An actor with a hump nose. Models with imperfect appearance: there are spots in the sun. celebrities with long noses

Text: Alena Yakubova

Women tend to find flaws in themselves. But if some take them too seriously and overgrow with a mass of complexes, others manage to turn minor flaws into virtues. Here are 10 inspiring examples: women who didn’t stop their flaws in appearance from conquering the world.

Flaw: wide bridge of the nose and far apart eyes.

One of the most highly paid and successful models in the world, our beauty and pride, Natalia Vodianova, has by no means imperfect appearance. At the beginning of her career, Natalia had to endure rejections: it seemed to many designers that because of the far-spaced eyes and too wide bridge of the nose, Vodianova would not work well in photographs. The career of the Russian "Cinderella" and our faith in fairy tales was saved by Calvin Klein. Working as the “face” of the Calvin Klein brand brought Vodianova real success and destroyed all suspicions of her non-photogenicity.

Flaw: mole above the lip.

A "branded" mole in the corner of her mouth nearly cost Cindy Crawford her career. On the early photos this juicy detail was retouched. By the way, there is no mole in the first picture of Cindy for Vogue magazine. Fearing that the ward would not be able to break into the catwalks, representatives of the modeling agency gave Crawford an ultimatum: they need to get rid of the mole so that they do not have to get rid of Cindy. As we all know, she refused the operation. And she did the right thing - the mole became her hallmark and brought a lot of dividends.

Flaw: excessive thinness and small growth.

This is now Kate Moss - a living legend of fashion, and at the beginning of her career, she lacked stars from the sky. At that time, femininity reigned on the catwalks and too thin Kate often left auditions with nothing. In addition, with her height of 169 cm by model standards, Moss was short. However, she had something else: charisma. When young model Kate Moss was introduced to designer Calvin Klein, he wanted to sign her immediately. Later, he admitted that he was struck by her inimitable naturalness and "the look of a she-wolf." Since then, Kate has been the “face and body” of many brands, has been featured on the covers of absolutely all influential glossy publications, and even now, moving into the “over 30” category, she remains one of the most sought-after models in the world.

Flaw: absence of a navel.

This stately beauty from the Czech Republic is the owner of many flattering titles. She repeatedly admitted "The most sexy woman in the world" and "Model of the Year". And it hardly occurred to anyone that the model has a noticeable flaw in appearance - she has no navel. For a long time it was possible to hide it: Carolina rarely appeared on the podium with open belly and the photos were carefully retouched. But once the journalists got photos of the model, which the hand of the designer did not touch. No, she's not an alien visitor. The absence of a navel is a consequence of a hernia suffered in childhood. The end of this story is good: Carolina's career has not slowed down, and designers no longer have to diligently paint on models of the navel in Photoshop.

Flaw: big nose.

It's hard to believe, but at the beginning of Giselle's career, she was sometimes denied work because of a too large nose, which, according to some fashion professionals, makes the model's face rough. Fortunately, the Brazilian did not follow their lead. In the end, her virtues clearly outweigh: the beauty has the perfect 90-60-89 with a height of 180 cm. Now Giselle is the richest model in the world, and her non-standard nose no longer seems to be a disadvantage.

Flaw: excess weight.

Mia is the daughter of Aerosmith lead singer Stephen Tyler. Sensual lips were transferred to her from her father, but with her physique she obviously went to someone else: the girl had problems with overweight. She did not even think about a modeling career, but only until she heard that up to $ 5,000 could be received for participating in the show. Mia was trying to get closer to the model parameters, but the kilograms did not want to melt. Then the girl decided that there was no point in torturing herself, and moved in a size plus model. Today she weighs 95 kg with a height of 173 cm and is perhaps the most successful clothing model for obese women. Mia is convinced that beauty comes from within and encourages women to be themselves. Words back up with deeds: she launched a clothing line for women with uniforms.

Flaw: albinism.

This green-eyed blonde is called a real discovery. What is special about her? Diandra Forrest is African American. Albinism among blacks is a very rare phenomenon and such people have a hard time. Since their skin is not protected by melanin, they have to avoid the sun. And what can we say about the attacks of others ... Diandra also had a hard time, especially since she grew up in the Bronx - in one of the most dangerous areas of New York. Everything changed overnight when a scout of a modeling agency saw her on the street. Now Diandra is in great demand and she is tipped to have a grandiose modeling career.

