When did the first lenses for the eyes appear. What are contact lenses made from? Wearing and changing lenses

Contact lenses that are intended to correct vision can be considered non-implantable. optical devices in contact with ocular tissues. There are many different classifications of the types of these devices according to specific parameters.

Purpose of use and design

Types of lenses by purpose

According to the purpose, allocate contact lenses:

  1. Optical, used to correct refractive errors (astigmatism, presbyopia, myopia, hyperopia).
  2. Cosmetic lenses correct various congenital or trauma-acquired eye defects.
  3. Decorative ones enhance the natural color of the eyes or, conversely, change it to another. Colored lenses contain multi-colored dyes that reduce the oxygen permeability parameter.
  4. Therapeutic lenses are soft contact lenses. Due to hydrophilicity, they provide bandage protection of the cornea. They also serve as a reservoir for the prolonged action of drugs, contributing to the treatment of the cornea.

Design Features

Contact lenses by design are divided into:

  1. Spherical, correcting myopia and hyperopia.
  2. Toric, adding astigmatism correction.
  3. Multifocal, correcting presbyopia.

According to the materials of manufacture

Main types

This classification divides lenses into:

  • hard,
  • soft (hydrogel and silicone hydrogel).

Most people wear soft lenses (about 90%).

Safe lens wearing daytime provided by the oxygen transmission coefficient of the material from 24 to 26 units. Safe sleep in lenses is guaranteed with this parameter not less than 87 units. Silicone hydrogel lens latest generation It has this indicator 100-140 units.

Pros and cons of soft lenses

According to the properties of the materials used for soft lenses are subdivided into:

  1. Non-ionic polymers with low moisture content (less than 50%) and high moisture content (more than 50%).
  2. Ionic polymers with low humidity (less than 50%) and high (more than 50%).

Popular silicone hydrogel lenses belong to the low moisture content groups. They are characterized by excellent indicators of durability and strength. They are thinner, more technologically advanced to manufacture. But they have low oxygen permeability, which contributes to the development of corneal edema.

High moisture content lenses are more comfortable. A person adapts to them faster and can wear longer. However, they are distinguished by fragility and frequent formation of large deposits (especially group 4 lenses). These lenses on the eye quickly dehydrate and sometimes do not provide stable visual acuity.

Lenses made from ionic polymers are more prone to build up protein deposits compared to non-ionic polymers.

Rigid Lens Features

They are made from flexible thermoplastic. Their main disadvantage is airtightness. Another disadvantage is the tendency to form protein under the lenses.

But their merits are impressive:

  • strength,
  • ease of care
  • corneal astigmatism is corrected by several diopters,
  • they are easier to put on and take off than soft ones because they have a large diameter.

Wearing and changing lenses

Classification according to wearing rules

A variety of wearing modes divides contact lenses into:

  • day wear (DW), removed at night,
  • flexible (FW), sometimes they are not removed for one or two nights,
  • prolonged (EW), worn up to 7 days continuously,
  • continuous long-term wear (CW), up to a month.

The ability to wear lenses continuously for up to 30 days is ensured by the high oxygen permeability of silicone hydrogel and gas permeable materials.

According to the results of the medical research, when wearing such lenses for a year, the probability of developing microbial keratitis is 0.18%, and a decrease in visual acuity is less than 0.04%. These parameters are higher than those of daily wear lenses. However, such lenses can be safely used if prolonged wear is required.

Traditional lenses

These are lenses with a traditional wearing period of six months or more. Due to the reduced moisture content (compared to elective replacement lenses), traditional lenses are more durable and highly resistant to protein deposits.

When choosing these lenses, you should pay attention to the oxygen permeability index. Their dignity is low price. But they have a serious drawback - the risk of damage to the cornea.

Daily replacement

These are lenses that are replaced every day. They are sold in packs of 15 or more.

Experts consider them the healthiest for the eyes for the following reasons:

  • do not cause damage to the cornea,
  • there are no complications
  • do not require care.

Daily lenses are attractive for those who:

  • wears them regularly
  • travels on business trips that require eye strain,
  • visits the sauna
  • goes on a trip.

The disadvantage of disposable lenses is their high price. For everyday wear, one package is not enough.

Planned replacement

Planned wear lenses have a period of use from a week to a quarter. They are placed in the original packaging up to 6 blisters. Compared to traditional long-wear lenses, planned lenses are healthier for the eyes (with proper care).

