Jam from young pine branches. Useful jam from pine buds - candles

How to cook jam from young pine shoots. Pine jam. Jam from young pine shoots. Pine jam. Jam from pine pestles. Jam from young pine branches.

The beneficial properties of pine are enormous, and the air, filled with the smell of its resin and essential oils healing for the whole body. Pine shoots have simply magnificent medicinal properties. Young twigs and newly formed pine needles contain medicinal resinous substances. They are rich ascorbic acid. Syrup and jam from pine shoots preserve healing properties pine, and are very useful for people suffering from chronic or frequent illnesses respiratory organs, as well as help with influenza, sore throat and other colds.

It is desirable to collect shoots at the end of April and May. They should be bright green with brown, sticky scales. The most juicy and suitable for jam are shoots less than 12 centimeters long. The shoots are sticky, so pick them up with gloves, and not from one tree, but from many, and away from roads.

To make jam from young pine shoots, we need the following ingredients:

  • Young pine shoots- 1 kg
  • water - 1 liter
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg

Preparing jam from young pine shoots.

  • Gathering pine shoots. We sort them out from debris and remnants of needles, clean them from the top brown husk, which can give the jam a bitter taste. Rinse everything under running water.
  • If the shoots are long, then we cut them into several parts (or even better break them) or leave them whole to your liking.
  • We fall asleep for at least 8 hours with sugar (you can just at night) in a ratio of 1.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of pine shoots.
  • After the time has elapsed, add 1 liter of water and put on fire. Let it boil and cook on low heat for 5 minutes. Then we remove the container (basin) with jam and let it brew for 5-8 hours. We carry out this procedure three times for five minutes, each time letting it cool and infuse.
  • After boiling the jam for the third time, before turning it off, add lemon juice or half a teaspoon of citric acid. You can add lemon slices or separate the pulp and zest of a lemon - as you like. Lemon tends to enhance the taste of foods and preserve jam for a longer period.
  • We remove the jam from the fire, lay it out in prepared sterilized jars, close or twist it with boiled lids. We store in a cool place.

Jam from young pine shoots is ready! Do not forget that this jam is primarily a medicine and should be consumed in moderation. Bon appetit and stay healthy!

Probably everyone already knows about useful properties and the benefits of pine for the human body. It is no coincidence that many wellness facilities are based in where the atmosphere seems to be saturated with it. pleasant smell. And all the reason - essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on many organs. Jam from pine shoots or honey based on them is no exception. They are given everything healing substances contained in the tree. About that, from pine shoots, we will tell in our article. And it will be especially useful to use regularly this product people who suffer chronic diseases respiratory organs. As a prophylaxis, pine honey and jam can also be used for influenza, acute respiratory infections, sore throats and colds.

Pine shoot jam

What are these escapes? They grow in the spring from the central buds of the tree and look a bit like sticking out candles. As a rule, shoots are a concentrate of all the young forces of a tree, its sprouts. And they, like any seedlings, contain energy force vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and essential oils. This health cocktail concentrates the juices of a tree that has woken up after winter. Like young cones, this is one of the most useful parts of pine for humans. Therefore, probably, jam from pine shoots is recommended by doctors. Yes, it is simply delicious, in the end: with tea and a bun - just delicious!

Preparing for the process

Before you make this dish (even rather, not a dish, but a medicine, since it is used mainly in medicinal purposes prevention), you need to know some features that will help make it as useful as possible. Firstly, it is necessary to harvest these shoots away from industrial zones, roads, megacities. The same rule applies here as with mushrooms: trees can absorb various unhealthy substances, for example, as regular emissions from factory enterprises. And accordingly, such jam can even cause irreparable harm to the body. Secondly, having prepared pine shoots, you need to let them mature a little. And then rinse thoroughly in running water. Thirdly, if the sprouts are covered with husks light brown, then you need to clean it too, since it can make your jam bitter (no, of course, it doesn’t do much harm - not everyone likes bitter jam).

