Is it possible to sleep with headphones in your ears. Description of the best models. Best budget headphones - XIKEZAN Upgraded Sleep Headphones

Here, one way or another, there were questions and critical reviews on the topic that “sleeping with headphones on is very harmful.”

What do people say about this?

The network, as always, is full of experts who live on forums, and other sites that are authoritative for many, who to a certain extent claim, however, without referring to anything, that it is harmful to sleep with headphones on.

It is important to note here that most conclusions are presented through the introductory “I think” and its derivatives: “it seems”, “I believe”, and so on. Our local analogue of Quora (where, by the way, a similar question was also asked), The Questions, where it became customary to look for answers to all questions, also did not bypass the topic and is displayed almost on the first line of the search engine:

And again, “I think yes, of course, it’s harmful” and “it will definitely be a big minus.” Unconvincing, but peremptory.

In Russian, in 2016, a note was published on the Moscow Medicine portal, where you can also read without links to studies:

Listening to music before bed can be detrimental to sleep quality

No study has yet analyzed the impact of this habit of falling asleep with headphones on, but recent studies have shown that using headphones during sleep can disrupt sleep by changing cycles and thus reducing sleep quality.

Harmful VS safe

The main problem with answering this question is probably related to the substitution of concepts: indeed, there is reason to believe that sleeping with headphones on is unsafe for a number of reasons. Even in Western forums in the "question-answer" mode, doctors make the same mistake, confusing harm and potential danger related to the fact that a person can listen to a fire alarm or a gas leak detector.

It is what it is. You can strangle yourself with a wire, you can listen to the alarm, thieves, murderers. There were also completely trash cases (Beware), but they are all in the category of "danger to life, health due to closed ears."

What is meant by harmful?

In this regard, the question is ripe, and what is meant by "it is harmful to sleep with headphones on." Probably, we should answer that this should be interpreted as direct harm to the hearing organs, caused precisely by headphones during sleep.

And here, too, some difficulties will arise, because the harm from headphones is a seemingly obvious thing. But there is no conclusive evidence anywhere that falling asleep with earphones does this harm “better.”

Yes, listening to music with headphones can have a negative effect on the hearing organs, which is proven and obvious. However, not only the noise in the headphones, but the noise in general is a detrimental thing. Whether hearing deteriorates faster or slower, according to research, this will inevitably happen anyway. But in this sense, it turns out that headphones, such scoundrels, are equally dangerous not only at night, but also during the day.

Music for sleep

The effect of music on the body seems to be proven. Moreover, she can heal and kill.

It's hard to talk about music therapy, of course. However, there are some indirect indications that sleep music does exist. It should be understood in such a way that some frequencies tune a person in a certain way, promote relaxation, relaxation, which facilitates the process of falling asleep.

At the already mentioned forum, in a condensed form, doctors also incline to this. And in more detailed studies, one can come across the conclusion that music helps in the following way: by reducing pain with fibromyalgia, which provoke insomnia, help the patient fall asleep. Or as a prophylaxis for the same insomnia - with post-traumatic stress disorder.

At the same time, it is worth noting that there is no need for any specific indication of how you need to listen to music, with headphones or not. The influence of relaxing classical music has a positive effect on students' sleep, and again - with headphones or not?

The author's material lists some of the problems that may arise when using headphones. Among the already mentioned dangers of suffocation, difficult reaction to signaling, skin necrosis is noted, for example, however, with reference to women's magazine. Wherein we are talking about the type of earplugs. It is noteworthy that as an alternative and a way to listen safely, the same author cites headband headphones, including SleepPhones.

In other words

As a summary, leading, in fact, to the question, it will be necessary to note the following:

  • Headphones during sleep can be dangerous, but harm to health, for hearing aid unproven.
  • The damage to hearing from using headphones at night and during the day is equivalent.
  • Music can be recommended as a non-pharmacological aid to ease induction into sleep.
  • You can probably listen to it both with and without headphones - the advantage of headphones is that it will not interfere with others.
In this regard, the question is, what do you think?

With broken graphics frequent shift time zones and even just hard mental work, sometimes it is useful to take a nap for half an hour. No wonder technology is so popular these days. short sleep that allow you to fall asleep almost instantly.