The possibility of a planned replacement of contact lenses is an advance in the field of vision correction.

Changing lenses with varying degrees frequency has a number of significant advantages over traditional lenses:

  • higher oxygen permeability,
  • excellent hydrophilicity (moisture permeability),
  • fairly frequent replacement
  • the possibility of unplanned use of spare lenses,
  • low risk of eye infection.

These lenses are worn by most patients.

Regardless of the type of contact lenses, certain requirements must be observed when using them:

  • care strictly according to the recommendations of a specialist,
  • wear only for the specified period,
  • Do not use lenses after the expiration date.

If you do not forget about these rules, then any contact lenses will provide comfort in wearing and safety for health.

Contact lenses, like glasses or LASIK, can correct almost any degree of nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. it great way vision correction, healthier and more comfortable than ever. Today, contact lenses, if properly fitted, are comfortable the first time they are used.

Currently, contact vision correction in Russia is experiencing rapid development. Contact lenses are easy to use and can be an alternative to refractive surgery, which has an irreversible effect and a number of possible complications.

The use of contact lenses provides their users with some advantages over the use of contact lenses alone. spectacle correction, since the contact lens and the eye form a single optical system, a high quality of vision is thereby achieved. This type correction is extremely convenient for athletes and other professions where wearing glasses can be not only uncomfortable, but also present certain difficulties.

With a large difference in vision between the eyes, it is also convenient to use contact lenses, since glasses big difference is poorly tolerated and affects the overall comfort when using glasses, sometimes forcing them to completely abandon them and resort to surgery.

Not many people know that for the first time contact correction appeared in the 16th century. In the literary heritage of Leonardo da Vinci and Descartes, drawings of optical devices were found, which are the prototypes of modern contact lenses.

The first messages about practical application contact lenses date back to 1888. And since that time, the process of improving the manufacturing technology, materials and the design of the lenses has already been actively going on.

The indications for the appointment of contact lenses have gradually expanded: soft lenses are used not only to correct visual impairments, but also to therapeutic purpose with some eye diseases. In addition, it became possible to produce cosmetic, colored lenses and even carnival ones.

Currently, many types of contact lenses can be grouped according to certain characteristics and properties:

  • The material from which they are made
  • Wear time without removal
  • Replacement frequencies for a new pair
  • The design and shape of the lens itself

Contact lens materials

According to the material used, there are three types of contact lenses:

  • Soft lenses are the most popular today. Made from jelly-like hydrogel and silicone hydrogel polymers, with high content water in the lens.
  • Rigid gas permeable lenses are made from silicone-based materials and have the most high rate permeability to oxygen. They are especially good for correcting presbyopia and high degrees of astigmatism.
  • Rigid lenses made from PMMA (Plexiglas) are obsolete and hardly ever used.

In the 1980s, the first hydrogel-based soft contact lenses appeared. With the advent of silicone hydrogel materials, soft contact lenses have rightfully gained immense popularity around the world, because they have high oxygen permeability and are less prone to dehydration of the lens itself.

Time to wear contact lenses

In 1979, long-wear lenses were allowed for the first time, which allowed patients to sleep in their lenses and not remove them for up to 7 consecutive days. Until that time, everyone was required to take off at night and clean their lenses daily.

Today, lenses are classified by wearing time as follows:

  • Daily wear lenses - must be removed at night
  • Long-term wear - can be worn overnight, usually for seven consecutive days without removal
  • Contact lenses "continuous wear" - this term refers to some types of modern lenses that can be worn for a maximum allowable time - up to 30 days without removing.

Scheduled lens replacement time

Even with proper care, contact lenses, especially soft ones, should be regularly replaced with a new pair to prevent deposits and contamination on their surfaces, which greatly increase the risk of contact lenses. eye infections and discomfort.

According to the scheduled replacement time, soft lenses are divided into:

  • Daily lenses - must be destroyed after one day of wear
  • Frequent scheduled replacement - service life of one to two weeks
  • Scheduled replacement - lens replacement once a month or every few months
  • Traditional - the service life of soft lenses - from six months or more
  • Gas permeable contact lenses are more resistant to deposits and contamination and do not need to be changed as often as soft lenses. Often GP lenses can last a year or more before they need to be replaced.

contact lens design

Spherical contact lenses: designed to correct nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hypermetropia).

