Luxury white pro teeth whitening pencil. ✎ Real Reviews of the Luxury White Pro Teeth Whitening Pencil. Luxury White - professionals work

Every person who likes to look like a needle, and also loves to take care of himself, of course, wants to have a beautiful and snow-white smile like that of the stars. Therefore, many people do not resort to any methods and means to make their smile snow-white.

Moreover, many people turn to the Internet for various useful recipes and sometimes cause such irreparable harm to their teeth that it can be quite difficult to correct the situation later.

And other people try to cash in on others and release various products that supposedly should make your teeth snow-white and your smile irresistible.

At one time, I also tried to make my teeth at least a few shades lighter and tried various whitening products. But if you often visit dentists and talk with them about whitening your teeth, then they will all tell you with one voice that whitening, even the most gentle one, can cause at least a little, but still harm to your teeth.

Therefore, they do not advise even whitening pastes to be used by sane people. But how many different people there are so many different opinions about this issue. And although many people warn about the dangers of teeth whitening, there will still be those who try different methods and will pay large sums of money.

Recently, they began to actively advertise on the Internet and offer such naive people a special tool for whitening teeth, which is called luxury white. In this article, I want to tell you about it in more detail, and also for someone, it may be possible to open their eyes to it.

Means for whitening teeth luxury white.

This teeth whitening product is not at all difficult to find on the Internet at various special sites. Moreover, on almost all of them it is offered to the buyer with a good and profitable discount. but even if you buy it at a discount, it will cost you about 1,500 rubles, or even more, if we also consider delivery.

This tool is sold in the form of a special convenient pencil inside which is the tool itself, which is made in the form of a gel. Of course, it is convenient to use this pencil, but before applying this gel to your teeth, I suggest you think a few times, but you really won’t harm your teeth and won’t make them even worse.

In order to answer this question, I propose to figure out what causes teeth whitening in this gel.

How does the luxury white teeth whitening pencil work?

This gel contains such special substances that penetrate into the tooth enamel and due to this, your teeth are whitened. Moreover, the active substances that are in it are quite aggressive and not at all sparing.

And if in the first few days the effect of the gel is not much noticeable, then later on you will only ensure that your enamel will thin out a little and become sensitive. By the way, even the manufacturer of this gel says that this gel can cause tooth sensitivity. And this should alert you from the very beginning. Since in a normal situation this simply should not be.

Also, this gel can not be used regularly, but a maximum of only two weeks. And the enamel has such a property that if you start working on it, it becomes looser, and thus, if you do not constantly use different bleaching agents later, it will become even darker than it was before.

That is why I do not advise you to use a whitening pencil. luxury white so as not to cause even more harm to your teeth.

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

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A snow-white smile always delights and attracts the attention of others, but, unfortunately, the enamel of many of us is in a terrible state, forcing us to smile as little as possible.

You can get snow-white enamel today in dental centers, but not everyone can afford an expensive procedure that needs to be done regularly. Luckily, there are many products available today to help you achieve the smile of your dreams, and as the reviews show, many of them are quite effective, and at a low cost.

One of the most popular products is the Luxury White Pro tooth whitening pencil, which is preferred by most of today's customers.

Is this product really worthy of attention, and should it be trusted? Do the reviews about this product correspond to reality, and does such a tool help get rid of the long-term yellowness of the enamel? Answers to these questions can be obtained if you study in more detail the information about this amazing tool.

Features of a unique product

The Luxury White Pro tooth whitening pencil was created using the latest technology, as well as the characteristics of human tooth enamel.

To date, there are a huge number of methods that can be used at home, but a large percentage of them cannot provide amazing results, and some bleaching agents include abrasive components that lead to enamel microdamages.

In order not to harm the teeth and avoid damage to the structure of their surface, which in turn leads to caries, you should use not only sparing, but also protective products.

