Andipal: instructions for use and what it is for, at what pressure, price, reviews, analogues. What Andipal tablets are from: indications, side effects

As an antispasmodic, it is used for spasms of peripheral vessels and cerebral vessels. The drug lowers blood pressure, improves collateral circulation.

The combination of antispasmodics of the myotropic type dibazol and papaverine hydrochloride with analgin enhances the analgesic effect for headaches and migraines.

The presence of phenobarbital in the preparation contributes to the manifestation of a sedative effect and enhances the action of other components.

Andipal: Instructions for use

Composition and form of release

Tablets Andipal- tablets of white or white color with a slight yellow tint.

Compound: 1 tab. analgin - 0.25 g, dibazol - 0.02 g, phenobarbital - 0.02 g, papaverine hydrochloride - 0.02 g, excipients: starch; talc; stearic acid - a sufficient amount to obtain a tablet weighing 0.37 g.

Package: In planimetric non-cell packing 10 pcs.

Manufacturer: Akrikhin (Russia).

Description: Round tablets of white or white color with a yellowish tint, flat-cylindrical, with a chamfer and a risk.

Compound: 1 tablet contains: active substances: metamizole sodium (analgin) - 0.25 g, phenobarbital - 0.02 g, bendazole (dibazole) - 0.02 g, papaverine hydrochloride - 0.02 g. Excipients: potato starch - 0 0.04779 g, talc - 0.00925 g, stearic acid - 0.00296 g.

Package: 10 tablets in a blister or non-blister pack without investing in a carton pack.

Manufacturer: LLC "Barnaul Plant of Medical Preparations"

Compound: 1 tablet contains: metamizole sodium (analgin) 250 mg, phenobarbital 20 mg, bendazol (dibazole) 20 mg, papaverine hydrochloride 20 mg. Excipients: potato starch - 46 mg, talc - 7 mg, stearic acid - 3 mg, calcium stearate - 4 mg.

Package: 10 or 20 tablets.

Manufacturer: LLC "Anzhero-Sudzhensky chemical-pharmaceutical plant"

Indications for use

This drug is indicated for pain caused by spasm of the blood vessels, leading to a deterioration in the circulation of the organs. It is also prescribed at the initial stage of hypertension in order to expand blood vessels, which helps to lower blood pressure. Another indication for the use of Andipal is migraine. In addition, Andipal is prescribed for spasmodic pain associated with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as:

  • eye pain
  • Hypertensive (hypertonic) disease.
  • Essential (primary) hypertension
  • Secondary hypertension
  • Benign intracranial hypertension
  • Diseases characterized by high blood pressure
  • Hypertensive heart disease
  • Hypertensive encephalopathy
  • Pain in the pelvis, abdomen and perineum
  • Headache
  • Chest pain when breathing
  • Sore throat
  • Pain in the region of the heart
  • Pain associated with urination
  • Tenesmus of the bladder
  • Abnormal blood pressure readings in the absence of a diagnosis
  • Atypical facial pain
  • Elevated blood pressure without a diagnosis of hypertension
  • Trigeminal nerve lesions
  • trigeminal neuralgia
  • Constant intractable pain
  • acute pain
  • Symptoms and signs related to the digestive system and abdomen
  • Histamine headache syndrome
  • Chronic post-traumatic headache
  • Dysuria
  • Cholelithiasis

Dosage and administration

Adults- 1-2 tablets. 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

If treatment is ineffective, the drug should be replaced or combined with other drugs (to achieve a hypotensive effect).

Andipal is contraindicated for children. The appointment of Andipal for children is possible only at the age of 14 years. The earlier age of the child is a contraindication. Phenobarbital, which is part of the drug, has a negative effect on the development of brain cells. With the systematic intake of Andipal by children, a phenomenon of mental insufficiency may occur. Before prescribing Andipal to children, the doctor should carefully review all the existing additional diseases in the child and try to find an alternative treatment.

special instructions

Care must be taken when working with machinery.
With prolonged use, it is necessary to control the blood picture.