Bifocal contact lenses: have two zones - for distance and near vision, designed to correct age-related farsightedness(presbyopia).

Orthokeratology contact lenses: designed to be worn while you sleep. The principle of their action is to change the shape of the cornea, which allows you to do without lenses during the day.

Toric contact lenses: used to correct astigmatism.

Additional features of contact lenses

Color contact lenses. Many of the types of lenses used to correct visual anomalies come in a variety of colors that can improve the natural color of your eyes - for example, make green eyes even more saturated green, or completely change appearance eye.

Carnival "Crazy" lenses. They can give you an incredible look and expression in the eyes - the look of a cat, a zombie or a vampire, whatever your imagination tells you.

Prosthetic lenses. Colored contact lenses may also be used for cosmetic purposes in people who have had severe injuries, burns or eye diseases to hide defects visible to others.

Therapeutic contact lenses are basically soft contact lenses that can be used as a bandage protection for the cornea as well as a reservoir to prolong the action. medicinal substances thus helping to heal various diseases cornea.

Which lenses are right for you?

First, the main task of contact lenses is to obtain good vision by correcting your nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, or any combination of these problems.

Lenses with the same parameters, but different manufacturers may be differently tolerated by the patient.

Secondly, the lenses must match the individual parameters of your eyes. There are thousands of combinations of diameter, radius of curvature and other parameters that provide comfortable wearing of lenses. Often, lenses with the same parameters, but from different manufacturers, can be tolerated differently by the patient.

Only an ophthalmologist or optometrist can professionally select contact lenses for you, taking into account the above two criteria, as well as all your wishes - color, wearing time and method of care. As a result of the examination, you will receive a prescription for contact lenses, according to which they can be purchased.

You may also need additional medications to facilitate adaptation to new lenses or to reduce discomfort during prolonged wear such as moisturizing drops.

Contact lens care

Contact lens care - cleaning, disinfection and storage - is much easier than before.

One-day contact lenses will completely relieve you of care worries.

A few years ago, there was a need for various detergents, disinfectants and enzyme tablets for proper care. Today, most people can use "multi-purpose" lens care solutions, meaning that one product both cleans and disinfects and is used for storage. soft lens care distinctive features from caring for hard contact lenses.

Of course, you can save yourself the hassle of contact lens care by choosing to wear disposable contact lenses.

Complications and discomfort

A person who decides to use contact lenses should always be well informed about possible complications, as well as navigate various kinds symptoms and manifestations. It is important not to forget about follow-up examinations to rule out complications that may initial stages be asymptomatic.

In addition, a number of factors, both general and local, can influence the tolerability and level of comfort when wearing contact lenses. People react differently to different lens materials and cleaning products.

The correct "parameters" of your lenses - optical power, diameter and curvature - can be finally adjusted after a certain period of wearing. This is especially true for more complex lenses such as bifocal or toric contact lenses for astigmatism.

It is important to visit the ophthalmologist periodically preventive purpose.

Wrong care and non-compliance with the contact lens wearing regimen can lead to very sad consequences to the point of losing sight. Unfortunately, as practice shows, such cases are not uncommon, even in large cities. Trial and error often dominates the search perfect lens For you.

If you experience discomfort or poor eyesight When wearing contact lenses, you must consult a specialist. For problems you may encounter while wearing contact lenses, read the article "Complications and Discomfort When Wearing Contact Lenses".

Where to buy lenses

Today, contact lenses are sold everywhere: in opticians, pharmacies, kiosks in the subway, online stores. But you need to know that the primary selection of contact lenses, determining their parameters, choosing the timing of replacement and duration of wearing is carried out only by an ophthalmologist in a specially equipped office. contact correction.

In addition, during the selection of contact lenses, the patient is taught to put on and remove contact lenses independently, and the doctor gives all the necessary recommendations.

Buying lenses without consulting a specialist is quite risky in terms of getting complications. For more information about buying contact lenses online, read our article on buying lenses online.

No matter how surprising it may sound, but attempts to create contact lenses were made at the end of the 16th century. And the first experience belongs to Leonardo da Vinci himself. The archives left by the great master contain sketches from 1508, which depict a device designed to correct vision. according to sketches optical system should be placed on the eye and correct vision. To date, scientists are confident that it was this invention of Leonardo that became the prototype of modern contact lenses.