A whitening pencil, reviews of which are only positive, has an absolutely harmless effect, therefore, in the process of its use, no harm is caused to the teeth. It only works to whiten the enamel without destroying the structure of the tooth.

Luxury White Pro is a product that has been tested not only by users, but also by specialists who have managed to prove the high effectiveness of this product. This whitening pencil for teeth is able to improve the shade of enamel by almost 10 tones. The change was observed on the Vita scale (Vita), used to establish the effectiveness of a variety of whitening products, both in Europe and in our country.

In addition, the application of Luxury White Pro is much easier than procedures performed in dental offices. A whitening pencil for teeth does not cause discomfort and pain, which can often be observed after procedures performed by a dentist.

What is a product?

A special tooth whitening pencil is a special product that is designed to be applied to the enamel.

The tool is compact, which makes it possible to always carry it with you and use it when you have a free minute, so that your teeth will be in perfect condition at any time.

This product supports not only a snow-white smile, but also the general condition of the teeth. In order to achieve the desired results, it will take a certain amount of time, that is, the whitening pencil for teeth acts gradually.

Why is it better to choose this tool?

A dental pencil has many benefits, including the following:

  1. Ease of use. Thanks to the presence of this tool, you do not need regular visits to the dentist. The pencil can be used not only at home, but also at work, as well as at a party.
  2. There is no need to wash off the applied product, as well as rinse the mouth, since the product evaporates on its own after a short period of time.
  3. A pencil intended for teeth whitening does not have a negative effect on the gums, as well as the teeth themselves, since the procedure is not aggressive and instantaneous, but is carried out gradually.
  4. The tool protects the enamel, and also neutralizes the activity of bacteria, due to the fact that fluorine is present in the product.

The peculiarity of the composition of this remedy for teeth, reviews of which can be studied on the Internet, allows for effective whitening of enamel due to the fact that the remedy acts exclusively on those substances that contribute to darkening.

A huge number of negative factors affect our teeth, because of which, over time, their surface loses its smoothness and whiteness. In addition, defects and microscopic cracks form in the enamel, which cannot be seen with the naked eye. In these appearing flaws, all kinds of coloring components begin to accumulate, which slowly penetrate into the inside of the teeth.

The composition of the whitening pencil was developed with this feature in mind. The substance of the product, after application, penetrates into the depths of the enamel, interacting with the coloring components, neutralizing their "activity". Thanks to this, the teeth acquire the desired whiteness.

What is included in the funds?

The main component of the product is a unique gel containing low concentration carbamide peroxide. When exposed to light, this gel has an excellent effect on the enamel surface, changing the tone to a lighter one.

After the first application of this product, it is possible to lighten the surface by almost 6 tones.

Carbamide peroxide, which is part of the pencil, perfectly discolors the resulting darkening. The amount of this substance in the product is absolutely safe, while it has the desired mild effect.

Experts were able to determine exactly the dosage of peroxide that can provide the desired results. If the dose of the main substance is reduced, the pencil will not be effective in whitening, if it is increased, then damage to the teeth can be caused.

Clinical studies of the product have proven that it is an absolutely safe and very effective development, the use of which does not violate the integrity of the enamel.

When applying the product to the tooth surface, using a special brush, peroxide is released from the peroxide. This process has a whitening effect, and the peroxide evaporates quickly.

In addition, urea is included in the composition of the pencil, which works to mitigate the aggressive action of the main component of the pencil. In addition, this combination allows you to take care of the soft tissues of the gums, and leave them intact.

How to use the tool?

Using this whitening pencil is incredibly simple:

  • it is necessary to clean the surface of the teeth with a paper towel;
  • remove the cap from the pencil and squeeze out the gel, then apply the product. When carrying out this procedure, it is enough just to smile broadly and carefully distribute the gel on the surface of each tooth;
  • after 40 minutes, you can rinse your mouth with warm water, so you can quickly eliminate the remnants of the substance. This completes the whitening process.

