If you dream of riding a train, then your life will be swift and successful. Dream Interpretation: why dream of riding a train, interpretation of the meaning of sleep for men, women and girls

For someone who, in principle, leads a sedentary lifestyle, rarely travels, and work has nothing to do with business trips, seeing a train in a dream may seem very strange. But you should not understand dreams so literally, why dream of riding a train, the dream book will help answer. In addition, one should not forget that to see any kind of public transport in a dream means to receive a key or a hint to the conduct of daily affairs. It is extremely rare for such a dream to mean that something will have to be radically changed in life on its own.

Miller's dream book

  • Riding a train slowly in a dream, and then discovering that there are no rails under it at all, means that you have a routine exhausting business or task that, as a result of patient and conscientious work, will bring considerable wealth and fame.
  • Riding a train with a man is a long-term relationship.
  • Fast train riding - you should be careful in risky business.
  • A freight train car is dreaming of imminent inevitable changes for the better, which will come without your special participation as good news or a letter.
  • Riding in an old train on the top shelf in a second-class carriage promises a waste of a considerable amount of money. Such a dream should be regarded as a warning and be attentive to upcoming expenses.

Esoteric dream book

  • The esoteric dream book interprets the train seen in a dream as the strongest sorrow in the future, which, unfortunately, cannot be avoided.
  • The last car of the train, rapidly moving away from you, is unequivocally interpreted as a long period of depression that does not go away.
  • Why dream about how you get on a train depends on what is around you at that moment. A lot of bags and suitcases - care and worries about loved ones. A long train, consisting of many wagons that can be seen from the window or when boarding - a long period of time will be spent on unnecessary chores.

Freud's dream book

  • A long train journey in a dream can be interpreted as a calm and measured life awaiting you, without much change or even news.
  • If you dreamed that you didn’t have time to catch the train, run with your last strength after the departing cars and just can’t catch up, most likely, in reality you will miss your chance due to a combination of circumstances or some trifle.
  • It is a dream that you are entering the car, which means that soon life will return to its usual course, and finally a series of unpleasant events and difficult trials will stop.
  • If in a dream you get out of the car, and even more so jump on the go, then soon you will receive a responsible position or you will be entrusted with a serious project.
  • Riding a new train in the driver's cab means that in life you will again take the helm, having all the opportunities to adjust the circumstances as you wish.

If in a dream you see a passenger train at the station, this means that grandiose changes await you ahead that will affect your entire future destiny.

Riding in a compartment carriage of a train means that you will soon undertake a new business, taking several good friends as companions.

If in a dream you are traveling in a common train carriage, it means that your reputation is in danger from envious neighbors or colleagues.

If your train travels slowly and stops at each station for a long time, this means that you will have to worry about incorrectly and out of time paperwork.

A dream in which your train rides along an endless bridge over endless water, means a long course of illness.

A train rushing at breakneck speed, behind the windows of which a rapidly changing landscape flashes rapidly, means that your plans will be realized in the very near future.

If the train you are on derails, you will have a streak of bad luck that will drag on for a long time.

A freight train with many wagons portends a change for the better in business and trade.

Riding it, huddling in some kind of car along with vagrants and homeless people, means that in reality there will be a trip with fellow travelers who will bring you misfortune.

To meet relatives or friends who arrived by train - to receive long-awaited news, to accompany someone to the train - there will be an unexpected parting with loved ones.

If in a dream you missed your train - in real life this portends humiliating reproaches and quarrels based on mutual misunderstanding with the people closest to you.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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The train is a symbol of time, moving life, successive events and circumstances, and fellow travelers on trains are people, contacts, meetings and partings.
If the dream book train runs smoothly, without any incidents, then in reality it promises calmness and measuredness. Everything is going according to plan for the owner of the dream, and there is no reason to worry. If the train in a dream encounters obstacles or derails, then in reality one should be more prudent, since the likely changes can be very unfavorable.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, trains, the railway in a dream signal that you need to think about the state of your affairs at work. It is likely that people who are unfriendly are trying to seize the initiative and push you away in the professional field. In addition, according to the interpretation of the dream book, trains and rails, which often appear in dreams, can be a sign of trouble in personal relationships. Often these dreams are a reflection of an inner fear of not keeping a loved one next to you.

Seeing a train station in a dream is a symbol of change in fate. However, if in a dream a sleeping person experiences discomfort, anxiety or irritation caused by the need to be in a crowd, then these changes subconsciously frighten him.

Seeing the train from the side, but not being in it, is a subconscious feeling of losing something, a harbinger of sadness, longing.
If there are a lot of trains or railway tracks intersect in a multitude, then in reality there is a serious choice.

