When is the best caesarean according to the lunar calendar. How to choose the time of birth of a child with a caesarean section? Astrologer's advice. - man is a leader. leader or military

A caesarean section is a surgical operation in which the fetus and placenta are removed through an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus. There are many indications for caesarean section. They may be related to the initial health of the mother, problems during pregnancy and childbirth, and the condition of the fetus. In various maternity hospitals, the frequency of caesarean sections ranges from 12 to 27% of all births.
Caesarean section can be planned and emergency.
For us, it is the planned caesarean section that is important. The final decision on the need for a caesarean section and the timing of its implementation is made by doctors in the maternity hospital. Most often, doctors from the antenatal clinic are sent to the maternity hospital 1-2 weeks before the proposed operation.
How is the transaction date determined? The condition of the patient and the fetus is assessed, the date of delivery is specified by the date of the last menstruation, by the expected day of conception, by the first ultrasound examination, and, if possible, several days are selected as close as possible to the date of birth. In this case, the wishes of the patient herself must be taken into account.
In such cases, very often parents turn to a professional numerologist. It is believed that when a woman has a planned caesarean section, she and her husband are given a unique opportunity to choose the date of birth of the child or children (maybe twins, etc.). In this case, it is very important to take into account the full name of the unborn child, as this allows you to create a complete card of the child. At the same time, you can take into account a lot of factors and avoid both karmic debts and karmic lessons in the child’s chart.
It is very important to analyze the numerological charts of future parents in order to see their compatibility with the child. Some parents are very reserved about the future leadership of the child in the family. If you already have children, then it is advisable to take into account the numerological cards of brothers and sisters.
Often parents want the child to have the prospect of a quick and successful realization, both in his career and in his personal life, or that he has the prospect of living and working in another country. For many, it is very important that the child follow in the footsteps of their parents, etc.
As a rule, a numerologist tries to take into account all the wishes of the parents, but the main task of the numerologist is to make sure that, taking into account all the wishes, the date of birth of the child is in harmony with his name, then the child will be easy and comfortable in this world. All this can be corrected, having a choice of 2 to 6 days.

On March 15, 2016 (at 6:11 am Kyiv time) zero solar days will begin - Days of the Dolphin.

What's in your name? The name is the key to the soul of a person and his destiny.

If the pregnancy proceeds well, then it leads to natural childbirth on time, and the child himself chooses when he will come into our world. But there are situations when, for medical reasons, you have to go for a caesarean section, and then the expectant mother, as a rule, is given the opportunity to choose on which day her baby will be born.

Someone chooses a date because it is beautiful (for example, 08.08.), Someone uses the description of lunar days, someone guesses for holidays or birthdays of relatives. And we would like to help you choose the date for the planned caesarean more consciously!

Does this date matter? Of course yes! And not only because every year on this day you will celebrate the birthday of your child. Chinese astrology, bazi, has been studying the relationship of a person’s character, abilities, luck with his birthday for many centuries. With his first breath, your baby receives his destiny. It will largely depend on the day and hour of birth whether he will be calm or active, capricious or obedient, what diseases he may suffer from, what he will love and what not, and so on. Up to what profession he chooses, whether he will be happy in marriage and whether he will be rich. But what about education, you ask. Education plays a huge role, but you will not educate a “clean slate”, but a little man with his own character and characteristics, laid down at birth.

That is why the date of arrival in the world of a child is so important. Of course, choosing the right exact time of birth for a baby is not easy, for this you need to know many nuances, specially study Chinese astrology. Consultations on choosing a date of birth are quite complicated, since it is necessary to reconsider several options for destinies, check whether luck will accompany a person during a conscious life, do not forget to check whether a child is suitable for parents, and whether it will badly affect their fate and much more.

What then can a person who does not deal with Chinese astrology do on their own, if everything is so complicated? Let's see.

1. There are days, in principle, unfavorable for any operations that are definitely not worth choosing.

  • Collision of day and month
  • Collision of day and year
  • Sha of misfortune of the year and month
  • Days "Danger", "Closing"
  • Days with the Disease Star

2. You should also think about your mother, because she needs to undergo the operation normally. Be sure to see that the day does not collide with the year of birth of the mother, because on such days the body can endure the intervention worse, give some complications.

