What is a cast in dentistry. What kind of dental pictures do you need to install braces. How to get an impression

An impression for orthodontic or orthopedic structures is made according to measurements taken from patients. Therefore, the installation of the correct braces, crowns or aligners on the teeth is a process that is somewhat similar to tailoring a suit to order: several visits, fitting and final fitting.

First, the doctor conducts complete diagnostics oral cavity. If necessary, it fills the canals, treats caries, and only then, when the teeth are completely healthy, does it take casts. From the dental office, the impressions are sent to the dental laboratory, where:

  1. the cast is scanned and “driven” into software;
  2. virtually simulate the movement of the dentition;
  3. manufacture orthodontic appliances of any complexity at the proper level.

Orthodontics for adults and children uses the same diagnostic methods. Before planning therapy and selecting proper treatment the dentist takes dental casts - exact plaster copies. A high-quality print is a guarantee that when worn orthodontic design the patient will not experience discomfort, and the anomaly will be completely eliminated over time.

Why are dental impressions taken?

For braces

Fixed braces are universal systems in adult and pediatric orthodontics, most effective for correcting various dental pathologies. Methods for diagnosing occlusion disorders include, among other things, the removal of dental casts. Braces, and in particular lingual braces, are made according to individual casts. A cast before braces is an obligatory stage of treatment.

For trainers

Soft elastic tires (trainers) eliminate the cause of the development of anomalies, and not their symptoms. The facial aesthetics of closing teeth is different for everyone. Therefore, before installing trainers, the doctor conducts additional research: makes panoramic X-ray and a cast of teeth.

For records

Correct an imperfect bite in childhood dental veneers help. So that the child can easily put on the plate in one motion, and its metal elements do not cause the slightest discomfort in the mouth, the design is made according to an individual cast, exactly repeating the dental contour.

For removable dentures

When there is no possibility of prosthetics with fixed devices, with a large number of missing teeth, removable dentures are made. They are different types, but everything is done on the basis of dental casts.

For single crowns

When one or more teeth are lost, dental crowns are installed to restore functional insufficiency and eliminate an aesthetic defect. To obtain a high-quality cast from a tooth, two methods are used: polyester mass and an open spoon. Both of these methods are equivalent.

For bridge prostheses

The installation of dentures, which are shaped like a bridge, also requires the removal of casts. Impressions are taken from the jaw several times. The first time for the formation of the frame of the future prosthesis, the second - for the body of the structure.

For individual abutments

The procedure for implanting the abutment into the gum is preceded by the removal of casts. Based on the impressions, the doctor decides on the type of abutment: standard, angled, ball or straight.

For crown inlays

With the help of a micro-prosthesis (tabs on the tooth), it is possible to restore even severely affected teeth, including the last eights. The process of making inlays is labor-intensive and long work, and it begins with the removal of a dental cast.

For retention mouthguards

To fix the main treatment with a bracket system, a removable orthodontic appliance is used - a mouth guard. It protects against recurrence of bite anomalies and does not allow the teeth to "disperse" to their original places. A retention mouthguard is created according to previously taken dental casts.

For aligners

Holistic and absolutely transparent onlays are invisible on the teeth. They perform the same tasks as braces, but require multiple sets that will need to be changed every 2 weeks. In order for the aligners to fully take the shape of the dentition and provide the right pressure on the teeth, they are printed on a 3D printer based on an accurate plaster or polymer model.

For dental implants

Implantation in bone tissue dental implants, which in shape resemble a tooth root - a procedure that requires thorough preparation from the patient. Before the operation, you will have to pass tests, cure teeth, take x-rays, panoramic shot jaws and cast of teeth.

For whitening

Benefits of teeth whitening dental office obviously, but sometimes, the doctor may recommend home whitening as well. On the basis of the cast, the doctor will make special mouthguards and supply with a whitening gel, which, together with the mouthguards, the patient will need to wear daily for several hours a day.

