Bradley Cooper before and after plastic surgery. Before and after plastic surgery: the stars who made themselves perfect chins. Real surname Shayk

Today Irina Shayk is considered one of the sexiest models in the world. She met with the famous football player Cristiano Ronaldo, and now her boyfriend is the blue-eyed Hollywood handsome Bradley Cooper. However, before the crushing success, Irina, like everyone else, was an ordinary child, with her own plans and dreams.

Shaikhlislamova Irina Valerievna was born on January 6, 1986 in the Chelyabinsk region, the city of Yemanzhelinsk.

Irina Shayk's parents were ordinary people. Mom Olga, a Tatar by nationality - a music teacher, father Valery, Russian, worked as a miner. However, lung disease did not allow him to live up to the glory of his daughter, and he died when Irina was only 14 years old.

Since Irina's family lost their breadwinner early, everyone had a hard time. Mom worked tirelessly to feed the two girls, and in the summer she sent them to their grandmothers, where they could feel a little all the delights of childhood. Having inherited a strong oriental character from her mother, Irina coped with any difficulties from childhood.

The star recalls the first few classes at school with horror. Since the future model is left-handed, it was very difficult in the Soviet school. Due to the fact that they tried to teach her to write with the “correct hand”, she lagged behind in many ways. However, a strong character helped to cope with this, and by the eighth grade, Irina was set as an example even for high school students.

Since childhood, the model has been a hardworking and responsible child. Even when it was very difficult to combine the workload of high school with music, the girl did not give up, because she felt sorry for the money that her mother Olga had invested in her education.

In adolescence, all girls are worried about their appearance, but Irina was not embarrassed by her tall stature and angularity. Moreover, she wore high heels and was not afraid of what they would say about her. And this confidence helped her in her youth.

After graduating from a music school, Irina decided to develop these skills, but constant restrictions quickly repulsed this desire. In 2004, while studying at the College of Economics, Irina decided to try herself as a model, and took part in the competition, where she became the winner. The girl was noticed by scout Gia Jikidze, who offered Irina Shayk a contract.

In an interview, Shayk said that she never dreamed of a career in the modeling business: “It was a complete surprise for me that I became Miss Chelyabinsk. “I became a model to educate my sister and help my mother. We lost our father at an early age. To get us back on our feet, Mom worked three jobs. With the first money I earned, I bought her a dress and made repairs in the apartment.

Those who have seen photographs in which the model is captured in adolescence have no doubt that Irina Shayk did plastic surgery.

Of course, it is impossible to say with absolute certainty, but Irina Shayk looks different before and after hypothetical plastic surgery. If we compare the latest photographs with pictures from ten years ago, then the changes that have taken place with Irina's body are obvious.

It is no secret that the only way to increase breast size is surgery, unless it is a significant weight gain or pregnancy. Physical exercises can only change the condition of the breast, but not its size. Irina did not recover, was not pregnant, did not give birth, but at the same time her bust increased in size.

Below are photos before and after plastic surgery, which show how Irina Shayk has changed.

According to

The story of Irina is similar to the story of Cinderella. A girl from the outback has achieved worldwide fame, and her suitors are the most beautiful and famous men on the planet. She recently gave birth to a daughter from a famous actor who does not have a soul in her. Does she have some secret? The whole point is that Irina Shayk did plastic surgery? Or is it all just luck?


Irina Valerievna Shaykhlislamova, and that was the name of this fatal beauty at birth, was born in 1986 on January 6 in the small town of the Chelyabinsk region, Yemanzhelinsk. In the family of a miner and a music teacher. She lost her father early, as he died due to an occupational lung disease. Irina's unusual appearance for Slavs is due to the fact that she is half Tatar.

It was very difficult for the mother to raise Irina and her older sister Tatyana. The family had problems not only with new clothes, but even with food. As a child, one of the most beautiful women in the world knew the poverty of the Russian hinterland for what it is. Irina worked in other people's gardens, earning a penny in order to somehow help her mother.

The one who is now the envy of millions of girls was ridiculed during her school years. Classmates did not consider her beautiful and teased her for being too tall (178 cm). She was told that she had too dark skin, a flat chest, and she herself was painfully thin. They considered her strange because she was left-handed, and tried to retrain her to write with her right hand. But she did not lose heart, considering herself a beauty both before and after plastic surgery. Irina Shayk emphasized thinness with mini skirts and high heels.


Despite her appearance, Irina in her childhood dreamed of being not a model or actress, but a journalist. But in her financial situation, it was not so easy to choose. She went to the nearest large city of Chelyabinsk, where she entered the local economic college at the Faculty of Marketing. But such a beauty was quickly noticed and invited to work at the Svetlana advertising agency.

