Peony sedative. Application of peony tincture in gynecology and cosmetology, combination with other medicinal plants. How to clean your face with a coffee scrub

The evasive peony is a valuable plant that is listed in the Red Book. Means based on it are very popular in traditional medicine. Calming preparations with peony are actively used along with valerian root or motherwort extract. In this article, we will describe in detail how peony tincture is useful, and also describe instructions for its use.

The evasive peony is also called Mary's root. This plant has taken root in Siberia, so for many centuries it has been used by both Slavic and Eastern healers.

In modern medicines, peony is presented in three forms:

  • Tablets;
  • raw material;
  • Tincture.

It is the tincture that is most common, as it has a very long shelf life and is taken both internally and externally. It is produced on the basis of a 40% alcohol solution. Also, when creating the product, roots and rhizomes are used, less often - peony stems. The composition of the drug is rich in useful components.

It includes:

  • Salicylic acid;
  • Benzoic acid;
  • Essential oils;
  • resins;
  • glycosides;
  • Phenols;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Flavonoids and other trace elements.

Peony tincture has a calming and hypnotic effect.

In addition, the tool has the following properties:

  • Antibacterial;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Painkiller;
  • Tonic;
  • Anticonvulsant.

Due to this, the drug is used to treat many different diseases.

What helps - indications for use

Peony tincture is a sedative, but it is also effective for:

  • CNS problems - reduces stress, arousal, corrects the emotional state. The drug fights insomnia and fatigue, increases stamina and efficiency.
  • Formations of various types: cysts, tumors, etc. This is especially true for gynecology: peony tincture fights diseases of the uterus and breasts.
  • Hair loss, skin problems. The drug normalizes the action of the sebaceous glands and restores the hydrolipid balance in the human body.
  • Digestive disorders, spasms in the stomach and intestines. Peony also helps with food poisoning, diarrhea, etc.
  • Premenstrual syndrome and menopause.
  • Small wounds, cracks, ulcers. The tool has an antimicrobial effect and is therefore used in the treatment of various skin lesions.

The tincture effectively fights nervousness, improves sleep quality and appetite. It also has a positive effect on the digestive system as a whole.

The drug is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. It has a wide spectrum of action and is useful for many health problems.

Instructions for using the tincture

Before using alcohol tincture, it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules for its use.

This remedy has several side effects and is also not recommended in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy;
  • Under the age of 12;
  • With individual intolerance;
  • Under reduced pressure;
  • With a high level of acidity of the stomach.

There are no categorical prohibitions and restrictions on the use of peony. It is important to bear in mind that the composition of the product has not been fully studied by scientists. Some of the ingredients that it contains are harmful to humans in large quantities. Also unknown is the effect of such components as lacaloids, phenyl salicylate and peonol. That is why it is necessary to use the medicine competently and carefully, after studying the instructions and medical recommendations.

The course of treatment with peony is determined depending on the nature of the disease. It is recommended to use the drug regularly for at least 30 days. To maintain a long-term effect, or if necessary, it is recommended to use the remedy again no earlier than 2 months after the previous course.

Peony 10% tincture should be taken 2-3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. Before use, the product should be shaken well. After that, you need to drink plenty of water. A visible result appears after 1-1.5 hours. The action lasts for 3 hours.

Also, the tincture can be diluted with water. This method is gentler, so the dosage can be increased. An aqueous solution should be drunk in a volume of 2 teaspoons half an hour before eating. Please note that it is not recommended to use the remedy during meals - this is a hello to violations of the digestive tract.

This is the most common and common way to use the tool. For each disease, it is necessary to apply its own course of using peony tincture.

Improper use of the drug or individual intolerance to the components of the composition lead to the following side effects:

  • Digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
  • Dizziness;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Local allergic reactions: redness, itching, peeling, rashes.
  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Drowsiness and weakness.

