How the eye canals are washed in the hospital. Treatment and symptoms of inflammation of the lacrimal canal

Dacryocystitis is a medical term that means when the tubule located at the nasal septum and the inner corner of the eye is affected by inflammatory processes. Symptoms of inflammation occur due to obstruction of the lacrimal canal. As a result, microorganisms accumulate in it, leading to the onset of an inflammatory process. Consider what should be the treatment of the disease in children and adults.


Sometimes, contrary to our desire, tears can stand out while watching any sentimental scenes in a movie. We cry from happiness, pain, resentment, but we can’t even imagine how important tears are for the human body. The tear fluid performs the most important function of moisturizing, but what if the tears flow from only one eye, or none at all? In this case, it is time to think about treatment. Because without treatment, obstruction of the nasolacrimal canal will lead to its inflammation.

Symptoms of inflammation of the tear duct are usually the following:

Usually, the treatment and symptoms of inflammation of the tear duct are observed in only one eye.

There is very strong tearing

In the region of the inner corner of the eye, pain is felt, redness and swelling occur.

Allocations are also important signs of the disease.

During the diagnosis, the doctor examines the tear ducts, assesses the degree of development of the process and examines the patient to detect additional comorbidity.


Depending on the age of the patient, the cause and nature of the course of the disease, an individual treatment of inflammation of the lacrimal canal is prescribed. For adults, the ducts with symptoms of inflammation are washed with a disinfectant. If surgical treatment of inflammation is required, in this case, endoscopy is performed. This complex operation is completely painless. Sometimes the operation is performed in the usual way.

Methods of Pediatrics

Treatment and symptoms of inflammation of the lacrimal canal in children. In the case of a small child, in order to clear the lacrimal canal, the mother is recommended to massage daily in the area where the lacrimal ducts are located, as if squeezing out purulent discharge from them and freeing the ducts. Along with the massage, antibacterial drops are prescribed, the laying of tetracycline ointment. Several times a day, the child's eye should be washed with a decoction of chamomile, tea leaves or a weak solution of aloe juice.

Surgical treatment is carried out with the complete ineffectiveness of traditional therapy for a certain period. Before the operation itself, the child is prescribed an antibacterial treatment in order to prevent complications during the operation, since the infection can also enter the brain through the blood. The operation is performed under full anesthesia.

If you suspect that your child has symptoms of an illness, in no case should you try to solve the problem yourself. Any purulent processes that eyewash at home can entail can be life-threatening for your baby. The specialist will massage the lacrimal canal for several days in order to break the membrane artificially. If during this time the lacrimation cannot be restored, then in order to clean the canal, it will be necessary to carry out the bougienage procedure. During this operation, the doctor, using a very thin metal rod - a bougie, will carefully cut the membrane.

If the obstruction caused symptoms of inflammation, then before receiving qualified medical assistance, you can wipe the inflamed area with a sterile cloth soaked in chamomile decoction. Such a compress must be applied every hour.

Causes of the inflammatory process

In the region of the lower eyelid, at the inner corner of the eye, there is a lacrimal opening - a hole less than a millimeter in diameter. A tear flows down her. This mechanism is very interestingly thought out by nature: the pressure in the lacrimal sac is always negative, due to this, the suction of the eye fluid occurs. Through the lacrimal opening, the fluid passes into the lacrimal canal, and from there it can freely flow into the nose. Therefore, a person who cries immediately has a runny nose, this is a normal reaction with an excess of tears and proof of the excellent work of the lacrimal canal.

As a rule, inflammation of the channel caused by obstruction occurs either in infants or in old age. In newborns, the cause of obstruction is the fusion of the lacrimal canal. The fact is that in a child in the womb, a special membrane is formed in this channel, which must be torn by the time of birth. Therefore, most often, a pathological lacrimal canal occurs in premature babies.

The symptoms of the disease can lead to:

congenital obstruction of the lacrimal canal,


infectious ophthalmic diseases and complications after such diseases.

The disease is very common in newborns. Often the initial underdevelopment of the lacrimal canals or secondary infection leads to inflammation. In any case, this problem is solved with the growth of the child.

Causes of inflammation in adults

In an adult, such a disease occurs most often after an injury, or after an inflammatory disease in the nasal cavity, as a complication. But in most cases, the cause of inflammation is not established.