As you can see, there is nothing easier than using such a tooth enamel care product. Compactness, as well as ease and efficiency of operation, made this product incredibly popular.

The long-term use of this product primarily depends on the general condition of the tooth surface. For one category of users, 3 applications are enough to get an amazing effect, for other people, the application should be regular for several months.

Contraindications for use

The use of this tool is not accompanied by the occurrence of side effects, but it should be remembered that there are certain restrictions that do not allow the use of this whitening pencil.

It is undesirable to use the product in such cases as:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • the presence of allergies;
  • wearing braces.

In addition, people who have gum disease as well as teeth should stop using the product.

What do modern users say about the tool?

A huge number of modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of a wide variety of products, however, users who had the opportunity to compare different whitening methods recognized the Luxury White Pro pencil as the most effective.

Of course, there is a certain percentage of consumers who did not get the desired results, but in most cases they either did not follow the elementary rules for using the product, or did not use it regularly, as required by the instructions. Also, the product will not help the category of people who have sick and very damaged teeth, and in this case only an experienced specialist can help them.

In addition, we note that there are people who naturally have slightly grayish/yellowish teeth. Such enamel cannot be whitened, even when visiting a dentist. Such cases are extremely rare.

What results can be expected from using the tool?

Highly effective and absolutely harmless pencil will help you effortlessly achieve the smile of your dreams. Already after the first 3-4 times of application, you will notice a significant improvement - the enamel will shine with an alluring white and incredibly “clean” shade.

No matter how carefully a person thinks through his external image, yellow teeth or spots on them can completely spoil the effect. Their "ignoble" color fetters, makes you stop, smile less, laugh. In especially serious cases, only professional whitening will cope with the problem. With slight yellowing, special whitening products for home use can help. For example, Bright White teeth pencil. Since this tool is associated with medical manipulations, before using it, be sure to read the instructions for use.

What is a bleach stick?

Teeth can be yellow for various reasons, and enamel may not be to blame - it is almost transparent. The color of the crown depends on the outer layer of dentin just below the enamel. If it is yellow, home bleaching products are not able to cope with the problem and a dentist is needed.

Sometimes the enamel turns yellow due to external reasons - excessive consumption of coffee, smoking, medicines, sweets, food dyes, poor dental hygiene, etc. In such situations, whitening pencils will help to cope with the problem, the action of which is aimed at lightening the darkened areas of the enamel. Whitening occurs due to the active components that are part of the gel. Such a pencil is able to illuminate the teeth by 1-2 tones.

Composition and appearance

Before talking about Bright White, you need to figure out what a teeth whitening pencil is. The tool got its name due to its shape, resembling a pen or felt-tip pen. Some manufacturers produce it in the form of an oblong bottle with an applicator or brush.

Inside the whitening pencil is a gel. The main active ingredient is hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Also, the composition of the gels contains various auxiliary components (fluorine, calcium, phosphorus), which reduce the aggressive effect of peroxide and enhance the whitening effect. They strengthen the enamel, making it less sensitive to the negative effects of the environment (hot and cold food, bacteria).

Operating principle

The principle of operation of a whitening pencil is as follows. When it comes into contact with the enamel, hydrogen peroxide breaks down, resulting in the formation of oxygen, which penetrates into the pores and during the reaction brightens the colored particles. The water formed during the reaction brings them out of the tooth. This process happens quickly, within a few minutes.

Carbamide peroxide has a similar effect - it is another type of hydrogen peroxide, which is formed during the breakdown of urea (a breakdown product of proteins). This tool is less aggressive on the gums and dental tissue, but to achieve the desired whitening effect, you will need to spend more time (10-15 minutes). Despite this, when choosing a pencil, dentists recommend giving preference to this particular active substance.

Indications and contraindications

A whitening tooth pencil is indicated for removing slight yellowness: it will not cope with serious stains. It is also good to use after professional whitening. The tool fixes the effect and prolongs the action of dental procedures.