Jam from pine shoots. Recipe

Healing honey

From tender and fresh shoots of pine, it is good to cook also healing honey. To do this, first prepare a decoction: shoots and water - 1x2. Cook for a short time over low heat. Then - set aside for a day. After - strain, achieving transparency. Add sugar (broth and sugar - 1x2). Dissolve it completely in the broth and cook after boiling - another 20 minutes, until our syrup becomes thick. After that, immediately pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

Young pine shoots are a valuable source of bioactive substances that have therapeutic effect. Their medicinal properties have been successfully used for many centuries. traditional healers. The same healing properties has needles, cones, pollen.

Medicinal properties and use of young pine shoots

Young shoots of pine medicinal properties and use are especially in demand in traditional medicine. Treatment with coniferous buds is effective, and with correct application- safe. ethnoscience use their beneficial properties in the form of extracts, alcohol tinctures, ointments, lotions, baths, rinses, decoctions, inhalations. Official medicine recommends their use as adjuvant therapy supplementing the main treatment.

Medicinal properties

Young shoots of pine and other coniferous species have a tonic effect, stimulating defense mechanisms body, fighting beriberi.

This is due to the following chemical composition:

  • essential oils;
  • vitamins C, P, K, H, E, group B;
  • tannins;
  • phytoncides;
  • micronutrients.

Traditional medicine uses them as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and soothing component for collections, and also actively uses them for inhalations or rinses prescribed for acute respiratory infections and other diseases:

  • cough;
  • sinusitis;
  • angina;
  • laryngitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia.

How efficient folk method, coniferous kidney is used to thin and remove sputum in case of bronchitis, to stimulate sweating in case of a cold.
Young pine shoots have a cleansing effect on the blood, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and capillary permeability. Their use is indicated for diseases of cardio-vascular system.

Traditional medicine uses the choleretic properties of pine shoots as an addition to the main therapy for gallbladder ailments. In combination with others herbal ingredients, the use of the kidneys has positive effect in the treatment of the liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys. Young pine shoots and needles used for baths nervous disorders, soothe nervous system helping to fight insomnia, overwork and stress. Adding to coniferous bath sea ​​salt recommended for osteochondrosis or Bechterew's disease, diseases of the joints.

According to no traditional medicine, baths using water infusion coniferous buds will help to cope with the first symptoms of a cold.

Antibacterial properties pine buds adopted official medicine, applying for treatment:

periodontal disease

Pine buds in the composition of a decoction or water infusion, have a mild diuretic effect, useful for edema.


Using for self-treatment young shoots of pine, medicinal properties and contraindications should be correlated in order to prevent the manifestation negative consequences.

Pine bud has a contraindication for use due to the content of bioactive substances that can lead to an exacerbation of certain diseases.

Therefore, the use of pine buds, as folk way treatment is not recommended for the following diseases:

acute form hepatitis A;

Application medicines and kidney-based home remedies should be dosed. Pine needles and young shoots of pine, taken inside uncontrollably, can provoke headache, malaise, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney parenchyma. Therefore, young shoots of pine and medicinal products based on them, as a folk method of treatment, are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Coniferous baths are contraindicated in infectious lesions skin.

Application in traditional medicine

Young shoots of pine in folk medicine are used for external and internal use. Medicinal decoctions and tinctures are the most popular, and jam made from coniferous shoots is a real healing delicacy that can be consumed by children.


Tincture of young pine shoots has found its application in the treatment of respiratory organs, the consequences of stroke and heart attack, diseases urinary tract.
For making pine alcohol tincture, traditional medicine recommends pouring 75 g of fresh kidneys with a glass of alcohol (70%), keeping for 2 weeks. Take 3 times a day for tuberculosis or bronchitis, 30 drops after meals.

Taking 15 drops of tincture diluted in a glass of water half an hour before meals will be useful for cystitis and nephritis.

The tincture is also used as an antiseptic in the treatment of boils and insect bites.