Flaw: gap between teeth.

Experts say that Lara Stone has every chance to become a legend over time. An artistic model with a memorable appearance is confidently moving towards this goal: recently, for example, she replaced Madonna as the “face” of the Louis Vuitton fashion house. But luck did not smile at her immediately: Lara was noticed only after 7 years of hard work and failures at castings. One of the reasons for the failures was a noticeable gap between the teeth. Now it's in the past: Forbes magazine named Stone the highest paid model of 2009, she is praised and called "the second Bridget Bordeaux." A gap, along with a sensual gait, is considered her main "highlight".

Flaw:"non-model" forms and growth.

“When I first started working, everyone tried to remake me: either I seemed too fat, or too short, or they wanted to fix my teeth ... I am very proud that despite all this I remained myself,” Letizia Casta admits. Proud and native to the model of France: Letizia was elected the new "Marianne", a symbol of the country. Now statues of the model have appeared in all cities. In comparison with this highest recognition, all other titles, such as "the most beautiful" and "the sexiest", of which Casta has many, seem like a mere trifle.

Flaw: scar on the shoulder.

When Padme was 14 years old, she was in a car accident, which left a large scar on her shoulder. Despite this, Lakshmi managed to make a successful career as an actress and model: she became the first Indian on the catwalks of Paris, Milan and New York, represented the brands Emanuel Ungaro, Ralph Laurent and Alberta Feretti. Padma is not shy about her scar and always insists that her photos are not retouched. “I love my scars. They are my story. They do not let me forget that I am very strong and can survive any pain, ”says the model.

To Rasta - everywhere: eyes, lips, facial features, figure .... But with the nose - problems: the size did not come out.

However, famous models are in no hurry to worry about this, as plastic surgery brings their beauty back to life. All large quantity clinics plastic surgery open in every city. And not only in big cities, but also in much smaller towns. Surgery (plastic) costs fabulous money. And it is not known whether this is fortunately or, unfortunately, since, for sure, most people would actively use the services plastic surgeons, if only this procedure was available to the pocket of "every mortal". And how many extreme sportsmen and “players” would “divorce” life…. It's scary to even imagine. Yes, no one will imagine it: why “clog” your imagination with things that are not profitable to think about or know about?

Beautiful girls with big nose. And can noses, which are disastrously unlucky with their size, have a “non-deceptive” attractiveness? This question, of course, often flashes in the minds of "unlucky" with long noses. Although, according to many wise women, attention from the nose can be diverted by other outstanding details of appearance, for example.

Yes, big noses can be beautiful, but most often models try to get rid of such beauty. Now we will tell you about those famous models who were sincerely unhappy appearance of his nose, but corrected the situation with the help of rhinoplasty procedures. Not so - they just had to during it and before it, since there is no unequivocal opinion about whether it is safe or not. Someone hides the truth in order to make a profit, someone believes in "miracles" and does not want to be disappointed in them .... Envious people, of course, advise taking a risky step in order not to lose even a drop of beauty.

And the nose does not ask if it is ready for such tests, and whether it really needs it. Or maybe he's just fine? Maybe he is proud of his individual and unique parameters? If noses could speak, they would take revenge on us verbally and would say everything they think about us.

Famous models with a big nose (photo).

It's hard to be a model. And even harder - well-known models. It is necessary to comply with absolutely all the standards and parameters of Her Majesty Beauty. Oh, how difficult it is. Maybe celebrities would not be fond of any plasticity, but where without it, if you need to be perfect? It’s not for nothing that models are called “puppets of secular life”: walk right, stand right, eat right…. And then there are these "plastic things".

Gisele Caroline Bundchen, which is considered one of the princesses of the modeling business. She is not only a stunning beauty, but also a pleasant, interesting conversationalist. This is how friends and acquaintances speak about her. As well as those who had a chance to talk to her. She remembered about rhinoplasty when she decided to change, at least a little, her nose, since it is very for a long time seemed really big.

Halle Berry(actress and model) changed her nose, as he, visually, spoiled her facial features (as she believes). Her nose seemed somehow big, but this did not suit her in any way.

