What to give a cat with varnish poisoning. Poisoning in a cat: poisons, household chemicals, food, flowers. Symptoms, treatment. If the kitten is poisoned

An animal, like a person, can get poisoned, it can be low-quality products, chemicals or medicines. What should the owner do in this case, how to help the pet and when it is necessary to contact the veterinarian.

The cat is the most beloved pet in the whole world. Possessing an excellent sense of smell, cats, unfortunately, are not immune from poisoning. The cat can poison himself, but in his environment there may be evil people who do not like cats. Many of them know how to poison a cat, causing harm to both animals and their owners with their terrible deeds. In order to cure your pet at home or provide him with first aid, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the cause of the poisoning. Then it will become clear what measures to take if the cat is poisoned, and what to give her in case of poisoning.

Veterinarians divide poisoning into acute and chronic forms. Before you rush to help the animal, you need to understand that what substance or agent caused the disease:

Symptoms of the disease

And cats are easy to recognize. Understand, what poisoned the cat, you can by her behavior:

  1. Chronic poisoning is an implicit form of behavior, since the poison has been affecting the body for a long time. A cat may completely or partially lose its appetite, lethargy in behavior, apathy can be observed.
  2. The acute form of intoxication is of a different nature. Salivation and foam may be observed near the oral cavity, there may also be no appetite, diarrhea (sometimes with blood), vomiting, convulsions, heart palpitations, drowsiness.

Diagnosis of the cause of poisoning

It is possible to understand what kind of poison a cat was poisoned by the symptoms that appear. When poisoned with rat poison, cats may vomit with bile, blood, and irritation of the mucous membranes. If the cat has had contact with any poisonous plant, there may be a violation of the nervous system. In severe cases, there is foam from the mouth and profuse salivation is observed.

Chemical poisoning has an exciting effect on the animal's body: convulsions, increased pressure, paralysis appear. If a cat drinks plenty of water and does not want to eat, suffers from vomiting and diarrhea, all this indicates food poisoning. Narrowing of the pupils, first of all, speaks of drug poisoning. A similar condition is also accompanied by vomiting and weakness, and the owner may simply be confused, not knowing what to do if the cat is poisoned.

First aid for a cat at home

The main thing is to try to panic less and save the cat as soon as possible. To alleviate the condition of the animal at home, you can take the primary set of measures yourself. If the cat is poisoned: what to do at home - stop the poison from entering the body and try to remove it in a natural way, for example, by vomiting. If necessary, you can artificially or give a diuretic or laxative. When the cat himself is not able to take medicine, you can try to drink it with a watering can and pour saline into the stomach, or give an enema.

A good and versatile remedy that can be given to a cat in case of poisoning is activated charcoal. The dosage is 500 mg tablets per 1 kg of body weight. Under no circumstances should milk be given. If your cat has been intentionally poisoned with a professional drug, it should be injected with vitamin B 6. It serves as an antidote for poisons that are used when hunting street animals. With adults, everything is clear, but what if the kitten is poisoned and burps? Methods of dealing with intoxication in children differ only in dosage (half of the adult) and the restriction of cardiac drugs.

Actions of the veterinarian

If the first aid was successful, and the pet survived, it should be shown to a specialist. The veterinarian will be able to accurately determine the degree of poisoning and select the appropriate antidote that can help your pet. Sodium sulfate is injected with heavy metal poisoning. Atropine will neutralize pesticides that have entered the body. Vitamin K is excellent at fighting rat poison. If the cat has lost a lot of fluid (dehydration) before the arrival of a specialist, then most likely a course of intravenous infusions of special solutions will be carried out.

Poisoning harms many organs of the animal, so drugs are often used to help restore the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Cat rehabilitation and nutrition

After successful measures with first aid and treatment by a specialist, the cat can be taken home. On the first day, a starvation diet is prescribed with the use of one water. Then the cat can be transferred to 3 meals a day. During this period, it is better to limit yourself to light food: cereals, vegetables. It is better not to give milk at all for several days. After a week of dietary nutrition, the cat can be returned to its usual diet.