To correct an overbite

There are several methods by which the dentist can identify the pathology of the bite. Among them, the construction of a model of the patient's jaw - a cast, makes it possible to thoroughly examine the shape of the dental arches and identify defects in the structure of the jaws and teeth.

What are blinds?

The impression taken through two-component silicone accurately repeats the entire microrelief and conveys the structural features of the teeth with maximum accuracy. In addition, silicone does not shrink over time and does not change.

In the Doctor Lopatin clinic, dentists work with both alginate and silicone masses. The former are usually made temporary crowns necessary before turning teeth. According to the second, more accurate pictures are taken for the manufacture of fixed structures. Each diagnosis, like the types of casts, requires the use of a specific material.

In dentistry, an impression is the most accurate and detailed impression of a tooth. Any types of crowns are copies of preserved teeth, therefore, in prosthetics and implantology, casts cannot be dispensed with. A high-quality impression of the teeth guarantees high accuracy and efficiency in the installation of implants and crowns.

When the doctor receives ready-made casts, he can create stencil templates with a mark on the places of implant fixation. This is especially important when working with front teeth, which are almost always visible. Flaws and aesthetic errors in this case are unacceptable.

Methods for creating impressions in implantology

Specialists dental laboratory dental center "Eurodent" most accurately reproduce the impressions of teeth. Three main methods are used to obtain impressions used in implantology:

  1. Prepared abutment. An impression of the abutment is created directly in the patient's mouth, in the same way as when taking impressions of teeth for the manufacture of crowns.
  2. Impression at the level of the implant. For the impression, a special carrier (transfer) is used, which is fixed to the implant. The transfer transmits the location and inclination of the implant, the position of the internal hexagon.
  3. Impression at the level of the abutment. An impression is obtained by using screw fixation. Special transfers are installed on the abutments pre-attached to the implants. This impression shows the location and inclination of the abutments for the subsequent production of a screw-retained construction.

Impressions of the prepared abutment are always created using indirect method transfer - a closed spoon. Impressions taken at the level of abutments or implants can also be obtained by the direct pick-up method - open tray. The choice of the method for creating an impression is selected individually, depending on the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor and the degree of accuracy required for the manufacture of the final design.

To make an impression of the teeth, a spoon is filled with a special mass and fixed in the oral cavity, while the teeth close for a while. After extraction, the impression is transferred to the dental laboratory for filling with plaster or other materials. When the substance hardens, a model is formed, with the help of which the specialist receives full clinical picture and can draw up a plan for the necessary therapeutic measures.

Prices for making an impression

The cost of making a dental impression dental center"Eurodent" is quite acceptable. Basic rates are given in the price list on the website. The final price of creating an impression depends on the choice of a specific method and material and is calculated at the consultation with the attending physician.

Used in orthodontics and dental orthopedics a large number of various methods restoration of the dentition.

But the creation of any prostheses is impossible without the preliminary manufacture of casts.

In dentistry, they are also called an impression, and its removal is milestone on the way to a beautiful smile.

General view

An impression is a reflection of the dentition and soft tissues of the oral cavity on a special material. It contains the contours of all teeth and various structures of the upper and mandible. Without taking an impression, it is impossible to make almost any orthopedic structure.

The impression is a mass located on a special bed, frozen after removal from the oral cavity. Impressions are taken by orthopedists and orthodontists.

On their basis, not only working structures are made, but also diagnostic ones, when it is necessary to study the shape of the bite, the size of each element and other features of the oral cavity.


In dentistry, there are two types of impressions, each of which is used for specific purposes and has its own characteristics:

  1. Anatomical. They are used to diagnose the state of teeth, gums and various structures of the jaw during the rest period.

    Anatomical casts are taken during partial prosthetics, when it is required to create removable or non-removable removable dentures in the absence of one or two teeth.

  2. Functional. They require Herbst tests and allow you to get a model with shaped edges when retracting the cheeks, opening the mouth, stretching the lips. Functional impressions are used in full dentures.

Material groups

Various materials can be used to create impressions. The choice depends on the features of the structure of the jaw, price category, purpose of creation and other factors.

In dentistry, hard, elastic, thermoplastic, modeling materials are used.