Linda Evangelista- one of the most beautiful people peace. She did rhinoplasty not only because she was not satisfied with her nose, but also for the reason that she wanted to become even more beautiful. Linda's dream came true: new nose Hic "gave" a non-standard charm to her image.

Alyssia Duvall, the former English model, also, at one time, did not differ in “nasal” attractiveness. So she thought that it would be great to “ask for help” from rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty did its job, but everything did not go as well as expected and desired. However, Alyssia is unlikely to agree to another rhinoplasty.

And here, for example, Kim Bassinger, who, as you know, was a fashion model, decided to "play" with rhinoplasty to see if this procedure can work real miracles. Her nose was not huge, it was only slightly noticeable that its size was larger than average. But there is no limit to female curiosity. The curiosity of this woman won, by a score of one - zero. And plastic surgeons, in turn, had to work hard.

If, purely because of the shooting, you need to “hide” the large size of your nose, then you can safely turn to the camera and shoot the model in front or “forehead”. Then the nose will not be evident.

I strep nose Whoopi Golberg, of course, did not disfigure her, but she had to change it literally beyond recognition, at the request of plastic surgeons and stylists who saw her "new" with a modified nose.

In one of his interviews, Whoopi Golberg frankly admitted that in early childhood, she was teased in every possible way because of her nose, they came up with more and more nicknames and nicknames for her, laughed at her. She was very offended, she was very hurt. Years later, she got used to the reaction of classmates to her nose and stopped getting upset about this, because, despite the size of her nose, she had a lot of fans. Naturally, this fact gave her self-confidence, and she ceased to feel somehow flawed. Men noticed in her a person, spiritual qualities, the beauty of other parts of the body, and this, so to speak, “compensated for Whoopi’s “long nose”. By the way, she didn’t play the role of someone on purpose in order to lure a man, “forcing” him not to look at her nose. This woman in itself radiated "tons" of charm. Well, what man can resist her?

The celebrity recalls a very comical case when she tried to reduce her nose with a cream that removes and smoothes wrinkles on her face. Yes, what can you think of in order to achieve the desired goal. Experiments with creams and ointments are much safer than any elements of rhinoplasty.

Did you also get "gotten" for the same reason? remember school years with a smile no matter what. Your nose is one of a kind. There is no other like it. Any nose "knows how" to be beautiful if cared for properly. He does not like blackheads, pimples and dryness. Save your nose from such troubles, and he will not remain in debt. Love your nose the way it was given to you from birth.

It turns out that many people have complexes because of the shape of the nose. It seems to some that it is too long, to others that it is wide or crooked. Sometimes things go so far that a person does not develop a personal life, as he closes on the shortcomings of his appearance. This is especially true for women, in such cases they sometimes resort to plastic surgery. However, do not rush. Below we will tell you what a hooked nose means for a girl, whether this can affect her character.

Nationality is a determining factor

Everyone knows that you can determine the origin of a person only by looking at him. It is not difficult to do this outward signs. Facial features, skin color, eye shape and hair structure indicate nationality. In addition, the shape of the nose can tell a lot. For example, Africans have wide nostrils, while Tatars have a neat, narrow nose.

A hump or a slight elevation is also characteristic of certain nationalities. It can be:

  1. Azerbaijanis;
  2. Armenians;
  3. Abkhazians;
  4. Ossetians;
  5. Jews;
  6. Arabs.

Many ethnic groups are known to have hook-nosedness. In our country, these are mainly residents of the Caucasus, in Europe - Serbs, Croats or Hungarians.

The foregoing suggests that if a person has this "zest" - he is a representative of a certain nationality. You may not know your roots, but you can't argue with genetics. Scientists have long proved that heredity plays a role here, if not trauma, of course. And even among Russians there are many such people. Where, it would seem? It's simple, as they say "scratch a Russian, you will find a Tatar."

What does a hump nose say?

It is believed that the forms of some parts of the body speak of the essence of man. You can look at him and say who is in front of you. The nose is no exception.

If you want to learn how to determine the character of a person by external data, or if you yourself are the bearer of a spicy "knoll", pay attention to where it is located and what shape it is. They are pronounced, sloping, high and low.