Often such situations are accompanied by noise that does not allow you to concentrate and fall asleep. From loud neighbors and street bustle, music or an audiobook read in a monotonous voice can save you. But if you use speakers, then the required volume level for rescue may be higher than what is needed for sleep. You will get the opposite effect.

It would seem that the simplest headphones should save in similar situation. But this is where convenience comes into play. Few people can sleep peacefully with earbuds or earbuds. And overhead headphones completely exclude any body turns.

Therefore, you should use special headphones for sleep. Most often they are a bandage similar to that worn by athletes. But if they have a similar piece of cloth designed to prevent hair from falling into their eyes and sweat from dripping from their faces, then in our case this is the most convenient form for just sleeping. The bandage can be relatively narrow or, conversely, wide. In any case, its purpose is not only to hide from noise, but also to protect the eyes from bright light.

Under the fabric of all such devices, two speakers are hidden. The most budget of them have the most ordinary speakers, similar to those used in over-ear headphones (or exactly the same). More expensive or branded ones use special thin (flat) drivers. Fat, unfortunately, interfere with sleeping on your side, lying with your head on the pillow. Advanced models like those offered by AcousticSheep LLC do not have this drawback. Still, this is the main income of production: the company specializes in solutions for easy falling asleep, although it also has running headphones in its arsenal. However, the cost of such branded products is almost $ 40, and you still need to add shipping ...

There is a simpler and more economical solution - to look for analogues in China. And there such devices will cost about 5-10 dollars. Of course, they are unlikely to have a reference sound, but it will be enough for an audiobook.

Judging by the numerous reviews, using such devices are quite satisfied:

Usage scenario: I make the sound in the headphones as quiet as possible, but so that I can make out the words. I pick up an audiobook with a monotonous reader, a quiet and monotonous voice quickly lulls me to sleep. With Vivaldi, this is unlikely to work. If you take music, then maybe some ballads or Buddhist mantras, something slow, viscous and monotonous. In general, take any open headphones, on-ears or earbuds, and try to experiment. The difference with the reviewed device is only in comfort and in the fact that the bandage can be worn over the eyes, like a sleep mask. If they don't give you headphones desired effect, then "pajamas" will not give.

Many people often fall asleep with headphones on, because they like to listen to their favorite song before going to bed, or they just like to fall asleep to the tune. No one sees anything terrible and frightening in this action. Young people believe that before and during sleep, music helps the body to go into a state of rest, is a kind of helper and guide in a dream.

For many, such transitions are accompanied by vivid dreams, pleasant sensations in a dream. This is due to the fact that everyone, listening to music, recreates their association, but already in the imagination. The human brain is designed in such a way that it perceives many different signals, encodes them, translating into an understandable language (associations), then deciphers the information received. As a result, we have a new association. It may sometimes be unrelated to anything. A person sees a certain abstraction and it causes pleasant feelings in him, although it does not cause any real sensations in him. This feeling is associated with the human ability to accept and understand the world in its entirety.

Music plays an important role in the life of any person of our time. Listening to music, it is very easy to sometimes forget and fall asleep, imagining various intricate images in a dream.

Scientists have long understood that notes and words are codes that human ear and the brain. It encodes and decodes information based on the semiotic system (sign system), which was studied by Ferdinand de Saussure, a famous linguist. He understood, of course, only words, but sound and note are also words, but in a slightly different “format”.

To put it more simply, human brain receives information from the outside (sounds, words) and then translates them into images.

It is harmful to fall asleep in headphones precisely because the brain does not rest, but is forced to work on new information, then to remake it into images. Thus, the brain is even more tired. A person can wake up in the morning and feel headache, weakness. All this indicates that the "resident" cranium worked overtime.

Many people think that falling asleep with headphones in their ears is safe. This is not a completely true statement, since in a dream a person can toss and turn and turn from one side to another. Since the earphone wire may not always be enough, it is possible that the earphone may scratch outer ear causing otitis. Strongly loud music, affecting the human ear, can damage eardrum, pierce it. Such damage can lead to vestibulitis and, as a result, to meningitis of the brain. These are just some of the possible diseases that can be triggered by listening to music during sleep.

As a result of brain fatigue, depression can occur, chronic weakness and lack of sleep, which will lead to a decrease in immunity and the possibility of getting sick with unpleasant diseases.