Model career

She got involved in the modeling business, began to participate in various competitions to get noticed. And this happened in 2004 at the Supermodel 2004 contest, where she was noticed by the famous scout Gia Jikidze. Scouts are engaged in the fact that at such "small-town" beauty contests they look for unnoticed talents in order to be the first to offer them a contract.

From that moment on, her life changed dramatically. She left Russia to work in Paris. Irina had not yet seen money in her hands, she experienced severe financial difficulties, she was practically starving, but she did not give up. Then she went to conquer Europe, and then the USA.

Significant for her was the contract with the underwear brand Intimissimi, she became the face of the company in 2007 and was until 2009. Her career rise continued with the world's first appearance of a Russian model on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. In 2016, Irina demonstrated Victoria's Secret lingerie at Paris Fashion Week.

Now she is a top model. Photographers such as Pamella Hanson, Steve Earl, Rennio Maifredi, Rafael Mazucco work with her. In 2014, Irina made her debut as an actress in the film Hercules, playing Megara.

Personal life

Men liked Irina Shayk both before and after plastic surgery. Beautiful, stately, brought up in a modest family.

After she became an international model, she had the opportunity to attend elite events. These are visited by men who everyone else can only see on television and in magazines. At one such event, the Armani show, she met football star Cristiano Ronaldo.

Passion quickly flared up, and the couple did not hide it, kissing even in public places. They appeared everywhere together, went on vacation, participated in sensual photo shoots. It was one of the most beautiful couples in the world. Their romance lasted five years, from 2010 to 2015. Irina did not speak out about the reason for the breakup, but subtly hinted that the problem was infidelity. Later, information began to emerge that Cristiano was fond of other girls.

Almost immediately after breaking up with Cristiano, they began to see her with the famous actor Bradley Cooper, who is 11 years older than her.

In him, she found the very safe harbor and loyalty that she lacked when she met Ronaldo. He did not delay for a long time and immediately introduced her to his mother. And at the end of 2016, Irina demonstrated her pregnancy at the Victoria's Secret show. In the spring of 2017, their daughter Lea de Shane Shayk Cooper was born.


You need to try to find videos and photos of Irina Shayk before plastic surgery. After her, she changed, but remained recognizable. Previously, she had the average face and figure of a model. But after that she became just an unearthly beauty with a very memorable appearance. The secret of the success of her changes is that she did not cross the line, so everything looks very natural. And also in the fact that the new features are not quite standard, she retained all her facial features and did not make the face of a Barbie doll. Irina only slightly tweaked her already good appearance.

There is a lot of controversy around whether Irina Shayk did lip plastic surgery. Before her modeling career, her childhood photos show the same plump lips. This is rare, but, most likely, the lips look harmonious on her face, because it was intended by nature itself.

As for rhinoplasty, it was for sure. Before plastic surgery, Irina Shayk's nose was not terrible, but it made her rustic. After rhinoplasty, he clearly underwent changes, becoming thinner and more elegant. The tip of the nose has become shorter, making Irina an exquisite beauty.

Her face has also changed in the cheekbones, perhaps this is the result of the introduction of fillers here or the removal of Bish's lumps. But sometimes such changes occur with age due to the disappearance of children's swelling of the cheeks.

Irina Shayk has a slim figure both before and after plastic surgery, here the merit of nature, nutrition and sports. But her breasts have increased, but not much. Most likely, Irina increased her bust a little, but again she kept the measure.


A poor childhood did not make the beauty's heart cold. She still remembers how it is to be left without a livelihood. And now, when her financial situation is more than good, she tries to help those whom life has deprived her even more than she herself in childhood. She helps Yemanzhelinsk, her hometown. With his own funds, he sponsors repairs in the wards of children who refuse children and the purchase of clothes for them. He is an ambassador for the Help Me charity foundation. Sponsors and promotes the Pomogi.Org online fund. On her pages on social networks, Irina often organizes fundraising for sick children, using a large number of subscribers.

When you think of plastic surgery, the first thing that comes to mind is women. I'm literally sure it is. But believe it or not, men sometimes go under the scalpel of an aesthetic surgeon. We live in a world where looks are everything and famous men love to look as good as the women in the stars. When it comes to the strong half of humanity, her main preferences are rhinoplasty, facelift and beauty injections. If you don't already know, I'll show you a list of male celebrities who have had any type of plastic surgery. Get ready: some have become younger and prettier, but there are also terrible results.