Dosage for adults and children

For the correct dosage and effective results, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

The norm for adults is 30-40 drops. This is about one teaspoon. The general dosing rule is as follows: one year of life corresponds to one drop of the drug.

Peony tincture is not recommended for children under 12 years old, but there are no categorical contraindications. The number of drops varies depending on age. The average duration of the course for children is 1-2 months. With excessive excitability of the central nervous system, the drug should not be given to the child.

Interaction with other drugs

For the effective and safe action of the tincture, you should not use other sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants and antipsychotics simultaneously with it. Otherwise, the drug causes side effects: drowsiness, inhibition of motor and mental reactions. In this case, the action of tonic drugs, on the contrary, slows down.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

This substance has an abortive effect and tones the uterus. Penetrating into the body of a pregnant woman, the drug provides contraction of the muscles of the uterus. This contributes to the termination of pregnancy.

In addition, the composition of the tincture contains a large amount of alcohol. This can negatively affect the development of the fetus, as well as during the feeding process on the health of the child.

It is important to note that the issue of the effect of peony products on the body of a pregnant woman has not been properly studied. The action is individual and completely unpredictable, therefore, in this case, a doctor's consultation is required.

Pharmaceutical drug price

Peony tincture is an affordable and inexpensive remedy that is sold in every pharmacy. The exact cost can also be found in online stores. The average price tag for the drug is 30-40 rubles. The price may vary depending on the manufacturer, however, the composition of all products is indistinguishable. The most popular volume is a 25 ml bottle.

An unusual plant with beautiful flowers, the evasive peony is both a perennial herb and an ornamental flower. But its main advantage is its healing properties. Peony tincture is able to fight the manifestations of menopause and insomnia.

Peony tincture for menopause, insomnia

Peony with menopause

Menopause is an inevitable female condition that causes a lot of inconvenience and grief. Peony tincture with menopause reduces its manifestations:

excessive sweating;


Sudden change of mood;

General stress.

In combination with an active lifestyle and proper nutrition, the use of alcohol tincture will make it possible for a woman to completely get rid of the characteristic features of menopause.

Application for menopause

In almost any pharmacy you can find peony tincture. This alcohol solution is used for menopause according to the instructions:

Dissolve 40 drops of tincture in a glass of water;

Multiplicity of reception per day - 3 times;

Reception time - before meals;

course duration - 2-3 weeks;

break - within 2 weeks;

Repetition of the course of admission.

Peony for insomnia

Insomnia is often the result of a disorder of the nervous system. Excessive anxiety and irritability after sleepless nights can bring a person to serious neurological problems.

A peony-based tincture, also called marina root, is an excellent sedative that can eliminate problems with sleep disturbance. It fights against such manifestations of insomnia:

Unreasonable anxiety

fatigue, lethargy;

nervous tension;

high blood pressure;

· fears, phobias;

intrusive thoughts.

A natural peony-based sleeping pill helps to calm down before going to bed and be alert after waking up. Shows activity from the first days of application.

Peony tincture - used in folk medicine, because peony preparations have healing properties. Peony tincture is sold in pharmacies, but you can also prepare it at home.

Quite in a recently written article, we admired different varieties of peony. They also considered issues of planting and propagating this amazing flower.

Among many, the evasive peony (marin root) occupies a special place. Its roots, stems, petals and seeds are used in folk medicine.

Peony evasive is a perennial herbaceous plant with a short, tuberous, branched rhizome. The root has a strong smell and a sweet taste. The peony has several stems, at the top of each stem there is a flower. The leaves of the plant are pinnately dissected, alternate, located on short petioles. The flowers are large, purple-pink. Peony blooms in May - June.

In Russia, the evasive peony is found almost everywhere. In the North, it reaches the Arkhangelsk region and the Komi Republic, grows in the Urals, Western Siberia, the Amur region, Primorye. It is distributed in the North Caucasus and in the Krasnodar Territory.