Riding a train in a dream

In general, according to the interpretation of the dream book, a train ride symbolizes the journey of life. However, great importance in the interpretation should be given to the details of the dream.

As for people who meet on trains, you should pay attention only to acquaintances, loved ones and loved ones. If one of them gets off at the station, and the dreamer goes on, then the dream portends parting with the one who left the train.
Unfamiliar and unfamiliar personalities on the train are mostly “passing” people who do not affect the life of the sleeper.

A dream is favorable if the train in which the sleeping person travels climbs a mountain or crosses a bridge, such a dream promises an increase in income and success in the profession.

If in a dream you had a chance to ride on the roof of a train, it means that in life you will soon have to make a non-standard decision. The ability to look at the situation from a different angle will allow you to solve even the most complex problems.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, getting off the train in the right place in a dream is a good symbol, such a dream promises success in creative affairs or a new interesting hobby.

Train speed

Well, if the train moves at a decent speed, this guarantees that the goals will be reached soon. But if the train moves slowly and makes frequent stops, you will have to be patient, as the plans will be very difficult to implement.

The speed of the train, which differs from the classical speed of the train, emphasizes the speed of events in the life of the sleeper. If the train travels too slowly, then the dream has a number of meanings: a significantly slow progress of affairs, delays with documents, a delayed road (trip, business trip), pushing back the deadline for fulfilling desires.

If a train in a dream rushes too fast, causing anxiety and fear, then in reality there will be something exciting, and sometimes tiring, or circumstances will develop in such a way that the sleeper does not have enough time to properly think, analyze or relax and rest - to what does the train dream about.

If there are no negative emotions about the speed of the train, then the dream means uncontrollable events, but which will still help in moving forward and resolving problems. It is also possible that the dreamer simply "goes with the flow", however, this movement can be a fairly easy movement towards the intended goal, that is, the dream promises good luck.

train ticket

A ticket bought for a train symbolizes new business, prospects and opportunities.
So, according to the dream book, buying a train ticket in a dream is a sign that a person is very tired of the routine and subconsciously wants change. Such a dream for a girl or a young man may mean that in the near future there will be an acquaintance with a person who will become a spouse.

Dream train accident

Many are interested in what the train crash is dreaming of. If the dreamed accident did not cause much harm to the sleeper, then this dream is favorable. It means that, despite the troubles and hardships, a person will emerge victorious from the current situation. Moreover, if a freight train had an accident in a dream, then changes should be expected in the professional or financial sphere. If the composition was passenger, then the changes will affect personal relationships.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, the train derailed in a dream - this is a sign warning of danger. The person who sees this dream is in for serious troubles, and they will arise suddenly and literally “out of the blue”. Therefore, you need to be on your guard and not get confused if something does not go according to plan.

Missed opportunities in a career or personal life are what dream of a train accident, although the interpretation must take into account the nuances. So, if you dreamed of a falling train, and the sleeping person himself is watching the accident from the side, then you can expect trouble from friends or relatives that will affect the life of the sleeping person not directly, but indirectly. If in a dream you yourself happened to be on a train that flies down a slope, then such a dream suggests that a person is subconsciously afraid of something, is afraid of life.

Seeing a burning train in a dream is an extremely unfavorable sign, indicating inevitable problems in life, especially, often such a dream is a harbinger of major troubles in business or at work.

If in a dream the train turned over, and the sleeping person was inside the car at that time, then such a dream means that a serious shock can occur in life. If such an accident had to be observed from the outside, then serious shocks can happen in the lives of loved ones.

If a train hit a person in a dream, then in life you need to prepare for the fact that on the way to the goal you will have to face a lot of minor troubles. By themselves, each of the unpleasant situations that arise is not too serious, but a large number of obstacles can cause despair, since a lot of mental strength will be spent on the struggle.

The dream is interpreted somewhat differently, in which the sleeping person himself became a victim of a railway accident. According to the dream book, falling under a train in a dream means illness or such and such a personal tragedy.

If in a dream it was possible to stop the train in order to get on it or prevent a crash, then in reality a person will need decisive and quick action. If you delay or refuse to act, then serious troubles can happen in life.

Fall behind, catch up or miss the train in a dream

Being late for the train - a dream warns that in reality you should be quick, otherwise you can miss something very important. In this case, being late is interpreted as a missed opportunity or a favorable chance.

According to the dream book, falling behind the train in a dream means having strong doubts about the upcoming choice in real life. It is worth thinking carefully before making a decision.

The dream in which you happened to jump on the train on the move means that all plans will be implemented successfully. If, on the contrary, you happened to jump off the train, then, most likely, in the near future you will have to drastically change your priorities.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, catching up with the train and running after the last car means a person’s desperate unwillingness to put up with changes in his life. But the dream in which it was possible to catch up with the train is quite favorable, it promises success in your endeavors.

