Carpathian honey green with cones. Honey from pine shoots. Tincture and decoction of green cones

- a fairly common coniferous tree throughout Russia.
Given the fact that many summer residents have pine trees either directly on the site, or grow nearby in the forest, I think that it is possible to collect pine cones and use this very useful recipe.

I bring to the attention of the readers of the site the site amazing recipe not really regular product. I named it "Shishkin Honey". In essence, it is a sugar syrup boiled into an infusion of pine cones.
Healing "Shishkin Honey" has therapeutic and prophylactic properties of a wide range of applications and is used in medicine along with other pine gifts.

The use of pine in medicine

Pine is a wonderful coniferous tree that lives 300-600 years. Since ancient times, pine has been used by man for a wide variety of purposes. In particular, in medicine, for healing from various ailments, they go into action: resin-resin (turpentine and rosin are obtained from it), wood (it is used to make Activated carbon and tar), and cones.

Preparations from pine needles used internally and therapeutic baths as a cleanser and tonic, as well as at various diseases(skin, nervous and cardiovascular systems).

Preparations from young pine shoots (1-4 cm long) are used for inflammation respiratory tract, rheumatism, gout, dropsy, kidney stone disease, inflammation of the gallbladder, to purify the blood.

In traditional and folk medicine pine cones are used for the following diseases:
- ARI and ARVI;
- diseases of the throat and gums;
- flu and colds;
- bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
- pneumonia and pleurisy;
- pulmonary tuberculosis;
- beriberi;
- low hemoglobin;
- polyarthritis.

Pine cones are used as effective remedy From cough. It is a tasty and pleasant medicine, which is important in the treatment of children who gladly take it.

Pine honey of my childhood

In my distant childhood, my mother harvested wonderful pine honey from young cones to treat us, children, from respiratory diseases.
We lived then in Belarus. My beloved homeland is not only the blue-eyed land of lakes, but also the land of bright, clean, high pine forests.

Of course, I, then a little girl, was not up to the intricacies of my mother's recipe. But the very process of collecting pine cones, their subsequent processing and cooking, I remember well. Because I was directly involved in this.
Many years have passed since then...

Pine tree in the garden

Planted by me live in my dacha. And there is only one pine. This tree grew by itself, by self-sowing. Moreover, the seedling sprouted in the most inconvenient (both for me and for the pine tree) place according to all conditions: in a ditch, on the border with a neighboring plot.
At first, the seedling of my pine tree looked like a horsetail shoot, so I almost weeded it out :-)

I had thoughts about transplanting pine trees. But my dad came to the dacha, may his memory be blessed, and said that this was not necessary: ​​“The tree itself chooses where to grow. And since the pine seed was destined to germinate in this very place, then so be it.

I must say that at that distant time I was more engaged in the garden, because the dacha was primarily a breadwinner (as, I am sure, many summer residents ...). Therefore, neither about, nor about, self-growing in the country, I somehow didn’t think then - which I now regret.
If I were on my pine, then it would grow more compact and fluffy. And without regular pinching, the pine tree grew tall, slender and leggy.

For many years there were no cones on my pine. And then, finally, they appeared - so odorous, so resinous - I wanted to breathe them and breathe!
Then I remembered about my mother's pine honey ...

In the photo: green pine cone; harvest of pine cones

It is clear that a small crop of cones from my young pine was not enough for its preparation. Therefore, I had to go into the forest for cones.

Collection of pine cones

Pine cones are born in spring at the ends of young shoots. At first they are smaller than a pea. When they grow up a little, it is time to collect them for pine honey.

To prepare this delicious healing product, you need fresh, green cones. It is better to collect them from trees away from the highway, in ecologically clean areas. Ideally, where young pine trees grow.
Remove from the tree small developing cones that have reached 1-4 cm in length. They are easily cut with a knife or pierced with a fingernail.

So, my friend and I went to the forest to gather.
It turned out not quite a simple matter, since cones are not yet formed on young low pines.
With the help of a long pole (stick), one of us had to tilt the branches of tall pines, while the other collected cones from them. It must have looked pretty funny from the outside :)
So we collected green pine cones in the required quantity.

The next step was to study on the Internet information on how to prepare a healing product from pine cones. Among several methods, I chose one - it is most similar to the one that my mother used to make pine honey.
Now I offer this recipe (already tested, as they say, “on myself”) to the attention of Gardenia readers.