1. Bradley Cooper

The star of The Hangover, The A-Team and other blockbusters, who has four Oscar nominations and a charming wife, Irina Shayk, never confirms the rumors about her plastic surgeries. But on the Internet, stories about them are a dime a dozen. And if you compare the photos of the actor taken with a difference of several years, then he definitely looks different: he hasn’t aged at all, but he’s 43! He is said to have had a rhinoplasty, although there is no proof. But I'm sure Bradley used a chemical peel as well.

2. Mark McGrath

The 50-year-old City Girls and The Office star is a good example of how plastic surgery doesn't always improve your appearance. His face looks completely unnatural, and this is the result of a large number of different operations. All because you need to know the measure.

3 Wayne Newton

He is already 76, and he still can not stop. The actor's glory after the films "Trump Aces" and "Ocean's Eleven" is long behind, but there is no limit to perfection. Apparently, Wayne thinks so. It's time to calm down: he can no longer smile as naturally as he did 40 years ago, because he went too far with Botox and braces. His face, it's safe to say, looks more plastic than real.

4. Steven Tyler

The Aerosmith leader's face is one of the most artificial in Hollywood. But unlike many other male celebrities, at least Steven had the guts to admit he'd had plastic surgery. Although he does not like the results, he does not deny them. But at 70, he looks pretty young, although his face is so ... specific.

5. Rupert Everett

The famous British actor, twice nominated for the Golden Globe, the star of the films The Importance of Being Earnest, The Ideal Husband, Best Friend's Wedding and others, once said that he did not mind. But at the same time he refused to admit to going to a plastic surgeon. It's hard to believe him considering how young he looks in the "after" photos.

6. Paul Stanley

The vocalist of the rock band Kiss, by the age of 66, has done almost all the plastic surgeries that exist. Except mammo- and vaginoplasty. Experienced the rest: rhinoplasty, facelift, lip augmentation and so on. Among them, by the way, there was only one functional, not aesthetic - Paul was born with a deformed ear, and he needed surgery to improve his hearing.

7. John Stamos

When you're 50 or older and you look like you're 30, rumors start to spread. This is the main problem of plastic surgery - people notice its results. Although the 55-year-old star of "Parts of the Body", "Brilliant Dad" and others is not admitted, it is obvious that he had a facelift and Botox injections.

8. Jared Leto

When you look at this 46-year-old Oscar-winning actor, how much can you give him? He looks about 25. And a very long time ago. Like frozen, honestly! Jared's fans and he himself hate the rumors about his plastic surgery. But there are traces of Botox. For the first time, viewers noticed them in 2016 at the Oscars.

9. Clay Aiken

The American singer, winner of the prestigious American Music Award and Billboard Music Awards, is one of the celebrities openly acknowledging their plastic surgery. But unlike many others who have had Botox injections and a facelift, Aiken went a little further. To improve his appearance, he did rhinoplasty, and a number of cosmetic procedures on his face. That's why, at almost 40, he looks like a 20-year-old.

10. Bruce Jenner

Even before going for a sex change operation and turning into a woman, Bruce visited plastic surgery clinics from time to time: he did a facelift, blepharoplasty. The result rejuvenated him, but did not satisfy him. Therefore, the last chord was a 10-hour operation, which transferred it from the category of mister to the category of miss.

11. Ben Savage

The 38-year-old star of Criminal Minds, Chuck, Bones and others suffered from a rather large nose in his youth. Therefore, when enough money accumulated in his account, he immediately performed a complex of plastic surgeries, thanks to which the face changed from cheekbones to nose and mouth. It turned out nice: the actor remained recognizable, but now he looks younger than his age.

12. Vince Neil

The longtime lead singer of American glam metal band Mötley Crüe has undergone several cosmetic procedures over a long career in the music business. What could he do about his desire to look younger? Money has never been a problem for the rock singer, so he often visited plastic surgery clinics. But, by the way, his appearance only won.

13. Steve Martin

It is a sad thing to know that one of the best comedians of the 20th century is known not only for his roles in films, for which he even received an honorary Oscar in 2014, but also for his plastic surgeries. Trying to look young for as long as possible, Martin had several facelifts. On the other hand, he is now 73 years old, but how much can you give?

14. Rod Stewart

Stewart is a legendary British musician who received the title "Sir". Few in this profession have received such an honor. But even the greatest of us are no strangers to plastic surgery. Rod didn't do too many surgeries. Is that just a facelift here and there. Just a little bit. Now he is 73, but do not see the old man in this fit, youthful man.