Healing decoctions from the kidneys - an effective folk way to treat cystitis, inflammation of the kidneys, upper respiratory tract. Traditional medicine recommends its use 4 times a day for a tablespoon after meals. To obtain pine decoction, 20 g of dried or fresh raw materials are poured hot water- 1 cup, then boiled for 20 minutes. It is filtered and diluted with boiled water to the initial volume. Pine decoction, drunk 1/3 cup at a time, is prescribed for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. If you add honey to the broth - the benefits medicinal product will increase, and its use for the treatment of the throat will be more effective.

Inhalation will help to quickly cure an ordinary runny nose. Inhalation of coniferous broth vapors contributes to the liquefaction and outflow of mucus. To enhance the effect, add 3-4 drops to the decoction. eucalyptus oil or infusion of sage.

As an effective folk way to get rid of a cough, pine decoction in milk will help:

Pour young pine shoots with milk (1:10), boil for 20 minutes, insist. Strain, take warm.
Young pine shoots or needles, steamed in a thermos, like green vitamin tea, will be useful for influenza and acute respiratory infections. They should be taken after meals, drinking ½ cup up to 3 times a day.


Traditional medicine knows many ways to use young pine shoots. The recipe is selected depending on the characteristics of the disease.

  1. Pine bath. Prepare a decoction of 200 g of kidneys and 5 liters of water, insisting it for half an hour, add to the bath. Procedure time - 20 minutes, frequency - up to 3 times a week. Coniferous bath and its medicinal properties will be useful for neurosis, gout, sciatica, rheumatism, skin diseases, how cosmetic procedure.
  2. medicinal extract. Young shoots of pine - 100 g boil in 2 liters of water until ½ liter of liquid remains. Strain the coniferous solution, add a glass of sugar to it. Cool the syrup, add 1 teaspoon to it. spoon with a slide of ground cinnamon and cloves, a glass of honey and chopped nutmeg- 1 PC. Use pine extract should be up to 3 times a day for a tablespoon after meals for diseases of the throat and lungs, colds.
  3. Vodka tincture. Fresh kidney - half a handful is poured with ½ liter of vodka and infused in the dark. At the same time, in warm boiled water half a handful of shoots, finely chopped lemon and a glass of honey are added, and they are also set to settle in a cool, shaded place. Both tinctures are periodically shaken. After 2 weeks, both compositions are mixed, filtered, bottled and left to infuse. A month later, the tincture is ready.


Jam from young pine shoots has great taste and medicinal properties. It is especially recommended for people suffering from beriberi, reduced immunity, frequent colds, throat diseases as a medicine or prophylactic.

Delicious and healthy recipe easy to prepare:

  1. Rinse the prepared young shoots of pine, remove the brown cover from them, cut into pieces.
  2. Pour in sugar: for 1 kg - 1.5 kg of sugar, stand for 12 hours.
  3. Add water - 1 liter, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. Leave to infuse for 8 hours. A day later, repeat the manipulation again.
  4. Bringing to a boil for the third time, add the juice of 1 lemon. In a hot state, pour the jam into dry jars, close, store in the refrigerator.

When to collect?

Important to know in order to use medicinal purposes young pine shoots when to collect them. The kidney is harvested in early spring when the sap flow began and the young shoots swelled, but did not bloom. To do this, choose a young, but not a small coniferous plant growing away from industrial areas. Shoots with a small part of the branch are cut from its branches, as shown in the photo.
The cut kidney is laid out on paper in the shade. You can also dry it by gathering it on a rope and hanging it.

It is necessary to store raw materials in paper bags or boxes; dried young pine shoots retain their healing properties for 2 years.
Needles for medicinal use can be harvested year-round, but the strongest medicinal properties she has in winter period. In order for the use of products based on pine shoots to bring only benefits, having healed and strengthened the body, it is recommended to follow the dosages and recommendations of the attending physician.

Norway spruce, needles and pine are those trees that are able to possess huge number vitality. From the shoots they make medicine, cosmetics and brew delicious jam. Traditional medicine uses young shoots, cones, bark and resin of the tree. The healing properties of the green tree have saved more than one patient suffering from asthma.