In the wild, peony grows among the shrubs of light broad-leaved forests, in rocky and grassy places. Summer residents like to plant a peony that evades in gardens and orchards. Connoisseurs of its medicinal properties, themselves at home prepare from it: infusions, tinctures, decoctions. Preparations from it can be bought in Russian pharmacies.

Peony tincture: the use of peony in folk medicine

It is used in folk medicine for insomnia, neurasthenia, vegetative-vascular disorders.

Preparations from this plant, taken orally, increase the acidity of gastric juice, reduce cough, relieve pain in the joints with rheumatism and gout.

The anticonvulsant effect of the drug and its ability to improve appetite were noted. It is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for hypertension, epilepsy, for oncological diseases of the stomach, uterus, liver.

Application of roots

In folk medicine, peony roots are used, which contain up to 10% sugars, starch, essential oil, benzoic and salicylic acids, amyloid carbohydrate, tannins and other substances.

10% tincture of roots and rhizomes is used for neurasthenic conditions, vegetative dystonia, insomnia. Apply it 40 drops 3 times a day for a month. Patients have increased efficiency, improved sleep.

You can make your own tincture from the root. Recipe: Take 1 tablespoon of crushed roots and pour 200 grams of vodka. You need to insist 10 days in a dark place. Strain. Take 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day for a month.

The root helps with jaundice and opens blockages in the liver.

Whole plant tincture

Recipe: The above-ground and underground parts of the plant are taken in a ratio of 1: 1 and filled with 70% alcohol. Usually they take 1 tablespoon of dried raw materials and pour 200 ml of alcohol into it. Insist 7-10 days, filter, drink 30 drops 3-4 times a day.

Sold in pharmacies and 10% herbal tincture of the plant, which is taken 40 drops 3 times a day for a month.

Application of petals

In obstetrics and gynecology, the tincture of the petals is used as an abortifacient (in the postpartum period, it accelerates the separation of the placenta).

Recipe: Tincture of petals on vodka (1 tablespoon per 200 ml, leave for 7 days) is used as an abortifacient. Take tincture of 40 drops 2 times a day.

Seed Application

Powder from the seeds of the flowers of the plant, drunk with dry red wine, stops uterine bleeding (1 gram of seed powder per 50 ml of wine).

The seeds strengthen the stomach and soothe pain and burning in the stomach.

Preparations from the evading peony should not be given to children!

In folk medicine of Western Siberia, red peony tincture is taken orally in the treatment of paralysis (also used as rubbing of the affected limbs) 30 drops 3-4 times a day.

Peony evading: how to prepare an infusion and decoction

Infusion of the root of the plant in concentration is used to treat uterine cancer and stomach cancer.

After the start of treatment, patients feel a significant improvement in their general condition, pain decreases, sleep becomes better and stronger.

How to prepare a root infusion?

Recipe: 1 tablespoon of crushed roots and rhizomes is poured into 300 ml of boiling water. Insist 1 hour. Strain. Take 100 grams 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Important to know: Roots for infusion and tincture of peonies are collected in May.

Avicenna in the "Canon of Medicine" wrote about the medicinal properties of peonies: Peony is useful for gout. It reduces black spots on the skin. It is very useful in epilepsy, even if it is hung around the patient's neck.

From other ancient sources: Fumigation of its fruit is useful for the insane and seizures and cures them.

How to prepare a decoction?

Recipe: Boil a teaspoon of powdered roots in 0.5 liters of water for 5 minutes. Strain. Drink 50-100 ml 3-4 times a day.

A decoction of the leaves is prepared in the same way.

To prepare a strong decoction. Recipe: 60 grams of roots and tree bark of the plant is poured into 600 ml of boiling water and boiled until 2/3 of the water boils away. Filter and drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for neurastic syndrome.

If you drink a peony in wine or with diuretics, it drives menstruation. Drinking this plant also drives urine. If you give a woman in labor its root in the amount of one lauza, this will cleanse her of postpartum surpluses, expelling these surpluses.

