Elderflower honey recipe. How to make artificial honey from elderberry, linden, acacia flowers at home

Elderberry honey, its benefits and harms, as well as recipes, have been known for a long time. The thing is that this shrub is a natural storehouse a large number vitamins, trace elements that are found in flowers, and especially in the berries of this plant. To date, it has been forgotten a little and is not used very often, and earlier, not only compotes, jam, but also honey were made from it.

Delicious elderflower honey

Recipe amazing delicacy consists of several ingredients


  • 300 g - elderberry flowers;
  • 1 l - water;
  • 1 kg - sugar;
  • 1 tsp - citric acid (you can use 1 lemon).

Cooking method:

First of all, you will need to sort through the collected inflorescences and remove leaves, bad flowers. Then they need to be washed, thereby getting rid of the existing insects.

After that, you need to take a pan, best of all enameled and place the washed inflorescences in it. You need to lay them out very tightly and pour a liter of water. After that, cover the contents with a lid and leave for several hours, but it is better to hold the whole night.

In the morning, the resulting infusion must be boiled for 30 minutes, and then left for a while to cool.

When the broth has completely cooled, be sure to pull out the elderberry flowers and squeeze them well. To do this, you need to take a colander or a sieve. But after that, the squeezed inflorescences must be again placed in a decoction and boiled for 10-15 minutes.

After this time, sugar must be added to the resulting broth and continue to cook over very low heat, while not forgetting to stir constantly, for about 4 hours. At the very end of cooking, add citric acid or juice of one lemon and boil a little more, about 10-15 minutes.

While elderberry honey is being cooked, it is worth preparing a container in which this sweetness will be stored. Glass jars with tight-fitting lids are best suited for this. They must be boiled, and then dried, and only then pour cooled honey into them.

How to take?

The recipe for this elderberry sweet is very healthy, and at the same time it has a pleasant taste and aroma. It is recommended to be used as a preventive measure, as well as for treatment. various diseases 1 st. l. 2-3 per day. It is best to do this half an hour before meals. To maximize the effect of this product, it is recommended to drink it with a prepared rosehip broth or herbal tea.

But before you start using it as a treatment, you need to find out if there is an allergy to such a product. It is also worth limiting its use to people who have kidney disease, Bladder, gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage. Not recommended for women during pregnancy in large quantities.

Video: elderflower syrup.

Useful properties of nectar from elder flowers

Due to the fact that elderberry contains many useful substances, then cooked nectar at home is no less useful. And most importantly, the recipe for its preparation is very simple and does not require large financial costs.

Its main useful properties include the fact that it is very good and effective tool at:

  1. Colds, namely with bronchitis, influenza, pneumonia, and is also used for bronchial asthma.
  2. Joint diseases, namely arthritis and rheumatism.
  3. Dermal inflammatory processes, promoting the healing of wounds on the skin.
  4. Favorably affects nervous system and improves sleep.
  5. Treatment of diseases associated with problems gastrointestinal tract(recommended to use in small doses).
  6. Helps strengthen immunity.

In addition, this sweet product has other properties such as:

  • antipyretic;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • helps to lower the temperature;
  • diaphoretic;
  • diuretic;
  • soothing;
  • disinfectant.

This is a small part useful properties that are included in this product. But despite the fact that elderberry honey is useful and has a beneficial effect on the body, it must be taken in moderation.

Going to the pharmacy, you can buy vitamins that are designed to support the body's immunity, both in the form of prevention, and when you are already sick. But why spend money on artificial vitamins when nature provides us with everything we need. The well-known fragrant elderberry is quite capable of helping us.

Useful properties of elderberry honey

There are two types of elderberry:

  • black;
  • red.

Red elderberry is considered poisonous to humans. Black, on the contrary, is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

Elderflower honey has a diaphoretic, antibacterial property, so it is good to treat them. colds both in adults and in children. The only thing is, always check if there are any individual intolerances or contraindications to the use of healing syrup.

To make honey from elderberry, you need to take only flowers. They contain a lot of useful elements for our body - vitamin C, vitamin C, various essential oils, tannin, sugar, choline, glycosidic and other substances. For decoctions and tinctures, berries, leaves and even tree bark are also used, but we will talk about flowers.

elderberry honey recipe

Try one of the oldest and most proven recipes for making elderflower honey.

elderberry honey recipe


  • elderberry flowers - 300 g;
  • boiled cold water- 1 liter;
  • sugar - 1/2 kg;
  • half a lemon (or 1 teaspoon of citric acid).