However, the invention of the master at that time did not find due recognition and was safely forgotten about for almost 400 years. It wasn't until 1887 that the German glassblower Friedrich Müller took advantage of Leonardo's idea. And it all happened because one of Muller's acquaintances did not have a century, and in order to help the sufferer, the glassblower made a glass spherical lens and placed it on his eye. This lens protected the eye and prevented moisture loss. The patient walked with this lens for 20 years, and with age change vision, he began to notice that under the lens of the eye he sees better. After that, Muller began to manufacture such lenses, helping people with visual impairments. These lenses were prostheses that follow the shape of the eye. The part of the lens adjacent to the sclera was made of white glass, and the one above the pupil was made of transparent glass.

Nearly 30 years have passed and the Carl Zeiss company has launched the production of special sets of contact lenses. Each set contained lenses with different parameters, this greatly facilitated the selection of lenses for the eyes of a particular person.

Until the mid-50s of the 20th century, all lenses were made of glass, and they had similar parameters, the diameter was 20-30 mm, and the thickness was 1-2 mm. These lenses covered almost the entire visible part of the eye, both the sclera and the cornea. Because of this, under them accumulated a large number of fluid, this caused corneal edema, and pain at the patient. After the patients removed their lenses, they had to long time be treated to restore the transparency of the cornea.

A major breakthrough was the fact that in 1947, Kevin Touhy created the first small-diameter contact lens, it covered only the cornea, and was made of plastic, and not like glass before that. It was after this that the contact lens became the form that it has now.

A new word in the production of contact lenses was the invention of the Czech scientist Otto Wichterle, in the late fifties. He invented a transparent, stable polymer, which is excellent for the production of soft contact lenses. This polymer had the ability to retain moisture and allow the eyes to "breathe", and it did not cause corneal edema. And since 1971, Wichterle's invention has formed the basis for the mass production of contact lenses, making them accessible to everyone.

Approximately 2% of the world's population uses eye lenses for vision correction. This invention of human thought greatly simplified life, allowing you to see more and at the same time look better. Having made them an important attribute of their lives, few people think about the question of what eye lenses are made of.

Lenses can be divided into soft and hard. The first appeared in late XIX century, remaining relevant until the 1960s. They were rigid and were made of Plexiglas. Over time, silicone-based lenses began to be made, which are able to correct vision more efficiently, achieving maximum sharpness even with serious illnesses eye. Rigid lenses based on silicone have a higher oxygen saturation. The disadvantage of these lenses is that they require getting used to and more careful selection, based on anatomical features eye.

The vast majority of people prefer to wear soft lenses, which offer the following benefits:

  • soft lenses are universal;
  • they are saturated with moisture and pass enough oxygen;
  • have a wide range of uses from vision correction to cosmetic effects.

Lenses become soft due to the presence of water: the more moisture in the lens, the softer and more elastic it is. Empirically, the optimal water content was found to be 70%. If the water content is above this level, the lenses become too soft and uncomfortable to use, if the contact lenses are made with less ability to absorb water, dryness and discomfort are felt in the eye.

Soft eye lenses are made from two main types of hydrophilic polymers: hydrogel and silicone hydrogel. The first polymer is characterized by poor oxygen permeability to the eye cornea, as a result, hydrogel lenses are intended only for daytime wear and require frequent shift. The second polymer partially eliminates the disadvantages of the first. Silicone hydrogel lenses have a high gas permeability, so they can be worn for several days without removing them without the threat of eye hypoxia. However, increasing the proportion of silicone reduces the moisture content of the lens, making it more rigid and brittle.

Although the production of lenses has long been established: consumers choose the best for themselves and are generally satisfied with the quality, complaints remain about fatigue eyes and feeling of dryness. Therefore, in May 2016, Alcon introduced its innovative development - water-gradient lenses made using a special technology of combining materials. These new generation lenses have increased moisture content, which is 80% inside, and reaches 100% on the surface, making them almost invisible to the eye. In fact, Alcon offered non-contact lenses.

Note that materials for the manufacture of contact lenses can be precious. So, the Indian Sanjay Shah presented to the public women with a brilliant sparkle of eyes. The basis of his designer lenses, which cost a fortune and weigh about 6 grams, is yellow or White gold with diamond inserts. A water cushion is provided between the lens and the eye for comfortable wearing.
Knowing the material from which the lenses are made, you can choose the optimal quality for the eyes in accordance with the possibilities of the wallet.


