The reasons why the body itches without visible signs of the disease. Features of itching. Causes of itching without rashes. Causes of anogenital itching

The complaint that the circle around the vagina itches can occur at any age. A woman who observes the rules of personal hygiene and has no health problems should not experience discomfort in this area, therefore, in the event of a burning sensation or itching, it is necessary to be examined by a gynecologist.

Treatment with folk remedies before the diagnosis is clarified can not only not help, but also harm health.

Usually itching is caused by one of three groups of causes.

Gynecological problems

Discomfort in the vaginal area is always present in the case of diseases that were caused by pathogenic microflora:

  • thrush. In addition to burning and itching, copious white curdled discharge may appear;
  • bacterial vaginitis, vulvovaginitis, colpitis. Usually, with this pathology, discomfort only intensifies before menstruation;
  • sperm allergy. Pathology is quite rare, but serious. Occurs in case of strong incompatibility of the microflora of partners. An irritating factor can be either sperm protein, or drugs or certain foods.

Sexual infections

There are many diseases that are sexually transmitted. They may not manifest themselves for a long time, but due to a decrease in immunity, they become aggravated and manifest themselves as burning or itching.

These diseases include:

  • venereal diseases. Syphilis, venereal lymphogranuloma, gonorrhea, donovanosis, soft chancre are especially common. Urgent treatment is necessary, since these pathologies have many complications;
  • chlamydia. It is characterized by relapses with periods of remission;
  • trichomoniasis. The discharge has an unpleasant odor, a green-yellow hue and a foamy structure;
  • genital herpes. In addition to itching, there are rashes;
  • genital warts. Skin outgrowths appear on the genitals, which causes papilloma.

Diseases not related to the reproductive system

Itching can also cause diseases that have nothing to do with the reproductive system:

  • allergy;
  • diabetes;
  • overwork and stress;
  • mental and nervous disorders;
  • liver pathology;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • kidney disease;
  • pubic lice;
  • problems with the digestive system;
  • cystitis.

What causes itching

Itching is caused by a number of factors:

  • wearing tight underwear made of synthetic materials;
  • using detergents that cause irritation;
  • taking certain vaginal contraceptives;
  • allergic to condoms or lubricants;
  • severe nervous strain;
  • passion for diets;
  • the use of fast food, semi-finished products and other harmful products.

How to get rid of discomfort

To get rid of itching, it is necessary to exclude all factors that can cause it. If after a couple of days the discomfort does not decrease, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct a comprehensive examination and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The skin can itch for various reasons - allergies, rashes, fungal disease, and in order to understand how to get rid of itching, you need to determine its source and use the right remedy. If you constantly scratch any part of your body, you should consult a doctor, but first you can try to get rid of the itching yourself.

What to do with severe itching

It is sometimes difficult to understand the possible causes of an unpleasant overthrow on the body and list the main ways to get rid of itching at home. What can cause skin to itch? An insect bite, allergies, in intimate areas, diabetes, hormonal disorders - there are many reasons. First you need to figure out how painful your condition is, whether there are extraneous symptoms, suspicious formations and skin rashes. If yes, consultation with a dermatologist, gynecologist, trichologist is necessary, depending on the localization of the signs.

If the problem is minor, you can try to find an effective remedy for itchy skin at home, because it causes not only physical discomfort, but constant mental irritation. The main thing to remember is to resist the temptation to comb the problem area too much, because itching is easier to deal with than wounds and inflamed skin lesions.

In the intimate area of ​​women

The cause of itching, itching and discomfort in the perineum in both women and men is thrush. This is a purely female problem - a man can get it from his partner during intercourse. Burning, itching, urinary problems, reddened and inflamed skin are all symptoms of thrush. It is caused by bacteria that constantly live in the vagina, becoming more active under adverse conditions, diseases, hormonal disruptions. Means to eliminate itching with thrush will help:

  • will help to get rid of itching. Very concentrated, you need to dilute 5 drops in a glass of water, use it as a lotion, lotion.
  • Salt and soda solution. For a liter of water, a tablespoon of soda and salt, dissolve. Use for washing.
  • Medical solutions, creams and gels, relieving itching and burning:, Miramistin,.
  • For quick relief from itching give up any dairy products during the treatment period.