In the elderly, the symptoms of the disease are caused by atherosclerosis of the vessels, in particular those responsible for tears. Insidious cholesterol can be deposited even in the openings of the lacrimal ducts, already tiny. In this case, the lacrimal ducts are expanded by washing with various solutions under pressure, for example, furacilin.

There is an inflammatory process of the lacrimal canal in middle-aged people. The reason is a congenital abnormality. In this case, the patient usually complains that in the cold season a tear constantly runs from one eye. This is due to the fact that any person in the wind and cold has a spasm of the lacrimal duct, and if it is initially narrowed, then the poor fellow simply bursts into tears.

To protect your eyes from frost, a patient with symptoms of inflammation can use ordinary glasses. The fact is that under the glasses of the glasses there is an almost greenhouse environment, the temperature of which is much higher than the ambient temperature. It has long been noticed that among bespectacled people there are practically no people with obstruction of the lacrimal canal.

Video: Treatment and symptoms of inflammation of the lacrimal canal

Did you know that newborns cry without tears? This happens because in utero the function of tears is taken over by the amniotic fluid, and the nasolacrimal canal itself is still at the ripening stage.

However, a few weeks after birth, the tear duct opens. But what if the obstruction of the lacrimal canal in newborns is determined and what dangers are associated with this? Let's find out.

What is dacryocystitis

Dacryocystitis is a condition where the outflow of tears cannot occur naturally for various reasons, causing the eye to become inflamed. The main cause of this inflammation is the obstruction of the lacrimal canal. We will understand why this happens if we consider the anatomy of the eye.

The lacrimal gland produces tears in portions, which, washing the eye, drain to the inner corner, where the upper and lower lacrimal points are located. Passing through them, the tear enters the lacrimal duct, and then into the lacrimal sac. Further, the journey continues along the lacrimal canal directly into the nasal cavity.

During fetal development, the nasolacrimal canal is blocked by a gelatinous plug, or a film that prevents amniotic fluid from entering the respiratory tract, as well as the visual apparatus. With the first cry of the baby, the film that has fulfilled its role is torn, thereby providing an opportunity for the visual system to work as expected.

But sometimes there is no break. The resulting tears have to look for workarounds or be in a state of stagnation. Blockage of the tear duct leads to the accumulation of fluid in the sac, it is clogged, swells, inflamed and becomes fertile ground for infections that love heat and moisture.

A "spent" tear overcomes a certain path before leaving the body. If a blockage occurs along the way, stagnation and inflammation may develop.

A similar problem occurs in 2-4% of infants. In order to effectively and as soon as possible help the baby get rid of it, it is important to know how this condition manifests itself, as well as what are the basic principles of its treatment.

Causes of obstruction

  • Congenital obstruction. Too dense mucous membrane blocks the drainage system. It can resolve on its own during the first months of life. If this does not happen, resort to bougienage.
  • Accession of an infection. Any stagnation of liquid in a warm place is a breeding ground for bacteria. This is how inflammation of the nasolacrimal canal (dacryocystitis) develops.
  • Pathological formation and growth of the nasal bone presses on the tear duct and can block it.
  • Tumors of the nose, face; the presence of cysts or stones in the duct.


Until the baby has tears, the pathological condition is asymptomatic. After a while, the pathology makes itself felt with signs very similar to conjunctivitis. They are observed, as a rule, only in one eye:

  • lacrimation; the eye remains excessively wet almost all the time;
  • yellow-brown discharge forms on the inner corner of the eye, they glue the cilia in the morning;
  • eyelids swell, redden;
  • in difficult situations, pus is released from the eyes, there is pain when pressed along the nose;
  • drops with an antibiotic help only temporarily, after the end of treatment, the symptoms resume.

Daily eye hygiene is the first step towards recovery

If you find similar signs in a newborn baby, the first thing to do is to see a doctor. It is he who chooses the final diagnosis and treatment tactics.


There are several diagnostic methods that allow you to determine for sure whether there is a blockage of the lacrimal canals.