The danger also lies in the fact that you can get an electric shock as a result of damage to the insulation of the headphones. The discharge will not be very strong, but sufficient to disturb the brain and distract it from rest.

It is very important for a person healthy sleep, which represents for a person great value. People often worry if they can't do anything about their sleep. This leads them to understand that they need to sleep and understand the importance good sleep, which would not interfere with any other devices and gadgets.

Previously insomniacs ordinary people hardly suffered. The work was so exhausting that a person fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow. But science and technology have evolved, the hardest physical work took over the cars.

Increasingly, problems with sleep began to appear, many people compensate for its lack by taking energy drinks and doping. But some causes of this inconvenience can be solved in a fairly simple way.

Not so long ago, a new device appeared on sale - anti-noise headphones for sleep. They help to establish a calm, full-fledged night rest.

People say that the most precious and desirable thing for people is sleep. It depends on him Vital energy, performance, good mood. Constant lack of sleep causes chronic fatigue, depression, can lead to physical, psychogenic illnesses. Interfering with normal rest can:

  • sound;
  • light;
  • smell;
  • touch;

Sleep disturbance and many other factors. It's stress, fatigue nervous tension, somatic problems. An uncomfortable bed, a stuffy room, unpleasant clothes can spoil a night's rest.

Headphones to improve the quality of relaxation

In order to eliminate such a hindrance to good rest like sound, special noise-canceling sleep headphones are designed. This is a salvation for those who are forced to sleep during the day, on the road.

Rest can be disrupted by a snoring neighbor, noisy party nearby, signals of passing cars. All these problems can be eliminated with the help of special devices.

Purpose of accessories

Headphones are designed to provide sound isolation. You can also listen to relaxing, soothing music through them.

Some models support mobile communication from the phone via Bluetooth. It is possible to talk with the subscriber, while the hands will be free. Kits are also available with . Other accessories are equipped with an alarm clock that helps not to oversleep and wake up in time.

Varieties of devices

Devices to provide soundproofing properties are of two types. The first type is earplugs. They are produced in the form of a cartridge. The product is inserted into the ear canal, fits snugly and prevents the penetration of sound stimuli. They are made of foam rubber, rubber, silicone.

Headphones are the second type. Produced a lot various models, each of them has its pros and cons.

Advice! Before you buy a device, you must carefully study the range existing devices, choose the most suitable variety for a particular person.

It is possible to make headphones for a good sleep from annoying noise with your own hands. They take cotton wool or foam rubber, wrap it with cling film, create a convenient shape according to ear canal. Then the device is placed in the ear, after which you can safely go to bed. But it is still better to purchase devices at a pharmacy so as not to cause negative reactions from the body.

Advantages and disadvantages

Buying headphones for sleep or not is a personal choice for everyone. Like any device, they have their advantages and disadvantages. To positive properties can be attributed:

  • the ability to listen to your favorite music before going to bed;
  • no discomfort from protruding parts;
  • use in many other situations;
  • ergonomic design;
  • good fit on the ears.

The gadget is represented by comfortable models that are almost not felt on the head and do not cause discomfort. Putting it on, you can get a good noise-absorbing effect, it is possible to listen to your favorite music, a book, without disturbing others. Many use this device when playing sports, cleaning, being in public transport. But there is also negative sides usage:

  • medical contraindications ( various diseases ENT organs);
  • listening at high volume can damage hearing;
  • rather high price;
  • the risk of addiction.

Advice! Before using headphones, you should consult your doctor. Even if not visible diseases, there may be problems that make it undesirable to use this tool. The continuous use of such a device with soundproofing property is not recommended.

Criterias of choice

When choosing headphones against noise for a good sleep, first of all, you should pay attention to the material from which they are made. It is better that it is soft, pleasant to the touch and does not cause allergies.

The main criterion for buying is the ability to absorb external stimuli. In headphones, the plate is responsible for this. The thicker it is, the less noise will penetrate through it. But it also depends on the price of the product. Too thick a plate can cause discomfort, put pressure on the ears, interfere good sleep. Quality device with optimal ratio insulation and width is not cheap.

The device is wired and wireless. The latter are more expensive, but when using them, it is impossible to get tangled in the wires.

It's important to know! Great importance when selected, it has the possibility of carrying out sanitary and hygienic treatment of the product, otherwise colonies of pathogenic microorganisms that pose a threat to health may develop on the device.