If the skin itches in the anus, this is a consequence of many reasons, including obesity, diabetes, vegetative neurosis, diseases of the rectum and stomach. Anogenital irritation is an unpleasant but treatable problem. How to get rid of severe itching: rectal suppositories with propolis will help well, with neurosis - sedatives, with helminthic invasion - antihistamines. You can use special ointments and creams for the anus, herbal solutions for washing, microclysters.

How to relieve itchy skin at home

Itching all over the body (pictured) can be the cause of nervous, endocrine disorders, hormonal diseases, in women - a symptom of pregnancy. It can occur due to wearing synthetics, the use of chemicals in everyday life, lack of hygiene. In general, itching on the skin brings a lot of moral, physical discomfort. How can it be eliminated:

  • a cool bath with essential oils (chamomile, calendula, lavender, mint) or soda;
  • applying a moisturizing lotion after bathing with soap;
  • soda solution for rinsing;
  • cold lotions;
  • folk remedies: honey, oatmeal, herbal decoctions.

For diabetes in women

Itching in diabetes is a natural consequence of the formation of sugar crystals in the vessels. Because of this, the skin becomes rough, dry, and begins to itch. It is important not to scratch itchy places, because with diabetes, any wounds, scratches and cuts heal for a very long time, they can fester. It is best to prevent scabies in the form of a low-carbohydrate diet, taking medications that lower blood sugar levels. Local creams with antibiotics, corticosteroids (Flucinar, Fusiderm, Dermozolon), antifungal agents are prescribed.

in the nose

An allergic reaction always provokes swelling, redness of the skin on the face, sneezing, mucous discharge, itching in the nose. These symptoms can manifest themselves with a cold, ingestion of a large amount of dust, plant pollen, long-term use of vasoconstrictors. What medicines can cure the nose at home:

  • soda solution for washing: 1 tsp. in a glass of water, it helps with infections;
  • for allergies, antihistamines, antiallergic drugs, saline solution (1 tsp sea salt per glass of water) are effective;
  • with a runny nose, a cold from itching in the nose, it is better to use natural-based oil medicines, ointments for the nasal cavity.


The so-called senile itching of the body is a common problem of the elderly. The skin ages, atrophies, losing the ability to retain enough moisture. This leads to the fact that the driest parts of the body, and often these are the elbows, knees, feet, begin to itch, sometimes for no apparent reason like a rash and redness. It is important to consider that the treatment of itching in the elderly can cause certain difficulties.

Most drugs intended for oral administration are prohibited due to their side effects on the liver and kidneys. Local therapy is hampered by cognitive impairments. To avoid dryness, use softening, moisturizing creams. To cool itchy skin - products with menthol, salicylic acid. Self-treatment of senile itching is contraindicated, it is recommended to consult a doctor.



It is easy to relieve itching from allergies at home. You can use apple or potato juice: just wipe the skin with a cut fruit, and a solution of soda or activated charcoal tablets will also help. Cosmetics can be the cause of allergies - then you need to change the company and take a course of antiallergic drugs. If the cause is an insect bite, it is most effective to use special soothing ointments.

How to relieve itching at home

There are many folk and medical methods that will tell you how to remove itching quickly and without a trace. Some of them you will always find in your kitchen, while others are worth having in the medicine cabinet just in case. You need to figure out for which cases certain remedies are suitable, and not be zealous with self-medication if the condition worsens. Below are the main ways to help soothe burning sensations in different parts of the body.


A solution of soda from itching has been used for a long time: this natural remedy is best for insect bites, allergic rashes. You can use it as a bath filler (1 cup per bath with cool or warm water), as an additive in hand or foot baths. Soda is suitable as a compress: you need to apply a solution of soda on a cold cloth or towel and apply it to problem areas for 30 minutes.

Medicinal herbs

Herbs for itching are used in the form of decoctions for rinsing, lotions, ingestion: they are good at helping to soothe irritation and relieve inflammation from itchy areas. When fresh, aloe stalks are effective - they need to be cut lengthwise and lubricate the sore spot with gel-like juice. A decoction of peppermint tones and softens the skin well, and a tincture of calendula, chamomile and sage will help remove burning sensation and cool the skin.

How to treat itching


Antihistamine tablets for itching are prescribed in case of allergies, dermatosis, infections. They suppress the action of histamine in the body, which causes burning, swelling, irritation. These are drugs such as Suprastin, Fenkarol, Diazolin, Diphenhydramine. More expensive coated tablets - Claridol, Lomilan, Claritin - are suitable for long-term use. All of them can have side effects in the form of drowsiness, indigestion, nausea, so they need to be taken in doses, no more than necessary.

