Why is chemotherapy prescribed after surgery? Chemotherapy - what is it in oncology? Chemotherapy: reviews, photos, consequences. In the early stages of the development of the disease

Chemotherapy for cancer is a method of treatment that involves the administration of various drugs to the patient.

In addition, after the use of chemotherapy, the patient will experience a number of side effects - hair loss, bleeding, nausea, and others. Side effects appear due to the effect of drugs on healthy cells in the body. Another feature of chemotherapy for cancer is that for complete treatment it is necessary to undergo several courses, since a single administration of drugs will not give the desired effect.

  • Complete or partial destruction of cancer cells.
  • Cancer control - chemotherapy drugs slow down the growth of cancer cells, which allows you to control the process of their spread, and in time to destroy the foci of metastasis.
  • Chemotherapy relieves the painful symptoms of the disease. In the process of treatment, the cancerous tumor decreases in size and volume, which means it ceases to compress neighboring organs and tissues, and does not cause pain.
  • Chemotherapy may be used as the sole treatment for cancer or combined with radiation therapy or surgery.

Does chemotherapy help?

Whether chemotherapy helps with cancer is a topical issue for patients who have been diagnosed with cancer. The effectiveness of chemotherapy depends on the stage of cancer and its localization, the age of the patient and the individual characteristics of his body. Chemotherapy can be used as the sole treatment or combined with surgery and other therapies, greatly increasing the chances of recovery.

Chemotherapy drugs are selected individually for each patient. The choice of drug and the effectiveness of treatment depend on such factors as: the type of cancer, previous treatment, the presence of medical disorders and chronic diseases. The treatment regimen depends on the purpose of the course of treatment. So, chemotherapy can be used to control cancer cells, alleviate the symptoms of the disease, or completely destroy them.

In order for chemotherapy to help cure the disease, drugs are prescribed in courses with interruptions. So, for example, after a weekly course of therapy, the patient is prescribed a month break, and then several more repeated courses are carried out. Breaks are necessary for the body to create new healthy cells and tissues.

To make sure that chemotherapy is helping, the oncologist in charge periodically conducts examinations and takes tests. The patient can determine the effectiveness of the treatment and how he feels. Some patients mistakenly believe that if after a course of treatment severe side symptoms begin, then the treatment is effective. But this is not always the case, since each patient has an individual reaction to drugs. And the effectiveness of treatment can be determined only after several courses of chemotherapy.

Indications for chemotherapy

Indications for chemotherapy depend on the type of cancer and its stage. Treatment is carried out in cycles that alternate with periods of recovery. The course of chemotherapy can last from three months to six months. There are a number of factors that affect the indications for chemotherapy, let's look at them:

  • Features of a cancerous tumor, its size, stage of development, growth rate, degree of differentiation, expression, degree of metastasis and involvement of regional lymph nodes, hormonal status.
  • Individual characteristics of the patient's body, such as: age, localization of a malignant cancer, the presence of chronic diseases, the state of regional lymph nodes and general health.
  • Possible complications and positive effects of chemotherapy. The doctor assesses the risks, complications and the likelihood of treatment effectiveness.

It is from the above factors that the indications for chemotherapy depend. But do not forget that the indications for this type of treatment in each case are different. Thus, a chemotherapy procedure will never be prescribed for patients with non-invasive cancer or in the case where the likelihood of tumor metastasis is very small or absent. In these cases, the patient is given hormone therapy. Chemotherapy is indicated in all cases of lymph node involvement. The size of the tumor does not matter.

The main indications for a course of chemotherapy:

  • Cancer diseases, the remission of which occurs only after a course of chemotherapy (leukemia, hemoblastosis, rhabdomyosarcoma, chorioncarcinosis and others).
  • Prevention of metastasis and adjunct to other cancer therapies.
  • Transferring the tumor to an operable state for more effective treatment, that is, complete removal of the cancer.

Chemotherapy for breast cancer is a method of complex treatment. The task of this method is to slow down the development of malignant cells in the mammary gland. As a rule, cytostatic drugs are used for treatment. Chemotherapy can be used as a standalone treatment or used after or before surgery. Chemotherapy can prevent recurrence of the disease and stop metastasis.

Chemotherapy for lung cancer

Chemotherapy for lung cancer is aimed at the complete destruction of cancer cells. Treatment with anticancer drugs can be used both as monotherapy and as part of a therapeutic anticancer complex. Chemotherapy involves several courses of administration of cytostatics by drip. Chemotherapy drugs are selected individually for each patient. In addition to chemotherapy, patients are prescribed therapy to reduce the side effects of the drugs used.

Chemotherapy for stomach cancer

Chemotherapy for gastric cancer has several directions. Thus, drugs can be used after radical surgery, for postoperative intraperitoneal therapy, before surgery, or as a treatment for disseminated gastric cancer. Chemotherapy is carried out in a hospital, under the supervision of an oncologist. The drugs are administered intravenously and are used in tablet forms. The consequences of chemotherapy are devastating for the whole body, so the rehabilitation period after such treatment can last several years.

Chemotherapy for ovarian cancer

Chemotherapy for ovarian cancer is used to stop metastasis and prevent recurrence of the disease. Chemotherapy can be used before and after radical surgery to slow tumor growth, relieve painful symptoms, and reduce the amount of surgical treatment. Chemotherapy drugs are administered intravenously, taken by mouth, or injected into the abdominal cavity. There are many different drugs and treatment regimens, each with specific benefits and side effects. The oncologist selects the best treatment option for a high chance of a complete recovery of the patient.

Chemotherapy for colorectal cancer

Chemotherapy for rectal cancer takes place in a hospital, under the supervision of an oncologist-chemotherapist. The doctor selects a treatment regimen, determines how many courses of chemotherapy are needed and monitors the patient's condition during treatment. Drugs can be administered intravenously, but most often orally, that is, through the mouth. If chemotherapy is used in the early stages of the disease, this allows you to completely stop the oncological process and prevent its recurrence in the future.

Chemotherapy for stage 4 cancer

Chemotherapy for stage 4 cancer is a way to treat the irreversible uncontrolled process of the spread and growth of tumor cells throughout the body. A properly designed chemotherapy regimen can prolong the life of the patient and significantly improve it. The survival rate of patients after chemotherapy with stage 4 cancer is from 30-70%, and life expectancy is from six months to five years. It all depends on the type of tumor, the presence of concomitant diseases and the degree of damage to vital organs.

A key indicator of the effectiveness of chemotherapy in stage 4 cancer is five-year survival. This concept refers to the patient's survival from the moment of diagnosis - stage 4 cancer. Let's look at the effectiveness of chemotherapy at 4 stages of oncology, with different localizations of cancer.

When chemotherapy is given to stage 4 lung cancer, the five-year survival rate among patients is 10%. In addition to chemotherapy, radiation therapy may be given to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and reduce the size of the tumor. This allows you to significantly reduce the size of the tumor and destroy metastases in vital organs.

Chemotherapy for stage 4 liver cancer is effective for 6% of patients. At this stage, chemotherapy allows you to destroy part of the metastases. But classical chemotherapy is not effective in combating the source of the disease.

This disease during a course of chemotherapy at the last stage has a high favorable prognosis, 15-20%. For treatment, palliative chemotherapy is used, which allows to achieve stabilization of the course of cancer.

  • Pancreas cancer

In stage 4 cancer, chemotherapy is not effective. The five-year survival rate for patients ranges from 2-5%. Chemotherapy is used to alleviate the patient's condition, reduce the size of the tumor, which compresses neighboring organs and tissues, and also to destroy metastases.

For stage 4 bowel cancer, chemotherapy is used only after palliative surgical treatment. Patient survival is about 5%.

