Interesting facts about the structure and operation of human organ systems. Interesting facts about the work of human organs The structure and work of the human language interesting facts

The human senses are the five functions of the body that allow us to perceive the world around us and respond in the most appropriate way. The eyes are responsible for sight, the ears are responsible for hearing, the nose is responsible for smell, the tongue is responsible for taste, and the skin is responsible for touch. Thanks to them, we receive information about the world around us, which is then analyzed and interpreted by the brain. Usually our reaction is to prolong pleasant sensations or to stop unpleasant ones.

Interesting facts about the human senses.

People receive information about the surrounding space with the help of six senses: ears, eyes, skin, tongue, nose and vestibular apparatus. The data received by each of them enters the nervous system.

More than half of the inhabitants of the Earth have diseases associated with the organs of vision.

It is believed that overeating adversely affects hearing.

Humans only taste solid food after it has interacted with saliva.

Women distinguish shades of odors better than men. In addition, the beautiful half of humanity hears much better than their defenders.

Approximately 2% of the world's population has no sense of smell.

The human memory is capable of storing memories of about 50,000 scents.

Loud noise provokes pupil dilation.

Each person has his own, unique smell - focusing on it, babies accurately determine their mother, and adults can find a suitable partner for them.

The sense of smell of dogs is almost a million times stronger than that of humans.

The ears are not only an organ of hearing, but also an important element of the vestibular system - simply, they help a person maintain balance.

A noise level of 45-50 decibels is considered favorable for human hearing - calm conversations are conducted at such a volume. Any sounds above this limit negatively affect the human body, including the immune system.

The conventional wisdom about the benefits of carrots for vision is not entirely true - orange fruits do contain a lot of vitamin A, beneficial for the eyes, but eating carrots and excellent vision are not directly interconnected.

Most children are born with gray-blue eyes, which only after 2 years acquire their true color.

The rarest eye color in humans is green (only 2% of the inhabitants of the Earth are green-eyed).

All blue-eyed people descended from the same ancestor, in whose body a mutated gene arose about 6,000 years ago.

Approximately 1% of people have a different color of the iris in each eye.

Human eyes can distinguish up to 10 million color variations.

Perfumes are considered ideal for a person, the smell of which he does not feel.

The pattern of the iris of each person is no less unique than fingerprints or the shape of the auricles.

The human brain takes time to process signals from the senses, so everything that people feel at a certain moment actually refers to the previous moment of their life. The perception delay is about 100 milliseconds, but the brain somehow manages to compensate for it - the essence of this mechanism is not yet clear to scientists.

Signals from different sense organs enter the brain at different speeds, so that later the brain creates a single picture from them.

Scary events are sometimes perceived by people as a movie in slow motion, although in fact, frightening phenomena are simply recorded in more detail by the brain.

People who are blind from birth and become sighted only at a conscious age can perceive many things with distortion - since their brain does not know how to dispose of information unusual for it, former blind people see people moving away from them as decreasing in size figures.

If you wear glasses that turn space upside down for some time, then the brain adapts to this image. When a person takes off his glasses, the world will seem upside down for some time.

The main means by which we interact with the world around us are the sense organs. We can hear, see and smell with them. Their importance cannot be overestimated.

Here are all the interesting facts about our senses.

Hearing Facts

After eating your hearing getting worse. If you're heading to a concert or musical after a hearty meal, it's a disservice to your ears. Try to eat less if you want your hearing to be perfect.

Read also: Incredible facts about the human body. Internal organs

Interesting Facts:

  • Ears are also organs balance.
  • A favorable background for a person ranges from 45-50 decibels (corresponding to a quiet conversation). According to acousticologists, everything above this background is already called noise load and contributes to weakening of the immune system person.
  • At 30% children are found to have hearing problems, which can lead to school failure. That is why doctors insist on undergoing a hearing test in infants.
  • Loud sounds that affect a person for a long time can lose hearing.
  • Men have worse hearing than women.

