The dog has a fever and is breathing heavily. Frequent inhalations and exhalations, causes. Why is my dog ​​panting and wheezing?

Respiratory distress syndrome often referred to as shortness of breath, is relatively common in dogs. Moreover, this problem is quite serious, since it causes a deterioration in the supply of oxygen to organs and tissues. Rapid breathing in a dog is often associated with a buildup of fluid (edema) in the lungs or chest cavity(pleural effusion).

What causes this pathology? The reasons are quite varied:

  • Heart disease or heart failure.
  • Lung disease.
  • Tumors in the lung or airways.
  • Infections leading to the development of pneumonia.
  • Obstructions that block the airways.
  • Injury.
  • Hemothorax (bleeding into the chest).
  • Hydrothorax (respectively, the accumulation of fluid in chest).
  • After the operation, when the animal "departs" from anesthesia.

Unlike cats, which are much more “homogeneous” in this matter, dogs have many breeds that are characterized by specific predisposing factors for shortness of breath:

  • Brachycephalic breeds are very predisposed to a whole "bouquet" of diseases of the upper respiratory tract(many are congenital). They often have very narrow nostrils and elongated soft sky so they can't breathe normally. If the dog has rapid breathing and heart rate, then he may have been stressed, he is simply agitated, or he has a fever when he is sick.
  • Boxers are prone to tumors that occur near the heart, they also have frequent cases of lung cancer.
  • Large and giant breeds(e.g. Doberman Pinschers, Great Danes) are predisposed to and congestive heart failure (CHF).
  • "Toy" dogs also often suffer from tracheal collapse.

Read also: The dog is choking and grunting, wheezing, coughing

The most “normal” dogs in this respect are medium breeds. Thus, the frequent breathing of a dog of the “Laika” variety is most often due to the fact that she is tired or excited. Some congenital pathologies they practically do not occur. Of course, rapid breathing in a dog before childbirth is an absolutely normal phenomenon, since all other mammals behave in exactly the same way, including primates (which we include).

In general, it is important to understand that shortness of breath can also be physiological! So, if a dog has rapid breathing after giving birth, then, as a rule, you should not worry. Just in this case, the body suffered a very serious load, from which it is recovering. Also, you do not need to worry much when breathing quickens after anesthesia. The animal's body is recovering from the surgery and stress, while it needs more oxygen.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Of course, if the dog has trembling and rapid breathing, it is quite difficult not to notice it, but the most serious are those cases when there is whole complex symptoms:

  • Cough.
  • Labored breathing.
  • Weight loss.
  • Fatigue.

If you notice all this in one "kit", we advise you to immediately take your pet to an experienced veterinarian, as delay can result in extremely serious consequences. In veterinary practice, the following methods are practiced to determine the causes of shortness of breath.

Rapid breathing in a dog can be the cause of a serious pathology. It is especially dangerous if, in addition to this, the pet is shaking, wheezing and losing orientation. These symptoms are a good reason to visit an animal clinic.

Heat and exercise are natural physiological reasons why a dog breathes rapidly. After a long run, active games and prolonged barking, the dog often breathes with open mouth and this is considered normal. She is usually thirsty and drinks a lot of water. Rapid breathing in some breeds is accompanied by noises such as sniffling or snoring. For example, this is how pugs, boxers and other dogs with wide and short muzzles breathe.

AT calm state the dog makes 10 to 30 entries and exits per minute. In the active - up to 160. Moreover, excitable dogs with an unstable nervous system breathe more often.

The situation becomes dangerous when the dog breathes frequently with his tongue hanging out for no apparent natural reason. The reasons for this behavior of a pet may be serious illnesses:

  • heart diseases;
  • pulmonary pathologies;
  • neoplasms in organs respiratory system;
  • obstruction of the respiratory tract;
  • chest trauma;
  • pneumonia;
  • infectious diseases of the respiratory system.

If rapid breathing is added rapid heartbeat, blue mucous membranes, shortness of breath, coughing, vomiting, which means that the dog urgently needs a qualified veterinary care. The main thing that dog owners should do in such cases is to take the pet to a specialist.