Side effects

Side effects are quite rare. Allergies (including immediate type reactions, including anaphylactic shock), dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, diarrhea or constipation) are possible. Due to the fact that analgin is part of Andipal, sometimes there are such negative phenomena as leukopenia, thrombocytopenia or agranulocytosis (due to the inhibitory effect on hematopoiesis - with prolonged use of the drug). Due to the presence of phenobarbital, depression or ataxia sometimes occur (this mainly concerns debilitated patients and elderly patients).


Hypersensitivity, severe liver failure, renal failure, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, blood disorders, and:

  • hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • violation of AV conduction;
  • severe violations of the liver and kidneys;
  • blood diseases;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • porphyria;
  • pregnancy (I trimester);
  • breast-feeding.

drug interaction

Enhances the hypotensive effect of nitrates, slow calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, ganglion blockers, diuretics (including furosemide, hypothiazide), myotropic antispasmodics.

A mutual increase in the risk of side effects is observed when used simultaneously with opioid analgesics.

Adsorbents, astringents, enveloping drugs reduce the absorption of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract.

Pregnancy and lactation

The effect of phenobarbital on intrauterine development of the fetus is extremely negative. Even the small dose that is part of Andipal can lead to underdevelopment of the child's brain. The nervous system also suffers. The risk of having a child with cerebral palsy is very high. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to take Andipal during pregnancy is still open. Doctors in most cases leave it to the discretion of the expectant mother. It should be borne in mind that many other antihypertensive drugs have a pronounced teratogenic (fetal-killing) effect. Therefore, Andipal can be taken during pregnancy, but very carefully.


Signs of andinpal overdose are dizziness, severe drowsiness, even collapse is possible. As first aid, gastric lavage and activated charcoal are used. The following is a symptomatic treatment (to level the manifestations of an overdose).

Andipal price

Andipal n10 tabl from 43 rubles
Andipal Avexima tablets 20 pcs. from 72 rub.

Pressure surges are a fairly common problem of modern people. They can be observed not only in the elderly, but also at a young age. High blood pressure brings a lot of trouble and interferes with the normal functioning of a person. It is accompanied by severe headaches and general weakness of the body. One of the proven drugs for such a problem is Andipal, the instructions for using which at high pressure we will consider in our article.

The composition of the drug

Andipal is a combined drug that is used for a sharp increase in blood pressure. The composition includes the following main components:

  1. Metamizole sodium. In layman's terms, this is analgin. It relieves pain during pressure surges, and also has an antipyretic effect.
  2. Papaverine. An antispasmodic component that reduces increased vascular tone and helps to relax smooth muscles.
  3. Phenobarbital. It has a calming effect on the body. Due to the presence of this component of Andipal, the drug is not suitable for long-term use, as it can be addictive.
  4. Dibazol. A component that directly lowers blood pressure.

Thanks to this composition, Andipal performs several useful functions for the human body at the same time. It can be used as an analgesic, antispasmodic, sedative and antipyretic. The cost of this medicine in Russia is on average 50 rubles. In Ukraine, its price is 15 UAH.

From high or low pressure?

This drug is an effective drug for a sharp increase in pressure. But with hypertension, its use is inappropriate, as it can cause the opposite effect. This is due to the presence of dibazol, which initially increases vascular tone. But after a few minutes, they begin to relax, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure.

Therefore, this drug is not suitable for hypertensive patients. They should use long-term medications. Andipal is used for a sharp one-time increase in pressure.

Indications for use

What helps Andipal? This drug is prescribed for such ailments:

  • regular migraines;
  • headaches with cervical osteochondrosis;
  • pain during stressful situations and emotional overstrain;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia, accompanied by high blood pressure;
  • early stages of hypertension.

Important to remember! Andipal is required to be taken only as prescribed by a specialist! Self-medication can adversely affect the patient's condition.

Treatment regimen

Depending on the symptoms, high blood pressure pills are taken in different ways:

  1. If you are worried about headaches without lowering blood pressure, Andipal should be taken 2 tablets until the ailment is completely eliminated. The daily dose should not exceed 4 tablets.
  2. With an increase in the indicator against the background of hypertension, the dosage of this drug should be 1 tablet 2 times a day. Such a treatment regimen should last no more than 3 days. In order to avoid side effects and reduce pressure as quickly as possible, you need to take valerian or motherwort tincture in combination with Andipal.
  3. If there is an initial stage of hypertension or a single increase in blood pressure, you need to take 1 tablet 1 time. Long-term use of the drug in this case is contraindicated.