Many are interested in what the outgoing train is dreaming of. Usually, this dream is interpreted as a missed opportunity. But this is not always the case. If the sight of a departing train does not cause an unpleasant feeling (a slight feeling of sadness does not count), then such a dream may signal the completion of the next stage of life and the transition to a new level.

If a person feels strong regret that he did not have time or could not get on the departing train, then this dream may indicate that the sleeping person strongly dislikes the existing state of affairs. This is a signal that something needs to be changed in life, so that later you would not have to bitterly regret that time was wasted in vain.

Favorable events are foreshadowed by a dream in which it was possible to catch the train on time, the dream book interprets this omen as a close success in business.

The dream in which the train had to be looked for suggests that in the soul a person doubts the correctness of his choice. Perhaps it is not too late to correct the situation and choose a different path.

Other interpretations of sleep about the train

A dream in which you have to see off to the train is symbolic, which means that in reality you will have to say goodbye to something familiar that has become part of life. This dream does not necessarily portend a breakup. It is possible that you will have to change jobs or places of residence.

A dream has a good meaning, in which the waiting for the train appears. This dream portends the development of new plans that can change lives for the better, and their successful implementation.

Those who in reality happened to forget things on the train know that this is a big nuisance. But the dream in which I had to play the role of such a “Masha-confused”, on the contrary, is extremely favorable. He portends that a person will be able to avoid problems. But to find other people's things in a train in a dream and not return them to their owners, on the contrary, is not very good, since such a dream portends material losses.

And here is how the dream interpretation of the subway train is interpreted: the subway in a dream can symbolize the desire to hide part of your life from others. A train ride in the subway is a sign that reckless actions can turn into sad events.

But what the train is dreaming of: the train of the train in a dream is a sign that close people do not have enough attention. It is worth considering whether you are too carried away by your own problems and whether it is time to visit your parents, pay more attention to children, friends and everyone who is dear to you.

Sometimes not the entire composition appears in a dream, but only its individual parts. For example, what is the dream of a train carriage for? If you dreamed of your own journey by rail, and the train compartment was clean, comfortable and pleasant, then such a dream promises well-being in the future. It is worse if you dreamed of a dirty, crowded wagon, in which case things will not go so smoothly, but still they will move forward.

If the train driver became the hero of the dream, then such a dream suggests that the person has sufficient reserves in order to cope with the obstacles that arise on the way. But driving a train yourself, if in real life a person is not a driver, is not very favorable. This dream promises tightness in finances in the short term.

Dream interpretation on another topic:

There can be many interpretations of the same dream. This is due to the fact that esotericists, when explaining sleep in dream books, take into account many details of a dream. The train, according to esotericists, is a person’s desire to achieve an important goal.

The train, according to esotericists, is a person’s desire to achieve an important goal. Let's find out what the dream books say about this.

These are just some of the details that the dream book takes into account:

  • atmosphere.
  • The presence of other people in a dream.
  • Static sleep or in motion.
  • Kind of transport.
  • End point of movement.

Why is the train dreaming?

People can dream of a train if they are expected in the near future big changes. They concern primarily personal life.

Strong emotions await the dreamer if he experienced sadness or anxiety in a dream and at the same time saw a train. The dream interpretation says that this often happens when a person is truly deeply in love. At the same time, if a person dreams of a train and feels joy, then this may indicate a possible cooling of feelings between people in love.

Miller's well-known dream book answers the question a little differently: why is the train dreaming. Miller's dream book takes into account more details:

  • If the train is passenger, then this marks a big change of a pleasant nature.
  • When the train is moving, but there are no rails under the wheelsets, then serious problems on the way to the set goal. Solving these problems may require additional effort and time. Also, such a dream may indicate meaningless petty expenses.

Of particular importance is the color of the cars in the dream. Dream Interpretations associate color with various events:

  • If the train in a dream had a bright color, then this indicates a possible quick meeting with loved ones who have not been seen for a long time.
  • Dull colors composition or gray speaks of calm in the family. C
  • Red carriages speak of the need to control family expenses.

Why does the train dream at different times of the day in a dream? Most dream books interpret different times of the day as follows:

  • When the dreamer saw the train in the early morning, this means that the existing illness will pass in the near future.
  • A day in a dream indicates the need to communicate more with loved ones.
  • If the train dreamed at night, then small losses should be expected.

There are other common interpretations of the dream book of the train. Riding a train and being late is a problem with work colleagues. Surely they seek to sit or set the team against the dreamer. At the same time, the dream book advises to be attentive, but not to pay special attention to spiteful critics.