Antipruritics for the skin

Local medicines for itching of the skin of the body have a quick calming effect, soften and cool the skin, help with pregnancy and increased dryness of the skin. These include ointments, creams and gels containing menthol, de-panthenol, carbolic acid. This is Oxolinic ointment for mucous membranes, Nystatin from fungi, Sulfur ointment against scabies and infectious infections. Beloderm, Mesoderm, Fusiderm, Sinaf, Psilo-balm ointments are effective.

Folk remedies

There are many traditional medicines that help alleviate the manifestations of painful overthrow with insect bites, allergies, and fungal diseases. What folk remedies for itching can be used at home:

  • An oatmeal compress will help with itching. Ordinary oatmeal can well relieve itching, reduce inflammation, swelling. The flakes need to be brewed, let them brew, cool, then apply a dense layer on the sore spot, covering with gauze on top. Keep this compress for 20 minutes.
  • Decoction with chamomile. A baby cream with chamomile or glycerin, pure glycerin, may come up.
  • Oil: menthol, mint and tea tree. Good for intimate areas.
  • If the skin is constantly itchy, you can make a compress from the leaves of starburst or take a bath with the leaves of this plant.
  • A decoction of a series. Used for washing the genitals, rinsing other parts of the body.
  • Aloe is a recognized remedy for itching for both an adult and a child. You can wipe the sore spots with a cut leaf, make lotions for the night: apply half of the leaf with the wet side to the body, wrap it with a bandage. You can use natural aloe juice, which is sold in a pharmacy, if you do not have this plant on hand.
  • Apple cider vinegar can help treat small areas of scabies. To do this, from itching, wipe the places with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar.
  • From itching with a nettle burn, an infusion of nettle leaves will help. It needs to be cooled, wipe itchy places with it after a shower.
  • To relieve itching, propolis in the form of an ointment or tincture helps well. It is necessary to lubricate the sore spots with a chilled agent. It has antibacterial properties and at the same time softens the skin well.


An unpleasant feeling of irritation of a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, causing a person tangible discomfort, is called itching.

The human skin contains a large number of receptive nerve endings that respond to all kinds of stimuli (chemical irritations, touch, vibrations). In certain cases, with mechanical irritation of the skin (for example, if an insect crawls over you) or under the influence of a number of chemicals, there is a desire to comb the skin in the area excited by the action in order to remove the irritant (the so-called itching).

With allergies, dermatitis and other inflammatory and allergic skin diseases, it contains an increase in histamine- a substance that, irritating the nerve endings, causes itching. Most of the medications used to treat itching relieve the sensation of itching. by blocking the effects of histamine on nerve endings. In addition to itching, histamine causes blood vessels to dilate and tissue to swell, and as a result, itchy parts of the skin tend to be bright pinkish-red in color and appear somewhat swollen compared to healthy skin.

With mechanical jaundice (damage to the liver and bladder), a significant amount of bile acids and bilirubin is deposited in the skin. These substances, being strong irritants of nerve endings, can lead to intolerable itching of the skin. Patients with diabetes experience itching in the genital area and anus. This is due to the fact that with an increase in blood sugar levels, a yeast fungus grows.

Causes of itching

The causes of itching can be very different. To date, medicine knows several dozen diseases, the symptom of which is itching in various parts of the body. To identify the cause of itching, it is necessary to take into account factors such as the location of itching, skin changes in the localization of itching, and other symptoms that accompany itching. Next, we turn to the most common causes of itching, characterize its main features, and also consider additional symptoms characteristic of each disease associated with skin itching.

