prerotten, etc.

Medical treatment is a necessary measure in some cases. Medicines will increase the functionality of the ovaries, contribute to solving the problems of the reproductive system.


Some women want to solve the problem on their own and try to make the ovaries work with folk remedies. However, remember that you can drink any infusion, tea or decoction only after consulting a gynecologist.

Therapy with the use of traditional medicine should be focused on restoring the reproductive function of the ovaries. Some of the more common recipes include:

You must follow a special diet. The diet should be enriched with micro and macro elements, acids, vitamins.

The smooth functioning of the ovaries is the key to successful conception and the subsequent birth of a baby. In the case of some factors, failures occur in the body, which leads to the development of diseases of the reproductive organs and infertility. Therefore, it is important to pay due attention to the menstrual cycles and, in case of failures, immediately consult a doctor to undergo an examination and prescribe timely therapy.

Aging of the ovaries is manifested by a number of disorders - from the failure of the menstrual cycle to the appearance of cysts and fibroids. Photo: Fotolia/

Ovarian aging is not a sentence

The first thing a woman pays for any problems in the body, stress and overwork is the health of the ovaries. It is this organ that affects women's well-being, appearance and even mood.

Scientists have found that the aging of the body begins at the age of 22. The first, imperceptibly and asymptomatically, is the aging of the brain. And only by the age of 30, a person notices the first age-related changes: memory impairment, failure in the endocrine system, hormonal imbalance.
In women, the ovaries are the first to be affected. Their aging is manifested by a number of disorders - from the failure of the menstrual cycle to the appearance of cysts and fibroids. Often indicators of unhealthy ovaries can be, for example, chronic fatigue, brittle nails or sagging skin.
“Ovarian aging is different for everyone, it’s very individual,” says Dorina Donich, MD, obstetrician-gynecologist, specialist in anti-aging medicine
and aesthetic gynecology Expert Clinics. - Someone has premenstrual syndrome, someone begins to lose hair, and the skin loses its tone. Many begin to worry about excess weight, joint pain, menopause, mastopathy, apathy, depression, decreased libido or chronic fatigue. All of these problems can be associated with ovarian aging. But some will only have two of these symptoms, some will have three, and some will have all. And the absence of the menstrual cycle, contrary to popular belief, is not at all the main indicator. Problems with the ovaries can be accompanied by banal chronic fatigue. There is, of course, another explanation for chronic fatigue - neurotransmitters in the brain. If they are produced less than necessary, then a woman, for example, may lose sexual desire. But, as a rule, these factors are interconnected. Because if less neurotransmitters and ‘happiness hormones’ are produced in the brain, then again this means that the problem in the ovaries already exists.”
If a woman has noticed the symptoms of aging of the ovaries, then she first of all needs a competent diagnosis.
“Our center has a diagnostic platform that allows you to clearly determine in two hours what the problem is and what consequences it has already led to, whether it is related to the ovaries or the endocrine system. This computer program, which analyzes all the data of a person, starting with his current state of health and ending with reactions, identifies the root cause of the problem and issues appointments for tests. And only for those that he specifically needs. Based on the results of the tests, a medical report is issued and individual treatment is prescribed, ”says Dorina Alekseevna.
In fairness, it should be noted that the process of gradual extinction of the reproductive function of a woman is the norm. However, a disturbing trend has already emerged in the modern world: more and more women are beginning to suffer from premature aging of the ovaries. Cases of early menopause - up to the age of thirty have become more frequent. However, experts are not surprised.
“There is an ovarian reserve in the ovary,” says Dr. Donich. A woman is born with a certain number of primordial follicles. It does not increase with age
but only consumed - month after month, throughout life, because ovulation occurs. And when this reserve dries up, the woman begins menopause. Therefore, any waste of this reserve can lead to premature aging of the ovaries (stress, toxins, smoking, insomnia, alcohol, infectious diseases, injuries, including surgical ones, especially ovarian operations). Numerous abortions are very provoking the aging process. The woman became pregnant, then she terminates the pregnancy, because of this, perturbation occurs in the ovary, since the hormonal background changes during an abortion, and a hormonal catastrophe occurs for the ovary. Therefore, after termination of pregnancy, we recommend taking contraceptives for three to four months to restore the hormonal component. But in any case, women who have many abortions, of course, run the risk of "earning" menopause ahead of time. The same applies to numerous births, especially complex, with bleeding. Indeed, at the same time, the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which controls the work of the ovaries, is depleted, therefore, their stimulation decreases, which ultimately leads to the extinction of the function of the organ. Also, chronic infections, inflammatory processes around the ovaries, which form a kind of web that interferes with the normal process of growth and maturation of eggs, and ovulation, can also lead to premature aging. No less affects the health of the ovaries and dysfunction of the thyroid gland, a long absence of sexual activity and even the accumulation of heavy metals in the body. For example, a large number of fillings in the teeth that contain mercury or amalgam is a serious toxic effect.