If it happens in the heat

When the ambient temperature rises above 25℃, the body of dogs begins to work in special treatment for the purpose of cooling. In the heat, the dog often breathes with an open mouth. This is the simplest and fast way cooling of the oral cavity and respiratory system. This normal reaction animal to a hot climate should not frighten dog breeders.

The result is a strong evaporation of the moisture of the mucous membranes and a feeling of thirst. The dog drinks a lot, but rarely and little goes to the toilet. The water entering the body is immediately spent on the production of saliva and other mucous secretions. Dog owners should make sure that their pets have free access to drinking water during hot weather.

Why is the dog's mouth open?

It is normal and natural for a dog to occasionally breathe with its mouth open. This is due to the exchange of fluid in the body and cooling. The dog can breathe with an open mouth during and after running, when bathing, when overexcited, in hot summer weather.

To avoid heat stroke at high external temperatures and with significant physical exertion, the dog dumps part of the heat through the open mouth. Thermoregulation works in such a way that moistened with saliva oral cavity and protruding tongue are cooled by deep and frequent exhalations through the mouth. Breaths are taken through the nose. So in the heat, the respiratory tract, lungs and blood of dogs are cooled.

What should the owner do

The rapid breathing of the dog indicates overheating and difficult heat transfer. Overheating can be caused by high temperatures, diseases, stresses, activity and features of the animal organism. If there is a suspicion of heat stroke, the dog should be given water to drink, provide rest with an influx of cool fresh air, cover the pet's head with a wet sheet.

In case of joining the rapid breathing of others unpleasant symptoms must immediately go to veterinary clinic. Rapid breathing is not a disease. It can only be the result of an illness. Therefore, the specialist complete diagnostics to detect illness.

AT severe conditions an oxygen mask is applied to the dog, injections of heart drugs are given and, if necessary, surgical operations. The foreign body is removed directly through the respiratory tract or an incision is made in the trachea. Severe infections treated with antibiotics and diuretics.


Rapid breathing can be prevented by avoiding walking in the midday heat, preventing the dog from overheating, being overly active and agitated. Following the vaccination schedule and regular preventive checks will help keep your pet healthy and protect against infections that lead to shortness of breath or choking.

It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not play with dangerous objects, does not pick up anything on the street, and do not offer tubular bones to it. The dog bed should be dry and clean, not in direct sunlight. drinking water are freely available to pets. It is also necessary to at least approximately know the amount of fluid consumed and excreted by the dog.

Is it dangerous

If the dog is breathing frequently in a row physiological reasons(hot, tired, excited), then this behavior can be considered as natural process thermoregulation of the animal. Such a state is dangerous in a dream or in a calm state without visible reasons. The addition of other symptoms should also cause anxiety in the owner. Rapid breathing can be accompanied by serious illness, in these cases, an immediate appeal to the veterinarian is required.

If the dog is breathing frequently, this should alert the pet owner. Rapid breathing may be part of normal life cycle as well as a sign of a serious illness. In order to determine what caused this manifestation, must be taken into account individual features animal. Normal frequency breathing - within 30 times per minute. To determine the frequency of breaths, it is enough to press your hand to the chest of your pet and detect 60 seconds.

An animal's breathing can change constantly throughout the day. If your pet is not disturbed by anything, he will breathe calmly and measuredly through his nose. If he periodically begins to breathe through his mouth, this is very good reason for experiences.

The reasons

Rapid or stray breathing often appears after exercise or active walks. Also, this symptom can occur during the game or training. Dogs do not have sweat glands therefore, to cool the body, the animal begins to breathe frequently, opening its mouth and sticking out its tongue. The same behavior can be observed when the dog is frightened or, on the contrary, feels joy.


Things are more serious if the dog suddenly began to breathe quickly without obvious reasons. The most common reasons for this behavior are problems that are associated with disruption of the respiratory organs:

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pulmonary edema.

If the dog is breathing very heavily and frequently, there is a possibility of asthma or heart failure.

Some features of the breed

A considerable number of breeds, such as the pug, have trouble breathing from birth. They are born with constricted nostrils and throat passages. They also overheat more often than other breeds, and this contributes to rapid breathing. In addition, similar manifestations may appear when elevated temperature or a collar that is too tight.