  1. Vesta test. A drop of dye is instilled into both eyes - a harmless solution of fluorescein or collargol. A loose cotton swab is inserted into the nose and the time is noted. From the very eye, the coloring matter normally disappears in 3-5 minutes. 5 minutes after the start of the procedure, the tampon is removed every minute with tweezers from the nose in order to understand how long it will take to stain. With a positive result, the swab is stained in 7 minutes. If more than 10 minutes have passed, the test is considered negative.
  2. Fluorescent dye test. A solution with a dye is instilled into the eyes 1 drop. After 15 minutes, the ophthalmologist looks at the conjunctiva through a special blue light. Normally, there is almost no paint left. If there is a lot of it, the drainage system of the eye does not work well.
  3. Dacryoscintigraphy. A contrast agent is instilled into the eye and then magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography or x-rays are taken. The picture shows the absence or presence of blockage of the lacrimal ducts.
  4. Test for detection of culture of microorganisms and their resistance(or sensitivity) to antibiotics. If the discharge is purulent, a culture is done to determine the type of bacteria. When the samples grow on the culture medium, a test is made for the sensitivity of the bacterium to various antimicrobials. It allows you to treat the infection as quickly and efficiently as possible.
  5. sounding. A metal wire is passed through the duct and thus the place of blockage is determined, immediately carrying out therapeutic measures. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Methods of treatment

Treatment will depend on the cause of the pathology and its severity. For newborns, therapy begins with a massage. If necessary, antibacterial eye drops are instilled.


Massage of the lacrimal canal in newborns is prescribed by a doctor. He explains and clearly shows how to do it. Therefore, information about the technique and techniques of massage is given for informational purposes only.

Perform massage at home, but he needs to learn

Before the massage, the hands are thoroughly washed, the nails are cut short. After that, the eye is washed. Use a decoction of chamomile or furatsilin solution (1: 5000). A cotton swab is moistened in the selected liquid and the cilia, palpebral fissure are cleaned, moving from the temple towards the nose, from the outer edge to the inner, removing the remnants of pus. Only after that we proceed to massage the lacrimal canal in newborns:

  1. We put the index finger (this is important!) on the inner corner of the baby's eye so that its small pillow looks at the bridge of the nose.
  2. Lightly press on this point. The pressure should be gentle (remember: the baby has vulnerable cartilage in the sinuses), but sufficient to help break through the film.
  3. Without ceasing to press, move your finger down along the spout. The movement resembles a push: sharp and confident. Having reached the bottom, reduce the pressure and return to the starting position to the inner corner.
  4. Jerky continuous movements in total should be from 5 to 10. During the procedure, pus or tears may be released from the eye, which is a good sign. The released pus is removed by washing and the massage is completed.
  5. The last stage is the instillation of drops into a clean developed eye.

Attention! Do not use drops that can crystallize for treatment. This further prevents the tear fluid from flowing normally. Crystallizes, for example, a 20% solution of sodium sulfacyl (popularly - albucid).

The child may resist and cry during the massage. No matter how cruel it sounds, but crying in this case is very handy, because the baby is tense, and during stress it is much easier to break through the cork.


If the finger vibration massage did not give the expected result in two weeks, a procedure called probing, or bougienage, is prescribed. Although it is classified as a surgical procedure, there is no need to worry too much. It is simple, takes place in most cases under local anesthesia and lasts no more than 10 minutes. What does she represent?

All manipulations are carried out in the office of an ophthalmologist who has the proper qualifications and experience. Before the operation, an ENT doctor is additionally consulted to exclude nasal pathologies, such as a congenital curvature of the nasal septum. The child's blood is checked for clotting.

Sometimes probing is the only sure way to help a child

Local anesthetic drops are instilled into children's eyes, most often 0.5% Alkain. It reliably anesthetizes almost immediately and acts for 15 minutes. There is enough time for all manipulations. Initially, with the help of Sichel probes, the lacrimal ducts are expanded. Then use the Bowman probe (reminiscent of a thin metal wire). They break through the film and clean the channel. Washing is carried out with saline and disinfectants. With the help of the West test, it is determined whether the channel has opened well.

To prevent re-narrowing (this may happen), a weekly prophylactic tear duct massage and antibacterial drops are prescribed.