We pre-clean the flowers from dry leaves, green twigs and insects. Then we tightly pack them into a liter jar - we get exactly 300 grams. Pour the contents into an enameled pan and pour in the prepared water. You can let it stand overnight by covering the pan with a plate, or you can immediately start cooking. After that, bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes. Turn off, let cool. We filter the syrup, you get a greenish broth. Add sugar and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

If you like thick elderberry honey, the recipe is as follows:

  1. Boil longer - at least three hours.
  2. Stir with a wooden spoon until thickened.
  3. Remove the foam, otherwise the honey will not be transparent.
  4. Next, grind half a lemon in a meat grinder and add to honey. If you don't have lemon, use citric acid. Lemon is needed so that honey does not sugar and does not become a glassy insoluble mass.
  5. We filter the contents of the pan from the lemon, roll it tightly into jars and wrap it until it cools completely. Unique fragrant honey ready!

A simple recipe for how to quickly cook elderberry honey at home (simply, syrup):

  1. Shuffle any Bee Honey with a gruel of elderberry flowers until a homogeneous composition.
  2. Transfer to a jar, cover tightly with a lid.
  3. Store in a dark cool place.

The benefits and harms of elderberry honey

Elderberry honey is a great recipe for everyone, but there are not only benefits, but also harms.

The list of useful properties of artificial elderberry honey is quite large:

  • very effective in helping with coughing;
  • relieves inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • removes nasal congestion;
  • diaphoretic;
  • has antipyretic properties;
  • strengthens immune system;
  • acts as an expectorant;
  • relieves swelling, acting as;
  • cleanses the kidneys;
  • helps in the treatment of pancreatitis;
  • relieves stomach pain;
  • acts as a sedative;
  • helps to increase lactation in nursing mothers;
  • relieves pain in rheumatism, sciatica;
  • applies when skin diseases as a remedy for age spots on the skin;
  • helps with gout;
  • prolongs life, helps to maintain youth.

The list is far from complete.

However, for all a wide range miraculous properties of honey, there is a category of people who need such elderberry syrup contraindicated - these are the people who suffer.

There is nothing in common between natural bee honey and artificial. This product is not produced by bees, but is created by human hands at home. But artificial honey is not a fake at all. It's completely independent food product, obtained from cane or grape juice, melon, watermelon or flower infusions of linden, acacia, elderberry with the addition of granulated sugar. It is the latter honey that is considered useful, since it retains the medicinal properties of the plant, which are valued in traditional medicine.

Benefits of elderflower honey

The medicinal plant elderberry has been used in folk medicine for many years for the preparation of infusions and decoctions. They are used as antipyretic, diaphoretic, diuretic, anthelmintic. A hot decoction of elder flowers helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases, bronchitis, as well as tonsillitis, stomatitis, etc. Infusions from this plant calm the nervous system, relieve headaches and toothaches.

Elderberry honey is real medicinal syrup, which retains unique properties plants. It helps in the treatment of flu, colds, pneumonia, etc. With such a delicious medicine recovery is much faster.

recipe for cooking at home

During the period of intense flowering of elderberry, from May to June, it's time to collect the flowers of the plant. They are separated from the stalks and tightly packed into a half-liter jar. That is how many flowers you need to make elderberry honey at home, the recipe of which is offered below.

At home, transfer the flowers to a saucepan and add cold water (1 l). After boiling, cook for 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the stove and, without opening the lid, leave to infuse for 12-15 hours.

After the specified time, strain the broth from the flowers, add sugar (3 kg) and let it boil. Boil honey for an hour, stirring occasionally, until the mass begins to thicken. At the end of cooking, add a teaspoon of citric acid (you can replace the juice of half a lemon). Pour hot honey into jars, and after cooling, cover with plastic lids and store in a cool dark place.

Artificial elderberry honey: indications for use

The main advantage of artificial honey over natural honey is that it does not cause allergies. This means that the scope of this product is much wider.

Artificial honey can be consumed by both adults and children, and even pregnant women and nursing mothers. The recommended dose is one teaspoon three times a day with water, herbal tea or rosehip decoction. You can add elderberry honey directly to tea. This is a great sugar substitute.