If four-legged pet there was no physical exertion and other kind of activity, but breathing became sharply faster, perhaps he has:

  • shock state;
  • strong sensations of pain;
  • heart attack;
  • stomach problems or food poisoning.

In such a situation, you need to urgently contact a veterinarian for a thorough examination and identify the reasons for this behavior.

Dog during pregnancy and lactation

In most cases, if a pregnant dog begins to breathe frequently, it is a sign that labor is approaching. In such a situation, nothing threatens her health. But when, after giving birth, the respiratory rate does not decrease, and the puppies were born dead, then you need to urgently take it to the veterinarian, since your dog needs surgery.

When a nursing dog breathes rapidly, while its movements are slightly slowed down, this may indicate that the level of glucose and calcium in its body is significantly reduced. You will need medical advice and assistance. If no action is taken, the animal will die.

How and what to do

There are many reasons why a dog breathes frequently. If, along with rapid breathing, lethargy and anxiety are observed, while she whines, the help of a specialist is needed. If it is not possible to invite a doctor to your home, you must carefully deliver the pet to veterinary clinic. With absence additional symptoms, frequent breathing of an animal with unnatural behavior for it requires an examination that will help identify pathologies.

If the dog often breathes with its mouth open, the first step is to take its temperature. Rapid breathing is considered a sign of respiratory diseases with hyperthermia. After that, you need to invite a veterinarian for diagnosis.

If in the heat the pet breathes often, drinks a lot and periodically trembles, this is a sign of heat stroke. In this case, the owner needs to move to a cool place, wipe the dog's body cool water and call the vet.

The dog is breathing rapidly. Why does a dog often breathe with an open mouth?

Many dog ​​owners notice that their pet the pet began to breathe rapidly. This may be due to natural causes and be a normal occurrence, such as after fast run. However, if dog is breathing fast at rest, this may be a symptom serious illness. In this case, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Normal dog breathing

At rest, the normal rate for a dog is between 10 and 30 breaths per minute. If your pet just ran, played, was very frightened or delighted, then this frequency may increase noticeably.

Dogs, unlike humans, do not have sweat glands, therefore, for the natural cooling of the body dog often breathes with an open mouth. it normal phenomenon so no need to worry.

Also, do not forget that the pregnant dog is breathing fast mouth at the approach of childbirth. This phenomenon is also normal if, after the birth of puppies, breathing returned to normal. Otherwise, you must urgently call the veterinarian at home.

Congenital Features

Some breeds of dogs have a rather narrow throat passage, so normal breathing with a closed mouth is a very difficult process for them. In this case dog breathing fast with tongue out especially if the owner insists on wearing a collar or walking in hot weather.

To alleviate the condition of the animal, you can give him a drink, slow down the pace of the walk or loosen the collar.

Possible diseases with frequent breathing in dogs

If at rest dog is breathing heavily then this is no longer the norm. Very often, these symptoms appear with acute heart failure in a dog or problems with the respiratory tract.

In such a situation, it is very important to contact the veterinary clinic in time or call the veterinarian at home.

After a detailed examination, the doctor will determine why is my dog ​​breathing fast and also assign necessary tests to confirm the diagnosis. In any case, if dog is breathing fast and this is not due to natural causes, then you need to seek help from a veterinarian as soon as possible, because timely examination and appropriate treatment can save your pet's life.

O serious problems health is indicated by shortness of breath in a dog that occurs with little physical exertion or at rest. If your breathing becomes faster after a long run or weight training, you should not worry.

Symptoms of shortness of breath

As a rule, breathing goes astray in three parameters at once (frequency, depth and rhythm) - this is how the body signals an oxygen deficiency.

Signs of respiratory failure:

  • noticeable efforts on inhalation or exhalation;
  • the appearance of additional sounds (wheezing, whistling);
  • breathing with an open mouth;
  • excitation replaced by oppression;
  • unusual posture (a worried animal stretches its neck and spreads its front paws, but cannot lie down);
  • blanching or cyanosis of the gums and lips.

Important! Gotta know what external respiration is closely related to the activity of the circulatory system: that is why the failure of breathing always leads to increased work of the heart muscle.