Among the solid materials used for taking impressions, crystalline gypsum is especially popular in dentistry.

This is due to its availability, low cost and obtaining accurate prints of hard and soft tissues.

But, today it is practically not used, since the material has a significant drawback. After crystallization and hardening, it is not completely removed from the oral cavity, but partially.

As a result, the specialist has to compare individual pieces, which requires accuracy. Gypsum is also not used if there is to a large extent tooth mobility.

Dentol has become an excellent replacement for the material, which allows you to make an accurate impression and avoid chipping when the bed is removed from the oral cavity. But unlike gypsum, it has a higher cost.


For their manufacture, silicone, alginates are used. The advantages of materials are availability and good quality display of the structures of the oral cavity. When kneading, alginates begin to change their color, which indicates the readiness of the material for use.

The disadvantage is the deformation through certain time, which requires fast manufacturing plaster model.

In addition, silicone and alginates may not always be suitable in some clinical cases. While creating certain types Bridges and crowns require accurate imaging of hard and soft tissues, especially in the gingival region.

Elastic materials are used in the manufacture of stamped crowns, complete removable dentures, inlays and clasp prosthetics.


They are made from materials that can be exposed to temperatures. When heated, they become much softer and take desired shape. But after cooling they become hard.

The most commonly used Kerr mass, which is numbered: 1,2,3.

  • Kerra 1- used to take an impression with complete adentia or relining of structures in the absence of teeth;
  • Kerra 2- used in the creation of maxillofacial structures.
  • Kerra 3– for the manufacture of splints of a certain type, for taking an impression from a half-crown or an inlay.

Among the advantages are the possibility of repeated use. But when the impression is removed from the oral cavity, they can be deformed, they inaccurately display the structures of some areas.


They are made from various compositions of wax, paraffin and stearin. The advantages of the material include ease of use, the accuracy of imprinting hard and soft tissues in any area of ​​the oral cavity, and versatility.

There is only one disadvantage- softening of wax when exposed to temperature, which leads to deformation of the product.

There is no universal material for taking impressions, since each type of prosthetics requires the use of a material with special properties.

The choice of raw material for creating an impression for the purpose of further manufacturing a model based on it depends on many factors. This is the presence or absence of teeth, the purpose of treatment, structural features of the jaw.

Learn more about modern impression materials from the video.

Primary requirements

In order for removable or non-removable structures to be securely held in the oral cavity, not rubbed or pressed, the casts must be made with high quality, in full compliance with a number of requirements.

These include:

  1. The cast should exactly repeat the relief of the oral cavity and not be deformed when removed.
  2. The impression should not shrink during work with it and change over time. When using a material that shrinks, the prosthesis will be made poorly.

    Algite masses and silicone can be modified. That is why they should be kept moist, but it is better to immediately send it to the laboratory.

  3. After removing the impression from the mouth, it must be washed and dipped in a disinfectant solution. This requirement is due to the fact that the material is in close contact with the patient's saliva. Disinfection is required in order to protect laboratory workers from infections.

When creating prostheses, especially fixed ones, several casts are required. Most often, alginate materials are used first of all in order to create temporary structures. For the manufacture of permanent prostheses, casts are taken using silicone masses.

To get a high-quality design, the impression must also meet some more requirements:

  1. Accurately reflect the structure of the dentition, transverse palatine folds, cords of the bucco-alveolar region, transitional folds of the oral cavity and frenulums. These are the main structures of the oral cavity.
  2. There should be no pronounced deformations and pores on the surface of the cast.

In the presence of a porous surface or poor-quality reflection of structures, a new impression is required, since the reliability and convenience of the future design will depend on its quality.

Oral preparation

After the patient has decided on the type of construction, the prosthetist proceeds to take impressions. But first, the preparation of the oral cavity is carried out.

First of all, the specialist conducts an examination and determines the need for treatment or removal of individual units. After rehabilitation:

  • an anesthetic solution is injected, and hard tissues teeth are prepared depending on the type of prosthesis;
  • the treated area is dried with a cotton swab or a special tool;
  • after processing the patient's oral cavity, the specialist proceeds to the selection and preparation of the spoon on which the material will be applied.