Knowing what happens and what to do if the cat is poisoned and burps, you can save the life of your pet.

Fluffy beauties have an excellent sense of smell, however, cases of poisoning in pets occur frequently. If the cat is poisoned, what to do at home? In order to competently help the animal and understand when to seek professional help, the owner needs to know the symptoms and types of poisoning.

Read in this article

Types of poisoning

Veterinarians distinguish between acute and chronic forms of intoxication. Before treating a cat poisoning, it is necessary to figure out which substances and means are dangerous for the animal:

  • Food. The cause of food intoxication is poor-quality, spoiled products. Often the animal suffers when eating stale kitchen waste, rotten or moldy food.
  • Medicines. They are dangerous when the medicines are calculated incorrectly (overdose) or individual intolerance has occurred. Often, poisoning is observed when treating a pet from helminths and fleas if the instructions for the drug are not followed.
  • Poisoning can be caused by eating poisonous plants.. Most often, such a nuisance is noted in the summer when taking pets to the country. The most common and dangerous plants for cats are azalea, cyclamen, clematis, chrysanthemum.
  • Pesticides. The danger is represented by phosphorus-containing pesticides, arsenic, copper. An animal can be poisoned not only by the drugs themselves, but also by the plants treated with them.
  • Rat poisons. Often, cats become victims of the fight of owners with rodents with the help of toxic substances. Poisoning occurs both when a rodent that has consumed the poison is eaten, and when the cat itself consumes poisonous bait.
  • household chemicals. In everyday life, a cat may encounter toxic substances such as acids, fungicides, solvents, household chemicals, cosmetics, and many others.

Toxic substances can enter the body of an animal in various ways: with food, water, through the skin, with inhaled air. The variety of poisons and the various ways they enter the body make it difficult to diagnose, but the owner should understand what to do if the cat is poisoned. First of all, you need to know what symptoms the animal has.

For information on what can be the cause of pet poisoning, see this video:

Signs and symptoms of poisoning

Signs of intoxication in an animal are determined by the form of the disease. In chronic poisoning, the symptoms are implicit due to prolonged exposure to the poison on the body. The cat has lethargy, lethargy, loss of appetite.

Pronounced clinical signs appear in the acute form of poisoning. The pet notes:

  • increased salivation and foaming at the mouth;
  • violation of the digestive function (vomiting, diarrhea with blood);
  • abdominal pain on palpation;
  • thirst;
  • impaired coordination, convulsions;
  • drowsiness, lethargy;
  • tachycardia;
  • rapid breathing;
  • disturbance of consciousness.


Symptoms of poisoning in domestic cats largely depend on the toxic substance. Before you figure out what to give a cat in case of poisoning, it is worth determining the type of poison. Some specific clinical signs may indicate a particular toxic substance:

  • When rat poison enters the body, a cat experiences vomiting mixed with blood and bile, cyanosis (blue mucous membranes).
  • If the pet had contact with poisonous plants, then you can notice increased salivation, foam from the mouth, and violations of the nervous system are not uncommon.
  • Poisoning with organophosphorus poisons is characterized by strong excitation, increased pressure, convulsions and paralysis.
  • Food intoxications are usually accompanied by disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The cat has vomiting, diarrhea, severe thirst. The pet is depressed, refuses to feed.
  • Signs of drug poisoning are: weakness, vomiting, depression, constriction of the pupils.

Animal treatment

Therapy for animal intoxication with toxic substances has a number of principles, the implementation of which will help save a pet's life:

  • Termination of the access of the toxin to the cat's body.
  • Rapid elimination of the toxic substance. For these purposes, induce vomiting in the animal. To reduce the adsorption of poison, laxatives and diuretics are prescribed.
  • The use of specific drugs in relation to a particular poison - antidotes.
  • Treatment of concomitant symptoms (cardiac and anticonvulsants, vitamins, dehydration therapy, etc.).