Young spruce shoots medicinal properties and contraindications

The healing properties of spruce are incredibly rich. They include vitamin C, K, D and PP, essential oils and turpentines. The tree also contains useful phytoncides, mineral salts, iron, copper, manganese and cobalt. Spruce healing properties have the following effects:


These shoots have contraindications. These include kidney disease, hepatitis, and pregnancy. It is forbidden to use for gastritis with high acetone.

Cleaning the bronchi and lungs with spruce shoots

Both folk and traditional medicine advises frequent walks through the Christmas tree forest. It is no worse than pine, except that it looks gloomy. Volatile substances kill many pathogens of broncho-pulmonary diseases. And the healing properties purify the air around the plants.

For cleaning, you will need young Christmas tree shoots. Gather a complete big package. Pour into a liter jar thin layer shoots and then sugar. Do this procedure to the very top of the dish and at the same time tamp the greens well. Put the blank in the refrigerator for 3 weeks. During this period, green syrup will accumulate. Strain it and drink 1 dessert spoon 3 r. in a day. The use of such a tool is allowed for children. Cleaning is carried out only once a year.

Spruce young shoots in traditional medicine how to apply?

Since the benefits of spruce are huge, it is used in any form. Folk healers recommend using green paws in their natural form for nervous disorders. At night, put a dozen paws near the head. It will take off nervous excitement. If there is an aroma lamp, use essential oil for this purpose. Even in antiquity it was used water tincture, now it is less popular than vodka tincture. Of the young spruce shoots tea, syrup, decoction are brewed, they are added to skin and hair care products, and also to hot tubs. Traditional medicine has found application for the plant in jam.

Spruce Shoot Jam - Spruce Shoot Jam Recipe

The medicinal properties of the tree have proven themselves in cooking. Shoot jam is an excellent cure for dry and wet cough. Taking it during bronchitis, the pain effect is removed, and sputum is also removed. A spruce bud is also suitable for jam, only its composition is different.

Recipe for treats on shoots:
- 1 kg of young paws
- 3 stack. water
- 4 stack. Sahara

Pour the main raw material with the specified amount of boiling water and send to the fire. Boil the jam over low heat for 20 minutes, then cool and let it brew for a day. Then boil again and add sugar. Arrange in jars and roll up, store in a cool place. The young ingredient must be harvested in May, when the shoots reach only 2 cm. This jam is very similar to roasted sugar and thick caramel. At first, its taste is bitter, and then sourness is felt. The delicacy is sold in pharmacies and stores, moreover, it is not cheap.

Jam from spruce shoots benefits and harm to the body

The medicinal properties of the plant bring only benefits. Traditional medicine has not recorded harmful cases after drinking jam. So they cure colds and strengthen immunity. Sweet dessert is effective for stress and nervous breakdowns. Doctors prescribe it for recovery after a heart attack and stroke. In addition, our delicacy is less high-calorie than chocolate. It is worth refraining from jam for pregnant, lactating and allergy sufferers.

What does spruce tincture from young shoots help with?

Vodka tincture has been used for colds, rhinitis, tonsillitis, asthma and pneumonia. Tincture recipe: 3 tbsp. l. young spruce shoots pour 500 ml of vodka. Insist 2 weeks in the cellar, not forgetting to shake. Take three times before meals for 2 tbsp. l. Can be diluted in ½ cup of water. Another tincture of spruce shoots on vodka is used for disorders in the kidneys and rheumatism.

Spruce Shoot Syrup - Spruce Shoot Syrup Recipe

The medicinal properties of spruce in syrup have found their application in microinfarctions and myocarditis. The syrup recipe, in addition to shoots, consists of honey. 1 kg young spruce buds rinse and fill with 3 liters of water. Boil for 15 minutes, strain, leave for 10 minutes. stand and strain again.

In 1 kg of broth add 1 kg of honey and 10 gr. propolis extract (on vodka). Everything is mixed and heated to a temperature of 45 degrees. Drink 1 tsp. before the meal 3 p. in a day. The product is stored in glass, closed and cool. Traditional medicine allows the use of such a decoction for children from 2 years old, a coffee spoon per day.