Since the active substance of the product is quite aggressive components, the drug is not recommended to be applied to the surface of the crowns in the following situations:

It is not worth neglecting contraindications, since ignoring them can cause tooth decay. This is especially true in case of violation of the integrity of the enamel or the presence of caries.

When buying a pencil, you should ensure that the concentration of the active substance does not exceed the norm. For hydrogen peroxide it is 5-12%, for carbamide peroxide - 15-16%.

Bright White product overview

The Bright White pencil does a good job of whitening teeth. Its manufacturer is unknown, since the company's website does not exist, and on the Internet you can find references to the fact that the product is produced by an American, German or Dutch company. It is a fact that this product is sold on Ali Express, which directly indicates its Chinese origin: goods from other countries are not sold on this site. As for the manufacturer, even on this portal different companies are mentioned (depending on the seller).

Pros and cons

You can find a lot of good reviews from users about the Brigitte White whitening pencil - according to them, the tool justifies itself. Unfortunately, the site does not list the exact composition, but apparently, hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide is definitely present there, which provide the desired effect. On other portals that sell this product, the data on the composition of the product does not match.

Among the advantages of the pencil - convenient packaging, quick results. Many users mention that if the instructions are followed, there is no redness or irritation of the gums.

The disadvantages include the fact that hydrogen peroxide is a rather aggressive agent, and therefore its more frequent use than indicated in the instructions can damage the enamel (see also: can baking soda and hydrogen peroxide help whiten teeth?). For some people, teeth become more sensitive after a pencil. This pencil is not able to completely whiten yellow teeth. However, within a few days after use, the crowns will lighten.

Instructions for use

How to use a Brighter Pencil? Bleach packaging looks like a marker with a soft brush. On the other side of the marker is a part that, during use, must be slightly twisted clockwise to squeeze out the gel.

Before use, brush your teeth, clean the interdental spaces with a special floss. Then wipe your teeth dry with a napkin or a clean cotton swab, smile broadly, then apply the gel, making sure that the product does not get on the gums and mucous membranes.

Further, the instructions say that in order to achieve the desired result, the mouth should not be closed for 10-15 minutes, otherwise the whole effect will disappear. In no case do not swallow the product. To make this easier, you can use a dental retractor. If there are fears that the enamel will be damaged, you can limit yourself to 4-5 minutes. According to reviews, this is enough to achieve the desired result, it just comes a little later. After the expiration date, you can rinse your mouth with clean water, although the instructions for use say that this is not necessary.

To prevent damage to the teeth, use the product no more than 2 times a day for 2 weeks. Do not eat or drink for half an hour after the procedure.


Bright White Whitening Pencil is the most profitable to buy on Ali-Express. To do this, go to the site and type in the search engine name.

It costs from 2 to 5 dollars, in some stores you have to pay 2 dollars for delivery. It should be borne in mind that the goods will have to wait from two weeks to three months.

If there is no time to wait, a pencil can be bought from Russian sellers through an online store. True, you will have to pay for it two or three times more expensive - 500-600 rubles. It should be borne in mind that the product was most likely bought by sellers on the same Ali Express.

Also on the Internet you can find sites that pretend to be an official representative of Bright White and offer a discounted price (for example, for a promotion - for 390 rubles, while without it - 1 thousand rubles). In such cases, you need to compare this cost with the price of the goods on Ali Express, and if the amount is exceeded within reason, you can buy. The advantage is that the product will be delivered much faster than from China.

Popular tooth whitening pencils from other manufacturers

Bright White is not the only pencil designed to whiten teeth. There are many offers from other manufacturers that have collected a lot of positive feedback. Among them are such tools as:

Whatever tool you decide to use, you should remember: before buying Luxury or other whitening pencil for teeth, you need to consult a dentist. He will suggest the most optimal solution for each individual patient and advise what is best suited - Bridge White, Luxury White or another remedy.