So, main causes of itching:
1. Skin diseases.
2. Diseases of organs and systems of the body:
Itching can be caused by a number of blood disorders. For example, with erythremia, that is, an increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood (the so-called Wakez disease), a characteristic itch appears after water procedures - a bath or shower. Another disease of the blood system, manifested as itching in the lower extremities, is Hodgkin's lymphoma. With this disease, there is a noticeable increase in one or more lymph nodes.
in cholelithiasis, when a stone clogs the gallbladder, as a rule, mechanical (another name is cholestatic) jaundice develops. With this type of jaundice, a significant part of the bilirubin pigment, which is part of bile, enters the bloodstream and is deposited on the skin. Acting on the skin nerve endings, bilirubin causes obvious skin itching. Among other symptoms of obstructive jaundice, yellow staining of the skin, sclera of the eyes and oral mucosa, recurrent pain in the right hypochondrium (can be both aching in nature and be very strong), etc. are noted.
a number of liver diseases (cancer, hepatitis, cirrhosis) can also lead to pruritus.
in rare cases, itching signals the presence of diabetes mellitus (especially itching in the genital area) or chronic renal failure (amyloidosis of the kidneys, chronic pyelonephritis), etc. In such cases, in addition to itching, there are other characteristic symptoms.
multiple sclerosis, which is a disease of the central nervous system associated with the destruction of the nerve sheath and impaired conduction of impulses along the nerve trunk. This type of sclerosis has the following symptoms: tingling sensation, numbness, blurred vision, imbalance, paralysis, hand trembling, etc., including skin itching.
a number of mental illnesses also have skin itching as a symptom (for example, neuroses, psychoses). As a rule, itching, which has a "psychic" etymology, is closely related in time to the moment of stress. That is stress is the cause of the appearance or intensification of itching.

Different types of localization of itching

Skin itching can be both localized and observed on the entire surface of the body. As a rule, itching in a localized skin area occurs in women in the genital area, and in men in the anus.

2. genital itching- the desire to comb the skin in the genital area (in women it manifests itself as itching of the labia and vagina, in men - in the scrotum and glans penis). Inguinal itching can occur as a symptom of many inflammatory diseases of the skin and genital organs.

In women, the cause of genital itching can be:
sexually transmitted diseases (candidiasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, etc.) are usually accompanied by severe itching in the vagina, discharge from it, discomfort during urination (pain, cramps), reddening of the skin in the perineum, cracking, which can develop a favorable environment for infection.
Bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbacteriosis) is a disease in which the ratio of normal and pathogenic microflora of the vagina is disturbed. The causes of bacterial vaginosis are as follows: regular wearing of tight underwear, failure to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene, taking antibiotics, intestinal diseases, etc. Bacterial vaginosis is manifested by the following symptoms: vaginal itching, sticky, foul-smelling vaginal discharge.
other gynecological diseases: inflammation of the cervix (colpitis), reduction in size (the so-called atrophy) of the vulva (vulvar krauoz) - all these diseases also have severe itching in the genital area as symptoms.

In men, itching in the genital area can be caused by the following reasons:
sexually transmitted diseases (candidiasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, etc.). Most often, other symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases among men are: burning and pain during ejaculation and urination, varying intensity of discharge from the urethra, etc.
Balanoposthitis is an inflammatory process in the glans penis and on the foreskin. The symptoms of balanoposthitis are as follows: redness or itching of the glans penis, swelling of the foreskin, a feeling of pain when the head of the penis is exposed.
if after intercourse a man feels itching of the head of the penis, this may indicate an increased acidity of the vaginal discharge in a partner.

In both women and men, itching in the groin can occur with scabies, especially in case of sexual transmission. The main symptoms of scabies: itching (especially worse at night), the appearance of whitish stripes on the skin (the so-called scabies) and itchy blisters, crusts, cracks.

3. Itching of the scalp- intermittent or constant desire to comb the scalp. Itching in this area can be a symptom of various diseases, the main of which are:
lice (pediculosis).
seborrheic dermatitis (seborrhea) is a disease of the scalp, décolleté and face, characterized by a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. There are two types of seborrhea: with dry seborrhea, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases, and with oily seborrhea, the sebaceous glands begin to secrete more sebum with a changed chemical composition.
lichen (dermatophytosis) is a contagious fungal infection of the skin that most often occurs in children. Ringworm is characterized by hair loss on the head in one or more places.
dry scalp. With this feature of the skin, it is recommended to use cosmetic preparations for hair that have a moisturizing effect on the skin.

4. Itching of the skin of the legs may indicate about diseases of the vessels of the legs or about the defeat of the feet by the fungus. If you feel severe itching in the interdigital area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs, this may indicate a foot infection with a fungus (a type of dermatophytosis). Mycosis (foot fungus) is common in both men and women. This is a dependent disease and often it is combined with the defeat of the toenails by a fungus (onychomycosis). With this disease, a thickening of the nail plate occurs, while the nails become cloudy, become loose, crumble.