Chemotherapy is used to destroy metastases, alleviate the symptoms of cancer, or after surgery.

  • prostate cancer

With this disease, chemotherapy has a positive result. Thus, the survival rate of patients with stage 4 cancer after a course of chemotherapy is about 30%. Of particular danger are metastases that disrupt the functioning of the liver, kidneys and lungs.

The effectiveness of chemotherapy is 8-9%. The danger of cancer at stage 4 is that the process affects the pelvic organs.

The therapeutic effect of chemotherapy in stage 4 cancer depends on a number of factors. So, the effectiveness of treatment is affected by the development of brain metastasis, dysfunction of vital organs, blood clotting disorders, severe pain syndrome, arterial thrombosis and other pathologies.

The main task of chemotherapy in stage 4 cancer is to limit the spread of the tumor, reduce its growth rate, preserve the functioning of organs and systems, and also prevent life-threatening complications.

Chemotherapy drugs

Chemotherapy drugs are anticancer drugs that destroy cancer cells and kill them. In the treatment of cancer, two types of chemotherapy can be used. The first type is the treatment of cancer with a single drug or monochemotherapy, and the second is the treatment with several drugs or polychemotherapy. The second type of chemotherapy is more effective. Very often I combine chemotherapy with other methods of treatment - surgical treatment, radiation therapy.

There are many chemotherapy drugs and they all have a similar mechanism of action. Thus, the faster cancer cells divide and grow, the more sensitive they are to anticancer drugs and the more effective chemotherapy is. All drugs for chemotherapy are divided into certain groups. There are anticancer agents that act on all phases of the cell cycle, drugs that are effective in a certain phase of cancer, and cytostatics with a different mechanism of action. Let's take a closer look at some of the groups of drugs used in chemotherapy.

Alkylating agents

The drugs act on cancer cells at the molecular level. The most popular anti-cancer drugs from this group: Cyclophosphamide, Embihin, Nitrosourea preparations.


Some antibiotics have antitumor activity and effectively destroy cancer cells at different phases of the cell cycle.


Drugs block metabolic processes in cancer cells, which leads to their destruction. The most effective drugs from this group: Methotrexate, Cytarabine, 5-fluorouracil


The composition of the drug includes active substances that interact with DNA and destroy cancer cells. This group of drugs includes: Rubomycin, Adriblastin.


Herbal anti-cancer drugs. Destroy the division of cancer cells and destroy them. This group of drugs includes: Vinblastine, Vincristine, Vindesin.

Platinum preparations

The preparations contain toxic substances, elements of one of the heaviest metals. According to the mechanism of action, platinum preparations are similar to alkylating agents.


Anticancer drugs, which are a synthetic analogue of the active ingredients of mandrake extract. The most popular of them are: Etoposide, Tniposide.

Each group of chemotherapy drugs has its own advantages and disadvantages. The oncologist chooses drugs for treatment, focusing on the localization of the cancerous tumor, the stage and type of cancer, as well as the age of the patient and the characteristics of his body.

Chemotherapy contraindications

Contraindications for chemotherapy, as well as indications for treatment, depend on the stage of cancer, the location of the tumor, and the individual characteristics of the patient's body. So the main contraindications to the course of chemotherapy are:

  • body intoxication.
  • Metastasis to the liver.
  • High level of bilirubin.
  • Metastasis to the brain.
  • Cachexia.

The attending oncologist, after conducting examinations and studying the results of tests, draws conclusions about the effectiveness of chemotherapy or prohibits the use of this method of treatment.

Side effects of chemotherapy

Side effects of chemotherapy are the main disadvantage of this type of treatment. Side symptoms appear due to the fact that chemotherapy drugs act on the entire body, affecting not only cancerous, but also healthy cells of the body. Cells of the hematopoietic system and blood, gastrointestinal tract, nose, hair follicles, nails, appendages, vagina, skin, oral mucosa suffer from chemotherapy. But unlike cancer cells, these cells can regenerate. That is why, the side symptoms of chemotherapy disappear after the withdrawal of the administration of drugs. Some side effects of chemotherapy go away quickly, while others last for several years or take several years to show up.

There are the following side effects of chemotherapy:

  • Osteoporosis is the thinning and weakening of bone tissue. An adverse symptom occurs due to combined chemotherapy, when using drugs: Cyclophosphamide, Methotrexate, Fluorouracil.
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - chemotherapy affects all cells of the body. These side symptoms are caused by disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but the symptoms disappear after the cessation of chemotherapy.
  • Hair loss (alopecia) - after chemotherapy, the hair may fall out partially or completely. Hair loss can occur both at the beginning of treatment and after several courses of chemotherapy. Hair growth is restored after treatment stops.
  • Side effects on the skin and nails - some patients may develop rashes all over the skin, dryness, itching, peeling. The nails become brittle, and the skin is sensitive to temperature changes and mechanical damage.
  • Fatigue and anemia are the most common side effects of chemotherapy. Fatigue and anemia appear due to a decrease in red blood cells in the blood.
  • Infectious complications - chemotherapy significantly weakens the immune system, making it susceptible to various infections and viruses.
  • Blood clotting disorder - most often occurs due to chemotherapy treatment for blood cancer. The main cause of the disorder is a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood. The patient has bleeding and bruising on the body.
  • Stomatitis - chemotherapy has a detrimental effect on the oral mucosa. Ulceration and stomatitis appear in the oral cavity. The wounds become open to any infection, fungi and viruses.
  • Taste and Smell Changes – Chemotherapy can change the way you smell and taste. Many patients report a metallic taste in the mouth. This is due to the fact that there are taste buds on the tongue that transmit taste sensations to the brain. But due to the action of chemotherapy drugs, this process is disrupted.
  • Impact on the reproductive system - chemotherapy causes menstrual irregularities and negatively affects the performance of the ovaries. As a result, a woman experiences temporary or complete infertility. This side effect also applies to men who are undergoing chemotherapy.

In addition to the side effects described above, sleep disturbances, temporary loss or deterioration of memory, hormonal disorders, insomnia or increased drowsiness, frequent headaches, and other consequences of chemotherapy are possible.

Complications of chemotherapy

Complications of chemotherapy occur very often, as a rule, with aggressive chemotherapy and weakened patients. The most severe complications of chemotherapy appear as typhlitis, that is, inflammation of the caecum, anorectal infections and pneumonia. Let's take a closer look at each of the options for complications of chemotherapy.

A very serious complication, which is manifested by minor pain in the abdomen. The peculiarity of this disease is that it progresses rapidly, causing inflammation of the caecum, gangrene or perforation. Among patients with cancer, mortality is high from this side effect. The main task of the oncologist is to diagnose the disease in time and prescribe treatment.

An infectious lesion in the anus occurs in 8% of patients who undergo chemotherapy. Complications may occur due to the intake of chemotherapy drugs through the mouth. Patients with a weakened immune system are susceptible to the disease, the mortality rate for this lesion is 20-40%.

Complications of an inflammatory nature, as a rule, appear in patients with a weakened immune system. Timely diagnosis and treatment can prevent the lethal outcome of this complication of chemotherapy.

Nutrition during chemotherapy

Nutrition during chemotherapy is aimed at restoring the body and maintaining its normal functions. So, a balanced diet should include such food groups as: protein, bread and cereal, fruit and vegetable and dairy groups.

Chemotherapy adversely affects the digestive and gastrointestinal tract. It is because of this that patients begin to have problems with nutrition. The main rule of recovery and maintenance of the body in case of cancer is a balanced diet. Eating regularly will help alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy and other treatments. Let's take a closer look at each of the food groups that should be included in the diet of a cancer patient.