Preparation of "Shishkin's Honey"

To prepare "Shishkin's Mead" adhere to the following proportion:
- pine cones young, green - 75-80 pieces per liter of water,
- granulated sugar - 1 kg per 1 liter of pine infusion.

Sort the collected cones, rinse well in clean water. Pour them fresh cold water- so that it covers the cones by 1-2 cm.
Next, put the dishes with cones on the fire, bring the water to a boil. Then you need to boil (with the lid closed!) On low heat for about half an hour. As a result, the boiled cones should become soft.
After that, the resulting broth should be infused for 1 day.

The next day, strain this infusion, pouring the liquid into another pan.
Add granulated sugar to the broth (from the ratio: 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of infusion). Next, boil the bumps in the resulting syrup, like regular jam.
During cooking, do not forget to remove the resulting foam!
Boil pine cones over low heat for at least 1.5 hours.

The result is "Shishkin Med" of a beautiful crimson color.
I pour it into heated jars and close the lids.

From 150 pieces of collected green pine cones I got an infusion with a volume of 1l 400 ml .
And that's how much I stocked up for the whole year of ready-made healing syrup - pine honey.

Ha photo: boiled soft cone; stock of pine honey

You can see my step by step pine honey video recipe
VERY useful product! Do not be lazy, make yourself "Shishkin Honey"!

An enamel bowl after boiling the cones is washed with some difficulty due to a resinous coating. And the second time, after boiling the syrup, it’s already easy.

Syrup from pine panicles-candles

In spring, light yellow clusters of male spikelets form at the base of some young pine shoots. Ripe yellow pollen pours out of them abundantly. Only a small amount of it gets to its intended purpose - on pine cones for their pollination, and the rest is carried by the wind far around the pines. This useful pollen eats various small animals. Pine pollen that has fallen into the water of the reservoir is eaten by fish fry.

In addition to making pine honey from green cones, you can also make a healing syrup from flowering pine panicle candles. In this case, you need to pour less water.

The color of the syrup from pine panicles in the end is not so saturated, Pink colour. But on healing properties this syrup is not inferior to "Shishkin honey".

Grow pines and use their gifts for pleasure and benefit, be healthy!

Lyudmila Rezhnova (Dubna, Moscow region)

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Thanks to the beneficial substances that are released in the pine forest, you can significantly help the body recover. Particularly active are healing substances, however, not everyone manages to visit the forest at this time. But today there is an opportunity to get maximum amount benefits even at home, simply by using honey from cones or from pine shoots, which is saturated with a huge number of different useful substances.

What's this?

Everyone knows that honey is obtained from flowering plants or trees. However, how is this product obtained from pine, because it does not belong to such representatives of the flora?
Prepared from young cones, which are harvested in the spring, since it is at this time that they contain large quantity useful properties that will help restore the body. The composition contains iron, potassium, selenium, magnesium, vitamins, flavonoids, organic compounds and essential oils, antioxidants and other trace elements.

Did you know? Pine honey is used even in places of detention. Heit strengthens the immune system so effectively that after consumption, the prisoners not only do not get colds, but also become less susceptible to tuberculosis, which is quite common in these places.

Useful properties of pine honey

From pine is a real sweet medicine, which is used not only in, but also in the official one.
Due to the presence in the composition of a large number of useful substances, it has the following qualities:

  • thanks to its antimicrobial properties, it inhibits pathogenic flora, removes pain, reduces cough and accelerates the removal of sputum from the lungs;
  • normalizes the amount of lipids, lowers the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the blood;
  • urinary and choleretic qualities make it useful for problems with the genitourinary system;
  • honey from pine shoots thanks to iron and selenium helps to cure anemia and other blood diseases, and also strengthens the immune system;
  • increases the body's resistance during an epidemic of influenza and other colds;
  • helps to prolong youth and slow down the aging process thanks to antioxidants and selenium.

Important! Having made the decision to use pine honey, must be taken into account the following contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation, hepatitis, kidney and liver diseases, digestive disorders and headaches, as well as age up to 7 years and after 60.

Correct Application

Everyone knows that any problems are better to prevent than to treat later. In this case, pine honey will come in handy, because it can be taken not only for treatment, but also for prevention. However, in each individual case it is important correct dosage and the number of receptions - only in this case you can get the maximum amount of benefit.

For prevention

When using honey as prophylactic the dosage is the same as in the case of treatment, only the number of doses changes. For this, 1 dose per day or even with an interval of two days is enough.

For treatment

Did you know? The most expensive honey in the world comes from Israel. The beekeeper feeds his wards with Siberian Ginseng extract. As a result, 1 kg of such a product costs 12.5 thousand rubles.