With complete adentia, some changes occur. In place of the missing molars, bone tissue declines, and outgrowths begin to form. In dentistry, they are called exostoses and consist of bone tissue.

In this case, it is required to surgical training for the highest quality print.

Withdrawal process

After preparing the patient's mouth, the doctor chooses a spoon. There are several types of them and have the following classification:

  1. By appointment: for the lower and upper jaw.
  2. By material: non-metallic and metallic.
  3. By the look of a cast: compression and decompression, which completely exclude pressure on the gums.

The size of the spoon depends on the following factors:

  • width and size of the jaw;
  • row length;
  • jaw shapes;
  • tooth height.

Orthopedic dentists have a specific set of standard spoons to help determine the correct size.

But they are not suitable in all cases, especially in the manufacture of individual designs. AT this case the doctor independently makes a spoon or sends it to the technician.

Creating a cast takes place in several stages:

  1. Mixing the selected material. Some compounds tend to change their color when used. This indicates their readiness for further use.
  2. Applying the composition to the spoon. Then it is placed in the patient's mouth.
  3. Retrieval of an impression. The doctor carefully removes the cast to avoid damaging the cast.

The finished impression is washed under running water and placed in a disinfectant solution for a while. He then goes to the lab to create a plaster model.

Watch the video for the process of taking impressions.


The cost of taking an impression depends on several factors. Chief among them is individual characteristics of the oral cavity.

There are cases when the manufacture of a special spoon is required, for example, with complete adentia. This increases the cost of taking impressions by several times.

It also affects the final cost. material selection. The specialist will not use the most expensive of them, if it is possible to use a cheaper one.

But in the manufacture of certain types of prostheses, it is necessary to accurate representation of the gingiva which also increases the final cost of the procedure.

  1. The minimum price for making an impression from alginar materials is 500 rubles.
  2. Silicone cast will cost twice as much. Its cost is from 1000 rubles.
  3. Taking an impression with the manufacture of an individual substrate will cost the patient from 1,500 rubles.

An impression or cast of teeth is necessary in the process of prosthetics of any elements of the dentition.

Also, orthodontics is not complete without the use of casts when creating systems that level or correct bite.

It is used to make the most accurate orthopedic and orthodontic devices.

general description

A cast is an imprint of one or all elements of the dentition, according to which models of future structures for prosthetics are cast in laboratories.

Scope of imprints orthopedic dentistry. During the taking of the impression, the specialist uses impression spoons, as well as different kinds materials - gypsum, silicone, etc. Impressions are made before the manufacture of corrective devices.

Casts are also used for aesthetic purposes, such as when bleaching units. According to the impressions of the teeth, silicone mouth guards are made, with the help of which the remineralization restoration of the elements is performed.

Based on the impressions, you can make a diagnostic model and determine the type of dental disease.

Types of impressions

Impressions are divided into anatomical and functional. In the first case, the construction is made without taking into account the characteristics of the tissues that are located on the border of removable dentures.

In the process of creating functional structures are used, selected in accordance with individual features patient, medical instruments.

Due to this, the mobility of the soft tissue folds located on the border of the implantation bed is reflected on the cast. A functional cast is indicated for patients who have completely or partially lost teeth.

Products functional type classified into types:

  1. Compression. Used to take an imprint of the lower jaw. Products reflect the relief of the basis of the prosthesis and allow you to redistribute the load during chewing over a large area of ​​its base.

    Due to this property, premature atrophy of bone structures is prevented. Compression prints are made using materials with high rates viscosity.

  2. Unloading. The basis of the prosthesis, made according to the unloading cast, will be in the form of uncompressed mucous membranes.

    This type of device is shown to people whose professional activity associated with spoken language. The load during chewing will be unevenly distributed due to the discrepancy between the relief of the bone tissue and the basis of the prosthesis.