  • Protein products - in chemotherapy treatment, it is recommended to use soy products, meat, liver, fish, eggs, legumes. All these foods are rich in protein, B vitamins and iron.
  • Dairy products - lactic acid products have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract of patients and general well-being. It is recommended to use kefir, milk, cheese, butter, curdled milk, yogurt and other dairy products.
  • Fruits and vegetables - during chemotherapy, patients should eat both cooked and raw vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to make salads, juices, fresh juices, eat dried fruits. Do not forget about the greens, which can be added to all dishes.
  • Baked goods and cereals – Cancer patients should consume a variety of cereals, grains and cereal products.

Before each course of chemotherapy, the patient should have a snack. It is not recommended to take drugs on an empty or overloaded stomach. In the process of chemotherapy, it is necessary to exclude spicy dishes from the diet, as well as fried and fatty foods. But after a course of chemotherapy, food should be plentiful in order to restore strength.

Chemotherapy for cancer is an effective treatment method that destroys cancer cells, reduces the volume of malignant growth and fights distant lymph nodes. Chemotherapy is selected individually for each patient. The effectiveness of this type of treatment depends on the stage of cancer, the degree of damage to the body and other individual characteristics of the patient's body.

In medical practice, chemotherapy is conventionally divided by color. "Chemistry" can be red, blue, yellow and white. The specified typical colors correspond to the colors of the medication used.

Red chemotherapy is the most powerful type of treatment, which is also accompanied by a toxic effect on the body. With such "chemistry" Doxorubicin, Idarubicin or Epirubicin are involved. After such treatment, weakness and a decrease in the functioning of the immune system occur.

Blue "chemistry" implies the use of Mitoxantrone or Mitomycin.

Yellow "chemotherapy usually uses medications called Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, or Cyclophosphamide.

White "chemistry" implies the use of Taxol or Tacosel.

As a rule, the chemotherapy course is combined, i.e. it involves 2 or more medicines.

Administration of neoadjuvant chemotherapy

This type of chemotherapy treatment is prescribed to people before radical surgical removal of the neoplasm. Thanks to this treatment, it is possible to slow down the growth of the primary tumor focus. In addition, this approach reduces the risk of metastasis.

adjuvant chemotherapy

The type of chemotherapy given after surgery. We can say that this is a preventive measure that prevents the re-formation of a cancer focus. Adjuvant chemotherapy can be involved in any type of tumor. Using this technique, it is possible to destroy hidden or miniature metastases that remained after the operation or were not detected during diagnostic procedures.

Induction "chemistry"

Treatment with this type of chemotherapy is prescribed for increased or moderate sensitivity of the tumor to anticancer drugs. Also, it is prescribed in the presence of contraindications to surgical intervention.
In general, there are such cases of the appointment of induction "chemistry":
. for treatment in the presence of leukemias or lymphomas, germ cell diseases of the testis;
. as a palliative measure, with the help of which it is possible to prolong the life of the patient; this approach improves quality of life and reduces symptoms.

Targeted drugs

Today it is one of the most innovative approaches in the elimination of cancer lesions. With the help of special anti-cancer drugs, it is possible to influence the molecular genetic defects of cells. The use of targeted drugs inhibits the growth of tumor masses or provokes their self-destruction. Before the appointment of the type of chemotherapy in question, the patient must undergo an IHC (immunohistochemical study).

Hyperthermic (hot) chemotherapy

This is a therapeutic technique for a complex effect on the tumor and metastases, which includes elevated temperatures of chemotherapy drugs injected into the abdominal cavity in the procedure (peritoneal carcinomatosis). This therapy is most effective in the presence of seeding (metastasis) of the peritoneum. Thanks to hyperthermic “chemistry”, it is possible to eliminate two-millimeter foci by exposing them to a temperature of forty-one degrees Celsius.

Platinum chemotherapy

Such "chemistry" involves the use of anti-cancer drugs that have a platinum base (meaning Cisplatin, Phenantriplatin). As a rule, the platinum technique is used in the presence of lung cancer, with stage 4 oncogynecology. Among patients there is an opinion that the appointment of platinum chemistry indicates a deplorable condition. The use of platinum drugs is explained by their ability to affect areas of the body that other chemotherapeutic agents cannot influence. In addition, it is platinum preparations that have the most pronounced therapeutic effect in some malignant tumors.

Gentle "chemistry"

With this approach, medications are used that have a minimum set of side effects. The main disadvantage of this method is its minimal efficiency. Assign to patients:
- having a significant age,
weakened by previous courses of chemotherapy,
- with low blood counts,
- patients with stage 4,
- when it is impossible to conduct a full treatment.

High dose chemistry

This type of chemotherapy involves the use of high dosages of anticancer drugs. As a rule, this approach is used in the presence of various types of lymphomas. The use of high doses of cytostatics leads to a proportional increase in efficacy in the elimination of malignant lymphomas. Also, this approach avoids the resistance of cancer cells to the effects of drugs. However, an increased dose has a great detrimental effect on healthy cellular elements.

Palliative "chemistry"

In the absence of even a minimal chance of a cure, the so-called palliative chemotherapy is prescribed.
It is directed to:
. inhibition of the subsequent development of cancer;
. blocking pain symptoms;
. increase in life expectancy;
. a decrease in the severity of the toxic effect of anticancer drugs and oncoformation itself;
. inhibition of tumor growth.
Palliative "chemistry" can also be prescribed with a relatively favorable course of oncopathology. In particular, it is shown to people who are able to serve themselves independently. In addition, this approach is recommended for cancer patients who are able to withstand chemotherapy aimed at relieving pain and improving the quality of life.

Each patient is faced with the fact that chemotherapy at stages 3 and 4 ceases to reduce the tumor and metastases. This is an indicator that it is time to switch to more modern methods of cancer therapy. For the selection of an effective method of treatment, you can contact for

The consultation discusses: - methods of innovative therapy;
- opportunities to participate in experimental therapy;
- how to get a quota for free treatment at the cancer center;
- organizational matters.
After the consultation, the patient is assigned the day and time of arrival for treatment, the therapy department, and, if possible, the attending doctor is assigned.

Chemotherapy is usually a course of treatment that takes an average of three to six months. One or more cytotoxic drugs can be used, which are administered in the body in most cases in the form of tablets and capsules, or in the form of intravenous infusions.

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How is chemotherapy for cancer - duration?

The course of chemotherapy includes four to eight cycles. A cycle is the time from one course of treatment to another. After each course there is a break necessary for the recovery of the body. If the cycle lasts 4 weeks, then the treatment may take 1, 2 or 3 days, then rest follows and the course of treatment is resumed.

Depending on the drug or their combination, treatment can last from a few hours to several days. Therapy can be done every week or every 2,3 or 4 weeks. How is the course of chemotherapy - its frequency depends on the drugs and treatment plan.

If chemotherapy is prescribed using an infusion pump, medication is planned:

  • All the time for several months (continuous maintenance).
  • For several days every month.
  • For a number of weeks.

Before each cycle of treatment, the doctor checks the patient's condition, how he copes with the side effects of chemotherapy. After several cycles, studies the effectiveness of treatment. In some cases, a change in the treatment plan is required. This may be a temporary stop until the next course, a dose reduction or a change in the method of treatment.

How does chemotherapy for cancer work - why in cycles?

The treatment is offered based on years of research. The drug combinations recommended by the doctor are the best that have been tested. The task of drugs is to destroy malignant cells, causing minimal harm to healthy cells. The patient undergoes chemotherapy for several months:

  • This allows cytotoxic agents to destroy the maximum number of cancer cells.
  • Rest between sets allows the body to recover from side effects.