If itching is present in the area of ​​the feet and lower legs, this may be the cause of varicose veins, a disease of the leg vessels. As a rule, women suffer from varicose veins in the legs. Itching of the skin in the lower legs against the background of varicose veins may be accompanied by recurring swelling, a feeling of heaviness in the legs. In the later stages of varicose veins, a noticeable expanded venous network appears on the legs.

Itching during pregnancy

In pregnant women, itching usually appears in the second half of the pregnancy. It can cover the entire surface of the body, and can focus on the back and abdomen.

The causes of itching during pregnancy are varied. First, itching can occur because the growing uterus stretches the skin of the abdomen. In the second part of pregnancy, the abdomen usually grows at a rapid pace, as a result of which the skin of the anterior abdominal wall is stretched and thinned. Stretching the skin can cause itching in the back and abdomen. In this case, the use of a moisturizer will be mandatory.

Secondly, itching of the skin may also indicate a disease such as cholelithiasis. If, against the background of skin itching, yellowing of the skin, sclera of the eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth is observed, you need to urgently go to the hospital. The presence of thrush may indicate itching of the genital organs during pregnancy. Usually, after childbirth, itching disappears, as if it never happened.

Diagnosis and treatment of pruritus

We have previously said that itching can indicate the presence of many diseases, therefore, before treating itching, you need to establish the cause of its appearance. Usually, by eliminating the cause of the itching, you get rid of this symptom itself. Once you discover that you have itchy skin, you need to consult a dermatologist, who will direct you to the necessary tests and be able to make a diagnosis. It may turn out that the diagnosis will require the help of other doctors (allergist, endocrinologist, therapist, etc.).

The main principles of the treatment of skin itching are: getting rid of the cause of itching; with itching localized to a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, local treatment and systemic (i.e. general) treatment are used. Before contacting a specialist dermatologist, you should not self-medicate (do not lubricate or treat itchy areas with any means), as this can make it difficult to make a diagnosis.

Diet for itchy skin

Often, the appearance of itching is associated with an allergic reaction to certain foods (urticaria, atopic dermatitis). At the time of itching, it is necessary to exclude fried, spicy and fatty foods from the diet, as well as those foods that most often cause allergies (cheeses, coffee, citrus fruits, eggs, chocolate, meat broths, alcohol, etc.). If there is itching in the genital area or anus, you need to reduce the amount of sweets (sugar, sweets, etc.) consumed. Useful in this case will be cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), kefir, pasta, vegetable puree, low-fat boiled meat.

Topical treatment for itching

In the treatment of pruritus is extremely important proper skin hygiene. With the spread of itching throughout the body, it is advised to treat the surface of the skin from time to time 3-5- a percentage solution of vinegar (moisten a sponge in the solution and rub the body with it), anesthesin and use talcum powder. With localized forms of itching (genital, anal itching), daily morning and evening washing, as well as washing after defecation (warm water with soap) will be useful.

For the treatment of anal itching, various anti-inflammatory ointments are effective means - Triderm, Ultraproct, Lokoid. However, it is important to remember that ointments only reduce the intensity of itching, but do not get rid of its cause, so their effect is temporary. To establish the real cause of anal itching and prescribe a full-fledged treatment, you need to consult a proctologist.

General treatment for itching

The most common mechanism for the development of skin itching can be called an increase in the amount of histamine in the skin. To reduce the intensity of itching, doctors prescribe antihistamines, such as Zyrtec, Loratidin, Tavegil, Erius, Suprastin and so on. Please note that most antihistamines have an inhibitory effect on the nervous system, as a result of which it is forbidden to drive vehicles during treatment with this group of drugs.

Severe itching of the skin is usually an irritant to the nervous system, resulting in a patient with such a diagnosis suffers from irascibility. To eliminate this manifestation, drugs are used that have a calming effect on the nervous system (the so-called sedatives), these include: Novo-passit, valerian, mint tea, motherwort tincture and others.

If the itching does not go away for a long time, you need to consult a specialist.

Many are embarrassed to tell the doctor what itches in their anus, unreasonably believing that itching is a temporary problem. Meanwhile, it may indicate the presence of a variety of diseases that require diagnosis and adequate treatment.

The nature of itching

Itching in the anus becomes a cause of concern and serious discomfort for a person. It can be localized directly in the rectum or spread to the entire perineum.

It can be mild and transient, or it can be strong and constant, aggravated at night.

Itching may be associated with:

  • burning;
  • puffiness;
  • maceration;
  • wetting;
  • thickening or peeling of the top layer of skin around the anus.