Step by step cooking recipe

Pine honey from cones and shoots can be prepared independently, which will save everything useful qualities pines. Raw materials are collected in the first months of spring. Honey can be prepared using several recipes:

From pine buds . The ingredients are washed in cold water, crushed, poured with water and put on a small fire. Bring to a boil and leave on fire for another 20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, sugar is added and boiled until the volume remains up to 2/3 of the original.

From young green shoots. Shoots are cleaned of needles and washed thoroughly. Placed in a deep saucepan and poured with water so that the shoots are immersed in the liquid by 1 cm. Put the container on a slow fire and cook for 20 minutes. Then they are removed from the fire and insisted throughout the day. After the time has passed, filter and pour into another bowl, add sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. Then they put it on fire again and cook for several hours, stirring and removing the foam.

There is one folk remedy that is powerful weapon against influenza, sore throats, colds and all their accompanying symptoms. In preparation, it is quite simple, has a pleasant sweet taste and is devoid of almost all contraindications. People call it “pine honey”.

Interesting fact: Does pine honey really exist? No. Pine is not a honey plant, so the concept of “pine honey” is erroneous. This is a jam made from pine cones, shoots, needles, pollen or resin, prepared on the basis of any kind of bee product.

Useful properties of pine honey

Since ancient times, pine has been actively used in folk medicine. It contains great amount essential oils, resin, tannins, alkaloids, macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins (A, B, C, E, K).

This composition provides a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, soothing, vasodilating and diuretic effect. It is also believed that pine cleanses the body: starting from toxins and ending with radiation.

In pine, each of the components is valuable:

  • shoots (buds) - excellent tool for raising immunity and body tone. Beneficial features Pine bud honey is also actively used for diseases respiratory system: have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects.
  • cones- contribute comprehensive strengthening body: increase immunity, hemoglobin level and vigor. Useful properties of honey with pine cones are used for beriberi, depletion of the body, as well as broncho-pulmonary diseases.
  • needles- has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, is used as a choleretic, anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory agent. Also helps with problems. of cardio-vascular system and visual impairments.
  • pollen- a generous source of vitamin C, which makes it relevant for the fight against the most serious diseases of the respiratory system (asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis). Also helps to strengthen the walls blood vessels, increases the level of hemoglobin and reduces - cholesterol.
  • gum (resin) - in the same way as it regenerates trees, resin promotes the restoration of human tissues and has an antiseptic effect.

According to reviews, pine honey for breathing will be relevant with the addition of any of the above components. He will become faithful assistant in the fight against colds and flu, as well as their main symptom - cough.

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Concerning natural honey, it will ideally complement all of the above beneficial properties of honey from pine cones or other gifts of pine needles. The bee product will provide a similar healing effect, doubling its power. In addition, it will strengthen the immune system, increase the tone of the body, charge it with vitamins and normalize the emotional background.

Pine honey: recipe

Which one do you want to prepare? We offer TOP-5 folk recipes(with photo) jam from pine buds and other gifts of coniferous trees.

Pine bud honey

Pine buds are collected in early spring - March or April, depending on the weather. They are easy to spot on the branches: they resemble a bunch of miniature green grapes - with cones in common, they still have only a slightly rough surface.

Pine shoot honey recipe:

Rinse the shoots thoroughly, then grind in a juicer or with a blender. Mix the mass with natural liquid honey in equal proportions. It is recommended to use acacia honey, as it takes longer to crystallize than others. If you have a product of a different variety, melt it slightly in a water bath. Thoroughly mix the contents until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Recipe for a decoction of pine buds with honey:

Rinse the kidneys, put them in an enamel bowl and fill with water so that the tops are completely immersed in it. Bring to a boil and let simmer for another 20 minutes over low heat. Pour the resulting herbal decoction into a separate bowl and prepare a drink for yourself daily: for 1 glass of liquid - 2 teaspoons of honey.

Interesting fact: classic recipe pine honey from pine shoots is prepared using sugar. However, this method of preparation has nothing to do with the treatment. Therefore, we offer you two healing variations of this folk remedy.

Pine cone honey

To prepare this variation of pine honey, you need green and young pine cones, which are collected in May-June. These are easy to recognize: they should be about 1.4-1.5 cm and squeeze under the pressure of the nail.