At some point in time, pathological cells can rest. Chemotherapy only damages cells that are in the process of dividing. Therefore, cells at rest will not be destroyed. For this reason, some of the cells that did not divide during the first round of chemotherapy may be destroyed during the second cycle of treatment, and so on. Healthy cells after chemotherapy recover much better than cancer cells, so treatment should be gradual, without causing permanent inhibition of healthy tissues and cells.

What influences the choice of treatment?

The exact chemotherapy plan is based on the following factors: the type of cancer, its location in the body, and the presence or absence of metastases. Also, the doctor takes into account the general health of the patient, his age. Some drugs may have more effect on the body than others. The doctor assesses the state of health before starting treatment, that the patient will be able to cope with the undesirable effects of therapy.

The frequency of cycles and duration of chemotherapy is also determined by many factors: the type of cancer, the cytotoxic agents used, the response of the cancer cells to the drugs, any side effects.

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Preparation for chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is preceded by blood tests, x-rays or scans. They give the doctor information about the need for treatment. These results will then be compared with the results of the following tests to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy. When determining the dose of treatment, height and weight are measured, i. the dose is set based on body mass index.

Chemotherapy can lead to bone marrow suppression. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to take a blood test to check the level of various blood cells.

Preparing for Chemotherapy - Lung Tests

Some chemotherapy drugs can affect lung health. If you plan to use one of these drugs, the doctor will conduct a diagnosis before starting therapy. With the help of functional pulmonary tests, the work of the lungs, the volume of organs will be studied.

Preparing for Chemotherapy - Heart Diagnosis

Certain cytotoxic drugs can damage the heart muscle, which will change the rhythm of the heart. In most people, the condition is completely normal after the end of treatment. But if you plan to use such a drug, doctors will diagnose the condition of the heart before treatment.

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is prescribed, which creates a record of the electrical activity of the heart and evaluates the work of the organ. An ultrasound of the heart - echocardiography - can also be performed. This test evaluates the force with which the heart pumps blood.

Preparing for Chemotherapy - Liver Diagnostics

Certain chemotherapy drugs can damage the liver. Therefore, doctors order blood tests to check the functioning of the organ. Many drugs are broken down in the liver, which is why the liver must work well to get the chemotherapy drugs out of the body.

Kidney Health Tests

Cytostatic agents can disrupt the functioning of the kidneys. Therefore, the patient is prescribed blood tests or urine tests to check the condition of these organs. The kidneys also help get rid of chemo drugs, so they should function well.

Preparing for Chemotherapy - HIV and Hepatitis Tests

Blood is tested for HIV and hepatitis. The patient signs a consent form for these tests.

Preparation for chemotherapy - other tests

Other types of surveys may be needed. This depends on the type of chemotherapy planned and the side effects that may occur. For example, if a drug can affect hearing, a pre-treatment hearing test (audiogram) will be performed.

If the patient is taking warfarin to prevent blood clots, more checks may be needed to make sure the dose is correct. If steroids are prescribed as part of chemotherapy for a patient with diabetes, he needs to carefully control his blood sugar levels.

If there is time before chemotherapy, the doctor will suggest that you see a dentist. During cytostatic treatment, it will be very difficult to get dental care as the person will be at high risk of infections.

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How is chemotherapy for cancer - the preparatory stage

When you visit the hospital, the first thing you will need to do is take a blood test. There is a day or two before the start of treatment. A nurse who specializes in chemotherapy checks the levels of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets before starting treatment. If the red blood cell count is too low, a blood transfusion may be needed. Insufficient number of leukocytes or platelets and treatment can lead to life threatening.

Blood tests may also be ordered to check kidney and liver function. If their functioning is not at the normal level, the patient will experience more side effects.

After taking the blood, it takes some time to get the results. If everything is in order, it will be possible to start treatment. Chemotherapy drugs are specially prepared for each patient. Sometimes it is possible to have blood tests done earlier to reduce the waiting time.

If blood counts are too low, treatment is delayed. When liver and kidney tests show changes have occurred, the dose of chemotherapy may be changed. Sometimes patients are offered another treatment, but this is rare.

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How is the course of chemotherapy - changing the plan

Throughout the treatment, the patient takes blood tests to check:

  • The level of white blood cells.
  • The number of erythrocytes and platelets.
  • The work of the kidneys and liver.

The doctor examines the effects of chemotherapy with blood tests before each cycle of treatment. This is mainly necessary to check the white blood cells, but the number of other blood cells is also examined. Blood tests are done to look at the effects of the treatment on the liver and kidneys. This is more important when using certain chemotherapy drugs.

Intervals between chemotherapy

If blood cell levels are too low, treatment is delayed until the condition improves. This does not make chemotherapy less effective. But if this happens too often, or if the kidneys are affected, for example, lower doses of chemotherapy will be needed. It is important not to take this as a step backwards. Some people are more susceptible to chemotherapy than others. Taking into account this fact, the doses of drugs are adjusted.

Personal reasons

The physician's treatment planning will include the patient's own capabilities. For example, to arrange chemotherapy, you need a vacation.

Will cancer shrink?

Some people find it very difficult to be positive about the results of a treatment if there is no evidence that it works. Sometimes nothing can be done about this fact. For example, if chemotherapy is given after surgery, you may not see any results. The aim of the therapy is to destroy any remaining cancer cells after surgery that are too small to be seen.

But if the tumor can be visualized with a scan, the doctor will check to see if the treatment is working as expected. At least once during the course of chemotherapy will be prescribed:

  • X-ray study.
  • Scanning - mainly after 3 cycles of chemotherapy is carried out.
  • Blood tests that check the levels of chemicals (markers) produced by certain tumors.

The results of these checks will show how much the tumor has decreased during the treatment. If there are no changes, the doctor may change the chemotherapy plan completely. Different drugs or a different type of treatment may generally give better results.

The behavior of different types of tumors is different, they respond differently to treatment. If a doctor does not recommend a scan in the middle of chemotherapy, it may be because the results are not visible yet. It will be better to wait until the course of treatment is completed and then investigate.

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Side effects of chemotherapy

There are over 100 different chemotherapy drugs. They cause various undesirable consequences. The doctor or nurse advises on specific side effects of chemotherapy treatment and may provide written information.

It is important to know that the patient will not experience all of the side effects listed. Some people experience minor side effects.

Sometimes the negative effects can be very annoying, at this time the following information can help:

  • Most side effects are short term.
  • They will start to go away as soon as the treatment is over.
  • Doctors have successfully used various medications and techniques to reduce most of the side effects. It is important to inform the doctor, as he can always provide the necessary assistance.

What are the side effects of chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy damages dividing cells. Cancer cells divide much more frequently than healthy ones. Therefore, this treatment damages and destroys them.

But some types of healthy cells also divide very frequently. This occurs in tissues that need constant renewal, such as skin, hair and nails. Chemotherapy damages them. However, damaged healthy cells are able to repair themselves.

As well as hair and skin, chemotherapy also affects several other areas of the body - the oral cavity and the lining of the digestive system. In addition, it affects the bone marrow, which produces new blood cells.


Chemotherapy can make a person feel very tired. Increased fatigue increases during treatment and can last for many months after the end of therapy. Also, the patient may feel very weak, lack any energy.

Eating problems

Many chemotherapy drugs cause nausea. But this symptom is usually easily treated with antiemetics.

Some cytotoxic drugs damage the oral cavity, causing the formation of small ulcers. Other medicines can temporarily change the taste sensation.

Chemotherapy drugs can irritate the intestinal mucosa and cause diarrhea. This usually happens in the first few days after starting treatment. These symptoms are easily controlled with medication. Some medications that relieve nausea cause constipation.