For obvious reasons, such a situation negatively affects the general and psychological state of a person, negatively affects work, communication with people, and personal life.

Why itches in the anus

Itching in the anus has a different etiology. It can be primary or secondary.

Primary itching is considered an independent disease, i.e. when diagnosing a patient, it is not possible to identify the exact cause of this phenomenon. Secondary itching is always caused by certain factors, that is, it is a symptom of various diseases.

All the causes that cause itching in the perianal region can be divided into several groups:

Diseases of the digestive tract

Statistics show that the majority of those who go to the doctor because their anus itches suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


It is characterized by venous congestion, causing the expansion of the veins localized in the rectum. If , it is followed also by:

  • burning in the anus;
  • a feeling of discomfort and a foreign body in the anus;
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids from the rectum;

During an exacerbation of the disease, the sensitivity of nerve receptors to various irritating factors increases, the anus often becomes inflamed, which further irritates the perianal region and anal canal.

Fissure of the anus

When the anus begins to itch during periods of exacerbation, if the disease was not diagnosed and cured in time. In addition to itching, the patient feels pain during bowel movements and a burning sensation that continues for some time after going to the toilet. There is bleeding caused by trauma to the mucous membrane of the rectum.

At the site of injury, tissues are irritated with feces, they become inflamed. In the inflammatory process, the perianal area itches very strongly.


Condylomas are the result of the presence of the human papillomavirus in the body. They affect the mucous membranes of the anus.

Pathology has symptoms similar to hemorrhoids. This is itching and burning in the anal area, a feeling of discomfort.

With untimely diagnosis, warts can grow to an impressive size, causing pain and bloody discharge from the anus during or after a bowel movement.

With the addition of an infection, redness, swelling, severe soreness develop, fistulas develop, which negatively affects the general state of health.


On the mucous membrane of the rectum. If they are diagnosed and eliminated in a timely manner, they are safe. The difficulty lies in the fact that they can go unnoticed for a long time without giving any symptoms.

If the formations are localized in close proximity to the anus, are large, they can cause symptoms such as discomfort, pain. When polyps fall out of the anus, bleeding, infection and inflammation are possible.

Benign formations of the rectum (polyps, condylomas, warts, etc.) tend to malignancy (transformation into a cancerous tumor). Therefore, they should not be considered harmless diseases that do not require treatment.


They are deep channels formed between the rectum and the surface of the skin of the anorectal zone. The reasons for their formation are inflammatory and purulent processes that develop as a result of various intestinal diseases.

They come into contact with air, water and feces get into them, which contributes to the development of inflammation, causing severe itching and discomfort.

Inflammation of the large intestine

Often one of the first manifestations of colitis, or inflammation of the large intestine, becomes a strong, unbearable, constant itching in the anus.

Following them, abdominal pain, bloating, rumbling give reason to suspect a pathology. Characteristic:

  • stool disorders, constipation followed by diarrhea;
  • an admixture of mucus and;
  • feverish state.

Worm infestations


This disease is characterized by stool disorders - constipation, diarrhea. They cause discomfort and irritation of the rectal mucosa.

That is why with dysbacteriosis, not only bloating, but it often itches around the anus.

Diseases of the endocrine system

If you do not know why the anus itches, visit a specialist. He will help determine the etiological factor and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Itching in the near-anal region is not always caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Various nervous disorders and diseases of the endocrine system can also cause this delicate symptom. These include:

  • Obesity. Being overweight contributes to intense sweating. The most sensitive places become vulnerable: armpits, neck, perineum. If there are microcracks and wounds on the skin into which salty sweat enters, severe itching occurs.
  • Diabetes. This disease has extensive symptoms, including itching near the anus. It occurs due to a violation of metabolic processes in the body. Elevated blood sugar levels lead to its partial removal through the skin, which contributes to the development of irritation. In addition, hyperglycemia provokes the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the anorectal zone.
  • Stress and depression. Nervous strain negatively affects not only the psychological state, but also the work of all organs and systems. Gastrointestinal dysfunction caused by severe stress can also lead to itching, which appears occasionally or is a constant phenomenon.

Diseases of the reproductive system

The human reproductive organs are located in close proximity to the intestines. Therefore, when the anus itches, you should check for the presence of infectious, urological and gynecological diseases.