For example, if a woman was born in the year of the Ox, you should not choose the days of the Goat (on such days the calendar will say: "Not suitable for the Goat" - see the picture above).

3. Why you should not choose the days of clashes yet - they will immediately put conflict energy into your child's birth chart, attract ambiguous situations into his life.

Go to the Bazi Calculator and build a predictive birth chart for your baby - just enter the date you want to choose. You will see 8 multi-colored hieroglyphs. Each color means a certain element, there are only five of them. For a person, these elements mean friends, self-expression, support, power and money. Harmony and balance in a person's life are very important, so it's good to choose cards that contain all 5 elements, all 5 colors. Power and money are needed both in the boy's card and in the girl's card. Marriage can bring an element of power to a future woman, a post or a high social position to a future man.

A more harmonious map, and, therefore, life:

This card is less harmonious, there is no power and wealth here:

4. If you have the opportunity to choose an hour, then look again at the calendar and cross out the “unused” hours - it is also better not to use these hours for the operation!

A few of these simple tips will help you insure and choose the right day for a caesarean section, and, therefore, the fate of your baby.

Natalia Tsyganova, Anna Zaitseva

I remember, I remember, I promised to write an article about who is more likely to give birth in the year of the Dragon. But now it's already August, so I'll write an article about the possibilities for those who would like to give birth to Zmeenka in 2013.

Good luck to everyone, Natalia

We are accustomed to generalized horoscopes for the signs of the Zodiac, which most people look at as entertainment, and do not think that the real work of an astrologer is individual horoscopes. They are usually compiled "after the fact", but one of the most popular consultations of an astrologer is the choice of the time of birth of a child if a cesarean section is due, and the moment for IVF if a woman resorts to artificial insemination. Says astrologer Tatiana Borsch.

Nowadays, many women who fail to conceive naturally use artificial insemination. But often their attempts are unsuccessful - because they are made at the wrong time for a woman.

There is a time that is generally not suitable for such events, when artificial insemination is, in principle, unlikely. These periods are well known to astrologers - these are the periods of retrograde Mercury, there are four of them in a year.

And sometimes the time is bad for a particular person. That is, from the point of view of astrology, he cannot have during this period. This is the time when you are not ready to start a new life and trying to do IVF is like sowing a seed in the frozen ground in winter.

Women who want a child can be understood - children are a great happiness, and many people cannot imagine a family without children. When an astrologer chooses the time for or, of course, he does it much better than a doctor, because only he has the only tool that can determine whether this is a good time for a person or a bad one.

Of course, an astrologer does not give a 100% guarantee, but, nevertheless, his result is higher than that of doctors. Many times higher. However, there are situations when a woman cannot have children at all. So, in the individual horoscope of one of my clients, who suffered several failures with IVF, there is a very clear indication that she will raise an adopted child. And it will bring her happiness.

When confronted with such situations, the astrologer should speak directly to the client about the problem, although it is difficult and unpleasant to talk about it. Many perceive such information very painfully, but some are sympathetic. Everyone wants to have their own children, but if they are not?

There is one more important thing connected with IVF. The time of fertilization also plays a huge role, but this is probably the main secret of birth. Nobody knows the true time of conception - doctors say that it can fluctuate up to two days. It cannot be known, and an accurate conception horoscope cannot be plotted.

Therefore, during IVF, I calculate the time when doctors connect the female and male cells, and then the time when this tiny embryo will be introduced into the mother's womb. Sometimes it is the evening when the doctors are not working, and the mother makes arrangements with the doctors. Doctors, unfortunately, often do not take into account astrology, and in this case I would like to remind them of the words of Hippocrates "A doctor who does not know astrology is rather a fool than a doctor." In ancient times, all doctors knew astrology.

There is another situation, also associated with the birth of children -. The time of birth plays a huge role in shaping the character of the child. It is the time, day, place of birth that determine the character, and, consequently, the fate of a person. From the point of view of astrology, fate is nothing but the unfolding of character in time. And if a mother turns to an astrologer for advice with a request to choose a day and time for a caesarean section, the child is born into the world no longer by chance.

I have many such children. Children who were born at the chosen time are different from their peers - they are alive, beautiful, smart, maybe more successful, because the most successful time was chosen for their birth.