Note to parents. During the operation, the baby may cry. Do not think, he is not crying from severe unbearable pain. It's just that no one is pleased when his eyes are "poked", and even in the bright light of surgical lamps. Of course, everyone has a different threshold of sensitivity, and echoes of pain may be present, but they are tolerable. As soon as the basic manipulations are over, the child will calm down.

If an obstruction of the tear ducts is diagnosed and doctors strongly recommend that you do a bougienage, do not delay the decision for a long time. The operation is most effective in children under the age of three months, because over time, the clogging film coarsens. By 6 months, breaking it is much more difficult.


There are no specific methods of prevention. Pathology is most often congenital, so it either exists or it does not. It is recommended to treat sinusitis and conjunctivitis in a timely manner, monitor personal hygiene, and do not rub your eyes with dirty hands. In case of eye diseases, avoid exposure to wind, cold or direct sunlight.

Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the nasolacrimal duct. Obstruction of the lacrimal canal in newborns is the direct cause of dacryocystitis. The disease is curable and responds well enough to conservative therapy. Severe obstruction of the nasolacrimal ducts in infants is a reason for surgical treatment.

Causes of dacryocystitis

Dacryocystitis in newborns is always congenital. The cause of this pathology is the blockage of the nasolacrimal canal by a thin membrane. Normally, the membrane is preserved throughout the fetal development of the fetus and breaks through with the first breath of the baby. In 5% of children, the membrane is preserved after birth, which leads to the formation of obstruction of the lacrimal canal.
Risk factors for developing dacryocystitis:

  • congenital narrowness of the nasal passages;
  • anomalies in the development of the nasal passages and turbinates;
  • incorrect laying of the teeth of the upper jaw;
  • facial trauma during childbirth.

Whatever the cause of the development of dacryocystitis, the result is the same. The nasolacrimal canal is impassable, and a tear begins to accumulate in the inner corner of the eye. Stagnation of tears creates optimal conditions for the development of bacteria. Inflammation occurs, leading to the appearance of all the main symptoms of the disease.

With obstruction of the nasolacrimal canal and formed dacryocystitis, there are the following symptoms:

  • standing tears in the inner corner of the eye;
  • lacrimation;
  • redness of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • discharge of pus when pressing on the lacrimal sac in the corner of the eye.

Eye involvement can be unilateral or bilateral. In the latter case, the obstruction of the lacrimal canal is often confused with the usual conjunctivitis. The doctor will be able to distinguish one disease from another during a personal meeting with the patient.

Consult an ophthalmologist when the first symptoms of dacryocystitis appear!

With uncomplicated dacryocystitis, the general condition of the child is not disturbed. Stagnation of tears does not prevent the baby from contacting the outside world and does not cause much concern. The child sleeps well, eats and develops according to age.


With a long course, obstruction of the nasolacrimal canal can lead to the development of complications:

  • phlegmon of the lacrimal sac;
  • purulent ulcer of the cornea;
  • brain infection.

Phlegmon of the lacrimal sac is manifested by severe edema in the region of the inner corner of the eye. The lower eyelid turns red and swells, the baby becomes restless, often cries, refuses to eat. Possible increase in body temperature.

Phlegmon sooner or later inevitably opens up, and pus comes out. This condition is quite favorable, because in this case, the entire contents of the phlegmon will be outside the eye. It is much worse if the phlegmon opens up inside, and the pus enters the orbit and the cranial cavity. This complication is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.

Treatment tactics

With dacryocystitis in an infant, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. If the baby's nasolacrimal canal is clogged, the child needs the help of an ophthalmologist. The sooner the diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the more chances the baby has to avoid the development of complications.

Conservative therapy

Massage of the lacrimal canal in newborns is the basis of conservative treatment for dacryocystitis. Massage is carried out every 2-3 hours with cleanly washed hands.

During the procedure, you need to follow some rules.

  1. Lay the child on their back or on their side and fix their head.
  2. Press your little finger on the lacrimal sac.
  3. Make several massaging movements at the inner corner of the eye. Imagine that you are drawing a comma - and move from the corner of the eye towards the nose. Press firmly but gently on the lacrimal sac to avoid damaging the baby's delicate skin.
  4. Repeat the procedure at least 5 times.

Massage is considered effective if after the procedure a few drops of pus are released from the baby's eyes. The discharge that appears should be carefully collected with a cotton pad soaked in a solution of furacilin or boiled water.