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Today, many people increasingly prefer contact correction of vision. Many are faced with the problem, which contact lenses are best? Today we will try to determine how to choose the best quality lenses for the eyes.

Who needs contact lenses and why?

Modern breathable materials, wide optical range and the latest technology allow you to restore your vision. It is necessary to choose contact lenses for such eye diseases as:

  • Age-related changes (presbyopia);
  • Violation of the shape of the cornea and lens (astigmatism);
  • Farsightedness (hypermetropia);
  • Myopia (myopia of varying degrees).

When deciding to choose the most suitable lenses for your eyes, you need to consider optical power, radius of curvature and individual features. The best contact lenses are able to form a real system with the eye, providing high vision:

  • Without limiting the field of view (as is the case with glasses);
  • Not subject to weather influences (rain, snow);
  • Suitable for active sports
  • Ideal for people with a big difference range on the right and left eye.

Choice of lenses

Some believe that you can switch from glasses to lenses of any company on your own, because there is nothing difficult in this - just look at the prescription for glasses and select the required optical power. However, this may lead to strong consequences– from dry eye syndrome to sharp deterioration vision as a result of hypoxic changes in the cornea.

An ophthalmologist should choose the most suitable lenses for you. A regular eye test will not be able to give anything - lenses with the same optical power and radius may differ in other parameters not indicated on the package:

  • Thickness and shape of the product;
  • The elasticity of the material;
  • Edge processing method.

The procedure for choosing lenses for the eyes begins with consideration individual features patient - work schedule, lifestyle, chronic diseases, bad habits, possible contraindications and motivation to wear them. Before choosing which company is better to choose lenses, the doctor will prescribe the following examinations:

  • Assessment of the state of the ocular anterior segment;
  • Determination of the degree of visual acuity;
  • Examination of the eye day for possible pathologies;
  • Carrying out computer diagnostics.

Thinking about which lenses are better, you need to take into account the tripling of the eyes - the density of the eyelids and the incision, the characteristics of the vessels, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the mucous fluid. Using special tests, the ophthalmologist will evaluate the fit of the lens to the cornea, local reaction the surface of the eye and the level of vision correction.

If eye lenses are prescribed for the first time, the doctor must show the patient how to put them on and take them off. Provide information on wearing and caring for them.

Types of contact lenses

Rigid lenses

Until the end of the 60s of the last century, lenses were created from organic glass - this material could not pass oxygen and delivered a lot of discomfort. Created after them gas-permeable hard lenses allowed to "breathe" the eyes, but caused swelling of the cornea and mechanical irritation of the eyes.

Modern varieties of rigid eye lenses are made of silicone: they do not fall out when you blink, do not dry out and have a long service life, not like one-day types. They are very inferior in terms of wearing comfort compared to the soft types in some cases, they lead to blurry vision. Modern doctors do not recommend choosing this type of lens for wearing, recommending choosing a more suitable option.

Rigid type silicone lenses are most preferred for the following types of eye conditions:

  • Refractive anomalies (orthokeratological correction);
  • Senile farsightedness (presbyopia);
  • Keratoconus (thinning and reshaping of the cornea);
  • Severe astigmatism that cannot be corrected with toric lenses.

soft lenses

Soft eye lenses contain a large percentage of water, which makes them very comfortable to wear, limits the period of use, some of them may be one-day. Based on the purpose, three types of soft lenses can be distinguished:

  • Toric - for patients with astigmatism;
  • Spherical - to correct hypermetropia and myopia;
  • Multifocal and bifocal - for the correction of presbyopia.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight carnival and colored lenses (they can both correct vision and be simple), orthokeratological (worn at night to improve vision during the day) and therapeutic (used to protect the eyes after surgery).

Mode and timing of wearing MKL

Depending on the duration of wearing, three groups of lenses can be distinguished:

  • One-day (change every day);
  • Classic (replacement every 6-12 months);
  • Planned replacement lenses (from two weeks to three months).

The longer the service life of the product, the more careful care they need. If wearing daily lenses, only drops to moisturize the eyes may be needed, then planned replacement lenses require the use of disinfectant and moisturizing solutions, and the traditional option requires additional cleaning of protein deposits using special tablets.