Chemotherapy can affect appetite. Do not worry too much if there is no taste sensation for several days after treatment. It is important to drink enough fluids, lost calories can be replenished later. The doctor or nurse will answer all your questions about what you should and should not eat.

If you have problems with digestion, diet, or weight loss, you should talk to your doctor or dietitian.

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blood cells

Chemotherapy drugs often inhibit the work of the bone marrow, it stops producing enough blood cells. The bone marrow creates:

  1. White blood cells to fight infection.
  2. Red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body.
  3. Platelets, which help blood clot and prevent bleeding.

During chemotherapy, the level of blood cells decreases. If the white blood cell count is low, the patient is more at risk of developing an infection, which can sometimes be very serious. It is important to inform doctors as soon as possible if there are any of the following signs of infection:

  • Heat.
  • Cold and chill.
  • Headache.
  • Pain in the muscles.
  • Cough.
  • Sore throat.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Decreased temperature.

A flu shot may be given. If the patient is in the middle of treatment, talk to the doctor about the best time to get vaccinated. The immune system is weakened during chemotherapy, which means the vaccine may not work properly.

If red blood cells are low, the person will feel tired and short of breath. With a lack of platelets, bruises easily appear, bleeding occurs. When the doctor sees fit, a transfusion of red blood cells or platelets may be done.

Hair, nails and skin

Some chemotherapy drugs can cause selective hair loss or thinning. Other cytostatic agents can provoke complete loss of body hair. This is a temporary phenomenon, the hair begins to grow back after a few weeks. Doctors instruct and give recommendations on this issue.

Chemotherapy drugs can also make the skin dry and sensitive. Some of them cause rashes. A person may find that the skin has taken on a tint, like after sunburn, or has begun to react to chemicals. At this time, it is important to be careful, being under the influence of ultraviolet rays, be sure to use a cream with a sun protection factor of at least 15. If the skin is dry, swimming should be avoided during this period. Some people experience changes in the nails - they become dry, brittle, ribbed, white lines appear on them.

Nerve endings

Some chemotherapy drugs can damage nerve endings, especially in the arms and legs. It causes numbness, tingling. As soon as the treatment ends, the condition usually returns to normal, but sometimes this process takes many months.

Certain cytotoxic agents affect hearing. After completion of chemotherapy, the condition improves in most cases, but the doctor may reduce the dose of treatment or change therapy. All side effects must be reported to the doctor.

Kidneys, liver, heart and lungs

Chemotherapy drugs can cause changes in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, heart, or lungs. As a rule, these disorders are temporary, the condition improves after the end of therapy. But sometimes these changes become permanent. Doctors must inform the patient about the possible side effects of chemotherapy.

Some cytotoxic drugs increase the risk of developing blood clots. If there is shortness of breath or swelling in the leg, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Sex and fertility

Chemotherapy affects sex life. A person constantly feels tired, loses interest in sex. Some chemotherapy drugs affect fertility. If the patient plans to have children, it is very important to discuss this issue with the doctor before starting treatment. Steps can be taken to help preserve fertility.

Late Side Effects of Chemotherapy

Most side effects are temporary and disappear after therapy is completed. But for some people, chemotherapy can cause long-term side effects. They occur months or even years later and include early menopause, infertility, peripheral neuropathy, lung and heart problems. The doctor must notify the patient about the risk of possible late side effects before starting treatment.

Apply for treatment

Chemotherapy is an anticancer treatment that destroys cancer cells by injecting special chemicals into a person's body or tumor. The drugs themselves directly affect not only tumor tissues, but also partially healthy ones. That is why this treatment has so many side effects.

Why is chemotherapy needed for cancer?

  1. Basically, this therapy is an additional effect on the tumor in order to reduce it before surgery and destroy the remnants of cancer cells.
  2. This is the main type of treatment for leukemia (blood cancer), hemoblastosis, chorionic carcinoma, rhabdomyosarcoma.
  3. Conduct courses to prevent metastasis, along with radiotherapy and other treatments.
  4. At stage 4, it reduces tumor growth. Slightly prolongs the life of a cancer patient, partially destroying cancer metastases.

When is chemotherapy prescribed? Most often used after and before surgery. Cancer cells have a different structure and appearance than healthy ones. In this case, precisely those drugs are administered that kill or change cancer cells.

For example: a patient has a large stage II tumor with partial metastases to nearby lymph nodes. Before the operation, the doctor conducts a course to destroy part of the cancer cells, reduce the size of the tumor and reduce the rate of growth of the formation. The enemy is easier and easier to fight when he is weakened.

After that, the surgeon removes the tumor and nearby affected tissues, along with the lymph nodes. But the enemy could settle down somewhere, and then a few cancer cells remained, which have the ability for endless division and immortality. The task is to kill the remaining partisans. That's what chemicals do.

NOTE! The effectiveness of chemotherapy has long been proven and annually saves a huge number of cancer patients from death. So do not give it up, with fear of side effects - they quickly pass.

Contraindications to chemotherapy:

  1. Metastases to the brain and liver.
  2. Severe intoxication.
  3. Cachexia is a strong weight loss, a weakened body.
  4. An increase in bilirubin.


NOTE! Chemicals are aimed at destroying cancer cells. But sometimes the cells themselves disguise themselves as healthy and then the chemical reagents become ineffective. In this case, oncologists prescribe other drugs.

  1. Adjuvant. Helps to destroy the remaining foci of small cancerous tissues after surgery.
  2. Neoadjuvant. Preoperative therapy – given before surgery to shrink the tumor and reduce the risk of metastases.
  3. Palliative. It is prescribed in the last stages to improve the patient's condition, reduces intoxication, pain, general symptoms against the background of metastases. It inhibits the growth of the tumor, reduces it in size.
  4. induction. Therapeutic chemotherapy is used against neoplastic neoplasms that are very sensitive to chemo. reagents of this type. Sometimes prescribed instead of surgery. Often used at the last stage in palliative care to improve the patient's well-being.
  5. Targeted. Chemistry is aimed at destroying and changing the DNA of cancer cells. Later, they begin to age and die. It is prescribed only after research and experiments on the patient's cancer tissue.
  6. High dose. Mantle cell, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are usually treated. It is determined by high taxicity with a large number of side effects.
  7. Sparing. Fewer side effects, and less result in treatment.
  8. Hyperthermic. A less toxic method focuses on exposure to drugs and temperatures of 41 degrees Celsius. It is carried out with large tumor formations.
  9. Platinum. The drugs themselves, cisplatin, phenantriplatin, are made on the basis of an expensive metal and are capable of destroying cancer in cases where other substances cannot cope. Often treats cancer of the testicles, bladder, ovaries, lungs.

NOTE! The chemotherapy regimen is selected exclusively by an oncologist and depends on the stage, localization, aggressiveness, as well as the structure of cancer cells and their sensitivity to certain drugs.


  1. At this time, leave is issued if the patient is working.
  2. No exercise or exercise.
  3. Completely avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
  4. Take a course of treatment with conventional drugs, if necessary.
  5. Proper nutrition.
  6. Cleansing the body of toxins and the remaining medicines.
  7. The doctor prescribes medicines for protection, gastrointestinal tract, bone marrow, liver, spleen. In general, there is a comprehensive protection against the influence of reagents on all organs in the future.
  8. Have a fighting spirit to beat cancer!

How do they do it?

Where exactly will the liquid itself be injected. It depends on the disease itself, its localization, as well as on the class and type of drug. Most often, a conventional injection or with the help of induction is performed. The introduction of the drug occurs intravenously with the help of droppers. With the complex, tablets are also prescribed.