But the astrologer is not as free as it might seem. In the case of planning a caesarean section, he is given a short interval - a week or maybe ten days - in which he must choose the appropriate time. And in these ten days there is a certain arrangement of the planets, which cannot change.

When future parents come and ask me to choose the best time for the birth of a child, I usually give a choice of several options and say what the character of the unborn child will be in each case.

Suppose a girl is to be born. I give parents options. The first one will be a husband's wife, a very family woman, dependent on her husband, and she will have a good husband and a very good family. Option two - she will make her own destiny, she will command and manage everyone herself, she will be very active and bright. But this is a little male data, which is not very good for family life.

Parents thought for a long time and chose the option in which the daughter would manage everything herself. Now this girl is six years old, she manages the whole house, her parents, her friends in kindergarten. Almost from birth, it was clear that this little man was a future leader.

I have been doing this for a long time, and there is a family in which three girls have already been born at exactly the indicated time. The birth took place in Germany, and there doctors are very scrupulous about the time of birth. They were told - at 10:05, which means that they will pull the child out exactly at 10:05. The girls have already grown up and when I meet them, I am simply amazed - they are amazing! So bright, smart, beautiful.

It makes sense to contact an astrologer, and then, when a woman has to be stimulated, for example, she does not have contractions and she “walks” a lot. You choose the day when she is stimulated, you talk with the doctor how much time she needs, and it happens that everything works out perfectly.

The time of the birth of the child is predetermined from above

But the astrologer is allowed to discuss the time of birth only if the mother cannot give birth in the usual way, if medical intervention is necessary. We never interfere if the mother can give birth herself. It is unacceptable. God knows best when a child should be born.

It happens that they think from above that a child with such a character does not belong in this family, and then absolutely amazing things happen.

In my experience this has happened twice. Once the anesthesiologist was late - he got stuck in a traffic jam, and the scheduled time of birth moved two hours. The day itself was good, and if the anesthesiologist had arrived on time, the girl would have been born more independent. However, two hours passed, and everything changed - the result was a completely charming girl, very artistic, charismatic, but not at all a business woman. Most likely, she will have an artistic career.

It was as if I had been corrected from above. I don't think the anesthetist was accidentally late. There are no random delays.

Another time, the expectant mother was warned not to eat anything in the morning before the caesarean section, but she violated the ban. And the operation was rescheduled from ten in the morning to five in the evening. In general, the day was good, a beautiful, healthy child was born, but not with the character that my mother wanted and which I calculated. As if they told me from above: you are, of course, smart, but we are smarter.

Now people are turning to me more and more. Recently, a man wrote, whose son is already four years old. The time then was extremely difficult, I barely chose the right moment for a caesarean section. It's nice to know that this child is growing and developing well.


You know, sometimes desperate mothers are ready to do anything to have at least a chance to get pregnant. And peace of mind also plays a big role in a positive outcome. After the first unsuccessful IVF, I fell into a depression, signed up with a psychologist Ekaterina Arbuzova, who literally gave me back the hope that I would still have a chance. After reading various reviews, I realized that not everyone can get pregnant the first time, this also reassured me. We tried again and lo and behold! it turned out)) My psychologist consulted me for almost the entire period, until it became very difficult for me to go to her))) My baby is already 5 months old and I wish that every woman could feel the joys of motherhood. I’ll leave you, just in case, a link to my psychologist’s website, there are several articles on pregnancy planning, read it if anyone is interested.

They take us for suckers or something ...

"modern science completely denies the effectiveness of astrological methods, qualifying astrology as pseudoscience[-8] and prejudice"
Those. we are being "pushed" what scientific research refutes.

18.08.2017 13:21:44

Comment on the article "How to have a baby with the help of an astrologer: IVF and caesarean section"

More on the topic "How to make a horoscope for the birth of a child":

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, giving. Also, another friend recommends Sevastopol, she gave birth to 2 children there, she has a difficult situation, something with blood incoagulability, she says that they helped her very well there.

And what are they like in marriage, twin men? I mean the date of birth, May 22. After all, the essence of education is also to teach the child to live independently in the adult world. Will the child be able to grow up independent, build his own life and create his own family...