Known facts about human vision

Near two-thirds The human race has poor eyesight. The quality of human vision deteriorates as we age.

Interesting Facts:

  • "Carrots are good for the eyes" - we hear from childhood. Indeed, vitamin A, which is saturated with carrots, is good for health. However no direct connection between the carrot and the eyes.
  • Most of the children born have gray-blue eyes. Eyes acquire their true color only after two years.
  • Green is the rarest eye color in humans. Only 2% people on Earth have green eyes.
  • All people with blue eyes can be considered relatives. A mutation of blue eyes arose about 6,000-10,000 years ago, approximately in the area where the modern the city of Odessa.
  • In 1% of people, the irises of the left and right eyes differ in color.
  • Theoretically, the human eye can distinguish 10 million colors and about 500 shades of gray.
  • The drawing of the iris of the eye is individual for each person.

Incredible facts about the sense of smell

Women are born with a better sense of smell , than men and remain so all their lives.

At the same time, statistically 2% The world's population live without a sense of smell at all.

Your nose can distinguish 50 000 various flavors.

Interesting Facts:

  • No two people smell the same.
  • Ideal perfumes are those that you yourself do not feel.
  • Human memory can not remember everything except for smells. Everyone has a phenomenal memory for smells.

Newborns are able to recognize the scent of their mothers. Part of this feeling is determined by genetics; but also the general environment and hygiene, which create a unique chemical composition.

If you eat too much, your hearing becomes less acute. So you can do yourself a disservice by having a big meal before going to a concert or theater. Try limiting your food intake a bit if you need perfect hearing.

Approximately a third of the world's population can see perfectly no further than 6 meters. People who wear glasses or contact lenses obviously do not suffer from loneliness - two-thirds of humanity cannot boast of perfect vision. The percentage of people with visual impairment only increases with age.

If saliva can't dissolve something, you won't know what it tastes like. In order for food or something else to have a taste, the chemical elements in it must be dissolved by saliva. Don't believe? Try wiping your tongue before tasting food!

Women are better at smelling than men. Studies have shown that women are much more accurate in identifying odors. They better recognize the smells of citrus, vanilla, cinnamon and coffee. By the way, 2% of humanity is not able to smell at all.

The human nose can remember 50,000 smells, while the nose of a Bloodhound dog is millions of times more sensitive. However, this does not mean that your sense of smell is useless. A person can recognize a huge number of smells and remember many of them.

Even minor noises can cause pupil dilation. It is believed that this is why surgeons, watchmakers and representatives of other professions, whose activities are associated with delicate manual work, do not like extraneous noise. Sounds can provoke a change in the focus of the pupils and distort what a person sees - and this is much more difficult to work with.

Every person gives off a unique smell, except for identical twins. Newborns can recognize the smell of their mother, many of us recognize the smell of loved ones. Part of the smell is genetically predetermined, but, in addition, the environment, food and personal care products - this is a list of those factors that affect the smell of the human body.

The muscular organ in our mouth performs a considerable number of different functions for the body, therefore interesting facts about language a person will always be relevant to reading.

  1. Babies suck their mother's milk with their tongue. In some babies, this organ is slightly larger than standard sizes. However, it does not prevent them from simultaneously performing sucking and swallowing actions. At the same time, children have time to inhale the air.
  2. The human tongue has the ability to distinguish 4 different tastes: bitter, sweet, sour and salty.. On its surface are special papillae, the sensitivity of which helps people enjoy food. These taste receptors are located in the soft palate and in some places in the pharynx.

  3. The total number of taste buds affects the feeling of hunger. The fact is that people who have a small number of such receptors are forced to eat more often, since they do not feel the characteristics of food and drinks. This condition causes obesity.

  4. The organ of taste plays an important role in digestion.. Everything we eat dissolves in our mouths. The glands of the papillae are activated, which produce the right amount of saliva for different foods. Also, the tongue is involved in mixing food and pushes it down the throat.