For information on what causes vomiting in a cat, what assistance should be provided depending on the cause, see this video:

First aid at home

If the cat is poisoned, what to do at home until qualified treatment is provided? Having found signs of poisoning in a pet, the owner is able to provide first aid.

Initially, it is necessary to detect a toxic substance and protect the cat's body from its further penetration.

In the event that intoxication is associated with carbon monoxide, inhalation of toxic fumes, the pet should be taken to fresh air. If the toxic substance has got on the coat and skin of the cat, it is necessary to wash it off with plenty of water.

In case of food poisoning and ingestion of pesticides in the cat's body, it is necessary to induce vomiting. To do this, the animal is forcibly drunk with a large amount of liquid with the addition of salt. To reduce the absorption of poisons, it is desirable to make a cleansing enema. When poisoning with acids, vomiting should not be induced, this will worsen the condition of the animal.

The most common adsorbent that can be treated at home when a cat is poisoned is activated charcoal. The drug is given in the form of a tablet, with resistance it is permissible to crush it into powder. The recommended dosage is 500 mg per 1 kg of animal weight.

With an unexplained poison, you should not drink milk to a sick pet. Contrary to popular belief, milk is not always good for poisoning. Rice water and enterosgel are more effective and safe means.

If the pet has become a victim of dog hunters, what to give the cat in case of poisoning? After induced vomiting, the poisoned animal should be given vitamin B6, which is an antidote for isoniazid, which is often used to poison cats and dogs.

With any type of poisoning, it is necessary that the animal consumes a lot of water. You should not self-medicate.

Actions of the veterinarian

After providing first aid, the pet must be delivered to a specialized institution or call a veterinarian at home. In the clinic, an antidote will be selected for the pet:

  • in case of heavy metal poisoning, sodium thiosulfate is administered intravenously;
  • if pesticide poisoning is suspected, atropine is used;
  • when rat poison enters the body, the animal is prescribed vitamin K and iron-containing preparations.

Vomiting and diarrhea, as a rule, lead to dangerous dehydration for the body. In this case, the veterinarian conducts a course of intravenous infusions of isotonic solutions.

Poisoning, as a rule, affects many functions of the body, therefore, heart drugs are used in therapy, agents to improve kidney function. In the presence of nervous symptoms, anticonvulsants, vitamins of group B are prescribed.

Rules for nutrition after poisoning (briefly)

After the animal is given first aid and the necessary procedures are carried out, the owners take the victim home. It is better to find out from the veterinarian in advance. In most cases, in order to speed up rehabilitation after intoxication, the animal is prescribed a 24-hour starvation diet. During this period, fresh drinking water must be freely available.

After a daily hunger strike, the cat is transferred to 3-4 meals a day. Preference should be given to light food that does not contain animal fats: cereals, boiled vegetables. It is not recommended to give milk in the first 3-4 days. After 5-7 days, with a satisfactory condition, the pet is transferred to a normal diet and diet.

The pet owner needs to know not only the signs of poisoning, the types of poisons, but also what to do if the cat is poisoned. Timely and competently provided first aid to a sick animal will help preserve not only health, but also the life of a pet.

Sometimes it is very difficult to keep track of your pet. From the fact that the cat walks on its own, problems often occur caused by eating any poisonous substance and, as a result, poisoning. There are times when a cat cannot do without the help of a person. You realized that your cat was poisoned. What to do in such a situation? How to help a pet. It is very difficult to look at an animal suffering from pain.

The main symptoms of poisoning

Consider how to diagnose poisoning in a cat, the symptoms, as well as the features of their manifestation:

  • weakness, lethargy (the cat constantly lies, does not get up), drowsiness;
  • vomiting, diarrhea, bad smell from the mouth, drooling (does not eat, does not drink), difficulty swallowing;
  • rapid shortness of breath, shortness of breath;
  • fever, rapid pulse;
  • mental disorders expressed in behavior (depression or agitation);
  • trembling, muscle spasms of individual parts of the body.