Numerous recipes for pine cone honey involve the use of sugar. We advise replacing this ingredient with honey to make the folk remedy useful:

Rinse the cones thoroughly under running water from traces of resin. Next, carefully grind with a blender or in a juicer. If necessary, repeat several times. When the mixture becomes homogeneous enough, add the same amount of honey to it. It is best if it is still liquid. If not, slightly heat the bee product in a water bath. jam by this recipe it is recommended to insist for a short time. Close the jar with an airtight lid and leave in the refrigerator for 3-5 days.

Related article: How to melt honey so that it remains useful?

Pine needle honey

This recipe is almost the same as the previous one:

Wash the needles and grind thoroughly. To do this, you can use a juicer or blender. Add an equal amount of liquid honey to the coniferous mass. To stir thoroughly. Keep refrigerated.

Pine honey for cough can also be used as a drink. For 500 ml of warm water, you need 2 tablespoons of the above mixture. Before drinking, the drink must be infused for 1-2 days.

Honey and Pine Pollen

The collection of pine pollen falls on the flowering period of coniferous trees - April-May. Wait for the moment when the inflorescences become bright yellow, and when pressed, they secrete juice. Collect the anthers and lay them out on paper in a dark place - for further drying. In the process, the inflorescences will gradually crumble, leaving pollen on the paper. Pass it through a sieve - and healing product ready!

The recipe for pine pollen with honey is more than simple:

Mix the ingredients in proportions 1:3. For example, for 100 grams of honey you will need 300 grams of pollen. It will be most convenient to mix the components with a mixer - this guarantees a homogeneous mass.

Folk remedy can be taken in pure form or add 1 teaspoon to drinks - warm milk, herbal decoction or tea.

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Milk with honey, goodbye cough!

Decoctions with honey: utility rating

Honey with pine resin

Pine resin is a resin that can be easily seen on coniferous trees. She plays the role natural healer, helping to heal cracks in the bark and other defects. To prepare the next dessert, you will need fresh resin - for this, a small incision should be made on the pine tree. The liquid will instantly flow from it into the container you have substituted.


The resin hardens quickly, so it will need to be melted a little in a water bath. Add chopped propolis to the hot mixture (about 10 grams per 0.5 l of resin) and vegetable oil(100 ml). When the contents have cooled down a bit, pour in 0.25 liters of honey. Mix thoroughly and chill.

This product is for external use only. An exception is chewing honey with resin - like chewing gum, which subsequently needs to be spit out. Such a remedy will help get rid of a sore throat, strengthen the gums, and will also become an effective prevention of dental ailments.

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The use of pine honey

A folk remedy can be used both internally and externally - it all depends on therapeutic effect which you are planning to achieve.

First, let's talk about ingestion . Accurate dosage depends on the selected pine honey recipe:

  • from cones - in its pure form, 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day
  • from pine shoots - in its pure form, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day; as a drink 1 glass 2 times a day
  • from needles - in its pure form, 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day; as a drink 1 glass a day, divided into 2 doses (morning and evening)
  • from pine pollen - 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day
  • from resin - chew 1 teaspoon 1-2 times a day

Folk remedy can also apply externally :

  • nasal drops. Dilute jam from cones or shoots of pine with water in proportions of 1: 3. Instill 2 drops in each nostril. Repeat 3-4 times a day.
  • basis for inhalation. Pour 1 tablespoon of the remedy from needles, cones or kidneys with a glass of boiling water. Inhale the vapor for at least 20 minutes.
  • healing compresses. Apply gum with the addition of honey and propolis to the affected areas of the skin. You can additionally bandage. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

Pine honey: contraindications

Despite the fact that pine cone honey has benefits, harm can also be done. If you do not know in advance about the main contraindication of such a folk remedy. This is an individual intolerance to bee products.

There is a small percentage of people who are allergic to honey. Therefore, before starting to use, we recommend that you consult a doctor on this issue and undergo an appropriate examination. In addition, to protect yourself from fakes.

Related article: How to determine the quality of honey at home?

Caution should be taken with this remedy for children under 3 years old, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.


Wikipedia: Bee honey , Pine

Video "Jam from pine cones for weight loss"

Pine is a majestic tree of our forests and a famous healer. Resin, needles, buds and cones have useful properties. And in the last pine accumulates active substances for the future, thanks to this they become valuable for the treatment of diseases. There are few contraindications for this type of medication.