How to take Andipal: before meals or after eating? This is of no fundamental importance. Therefore, the reception can be carried out at any time.

Important to remember! The maximum dosage at high pressure is 1 tablet! After using this drug, blood pressure gradually normalizes.

Side effects

There are many possible side effects with this drug:

  • nausea leading to vomiting;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • decreased immune system;
  • depressive state;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • disruption of the hepatic system;
  • constant feeling of drowsiness;
  • allergic manifestations to some components of the drug.

Important to remember! Long-term use of Andipal should be avoided! This will help avoid side effects.

This drug is a powerful drug. Therefore, it should be used with caution, strictly observing the dosage. It is strictly forbidden to be treated with Andipal in such situations:

  • women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to some components of the drug;
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • palpitations, tachycardia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic intestinal obstruction.

Important to remember! When treating with Andipal, it is imperative to take into account contraindications to taking this drug! Otherwise, its use may lead to dangerous consequences. You should also not forget that the use of Andipal is strictly prohibited in childhood. Only after reaching the age of eight can you take this drug.


Modern pharmacology offers many medications that are identical in their effect on the human body. The most common analogues of Andipal are:

  1. Benamil. Relieves severe migraines and reduces high blood pressure in hypertension. In addition, Benamil is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and during the rehabilitation period for radiculitis, neuritis, and neuropathy.
  2. Pentalgin-extra. It is a drug that quickly relieves pain of any nature, including headache and toothache. It also normalizes elevated body temperature.
  3. Sedal. Relieves pain associated with high body temperature and blood pressure.
  4. Tempaldol. It is an effective pain reliever. It is actively used for burns, injuries, intestinal colic, and also helps to normalize blood pressure.
  5. Tempimet. An effective remedy for renal and hepatic insufficiency. Relieves pain after extraction and treatment of teeth. Differs in efficiency at elimination of jumps of arterial pressure.

Important to remember! Before using a certain drug, you need to consult a specialist!

Andipal has a complex effect on the body, but it should be taken with caution. It must be remembered that it is not suitable for long-term use, especially with hypertension. If a person does not have this diagnosis, then Andipal can reduce pressure quickly enough. Therefore, everyone should have this drug in their home medicine cabinet.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are the scourge of modern civilization. Arterial hypertension, or hypertension, as one of its most common manifestations, doctors call the epidemic of the XIX century. Every fourth inhabitant of the Earth aged 15 to 64 years old is prone to this disease.

Its main symptoms are headache and a persistent increase in blood pressure. Stress and malnutrition, violations of the rational mode of work and rest, unhealthy habits and other factors worsen a person's condition, lead to the emergence and development of cerebrovascular dysfunction. As a result, this threatens to damage the small arteries of one of the main organs, and in advanced cases - a stroke. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible! Only as a relief of some symptoms, you can take Andipal tablets. From what pressure it helps, not everyone knows, listening to the advice of friends and acquaintances. How not to make a mistake in choosing a medicine?

General information about the drug: its composition and properties

Andipal is a long-known drug that contains 0.25 g of metamizole sodium (the main active ingredient of Analgin tablets) with analgesic and antipyretic properties, 0.2 g of phenobarbital with a sedative effect and 0.2 g of papaverine hydrochloride and bendazol (dibazol), which are distinguished by their antispasmodic properties, which reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of our internal organs and dilate peripheral vessels.

Indications for use

Given the complex composition of the Andipal drug, the instruction prescribes taking it to quickly relieve high blood pressure. This action is safe only if you make sure that the headache is caused by high blood pressure before taking it.

For hypotensive patients and people with unstable blood pressure levels, the drug can increase the symptoms of low blood pressure and even lead to serious problems with the functioning of the brain. Physicians have not yet developed a consensus on the use of Andipal. Some experts advocate episodic use of this medication to relieve unbearable pain. Other doctors are inclined to the course prescription of the drug. Andipal pressure pills will help not only normalize the level of blood pressure that has grown as a result of arterial hypertension, but also relieve a migraine attack, improve the condition with VVD (vegetovascular dystonia).