I am looking for a doctor with whom I can agree on a planned caesarean without indications, but so far without success. The question arose, is it possible to conclude an official contract with the maternity hospital, and at the stage of conclusion openly agree on a caesarean without any additional. surcharges?

about the horoscope and caesarean. According to the horoscope, each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a certain type of character and behavior. Well, you read there about Libra, for example. They hardly make decisions, hesitate all the time, suffer from a choice. Or Pisces: go with the flow...

Date of Birth. Paperwork AFTER. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in families, raising foster children, interaction with guardianship Date of birth. Between natural and adopted children there will be a difference of 2 months.

I planned to give birth to a boy in May. I wanted a calf. it didn’t work out (zb), but a girl was born and six months later. moreover, unplanned, because still being treated. this is how it happens 06/10/2011 10:30:41 How to give birth to a child with the help of an astrologer: IVF and caesarean section.

I understand that the Orthodox participants in the conference will throw slippers a lot, but I would very much like to make a horoscope for a child. And for this you need to know the time of birth. Today I was at the maternity hospital, I didn’t even ask for a copy of the birth certificate, but just in words the time ...

Girls, hello everyone. Tell me someone had a caesarean during this period, what is the risk for the child???? If not at 38, but at 37 they will do it?????

Children and horoscopes ... Girls, somehow I'm not fond of horoscopes and I don't even want to read what kind of baby I have according to the horoscope to be born. You have an Aquarius child, can you imagine what it is. Just a lion with Aquarius is the complete opposite, and the fish, in my opinion, is everything ...

Stupid horoscope question. I, a girl, who soberly looks at life, considered horoscopes, fortune-telling and all the like to be rare nonsense, but here, against the backdrop of an aggravation of relations with my husband, a horoscope with a description of the relationship between signs accidentally fell into my hands.

How to have a baby with the help of an astrologer: IVF and caesarean section. I myself gave birth to two children by caesarean section, although for the first there were indirect indications, a narrow pelvis and a leg one. But I refused to give birth, because the health of my child somehow depended on it.

Girls, tell me, plz, do you think that a caesarean section somehow negatively affects the child? caesarean intracranial pressure and cerebral ventricles are dilated. This is true?

Of the 28 caesarean sections, 19 were planned, 9 were emergency. Indications for planned caesarean sections: Myopia, myopia 5 Breech presentation 5 Second cesarean 4 Coxarthrosis t/b How to give birth to a child with the help of an astrologer: IVF and cesarean section.

Hi, I want to take a poll. 1. According to what indications was a caesarean section performed? 2. In which maternity hospital (if Muscovites) 3. What kind of anesthesia was used (general anesthesia, epidural)? 4. When was the baby put on the breast? 5. On what day were you discharged, how did the sutures heal? 6. Are you satisfied with the operation in general? I myself had a caesarean, I will also write about myself. Thank you.

Ideas are born and developed by brainstorming. The main technique that I use to stimulate But if there are problems, then the Americans, of course. will force you to monitor hormones How to have a baby with the help of an astrologer: IVF and caesarean ...

Attitude towards kes. section?. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. A child from birth to one year. Have you come across such people who believe that women whose children were born with the help of How to give birth to a child with the help of an astrologer: IVF and caesarean section.

chinese sex horoscope. Analyzes, research, tests, ultrasound. Pregnancy and childbirth. They say somewhere in the Internet there is a Chinese horoscope for determining sex - by the date of menstruation and age, you can determine the sex.

horoscope. Psychological and pedagogical aspects. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placing children in families, raising foster children, interaction with guardianship, teaching foster parents at school. I would make a horoscope, but I don't know >.

Horoscope for babies!!!. Age norms. A child from birth to one year. Horoscope for babies!!! ARIES 21.3-20.4 A child born under this zodiac sign shows truly sheep meekness, but only in infancy.

Blind child. Maybe there is someone on the Family who has the same or a similar story? Or maybe someone will tell you in which one she was born prematurely, and only at six months they discovered that the child was blind. Somehow, the vessels grow strongly and block ...

Caesarean section is one of the most ancient operations. It is planned and emergency. A caesarean section has to be resorted to when the pregnancy proceeds with complications, and natural childbirth is not possible. The day of the operation is chosen as close as possible to the expected date of the birth of the child.

2 weeks before the birth, the expectant mother is sent for hospitalization. She is carefully examined, the date of the operation is set. It is at this stage that you can plan the fate of the unborn child by calculating the dates closest to each other. The Psychomatrix or the square of Pythagoras will help in this. The Pythagorean square is a very powerful analytical tool. It allows you to identify the main features of the personality.