Its root in the amount of one lauza is useful for pain in the kidneys and in the bladder, and its decoction in wine fixes the stomach and drives urine.

Peony tincture - instructions for use

Readers are provided for review instructions for the use of a medicinal product for medical use - "Peony evading tincture", literally (main calculations), otherwise it is impossible, because this is an instruction from a pharmacy - manufacturer Tula Pharmaceutical Factory LLC.

International name: evasive peony grass, rhizomes and roots.

Dosage form: tincture.

Active substances:

  • rhizomes and roots - 50 grams
  • grass - 50 grams

Excipient: Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) 40% - a sufficient amount to obtain 1000 ml of the drug.

Description: Transparent liquid of light brown color, with the smell of methyl salicylate. During storage of the tincture, precipitation may occur.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Sedative agent of plant origin.

Pharmacological action: has a sedative effect on the central nervous system.

Indications for use: Used as a sedative for sleep disorders, increased nervous excitability, vegetative-vascular disorders.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, liver or kidney failure, children under 12 years of age, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

With caution: liver disease, kidney disease, alcoholism, traumatic brain injury, brain disease, children over 12 years of age.

Dosage and administration: Inside adults and children over 12 years old, 30-40 drops per dose 3 times a day for 25-30 days. The course of treatment can be repeated after a 10-day break after consulting a doctor.

Side effect: Allergic reactions are possible.

Overdose: In case of overdose, side effects may increase. Treatment is symptomatic.

Interaction with other drugs: Helps to weaken the effect of drugs that tonic the central nervous system, enhances the effect of hypnotics, sedatives, antispasmodics.

Special instructions: The maximum single dose of the drug contains 0.4 grams of absolute alcohol, the maximum daily dose is 1.2 grams of absolute alcohol. During the period of treatment, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Storage conditions: In a place protected from light at a temperature of 2 to 25 degrees C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life: 2 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

You met a useful plant - the evading peony and its derivatives, which are used in folk medicine to preserve human health.

Almost every person is familiar with an unusually beautiful peony flower. At the time of its flowering, this plant is covered with lush, brightly colorful flowers that fascinate the eye and give a wonderful mood. But not many people know that the plant - peony - is not only an ornamental flower culture, but can also be used as a medicine. Most often, a peony tincture is prepared from a plant, the benefits and harms of such a remedy will depend on the physical characteristics of the human body.

The rhizomes, stems and roots of the plant are used in the preparation of a herbal medicinal product. The recipe is based on the plant itself, which is collected in May or June, that is, during active flowering, as well as an alcohol-containing drink, more often vodka or alcohol. As a result of preparation, the remedy acquires a specific smell of alcohol, but it is precisely due to its content in the composition that the tincture acquires unique medicinal properties.


Among the people, the peony plant has a second name - Maryin root, but the essence of the chemical composition in plant culture does not change from this. In most cases, an evading peony variety is used to prepare a medicinal infusion; when mixed with alcohol-containing liquids, the resulting product acquires the following composition:

  • glycosides - components that are actively involved in the normalization of the work of the cardiac system;
  • essential oils are the dominant substances responsible for the stable state of metabolism and the entire digestive process;
  • organic acids - compounds that normalize all internal systems of the body;
  • antibiotics - substances that suppress the pathogenic activity of bacteria and viruses;
  • tannins contribute to the normalization of the state of the whole organism.

The tincture of the evading peony is confidently an extract of a useful plant, in which, due to the interaction with alcohol, all the beneficial and medicinal qualities of this remedy are enhanced several times.

Useful qualities

The main medicinal properties of the peony lie in its sedative abilities. In folk medicine, this composition is actively used as a reliable sedative for various neuroses, chronic depression, bad mood, negative attitude to life. It is important to remember that the herbal remedy contains alcohol in its composition, respectively, the abuse of such a medicine can lead to very negative consequences. But a useful plant has other therapeutic qualities. What does peony tincture help with?