  5. The color of the tongue indicates a person's health. In the normal state, the organ has a pale pink color. White plaque indicates the presence of the disease. The yellowish color of the taste organ occurs in people suffering from problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

  6. A huge number of anaerobic bacteria live on the surface of the tongue.. They cause bad breath. One of the most effective tools for dealing with them is a toothbrush, which is used daily during cleaning of the tongue.

  7. Tongue can heal faster than others. The tongue is better than other organs supplied with blood vessels. A small wound or sore as a result of biting appears there very often. With the necessary care and treatment, everything heals in about 1-2 weeks.

  8. Some people develop a taste disorder called dysgeusia. It appears with diabetes, anemia, dysfunction of the endocrine glands, etc. People with this disease feel a metallic taste and burning sensation in the mouth. They like to try unusual substances: clay, lime, chalk.

  9. Women are 20% better than men at distinguishing sweet tastes. Ladies are also 10% more sensitive to acidic foods. This fact is explained by the physiology of the body. They have more taste buds, so the majority of the female population of the Earth loves candies, cakes and other sweets.

  10. Smoking affects the taste buds. On the tongue of a person who abuses cigarettes, a yellow-gray coating gradually forms. It has a dense structure that is difficult to remove.

  11. The tongue is the most mobile and flexible muscle in the human body.. It is able to take different forms and is fixed only on one side. At rest, this part of the body completely fills the oral cavity. However, his muscles are not the strongest in the body.

  12. Some people can roll their tongue into a tube. Scientists believe that this ability is due to genetics or environmental influences. However, it is not at all necessary that the abilities of the parents pass on to the children. Scientists are still working on an explanation for this phenomenon.

  13. Each person's tongue print is unique.. This is due to the fact that all people have differences in its structure. Each of us has its own arrangement of taste buds, furrows and other elements of this organ. It is believed that in the near future there will be a special tool for imprinting the tongue.

  14. Fans of tongue piercing do not understand what consequences await them. Basically, teenagers like to do this, who then suffer from diseases of the oral cavity, which is caused by constant injury to the gums.

  15. First tongue transplant done in 21st century. The reason for the intervention of doctors was a malignant tumor, which did not allow the organ to function normally. The operation lasted 14 hours and was successful as a result.

Through the senses, people can interact with the outside world. Many facts about the human senses have remained unexplored, but many of them have been studied by modern scientists. Even people have such sense organs that no one knows about.

40 facts about eyes (vision)

1. Brown eyes are actually blue, but this is not visible due to the presence of brown pigment in them.

2. With open eyes, a person will not be able to sneeze.

3. When a person looks at the one he loves, his pupils dilate by 45%.

4.Eyes can only see 3 colors: green, red and blue.