It also matters whether you are a man or a woman. Now we will talk about girls. So if it's:

  • A small hump that resembles a parrot's beak - its owner is a creative person. She will succeed only when she hits her own pace. At the same time, the family will always be in the background, if it appears, it will be too late;
  • The owner of a sloping mound, small in size - a person subject to someone else's influence. It all depends on who will bring up this girl and with whom she will go further side by side. She is not sentimental, but best friend one for life;
  • Long hooked nose - in front of you big child. She will remain vulnerable until old age, strongly attached to loved ones.

Of course, it is clear that everything is relative and not everyone can apply these characteristics. But the fact that the character of a person and the features of his face are connected- known for a long time. At strong in spirit and powerful people they are pronounced and pointed, in kind and soft people they are smooth.

How to get rid of the disadvantage?

If you don't like your profile, you can make it more attractive. And it is not necessary to resort to the help of surgeons. First, try to cope on your own. Massage and make-up will help you:

  • One has only to use the appropriate tones of the pood. Apply more to the wings light colors, and everything above, cover with dark ones. The attention of others can also be distracted by bright lipstick or expressively designed eyes;
  • In addition, there is special massage. It includes several simple tricks, they help to smooth out the "mound". Heat a clean handkerchief with an iron and place it on the bridge of your nose. After that, press hard for 30 seconds with your finger on the hump. Do 3-6 sets every day. The cartilage that is there is very plastic and will change shape over time. Just don't overdo it shouldn't hurt.

These methods are not always effective the only way- operation. But think, is it really that bad? Perhaps it your idiosyncrasy and you don't need to fix it.

famous humpbacked people

Do you know how many stars would not have become so popular if they did not have such an extravagant nose shape. Having the opportunity to perform any operation, they retained their individuality and today are recognizable largely thanks to it:

  • Julia Roberts;
  • Uma Thurman;
  • Sophia Loren;
  • Barbara Streisand;
  • Sarah Jessica Parker.

These people have turned a disadvantage into a virtue. Therefore, do not rush to go under the knife, especially since this process is quite painful and not healthy.

How to choose a hairstyle?

This is another way to compensate for the disadvantage - to choose the right hairstyle. I would like to point out right away that short haircut won't fit. It is desirable to grow hair at least to the shoulders.

The best options would be:

  • Haircut cascade". Thanks to different lengths strands, the contours of the face with it acquire asymmetry and distract attention. Against this background, the eyes and lips become clearly defined;
  • Long curls. Just give them extra volume, for example, wind them up. A chic hairstyle often helps a girl who has small imperfections on her face;
  • A braid and a high tail are also your option. The main thing is to release a couple of strands in front, they will visually soften the image;
  • And do not cut your bangs short so that they fall on your forehead.

Also, pay attention to the eyebrows. If they are light, it is better to paint in dark colors. Plucking them into a thin "thread" is not necessary. They should be normal width with a soft curve.

Hump ​​nose in men

The strong half is less worried about this, and more often even proud. For some reason, it so happened that in men this is not a disadvantage. Their hump speaks of noble qualities:

  • Courage;
  • Volitional character;
  • Purposefulness.

Among other things, many women claim that they are always very sexy. Men with a curved nose are capable of passionate, unforgettable sex. And the guys themselves are sure that this is one of the indicators of masculinity. In their opinion, the direct form speaks of a subtle temperament, when rough lines, on the contrary, give severity and brutality, and therefore inspire respect.

Everyone has flaws, no one is perfect. What matters is not what we are on the outside, but what we are on the inside. Then the girl's hooked nose will not be noticeable, and other little things will not be important. People are always more interested moral qualities person.

nose hump video

In this video, Diana Shagaeva will tell you if the hump on her nose prevents her from living, can this be considered a highlight in her appearance:

12:30 30.06.2016

As children, we consider beauty to be synonymous with success in life. But over time, we realize that we were wrong. Do not be born beautiful, but be born lucky - this is the motto of the new time. Our next heroes confirm this by their example.

Beauty is no longer the main thing even in glamorous show business. Gone are the days of dazzling blondes with long legs and men with perfect chin. Now the zest is appreciated - who has what it is. And the more interesting this “zest” story is, the more we empathize with the celebrity, and the closer it seems to us.