Green pine cone is the most healing

The cones contain phytoncides with antimicrobial and immuno-strengthening properties. Tannins are healing substances that improve blood circulation, reduce the risk of thrombosis. In addition, the complex of substances Pycnogenol contained in the cones is effective in cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol. Also, the fruits are rich in vitamins important for humans: A, B, E, C, K, oleic and lenolic acids, iron, essential oils and lipids. Sometimes treatment with pine fruits is more effective than the use of expensive drugs.

AT medicinal purposes usually both young and mature pinecones are used, it is important that they are not opened. They are effective in such diseases:

  • cold and flu
  • bronchitis, asthma
  • pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis
  • gum and throat diseases
  • polyarthritis
  • atherosclerosis, hypertension
  • stroke prevention
  • low hemoglobin, beriberi

Witch doctors use pine fruits in recipes healing balms, which are effective in combating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bones, and respiratory organs. According to some reports, cones have antitumor activity, and more recently, Italian scientists have discovered amazing possibilities in the treatment of retinopathy.

It is interesting

Moldovan girls use pine pollen to preserve youth and beauty. In the spring, they collect young pine cones, dry them in the sun to open the scales, and pour out the pollen. Take the drug at the tip of a knife 3 times a day before meals.

When and how to collect

The collection of cones is carried out away from the city, roads and enterprises. Young cones, up to 4 cm in size, are harvested in the middle lane in May and June. Softness is checked with a knife or bitten or scratched, you need to take those that are easy to cut. It is better to choose females, they have ribbed scales and a stickier surface. Healers also collect more mature fruits for Ivan Kupala, you can make tinctures from them. Choose pines that are not damaged by pests.

Recipes for health

Many recipes are known using this natural medicine. They are made from them alcohol tinctures, decoctions, syrups, jams and honey.

A decoction of cones

Medicinal decoction from cones

Take 5 pieces of green cones, wash thoroughly, grind and pour 0.5 liters pure water. Bring the mass to a boil, then simmer for 5 minutes over low heat and turn off. Drink three times a day for ¼ cup after meals. The decoction has an anti-inflammatory effect, they treat colds, coughs, tuberculosis. You can store the finished broth in a cold place for no more than 3 days.

Decoction for inhalation

To soften the nasopharynx, relieve swelling and thin sputum, inhalations are made with a decoction of pine cones.

Cut soft cones into 2 parts, pour water in a saucepan and bring to a boil under a lid. Boil on low heat, do not open the lid. After 15 minutes, remove from heat and sit over the pan, covered with a blanket. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Alcohol tincture

Used for the prevention of stroke, post-stroke conditions, therapy of cardiovascular diseases.

Mature cones will be required, with seeds, but not yet opened, they are collected after the day of Ivan Kupala and until September. Such fruits contain more medicinal tannins.

For tincture, you need to take 5 cones. They need to be washed, cut and poured with 1 glass of good 70% alcohol or high-quality vodka. Then the vessel with the tincture is placed in a dark, cool place, not forgetting to shake it several times a day. After 14 days, the resulting tincture must be filtered.

In order to prevent stroke, take a teaspoon per day after meals. In the post-stroke period and during cardiac vascular diseases the intake is increased up to 3 times a day. The effect is observed when long-term treatment after 6 months of admission. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is desirable to obtain the approval of the attending physician before use.

Infusion for the treatment of joints

  1. A three-liter jar is half filled with crushed young cones, 400 g of sugar are added on top and poured with cool boiled water. The jar is put on fermentation and shaken repeatedly all this time. When the fermentation process is over (bubbles stop appearing), the medicine is ready for use. To improve joint mobility, take a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.
  2. It is very easy to prepare an infusion for sore joints from the opened cones. A couple of large fruits are completely filled with boiling water, well wrapped and left until morning. Drink the infusion half an hour before breakfast. The course of admission is 2 months.

Raw materials for medicinal drugs

Infusion for bronchitis or asthma

Rinse the green cones, put them in a thermos, add a small piece (no more than 2 cm) of resin to them, pour all this into 0.5 liters of boiling milk. Mix well and let stand. After 4 hours, strain the infusion through cheesecloth, folded in 4 layers.

Take a tablespoon 2 times a day for 1-2 months. In asthma, it is recommended to repeat the course after a break.

Foot baths

Put 20 cones in a large saucepan, pour 3 liters of water over them, bring to a boil, reduce heat to a minimum and cook for 20-25 minutes. Cool to a comfortable temperature, pour into a basin and soar legs, to keep warm, you can wrap yourself in a blanket.

syrup for children

It is difficult to get children to take medicine when they have a cold. Try the unusual sweet pine cone syrup, which strengthens the immune system and has an expectorant effect on coughs.