15. Patrick Dempsey

So far, only two nominations for the Golden Globe and the Screen Actors Guild Award. But what are his years! Only 52, but starred in the films "Freedom Writers", "Love can not be bought", "Happy Together" and others. Dempsey has his surgeon to thank for his skyrocketing career. Before the rhinoplasty, his path to the top of the cinema Olympus was not something exciting. But a little facial tweaking made Patrick look much hotter, and Hollywood took notice. Roles on popular TV shows followed, and Dempsey even became a fashion icon and the face of some fashion brands.

16. Rick Springfield

In his memoirs, the famous Australian vocalist, guitarist, songwriter and actor admitted that he did not get the result he wanted from plastic surgery. Depression and disappointment followed, but Rick declared that he would do the operation again, taking into account the new possibilities of medicine. What do you doubt? At 69, he looks like a 40-year-old strong man with a very aesthetic appearance.

17. Mark Feuerstein

By the time you've read this far, you've probably noticed a common pattern that celebrity men have. They love to inject Botox and do rhinoplasty. The star of What Women Want, In Your Eyes and others, Feuerstein did both. Yes, and his reconstructed nose looks much better.

18. Howard Stern

When he got Botox injections and a facelift, fans of the popular American TV presenter and writer asked: what happened to their pet? Rhinoplasty is one thing, and in general it turned out quite well. But everything else made him unrecognizable. What do you want from a man in his seventies? Nobody wants to get old.

19. Christian Bale

The Oscar-winning Bale is a great example of how plastic surgery can improve your career. Today he is considered one of the hottest actors, and there are legends about his ability to transform the body for different roles. He then loses weight to the state of a living skeleton, then gets fat. But the face is not amenable to training. But it is well supported by cosmetic procedures and "beauty injections".

20. Bruce Willis

He is 63 years old, and there are almost no wrinkles on his face. Why? Botox injections, what else. By the way, this was noticeable in some roles - the facial expressions of the actor at one time became more constrained. He also underwent rhinoplasty for himself, because in his youth his nose was broken several times. It is a pity that he does not want to do a hair transplant. It would look absolutely incredible!

21. Johnny Depp

At the age of 55, Depp looks younger than his friends and colleagues. Rumor has it that if he uses Botox injections and facelifts, then in a minimal amount. He does not want the world to notice his too youthful appearance. But it is clear that the more youthful look is the result of some kind of plastic surgery. He may have also had a rhinoplasty, but this has not been confirmed either.

22. Barry Manilow

During his long career in the music business, Barry has released more than 75 million discs worldwide, and who would blame him for wanting to stay young at 75? True, the singer himself rejects rumors about his plasticity and says that the hype makes him angry and worried. But this is probably because the operations were not performed as well as he expected, and this is noticeable on his face: not without changes in the forehead and eyelids.

23. Tom Cruise

When he was just starting his film career, he had a rhinoplasty. Today, the actor is one of the biggest stars in Hollywood because he looks young and slim. True, in 2016, at a social event, journalists saw Cruz and said: his face looks like hundreds of bees have bitten him. Many believe that this is the result of Botox injections, mainly for the chin, cheeks and forehead.

24. Simon Cowell

The famous British TV presenter, producer, philanthropist will celebrate his 60th birthday next year. He prepared for the anniversary: ​​he did rhinoplasty, corrected his cheekbones, significantly reducing them, underwent liposuction on his face, getting rid of the second chin and thick cheeks.

25. Rob Lowe

To start, Lowe got chin implants and reshaped his cheekbones to make his face look sharper and hotter than before. The actor also underwent several Botox injections, keeping his youthful image as long as possible. But at the age of 54, it's just hard to look young. Oh, how demanding the film and entertainment industry is! But there is something to strive for: so far, Rob has six Golden Globe nominations and not a single coveted statuette.

To be continued...

Changing the shape of the chin, or mentoplasty, although it sounds quite exotic, has not been something out of the ordinary for a long time - this is one of the most popular procedures that people decide on in pursuit of an impeccable appearance. Getting rid of the second chin, installing implants and even reducing it - for plastic surgeons there are no impossible tasks for a long time. What is actively used by Hollywood celebrities, for whom the face is, perhaps, the main working tool. In our selection, we have collected those who decided to transform.

One of the first stars who decided to change the shape of the chin was. The most famous blonde of all time had an operation at the beginning of her career: it was with mentoplasty that the epoch-making transformation of Norma Jean Baker into the magnificent Marilyn began. She made her naturally inexpressive chin, with the light hand of a surgeon, chiseled. True, once every few years she had to go through a not very pleasant procedure again - in those years, cow cartilage was used as implants, and after a certain time they needed to be replaced.