What to do if the cat is poisoned

In case of vomiting, excessive salivation, difficulty swallowing, first of all, it is necessary:

  1. Rinse the stomach. For this, various means are used, but they are all administered to the cat through the mouth or with an enema:
    • a very weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
    • polysorb - a drug that removes toxins and allergens from the body. It must first be diluted in water (1/4 teaspoon per glass of water) and given to the cat 2-3 teaspoons;
    • a solution of baking soda, which neutralizes the toxic substance that has entered the body, after which the cat is taken out into the street;
    • activated charcoal should be washed down with 1 tablespoon of water;
    • saline laxatives;
    • mixture - drug tsamaks, activated charcoal, white clay (kaolin) and vaseline oil. Coal neutralizes the remaining poison, and vaseline oil helps to bring it out with feces.

    In case of severe poisoning in a cat, washing can be carried out several times as necessary and depending on the result achieved. The main thing is not to overdo it!

  2. To improve the functioning of the central nervous system with the help of:
    • coffee - orally;
    • provide subcutaneous injections of drugs containing caffeine;
    • intravenously inject a 10% glucose solution.
  3. What to give a cat in case of poisoning so that it recovers faster:
    • injections of gamavit (1-2 ml - 2-3 times a day), they normalize metabolic processes, and also have biostimulating, anti-stress and immunomodulatory properties;
    • diarkan (0.5 cube - 2 times a day) it contains Ratania extract and envelops the intestinal mucosa with a film, thereby restoring the water-salt balance in the intestine and preventing the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body. If, after carefully following the above recommendations, your pet does not feel better, then you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

What to feed a cat after poisoning

Rehabilitation after poisoning is a very important period. The animal needs careful care, attention and time. The right food is the key to a speedy recovery for your pet. During the day after the poisoning, it is not recommended to feed the cat at all, let the intestines completely clear and rest. Next, you need to push lumps of thick honey into the animal's throat 4-5 times a day. When the crisis has passed, and you need to gain strength and move, the cat is credited with a sparing diet. Several options are possible.

  • It is better not to force the cat to eat, he will gradually reach for his usual food.
  • In small quantities, kefir is recommended, chicken meat (without bones), since it is rather dry and lean.
  • Liquid semolina porridge in fish broth, boiled egg, and, of course, frequent drinking.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the diet of a cat that has survived poisoning with phosphorus (match heads), rat or mouse poison is not the same as with food poisoning. It is forbidden to give the cat fatty foods, this will facilitate the work of the liver, which is most vulnerable in such cases. You can add poppy to food, in the old days it was believed that it was effective for any poisoning.

Now you know how to take care of your soft fluffy pet if he is poisoned. We wish you and your pets good health!

Each pet owner is responsible for his life and health. It is important to understand that if a cat appeared in the house, then everyone should know about it. It is necessary to protect him from dangerous places, toxic substances that can harm him. There are many things in the house that arouse the cat's curiosity: detergents, spoiled food, chemicals, a trash can, etc. But if it has already happened that the cat has been poisoned, then you should know in advance the symptoms and how to provide assistance in a timely manner.

The main symptoms of poisoning in cats:

  1. Gagging in a cat, in some cases with blood and mucus;
  2. Weakness, desire to be constantly in a lying state and sleep;
  3. Almost does not react to movement;
  4. Upset stomach, loose stools, terrible smell of stools;
  5. Foam from the mouth and nose;
  6. , rapid breathing;
  7. Thirsty for water;
  8. Strong salivation (salivation).

Causes of vomiting during poisoning

The reasons may be the following:

  • feeding poor-quality feed or spoiled;
  • prolonged feeding of raw fish;
  • ingested wool and other toxic substances from a garbage can, from a rodent control box;
  • after eating indoor plants, poisoning can also occur.

All these signs of poisoning occur due to the destruction of the liver, heart, and also the nervous system and other organs are disturbed. But before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish the correct diagnosis. It is good if in such cases there is a veterinarian's phone number to immediately call or arrange a meeting to examine the pet.