Spring green cones are washed, cut and put in a jar, alternating layers with sugar. After some time, the juice will stand out, and then we need it. You need to store the syrup in a cold place and give children 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Can be added to not a large number of tea or warm water. Pieces of sweet cones can also be eaten. If the child is still young, try new prescriptions with caution.

Pine cone jam

Cut the washed young cones into rings, sprinkle with sugar (1: 1), leave to extract the juice. Cook over low heat. If there is little juice, you can add water (no more than 0.5 l). Boil for 1.5-2 hours, removing the foam during the cooking process. For prevention during the cold season, take a teaspoon three times a day with a glass of water. warm drink. Or added to tea.

Unusual jam from pine cones

Pine honey

  1. Take 1 kg of green cones that need to be washed and pour cold water for a day. Then the syrup is boiled from 1 kg of granulated sugar and 10 glasses of water. Drain the water from the cones and dip them into boiling syrup, boil, stirring, until the fruits open. Do not remove scale. In too thick a mass, you can add a little boiled water. Honey is obtained dark brown. Keep refrigerated.
  2. Pour a half-liter jar of small cones with water and cook until soft (but do not boil completely) for about 20 minutes. Cook separately syrup from 1 kg of granulated sugar and 2 glasses of water. Take out with a slotted spoon soft bumps, dip them in boiling syrup and cook for another 25 minutes.
  3. Cut prepared young green cones and cover with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. Insist for a day until juice appears, then boil honey for 40 minutes. It should be rolled up in jars.

Honey is effective for strengthening immunity, for colds, coughs and polyarthritis. Children are given a teaspoon 3 times a day, adults - in the dining room.

The most delicious pine honey

Contraindications for treatment with cones

Pine cone treatment is not for everyone. At internal application should be more careful

  • people prone to allergies;
  • children, especially under 7 years old;
  • elderly people aged 60 and over.

Avoid medicinal products in large quantities, abuse is fraught with the occurrence of headaches, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines. Stop taking if you get unpleasant symptoms. It is contraindicated to use cones

  • during pregnancy and lactating women;
  • with cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis;
  • at acute diseases kidneys.

In addition, there may be individual intolerance to drugs. In any case, follow the reaction of your body, take breaks between courses of receptions. Before starting treatment, seek the advice of a specialist to avoid the unpleasant consequences of self-treatment.

With the external use of tinctures from pine fruits, no contraindications have been identified.

About the benefits and uses of pine cones on video

It can be concluded that treatment with pine cones is effective, inexpensive and safe method. Try, heal and be healthy!

If you have any difficulties or problems - you can contact a certified specialist who will definitely help!

At the word "honey" any person has his own associations: someone represents a flowering linden, and someone - flowering meadows or flowering buckwheat. But, having heard about pine honey, a simple man in the street will probably ask the question, what kind of honey is this, because pines do not bloom?

Honey connoisseurs are well aware that pine honey is “made” by bees from a sweet resin. It's dark and viscous product with a slight resinous aroma. Honey from pine cones is quite possible to obtain without the participation of bees. To do this, you need to collect green pine cones, boil them in sugar syrup. What is more in such "honey" from pine cones of benefit or harm - you need to figure it out.

Benefits of honey from pine cones

Based clinical research useful properties of honey from pine cones were revealed. Experts say that pine honey and natural bee honey, and cooked by man, are equally useful. Pine gives this product a large amount of potassium, which is completely absorbed by the human body together with honey. In addition, it contains vital amino acids. Among these 20 amino acids, experts especially highlight acetylcholine. This amino acid is very important for normal functioning central nervous system a person, since with its help the brain receives nerve impulses. A lack of acetylcholine in the body can lead to the development serious illnesses, for example, .

Useful properties of honey from pine cones

Traditional healers and herbalists recommend using this honey for the treatment of the digestive system, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, treatment of the heart, normalization of metabolism. Moreover, in folk medicine, there are cases of slowing down the development of a disease such as cancer in people who ate honey from pine cones. Thanks to their essential oils pine honey strengthens the immune system, successfully treats a sore throat, chronic cough, bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis. It is recommended to use it 2 times a day before meals with purified water.

Pine cone honey contraindications

Any medicine has limitations for use. Was no exception and honey from cones. It is strictly forbidden to use it for people suffering, since, interacting with alcohol, it causes severe poisoning. It is not recommended to use this honey for the elderly and diabetics, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people suffering from kidney and liver diseases.

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