Other methods:

  1. Into the abdominal cavity
  2. Directly into the tumor.
  3. into the spinal fluid.
  4. In the artery leading to the tumor.
  5. Intramuscularly.
  6. Subcutaneously - with a malignant tumor of adenocarcinoma Bazalioma.
  7. Orally.

An oncologist specifically selects one or more drugs that will maximally influence and destroy cancer cells. The task itself is to make a strong blow to cancer, but to reduce the consequences for nearby tissues and organs.

Duration of chemotherapy

Usually a course of several injections is prescribed. Your doctor may prescribe daily pills. But often the procedure itself is done once a month. In more aggressive cases, it may be more often (every two weeks).

How many courses of chemotherapy are needed? It all depends on how the enemy behaves, and how strong he will be in the body. Perhaps after the first procedure, the doctor will prescribe another drug, as this one will not be effective against this type of cancer. After each infusion, studies will be carried out, tests will be carried out to look at the result - and further treatment tactics will depend on it.

How many days does one course of chemotherapy last on average? The number of infusions in one course varies from 3 to 8 and takes up to 6 months. After each course, especially after heavy drugs, the body is given the opportunity to recover. There are also drugs that need to be taken every day in the form of tablets.

The time of the procedure itself can be quite long - this is due to the fact that you do not burn the internal arteries with chemical cytostatics. After, the patient must be under the strict supervision of doctors in the hospital. The volume of the drug depends on the area affected by cancer cells inside the organ.

What tests are done after chemotherapy?

  1. Analysis for biochemistry
  2. Blood

Additional studies must include MRI, ultrasound, CT. So that doctors can clearly see the behavior of a cancerous neoplasm, whether there is decay and reduction. If this drug does not help, then the doctor prescribes the next course with a different reagent.

ADVICE! It is imperative that after each procedure you need to notify your doctor about all the negative aspects, about feeling unwell, pain, etc.

Chemotherapy of all organs

Organ How to apply
It is usually carried out before removing part of the intestine along with the tumor in order to destroy the remaining foci in the lymph nodes. Reduces the risk of recurrence by 50%.
It is used before surgery to reduce the size of the neoplasm. Injected into the blood and lymph of the pulmonary system.
testicular cancerThe drugs are injected both into the tumor itself and into the abdominal cavity.
It is used after the removal of the uterus in a woman at 1, 2 stages of cancer.
ovarian cancerA complex of drugs is injected into the abdomen. Sometimes used after removal of the ovaries.
Introduced into the prostate itself or the tumor, if it is already large. In elderly patients, the formation itself can be frozen for complete destruction.
(Leukemia)This is the main treatment. Children more easily endure the procedure itself. During bone marrow transplantation, chemical reagents completely destroy the old diseased brain, and then the transplantation takes place.
Cancer of the gastrointestinal tractUsed both after and before removal of the tumor along with part of the stomach. The digestive system is stitched together by healthy tissues.
Injected directly into the tumor to reduce it before removal.

Side effects

  • Nausea, urge to vomit.
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Refusal to eat
  • Anemia
  • Immunity is deteriorating
  • Loss of hair and nails.
  • Digestive dysfunction.

At first glance, the side effects are very scary, but in fact the doctor gives a complex of drugs that remove some of the effects. And nails and hair grow back very quickly. If the reaction of the body and side effects are too strong, then the doctor may reduce the dosage.


  1. Pneumonia.
  2. Anorectal infections.
  3. Typhlitis.

All these terrible diseases have a mortality rate, but with rapid diagnosis and treatment, the percentage of cancer patients is much lower. The pathologies themselves occur against the background of poor immunity, which is why for some time after therapy the patient will be given a sterile ward.

Another danger is the collapse of the tumor itself. At the same time, decay products are toxic to the human body. That is why, after the first procedure, the patient himself is under the intensive supervision of doctors and under a special apparatus, so that more complications and consequences are not added.

  1. Follow the clear instructions from your treating doctor. Correct and timely administration of drugs. If you forget to take something, then notify your doctor.
  2. Do not refuse chemotherapy treatment if your doctor tells you to. Only this method is able to finish off the last cancer cells, which can then develop and grow into a new tumor.
  3. Stick to the diet, both before and after therapy.

Chemotherapy for cancer is a method of treatment that involves the administration of various drugs to the patient.

In addition, after the use of chemotherapy, the patient will experience a number of side effects - hair loss, bleeding, nausea, and others. Side effects appear due to the effect of drugs on healthy cells in the body. Another feature of chemotherapy for cancer is that for complete treatment it is necessary to undergo several courses, since a single administration of drugs will not give the desired effect.

Benefits of Chemotherapy:

  • Complete or partial destruction of cancer cells.
  • Cancer control - chemotherapy drugs slow down the growth of cancer cells, which allows you to control the process of their spread, and in time to destroy the foci of metastasis.
  • Chemotherapy relieves the painful symptoms of the disease. In the process of treatment, the cancerous tumor decreases in size and volume, which means it ceases to compress neighboring organs and tissues, and does not cause pain.
  • Chemotherapy may be used as the sole treatment for cancer or combined with radiation therapy or surgery.

Does chemotherapy help with cancer?

Whether chemotherapy helps with cancer is a topical issue for patients who have been diagnosed with cancer. The effectiveness of chemotherapy depends on the stage of cancer and its localization, the age of the patient and the individual characteristics of his body. Chemotherapy can be used as the sole treatment or combined with surgery and other therapies, greatly increasing the chances of recovery.

Chemotherapy drugs are selected individually for each patient. The choice of drug and the effectiveness of treatment depend on such factors as: the type of cancer, previous treatment, the presence of medical disorders and chronic diseases. The treatment regimen depends on the purpose of the course of treatment. So, chemotherapy can be used to control cancer cells, alleviate the symptoms of the disease, or completely destroy them.

In order for chemotherapy to help cure the disease, drugs are prescribed in courses with interruptions. So, for example, after a weekly course of therapy, the patient is prescribed a month break, and then several more repeated courses are carried out. Breaks are necessary for the body to create new healthy cells and tissues.

To make sure that chemotherapy is helping, the oncologist in charge periodically conducts examinations and takes tests. The patient can determine the effectiveness of the treatment and how he feels. Some patients mistakenly believe that if after a course of treatment severe side symptoms begin, then the treatment is effective. But this is not always the case, since each patient has an individual reaction to drugs. And the effectiveness of treatment can be determined only after several courses of chemotherapy.

Indications for chemotherapy

Indications for chemotherapy depend on the type of cancer and its stage. Treatment is carried out in cycles that alternate with periods of recovery. The course of chemotherapy can last from three months to six months. There are a number of factors that affect the indications for chemotherapy, let's look at them:

  • Features of a cancerous tumor, its size, stage of development, growth rate, degree of differentiation, expression, degree of metastasis and involvement of regional lymph nodes, hormonal status.
  • Individual characteristics of the patient's body, such as: age, localization of a malignant cancer, the presence of chronic diseases, the state of regional lymph nodes and general health.
  • Possible complications and positive effects of chemotherapy. The doctor assesses the risks, complications and the likelihood of treatment effectiveness.

It is from the above factors that the indications for chemotherapy depend. But do not forget that the indications for this type of treatment in each case are different. Thus, a chemotherapy procedure will never be prescribed for patients with non-invasive cancer or in the case where the likelihood of tumor metastasis is very small or absent. In these cases, the patient is given hormone therapy. Chemotherapy is indicated in all cases of lymph node involvement. The size of the tumor does not matter.