The most likely causes of itching in this case are:

  • sexually transmitted diseases - trichomoniasis, chlamydia;
  • prostatitis and urethritis - can cause anal itching in men;
  • candidiasis is a very common cause of itching in women. By the way, candidiasis can develop not only in women, but in children. With a rare change of diapers, a child develops staphylococcal diaper rash, which is also the cause of itching in the ass.

allergic reactions

It would seem, how can allergic reactions be associated with perianal itching? But in the human body, everything is interconnected, so itching can be caused by:

  1. A reaction to food, such as alcoholic, carbonated drinks, spicy or fatty foods.
  2. Reaction to certain drugs. Most often it is: rectal or vaginal suppositories, laxatives.
  3. Reaction to chemicals, personal care products, synthetic underwear.

In the case of allergic reactions, it is enough to eliminate contact with allergens in order to get rid of anorectal itching.

Diagnosis and treatment

Treatment of itching in the rectum will not bring results if you do not find out its etiology. Various symptomatic remedies, gels, ointments, suppositories will only temporarily help to eliminate it. If you do not find out what disease itching is a symptom of, you can be sure of its return. What to do?

If it itches in the anus, you should first visit a proctologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary studies that will help determine the cause of the unpleasant symptom.

The diagnostics used for perianal itching include:

  1. Visual inspection of the affected area.
  2. Laboratory tests (urine, including occult blood).
  3. Instrumental research.

If the proctologist cannot determine why itching in the anus, he will refer the patient for additional diagnostics to a gynecologist, urologist, allergist, infectious disease specialist, dermatologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist.

Treatment tactics depend on what causes itching. If it is called:

  • Hemorrhoids - the proctologist will prescribe special medications that eliminate venous congestion in the pelvic area and help eliminate symptoms. If hemorrhoids are in an advanced stage, it is possible that surgical treatment will be needed.
  • Worms - you will need to take the drugs necessary to remove them. In addition, the doctor will recommend personal hygiene, washing hands and food.
  • Allergic reaction - contact with the allergen should be avoided. Special ointments will help speed up getting rid of skin reactions.
  • Dysbacteriosis - the main treatment is aimed at colonizing the intestines with beneficial microorganisms.
  • Infectious and sexually transmitted diseases - after their proper treatment, a symptom such as itching will quickly go away. Often, in infectious diseases, antibiotic therapy is prescribed, which is designed to destroy pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria.
  • Microcracks and wounds of the anus - the doctor will prescribe wound healing ointments and antibacterial agents that prevent infection from entering the injured area.

Itching is a reaction of nerve endings and is an analogue of pain. As a result of this reaction, there is an irresistible desire to scratch the irritated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. The scratching reflex is aimed at removing the stimulus. With further action of the irritant, temporary relief from scratching may occur, after which the itching returns, and usually with renewed vigor. Even slight itching causes discomfort and leads to increased irritability. Often this unpleasant phenomenon leads to stress, loss of appetite, insomnia and other neurological conditions. Subjective sensations in the form of itching can be periodic or permanent. Its severity may be increasing, which often indicates the development of a disease. In some cases, itching can turn into burning. The intensity of itching depends on many reasons. First of all, of course, the intensity of itching is due to the irritant that causes it. There are several main causes of itching in women. The most common are various infectious and viral diseases, including sexually transmitted infections, gynecological and other diseases, allergic reactions, as well as endocrine and other age-related changes.

Causes of anogenital itching

The itching of the genitals in women is especially unpleasant: it is complicated by worries about sexually transmitted diseases. A healthy woman with proper intimate hygiene should not have anogenital itching. When itching for the first time in the perineum, all possible provoking factors should be excluded first - shower and intimate hygiene products, washing powder, contraceptives, especially those that have recently appeared in everyday life. Self-medication should be avoided, especially douching and other local hygiene procedures should be abused. It is most important to be examined by a doctor after questionable sexual contact without the use of reliable methods of protection against infections - condoms. It should be borne in mind that latent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are very insidious, and can manifest themselves after a very long time after infection. Until the cause of itching is established, one should refrain from sexual intercourse.