5. Almost 95% of animals have eyes.

6. The muscles that control the eyes are the most active in the human body.

7. Approximately 24 million images a person sees throughout his life.

8. Human eyes are capable of processing approximately 36,000 pieces of information per hour.

9. Approximately 17 times per minute, a person's eyes blink.

10. A person sees not with his eyes, but with his brain. That is why vision problems are associated with brain activity.

11. There is no blind spot in the eyes of an octopus.

12. If a person in a photo with a flash sees only one eye red, then he may have a tumor.

13. Johnny Depp is blind in one eye.

14. There are hairs in the eyes of bees.

15. Most cats with blue eyes are considered deaf.

16. Many predators sleep with one eye open to hunt game.

17. About 80% of the information received from the outside passes through the eyes.

18. In strong daylight or cold, the shade of a person's eyes changes.

19. A resident of Brazil could protrude his eyes by 10 mm.

20. About 6 eye muscles help to turn a person's eyes.

21. The lens of the eye is much faster than a photographic lens.

22. Eyes are considered fully formed at the age of 7.

23. The eye cornea is the only part of the human body that is not supplied with oxygen.

24. The corneas of human and shark eyes are very similar.

25. Eyes do not grow, they remain the same size as at birth.

26. There are people who have different colored eyes.

27. Eyes more than other sense organs load the brain with work.

28. Cosmetics do the most harm to the eyes.

29. The rarest eye color is green.

30. Representatives of the weaker sex blink 2 times more often than men.

31. The eyes of a whale weigh no more than 1 kilogram, but their vision is poor even at a distance.

32. Human eyes are not able to freeze, this is due to the lack of nerve endings.

33. All newborns have gray-blue eyes.

34. In about 60-80 minutes, the eyes are able to get used to the darkness.

35. Color blindness affects males more than women.

36. Pigeons have the highest viewing angle.

37. People who have blue eyes see better in the dark than those who have brown eyes.

38. The human eye weighs about 8 grams.

39. Eye transplantation is unrealistic, because it is impossible to separate the optic nerve from the brain.

40. Eye proteins are present only in humans.

25 facts about ears (hearing)

1. Hearing is more often lost by men than women.

2. Ears are a self-cleaning human organ.

3. The sound that a person hears when putting a shell to his ear is the sound of blood that runs through the veins.

4. Ears play an important role in keeping balance.

5. Children have more sensitive hearing than adults.

6.At birth, the baby manages to hear the lowest sound.

7. Ears are an organ that can grow throughout life.

8. If a person eats a lot, then his hearing may deteriorate.

9. Even when a person falls asleep, his ears work, and he hears everything well.

11. The main cause of hearing loss is frequent noise.

12. Elephants can hear not only with their ears, but also with their legs and trunk.

13. Each human ear hears sounds in its own way.

14. Giraffes clean their ears with their tongues.

15. Crickets and grasshoppers hear not with their ears, but with their paws.

16. A person is able to distinguish between about 3-4 thousand sounds of different frequencies.

17. There are about 25,000 cells in the human ear.

18. The sound of a baby crying is louder than a car horn.

20. Every 10th person in the world has a bad hearing.

21. The tympanic eardrum in frogs is located behind the eyes.

22. A deaf person can have a good ear for music.

23. The roar that tigers make can be heard from a distance of 3 kilometers.

24. With frequent wearing of headphones, the phenomenon of "ear congestion" may occur.

25. Beethoven was deaf.

25 facts about tongue (taste)

1. Language is the most flexible part of a person.

2. Language is the only organ of the human body that is able to distinguish between tastes.

3. Each person has a unique language.

4. People who smoke cigarettes get worse taste.

5. Language is that muscle of the human body that is not attached on both sides.

6. There are approximately 5,000 taste buds on the human tongue.

7. The first human tongue transplant was performed in 2003.

8. The human tongue distinguishes only 4 tastes.

9. The tongue consists of 16 muscles, and therefore this sense organ is considered the weakest.

10. The fingerprint of each language is considered unique, just like a fingerprint.

11. Sweet taste is better distinguished by girls than boys.

12. Breast milk is sucked by newborns with the help of the tongue.

13. The organ of taste affects human digestion.

14. Anaerobic bacteria live on the human tongue.

15. The tongue heals much faster than other organs.

16. The tongue is the most mobile muscle in the body of every person.

17. Some people are able to roll their own tongue into a tube. This is due to differences in the structure of this organ.

18. At the tip of the woodpecker's tongue there are horny spines that help him get the larvae hidden in the wood.

19. Taste buds, which are on the human tongue, live for about 7-10 days, after which they die, being replaced by new ones.