Actor Owen Wilson's signature feature is his crooked nose, which seems to have come from outer space and found nothing better than to park on perfect face handsome blonde. Alas, this nose has a completely earthly and ordinary story: it was broken - and not once, but twice. The actor could have corrected this flaw long ago - but he is afraid that he will lose his "I". There are many beauties - and Wilson is one of them.

Barbara Streisand

The legendary singer and actress Barbara Streisand played in the 1968 film "Funny Girl" - almost the story of her life. In her youth, she really was funny: an irregularly shaped face and a long hooked nose. But very charming and talented. Having achieved success and received the first big fees, Barbara completely refused to correct her nose (although the producers insisted) - because she believed that he brought her good luck.

Sylvester Stallone is an amazing actor. He was unlucky from childhood, but then he recouped his fate in multiple sizes. Sly was injured during childbirth facial nerve. Because of this, he was left partially paralyzed. underlip and half of the tongue. So the cynical crooked grin of this thug is not some kind of tribute to fashion, but the natural expression of his face. Which, coupled with a sad look (also a born feature) has a deadly effect on tender women's hearts.

Peter Falk and Sammy Davis Jr.

Few mortals have managed to become a screen star, having such a disadvantage as Peter Falk. At the age of three, he had his right eye removed, which struck cancer. For the rest of his life, Peter used a glass or plastic eye. This tragedy did not make him give up: he was actively involved in sports and even decided to try his hand at the stage - and very successfully. The actor has more than 160 films to his credit, among which the role of the incomparable Lieutenant Colombo from the series of the same name stands out. Peter Falk had a good sense of humor: when he wanted to make someone laugh or shock, he simply pulled out his prosthesis and put it in front of the interlocutor.

The famous American pop singer, actor and singer Sammy Davis Jr. also had a glass eye. At the age of 29 - at the peak of his career - a man got into a car accident and lost his left eye. He lived a long and successful life, continuing to perform, film and record. And he died of throat cancer at the age of 64 - he refused the operation, because after it he could not sing ...

Well, if we are talking about the eyes, let's remember celebrities with the most unusual organs of vision. What unites David Bowie and actress Kate Bosworth? That's right - eyes different color. True, each of their artists received this feature in different ways. Bowie - due to an injury to his left eye at the age of 15, which caused the pupil to dilate and change the iris: he became brown, and the second remained blue.

As for Kate Bosworth, those multicolored eyes of hers - congenital feature. It is scientifically called "congenital sectoral heterochromia": the left eye is blue, and the right is half brown. A number of other famous actors can boast of a similar genetic "zest": Mila Kunis, Jane Seymour, Demi Moore and Dan Aykroyd.

The gap between the teeth has long been considered a sign of the lower class. And at the same time brought good luck to its owner. These stereotypes began to be actively broken in Hollywood in the 50s and 60s: remember Lauren Hutton and Brigitte Bardot. In the 80s, the outrageous Madonna intercepted their baton. And now such a flaw is no longer surprising, but on the contrary, it is considered a piquant detail of appearance. Take a look at the French style icon Vanessa Paradis!

Scars adorn men - and certainly these ones. Scottish actor Tommy Flanagan plays tough guys and scumbags, which dictates his unusual appearance: the actor has deep scars on both cheeks. He received them in his youth, when during a fight he was hit in the face with a broken bottle. These scars did not prevent Flanagan from becoming an actor, and even made him more recognizable. He starred in such films as "Braveheart", "Saint", Gladiator, "Sin City", "Alien vs. Predator", "Sons of Anarchy", etc.

But the British soul singer Seal got his characteristic masculine appearance "thanks" to lupus, which he had had in early childhood. Since then, the musician had deep scars on his face. This not only does not spoil his appearance, but also adds popularity to the singer.

Scars on the face varying degrees Harrison Ford, Joaquin Phoenix and Sharon Stone have visibility - and what, have you ever paid attention to them? ..

The leader of the Radiohead group and a popular American actor, the star of films such as "Platoon", " Good morning, Vietnam" and "Bird" by Forest Whitaker, combines a congenital eyelid defect - the so-called "lazy eye". Scientifically, this is called amblyopia: atrophy of the muscle of the eyelid.