The main indications for a course of chemotherapy:

  • Cancer diseases, the remission of which occurs only after a course of chemotherapy (leukemia, hemoblastosis, rhabdomyosarcoma, chorioncarcinosis and others).
  • Prevention of metastasis and adjunct to other cancer therapies.
  • Transferring the tumor to an operable state for more effective treatment, that is, complete removal of the cancer.

Chemotherapy courses

Chemotherapy courses are compiled individually for each patient and depend on the structure of the tumor, stage of development, location and previous treatment. As a rule, a course of chemotherapy consists of several drugs, which are administered in cycles with intervals of 3-5 weeks. Breaks are necessary in order for the body and the immune system to recreate the destroyed healthy cells and be able to recover a little after the drug therapy has been provided.

  • During the course of chemotherapy, the patient's nutrition practically does not change, the doctor makes adjustments, taking into account the drugs used. So, if a patient is prescribed platinum preparations, then it is necessary to consume a lot of liquid, but completely refuse alcoholic beverages. It is also forbidden to visit the sauna during the course of chemotherapy.
  • During the period of therapy, the patient should avoid exposure to direct sunlight. It is forbidden to carry out physiotherapy and thermal procedures.
  • Chemotherapy courses increase the risk of colds. But patients are allowed to take herbal decoctions, antipyretics, sulfa drugs and antibiotics.
  • During the course of chemotherapy, the doctor regularly takes blood tests from the patient, conducts an ultrasound examination of the liver and kidneys. Women may experience changes in their menstrual cycle (irregular or no periods). Patients may suffer from insomnia and other side effects of chemotherapy.

The number of courses that a patient needs to undergo is determined by the attending physician, based on the history. The optimal amount is considered to be from 4-6 courses of chemotherapy. After several courses, the doctor makes a preliminary forecast of the effectiveness of treatment and, if necessary, corrects it.

Chemotherapy regimens

Chemotherapy regimens are a treatment method that is selected individually for each patient. Of course, the selected drug regimen does not guarantee a complete recovery, but it helps to get rid of painful symptoms and slow down the development of cancer cells. Chemotherapy can be given before or after surgery. If the patient suffers from diabetes mellitus, obesity or other chronic diseases, then the scheme is selected with extreme caution, taking into account the history data.

An effective chemotherapy regimen should have the following properties:

  • The level of side effects should be minimal or such that the patient can tolerate them.
  • Drugs must be carefully selected so that their interaction does not cause side effects, but rather enhances the therapeutic effect.
  • The selected chemotherapy regimen should destroy all types of cancer cells. At the same time, cancer cells should not adapt to chemotherapy drugs.

The chemotherapy regimen can be presented as a combination of drugs, while the effectiveness of such a regimen will be from 30 to 65%. Chemotherapy can be carried out with one drug, the effectiveness of such treatment will be from 25 to 60%. Let's look at the most common chemotherapy regimens.

Chemotherapy regimen

Used drugs

Cancer disease

Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vinblastin, Dacarbazin


Cyclophosphamid, Etoposid(phosphat), Adriamycin, Procarbazin, Vincristin, Bleomycin, Prednisolon

Severe granulomatosis

Cyclophosphamide, Methotrexat, 5-Fluoruracil

Mammary cancer

Cyclophosphamide, Hydroxydaunorubicin, Vincristin, Prednisolon

Malignant lymphomas

Cyclophosphamide, Vincristin, Procarbazin, Prednisolone

T-cell and B-cell lymphs

Cyclophosphamide, Vincristin, Prednisolone

Lymphomas, soft tissue sarcomas, skeletal sarcomas

Epirubicin, Cisplatin, 5-Fluoruracil

Tumors of the breast or stomach, granulomatosis, lymphomas

5-Fluoruracil, Folinsäure, Cisplatin

5-Fluoruracil, Folinsäure

Breast cancer, colon cancer

Mitomycin, Cisplatin, 5-Fluoruracil

Bone sarcomas, tumors of the stomach, intestines, esophagus, pancreas, liver, breast, uterus, bladder, and anal cancer

Lymphoblastic leukemias, urothelial tumors, breast cancer, non-granulomatous lymphomas, bone sarcomas

Procarbazin, Lomustin, Vincristin

Skeletal sarcomas

Docetaxel, Epirubicin, Cyclophosphamide

Gastric breast cancer, non-granulomatous lymphomas, sarcomas

Cisplatin, Etoposid, Bleomycin

Tumors of the testicles, ovaries, lungs, cervix, bladder.

Chemotherapy for breast cancer

Chemotherapy for breast cancer is a method of complex treatment. The task of this method is to slow down the development of malignant cells in the mammary gland. As a rule, cytostatic drugs are used for treatment. Chemotherapy can be used as a standalone treatment or used after or before surgery. Chemotherapy can prevent recurrence of the disease and stop metastasis.

Chemotherapy for lung cancer

Chemotherapy for lung cancer is aimed at the complete destruction of cancer cells. Treatment with anticancer drugs can be used both as monotherapy and as part of a therapeutic anticancer complex. Chemotherapy involves several courses of administration of cytostatics by drip. Chemotherapy drugs are selected individually for each patient. In addition to chemotherapy, patients are prescribed therapy to reduce the side effects of the drugs used.

Chemotherapy for stomach cancer

Chemotherapy for gastric cancer has several directions. Thus, drugs can be used after radical surgery, for postoperative intraperitoneal therapy, before surgery, or as a treatment for disseminated gastric cancer. Chemotherapy is carried out in a hospital, under the supervision of an oncologist. The drugs are administered intravenously and are used in tablet forms. The consequences of chemotherapy are devastating for the whole body, so the rehabilitation period after such treatment can last several years.

Chemotherapy for ovarian cancer

Chemotherapy for ovarian cancer is used to stop metastasis and prevent recurrence of the disease. Chemotherapy can be used before and after radical surgery to slow tumor growth, relieve painful symptoms, and reduce the amount of surgical treatment. Chemotherapy drugs are administered intravenously, taken by mouth, or injected into the abdominal cavity. There are many different drugs and treatment regimens, each with specific benefits and side effects. The oncologist selects the best treatment option for a high chance of a complete recovery of the patient.

Chemotherapy for colorectal cancer

Chemotherapy for rectal cancer takes place in a hospital, under the supervision of an oncologist-chemotherapist. The doctor selects a treatment regimen, determines how many courses of chemotherapy are needed and monitors the patient's condition during treatment. Drugs can be administered intravenously, but most often orally, that is, through the mouth. If chemotherapy is used in the early stages of the disease, this allows you to completely stop the oncological process and prevent its recurrence in the future.

Chemotherapy for stage 4 cancer

Chemotherapy for stage 4 cancer is a way to treat the irreversible uncontrolled process of the spread and growth of tumor cells throughout the body. A properly designed chemotherapy regimen can prolong the life of the patient and significantly improve it. The survival rate of patients after chemotherapy with stage 4 cancer is from 30-70%, and life expectancy is from six months to five years. It all depends on the type of tumor, the presence of concomitant diseases and the degree of damage to vital organs.

A key indicator of the effectiveness of chemotherapy in stage 4 cancer is five-year survival. This concept refers to the patient's survival from the moment of diagnosis - stage 4 cancer. Let's look at the effectiveness of chemotherapy at 4 stages of oncology, with different localizations of cancer.

  • Lungs' cancer

When chemotherapy is given to stage 4 lung cancer, the five-year survival rate among patients is 10%. In addition to chemotherapy, radiation therapy may be given to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and reduce the size of the tumor. This allows you to significantly reduce the size of the tumor and destroy metastases in vital organs.

  • Liver cancer

Chemotherapy for stage 4 liver cancer is effective for 6% of patients. At this stage, chemotherapy allows you to destroy part of the metastases. But classical chemotherapy is not effective in combating the source of the disease.