Teeth whitening at home is a fairly common procedure for which a variety of means are used. One such tool is the Luxury White Pro dental whitening pencil. It is distinguished by acceptable cost, convenient form and ease of use.

What's this?

An enamel whitening pencil is a device that resembles a regular marker in its appearance. It also has a cavity, only instead of a rod it contains special gel, created on the basis of hydrogen peroxide or urea.

The pencil is equipped with a special applicator, which is impregnated with whitening gel when you press or turn the dispenser.

As a rule, such products are intended for long-term whitening or maintenance shade of crowns after their professional clarification in a dental office.

To use the pencil does not require special skills and additional devices.


There is practically no reliable information about the manufacturer at the moment due to the fact that these products have appeared only recently. One of the distributors of this product claims that the manufacturing company is located in England.

According to another source, Luxury White Pro pencils are manufactured by Chinese company. There is also no specific information on the website of the official supplier.

But in case of claims for the quality of the goods, it is the official supplier, whose location is on the territory of Russia in the city of St. Petersburg.


The main distinguishing feature of the Luxury White Pro is its compact design. The length of the device is no more than a palm, so it can be constantly take with you in a handbag. The pencil is made in the form of a marker, the body of which has a platinum tint.

The bottle was made of a durable, elastic plastic that withstands impact well and does not deform. In addition, this material makes the bottle almost weightless. The cavity of the vial is filled with a transparent gel that does not contain fragrance additives.

To apply the gel, the device was equipped special applicator made in the form of a brush. The brush consists of soft monofilament bristles of the same length. Thanks to this, the gel is applied over the entire surface of the crowns in an even layer.

Pencil has special dispenser cap, which delivers the gel by slightly turning it clockwise. The bottle is closed with a special cap that prevents the brush from drying out.


The main active ingredient in this product is urea. Unlike peroxide, it has a milder whitening effect and is gentler on enamel.

The percentage of carbamide does not exceed 35%. This is quite enough to eliminate pigmentation and brighten the enamel.

In addition to carbamide, the gel included fluorine-containing complex, whose task is to saturate the enamel with microelements to increase its strength. Due to the complex effect, the product has a whitening effect with a fixing effect.

In order to prevent dehydration of the crowns, which is usually characteristic of the whitening procedure, a natural moisturizer - glycerin. Was used as a basis water and thickener, which allows the agent to maintain the form of a dense gel.

Expected Result

According to the promises of the manufacturer, the pencil starts working after the first application. Judging by the descriptions on the official website of the supplier, crowns can be whitened in one session. for 6 tones.

But in practice, after the first application, only a slight lightening occurs, by about 1 or 2 tones, depending on the initial and natural shade of the crown. Deeper whitening can only be obtained after a few uses.

Guarantee a sustainable result with brightening of the enamel 5 tones or more can only in two weeks after repeated use. As a rule, one pencil is enough for this period.

Operating principle

The whitening effect of this product is due to conventional chemical processes. After applying the gel to the crowns, carbamide reacts with saliva and decomposes into water and active oxygen.

This combination comes in all pores of the enamel. Oxygen begins to break down the pigments that have settled at the bottom of the pores, and water washes them from there to the surface, from where they are in turn removed by saliva.

The peculiarity of this procedure is that clarification occurs not only during the application of the product to the enamel, but also after that, since oxygen is able to linger in pores dental tissues and at the same time retain their properties for 10 days or more.


In order to get a good result and at the same time not harm the crowns, it is necessary to use this tool strictly in accordance with the instructions:

  1. Before the procedure no need for pre-cleaning teeth, but their surface, which is subjected to gel treatment, must be completely dried.

    To do this, you can use a paper or textile napkin. Even a little moisture will slow down the penetration of active ingredients into the pores of the enamel.

  2. In order to protect the gum tissue from the effects of carbamide, it is recommended to cover with an oil solution of vitamins A or E. If these drugs are not available, then you can use ordinary petroleum jelly by applying it to the gums with a thin layer.