To determine the birthday of the child, select the expected date. We perform several actions with numbers. And before the eyes of all the qualities, opportunities, abilities and shortcomings of the future baby. If the Psychomatrix turned out to be not very good or, for some reason, did not suit future parents, you can change the date and do the layout again. Thus, the calculation method can determine the most suitable day of the month for the birth of a baby.

Estimated date of birth 05/23/2018 Next, add up all the numbers (except 0):


Then we reduce the resulting value to a single digit:

21-2 X 2= 17

We reduce the resulting figure to a single digit:

We write all the highlighted answers in the line under the date of birth:

1 4 7

2 5 8

3 6 9

In our case, there are no 4, 6 and 9.

111 — 7

22 5 88

Deciphering the square of Pythagoras

  • 1 - a person has an egoist program. The character is very difficult.
  • 11 - egoism is expressed to a lesser extent.
  • 111 - compliant character.

1111 - a person is a leader. leader or military

11111 - the character is purposeful, cruel. Despot and tyrant.

111111 - AMBITION OF THE DIRECTOR OF SPACE. The character is despotic, but capable of much for the sake of relatives and friends. Very difficult.

  • If there are no 2 or one, these people are energy vampires.
  • 22 - a good, stable flow of energy, can become a healer.
  • 222 - psychic abilities, but not stable.
  • 2222-22222 - a strong psychic by nature, if this gift is developed.
  • If there are no triples, the person is very neat.
  • 3 - can live in chaos, it all depends on the mood.
  • 33 - the ability to science (remarkable mathematicians, physicists, chemists).
  • 333 - the ability to science. Literary gift, if not 5.
  • 3333 - These people synthesize so well that it already looks like clairvoyance. But they are lazy.
  • 33333 - Rare badge.
  • If there are no fours, a person is prone to serious illnesses.
  • 4 - will get sick in old age. It is important to take care of your health.
  • 44 or more is a very healthy person. An excellent sportsman.
  • There are no fives - a creative artist without brakes, a dreamer and dreamer.
  • 5 - easily conveys his thoughts, he is listened to and understood, impatient.
  • 55 - the brain works like a machine, calculates everything, does not make mistakes, plans everything - an excellent analyst, Sherlock Homes.
  • 555 - the gift of clairvoyance opens. These people are well versed in mathematics, technology, but, as a rule, they choose a narrow specialty, which they carefully master.
  • 5555 - prone to clairvoyance, prophetic gift, prophet, experimenter. Such people are almost never mistaken in predictions.
  • No sixes - a sign of laziness.
  • 6 - a grounded person, likes to do something episodically.
  • 66 - master - * golden hands *.
  • 666 - the people on whom the world rests, great workers.
  • 6666 - people who can promote well - excellent PR people, producers.
  • There are no sevens - everything goes by your own work. He is not immune from failures and accidents.
  • 7 - we love everyone. It is partially protected from failures and accidents. There are rudiments of talent that need to be developed.
  • 77 - signs of fate warn him everywhere. The person is musical, has an artistic taste, can draw. All doors are open for him.
  • 777 is a special sign. Three sevens are people angels. Bring good luck to others.
  • 7777 is a sign of alarm. People with this sign should be very careful.
  • If there is no 8, these people live by their own laws. Irresponsible.
  • 8 - he treats people well, but often forgets about them.
  • 88 - a sense of duty is given from birth, this is "belly".
  • 888 is a sign of service. People are amulets.
  • If there is no 9 - without a king in the head. Or born with the truth.
  • 9 - memory needs to be trained. Little internal coloring and emotions. The person is forgetful.
  • 99 - good analytical skills. Good memory. Everything catches on the fly.
  • 999 is a good predictor.
  • 9999 - Stable intuition from nature. Clairvoyance is more strongly represented. Very often the prophet suffers from the fact that he cannot understand the meaning of the information, it is encoded in symbols or images. He needs to study. If a child has these qualities, then trust him, he knows a lot. Here, the mother must take the child by the hand and direct, otherwise it may carry away in the wrong direction. It will be especially difficult in the transitional age.

Numerology is not predictions.

These are accurate calculations in the diagnosis of personal life !!!

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