  3. Combined. They are necessary to create devices that compress the pliable and unload the inactive sections of the mucous membranes of the mouth located in the area of ​​the prosthesis.

    Thanks to differentiated casts, implants are created that provide a uniform load while chewing food or talking.

Material groups

All materials used to make casts are hypoallergenic.

The domestic industry offers 3 types of materials for creating impressions - solid, thermoplastic and elastic.


Gypsum is most often used to make the structure. It consists of a powder diluted with water and contains:

  • calcium sulfate;
  • borax;
  • starch;
  • hemihydrate

The hardening process of gypsum is easily controlled by introducing additional amounts of borax and calcium sulfate.

The material mixes easily, the main thing is not to capture air during the procedure. Otherwise, pores will form on the surface of the material.

The hardening time of the plaster impression is 2-3 minutes. The mixture is characterized by low viscosity and good spreading over the surface of the mucous membranes.

Among the advantages of gypsum, it should be noted:

  • reproduction of the relief of soft tissues with high accuracy;
  • convenience at work;
  • maintaining the original dimensions;
  • the possibility of delayed production of a plaster model.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  • increased rigidity;
  • the inability to create an imprint from those parts of the tooth that are close to the surface of the gums (undercuts);
  • sensation of dry mouth in patients after removal of the impression.

Among the hard materials used to create the cast, dentol should also be noted. The material is a mixture of guaiacol and zinc oxide eugenol.

Benefits of Dental:

  • low degree shrinkage and deformation;
  • the ability to create accurate casts from the surface of teeth and soft tissues;
  • the possibility of long-term storage;
  • harmlessness.


Elastic impressions are divided into 3 groups - silicone, alginate and thiokol. The basis of these materials is agar.

Fillers are added to the impression mass to ensure the strength of the products. When heated, the materials become soft, and when cooled, they become elastic.

The composition of analginates products include Novalgin, Stomalgin. The design is characterized by a high degree of elasticity and a clear reproduction of the contours of the prosthetic bed.

In dentistry, prostheses for the jaws are made from this material. partial absence teeth. This type impressions are characterized by a significant degree of shrinkage, so they are not suitable for long-term storage.

Sodium alginate, which is part of the material, makes it easy to separate the impression from the prepared model.

Silicone materials are made from liquid polymers mixed with a hardener. Silicone is used in the manufacture of:

  • porcelain crowns;
  • metal-ceramic and bulgel prostheses.

Silicone casts shrink on average 3 hours after being made. Therefore, the creation of models occurs no later than this time.

Thiocol prints in dentistry, they are used for the same purposes as silicone ones. The advantages of these products include a low degree of shrinkage, and the disadvantages are the difficulty in obtaining the required shape.


Thermoplastic impressions are made in the form of discs with a diameter of 100 mm. The material begins to melt at a temperature of 50-70 degrees.

Thermoplastic products include gutta-percha and wall. Among the negative properties of thermoplastic should be highlighted:

  • complexity in the manufacture of models;
  • lack of "pull".

There are 3 types of thermoplastic masses:

  • No. 1 - used to take an impression from jaws that do not have teeth;
  • No. 2 - used in orthopedics to remove maxillofacial prints;
  • No. 3 - used for the production of pin teeth and splints.

Advantages of thermoplastic:

  • well separated from the models made according to them;
  • lends itself to metallization;
  • can be entered multiple times oral cavity the patient;
  • suitable for functional testing.


Modeling materials include various types of wax - casting, basic and for tabs. In dentistry, modeling impressions are used in the process of creating metal prostheses.

Inlay materials are used to create lock fasteners in combined type prostheses.

Casting wax is used in the production of thin prostheses, and base wax is used to model temporary bridge models.

Plus materials - a clear display of the contours of the teeth and soft tissues. Lack of wax high risk deformations.

More details about the materials and devices used are described in the video.

Basic requirements for products

In dentistry, there are a number of requirements for impressions:

  • products must exactly follow the contours of the soft tissues that will be in contact with the prostheses;
  • when removed from the oral cavity, the imprint should not be deformed;
  • during storage, the cast should not shrink strongly;
  • the materials used to create the product must be disinfected without loss of quality;
  • The impression must be free to separate from the model made from it.