    In this case, its contact with the enamel should be avoided.

  3. Before use, you need remove the cap from the bottle and turn the dispenser slightly. It is turned until drops of gel appear on the brush.
  4. To facilitate the application process, it is necessary smile broadly. In this case, all teeth that fall into the smile zone should be clearly visible.
  5. After that carefully apply the gel to the surface of the crown, starting from the gum line and moving towards the cutting part.
  6. After treatment of the vestibular surface, the gel is applied on the cutting edge, moving the brush along it.
  7. To lighten individual areas of enamel, it is necessary to apply a gel dotted.
  8. After application, wait at least one minute, during which you can't close your mouth.
  9. After this time remove the remaining gel with a napkin or rinse your mouth with water. Within an hour after the procedure, you can not eat and drink even water.
  10. If necessary, this procedure can be repeated again, but only a week later. The final result will not be before than in 14 days.

Too frequent use of the gel will lead to a change in the structure of the enamel and its thinning.


Luxury White Pro whitening gel has certain advantages that distinguish it from similar products from other companies:

  • convenient bottle shape, allowing the use of the tool in any conditions for both women and men;
  • brush fibers are located as close as possible to each other, which ensures uniform distribution gel over the entire surface;
  • gel delivery is easy and precise regulated convenient dispenser-cap;
  • gel differs in density, and therefore holds well on the crowns;
  • carbamide is used here as the main substance, which is characterized by its sparing properties in relation to dental tissue;
  • gel guarantees visible whitening result. Even with a single use, the product immediately has a brightening effect;
  • compact dimensions bottles allow you to store it even in a regular handbag.


  • during pregnancy. Due to changes in the functioning of all body systems during this period, teeth are the first to suffer, and any impact of aggressive components on them can cause irreversible changes in dental tissues;
  • high sensitivity enamel and its pathological abrasion. Active exposure to oxygen will only worsen the situation;
  • in period of breastfeeding, since it is impossible to exclude the ingestion of the drug;
  • piercing in the mucous membrane of the lips or on the tongue. This can lead to corrosion of metal elements;
  • carious lesions on the teeth visible when smiling. Exposure to peroxide can cause a painful reaction;
  • crown deformation: the presence of chips, cracks. Just as in the case of carious cavities, applying the gel can lead to pain;
  • age up to 15 years.


To date, this tool can be purchased through online stores or their representatives. The cost varies greatly though. The average and most common gel price was recorded in the area 400 rubles.

The lowest value for a special promotion was only 50 rubles for one vial. The maximum value was fixed at official distributors of this product and was in the redistribution 1500 rubles.

The teeth whitening pencil is one of the newest tools in the field of dentistry and is a huge success among today's youth and older people.

Teeth whitening pencil is an elongated tube, similar to the shape of a pencil or pen, hence the name.

Due to its convenient shape and small size, this oral care product has enough adherents among women and men.

Thanks to modern technology and design tricks, these pencils can be produced in larger or smaller volumes, in various sizes and shapes, which makes it even more convenient to use in everyday life.

When and to whom should such rods be used?

An indication for the use of such pencils is the desire to have, worthy of praise.

In most cases, the pencil will be effective as an aid in oral care after and, and ease of use can only please.

Another advantage of a bleaching agent in a tube is the presence of a minimum of contraindications during use.

One of the most significant is damage to tooth enamel, and, accordingly, the presence, that is, before applying the product directly to the teeth, it is necessary to undergo an examination of the oral cavity by a specialist in a dental clinic.

A number of contraindications include personal intolerance to the components that are part of the gel, which is extremely rare, and therefore does not play a significant role.

It must be remembered that the use of a whitening pencil is not recommended for children and adolescents under 18 years of age, since this age refers to the period of formation of the facial and jaw apparatus, teeth,. Pregnant women are also not recommended to use this remedy.