Decoction and tea how to cook - recipe

A decoction of spruce shoots is used for skin rashes. Its recipe is based on kidneys and milk. 30 gr. raw materials, pour 1 liter of milk, boil and cook for another 10 minutes. Then decant the liquid, and drink the decoction in 3 divided doses a day.
Tea is prepared in the usual way. 1 tsp greens pour a cup of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes.

Pure tea is allowed, but you can add a few drops of lemon. Add sugar or honey to taste. According to reviews, we can say that such a drink strengthens the body in general. And those who experienced began to get sick with diseases of the upper respiratory tract less. Traditional medicine recommends giving this tea to children in the spring and autumn.

How to make honey from spruce shoots

Throat treatment can be carried out with the help of delicious honey. For its preparation, you will need the youngest kidneys, which Pink colour. Wash them out cold water otherwise, under the influence of boiling water, the healing properties will immediately disappear. Put them in an enamel bowl and completely fill with water. Bring to a boil over low heat and add regular sunflower honey to taste. Bring to a boil again and remove. Let the honey cool and strain through a nylon sieve. Pour into jars and send to the windowsill. Honey should be infused in the sun for a week. Then store in the dark and cool.

After a month, our honey can be candied, however, from this, the healing properties will not lose their strength.

Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of pine. No wonder many sanatoriums are located in pine forests. The air, filled with the smell of resin and essential oils of pine, is healing for the whole organism. Pine gives its healing properties to jam and honey, which is boiled from young branches (shoots) and pine cones. How to make jam from pine cones I wrote already. You can see recipes for jam from pine cones. Today I will tell you how to cook jam and honey from young pine branches (shoots).

Honey and jam from young pine twigs are not only tasty, but also have medicinal properties. Useful such jam and honey will be primarily for people suffering from chronic or frequent respiratory diseases. Such honey and jam will help with flu, sore throat and other colds.

How to make jam from young pine shoots

Young shoots of pine are shoots that grow in spring from the central bud of a pine, resembling candles. Gather pine shoots away from roads and industrial areas.

Collect pine shoots. Sort them out and rinse under running water. If the shoots are covered with brown husks, then before falling asleep with sugar, they must be cleaned of it. It gives bitterness to the finished jam. But it does no harm.

Young shoots can be boiled whole or cut into several pieces.

Fall asleep for 8 - 12 hours or at night with sugar in the ratio of 1 kg of pine shoots 1.5 kg of sugar.

Then add 1 liter of purified water and put on the stove. Heat gradually to a boil, reduce the heat and cook at a low boil for 5 minutes. Then remove the bowl with jam. Let it brew for 5-8 hours and cook again for five minutes. After boiling for the third time, add half a teaspoon of citric acid at the end of cooking and pour into clean sterilized jars.

In the refrigerator, you can store jam simply under a plastic lid.

How to cook honey from young branches (shoots) of pine

Pine honey can be boiled either from young shoots that have not yet blossomed - pine buds, or from young, just opened, twigs.

To cook honey from pine shoots, you first need to prepare a decoction of pine. Rinse the collected shoots and pour with purified water in the ratio of 1 part of the shoots to 2 parts of water.

Put on the stove and bring to a boil. Cook at a low boil for 15-20 minutes.

Leave to infuse for a day.

After a day, strain the broth. Add sugar based on 1 part of the broth 2 parts of sugar. Put on the stove and boil over low heat for 10-12 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved and the syrup begins to thicken. Pour into jars. You can store in the refrigerator.

To prevent honey from sugaring, you can add citric acid or lemon juice.

Benefits of pine honey and pine cone jam

In addition to the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, pine honey and jam is useful for diseases gastrointestinal tract. Distinctive feature pine honey and jam from pine shoots in that they can be given to children with such diseases.

They use pine honey and jam of pine twigs to lower cholesterol, with rheumatism, arthritis, polyarthritis.

Pine honey and pine shoot jam has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, disinfectant, diuretic, choleretic properties, cleanses the blood and rejuvenates the body.

Combine a walk in the pine forest with a useful activity, prepare pine shoots and young twigs. Cook delicious and healing pine honey and jam.

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