This spring, fans were surprised to see their favorite performer at the Billboard Music Awards. The singer was literally unrecognizable. However, it quickly became clear why: the girl went for a radical change in appearance and changed the shape of her nose and chin - it became sharper. Iggy herself admits that she was satisfied with the result of the operation, while loyal fans are still inclined to believe that such beauty tuning was frankly superfluous.

For the correction of the shape of the chin also became only one of the stages of its transformation. From a young age, the star was embarrassed by her not the most elegant lower jaw, but for many years she could not decide on a painful procedure. The effect of the operation turned out to be impressive: by slightly increasing the chin and cheekbones, the actress managed to make facial features harmonious and visually rejuvenate.

In a much more difficult situation was the eldest daughter Demi Moore,. From the famous father, tough nut Bruce Willis, she got a truly massive chin. To deceive nature, the girl went for an extremely serious and painful operation. And despite the fact that a radical transformation could not be achieved, Rumer still managed to make this part of the face more elegant: in addition to correcting the shape of the jaw, she also underwent lip augmentation surgery, which divert attention from the problem area.

Angelina Jolie's face is perhaps the clearest example of the flawless work of a plastic surgeon. The fact that the actress and director had surgery on her chin was not immediately noticed by her fans. Meanwhile, looking closely, you can see that over the years, the face of the diva has become more elongated and sculptural. A graceful implant helped her achieve this effect.

The dimple on the chin of the British conquered millions - however, this part of the face seemed not ideal to the actress herself. Plastic surgery helped to correct the situation and find harmony with oneself: a correctly selected implant not only lengthened the short chin, but also helped to make the dimple less pronounced.

He categorically denies any rumors about plastic surgery, explaining all his transformations with successful makeup. However, experts agree that the pop diva has repeatedly resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. And looking more closely at Bee's jawline, it's hard to doubt it.

Beauty Irina Shayk drives many fans crazy - did she do plastic surgery? See photos before and after plastic surgery and find out about her Biography + Video in the article!

It's absolutely not about her relationship with - her appearance overshadows many eminent actresses and models.

The difference in the photo of Shake before and after plastic surgery is visible to the naked eye. But were there really operations or is it all the merit of gossip and photoshop?

Irina Shayk. Path to glory

Real surname Shayk

Shaikhlislamova, she was born on January 6, 1986 in the Chelyabinsk region in a simple family of a music teacher and a miner. In adolescence, Irina lost her father, her mother had to work from morning to night to support two girls.

Regardless of the exhausting circumstances, the girl constantly developed and received a decent education.

Soon a large agency drew attention to her and invited Irina Shayk to the modeling business.



Such a defect indicates the use of fillers, and more than once. But this news turned out to be a complete fake. In children's photographs of a girl and her mother, an identical fold is visible. Any person changes with age, facial features are formed, the oval changes, a little planting of the eyes. So this attempt failed miserably - Irina Shayk before the imaginary operation, everything is the same, it's just a matter of genetics.

The most important proof of the absence of lip plastic surgery is teenage photos of Irina Shayk.

Plump lips have been bestowed by nature itself since childhood, and against the background of graceful thinness, a magnificent bust has always stood out.

Unfortunately, not all the words of the model are true.

Having dispelled the rumors about a skillful photoshop and looking closely at Irina in real life, it is clearly seen that her face has undergone more than one operation.

  • Irina Shayk: rhinoplasty and others

The nose of the model in recent years has become thinner and more elegant, the tip of the nose has decreased. Such a serious change in shape is possible only through surgical intervention.

Irina Shayk did facial plastic surgery

And in this case, the surgeons did not bypass the model. The cheekbones are radically different.

So, to the question of whether Irina Shayk did plastic surgery of her cheekbones and nose, we can say with confidence - yes.

Noticeable use of uninstall procedure Bish's lumps and the introduction of a special filler into the cheekbones. Looking at the photographs of a decade ago, it is clearly seen that the girl's cheekbones have become much smaller and more aristocratic.

There is still no direct evidence whether Irina Shayk did facial plastic surgery. Therefore, devoted fans of the model say that the appearance has changed only due to hormonal teenage changes. Until the model gives an official statement, this question will remain a mystery.

In any case, Irina Shayk can be envied - she can afford to appear in public without makeup. On the most ordinary day without a gram of cosmetics, the model will still attract the eyes of men. Her natural beauty is stunning.

Relationship with Jolie

Fans compared her to Angelina Jolie herself. She was once accused of exactly the same. Which was also not confirmed thanks to children's pictures. Many even considered them sisters.

Rumors do not subside due to the fault of envious people. Having no rich relatives, being an ordinary girl from a simple family, the girl made her way to fame with her natural beauty, her own mind and unsurpassed charm.

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