How it works

Due to the bleaching agent in the form of a gel placed in the middle of a tube containing hydrogen peroxide (its part in the bleaching agent is only no more than 12%), everyone can now have a snow-white smile.

The remaining components serve for prevention, refresh the oral cavity.

Also, instead of hydrogen peroxide, other substances with a whitening effect, for example, carbamide peroxide, may be included in the composition. Gels with its content have a more gentle effect on tooth enamel, due to the large amount of urea in the total volume of the product.

When applied, the peroxide undergoes a chemical reaction, which causes it to break down, and the resulting oxygen saturates the tooth enamel.

It is worth understanding the fact that the greater the content of hydrogen peroxide in the composition of the gel, the more obvious the result will be, but the higher the likelihood of injuring the tooth coating, respectively.

Terms of use

In order for the use of a tooth whitening pencil to be more effective, it is necessary to follow a number of rules for its use.

Before applying the product, you must:

After the whitening procedure, it is undesirable to eat, any colored or hot drinks for an hour.

The whitening gel must be applied to the teeth in the morning and evening in order to give the necessary time for the procedure.

The whitening course is no more than two weeks, the duration of application depends on the company that manufactures this product. It is not recommended to apply this remedy more often and for longer.

Efficiency or dangerous consequences?

The pencil is effective if you follow all the recommendations specified in the instructions.

If you do not adhere to the conditions for use, you can expect such negative consequences:

  1. The appearance of sensation. This feeling will accompany the whitening procedure all the time, but you should worry when this feeling begins to gain a painful character. In this case, you must stop using a pencil.
  2. Damage to the enamel, and in the future its destruction. Before using any whitening products, you should consult a dentist. It is possible that the substances contained in the composition of bleaching agents will have an extremely negative effect on the already deteriorated condition of the teeth.
  3. Invisible enamel brightening. Most manufacturers do not mention in their instructions that in order to obtain tangible results, it is necessary to whiten teeth with a pencil in conjunction with and using the necessary means, otherwise it is very difficult to notice the result after a short amount of time.

Safety in your hands and… teeth

Speaking of safety, it is worth noting that the gel should not be swallowed during use. If part of it gets on the inside of the tooth, where it can come into contact with the tongue, you simply need to remove its excess with a clean cloth, and rinse your mouth well after the procedure.

Otherwise, the remedy belongs to the drugs of the average safety category, since there is a possibility of enamel damage in people who want to get a visible result in a matter of days.

Features of the most common pencils

There are a variety of teeth whitening pencils on the European market, the most common are Bright White, Teeth whitening pen, Luxury White.

Bright White is where it all began

The Bright White Teeth Whitening Pencil is packaged in a bright, designer-designed blue and white box that immediately grabs attention. It looks like a simple felt-tip pen or a thickened pen. Usage features include the following:

  • when applying the gel to the surface of the teeth, it is necessary to withstand about 10 minutes, which, compared with similar means, is a rather lengthy procedure;
  • there is a high probability of increasing the sensitivity of the teeth;
  • after the end of use, the result remains throughout the year, but it is necessary to refrain from dyes that can change the color of the enamel (cigarettes, caffeinated foods, wine).

Teeth whitening pen - American quality

The Teeth whitening pen is a product manufactured in the United States of America. Features of this tool include:

  • the gel contained in the pen tube is quite thick, which makes it easier to apply;
  • there is no need to rinse or wipe the gel after its application;
  • it is used only as an adjuvant after professional exposure to teeth whitening agents;
  • the product can be used daily for a long time, which will ensure that a good whitening effect is maintained for a long time;
  • contributes to the saturation of tooth enamel with minerals.

Luxury White - professionals work

Whitening pencil for teeth and tooth enamel Luxury White is a professional one. Its features include:

The price of pencils can vary quite significantly:

  • Bright White - 390-720 rubles;
  • Teeth Whitening Pen - 650-1300 rubles;
  • Luxury white - 1000-1800 rubles.
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