Oral preparation

The specialist starts creating an impression immediately after selection suitable material and medical instruments. Before making an imprint, the bony organs of the oral cavity are dissected.

This is followed by thorough drying of the mouth. cotton swabs or dental gun. Then the doctor kneads the materials he has chosen.

With complete adhesion, which is often observed in older people, the bone structures of the jaw undergo some changes.

In places where there are no elements, outgrowths - exostoses can form. The impression is taken after surgical removal all bone growths.

Removal methods

The doctor selects the spoons with which the cast will be made, focusing on the shape of the patient's jaws.

Orthopedists in their arsenal have a standard set of spoons that differ from each other in size. With the help of fitting, the required tool number is determined.

Removal of an impression, as a rule, is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, a dense paste is applied to a spoon lubricated with an adhesive and an impression is taken. Manipulations are performed before the preparation of the elements in order to leave room for the corrective composition.
  2. After the preparation of the teeth, the gingival pockets of the supporting elements are expanded. Retraction threads pre-impregnated with vasoconstrictor compounds are inserted into these grooves.
  3. To stop the blood from the periodontal pockets and fix the retraction threads, a cotton cylinder is placed in the prepared element.
  4. The patient closes the teeth to ensure the dryness of the gum pocket.

The first layer of the impression is shaped like a spoon with which it was made.

A layer of paste located on the top of the sky and along the edges is removed from the cast. This ensures free entry of the impression into the oral cavity.

Intergingival septa are also removed to eliminate the risk of squeezing the papillae located between the teeth.

The first layer of the product is thoroughly dried and filled with clarifying compositions. The impression is refilled with corrective pastes and left to dry completely. After that, the product is removed from the patient's oral cavity.

There is another method for obtaining an imprint of teeth:

  1. First, the specialist fills the dental spoon with the main composition, and then the corrective one.
  2. The corrective paste is applied to the prepared units with a syringe.
  3. A dental spoon with two types of pastes is inserted into the mouth to take an impression.

In single-stage impression removal, silicone masses are used. Despite slight deformation and shrinkage, the resulting impressions should be used within a few hours.

The video shows the process of taking impressions of teeth.


The price of a print depends on the following factors:

  1. features of the pathology. For example, with adentia, individual dental trays are required to make impressions. This increases the cost of the procedure.
  2. The type of material. Typically, specialists do not use expensive raw materials when cheaper materials, such as alginate, can be used.

On average, casting a plaster model will cost patients 300 rubles, the same is the cost of making an alginate cast. Silicone print will cost more - from 550 rubles.

Before an orthopedic prosthesis takes the place of lost teeth, several stages of its manufacture must go through. All of them are quite complex, performed exclusively by a specialist dentist and comply with all the rules for restoring the dentition. The first, most important stage is the production of a cast or impression of the teeth. The exact creation of a three-dimensional model of the prosthesis depends on it.

Various kinds of errors in the preparation of the impression will lead to the creation of a design that does not correspond to its purpose. In addition to the loss of expensive materials and manufacturing time, dental technician errors can cause serious moral damage to the patient.

What are the blinds for?

In dental orthopedics, there are various methods for restoring the dentition - this is the creation of various prostheses, the installation of braces and caps. However, no correction method is possible without first making an impression that helps to determine the ratio of the upper and lower jaws, as well as the dentition and individual teeth.

To create dental crowns and bridges in a dental laboratory, it is first necessary to develop a model of the future product. For the manufacture of this model, the prototype of the future orthopedic design, an impression of the upper and lower jaws is intended.

Not only the comfort of wearing a prosthesis, but also the health of the teeth in contact with the fabricated structure, depends on the accuracy of the impression. Generally, healthy state of the entire tooth cavity largely depends on the professionalism of the specialist who makes the casts.