There are several such examples: girls at the age of 28 entered menopause due to a strong toxic effect on the ovaries. Moreover, recent studies have shown that even intestinal dysbiosis affects the functioning of the ovaries and their premature aging.

What to do?

It is necessary to solve the problem of ovarian aging in a complex way. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to use detox programs that help cleanse the body and are primarily focused on the removal of heavy metals. In addition to preventive measures, an effective method of treatment should be chosen, because doctors are convinced that restoring ovarian function in a natural way is impossible. The aging process of organs is natural, it cannot be avoided, but it can be significantly delayed.
“The ovaries can be stimulated, that is, forced to work in an enhanced mode, due to which more eggs begin to mature in them and the production of hormones increases. But any stimulation of the ovary leads eventually to its exhaustion. Therefore, it makes sense to do this only with infertility, explains Dorina Donich. - Cleansing the body (detoxification, removal of toxins and free radicals) will help to "spur" the work of the body a little, but the restoration of its function will be short-lived. Also, partial restoration of ovarian function is positively affected by acupuncture, which stimulates the body's bioreserves, or homeopathy, which affects the restoration of hormonal function. However, to date, of all the existing means of rejuvenation and restoration of ovarian reserves, only peptide therapy is effective - that is, treatment with natural extracts of organ cells, which has no analogue among synthetic drugs.

Impossible is possible

A peptide is a smart chain of amino acids that are produced by our own body. When we are healthy and young, there are quite a lot of them. However, over time, the situation changes: under the influence of negative environmental factors, diseases, with a drop in immunity, the production of peptides is reduced. But now this problem is solved. More than 30 years ago, Swiss doctors isolated a unique nanopeptide that literally rejuvenates the ovaries. With the help of OVARIUM PEP, it became possible to delay the onset of menopause and cure many diseases associated with the female reproductive system.
“The term “smart chain of amino acids” in this case is used for a reason,” says the doctor. — The nanopeptide works according to the go-to-home principle. This means that if the peptide is injected subcutaneously, it moves to the ovary and does not affect other organs. It affects only its segment of the problem, only its individual receptors. Nothing else can be physically affected by this chain.
The main advantage of this drug is naturalness. Today in Russia it is the only peptide of this level, which is a 100% natural product. The Swiss peptide has a huge advantage over others - it is the smallest peptide in the world. Its size is about three nanometers, and proteins, allergens, viruses and bacteria simply cannot penetrate it. Therefore, being natural, the nanopeptide is also the safest. It is recommended even to sick children.
The course of treatment is selected strictly individually and necessarily requires competent medical support. Indeed, in this case we are talking about bioreparative medicine, which means that the specialist who deals with this must have extensive knowledge in the field of genetics, genomics, endocrinology and gynecology. And despite the fact that the duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor in each case, usually the first results are visible after two weeks of therapy. Sessions are held no more than twice a week, because the ovary gradually gets used to working on its own, because the task of the drug is to “start” the organ, restore its reserve and help it work independently. Therefore, the effect of therapy persists for many years. At the same time, the drug is not addictive, has no contraindications and side effects, because these amino acids are produced by your own body. The ovary has a different structure, but with the help of nanopeptides, its biology is restored from the inside, that is, it renews its own supply of cells that produce female hormones in a new way, which means that a woman will age more slowly.”
“As a result, after ovarian rejuvenation, menstruation and ovulation are restored in patients, weight and libido gradually normalize, vital energy and good mood appear, the condition of hair, nails and skin improves. The accumulated clinical experience suggests that with the help of such therapy, even the terrible diagnosis of "infertility" can be overcome. At the same time, nanopeptides not only effectively solve a woman's reproductive problems, but also significantly improve her quality of life,” concludes Dorina Donich.