Description of the best models

One of the most modern and expensive soundproofing headphones for rest and sleep is represented by the Sound Asleep Sleep Headphones model: “Memory Foam Eye Mask with Wireless Bluetooth Earphones & Mic”. They are made in the form of a mask from a soft, comfortable to the touch material. They can play audio recording up to 6 hours, have surround stereo sound. Built-in Bluetooth headset, which makes it possible to talk on the phone and connect to other devices. They are able to suppress external sound very effectively.

The disadvantages are the surround speakers and buttons located on the side, so it is preferable to sleep on your back in them. Also, this gadget has an LED that will interfere with the partner. The cost of these headphones is not less than 45 dollars.

Made of silk, the GoldWorld Ultra Soft Comfortable Silk Bluetooth Wireless Sleep Headphones have a built-in sound card and can be connected to a phone. The battery can support work up to 8 hours, while recharging via USB takes 120 minutes. Thanks to Velcro, the device sits very tightly on the head and has a universal size, suitable even for a child. All electronic parts can be taken out, which allows you to wash the bandage. The cost of this model is a little over $20.

An inexpensive gadget made from various fabrics is the "ZenNutt Bluetooth Headphones Headband". These wireless stereo headphones are made from soft, stretchy materials restful sleep, it is possible to take out the details and wash the bandage itself. The anti-noise effect is quite high. They are charged from a wall outlet or computer. Work can last up to 5 hours.

You can often find Topex headphones on sale. They are not used for night rest, recommended for moderate noise. They are usually used to reduce the impact of noise when performing construction works. The product can be used for noise isolation during mental work, if it is not possible to be in a well soundproofed room.

Customer Reviews

Angelina, 28 years old

Why didn't I know about these headphones before? Due to the nature of my activity, I have to travel a lot, I rarely managed to get enough sleep on the road. Often interferes with the snoring of fellow travelers, baby crying, conversations and other noises. I was advised to buy headphones for sleep. The quality of my life has changed. Now in any situation I fall asleep in a matter of minutes, I have a good rest on the way. The soundproofing effect is excellent.

Pavel, 45 years old

Moved to new apartment but no luck with neighbors. Very often arrange parties, music noise until late at night. I came to work tired, not enough sleep. A colleague advised me to buy this anti-noise gadget. I bought an inexpensive model on Aliexpress. Now the holidays behind the wall do not bother me, I put on headphones, turn on music for relaxation and fall asleep peacefully.

Elena, 54 years old

I live next to a busy highway. Cars drive around the clock. You can hear them especially in the summer when the windows are open. A friend advised this device, she only talked about it good feedback. I chose the model I liked in the pharmacy. I am satisfied, I sleep much better, the noise-canceling property suits me, I have a full rest, I get up in high spirits.


Headphones for sleep are presented large quantity models. You can choose the most convenient individual characteristics, personal preference. They can help eliminate some of the causes of insomnia, enable a person to completely relax, get up alert, in good mood to work fully.

It is recommended to visit a doctor before using the accessory to exclude possible adverse effects. Any of the selected models correct selection contributes to the establishment of night rest, normalizes psycho-emotional state person.

If manufacturers didn’t sell sleep headphones, I would personally come up with them and start releasing them! This opinion will be shared with me, perhaps, by music lovers all over the world who are not ready to part with music even during sleep. This practical gadget does not need special advertising and explanation - each of you understands what it is for. But, despite the clear and simple purpose, it is worth saying that such modern gadgets differ not only in price, but also in additional features.

Best budget headphones - XIKEZAN Upgraded Sleep Headphones

These "plush" headphones can be bought for a very ridiculous price - only ~$10. And they are intended, according to the instructions, for air travel, sports, relaxation and meditation. However, no one will forbid you to sleep in them. Moreover, they are made of very soft tissue- fleece. If you want to "darken" the room, the headband can be lowered over your eyes with a slight movement of your hand.

The main disadvantage that you should be prepared for at such a low price is the presence of a wire (although heavy-duty, durable and flexible). In fact, the manufacturer has greatly reduced the price tag by removing Bluetooth from the design. But the headphones themselves are "ultra-thin" and allow you to sleep in any position for as long as possible.

This model has a standard 3.5mm jack.

Whichever model you choose - good sleep and good mood!

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