Varieties of impressions

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Dental impressions can differ from each other in many ways:

  • functional or anatomical purpose;
  • the materials from which they are made;
  • the number of stages (phases) of removal;
  • full or partial replacement of the dentition.

Anatomical impressions are made without taking into account characteristic features peridental tissues located on the border with the future prosthesis. For structures that are functional in nature, casts are made with an emphasis on the individual structure of the patient's oral cavity. They should display all folds and possible mobility of soft tissues located on the border with orthopedic design.

According to the functionality of the products used for prosthetics, they are divided into three types:

  • unloading - repeat the shape of the oral mucosa in a relaxed state (for patients for whom clear articulation is important);
  • compression - serve to evenly distribute the chewing load on the entire surface of the prosthesis structure;
  • combined casts - give the maximum possible result balance between the correct distribution of chewing load over the area of ​​the prosthesis and the patient's desire to have a clear articulation.

Casts can also be classified according to their intended purpose:

  • prosthetics with braces;
  • cap production;
  • creation of bridge structures or individual crowns.

Materials used

The materials used to make casts must be hypoallergenic. The material can be:

  • hard;
  • elastic;
  • polyester;
  • changing its properties under the influence of temperature.

Solid materials include gypsum and dentol, which is a mixture of guaiacol and zinc oxide eugenol. These substances are characterized by a low degree of shrinkage, which helps to create the most accurate cast.

Elastic compositions are based on alginic acid. Compared with hard materials, they better display the surface of the mucous membrane bordering the future prosthesis.

Thermoplastic materials that change shape due to temperature differences are reusable. Easy to use, but subject to partial deformation at the time of removal of the impression tray from the oral cavity.

Modeling compositions used for taking impressions include mixtures of paraffin, stearin and wax in various proportions. Combinations of these materials are considered the most versatile. Not bad display both the surface of the mucosa and the state of the dentition. Minus - the possibility of losing the configuration due to temperature rise.

Product Requirements

The main, but not the only requirement for a dental impression is the accuracy of reproduction of the ratio of the upper and lower jaws, as well as the location of the dentition in them.

In addition, the dental impression must:

  • repeat the contours of soft tissues in contact with the design of the prosthesis or with a separate crown;
  • do not shrink during storage;
  • at the moment of separation from the oral cavity, exactly maintain the accepted shape;
  • consist of a material that does not lose quality when treated with disinfectants;
  • effortlessly separate from the model made in it;
  • have an optimal duration of solidification time;
  • do not react to the patient's saliva;
  • be hypoallergenic;
  • not have bad taste and smell.

A mandatory characteristic of a high-quality print will be the absence of scratches, pores and other features on its surface that do not correspond to the structure. internal cavity mouth. An additional requirement for the finished product should be called the ability to use it to identify the existence possible factors that can complicate the process of prosthetics.

Oral preparation

After the dentist and his patient have decided on the choice of material from which the prosthesis will be made, the practical stage of creating a future design begins - taking an impression. Before the start of the process, the oral cavity, like any other organ undergoing medical procedure should be carefully prepared.

Firstly, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the oral cavity, which can result in the rehabilitation and treatment of diseased teeth, even those not involved in fixing the prosthetic structure. After that, the preparation of hard dental tissues of those units on which the prosthesis will be attached takes place.

Impression taking process

Before starting the impression procedure, the patient's mouth is dried with compressed air or with swabs. Then the dentist selects the impression tray depending on the size and shape of the jaws.

The composition selected depending on the intended purpose is applied to the impression tray. The spoon is inserted into the mouth. The patient closes his mouth tightly for a time determined depending on the solidification of the composition. After the end of the allotted time, the dentist removes the device with a cast that exactly repeats the bite and relief of the dentition of both jaws.


The cost of the procedure for taking impressions depends on the choice of material and the specifics of the manufacture of the future design. If a bridge is made on the basis of the obtained impression or brackets are produced, then special form accuracy is required. Therefore, the quality of the material must be high. Accordingly, prices can vary greatly. On average, the cost of taking an impression of one jaw from an alginate mass is 300-350 rubles, and from a silicone one - 700-750.

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