Linden artificial honey recipe

No less than elderberry is valued this tree, it is customary to dry, after which you can make tea from them, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps with flu and colds, diseases of the digestive system. Similar action has artificial honey made from linden.

The plucked flowers must be separated from the leaves and tightly packed in a jar (3 l). After that, they need to be folded into a saucepan and poured with water (1.5 l). Boil after boiling for 20 minutes, and then set aside and allow to cool completely and infuse for 6 hours. Then strain the broth, add as much sugar as there were flowers (3 l). Boil honey for 2 hours until thickened. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in the juice of half a lemon. Pour honey into jars and store in a dark, cool place for an unlimited time.

Linden honey can be added to tea or taken a teaspoon daily to prevent disease and strengthen immunity.

Acacia honey at home

You can also make a sweet treat from white acacia flowers. Artificial honey turns out a beautiful pinkish-brown color and a very pleasant taste. To prepare it, you will need a liter jar of acacia flowers, the same amount of water, 2.5 kg of sugar and the juice of half a lemon.

Before making honey, many housewives are wondering if acacia flowers need to be washed or not. On the one hand, water will rid the inflorescences of dust and insects that may be inside, and on the other hand, you can lose most of the valuable pollen. That's why best option- it is better not to wash, but you should also pick flowers not at the side of the road, but in places where there is no road dust.

In general, the process of making honey is similar to how it is prepared from elderberry. The flowers are poured with water, boiled for 10-15 minutes, and then allowed to infuse for 12-14 hours. After that, the broth is filtered and boiled with sugar until thickened for two hours. At the end of cooking, lemon juice is added and poured into jars. Cool well before use. It is good to add to tea, purified water or rosehip broth.

Elderberry honey recipe step by step with photo.
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Preparations, Desserts
  • Recipe Difficulty: Very simple recipe
  • Preparation time: 7 minutes
  • Time for preparing: 4 h
  • Servings: 6 servings
  • Amount of calories: 89 kilocalories

Today I will tell you how to make very fragrant and tasty honey from elder flowers. It is also very useful, so you can give it even to children! Be sure to try it, you won't regret it!

Not only elderberries are rich in useful substances, but also flowers. They are used to make tea, tincture, jam or honey. It is very easy to cook honey from elderberry flowers, you will need sugar, water and a little citric acid.

Servings: 6

Ingredients for 6 servings

  • Elderberry inflorescences, liter jar - 1/1, Pieces
  • Sugar, liter jar - 1 1/1, Pieces (one and a half)
  • Citric acid - 1 pinch
  • Water - 1/1, Liter

step by step

  1. Elderberry is harvested for cooking honey during flowering. Damaged flowers should be thrown away. Citric acid can be replaced with lemon.
  2. The most time-consuming part of the work is the separation of flowers from twigs. Try to remove the green branches as much as possible. Only white flowers are used for honey.
  3. Pour the flowers with water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Set aside and infuse the decoction for 20-30 minutes.
  4. We strain the flowers, throw them away.
  5. Add to the decoction right amount sugar, stir. We put on fire. Boil honey for 2-3 hours over low heat, stirring occasionally. Cook until the mass is reduced by half and becomes thick.
  6. Add citric acid or lemon at the end. Boil for a couple more minutes and turn off the heat.
  7. Elderberry honey is ready.

We have a wonderful view from our window. A slender row of acacias that have already faded. And below, under the very acacia trees, elder bushes grow. When I look at an elder, I remember my childhood when my mother cooked artificial honey from elder flowers. Again, looking at the elderberry, I wanted to try honey from my childhood. Without thinking for a long time, I decided to cook it myself. I called my parents and asked how to cook artificial elderberry honey.

Now it is very difficult to buy real honey on the market. For example, today I saw honey on the market, according to the seller it is “acacia”, and the beekeepers say that this year the bees did not fly to the acacia. This year the acacia bloomed very early. But the essence is not in the name of honey, but in the fact that you can buy real honey only from a familiar beekeeper, and we sell honey to people who don’t even have an apiary. What conclusions can be drawn from this?

Yes, the most logical ones. If they bought honey in an apiary, then at a price not lower than the market price, and if lower, then not by much. When reselling, they will have to weld something for themselves, plus transportation costs. And where do they get the fat from, if no one buys honey from them above the market price, there is only one way out - to mix artificial honey.