  1. Removal of spasms and convulsions. The drug reliably normalizes the state of nerve impulses that approach the muscles, thanks to this property, peony tincture has antispasmodic and anticonvulsant properties at the same time.
  2. Destruction of harmful microorganisms. Peony tincture contains natural antibiotics that actively destroy pathogenic microorganisms. The tool can be effectively used in the treatment of inflammatory and viral diseases.
  3. Removal of nervous excitability. Peony tincture is a natural antidepressant, it can quickly remove the feeling of fatigue, a manifestation of depression.
  4. Anesthesia. The drug has high analgesic properties, it can be used to suppress pain of various origins.
  5. Normalization of the circulatory system. The main quality of the peony tincture in this direction is the hemostatic qualities. In addition, the plant contributes to an increase in blood viscosity, helps to reduce blood loss, stimulate faster healing of wounds.

In addition to the general beneficial qualities, when peony tincture is used, the instructions for use indicate that the product helps to enhance hair growth and rid the scalp of dandruff. In this case, the composition is used as a cosmetic product, it rubs the scalp.

What other useful qualities does peony tincture have?

  • Stimulation of metabolic processes.
  • Increased performance.
  • Reduction of inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Uplifting the mood.
  • Increased acidity in the stomach.
  • Prevention of the formation of cancerous tumors. Peony tincture can be used as a complex remedy in the treatment of malignant tumors as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Treatment of chronic skin diseases (dermatitis).
  • Prevention of alcoholism.

To get a positive effect from the treatment, it is important to know exactly how to take the peony tincture? The herbal remedy is recommended to be taken three times a day. The optimal time for taking peony tincture is 10 minutes before the main meal. On average, one dosage of this remedy ranges from 15 to 25 drops, but the dose may vary on the recommendation of the attending doctor or due to the individual characteristics of the body. On average, the course of treatment can last for a month, but in each individual case, the course application of peony infusion should be prescribed by a doctor.

It is important to note that it is highly undesirable to use peony infusion for the treatment of various diseases in children. The composition is low-toxic, so it is better to replace the therapy of diseases in children.

Application in gynecology

Due to the fact that peony has many useful qualities, peony tincture is actively used in gynecology. The herbal preparation is effectively used in the treatment of erosion, climatic manifestations, and mastopathy.

During the treatment of gynecological diseases, doctors recommend taking a peony infusion three times a day. The dosage of the herbal preparation is 1 teaspoon. The course of taking the plant on alcohol is 1 month. After that, it is important to take a break for about 1 week, and after that, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can repeat the course of treatment.

Peony tincture is actively used for menopause. When used correctly, the herbal remedy helps to reduce the negative manifestations of menopause. If a woman leads a correct and healthy lifestyle, then peony tincture will help to completely nullify all its negative consequences of menopause.

To stabilize the body during menopause, peony tincture, the benefits and harms of which are individual, is taken three times a day, the dosage is 15 drops at a time. The duration of the prescribed treatment with a herbal preparation depends on the individual characteristics of women's health, as well as the body.

Harm and obvious contraindications

When an evasive peony tincture is prescribed for the treatment of certain diseases, the instructions for use clearly indicate that such a drug may also have negative consequences for humans. The main contraindication to the use of a herbal remedy is an allergic reaction, which can manifest itself in the appearance of a rash, rash, itching, peeling on the skin. If such reactions of the body made themselves felt, then further treatment with such a drug is impossible.

Along with allergies, peony tincture treatment can cause:

  • drowsiness;
  • apathy
  • decreased coordination of movement;
  • decrease in reaction;
  • the appearance of the urge to vomit;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the abdomen, stomach;
  • irritation of the gastric mucosa.

All of the above features of the body are contraindications to taking peony tincture.

It is strictly forbidden to be treated with peony tincture when:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • pathology of the kidneys or liver;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • increased acidity of the stomach.