The sequence of ovulation is a mystery of nature

When pregnancy is “late” and does not occur for a long time, women raise many questions that they had not thought about before. For example, can only one ovary ovulate? Or how to understand which ovary ovulates in a certain cycle? Interest in such questions often arises when one of the tubes is not passable, missing, or it is not possible to conceive a child for a long time.

To understand the frequency of the ovaries, it is advisable to start by saying a few words about ovulation. The exit from the dominant follicle (Graaffian vesicle) approximately in the middle of the female cycle is called. The process is short-term and takes only a few seconds and is repeated every month.

Is there an ovulation sequence?

There is an opinion that the ovaries should ovulate alternately - in one cycle, the left, in the other, the right. But doctors sonologists (these are those who conduct ultrasound) refute this theory. To be precise, there is a category of women whose ovaries ovulate in turn. But this is not a dogma. There is a fairly large category of girls who ovulate from cycle to cycle in one of the ovaries. And only occasionally the second one performs the assigned function - providing a germ cell for fertilization.

Difficulties with the onset of pregnancy arise when the fallopian tube is in working condition on one side, and ovulation occurs for a long time on the opposite side. Although scientists have registered a case of pregnancy and childbirth in a woman with one fallopian tube and a single ovary. Moreover, the functioning tube was on the opposite side of the ovary.

Why does only one work?

Before the onset of ovulation, due to the influence of hormones, not one egg, but about 10 or more, receives a stimulus for development. And the development of oocytes occurs immediately in two ovaries. But in the process, a dominant follicle appears - a kind of leader, which will give an egg. If ovulation (often or constantly) occurs in one ovary, then this does not mean at all that the ovary on the opposite side does not work. Why does one ovary ovulate and the other does not? Science at this stage has not found an explanation. Let's hope that's it for now. The only answer of physicians to this question is that the process is spontaneous and is not subject to any systematization. Mystery of nature...

If one ovary really works, then regularly recurring symptoms may appear: constant pain on one side, increasing during menstruation, bloating, an increase in the ovary in size (confirmed by ultrasound). Manifestations are due to the active work of the body, compensating for the "silence" of a neighbor.


How to force the desired ovulation to ovulate? In order for a dominant follicle to form in the desired ovary, there are three options. We list them from simple to complex:

  1. Wait for the release of the egg from the right side. This can take a long time, requires constant monitoring and folliculometry (monitoring the dynamics of follicle growth) on an ultrasound machine.
  2. Perform medical ovarian stimulation.
  3. Use ART techniques, for example,.

But all the listed ways of solving the problem are far from 100% of the result. Long-term monitoring and observation does not guarantee the onset of pregnancy during ovulation from the desired side immediately. It may take several cycles to track. And given the rarity of ovulation from the necessary side, the chances of getting pregnant are reduced.

Drug stimulation also does not always ensure the work of both ovaries. It's better than doing nothing at all though. Prior to the start of stimulation, it is necessary to evaluate the ovarian reserve (blood for anti-Mullerian hormone), take an analysis for estradiol and FSH, study the husband's spermogram (in order to exclude male factors of infertility) and double-check the patency of the tube. After stimulation, both ovaries often ovulate. This could be your chance to get pregnant naturally.

Adherents of alternative medicine can use stimulation with folk remedies. Since ancient times, herbs available to everyone have been used for these purposes: sage, knotweed, rose petals, etc.

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