  • Stomach cancer

This disease during a course of chemotherapy at the last stage has a high favorable prognosis, 15-20%. For treatment, palliative chemotherapy is used, which allows to achieve stabilization of the course of cancer.

  • Pancreas cancer

In stage 4 cancer, chemotherapy is not effective. The five-year survival rate for patients ranges from 2-5%. Chemotherapy is used to alleviate the patient's condition, reduce the size of the tumor, which compresses neighboring organs and tissues, and also to destroy metastases.

  • bowel cancer

For stage 4 bowel cancer, chemotherapy is used only after palliative surgical treatment. Patient survival is about 5%.

  • Mammary cancer

Chemotherapy is used to destroy metastases, alleviate the symptoms of cancer, or after surgery.

  • prostate cancer

With this disease, chemotherapy has a positive result. Thus, the survival rate of patients with stage 4 cancer after a course of chemotherapy is about 30%. Of particular danger are metastases that disrupt the functioning of the liver, kidneys and lungs.

  • Uterine cancer

The effectiveness of chemotherapy is 8-9%. The danger of cancer at stage 4 is that the process affects the pelvic organs.

The therapeutic effect of chemotherapy in stage 4 cancer depends on a number of factors. So, the effectiveness of treatment is affected by the development of brain metastasis, dysfunction of vital organs, blood clotting disorders, severe pain syndrome, arterial thrombosis and other pathologies.

The main task of chemotherapy in stage 4 cancer is to limit the spread of the tumor, reduce its growth rate, preserve the functioning of organs and systems, and also prevent life-threatening complications.

Chemotherapy drugs

Chemotherapy drugs are anticancer drugs that destroy cancer cells and kill them. In the treatment of cancer, two types of chemotherapy can be used. The first type is the treatment of cancer with a single drug or monochemotherapy, and the second is the treatment with several drugs or polychemotherapy. The second type of chemotherapy is more effective. Very often I combine chemotherapy with other methods of treatment - surgical treatment, radiation therapy.

There are many chemotherapy drugs and they all have a similar mechanism of action. Thus, the faster cancer cells divide and grow, the more sensitive they are to anticancer drugs and the more effective chemotherapy is. All drugs for chemotherapy are divided into certain groups. There are anticancer agents that act on all phases of the cell cycle, drugs that are effective in a certain phase of cancer, and cytostatics with a different mechanism of action. Let's take a closer look at some of the groups of drugs used in chemotherapy.

Alkylating agents

The drugs act on cancer cells at the molecular level. The most popular anti-cancer drugs from this group: Cyclophosphamide, Embihin, Nitrosourea preparations.


Some antibiotics have antitumor activity and effectively destroy cancer cells at different phases of the cell cycle.


Drugs block metabolic processes in cancer cells, which leads to their destruction. The most effective drugs from this group: Methotrexate, Cytarabine, 5-fluorouracil


The composition of the drug includes active substances that interact with DNA and destroy cancer cells. This group of drugs includes: Rubomycin, Adriblastin.

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There are the following side effects of chemotherapy:

  • Osteoporosis is the thinning and weakening of bone tissue. An adverse symptom occurs due to combined chemotherapy, when using drugs: Cyclophosphamide, Methotrexate, Fluorouracil.
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - chemotherapy affects all cells of the body. These side symptoms are caused by disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but the symptoms disappear after the cessation of chemotherapy.
  • Hair loss (alopecia) - after chemotherapy, the hair may fall out partially or completely. Hair loss can occur both at the beginning of treatment and after several courses of chemotherapy. Hair growth is restored after treatment stops.
  • Side effects on the skin and nails - some patients may develop rashes all over the skin, dryness, itching, peeling. The nails become brittle, and the skin is sensitive to temperature changes and mechanical damage.
  • Fatigue and anemia are the most common side effects of chemotherapy. Fatigue and anemia appear due to a decrease in red blood cells in the blood.
  • Infectious complications - chemotherapy significantly weakens the immune system, making it susceptible to various infections and viruses.
  • Blood clotting disorder - most often occurs due to chemotherapy treatment for blood cancer. The main cause of the disorder is a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood. The patient has bleeding and bruising on the body.
  • Stomatitis - chemotherapy has a detrimental effect on the oral mucosa. Ulceration and stomatitis appear in the oral cavity. The wounds become open to any infection, fungi and viruses.
  • Taste and Smell Changes – Chemotherapy can change the way you smell and taste. Many patients report a metallic taste in the mouth. This is due to the fact that there are taste buds on the tongue that transmit taste sensations to the brain. But due to the action of chemotherapy drugs, this process is disrupted.
  • Impact on the reproductive system - chemotherapy causes menstrual irregularities and negatively affects the performance of the ovaries. As a result, a woman experiences temporary or complete infertility. This side effect also applies to men who are undergoing chemotherapy.

In addition to the side effects described above, sleep disturbances, temporary loss or deterioration of memory, hormonal disorders, insomnia or increased drowsiness, frequent headaches, and other consequences of chemotherapy are possible.

Complications of chemotherapy

Complications of chemotherapy occur very often, as a rule, with aggressive chemotherapy and weakened patients. The most severe complications of chemotherapy appear as typhlitis, that is, inflammation of the caecum, anorectal infections and pneumonia. Let's take a closer look at each of the options for complications of chemotherapy.

  • Typhlitis

A very serious complication, which is manifested by minor pain in the abdomen. The peculiarity of this disease is that it progresses rapidly, causing inflammation of the caecum, gangrene or perforation. Among patients with cancer, mortality is high from this side effect. The main task of the oncologist is to diagnose the disease in time and prescribe treatment.

  • anorectal infection

An infectious lesion in the anus occurs in 8% of patients who undergo chemotherapy. Complications may occur due to the intake of chemotherapy drugs through the mouth. Patients with a weakened immune system are susceptible to the disease, the mortality rate for this lesion is 20-40%.

  • Pneumonia

Nutrition during chemotherapy

Nutrition during chemotherapy is aimed at restoring the body and maintaining its normal functions. So, a balanced diet should include such food groups as: protein, bread and cereal, fruit and vegetable and dairy groups.

Chemotherapy adversely affects the digestive and gastrointestinal tract. It is because of this that patients begin to have problems with nutrition. The main rule of recovery and maintenance of the body in case of cancer is a balanced diet. Eating regularly will help alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy and other treatments. Let's take a closer look at each of the food groups that should be included in the diet of a cancer patient.

  • Protein products - in chemotherapy treatment, it is recommended to use soy products, meat, liver, fish, eggs, legumes. All these foods are rich in protein, B vitamins and iron.
  • Dairy products - lactic acid products have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract of patients and general well-being. It is recommended to use kefir, milk, cheese, butter, curdled milk, yogurt and other dairy products.
  • Fruits and vegetables - during chemotherapy, patients should eat both cooked and raw vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to make salads, juices, fresh juices, eat dried fruits. Do not forget about the greens, which can be added to all dishes.
  • Baked goods and cereals – Cancer patients should consume a variety of cereals, grains and cereal products.

Before each course of chemotherapy, the patient should have a snack. It is not recommended to take drugs on an empty or overloaded stomach. In the process of chemotherapy, it is necessary to exclude spicy dishes from the diet, as well as fried and fatty foods. But after a course of chemotherapy, food should be plentiful in order to restore strength.

Chemotherapy for cancer is an effective treatment method that destroys cancer cells, reduces the volume of malignant growth and fights distant lymph nodes. Chemotherapy is selected individually for each patient. The effectiveness of this type of treatment depends on the stage of cancer, the degree of damage to the body and other individual characteristics of the patient's body.

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