Does peony tincture increase or decrease blood pressure? A herbal preparation helps to lower blood pressure, so if a person is hypotensive, then treatment with such a remedy is categorically impossible.

It is also important to indicate the main factor that the peony is classified as a very poisonous plant, therefore, when treating with such a remedy, it is important to follow the dosage recommended by the doctor.

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Peony is a beautiful flower, which, in addition to a pleasant aroma and bright appearance, has medicinal properties. By planting it on a personal plot or flower bed, you can get medicine without extra cash investments.

It is enough just to study the positive properties of the flower, as well as how to use them correctly. However, you can purchase a ready-made preparation from a peony, and it will also not yield in terms of its medicinal data.

The tincture includes components of such a plant as the evasive peony. Since the plant is considered poisonous, you need to be careful with this kind of medicine.

If we consider the chemical composition, we can determine what will be the effect on the body - harmful or beneficial. The tincture contains substances such as:

  1. Glycosides. They improve the functioning of the heart.
  2. Essential oils. Help improve metabolism and digestion.
  3. organic acids. Helps support various bodily functions.
  4. Antibiotic. Destroys bacterial infection.
  5. Tannins. Support the work of internal organs.

Such a composition can have any means based on a peony. Significant benefit is determined by the presence of alcohol, which enhances the action of the above components. In other words, the tincture is similar to the extract, as there are pronounced beneficial qualities.

The main healing components are extracted from the underground part of the plant. It is the roots that contain the same list of substances. Of course, you can not neglect the rules for dosing the drug, otherwise there is a risk of getting poisoned.

If the peony tincture is bought at a pharmacy, then this is a 10% alcohol solution. It is best to consult a doctor in this matter, who will tell you the appropriate dosage.

What helps

Peony tincture is an alcohol base. Made from the roots of the flower, it has a calming effect. But this concentrated substance has a lot of other positive properties.

The tincture will help with:

  1. Spasms and convulsions. Nerve impulses are able to normalize with the help of pion. This all happens because it acts as an anticonvulsant and antispasmodic.
  2. Treatment of viral diseases. It is a natural antibiotic that kills harmful microorganisms.
  3. depression. Peony is a natural antidepressant that will help reduce the risk of developing a depressive state.
  4. Pains. This drug is a pain reliever.
  5. Bleeding. Peony increases blood viscosity. In this regard, it is possible to reduce blood loss and achieve rapid healing of wounds.
  6. Diseases of the female organs.
  7. Hypertension and tachycardia.
  8. epilepsy.
  9. cholecystitis.
  10. oncological formations.
  11. Alcoholism and drug addiction.


However, peony tincture can not only help, but also harm the body.

First of all, this is due to the wrong dosage. Another remedy can be addictive.

Some components can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as:

  1. Allergy. Intolerance to various substances may occur. Before use, make sure that there is no reaction.
  2. Problems with the kidneys and liver. The tincture contains toxic substances that can harm people with diseases of these organs.
  3. Pressure drop. It should not be used for hypotension, as there is a serious threat to the body.
  4. Great acidity of the stomach. If there is a peptic ulcer, then it is better to exclude peony tincture.

As already mentioned, the peony is a poisonous plant that belongs to the buttercup family. From this it follows that the tincture should not be used by children and pregnant women. It is also undesirable to use the medicine for those who drive or plan potentially dangerous activities, as there is a risk of distraction.

If the medicine is used in a strict dosage, then the risk of side effects is reduced. But individual intolerance to the components can manifest itself in the form of skin rashes, drowsiness, weakness, edema, itching, bradycardia.

If the therapeutic dose is exceeded, then symptoms such as dizziness, loss of orientation in space, nausea and loss of strength are possible. In this case, it is recommended to rinse the stomach with water and drink strong coffee or tea.

If there is no improvement, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Instructions for use of the evading peony

Peony tincture is quite a useful medicine for both men and women. It should be noted that such a tool should be used only as an auxiliary treatment. It is not a fundamental component. The tincture is applicable for various women's problems.