If you have to wait a long time for the veterinarian, then the owner will have to provide first aid on their own. The main thing is not to panic, read about it in advance, prepare for this situation or ask the doctor what is allowed to do before his arrival.

  • the first step is to take the cat outside;
  • if the cat is unconscious, give a sniff of cotton wool soaked in ammonia;
  • rinse the stomach with water and soda;
  • wash the cat's fur, perhaps the poison got on it;
  • make an enema;
  • cook a little rice water, protein also has a beneficial effect on the cat's body;
  • activated charcoal tablets and smects remove poisons very well;
  • in case of acid poisoning, it is forbidden to induce vomiting;
  • if alkali is swallowed, then you need to give lemon water (3 tablespoons of lemon + 4 tablespoons of water.).

At the time of poisoning with poisons, the main thing is not to worry, it is better to look for options and immediately help the cat. You may have to induce vomiting in a sick cat. This is easy to do: put a little salt or 1 tsp on your tongue. hydrogen peroxide (10 min interval) and expect vomiting. But such actions should not be taken if the cat has lost consciousness.

You also need to give plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.

Recovery period. What can you feed

After treatment, the cat will feel sluggish and lethargic for a long time, or, on the contrary, too briskly. You can’t rush at the sight of a cheerful cat and draw conclusions that he is healthy. And to celebrate, give him something tasty. A quick recovery of the pet will be if you do not give him any food the next day after poisoning. Let the stomach and intestines rest, cleanse.

A healing way to relieve the cat's situation is to give a little honey several times a day. When real changes for the better are noticeable, it is already allowed to give light dietary food. What exactly and how much?

Firstly, you should not force the cat to eat, you need to be observant and notice when he goes to the plate or asks, it means he is hungry. In these cases, it is recommended to give sour milk, chicken fillet meat. This food is lean and will not negatively affect the cat's stomach and, moreover, facilitates the work of the liver.

Secondly, you can not give food often, so as not to aggravate the condition. Otherwise, the cat may overeat, and the stomach will not stand it. You can sometimes give liquid semolina porridge with fish broth. And most importantly - often give to drink water.

Poisoning can be prevented by following a few rules:

  • in case of contact with chemical solvents, acids, alkalis, it is forbidden to induce vomiting, it is better to contact a specialist for information;
  • it should be borne in mind that a cat can be poisoned not only through the mouth, but also through the respiratory tract. The reason may be through a gas leak, smoke, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate the premises, garages;
  • if harmful substances (engine oil, paints, solvents) get on the body, the cat can also get poisoned. You can prevent the consequences as follows: noticing the dirt on the wool, it should be wiped with sunflower oil poured onto a rag. Then wash with room temperature water and soap. All liquids should be removed away to avoid unnecessary trouble and disease, which can be fatal.

What else is dangerous

You may not even suspect that even what is intended for cats causes poisoning: special collars against, for animals. Also means for struggle for rodents, cockroaches. The cat, as you know, loves to lick everything that he sees interesting on the way, even his own collar. Damage to the nervous system leads to bowel disease.

In addition to all this, there is a whole list of indoor plants that pose a danger to the life of a cat. There are about 37-40 colors that a kitten can try and get poisoned. For example, the most common plants are violets, ficuses, physalis, rhubarb. Some plants growing in the garden are also dangerous: ivy, fern, lily of the valley. For preventive purposes, you can do the following: so that cats do not look for vitamins B, the owner should sow useful plants (some oats, lettuce, parsley), and from flowers - thornless cacti, tradescantia.

Adhering to all the advice of a veterinarian, the owner will be calm for his pet and prevent the unpleasant consequences of poisoning.

How a pet is treated in a veterinary clinic

If true information comes from the owner of the cat, then the doctor will quickly understand the problem. After that, the doctor will provide first aid (perform infusion therapy, i.e. nutrition with and vitamins is administered intravenously). He then examines the food, analyzes saliva and other secretions, and prescribes medication.

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