This feature did not prevent Forest Whitaker from winning an Oscar for Best Actor in The Last King of Scotland, as well as acting in hundreds of films as an actor, making several films as a director. And Thom Yorke is to become one of the most respected and beloved by the public musicians of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Jamel Debbouze is one of the most beloved French comedians of the new generation. Everyone loves it - adults and children. Meanwhile, this most charming hero has a serious handicap. At the age of 14, Jamel was hit by a subway train, as a result of which he injured his hand. Since then, the limb has ceased to develop and the actor cannot use it. That's why he hides it all the time in his pocket. This physical handicap did not prevent him from gaining worldwide fame and becoming the star of films such as Angel-A, Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra, Amelie, etc.

Sarah Jessica Parker and more

Well, at the end of the general herd we will launch celebrities with crooked legs. This is such a common feature of the figure in our time that no one pays attention to it. This is what Sarah Jessica Parker, Christina Aguilera, Katie Holmes, Paris Hilton, Leighton Meester, etc. use. And no one refuses mini-skirts! ..

Among all plastic surgeries, rhinoplasty is ranked first among the stars. Finding a celebrity whose nose has been worked on by a skilled surgeon is much easier than a star with her real nose. We have collected "before" and "after" photos of 15 celebrities who definitely benefited from rhinoplasty.

Many stars have made successful plastic surgery, and rhinoplasty among them in the first place. Apparently, it is the nose, too long or too wide, that prevents many girls from feeling beautiful, and celebrities are no exception in this sense.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie's appearance was almost perfect, if not for the nose, which seemed too massive to the star ... As a result, Angie underwent rhinoplasty, the operation was successful - the bridge of the nose became much more elegant and thin.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston was also not happy with her large nose. At the beginning of her career, Jen decided on a rhinoplasty and significantly reduced the size of her nose.

Blake Lively

Blake Lively's nose really spoiled her appearance, and at the very beginning creative way the actress solved this problem by making herself a small elegant nose.

Ksenia Sobchak

The big nose of Ksenia Sobchak was once an occasion for ridicule from ill-wishers. Ksenia, obviously, had a complex because of this and eventually decided on rhinoplasty. It is worth noting that the surgeon worked in good faith - the new nose of the TV presenter is simply in great shape.

Ashlee Simpson

Ashlee Simpson in the past had just a huge nose that did not harmonize with the features of her face. Fortunately, there was a skilled surgeon who corrected the nose of the star in such a way that many do not even suspect about it.

Christina Orbakaite

Once upon a time, Christina Orbakaite had a very long nose, which the singer eventually decided to shorten a little. Please note that the star did not make the “pimpochka” familiar to everyone - she left former form slightly pointed nose, which now looks beautiful and natural.


And Beyoncé not only whitened her skin, reminiscent of her African origin, but also reduced the nose, which, according to Queen B, was too wide.

Scarlett Johansson

In her youth, Scarlett Johansson was not the most attractive nose, reminiscent of Piglet. But rhinoplasty changed everything for the better!

Keti Topuria

Keti Topuria was also not too happy with her large nose. It is worth noting that rhinoplasty has transformed the singer - her face has become more feminine and sophisticated.

Megan Fox

On Megan Fox, in general, “there is no living place” - the actress has changed absolutely everything in herself, and this is her secret of success. The changes, by the way, also affected the nose - Megan corrected its tip and made it a little thinner.

Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley also did rhinoplasty, getting rid of a small bump in her nose. She was barely noticeable, but the actress was worried about this and decided to have an operation.

Kim Kardashian

Recall that Kim's pursuit of perfection began precisely with a nose job, which once reminded of Armenian origin stars. Now Kardashian has the same nose, "like everyone else" - well, in vain!

Lady Gaga

Rhinoplasty did not bypass Lady Gaga, whose nose also seemed to the star far from perfect. Gaga did not change it drastically, but still slightly reduced it.

Gisele Bundchen

The career of young Gisele Bundchen began once with the advice of an agent to correct her nose. He was not the most sophisticated at Giselle, so the model listened and did not regret it - who knows, she would have become one of the most beautiful women in a world without this operation?

Eva Mendes

In her youth, Eva Mendes was very sweet and ... snub-nosed. The actress corrected this small flaw by correcting the tip of the nose - now it looks just chiseled!

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