For women

The drug is prescribed during the treatment of gynecological diseases:

  1. Ovarian cysts, fibroids / uterine fibroids, inflammation of the appendages, cervical erosion, polycystic. Sometimes this remedy can be directed to the treatment of cancer. You need to mix 1 tsp. tinctures and the same amount of water. Inside, take 3 times a day for a whole month, strictly at the same time. Break - 10 days and you can repeat the course.
  2. Difficulties with conception. The tool has an effect on the hormonal system. It can help with infertility, both in terms of hormone stimulation, and in terms of relieving anxiety, obsessions. Grind 100 g of root and pour 1 liter of vodka. Let it brew for 2 weeks in the dark. Inside - 2 times a day p 10-15 ml.
  3. Climax. Peony is an assistant in terms of stabilizing the menstrual cycle during menopause and during menopause. The remedy, as in the previous stage, helps to relieve nervousness, irritability. It is used before meals, 15-20 drops, 3 times a day. The course of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks.
  4. Mastopathy. The tincture has anti-inflammatory and absorbable properties. Peony root 50 gr, tea kopechnik 25 gr and licorice 15 gr wash, dry, chop and pour 0.5 l of alcohol. Insist 14 days in the dark and cool. Filter and drink 2 months from the 4th day of menstruation.

For men

For men, peony tincture has no less pronounced benefits.

The tool helps with a decrease in sexual activity. As you know, the male sex is extremely anxious about such problems. Inside - 1 tsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Peony will help stabilize the hormonal background. This means that too high testosterone levels will decrease. In case of exceeding the norm, men may have a manifestation of aggression, too strong sexual activity. Also, the tincture will help calm the nervous system and help cope with stress. Inside - 3 times a day for 30-40 drops.

For kids

Peony tincture is undesirable to take in childhood. If, nevertheless, parents suggest such treatment, then the dosage should be reduced by half from the usual norm.

If the child is not yet three years old, then such treatment is not permissible. With nervous excitability, peony is prescribed with caution if the child is under 12 years old.

In cosmetology

Peony tincture is actively used in cosmetology. The product is suitable for cleansing the skin before using masks.

Also, peony will help to remove excessive acne.

The tool plays the role of an antiseptic well, and also has a drying effect.

When caring for hair, you can also use this drug. It will get rid of dandruff, eliminate oily sheen and enhance the nutrition of hair follicles. In this case, the tincture is diluted with water in equal proportions.

Then it needs to be warmed up and warmly rubbed into the hair roots and scalp. After a 10-minute exposure, the head is washed as usual. It is recommended to apply the product up to three times a week.

How to make a peony tincture

There are many different tincture options. You can prepare a remedy from the peony root, from the elements of its aerial parts, from seeds, from petals. It is also necessary to take into account the variety of the plant itself. In fact, there are quite a lot of peonies.

Tincture from Mary root. It is crushed and diluted with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:4. Insist 21 days. Used for neurasthenia, phobias, etc.

Tincture of the aerial part of the flower. Fresh petals and leaves are crushed, mixed 1:1. After that, pour 70% alcohol. Its volume = the volume of raw materials. Insist 2 weeks. Used for epilepsy.

Seed tincture. After ripening, the seeds are crushed, poured with vodka 1: 4. Insist 21 days. Used for uterine bleeding, gastritis. 1 tsp at the reception - 4 times a day.

Infusion of herbs (peony thin-leaved). 1 tablespoon of dry grass pour 300 ml of boiling water. Infused for 2 hours. It is used for heart diseases 6 times a day, 2 tbsp.

When using peony tincture in any form, it is important to consult a doctor. The drug is not able to treat a specific disease, but is only supporting the basic functions of the body.

We bring to your attention a video describing the medicinal properties of the evading peony and the features of its use for medicinal purposes:

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