Along with the massage, antibacterial drugs are prescribed in the form of drops. The medicine is instilled into the eye immediately after the lacrimal sac is massaged. The duration of treatment is at least 2 weeks.

What can not be done with dacryocystitis?

  • Instill breast milk in the eyes.
  • Rinse your baby's eyes with tea.
  • Use antibiotics without a doctor's prescription.

Any of these actions can lead to additional infection and worsen the child's condition.

How can you help the baby? Rinse the eyes with a solution of furacilin, remove the crusts after sleep and make sure that the child's eyelashes do not stick together from pus. Careful care of the area around the eyes will help to avoid secondary infection and the development of complications.


Probing of the lacrimal canal in newborns is carried out if conservative therapy has been ineffective. Within 2 weeks, parents are encouraged to massage the child regularly. If during this time the condition of the baby has not improved, the nasolacrimal canal is washed.

Probing is performed under local anesthesia. During the procedure, the doctor inserts a thin probe into the nasolacrimal canal and breaks through the membrane. Next, an antiseptic solution is introduced into the lumen of the canal. After the procedure, antibacterial drops and a lacrimal sac massage already known to parents are prescribed.

Washing of the lacrimal canal is carried out at the age of 2-6 months. In some cases, more than one procedure may be required before the problem is completely fixed. In the interval between soundings, massage and instillation of antibacterial solutions continue.

After the baby reaches six months, the membrane film overgrows, and probing becomes ineffective. In such a situation, a full operation under general anesthesia may be required. With anomalies in the development of the nasolacrimal canal, surgical intervention is performed at the age of 5-6 years.

Washing the lacrimal ducts is an ophthalmic diagnostic manipulation, the purpose of which is to introduce fluid into them under moderate pressure.

This method allows you to check the patency of the lacrimal ducts. Often, the procedure is also of a therapeutic nature, when various medicinal substances are introduced into the tubules: antibiotics that destroy pathogenic flora, antiseptics (boric acid or furatsilin), the purpose of which is to prevent bacterial infection, glucocorticosteroids or proteolytic enzymes that improve tubular patency.

Usually, washing is combined with lacrimal duct probing, and the combination of these two techniques allows achieving better results in the treatment of many diseases of the tear-producing, as well as tear-extracting systems.

The procedure is performed only by an ophthalmologist with the necessary skills. Attempts to independently carry out this manipulation are fraught with damage to the eye or periocular structures.

Preparation for the procedure

As a preparatory moment, a certain dose of local drip anesthetic is introduced into the conjunctival cavity. If washing is prescribed for medicinal purposes, as a rule, an anesthetic is dispensed with. Washing is carried out with a 0.02% solution of furacilin or physiological sodium chloride solution. Infusions are performed using a 5 ml syringe with a metal cannula attached.


The patient is seated on a chair or couch and asked to lean forward slightly. The doctor carefully inserts a metal cannula attached to the syringe into the tubule through the lacrimal opening. The cannula is inserted to its full possible length, and then pulled back a few millimeters, not allowing it to rest against the canal wall. I pull the eyelid of the corresponding eye outward and lightly pressing the syringe plunger, observe the dynamics of the passage of the liquid. The same procedure is performed for the other eye.

The treatment procedure is carried out completely similarly to the diagnostic procedure, with the only difference being that special prescribed solutions are used for washing.

Interpretation of results

Normal patency of the lacrimal ducts is stated when, even with a slight pressure on the syringe plunger, the injected liquid is easily poured out of the nose.

If there is a reverse flow of fluid from the opening of the lacrimal canal, the eye being washed, stenosis of its internal section is diagnosed.
If, with the introduction of fluid, its instantaneous outflow from the paired lacrimal punctum is observed, they speak of an fusion of the orifices of the lacrimal canaliculi or a narrowing of the lumen of the nasolacrimal duct.

If the fluid from the paired lacrimal opening begins to flow out after a few seconds, or when the syringe plunger is pressed with some force, we are talking about stenosis of the nasolacrimal duct. In the escaping fluid for washing, blood or pus impurities may be detected.

If liquid appears from the nose with increased pressure on the piston, incomplete fusion (stenosis) of the nasolacrimal duct is diagnosed.