Previously, this drug was used in the complex treatment of hypertensive crises. Today, medicine has more effective means of treating this disease. However, Andipal pressure medicine remains a popular first aid, especially among people with low incomes, and this is facilitated by mostly positive reviews about it. Vasodilating and analgesic, antispasmodic and sedative properties of Andipal help to relieve pain, expressed by spasm of peripheral arteries, gastrointestinal organs (their smooth muscles), as well as cerebral vessels. The drug can be taken at a time, with headache attacks (including migraine), spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the premenstrual period - 1 or 2 tablets during the day no more than 3 times. The diagnosis of VVD of the hypertensive type fixed by the doctor can be treated according to the scheme, when therapy lasts from 5 to 10 days.

Features of the drug

No matter how positive the reviews about our medicine are, all the nuances of taking the drug "Andipal" (from what pressure - high or unstable) should be agreed with a specialist. It is not uncommon for this medicine to relieve a severe headache at a pressure of 150/50, normalizing it. At the same time, systolic (upper) pressure decreased, and diastolic (lower) pressure reached normal levels.

The doctor should decide whether the Andipal medication is needed, at what pressure to take it and for how long. The presence of phenobarbital has a mild narcotic effect, due to which there is a decrease in the level of adrenaline in the blood, so it can be addictive to the drug.

Compatibility with other drugs and ethanol

When ingesting nitrates or blockers of slow calcium channels, ganglioblockers or beta-blockers, as well as myotropic antispasmodics or diuretics (including hypothiazide, furosemide), it is necessary to coordinate with the doctor the possibility of using Andipal tablets. This combined inexpensive drug significantly reduces pressure and enhances the hypotensive effect of the listed drugs.

Due to the increased risk of adverse reactions, special care should be taken when prescribing narcotic analgesics while taking Andipal. What kind of pressure does it help? Doctors give an unequivocal answer - from high. Any adsorbents, as well as astringent and enveloping dosage forms, reduce the ability of Andipal to be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The use of this drug with alcohol is categorically unacceptable - the consequences of such a “duet” can be sad: severe poisoning, internal bleeding, pressure surges, stroke, stomach ulcers and shortness of breath. During treatment with Andipal, taking any dose of alcohol is prohibited.


Exclude the use of the drug "Andipal" should be people suffering from renal or hepatic insufficiency, porphyria, blood diseases and tachyarrhythmia, severe angina pectoris and decompensated chronic heart failure. The drug is also contraindicated in case of deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, in the presence of angle-closure glaucoma, prostatic hyperplasia, intestinal obstruction or colon hypertrophy (megacolon).

Means "Andipal" for children

From what age can children be given "Andipal"? Patient reviews sometimes recommend doing this from the age of 12 or even from 8 years. However, the instructions for the drug warns that this pill from the head can only be given to a teenager of 14 years old!

The drug "Andipal" during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, doctors may, by comparing the risk of taking Andipal with the condition of the woman, prescribe this drug to relieve serious hypertensive symptoms. But this approach is possible only as an exception. For a pregnant woman and a nursing mother, these tablets are in most cases contraindicated.

Precautions: side effects

When choosing Andipal for treatment (from what pressure, we know), it should be taken into account that there may be: nausea, allergic phenomena (even with anaphylactic shock), problems with defecation (constipation). With prolonged therapy with the drug (more than 7 days), it is necessary to monitor the peripheral blood picture and liver function.

The presence of analgin in the drug can cause leukopenia, phenobarbital - a sedative effect (ataxia or depression). During the treatment period, it is necessary to refuse to perform work that requires increased concentration of attention, or hazardous activities (for example, driving a vehicle). The speed of psychomotor reactions during this period is significantly reduced.


Before taking the drug "Andipal" it is necessary to study in detail all the indications for use. If the medicine is not prescribed by a doctor, and the headache is not caused by a spasm of the cerebral vessels or an increased level of blood pressure, PMS, IRR of the hypertensive or mixed type, then this familiar inexpensive medicine can be not only useless, but also dangerous. Take care of your health!