I don't want to say that all market sellers mix artificial honey, but going to the market for honey turns into a lottery if you don't know the seller. Yes, and beekeepers can also feed the bees with sugar if they see that there is not enough honey, or they know that honey is for sale. And this is not only the case with honey.

I'll tell you how I bought milk at the market. I have two small children and every week we bought 6 liters cow's milk. When our acquaintances' cow stopped being milked, we had to look for another supplier in the market. We liked milk from one woman, and we began to buy from her.

Once again, when buying milk, she gave us milk not from under the counter (as always), but took a bottle of milk standing on the counter. As usual, we boiled milk at home and poured it into jars. What was our surprise when at the bottom of the can was white precipitate. My grandmother had a cow, my parents had a cow, but this is the first time I have encountered this. What kind of sediment is one can only guess, it can be starch, and powdered milk or something else is unclear. But you can’t make milk at home, but you can cook artificial honey.

Preparation of artificial honey not by chemical means

And now I will reveal to you the secret of making artificial honey. Honey can be brewed from elderberry, linden flowers, dandelions and even mint. Today we will prepare artificial honey from elderberry flowers.

For this we need:

  • elderberry flowers - one liter jar, elderberry flowers need to be tamped tightly
  • 3 liter cans of sugar
  • half a lemon
  • one liter of water

We picked elderberry flowers. We pick flowers from green twigs, we try to have as few green twigs as possible. We take a liter jar and tightly tamp the elder flowers.

We put the elderflower flowers and a liter of water in a saucepan, bring to a boil, leave it on low heat for 20 minutes.
Turn off and let stand for 20 minutes. We filter.
We add sugar to the resulting broth and put it on a slow fire to languish for at least 3 hours, when foam appears on top, we collect it.
If it is not collected, then our honey will not turn out as transparent as we want. We prepare our half of the lemon, twist it in a meat grinder along with the zest. Lemon can be replaced with a teaspoon of citric acid.
We need lemon or acid so that our artificial honey does not sugar. When 3 hours have already passed since we have cooked honey, we add twisted lemon and simmer it for another 20 minutes.
We prepare jars and pour our honey into jars without forgetting to strain it from lemon slices. We have obtained artificial honey, fragrant honey without dyes and flavors, which at the same time also has healing properties.

For example, such honey can be used to treat colds and coughs by adding it to tea or eating it with a spoon. Elderberry is widely used in folk medicine. Now you can be treated with elderberry, or rather elderberry honey, which is much tastier and more pleasant.


How to make elderberry honey

Every human body needs good nutrition vitamins and microelements.

Now there are many drugs that can be bought at the pharmacy in order to saturate the body with everything it needs.

But, unfortunately, these vitamins are rarely effective, due to the fact that they need to be taken in combination, and each individual needs to select this complex individually.

Just coming to the pharmacy and buying vitamins in a jar is not enough.

All essential vitamins gives nature. One has only to know the recipes for cooking delicious and healthy meals from the gifts of nature. Elderberry is very useful, which is very rich in vitamins and microelements. Elderberry honey is very popular.

Elderberry is a tree whose berries and flowers have large quantity useful substances. The flowers of this plant contain essential oils, ascorbic acid, sugar, choline, glycosidic substances, tannin.

Elderberry honey: recipes

Honey from sugar and elderberry flowers

For this recipe you will need

300 grams of elder flowers,

500 grams of sugar

1 liter of water.

Elder flowers should be put in a small saucepan and pour 1 liter of water. And put the pan on the fire for 20 - 30 minutes. Bring contents to a boil and remove from heat. The resulting broth must be cooled and pour 500 grams of sugar.

A decoction with sugar should be boiled for 30-40 minutes over low heat, while constantly stirring the liquid. Gradually, it will turn into a thick syrup.

The resulting syrup should be well wrapped in a blanket and left to cool completely. After cooling, honey must be poured into glass jar Close the lid tightly and leave in a cool place.

Honey is ready!

Honey with black elderberry

The preparation is very simple: you just need to mix elderflower gruel and bee honey in equal proportions. The mixture must be stirred until smooth. Store this honey in a glass container in a cool place.

Honey with elderberries

To obtain such honey, you need to mix in equal parts bee liquid honey with gruel from black elderberries.

Medicinal properties and uses of elderberry honey

Taking honey in medicinal purposes carried out three times a day for a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

To enhance the effect, you can drink honey with a rosehip decoction. But you can eat honey and just as delicious dessert, in a small amount It's a great substitute for candy for kids.