20. The taste of food is determined not only by the mouth, but also by the nose.

21. Good taste abilities begin to form even before birth.

22. Each person has a different number of taste buds.

23. The desire to try something sweet may indicate a lack of self-control.

24. The more papillae are on the tongue, the less often a person experiences hunger.

25. The color of the tongue can be said about human health.

40 facts about the nose (smell)

1. There are approximately 11 million olfactory cells in the human nose.

2. Scientists have identified 14 shapes of people's noses.

3. The nose is considered the most protruding part of a person.

4. The shape of the human nose is fully formed only by the age of 10.

5. The nose grows throughout life, but this happens at a slow pace.

6. Although the nose is receptive, it cannot smell natural gas.

7. In newborns, the sense of smell is much more developed than in adults.

8. Only three out of ten people are able to dilate their nostrils.

9. People who have lost their sense of smell will also lose their sexual desire.

10. Each of the human nostrils perceives odors in its own way: the left one evaluates them, the right one selects the most pleasant of them.

11. A nose with a hump, in ancient times, was only among the leaders.

12. Familiar smells that you once had to feel are able to renew past memories.

13. It is assumed that women who find their man's face attractive smell better than other females.

14. Smell is the first thing that will deteriorate with age.

15. In the first year of life of newborns, the sharpness of smell is lost by 50%.

16. By the tip of the nose, you can tell about the age of people, because it is in this place that elastin and collagen proteins break down.

17. The nose of a person is simply not able to distinguish some smells.

18. Before mummifying an Egyptian, his brain was pulled out through his nostrils.

19. There is an area around the human nose that releases pheromones that attract the opposite sex.

20. At a particular moment in time, a person can breathe with only one nostril.

21. Often people insure their nose.

22. Approximately half a liter of mucus is produced daily in the nose of every healthy person.

23. The nose can work like a pump: pump from 6 to 10 liters of air.

24. Approximately 50 thousand smells are remembered by the human nose.

25. About 50% of people don't like their nose.

26. Slugs have 4 noses.

27. Each nose has a "favorite" smell.

28. The nose is closely connected with the center of emotions and memory.

29. Throughout life, the human nose changes.

30. It is the nose that influences the manifestation of sensuality.

31. The nose is the least studied human organ.

32. Pleasant smells relax the human nervous system, and unpleasant ones cause antipathy.

33. The sense of smell is the most ancient sense.

34. With the help of smells, autism can be diagnosed.

36. Smell is an irresistible element.

37. It is very difficult to control a person's sense of smell.

38. There are about 230 million olfactory cells in a dog's nose. In the human organ of smell, there are only 10 million of these cells.

39. There are anomalies of smell.

40. Dogs can often look for the same smell.

30 facts about the skin (touch).

1. In human skin there is an enzyme - melanin, which is responsible for its color.

2. About a million cells can be seen on the skin under a microscope.

3.Round wounds on human skin take longer to heal.

4. From 20 to 100 moles can be on human skin.

5. Skin is the largest organ of the human body.

6.Women's skin is much thinner than men's.

7. Insects most often bite the skin of the legs.

8. The smoothness of the skin can be determined by the amount of collagen.

9. Human skin consists of 3 layers.

10. Approximately 26-30 days in an adult, the skin is completely renewed. If we talk about newborns, then their skin is updated in 72 hours.

11. Human skin is capable of producing antibacterial chemicals that prevent germs from multiplying.

12. Africans and Europeans have a lot more sweat glands on their skin than Asians.

13. Throughout life, a person sheds about 18 kilograms of skin.

14. More than 1 liter of sweat per day produces human skin.

15. The feet have the thickest skin.

16. Approximately 70% of human skin is water, and 30% is proteins.

17. Freckles on a person's skin can appear in adolescence and disappear by the age of 30.

18. When stretched, human skin resists.

19. There are approximately 150 nerve endings on human skin.

20. Dust in the room occurs due to keratinization of the skin.

21. The thickness of the baby's skin is 1 millimeter.

22. When carrying a child, a woman's skin becomes more sensitive to the sun's rays, which can cause a burn.

23. The science that studies the sense of touch is called haptics.

24. There were cases when a person created works of art with the help of touch.

25. A person's heart rate will slow down slightly if you touch his hands.

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