For diagnostic purposes, the procedure for washing the lacrimal tubules is carried out if the patient complains of tearing or lacrimation.

For therapeutic purposes, washing is carried out with the following pathologies:

  • Congenital dacryocystitis or dacryocystitis of newborns (in the absence of the effect of lacrimal duct massage);
  • Stenosis of the lacrimal ducts;
  • Inflammation of the tear ducts (canaliculitis). With this disease, washing is performed after the tubules are cleaned of purulent secretions.
  • Stenosis of the nasolacrimal duct of mild degree;
  • Corneal ulcer (for the rehabilitation of the focus of infection).


  • Hydrops (dropsy) or phlegmon of the lacrimal sac.


Compliance with the execution technique, taking into account possible contraindications, guarantees the absence of any complications of this manipulation.

If the technique of the diagnostic procedure is violated, an erroneous interpretation of the results may occur, for example, if the cannula rests against the canal wall.

Washing of the lacrimal canals for therapeutic purposes in neonatal dacryocystitis can be started from 1 or 2 months of life in the absence of the effect of lacrimal sac massage. Treatment is continued for 1-2 weeks with a frequency of once every 1-2 days.

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Washing the tear ducts helps eliminate the problem of their obstruction (dacryocystitis), which leads to a violation of the outflow of tear fluid. It is necessary to perform this procedure in order to prevent the development of infectious eye diseases.

Dacryocystitis occurs in both children and adults. In this article, we will look at when flushing is performed, as well as the features of its implementation in adults and infants.

The procedure we are considering is carried out for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.


Washing the lacrimal canal is performed to check the patency of the lacrimal ducts. An ophthalmologist in the process of observation can diagnose some diseases:

  • When the injected fluid is released from another lacrimal opening slowly, then we can talk about the presence of stenosis of the nasolacrimal canal. This diagnosis can also be made when the solution flows out after a certain time with traces of blood.
  • The release of the solution from the same lacrimal opening where it was injected indicates stenosis of the inner part of the tubule.
  • If the solution flows out of the nose (but this requires special efforts and strong pressure on the piston), then this indicates the presence of an infection of the nasolacrimal duct.
  • When the fluid exits through the nose (while the specialist does not exert strong pressure on the piston), then everything is in order with the patency of the paths.


The procedure is also carried out for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Obstruction of the lacrimal canal in newborns or congenital.
  • Inflammatory process in the tear ducts (canaliculitis). Only pre-cleansing from secretions is carried out.
  • Stenosis of the nasolacrimal canal is a violation of the structure of the lacrimal canal that occurs during chronic inflammatory processes.
  • Narrowing of the tear ducts.
  • Corneal ulcer.

For therapeutic purposes, the channels are washed with antibiotics, antiseptics, and other substances that improve their patency.


Before carrying out the procedure, it must be borne in mind that there are contraindications for its implementation:

  • phlegmon of the lacrimal sac (purulent inflammatory process);
  • hydrops (dropsy) of the lacrimal sac (is its stretching).

If all contraindications were taken into account, then, as a rule, negative consequences and complications do not arise.

Flushing in children

Usually, a newborn has a gelatinous film that blocks the nasolacrimal ducts. This film dissolves with tears during the first 15 days after birth. But often the natural dissolution of the film does not occur, and then medical intervention is required.

  • Washing in infants is performed no earlier than two months after birth.
  • First, painkillers are used. To perform such a procedure, entire sets of devices are required. Subsequently, a probe is inserted into the tubule, which acts as a dilator. Then another probe (with pointed ends) punctures the gelatinous film.
  • To prevent the possibility of infection, the tear ducts are flushed with a disinfectant. It is also recommended to instill drops in the eyes for several days.
  • To avoid the recurrence of blockage, parents are advised to perform for the child (the course of massage is two weeks).

Flushing in adults

Adult patients are given a special solution. The doctor uses a lacrimal lavage kit, which includes:

  • extension probe;
  • a syringe at the end of which the needles are blunt for washing the lacrimal canal;
  • a hollow tube (cannula) is sometimes used instead of a syringe.

To get rid of the obstruction of the lacrimal ducts, adults need to perform several washes. When the cause of obstruction is the formed dense film, then the problem can be solved only by performing an operation.

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