Such medicinal honey beneficial effect on genitourinary system.

It is used as a diaphoretic, choleretic and diuretic. Such flower honey will help with colds, bronchitis, flu, pneumonia and even bronchial asthma, it acts as a good expectorant.

Such a tool can be used even for children and pregnant girls and during breastfeeding.

Elderberry honey can cause allergies in very caustic cases, often the body does not show allergic reactions on the this sweetness.

In addition, honey is used to treat various joint diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism and gout. This remedy is also considered excellent for the treatment of skin diseases and skin lesions.

They treat diseases digestive system, it will help even with an ulcer and chronic problems bowel movements

Elderberry honey is easy to prepare and proper storage for a long time retain flavor and medicinal properties. The main thing is to cover the container tightly with a lid and do not leave it in a warm place.

Such a remedy can replace many drugs in home first aid kit. This does not require large financial costs. It is important that it turns out high-quality and really healthy honey, which is important, at a time when there are a lot of low-quality products on the market.

And we also offer to cook amazingly delicious honey from dandelions.


Elderberry honey - recipe

Going to the pharmacy, you can buy vitamins that are designed to support the body's immunity, both in the form of prevention, and when you are already sick. But why spend money on artificial vitamins when nature provides us with everything we need. The well-known fragrant elderberry is quite capable of helping us.

Useful properties of elderberry honey

There are two types of elderberry:

Red elderberry is considered poisonous to humans. Black, on the contrary, is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

Elderflower honey has a diaphoretic, antibacterial property, so it is good for treating colds in both adults and children. The only thing is, always check if there are any individual intolerances or contraindications to the use of healing syrup.

To make honey from elderberry, you need to take only flowers. They contain a lot of useful elements for our body - vitamin C, ascorbic acid, various essential oils, tannin, sugar, choline, glycosidic and other substances. For decoctions and tinctures, berries, leaves and even tree bark are also used, but we will talk about flowers.

Try one of the oldest and most proven recipes for making elderflower honey.

elderberry honey recipe


  • elderberry flowers - 300 g;
  • boiled cold water - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 1/2 kg;
  • half a lemon (or 1 teaspoon of citric acid).


We pre-clean the flowers from dry leaves, green twigs and insects. Then we tightly pack them into a liter jar - we get exactly 300 grams. Pour the contents into an enameled pan and pour in the prepared water. You can let it stand overnight by covering the pan with a plate, or you can immediately start cooking. After that, bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes. Turn off, let cool. We filter the syrup, you get a greenish broth. Add sugar and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

If you like thick elderberry honey, the recipe is as follows:

  1. Boil longer - at least three hours.
  2. Stir with a wooden spoon until thickened.
  3. Remove the foam, otherwise the honey will not be transparent.
  4. Next, grind half a lemon in a meat grinder and add to honey. If you don't have lemon, use citric acid. Lemon is needed so that honey does not sugar and does not become a glassy insoluble mass.
  5. We filter the contents of the pan from the lemon, roll it tightly into jars and wrap it until it cools completely. Unique fragrant honey is ready!

A simple recipe for how to quickly cook elderberry honey at home (simply, syrup):

  1. Mix any bee honey with elderberry slurry until smooth.
  2. Transfer to a jar, cover tightly with a lid.
  3. Store in a dark cool place.

The benefits and harms of elderberry honey

Elderberry honey is a great recipe for everyone, but there are not only benefits, but also harms.

The list of useful properties of artificial elderberry honey is quite large:

  • very effective in helping with coughing;
  • relieves inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • removes nasal congestion;
  • diaphoretic;
  • has antipyretic properties;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • acts as an expectorant;
  • relieves swelling, acting as a diuretic;
  • cleanses the kidneys;
  • helps in the treatment of pancreatitis;
  • relieves stomach pain;
  • acts as a sedative;
  • helps to increase lactation in nursing mothers;
  • relieves pain in rheumatism, sciatica;
  • used for skin diseases, as a remedy for age spots on the skin;
  • helps with gout;
  • prolongs life, helps to maintain youth.

The list is far from complete.

However, with all the wide range of miraculous properties of honey, there is a category of people for whom such elderberry syrup is contraindicated - these are people who suffer from:

AT rare cases allergy appears.

In addition, as mentioned earlier, red elderberry is not suitable for use - it is poison.

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