According to the wearing mode, soft lenses can be:

  • Daily wear (be sure to remove before going to bed);
  • Prolonged wear (can be worn without removal from 3 to 30 days without damage to the eyes);
  • Deep wearing (removed periodically at night).

According to ophthalmologists, it is better not to abuse long-wear lenses, in this case one-day lenses are better. If these are not daily lenses, then daily care should not be neglected - they accumulate microbes and natural deposits on their surface that can cause infectious diseases. Only one-day lenses are an exception, tonies are individually packaged and discarded after each wear.

What are soft lenses made of?

Soft contact lenses contain hydroxyethyl methacrylate and various copolymers of silicone and hydrogels. polymer material NEMA, has incredible ability moisture absorption. It was first synthesized in 1960 in Czechoslovakia. The first soft lenses were created by Dragoslav Lim and Otto Wichterle. Subsequently, this technology was purchased by Bausch & Lomb. She managed to open new level in the field of contact vision correction.

Continued development of new lenses continued in the 70s of the last century, and in 1999 the first silicone hydrogel lenses were created with the ability to wear 30 days without interruption. by the most important characteristics that can affect the duration of wearing and the quality of lenses are:

  • Oxygen transmittance (Dk/t), which takes into account the ability to let oxygen to the corneal vessels and the thickness of the lens. The higher this indicator is, the longer period continuous wear and lower probability of hypoxia;
  • Fluid content: Low hydrophilic lenses have less than 50% moisture, high hydrophilic lenses have 50 to 80% moisture. The higher this indicator, the higher their strength;
  • The elasticity model (MPa) affects the wearing comfort and ease of donning the lens.

Manufacturers can use materials under various proprietary names, indicating characteristics on the packaging.

Soft modern lenses

Hydrogel lenses

The first mass-produced contact correction product is still popular today. Hydrogel contact lenses can provide high level wearing due to its softness and thinness.

Low gas permeability levels are offset by a high water content, which conducts oxygen molecules to the cornea. When choosing such lenses, you need to focus on the level of moisture content in them.

Silicone hydrogel lenses

Adding silicone to the material allows you to create a kind of "lattice" that is transparent to the passage of oxygen. The degree of elasticity is higher compared to hydrogel, so the lenses keep their shape better. This type of lenses is very demanding on the mode of their wearing:

  • It is recommended to wear in the daytime with the removal of them at night;
  • Prolonged mode - no more than two weeks, after which you need to throw out the old lenses and open a new package;
  • Mandatory consultation on the choice of product;
  • Use of a peroxide cleaning system.

Biocompatible lenses

Wearing any type of contact lenses can cause defensive reaction- the body perceives it as foreign body, the active production of proteins begins. Protein deposits allow the lens to be part of the eye, but at the same time degrade its optical properties. New developments have involved biocompatible materials that are as close as possible to natural composition eye tissues. Such components have many advantages:

  • resistance to dehydration;
  • Resistance to deposit formation;
  • Minimizing the possibility of dry eye syndrome and an allergic reaction.

Aspherical lenses

The parameters of each type of lens for the eyes are designed exactly in its center. As it moves towards the eyes, visual acuity will decrease, and eye strain occurs. The surface of this type of lens is created in the form of an ellipse - the radius of curvature gradually changes from the center to the periphery. This form of lenses is able to neutralize the aberrations of the eye as much as possible, providing a high degree of wearing comfort.

This type of lens is especially relevant for people with large diopters (more than 4.5) - they reduce eye strain.

Contact lens care

Lenses chosen incorrectly can cause serious eye diseases, so it is not recommended to make a decision in their purchase on your own. A visit to the ophthalmologist should become a rule - you need to go to the doctor 1-2 times a year (in case of discomfort - immediately).

Observe the exact terms of wearing lenses - mark in advance the day of replacement of lenses. The service life of the product must be counted from the moment the package is opened, it does not matter how many days the lenses were actually worn. It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene - always wash your hands before putting on and removing lenses, do not use drops and solutions with an expired date. If there is no time for daily care, it is better to choose daily eye lenses.

Choose suitable type Only an ophthalmologist can wear lenses. You should not try to do it yourself, because you can only harm your eyesight. And proper care of the lenses will help to avoid inflammation and other complications with the eyes.

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