Andipal is one of the most effective blood pressure lowering drugs. Hypertension is accompanied by headaches, dizziness, weakness and other unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, you need to get rid of them, and Andipal will help in this. Painkillers quickly relieve pain, and antispasmodics prevent muscles from contracting.

The effectiveness of Andipal in hypertension and its composition

Andipal consists of several components, among them:

  • papaverine;
  • bendazol;
  • analgin;
  • phenobarbital.

Thanks to this combination of medicinal substances, the drug quickly copes with headaches and lowers blood pressure. The active substances of Andipal are papaverine and bendazole, they are able to expand blood vessels and improve blood circulation. The brain is saturated with oxygen, and the headache disappears.

Due to the blockade of certain receptors located on the nerve endings, analgin also quickly eliminates a headache. Phenobarbital helps to calm down, thanks to this, the level of adrenaline in the blood decreases, and the vessels will not narrow again.

Judging from the foregoing, Andipal is able to lower body temperature, blood pressure, relieve muscle spasms, and also calm the nervous system.

When asked if Andipal is able to lower the pressure, we can say with confidence that yes. Given the antispasmodic along with the vasodilating effect, it reduces pressure and eliminates unpleasant symptoms.

It is important to bear in mind that phenobarbital is a narcotic substance, therefore it is forbidden to use Andipal for a long time.

Indications for use

Tablets treat a fairly wide range of diseases, the main one being arterial hypertension. The drug is highly effective at the initial stage of hypertension, and the pressure decreases gradually, without harming the body.

Andipal also copes with different types of migraines. It acts due to the vasodilatory, analgesic, and antispasmodic properties that are included in this medication.

In addition, the remedy is used for spasms of various etiologies. Andipal should be taken in the presence of the following diseases:

  • dysuria;
  • intracranial increased pressure;
  • headaches associated with trauma;
  • damage to the trigeminal nerve;
  • hypertension;
  • vasospasm;
  • facial pain;
  • migraine.

Method of application for hypertension

Andipal is used if you need to quickly and safely lower high blood pressure and eliminate associated symptoms. Before taking it, you need to make sure that the pressure is exactly elevated, and not vice versa, in order to avoid health problems. After all, if you swallow a pill at reduced pressure, the situation will only worsen and there will be problems with the functioning of the brain. Most doctors prescribe one tablet three times a day. The drug should not be taken for longer than three days in order to avoid the body getting used to the active substance.

Before starting treatment, you should study the instructions in detail, if the medicine is prescribed not by a doctor, but by “acquaintances”, then you definitely can’t drink it. Any medication should be prescribed by the attending physician, since only he can calculate the correct dosage and determine the course of treatment.


The drug also has contraindications, including:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • renal, hepatic and heart failure;
  • tachycardia,;
  • muscle weakness;
  • blood diseases;
  • chronic hypotension;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hyperplasia.

Before starting treatment, you should study the list of contraindications, and if at least one of the conditions is present, Andipal must be abandoned, replacing it with another drug. During the medication, you should control the pressure. If it does not go down, or drops sharply, you should stop using it.

You can not combine Andipal with alcoholic beverages, coffee and strong tea. Also, contraindications include children under 8 years of age, pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

With the correct use of the drug, the risk of adverse reactions is 2%, but if self-treated, the following reactions are possible:

  • allergies in the form of redness, itching or rashes;
  • drowsiness;
  • violation of the functioning of the liver;
  • lack of coordination.

During the period of treatment with Andipal, one should not drive a vehicle and work in those industries where increased attention is required.

Interaction of Andipal with other drugs

The use of astringents, enveloping preparations, activated charcoal, reduce absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

If combined with drugs similar in action, namely antispasmodics and sedatives, the effect increases. The use of Andipal with other narcotic analgesics can provoke an increase in the toxic effect.

Analogues and their cost

There are also direct and indirect analogues of the drug Andipal. Direct lines include:

1. . The drug blocks the nerve endings, thereby eliminating pain when:

  • neuralgia;
  • headache;
  • muscle pain;

It is also used in complex therapy after surgical interventions. Analgin consists of: phenyl, dimethyl, methylaminopyrazolone and sodium methanesulfonate. The cost of Analgin is approximately 15 rubles.