Causes of shortness of breath in a dog

They are grouped into 3 large categories, within which there is already a more detailed classification:

  • respiratory;
  • cardiogenic;
  • CNS pathology.


These are injuries, diseases (including infectious ones), as well as violations of the functions of internal organs.

Catalysts for this kind of shortness of breath are:

  • mechanical damage, for example, a fracture of the chest;
  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • neoplasms (benign / malignant);
  • fluid accumulated in the chest.

Shortness of breath of a respiratory nature does not always indicate that the body is running pathological process. Sometimes the culprit is foreign object stuck in the airways.

Breathing problems also occur with anemia, when all the tissues of the canine body receive less oxygen. When the hemoglobin level is low, it is difficult for the dog to breathe even at complete rest.


This group includes all causes related to weak heart or poor circulation. This kind of shortness of breath occurs when walking (the animal often sits / lies down, he does not have enough air) and running (in the vast majority of cases, running is impossible).

Cardiogenic shortness of breath is caused by various ailments, including:

  • heart failure (acute or chronic);
  • heart disease;
  • cardiomyopathy.

Important! Often, pulmonary edema becomes a provocateur of cardiogenic dyspnea, the appearance of which is to blame (according to vicious circle) weakness of the heart muscle.

Pathologies of the central nervous system

Some breeds (so-called brachycephalic) suffer from shortness of breath due to anatomical structure muzzle. Brachycephalic syndrome has been noted in dogs with flattened noses, such as, and. Hinder them correct breathing becomes the position of the tissues of the soft palate.

A natural flaw can be superimposed at any time additional factor risk in the form physical activity, stress, heat or inflammation, eventually leading to poor health and even death of the dog.

In addition, shortness of breath due to the fault of the central nervous system often occurs as a complication after:

  • hematomas;
  • electric shock;
  • head injury;
  • brain tumors.

The central nervous system is also to blame for postpartum dyspnea, which is acceptable and goes away by itself. If difficulty breathing is accompanied by bleeding, fever, loss of coordination and vomiting, urgent help is needed.

Responsibility for respiratory failure is also assigned to the central nervous system if the animal has:

  • severe stress;
  • obesity;
  • pain shock;
  • high body temperature.

AT stressful situation(fight, threat to the life of the owner, any danger) adrenaline (fear), cortisol (anxiety), norepinephrine (rage) and other hormones are released into the blood, causing the heart to contract faster. It is logical that the acceleration of blood flow requires oxygen replenishment - this is why dogs begin to breathe rapidly with their mouths open.

First aid for shortness of breath

If the breath is lost from strong emotions (stress), the animal should be taken to a cool quiet place and try to calm down. When moistening the coat, wipe it soft cloth Don't forget to stroke your chest.

Important! A deeply stressed dog should not be laid down and forced to eat/drink against its will. Cool drinking can cause pneumonia, edema or collapse of the lungs (due to the temperature difference between the water and the “hot” internal organs).

If the dog cannot be laid down, do not insist: perhaps his lungs are oversaturated with oxygen, and the prone position threatens to rupture the lung tissue. If shortness of breath is due to other causes, the influx of fresh air and rest will also not interfere ( open window, fan, split system).

Experienced dog breeders, especially those whose pets have difficulty breathing, have medications in their first aid kit for emergency assistance. Sample algorithm:

  1. Give any decongestant medicine, for example, suprastin at the rate of half a tablet per 5-8 kg of dog weight. It is crushed and rubbed under the tongue.
  2. Rub vigorously on back, chest and ears.
  3. Enter an immunostimulant (gamavit or another), determining the dose according to the instructions. The solution is injected into 4 paws (intramuscularly).
  4. If potassium chloride is available, give 3-15 ml IV (based on the size of the dog). This injection is done very slowly and carefully.
  5. AT extreme cases(if you can) do indoor massage hearts.

If there is a noticeable deterioration, a doctor will be needed. Call him at home or take the dog to the clinic. To restore breathing, the doctor removes foreign bodies, applies an oxygen mask, and sentences more seriously ill patients to artificial ventilation lungs or operates.

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