Why dream of riding a train, but being late? The interpretation of such a dream in all dream books is the same: the dreamer should soon reach a high position in society and gain material wealth. At the same time, a person may dream of a train when, on the contrary, he manages to reach his destination on time. This may be a harbinger of acquiring your own home.

If in a dream you have to sit in train at the last moment, this may portend success in seemingly hopeless endeavors.

Sometimes people may dream not of the train itself, but of waiting for it. This dream, according to modern dream books, indicates the need to refuse to conclude major transactions in the near future. There is a high probability of deception by partners or final contract will have disadvantageous points.

Finally, it may be a dream that the dreamer says goodbye to friends and leaves by train. What does the dream book say about this? Riding the train after parting with friends means waiting for health problems In the next few days. It is recommended to avoid traveling by public transport.

Why dream of a train accident?

Not a single dream book interprets such an incident positively. A derailed train is in most cases interpreted unambiguously: everyday problems. We can talk about a family quarrel, as well as a possible leak in the heating system, breakdown of plumbing equipment, electrical wiring. In any case, it will take several days to fix the problem.

Many dream books, when explaining a train wreck, pay attention to the season. If the dreamer saw in a dream a train that went off rail in the summer, then this portends a forced move. You will have to move either to a new apartment or to a new place of work.

Autumn in such a dream is interpreted as cooling of the senses between loved ones. But if in a dream the crash occurred against the background of snowdrifts, then the dreamer expects an increase in well-being.

When in a dream the collapse of a train is accompanied by the death of people, and at the same time the composition is commercial, then serious changes in one's life should be expected.

Modern dream books give a very interesting interpretation to the dream of a train against the backdrop of a burning station.

  • When there are no victims after the explosion, then you need to be wary of deception by business partners.
  • If there are victims, then you need to save yourself in real life. Such a catastrophe can be dreamed of before a possible injury due to excessive physical exertion.

When the dreamer is forced to board the train, knowing that the latter will certainly collide with another train, this indicates the emergence of a new loved one in life. Despite the fear in a dream, lightness and joy await in real life.

A person may dream that he falls under a train. This is a warning against sudden acquaintances on the street. Perhaps new acquaintances will try to deprive you of money.

Riding a train and then jumping off is interpreted by dream books as a possible deception on the part of loved ones. That is, you need to be more critical of the words of those you trust.

Why dream of a train ride?

In dream books, a lot of attention is paid to the state of the train in a dream: he is driving, standing, or he is being transferred to sidings.

Riding in a compartment in a dream means the need to pay more attention to your family. They are probably going through a difficult period in their lives right now, but you don’t notice it, and they really need your support. Perhaps it would be useful for everyone to go somewhere to relax together.

The dreamer may dream of a departing train. This is an indication of the need to analyze your relationship with loved ones. If you do not change in time, you can be left alone.

When you have to sit in an empty train car and ride alone, this indicates that in real life you will have a complete break in relations with your inner circle.

Riding in a dream in a train, which moving in circles means, in real life, not to notice family problems, to avoid them.

Sometimes in a dream you have to leave their hometown. Such a dream harbinger of betrayal by a best friend or girlfriend. This man out of envy will do everything to destroy the family.


Dreams are good, sad, scary and funny. You may not find an interpretation of your dream in the dream book. Then you should break the dream into separate elements and find an explanation for each of them.

Remember, dream books were made by people like you. They could also be wrong. Therefore, you should not take the interpretation of dreams by dream books as an absolute truth.

We all love to travel because it is so exciting and interesting. We meet new people and customs, all fascinating and unfamiliar. There are a huge number of different modes of transport, but perhaps the most romantic is the train ride. This is the most comfortable and common type of travel over relatively long distances. You can walk around the carriage, go to a restaurant and eat there. Pleasant and exciting feelings from the very fact of movement are directly related to the train ...

Why dream of a train: interpretations

Let's find out what the train is dreaming of in the interpretation of the most popular dream books:

1. According to Loff's dream book

This trip always implies the presence of fellow travelers, conversations with them, and carries a romantic connotation. Therefore, the dream reproduces your expectation of a love affair. Seeing stations and railway tracks in a dream is the personification of your life choice.

2. Interpretation according to Miss Hasse's dream book

This type of transport symbolizes great future changes in a dream. I dreamed of a freight train - to a successful trade. To see a fast train - your aspirations will be fulfilled quickly. The composition that went off the rails - to bad luck in life.

3. Why dream of a train ride according to Freud's dream book

Such a journey is the embodiment of anxieties and fears. If you dream that you are riding a train, then this means the presence of phobias. Other details of sleep will help to solve them. And the composition passing by symbolizes sexual contacts that were not realized through your fault. All of the above is part of your inner consciousness and needs to be listened to.

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