2. Papazol. The medicinal product consists of:

  • dibazole;
  • papaverine hydrochloride
  • excipients (potato starch, talc, calcium stearate).

Papazol is used as an independent drug or in addition to others, for hypertension, vasospasm, spastic colitis, facial paralysis. The cost of this drug is 14 rubles.

3. Captopril. One tablet contains captopril and excipients (lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, potato starch and magnesium stearate). Indications for use:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • in complex with heart failure;
  • diabetic nephropathy.

The approximate cost is 10 rubles.

Andipal is effective for high blood pressure, but this drug must be used with great care. If there are any pathologies of the heart, you should refuse to take this medication. Experts have noticed that the drug affects the nervous system and can provoke a depressive state. Also during the treatment period, inhibition and decreased activity are observed.

The drug "Andipal" is a complex pharmacological agent. Its components contribute to a mild and rapid decrease in blood pressure. Also included in its composition, analgin relieves headaches. It is not the drug of choice for long-term treatment of hypertension. It has a rather weak therapeutic effect, which limits its use only in mild forms of diseases in uncomplicated cases. A single one-time use is recommended to quickly reduce pressure and eliminate headache syndrome. This page provides a summary of instructions for use for patients.

Instructions for use tablets "Andipal"

Instructions for use tablets "Andipal" recommends using for short-term increases in blood pressure only in the range of 140/90 - 160/90 mm Hg. at higher thresholds, the drug does not help and may even provoke a further increase in pressure. Dibazole, which is part of it, has this property. This substance first tones the vascular wall, provoking an increase in blood pressure, and only after 30-40 minutes does the gradual lability of the vascular bed begin, which entails a decrease in pressure.

The composition of the drug "Andipal" from pressure includes the following components:

  1. phenobarbital;
  2. papaverine hydrochloride;
  3. metamizole sodium;
  4. dibazol.

Phenobarbital has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect. Therefore, while taking Andipal tablets for pressure, care should be taken when driving vehicles and when performing work that requires increased concentration. It is advisable to use the drug in the afternoon. In this case, the effect of hypnotic action is observed. Carefully read the instructions for use of the medicine.

Papaverine belongs to the group of antispasmodics. It relaxes the smooth muscles of the vascular bed and reduces the level of tension. Increases blood flow.

Metamizole sodium is better known in the general population as analgin. This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Removes puffiness in the area of ​​nerve endings. Due to this, the pain syndrome is eliminated.

Dibazol is one of the oldest antihypertensive drugs. It has a mild effect in the process of lowering blood pressure.

Indications for the use of tablets "Andipal"

Tablets "Andipal" from pressure can be used only for mild forms of hypertension and vegetative-vascular dystonia. In no case should you use the drug for headaches that are not associated with a violation of the level of blood pressure. You should also be careful with low blood pressure. In these cases, the drug can worsen the condition of a sick person. The main indications for the use of Andipal tablets include borderline conditions, in which there is a short-term increase in blood pressure, accompanied by severe headaches.

Contraindications to the use of Andipal tablets include:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • childhood;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • high blood pressure levels;
  • hypertensive crises;
  • ischemic heart disease.

Dosages and methods of using Andipal tablets
There are various dosages of Andipal tablets. Usually the dose is calculated based on the patient's body weight: if it does not exceed 60 kg, then you need to take 1 tablet with a dosage of 0.25. If the patient's body weight is 75 - 80 kg, then 2 tablets are taken at the same time. With an increase in blood pressure, it is necessary to take 1 tablet of the drug. If within 30 minutes normalization of blood pressure does not occur and headaches do not disappear, then repeated administration of "Andipal" at a dose of 1 tablet is allowed. If after 20 minutes there is no improvement in the person’s condition, then you should call an ambulance team or urgently seek an appointment with a therapist. Taking the drug is allowed only under the control of the level of blood pressure. At a pressure of 120/80 mm Hg, these tablets cannot be taken. These are all ways of using Andipal tablets for pressure - you can’t use any other routes of drug administration.

In pharmacies, Andipal tablets for pressure are dispensed to patients without a doctor's prescription. However, long-term use of this drug without consulting a doctor is not permissible, since it has numerous side effects. In particular, the process of hematopoiesis may be disturbed, convulsive syndromes may occur.

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