Itching and genital infections

Itching in the vagina, often turning into a burning sensation, is a leading symptom of almost any infectious process in the genital area. In women, this is very often a manifestation of diseases, the causative agents of which are opportunistic microorganisms. Their presence in the microflora of the vagina normally does not cause discomfort, and when provoking factors occur, they multiply, which leads to inflammation. These include candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis. With candidiasis, in addition to severe itching, burning, it is characterized by thick, abundant, curdled, white discharge. With bacterial vaginosis in the microflora of the vagina, there is an active growth of opportunistic bacteria, most often gardnerella. In addition to unpleasant itching in the vaginal area, the smell emanating from the discharge may be disturbing. is one of the important protective symptoms in sexually transmitted infections, which in women are often erased or asymptomatic. Sexually transmitted infections include: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and others. In the case of a detailed clinical picture, along with itching and burning in the vagina, discharge is observed. With a long course of these infections, complications can develop in the form of urethritis, cervicitis and endometritis.

Among other infectious diseases of the anogenital region, accompanied by itching or burning, recurrent herpes simplex and genital "warts" are often observed. Also, itching of the perineum can also be observed with mycotic infections of the skin (inguinal epidermophytosis, erythrasma).

Itching and systemic diseases, non-sexual infections

Among the causes of itching in women in the anogenital region, it should be noted the possibility of its development as one of the clinical symptoms of such conditions as diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys and blood. In these cases, itching occurs as a reaction to intoxication of the body as a whole and is of a generalized nature. Itching in the anus and on the eve of the vagina may be a sign of helminthiasis and dysbiosis of the intestinal flora. Intestinal dysbacteriosis, external and internal hemorrhoids, anal fissures, proctitis can cause pain, burning and slight itching near the vagina, since the anus and vulva are nearby. Among diseases of the urinary system, itching is often accompanied by cystitis and nephritis, which are caused by various bacterial and viral infections. Itching, as a symptom of a systemic disease, can be a sign of serious blood diseases (leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia) and oncological diseases - paraneoplastic pruritus.

Allergic reactions and other causes

Itching in women in the perineum can be observed under the influence of various external and internal factors. In particular, with uncomfortable, narrow, synthetic, rough, low-quality underwear, a greenhouse effect is created, sweating increases and, as a result, skin maceration occurs. Various aggressive chemicals, chemical additives, fragrances in deodorants, soaps, shower gels, pads, toilet paper, tampons, pads, clothing dyes, washing powders can act as external irritants. A woman's skin and vaginal mucosa may react to vaginal birth control pills, creams, suppositories, as well as latex and condom spermicides. A rare but extremely unpleasant allergic reaction may be a reaction to the sperm of a sexual partner. Allergy to sperm, as well as the incompatibility of the microflora of the husband and wife, can be a serious problem for a couple, as it causes discomfort for a woman.

Causes of itching in older women

Skin itching of the vulva, in the vagina, as well as in the inguinal region, can occur in any woman at different periods of life, regardless of age. The following diseases, which may be accompanied by itching, are more common during menopause, but can also occur in women of reproductive age. Kraurosis of the vagina and vulva is a progressive chronic atrophic process on the mucous membrane and skin of the vulva associated with age-related changes. This disease is accompanied by dryness, itching at the entrance to the vagina, sclerotic changes in the clitoris, small and large genital gy6, vaginal stenosis. Urogenital fistulas can occur after caesarean section, after childbirth and other gynecological or urological operations. If urogenital fistulas form, this leads to inflammation of the vagina under the influence of urine entering it.

Itching with neoplasms

Benign (polyps, fibroids, fibroids, Gartner's cyst) and malignant oncological pathologies of the uterus, cervix, vagina or ovaries. Itching, burning and dryness of the vagina, labia can be observed with atrophic processes that appear with age in women. In menopausal women, the glands already secrete much less lubrication, the vaginal mucosa becomes more sensitive, discomfort, pain and itching appear during and after sex. Most often, atrophy of the mucosa in women begins during menopause, when the tissues of the vagina become thinner.

In cases where itching appears, in no case should you engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment, you should urgently undergo an examination by a gynecologist. Itching, as a rule, is not a disease, but only a symptom of a dozen different pathological conditions, indicating that some kind of failure has occurred in the female body, the development of a disease. Only by finding out which of them arose in this case, you can take action. Without a clear diagnosis based on the results of tests and a thorough examination, it is impossible to prescribe adequate therapy. Especially if itching in the anogenital area persists, it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the nature of its occurrence.

Dermatovenereologist, allergist-immunologist, corresponding member. RANS, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, President of the Herpes-Forum NP, Leading Researcher of the MSPTSDVK DZM, A.A. Haldin.

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